My CV can be downloaded here. - Phu

Curriculum Vitae
(Updated: June 2015)
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Current Address
Date of birth
27B, Rue de Luxembourg, L-7540 Rollingen, Luxembourg
(+352) 466 644 5883
(+352) 691 673 896,
June 23rd, 1983
PhD, Computer Science
September 2011 – September 2015 (expected)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University Of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Thesis: Model-Driven Security with Modularity and Reusability for Secure Systems Development
Supervisor: Prof. Yves Le Traon; Advisor: Dr. Jacques Klein
Master, Computer Science &
September 2008 – September 2010
Bachelor, Computer Science
September 2001 – June 2006
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The
Department of Computer Science, Hanoi University of Science & Technology (HUST), Vietnam
Work Experience
Research Assistant
September 2011 – to date
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg
I work as a research trainee, on Software Engineering, Model-Driven Software Development, Security Testing.
February 2011 – September 2011
FPT University, Hanoi, Vietnam; and also at Aptech Computer Education, Hanoi, Vietnam
I taught undergrad courses: Java programming, Web applications development, RDBMS, C Programming,
Software Engineer
July 2006 – September 2007
IBM Vietnam
I participated in several projects at IBM Vietnam in collaboration with IBM Singapore. Our team in IBM Vietnam
and a team in IBM Singapore worked together in several internal projects of IBM, mainly IBM.COM and IBM
(and Lenovo) Outsource Supply Chain Web Interface.
Software Engineer
October 2005 – April 2006
Vinapo Online Service
I joined a start-up company that developing web-based platform for online counselling services.
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(More up-to-date version might be found here:
Training -
Transferrable Skills Courses: Good Scientific Practices, Scientific Writing, Presentation Skills, Proposal
Writing, Project Management, Leading and Planning, Lecturing and Teaching, Intercultural Skills.
Summer Schools: SFM-12 MDE, TAROT, ExCAPE2013, MOD2014.
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering, FPT-Aptech Computer Education, Aptech Worldwide
Corporation (with grade of Distinction)
Certificate for completing the Training Program for Software Design and Development Engineers under
the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan, issued by The Association for
Oversea Technical Scholarship (AOTS), Japan and Vietnam Information Technology Engineers
Examination Centre, Feb 28th, 2006.
Certificate of Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Skill Standards, issued by Ministry of
Science and Technology, Viet Nam and recognized by JITEC (Japan Information Technology Engineers
Examination Centre), June 19th, 2006.
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Full professional proficiency
Elementary/Limited working proficiency
Soft skills and competences
Public speaking (Toastmasters), Presentation skills, Negotiation skills, Leadership skills, Planning, Time
Management, Project Management, Cross-cultural Experience.
Technical skills
Research, Scientific Writing, Essay, Systematic Review.
Computer skills
Windows, Ubuntu, iOS, Latex, Word, Excel, Programming, Software Design, Web Development, Databases.
Programming languages and
Java J2SE, J2EE, JSP/Servlet, Enterprise Java Bean
IBM Rational Application Developer/ IBM WebSphere Studio/ IntelliJ IDE / Eclipse
C#.NET, ASP.NET, Web Service, MS Visual Studio .NET
XML, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, DOM
ASP, PHP, Java Server Faces
Software Design
Driving licence
IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, My SQL, BaseX, eXist-DB
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns, UML
Full, clean
Honors & Awards -
Huygens Talent Scholarship: Full scholarship provided by the Minister for Education, Culture and Science
of the Netherlands to the most talented international students, for studying the 2-year Master programme
at the Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008-2010 (value 40058EUR).
Certificate for exceptional contributions, support, and commitment in the organization of the Sixth IEEE
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2013).
Japan-ASEAN University Network Scholarship, 2007.
Award for displaying exceptional personal dedication, teamwork and contribution to the project
Scholarships during the bachelor study period, 2001-2006.
References Available upon request
Other group projects at - Architectural Design of Customer Loyalty Support System (Distributed System), Outsite Networks & TU/e
the TU/e, Eidhoven - Designing and modelling a controller of Continuously Variable Transmission, Bosch CVT & TU/e
Page 2 - Curriculum vitae of NGUYEN Hong Phu
(More up-to-date version might be found here: