YEAR 8 ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET UNIT: Film Music TEACHER: Mrs Bartasek, Mr Hoy & Miss Kim DATE OF ISSUE: Term 2 Week 2 DUE DATE: 8 Music 1 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 2 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 3 – 16 May 2011 8 Music 4 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 5 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 6 – 23 May 2011 8 Music 7 – 16 May 2011 TASK NUMBER: 2 WEIGHTING: PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION/COMPLETION: 13% Listening 20% Composing In class (listening) Hand in (composing) NATURE OF TASK: Listening test in class and handing in composition draft Students who are absent or do not submit the task on or by the due date must complete the section below. Failure to provide a valid reason for non-submission / completion of the task will result in the following: [Refer to the Assessment Handbook] 1 day late - 25% penalty of the total value of the task 2 days late - A mark of zero STUDENT NAME: HOMEROOM: I declare that the work submitted is my own. ______________________________Student’s Signature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSENCE/NON-SUBMISSION/COMPLETION OF TASK DATE OF SUBMITTING TASK: REASON FOR LATE SUBMISSION/COMPLETION: PARENT SIGNATURE: DATE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLASS TEACHER SIGNATURE: DATE: ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET SUBJECT: Year 8 Music TEACHER: Mrs Bartasek, Mr Hoy and Ms Kim TASK NUMBER: 2 WEIGHTING:13% Listening 20% Composing DUE DATE: 8 Music 1 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 2 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 3 – 16 May 2011 8 Music 4 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 5 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 6 – 23 May 2011 8 Music 7 – 16 May 2011 DATE ISSUED: Week 2 Term 2 2011 FORM OFTASK: Listening test in class and handing in composition draft MARK: /30 NAME RECEIVED COMPLETED Rosebank College Assessment Task 2 Notification Music Stage 4 – Year 8 Outcomes to be assessed: 4.4 Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing 4.5 Notates compositions using traditional and/or non-traditional notation 4.6 Experiments with different forms of technology in the composition process 4.7 Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening, observing, responding, discriminating, analyzing, discussing and recording musical ideas 4.8 Demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through aural identification and discussion of the features of a range of repertoire 4.9 Demonstrates musical literacy through the use of notation, terminology and reading and interpreting of scores used in the music selected for study 4.10 Identifies the use of technology in the music selected for study, appropriate to the musical context Task Type: Marks: Weighting: Date Due: Date Issue: Listening and composing 30 13% listening and 20% composing 8 Music 1 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 4 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 2 – 17 May 2011 8 Music 5 – 19 May 2011 8 Music 3 – 16 May 2011 8 Music 6 – 23 May 2011 8 Music 7 – 16 May 2011 Week 2 Term 2 2011 Task Description: Listening: In class you will complete a listening test. In this test you will be required to view an excerpt from a film and comment on how the music is used in the excerpt to enhance the action. Your comments should relate to the concepts of music – duration, pitch, texture, tone colour, structure, dynamics and expressive techniques Composition: This composition assessment is going to form the first draft of a film composition which will be completed during this term. The complete composition involves creating a piece of incidental music to suit the comic strip, “Shark at Bondi” You are going to create/choose incidental music to accompany each of the six scenes within the story. You can choose existing music for three of the scenes. For the other three scenes you need to compose your own music Your incidental music must reflect precisely the mood of the scene and the caption. It should have a variety of tone colours and dynamics, tempo changes, and different pitch ideas and note durations. Using the subheadings of the musical concepts – tone colour(including selection of instruments and mood), dynamics, pitch, tempo and duration – provide musical reasons for your selection of music for the „Shark at Bondi” Your accompanying incidental music should be approximately 20 seconds for each of the six scenes Original music for the three scenes This music must be notated and contain: a clear melodic motive with time signature rhythmic accompaniment evidence of dynamics simple structure indication of tempo You will need to record your incidental music and along with your pre-composed music save your work in your teachers drop box by the end of the term. DR AFT 1 - REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSESSMENT TASK Choose the pre-composed music for the three scenes justifying your choice with comments related to the concepts of music using the subheadings – tone colour(including selection of instruments and mood), dynamics, pitch, tempo and duration – provide musical reasons for your selection of music for the „Shark at Bondi” THESE EXCERPTS NEED TO BE PLACED IN YOUR TEACHERS DROP BOX OR THE YOUTUBE LINKS AND TIMINGS BY THE DUE DATE. A HARD COPY INDICATING THE THREE SCENES, NAME OF EACH PIECE AND REASONS FOR CHOICES NEEDS TO BE HANDED TO THE TEACHER IN CLASS ON THE DUE DATE. Choose the three scenes for which you are going to write original incidental music and for each scene provide the following draft information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notated suggested melodic motive Suggested rhythmic material Instruments that will be used and why (paragraph) Tempo to be used and why (paragraph) Outline of the musical structure for each piece of scene music THIS WORK NEEDS TO BE HANDED IN TO YOUR TEACHER IN CLASS IN HARD COPY WITH NEAT AND WELL ORGANISED PRESENTATION ON THE DUE DATE.
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