Use of the Disease Ontology to Screen Genomic Sequencing Study Participants for Condition-specific Phenotypes: Application to Population Health Management Casey Overby1,2*, Elizabeth Cutting1, Priti Kumari3, Simon Guo1, Lynn Schriml3 1 3 Program for Personalized and Genomic Medicine; 2Center for Health-related Informatics and Bioimaging, Institute for Genome Sciences; University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD ABSTRACT There is a growing number of whole genome and exome sequencing (WGS/WES) studies for which incidental findings for study participants may be uncovered. Incidental findings are defined by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics as secondary findings that are unrelated to the indication for ordering the sequencing, but potentially of clinical value for patient care. We proposed an approach to leverage the Disease Ontology to identify condition-specific phenotypes for incidental findings and conducted a feasibility study of our approach to provide customized recommendations for population health management. Overall, we validated that our screening approach has potential to support population health management with WGS/WES study participants by demonstrating our ability to identify a personal genome project participant with a known reportable genetic finding and subsequently recommend a notification action that was consistent with the true action taken for a that participant. We also highlight several areas for improving upon biomedical resources and reporting infrastructure in order to provide a scalable approach to screening for population health management. These include improved representation of phenotypes associated with medically actionable incidental findings within ontologies, along with improved data integration and mapping of existing disease and phenotype ontologies. Moreover, the discussion regarding reporting and disclosing incidental findings spans beyond known medically actionable results therefore more complex scenarios for returning non-medically actionable results should also be considered for population health management. 1 INTRODUCTION Rapid advancements in next-generation sequencing technologies have led to the increased use of whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) in both the clinical and research realms of medical genetics. As a consequence, identifying incidental findings is not an uncommon occurrence. Incidental findings are defined by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics * To whom correspondence should be addressed. (ACMG) as secondary findings that are unrelated to the indication for ordering the sequencing but that are potentially of clinical value for patient care.[1] In 2013, the ACMG Work Group on Incidental Findings in Clinical Exome and Genomic Sequencing (ACMG Workgroup) recommended evaluating and reporting results from all clinical WGS and WES and generated an initial list of 56 genes and categories of variants to be reported as incidental findings. While ACMG recommendations were developed for clinical WES and WGS tests, we choose to leverage them as one of many potential criteria for reporting incidental findings from WGS in research studies. Current efforts exploring processes for reporting incidental findings in large-scale sequencing studies include those of NIH-funded Clinical Sequencing and Exploratory Research (CSER)[2] and electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) [3] Networks. Mechanisms for reporting incidental findings within these networks vary, for example some indicate return by a single clinical specialist, while others indicate the return should happen only after review and agreement by a multidisciplinary team, local IRB, or formal oversight board. For some there were no plans to return incidental findings. Some sites report plans to place incidental findings in the electronic health record (EHR), however, there are few efforts to explore technical approaches for reporting and disclosing incidental findings. We propose an approach to leverage the Disease Ontology[4, 5] to identify condition-specific phenotypes for incidental findings and we conducted a feasibility study of our approach to provide customized recommendations for population health management. This paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we provide brief overviews of reporting incidental findings for genomic sequencing study participants, and of some related research efforts. Section 3, we introduce a framework for leveraging condition-specific phenotypes to provide customized recommendations for population health management activities. Section 4 provides an overview of methods for screening a population for reportable variants in ACMG genes, for screening a population for condition-specific phenotypes 1 C. Overby et al. needed to assess a potential incidental finding, and for providing customized recommendations for notifying the study team to contact participants. Section 5, provides results from a feasibility study with a publically available dataset of participants in the Personal Genome Project (PGP). Section 6 provides some discussion of the significance and generalization of this work as well as areas for future work. 2 2.1 BACKGROUND Reporting and disclosing incidental finding for genomic sequencing study participants For both research and clinical WGS/WES results, the scientific community is in agreement that returning all results is not feasible as it is laborious and time-consuming. The types of results from research studies to consider for reporting in particular remains a matter of debate.[6, 7] When returning results from a research setting, most genetic researchers agree that incidental findings for highly penetrant disorders with immediate clinical utility should be returned, but there is no consensus regarding conditions with varying penetrance and actionability [8]. This work therefore considers only recommendations made by the ACMG Workgroup for clinical genomic testing.[1] There are important differences, however, between research and clinical care. Under circumstances where genomic research is being integrated with clinical care, communication regarding diagnosis and treatment should be informational so as not to cross the line into clinical care from the researchers perspective.[9] We therefore focus our feasibility study on (a) approaches to screen a study population for individuals with reportable incidental findings, and (b) a mechanism for notifying the study team to contact those individuals. 2.2 Screening population genomic datasets To date, there are few efforts exploring electronic screening of populations with clinical WGS or WES data for incidental findings reporting and disclosure. One relevant effort is the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GAGH) that is developing technologies for sharing population genomics data.[10] The GAGH Beacon Project specifically provides a technical interface for implementing a web service for limited sharing and querying of genetic data. For example, a query can be conducted at a participating ‘beacon’ to determine whether a human genome with a certain allele at a certain position exists at that institution. This population-based approach is being explored for the purpose of supporting the identification of rare variants across beacons. Currently the service is limited to a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ In this feasibility study, we explore a screening approach for a more complex scenario for reporting incidental findings with a population dataset. The service provided by 2 Beacon, however, could potentially be expanded and applied in the context of population health management. 2.3 Genomic analysis tools with mappings to disease ontologies Many efforts that leverage mappings between disease ontologies and the Human Phenotype Ontology (HP)[11-13], to perform genomic variant analyses have focused on predicting possible diagnoses. These include PhenoVar[14], Phenomizer[15], and PhenoTips[16] software. Another application has been in the discovery of new disease-gene associations with software such as Exomiser.[17] Our approach is different in our exploration of a scenario for population management. In addition, given the focus of those efforts on hard-todiagnose conditions, leveraged disease ontologies are primarily Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)[18] for genetic disorders and Orphanet[19] for rare diseases. While this paper discusses only the hard-to-diagnose conditions relevant to ACMG recommendations, the approaches we explore may also apply to diseases thought of as common diseases that also have Monogenic forms (e.g., Diabetes Mellitus). For this reason we believe it is valuable to explore use of the Disease Ontology, that includes common diseases, as a resource for population management. 3 3.1 MATERIALS Personal genome project dataset The Personal Genome Project (PGP)[20, 21] has been recruiting individuals who share genomic, medical and other information online ( Unique from other studies, the PGP project participants consent to having all data made open and publically available without restrictions. This project provides a good use case for exploring an approach to screening populations with clinical WGS data given several PGP participants share their clinical and WGS results. In this feasibility study, we use a sample of 13 PGP study participants available to download from a public bucket on Google Cloud Storage (gs://pgp-harvard-data-public ). Prior to initiating this study, we were aware of one PGP study participant with a false positive Long QT Syndrome incidental finding (hu034DB1) from a recently published study[22], we therefore ensured that this patient was included in our sample in order to facilitate validating our approach. 3.2 Resources for interpreting and linking genomic variations with incidental findings We utilize the ClinVar knowledge base[23, 24] and a genedisease mapping table derived from ACMG recommendations[25]. The ClinVar knowledge base includes information about genomic variation and its relationship to human health. While there exist other annotations for assign- Use of the Disease Ontology to Screen Genomic Sequencing Study Participants for Condition-specific Phenotypes: Application to Population Health Management ing variants to pathogenic status (e.g., The Human Gene Mutation Database, [HGMD®][26]) and methods for evaluating the likelihood pathogenicity[27], we did not explore those in this feasibility study. Our gene-disease mapping table includes for each gene, an associated disease and associated Disease Ontology Identifier (DOID). 3.3 Population surveillance database MongoDB, a document oriented database system, was used to create two databases: a public catalogs database with one collection (ClinVar data) and a population surveillance database with three collections (Population genomic data, population ACMG reportable data, and population clinical data). ClinVar data contains a local copy of ClinVar, population genomic data includes VCF (variant call format) files of our PGP sample, population ACMG reportable data contains records for each reportable gene for each PGP participant, and population clinical data contains one medical record for each PGP participant. 3.4 Disease Ontology (DO) The Disease Ontology ( ) is a community driven ontology representing common and rare diseases.[4, 5].. Some groups have published DO RDFs with SPARQL endpoints for specifying queries. These include Ontobee[28] ( ) and Bioportal[29] ( ). In this feasibility study, we use Ontobee to query the DO for condition-specific phenotypes needed to disclose a potential incidental finding. Figure 1. Framework for a population health management scenario the DO, and locally developed python scripts and databases to provide customized guidance for a population health management scenario (see Figure 1). For our sample we implement rules for (a) classifying pathogenic variants, (b) reporting pathogenic variants associated with incidental findings, (c) determining condition-specific phenotypes associated with potential incidental findings, and (d) recommendations for notifying the study team to call participants. 4 4.1 METHODS Screening population genomic data files for reportable ACMG genes Genomic data from 13 PGP participants were stored as VCF files in the population genomic data collection. We identify for these participants any likely pathogenic variants in any of the ACMG genes (according to ClinVar). We also apply rules for reporting incidental findings according to the ACMG gene-disease mapping table. Reportable findings are stored in the population ACMG reportable data collection. (Figure 1, steps 1 and 2). 4.2 Querying the Disease Ontology for conditionspecific phenotypes The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a W3Cstandard for representing data for interchange on the web and SPARQL is a query language for RDF datasets that requires indicating relationships between entities of interest. For example, the structure of the query: Find clinical history, family history, signs and symptoms associated with the disease Long QT Syndrome (DOID:2843) or any of its descendants is represented in Figure 2. Figure 2. RDF graph corresponding to the above query 3.5 A framework for population health management with genomic sequencing data We propose a framework for using a population genomics dataset, existing knowledge resources (i.e., ClinVar and the ACMG recommendations for reporting incidental findings), This query involves finding a path in the RDF graph using a predetermined set of semantic relationships. The is_a relationship is a transitive relation that allows us to express the condition on the Disease Ontology annotation “Long QT syndrome (DOID:2843) or any of its descendants” by ‘is_a DOID:2843.’ The is_a relationship is also mapped on different properties e.g., rdfs:subClassOf or skos:narrower (see Box 1 for a query using the rdfs:subClassOf relationship). The link between Disease Ontology terms and symptoms can be expressed by ‘?d has_symptom ?s’. Similarly the link between Disease Ontology terms and clinical and 3 C. Overby et al. family history measures can be expressed by ‘?d occurs_with ?c’ and with disease name by ‘?d has_exact_synonym ?n’. tures that need to be collected for individuals with reported diseases (Figure 1, step 4). 4.4 Box1. Example of SPARQL query: What are descendants of Long QT syndrome (DOID:2843)? PREFIX obo-term: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?label from <> WHERE { ?x rdfs:subClassOf obo-term:DOID_2843. ?x rdfs:label ?label. } Results: Jervell-Lange Neilsen syndrome Andersen-Tawil syndrome We can make explicit use of the semantics of some Disease Ontology predicates in the notification rule described in the following section. For example, relationships from Table 2 used in the DO are relevant properties for determining condition-specific phenotypes. (Figure 1, step 3). Table 2. DO properties for determining condition-specific phenotypes Category of condition-specific phenotypes Disease Ontology Object Property Clinical and family history Signs and symptoms occurs_with has_symptom 4.3 Screening population clinical data for clinical features Clinical data was extracted from the PGP Participant Surveys, PGP10 Trait Surveys and health record data of 13 PGP participants and stored in the population clinical data collection. The PGP Participant Surveys included questions spanning a variety of topics, race, health record data, and whether they have a known genetic disease. Participants completed PGP10 Trait Surveys after personal results reporting the genetic trait and putative associated phenotypes were returned to them. Therefore, these surveys are available only for as subset of participants. Health record data was also provided by a subset of participants. We explored the dataset published with ref[20] (includes for each condition, a description, ICD9 code if available, Google codes, and participant ids). Among our sample of participants, we identified for those with reportable ACMG genes, which also had condition-specific phenotypes needed for disclosing an incidental finding (disease associated clinical history, family history, signs and symptoms). Further, we created a PGP10trait mapping table that includes condition-specific phenotypes collected in the PGP10 survey and a mapping to ACMG reportable conditions. The DO and PGP10-traitdisease mapping table were used to determine clinical fea- 4 Defining rules for population health management Hypothetically, patients with reportable variants in ACMG genes may appear on a dashboard that is viewable by clinic staff with a recommendation to notify the study team that a trained individual should contact that participant. Depending on which condition-specific phenotypes are available for those patients, the notification action will classify clinical features that need to be assessed for the disease as (a) collected or (b) need to be collected. A rule can be implemented with results from screening population datasets (See Box 2 and Figure 1, step 5). We illustrate our approach to address this scenario with a sample of 13 PGP participants. Box 2. Pseudocode for population health management notification rule IF clinical and family history data associated with the disease Long QT Syndrome (DOID:2843) exist in the clinical record of hu034DB1 THEN create a list of signs and symptoms associated with the disease Long QT Syndrome (DOID:2843)with “Not collected” as the default classification. AND FOR EACH sign and symptom IF the sign or symptom exists in the clinical record of hu034DB1 THEN re-classify that sign or symptom as “Collected” AND notify the study team to contact hu034DB1 to disclose findings and discuss the list of classified signs and symptoms needed to be assessed for the disease Long QT Syndrome (DOID:2843) (DOID:2843) 5 5.1 RESULTS Data repository for PGP participants The subset of 13 PGP participants as data sources comprised 13 records in the population genomic data collection, 1 record in the population ACMG reportable data collection, and 13 records in the population clinical data collection. Within our population clinical data collection, PGP Participant Survey data was available for all 13 participants, a PGP10 Trait Survey was available for 1 participant, and 8 of our PGP participants reported health record data. 5.2 Screening and notification result Among 13 PGP participants, our approach to screen population genomic data files for reportable ACMG genes identified one participant (hu034DB1) with a reportable ACMG gene (SCN5A) and created one reportable ACMG genedisease record (Figure 1, step 1). The variant found in this participant was classified by ClinVar as “likely pathogenic” (rs12720452). Our mapping table links SCN5A with Long QT syndrome 3 (Figure 1, step 2). Use of the Disease Ontology to Screen Genomic Sequencing Study Participants for Condition-specific Phenotypes: Application to Population Health Management We found that for Long QT Syndrome (DOID:2843), DO has not defined data associated with the occurs_with and has_symptoms properties (Figure 1, step 3). We therefore propose areas to build upon the DO in order to better represent Long QT Syndrome for population health management scenarios. Table 3 describes information that could potentially be added to DO for Long QT Syndrome including clinical and family history, signs and symptoms, typical age of onset, inheritance pattern and implicated genes. Table 3. Disease Ontology properties for applying rules for population health management Category of conditionspecific phenotypes Proposed information for Ramano-Ward Syndrome[30, 31] Clinical history and family history clinical history of syncope; clinical history of congenital deafness; clinical history of tornadoes de pointes; family history with clinical diagnosis of LQTS; family history with sudden death at age < 30 Signs and symptoms long QT interval on EKG; syncope; aborted cardiac arrest Typical age of onset infancy through middle-age Inheritance pattern and im- autosomal dominant inheritance of a mutaplicated genes tion at least one of the KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A, KCNE1, KCNE2 genes We also found that Romano-Ward Syndrome is currently missing from DO as a subclass of Long QT Syndrome. Given Romano-Ward Syndrome is most relevant to the pathogenic variation in SCN5A identified for this patient, we propose adding this subclass. In further exploration, we determined whether DO terms were mentioned within the descriptions of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HP) classes. We specified a query to: Find HP classes that mention the regular expression “DOID:”(i.e., any DO term) in the description of that class (See Box 3). We found that currently DOIDs are not mentioned in HP class descriptions, however, this may be an approach to build upon HP in order to represent relationships between DO diseases and HP phenotypes. Toward this goal, DO terms are already used in the HP browser ( Box 3. Example of SPARQL query: How many HP phenotypes mention “DOID” (long QT syndrome) in the definition. #The OBO HP ontology annotation term IAO_0000115 ("definition") is used. PREFIX obo-term: <> SELECT DISTINCT count(?s) from <> WHERE { ?s a owl:Class . ?s rdfs:label ?label . ?s obo-term:IAO_0000115 ?annotation . FILTER regex(?annotation, "DOID:”) . } Given the current absence of condition-specific phenotypes from DO for Long QT Syndrome, we used the PGP10-traitdisease mapping table to identify clinical features that need to be measured for individuals with Long QT Syndrome (Figure 1, step 4). Questions assessing a clinical and/or family history of deafness, long QT syndrome, sudden death, and congenital heart defect were mapped to Long QT Syndrome 3. Upon evaluating the population clinical data collection, our notification rule indicated for one PGP participant (hu034DB1) that the study team should be notified with the list of clinical features that need to be assessed for the disease and recommended that a qualified individual contact that participant. For this study participant, all relevant clinical features were classified as “collected.” This action is consistent with the approach taken when this participant was identified as having a reportable incidental finding in the PGP.[20, 22] Specifically, PGP researchers called and confirmed with the participant that she reported no family history consistent with Long QT Syndrome and that she pursued clinical evaluation after learning of the variant. 6 DISCUSSION Overall, we demonstrated that our approach has potential to support population health management with WGS study participants. We also validated our screening approach through identifying a reportable incidental finding according to ACMG recommendations adapted to this study, and subsequently recommended a notification action that was consistent with the true action taken for one PGP participant. We recognize that this feasibility study was conducted with a narrow view of reportable incidental findings. A recent survey of genetics professional’s found that decisions to disclose incidental findings are impacted the most by three factors: the condition-specific phenotype (e.g. age of onset and disease severity), test accuracy, and evidence indicating pathogenicity.[32] Our planned work will explore approaches to support these factors. 6.1 DO expansion to include condition-specific phenotypes for decisions about returning incidental findings from research studies Here we explored use of ACMG guidelines as potential criteria for disclosing incidental findings from WGS in research studies. We hope to explore use of condition-specific phenotypes in order to address two complexities we did not consider in this work: (a) circumstances where the same criteria may not apply for reporting of adult-onset conditions in adults and children, and (b) and consideration of patient choice in decisions regarding what types of findings to report. Result: 0 5 C. Overby et al. In the ACMG Workgroup update to their 2013 Guidelines, the authors report no clear consensus among the ACMG membership regarding use of the same policy to return pathogenic variants associated with severe but preventable diseases in adults and children in a clinical setting.[33] Our proposal is to include a property for age of onset in the DO to facilitate more granular rules specifying actions for reporting findings to adults and children. In this study, we also have not considered all of the complexities that arise from considering patient choice given the consent model used in the PGP. The debate surrounding incidental findings now is whether to return all results (both medically actionable and non-medically actionable) to patients, or allow patients to make decisions about receiving certain types of results. Effectively incorporating patient choice and a physician’s fiduciary duty to report medically relevant data will be the next step in determining what research results to return as incidental findings to patients. Our current proposal to include properties for disease severity and mode of inheritance of disease will provide opportunities to explore rules for reporting findings given quality of life values and knowledge about the potential impact on family members. 6.2 DO support for reasoning with evidence for variant pathogenicity Given the complexities of determining when to report incidental findings, rather than specifying a list of reportable incidental findings as ACMG has, some have specified alternative processes for classifying findings as reportable. In one study, researchers specify a “binning” approach to categorize WGS and incidental findings data for reporting.[34] In another study eMERGE Network institutions outlined five methods for returning genome-wide association study research incidental findings to study participants. A “return of results” committee examined four diseases and opinions surrounding the return of these results. There was agreement among the committee to report three of the conditions, and for one condition, agreement could not be reached.[35] Findings from these studies highlight the need for tools that can assist with evaluating varying levels of evidence in complex contexts for reporting findings. We also note that there are current limitations due to missing information for rare conditions in disease and phenotype ontologies.[36] As part of future efforts, we propose to expand the DO and improve linkages with phenotype and other disease ontologies. For example, current data integration and mapping efforts include mapping of DO terms with Orphanet[37] terms. In addition to proposed areas for expanding the DO, we propose leveraging existing clinical infrastructure for electronic screening (e-screening) and 6 using dashboards to display e-screening results in a healthcare setting. 6.3 E-screening and dashboards for population health management E-screening and electronic whiteboards (dashboards) have potential to support a number of applications in population health management. For example, relevant efforts include escreening for coordinating clinical research visits with patient care visiting[38] and for remote device monitoring and follow-up.[39] Dashboards have been explored by others as a technical approach to visualize population data in inpatient and outpatient settings in order to enhance workflows for activities such as tracking patients, labs, orders and clinical flowsheets.[40-42] Here we consider a population health management scenario for which e-screening can potentially be used to identify patients with reportable variants in ACMG genes and a dashboard might assist clinic staff with notifying the study team to contact these patients/study participants. 7 CONCLUSION Overall, this study serves to motivate the expansion of our screening approach to more complex scenarios and broader applications. We propose improvements to our current infrastructure to improve the scalability of screening for population health management. 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