XDX 8.5 Digital Experience User Tour

IBM Software
Lab Exercise:
Building your Site with IBM Digital Experience and CTC
Herbert Hilhorst – herbert_hilhorst@fr.ibm.com
Document History
3 April 2015
First release
Name herbert_hilhorst@fr.ibm.com
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2015
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM Software
DOCUMENT HISTORY............................................................................................................................................
TIME ESTIMATE..................................................................................................................................................................5
DISCOVER CTC DEMO CONFERENCE SITE.....................................................................................................6
CREATE A NEW INTERNET SITE......................................................................................................................12
ADD AND UPDATE A NEW IT EVENTS PAGE..................................................................................................21
CONFIGURE, TEST AND UPDATE AN IT SATISFACTION SURVEY FORM...................................................42
PERSONALIZATION AND MULTI-CHANNEL ACCESS....................................................................................60
APPLICATION INTEGRATION...........................................................................................................................68
ANALYTICS INTEGRATION...............................................................................................................................71
MORE APPLICATION INTEGRATION EXAMPLES...........................................................................................75
TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS..................................................................................................................81
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IBM Digital Experience, available for customers in the Employee and Customer Experience suites, have
further extended their exceptional digital experience capabilities with updates in IBM WebSphere Portal,
IBM Web Content Manager (WCM), IBM Forms Experience Builder (FEB), IBM Web Experience Factory
(WEF) and much more. In this lab, you will discover several out- of-box functionality of V8.5.
The labs runs on an out of the box installation of WebSphere Portal 8.5 with the WCM Content Template
Catalog (CTC) 4.3 installed. This solution is available for free to all WCM customers and installs on top
of an existing WCM 8.5 installation (older versions are available since CF8, but are not as rich as
the recent ones). More details may be found here: http://www01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHRKX_8.5.0/welcome/ctc_welcome.html. It also uses some of
the ready to use free Starter Packs forms for FEB. These can be found on http://www10.lotus.com/ldd/lfwiki.nsf/dx/Forms_Experience_Builder_Starter_Packs.
Further it uses out of the box multichannel and personalization functionality, based on the SmartPhone
and Tablet segments, configured following http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/portalwiki.nsf/xpDocViewer.xsp?
y_device_class_wp8001&content=pdcontent and with “Desktop User” added as Otherwise. If you are not
using our installation, you may set this up prior to starting this lab. It also uses the IBM Mobile Preview
for Digital Experience software as well which can be found here:
The lab also introduces you to the Script Portlet and guides you through the ready to use samples from
OpenNTF: http://openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/Script%20Portlet%20Samples%20for
In this lab, you play the role as Frank Adams, a Marketing Manager, and you will first discover the CTC
Demo Internet Conference site which comes with CTC. Then, you will need to build and configure a
complete new multichannel Internet web site. By doing this, you will experience how easy and powerful
IBM's Digital Experience is today. You will also learn more on some of the many powerful search,
integration, personalization, multichannel and analytics functionality. This lab should help you to
understand how this solution benefits to your organization. These are the steps you will follow:
(1) Explore the default CTC Demo site
(2) Create a new Internet site
(3) Add and change a IT Events Page, Component and Content
(4) Add and enhance an IT Satisfaction Survey Form
(5) Review Personalization and Multi-Channel options
(6) Discover an integrated Application
(7) Integrated Analytics
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And this gives you the following complete site with About Us, Products, Services, Medias, Events,
Support and Contact Us, as well as your fully added and customized IT Events page, under Events.
Time Estimate
It should take approximately 75 minutes to complete this lab.
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Lab 1
Discover CTC Demo Conference site
In this section, you will learn how to use the IBM Web Content Manager CTC Demo Conference site for
WebSphere Portal to get a quick idea of what CTC may bring to your company. In this section you will
discover some of its functionality and and how to navigate in this site. Once you have installed CTC on
your machine, you will find the CTC Demo Conference site on the top of your navigation.
In a new browser window connect as an anonymous user to the site using the URL provided to
you, such as http://ctcrocks.ibmcollabcloud.com. This brings you directly to the home page of
the CTC Demo site. The home page, based on the landing page template, shows a promotions
component with some paging handling. It also shows several information coming from other
places in the site. The Design and Developer Track information are coming from the Design and
Developer Track page under Program. The Experience Blog comes from the Blog page and
shows this in a different layout again. Below you see the sponsors. In the navigation you can go
to these pages and you also have an additional Blog, Contact and Registration page. Most of
this functionality is achieved with some configured components.
First have a look at the controls on the promotion component. It allows you to quickly walk
through the different available promotions.
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Then select the second promotion Experiences. Two tracks with 12 lessons from the
industry's most inspiring presenters. (or wait when it comes around) and click on the image
above. This brings you to the Program page and introduces you to more details on the different
Design and Developer tracks. Notice that the same promotion component is used as in the
home page, but configured differently. This shows the reuse functionality of WCM. Now go
directly to one of the tracks. Click on the second promotion Deliver engaging experiences that
respond dynamically and intelligently to the user, their context and their devices. image.
Here you find details on this track. It is an event under the Program – Development Track. It
shows the full description in the main column on the left and event details and connect
information on the right.
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In the Connect part, you find options to share this information with Facebook and Twitter. If you
have those accounts, you may select one of the options to share. For example, if you click on
Tweet, and you will be prompted to share this link with Twitter.
You also find ways to send e-mails to people and print the page, and place holders to
implement even phone call integration, or add it to your favorite feed reader.
Now click on Development Track to see all the development tracks, based on the events
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Notice the track you just looked at is appearing in a different look and feel in the list. If you don't
see any content in the list, you may need to update the search From field to an older date, eg.
Now go the Registration page. Click on Registration.
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This shows the frequently asked questions with its questions and answers on the same page,
based on the FAQ Index/Detail template. To see any answer, just click on the question, eg. 1.
What is the refund policy?
And this site is multilingual. You may change the language for your browser to Spanish,
German, Chinese or Arabic and will notice that the whole site is available in these languages.
To test this, change the content language of your browser. With Firefox, you can use Tools –
Options (or Edit – Preferences) – Content – Choose your preferred langue for displaying
pages moved to the top, as shown (you may need to add another language first):
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Then you will see the same site in the chosen language.
Ensure, you switch back to English, as this will make it easier to follow this lab.
This was the quick introduction to the default CTC Demo conference site. Now you will make your own
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Lab 2
Create a new Internet site
In this section, you will build and customize a complete new internet site, similar to the CTC Demo one,
and discover how easy this is, using primarely out-of-the-box functionality. To be able to make any
changes, the site is configured to work with specific authors only.
Anonymous users are not allowed to create any site changes in this configuration, so you will
first authenticate yourself. You will logging on as Frank Adams, with user name fadams. Click
on one of the the Log In options on the top.
Then log on with User ID fadams and password passw0rd (with a zero).
Notice that you now have access to much more information. This is part of the many
personalization features of our platform. Navigate to the Site Builder page.
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This is the place where you can benefit from existing site and section templates. Sections are
sub-parts of a site. Both can easily be created by site administrators, using the Create and
Import options.
Templates are available to create new empty sites from scratch or with ready to use content.
They are based on best practices, and allow your developers to get a fast start with our solution.
The template can be changed/edited, duplicated and exported to other environments, to adapt
to your needs. As you need to build an internet site, scroll down to the Internet Site Template
and click the Launch Site Wizard.
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This launches the wizard and brings you to step 1: Site Name. Note that you have support
available for each entry. Click on ?.
Change the unique site name, title and friendly URL name. If you are sharing the solution with
other people, ensure you take something unique here. The friendly URL will appear in your URL
name. Then go the next step using >.
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In step 2, Content Library, you can choose if you use a new content library or existing one. As
you are creating a complete new site, you will create a corresponding content library. Give it a
unique name and description and go to the next step.
Notice that in this last step, Site Structure, the internet site template contains a full hierarchy of
pages and you are able to configure this now. You can easily deselect any of its pages for your
new site, and edit each page. Edit the landing home page My Internet now. Click Edit as
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It shows that this page takes the configuration information from step 1. The page title, URL and
unique name. It also shows from where it will copy its new content from. The page itself is
based on a specific page template Landing Home. You will learn more on this later. Click
Then briefly check the Advanced Options.
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On the Site Experience panel, you can select a Portal theme (the graphical layout of your site),
the Profile (indicating what options are available to site users) and the Style (color settings).
Click Access Control to switch panels.
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On the Access Control panel you can grant/refine permissions for users and groups to be able
to access your site as users or administrators. Leave those settings “as-is” and click Create
You then get a summary of your new site. Now click OK, to create it.
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A quick validation takes place.
And the site gets created in the background. Be patient, as a complete new hierarchical site with
38 pages and corresponding content is now being created for you.
After a short while, your site should be ready for further customization. Click the Go to Site to
open it.
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Your new site is now published.
It is also available under the site menu, in case you need to come back to it later.
You have successfully created your first site and are now ready to further customize it.
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Lab 3
Add and Update a New IT Events Page
You will first have a quick look at this new site and then create a new version in which you will add a
page to manage IT Events under the existing Events page. Not only it should show all upcoming IT
sessions, but you should allow your visitors to provide feedback on these sessions, using a customized
IT Satisfaction Survey.
First have a look at this page which is based on of of the many out of the box page templates: the
landing home page template.
It contains a set of portlets with content, such as a slide show on the top, a teaser, promotions
call-outs and a special features carrousel at the bottom. You can easily change all content of
these pages, but you will first focus on the events, to add an IT Events page and make all kind
of changes there. Go to the Events page, click Events.
Notice that there are two underlaying pages, Conferences and Briefings. Here you will add your
IT Events. This page is also based on a landing page template. To better see what portlets are
available on this page, go to the edit mode. Switch to the Edit Mode and you see these portlets
appear with their content.
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In the Edit Mode, you clearly see the titles of each portlet and all options to edit the content
directly, or configure them differently. Notice the Automatic Landing Page (Specified) portlet that
shows a summary of the underlaying pages.
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IBM Software
In your new site, you can either make changes that are published directly, or prepare a new
version jointly with your team, use the draft content, decide for each change if it should go
through a workflow, preview the changes with different audience and finally schedule to publish
the changes at a specific time in the future.
This is done using projects. The projects can be used by contributors as well as developers and
several projects can run in parallel. You will now create a new project to manage your new
version. Under Published Site, select New Project.
If you want more inline help on this task. Just enable the information mode. This is a good way
for new contributors to learn the solution.
The active information mode provides more details about each task and gives you options to
learn more (in your language) by following the “Learn more” links. Feel free to click Learn more
and then close the window to go back to this page. Then name your project My Internet V1.1
(or any name you want) and and click Create.
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You should now see a message confirming a creation of the new project and its selection as the
current project. In the top toolbar you should now see this project name. The Projects panel
provides the details and gives you options to Publish, Manage Project and Exit Project . Select
More to see additional project options.
In the More pulldown window you should see options to add to the project, delete the project
and create a project template from it (with all its current entries, which may be a good start for
future modifications).
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You will now create a new page and make updates there. Create a new page based on the
Events page template from CTC. First switch to the Create tab. Take a quick look at all
templates delivered out of the box with the CTC (you have already seen several of them in the
CTC Demo site, as Alerts and FAQs, for example). Next search for the Events template and
then select Events. Notice you can preview it and show its details. Title your new page IT
Events and keep the friendly URL unchanged. It was generated automatically for you. Keep the
default page insertion point Last child of current page and click Create Page.
This will create an index and corresponding details page based on this template. Both are
configured with a specific layout and pred-defined portlets with ready to use components and
content to start with. Select View or edit page information to see more details on the index
page you created.
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This shows you the general basic information about this page which you could directly edit. It
also has the actions to publish it (as it is in draft now) and delete it. On the left you also have
direct access to the page layout, style and vanity URLs. Click on Details.
This shows some more details on your page, like the project, theme and profile used. Now edit
the Page Properties.
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Explore the Manage Page Properties options. Take a look at the General, Cache (single
user/across users and interval), Security (with author and owner selection as well as workflow
settings for this page), Localization (for page translations) and Advanced (with theme and
profile selections, allowed portlets control, page versions and more). Click Cancel or close the
window to exit without making any changes.
Then click Layout. These are default layouts you can select from. Notice the current selection
and the column that would show hidden items if you would choose a layout with less
columns/rows (allowing you to easily reconfigure).
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Then select Style. These are default styles you can choose from.
Finally, you can assign specific short 'vanity' URL names for your page, in specific languages, if
needed, control what content to show in that page and whether to enforce authentication. Type
ITEvents in the Vanity URL Name and click Save. This will allow users to access your page
directly using a much simpler URL, such as:
http://ctcrocks.ibmcollabcloud.com/wps/vanityurl/ITEvents (and if using a proxy, you would
simplify it even further: http://ctcrocks.ibmcollabcloud.com/ITEvents).
You should now see a confirmation message and you could continue creating more vanity
URLs, eg. one for each language. Your page should now be correctly configured. Close the
toolbar as shown.
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You see all your new page is added under Events (last child, as selected) and is ready to be
configured with promotions, a section header, search filter, events corresponding to the filter
results, as well as social connect and recent events. he page is still in the draft state as
indicated by its name surrounded by parenthesis, in your case (IT Events).
You will now also make a few changes to the Index Page Signpost and Promotions
Slideshow component. First, you will add a few promotions to external events and manage how
they will show. The first promotion will point to the upcoming IBM Digital Experience event found
here: http://www-304.ibm.com/services/learning/ites.wss/zz/en?
pageType=page&c=B891487G04094A53. (Hint: you may also you your own examples). Enter
the promotion description first. Hoover over the text and select Edit (or edit directly by typing
into the field).
Enter your description, e.g. IBM Digital Experience 2015:
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Then Save it (or leave the field) and insert a promotion image. Click on Insert promotion image
and then Select to select a locally stored image. Your web designers control this. They could
also allow you to select an existing image component or get it from the Digital Asset
Management solution.
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IBM Software
In the File Upload window, drill down to Desktop/Lab Files/DX User Tour and select
IBM_Digital_Experience_2015_ATL_banner_980x300.png file. Click Open to upload the file.
Your selected image should now be visible in the window as shown below. If you want you can
add other images to be rendered specifically for the desktop, tablet and/or smartphone. The
current image should adapts itself nicely itself, so in our case no additional renditions would be
needed. Note that you can adjust the image dimensions and the alternate text. Click Save.
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Now you want to add a link to this event. This information is not directly exposed and you need
to edit the item (you may ask your design team to expose this directly as an additional inline
editing option, so you will never have to go to the full content item). Click on the Edit icon.
Notice the information you already entered and the option to use an existing image. Scroll down
and enter the following URL under Link: http://www304.ibm.com/services/learning/ites.wss/zz/en?pageType=page&c=B891487G04094A53. If you
wanted a link to some internal content, you would use the browse option. This way the link
would be prevented from breaking automatically. Further down, you'll also see a campaign ID
which allows you to track campaigns and optimize them. And you can see a Multi Lingual
Solution that is used to manage multilingual entries when it is configured to be multilingual,
which is not the case for your site. Your content is draft and you will now publish it. Click Save
and Publish as shown:
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This will put it in “pending” state, to be published when the whole project is published. This may
go through a dedicated workflow of course. Now add a second promotion. Click Create new
This is for all IBM technical events & conferences shown in
https://www.ibm.com/services/learning/conf/index.html. Enter the name, title and description as
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Then go down and add an image from the image library. Click Select Component.
You may use an existing promotion image in the CTC Content library. Select CTC Content as
the library, and then Promotion Images as site. This allows you to select the Botanical 03
image, as shown below. Click OK.
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Insert the link https://www.ibm.com/services/learning/conf/index.html.
Scroll up and Save and Publish this new promotion and Close.
Notice that a control is now appearing which allows you to manually select any of the
promotions. Try this out and watch how the promotions transitions. Go to the view mode to see
this on the published site. Turn the Edit Mode off.
You should see your promotions displayed using “crossfading” style transitions, changing every
5 seconds and containing a left/right controls at the bottom. Now go back to the edit mode
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You will change this behavior. From the popup window, select Open Edit Form.
Change the transition to Wipe Left, the slide duration to 1000 milliseconds and controls to
Previous, Play/Pause, Numbers and Next, as shown below.
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To save these settings, scroll up and click Save and Close.
Go to the View Mode again (switch off the Edit Mode) and notice your changes.
Now you will change the title of the IT events section to IT Events. Switch back to Edit Mode
and, as you can see, you are guided in configuring the contents of the page. For example to
enter the events section name and corresponding body of all events that will be filtered using
the upcoming items index list options. Hover your mouse over the portlet and you will see the
inline tools appearing. Select the Title: Edit option, as shown, or type directly in the existing
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Change the Display Title to IT Events first and click Save (or leave the text).
Then scroll down to the Body rich text field and click Body: Edit and enter Come and see
these interesting IT events and take some time to fill out the IT Satisfaction Survey and
click Save again.
You can change other fields of this content using the option Show Non-displaying fields or
Open Edit Form (and view with Open Read Form). While these fields do not show directly in
this page, it may appear in other places where the content is reused.
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Now you will enter an example event that you will manage. You can edit the details of the
placeholder directly here or click on its title or More Information and go to a dedicated page with
more information to cover. Click on Enter event name.
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This brings you to a page where you have more space to provide details on this content. You
can also enter the content in different ways. The main fields of the content are shown on the left
and additional information on the right, such as the event contact location and details. Both work
with the same content. Under the Enter event name where you can find also the hidden fields
that are not displayed and under Item Details. The way you can enter the content is under full
control of your designers. You may ask them to use this kind of approach for the promotion you
entered previously, for example to allow you to enter the link more easily without the need of a
popup window. Change the title to Exceptional IT Event and if you wish you may change other
fields as well and event create new items.
Now go back to your IT Events page. Click on any of the IT Events links, shown below.
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Next you will add an IT Satisfaction Survey form to your page. Click Create in the toolbar and
select Applications from the left navigation area. Type forms as the search string in the search
box and observe search results. You should see Forms Experience Portlet application name
listed in the returned results. Click on the + sign to add the Forms Experience Portlet to your
page or drag and drop it.
Add it at the bottom of the page, as it requires the full width in the page, as shown.
Now you are ready to configure it.
You have successfully created additional IT Event pages with specific content and components.
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Lab 4
Configure, test and update an IT Satisfaction Survey Form
In this section, you will configure your added Form Experience Portlet with an existing IT Satisfaction
Survey and adapt it for your users. This portlet gives access to business users with easy tools to create
and manage dynamic forms. Once configured, you will test the form and go to the backoffice to make
changes to it.
Select the portlet option Edit Shared Settings. Notice the other options, like Site Promotions
and Analytics Tags that are to increase visibility, and Manage Endpoints, used to make portlets
communicate to each other.
Click Browse Applications to select and of the ready to use forms.
If you are sharing the instance with other people, you may first want to create a copy of the
existing IT Satisfaction Survey form (one of the many ready to use examples from the starter
pack) which you may modify. If not, got directly to step 7. Click Manage Applications.
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Then click Manage.
Search for the form called IT Satisfaction Survey (it may be on a next page) and then make a
copy using Duplicate.
Give it a unique name again and click OK.
Ensure it is deployed. If the View Responses and Launch are greyed out, you need to deploy it.
If this is not greyed out, go directly to step 9. Click Deploy.
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Click Start.
Then close the window.
And select the right IT Satisfaction Survey, (use Next to find it) and click OK.
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Then click OK to save the settings.
Then fill out the IT Satisfaction Survey. Notice the formulas that add up the percentage total and
validate whether your input adds up to 100%.
Submit your form. Click Submit.
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You get a confirmation of successful submission. Click OK to get back to the page.
Submit at least one more form using different employee names.
Select Edit Shared Settings again.
Click Browse Applications.
Select the right IT Satisfaction Survey again and then Manage Applications.
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Note : if you wish, you may open the Forms administration interface directly in a dedicated
browser window. This is typically the current host (if it is installed on the same server) with
/forms, eg.: http://ctcrocks.ibmcollabcloud.com/forms. This opens the same content as normally
using the Manage Applications directly in the FEB portlet. You may also use CTRL + and CRTL
– to control the size of your browser screen.
Look for the IT Satisfaction Survey in the list of forms and click View Responses to see the
submitted data.
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This gives you a summary page of all responses. You can customize it, create filters and share
it. Click on Customize.
Click Cancel. Optionally have a closer look to the Create Filters and Share options as well.
Then go to the list of responses. Click Responses.
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You can customize the table again and create filters. Click on individual responses to see the
actual form as submitted. You can export data to a spreadsheet from the database and the data
is also available using REST API in other applications. Click More Actions and Export Data.
You can now export it to different formats to create your reports.
This analysis information can also be included directly on a page, specific for the survey
responsibles. Click Cancel and close the IT Satisfaction Survey window or tab by clicking on the
'X' to return to the Manage Application Modal Dialog. Then click Manage to go to make changes
to your application.
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This is where you create new applications, or import any of the many examples that are
provided to get a fast start. You will now enhance your IT Satisfaction Survey. Click on Edit so
we can start editing the form.
Acknowledge the message that this form is already deployed. Click Yes to continue.
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This brings you to the designer. Here you can manage the fields and pages of your forms, the
style, access control, as well as the workflow with corresponding stages.
You will add one question to the survey. Go to last question and click the + icon to add a new
question to the list.
Type “Overall IT Services” as the question. You can type it in directly or first click on the
Properties icon.
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If the user answered “Somewhat dissatisfied” or “Very dissatisfied”, you would like to know why.
Therefore, you will add a field to capture the reasons and this field should be visible only if the
user was (somewhat or very) dissatisfied. Select the Multi-Line Entry field on the palette and
drag it just below the list of questions, then release the mouse button to place the field.
Click on the properties icon for the new field.
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Type in the Title, eg. Reasons why I am dissatisfied, and make the field width Full width.
Then click OK.
To hide the field under certain conditions, click Edit Rules.
First add a new rule. Click Add Rule. Then select your Overall IT Services question and choose
the Very dissatisfied answer. To choose the other option click on +.
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Select At least one is true (Or) as the Type of condition. Click Apply.
Click Apply and add the condition for selected value equals Somewhat dissatisfied. Click OK
to return to the form.
You are ready with the form and deploy it to use it in your new site (notice you can review it).
Click on the Save icon top-right of your screen.
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Go back to the Manage tab and select Deploy to re-deploy the form.
On the deployment dialog, notice you can plan this deployment and get notified. Just accept the
default settings and click Update.
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Now you can go back to the IT Events Portal page. Close the overlay-screen window with the
top-right small X icon.
Click OK on the Browse Applications dialog and OK to save your new settings. The form now
shows the new question.
Now check how this newly created page will look like in your parent Event page. Click Events.
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And notice that your the navigation with a summary to your new IT Events with IT Sessions
page has been added automatically.
Now you want to publish your changes, as this is still all in draft, part of your project. If you want,
you could preview it for specific and anonymous users, using Menu and any of the preview
options shown.
In the purpose of time, you will consider that all is working correctly and publish the project with
all its current items. Click on the Toolbar icon, shown below.
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Then click Projects and you will see your current project with all items that are part of it and
were created during the page creation and your edits. It also shows their corresponding
workflow status. . Click Manage Project.
You want to approve all items now. Normally, you would select each item in the above bar,
review it and approve it individually. However, for this exercise, you will use a fast track. Select
all 50 items per page first, so you can select all items of this project.
Then select all items (left to Type), More and Approve.
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This brings all your items to the status Publish Pending, meaning it is ready to be published,
but waiting for the project to become really published. Click Publish Project to publish it now.
Now all your changes for your next version of Internet V1.1 are published.
You now have successfully created and published a new version of your Internet site where you added
the IT Events page with your content, components and form.
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Lab 5
Personalization and Multi-channel Access
In this section, you will see how you can personalize content, how the web page adapts itself
automatically to different devices with it's inbuilt multichannel functionality and use the built-in mobile
First you will add a new web content that may show different contents depending on the device
types. If a SmartPhone or Tablet hits your site, that user should download your mobile
application in the app store. This time, you will make this change directly (not within a project).
Ensure, you are still in the Events page.
Then switch to Edit Mode, then using the Toolbar, Create - Content – Teaser.
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Add it, using the +, or drag and drop the Teaser content to the top of the page above the
Now edit it with a text, and images f you want, that only mobile users should see, for example as
shown. Then you will hide it from desktop users. Click Configure Spot.
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Change the configuration of the spot from Specified Content to Targeted Content and the click
Hide Spot.
Then use Add Segment to add the desktop users.
Select the Desktop User and Done. This should show as follows. Click Done again.
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You will see the summary of your new configuration. You can apply this to any content and with
any segments configured in your environment. Click Save.
As expected the content is now hidden, as you are working on a desktop device. Notice you can
always show it again easily, if you need to update it.
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Now turn back to View Mode. Your new mobile content is now showing. Diminish little by little
the width of your browser to show that your page adapts itself automatically to it.
Watch carefully how images, texts and finally columns change to optimize it to your screen size.
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And if you access the same site with specific mobile phones, it further adapts it. To test this, you
may use the Mobile Preview option. Click Actions – Preview As Mobile User.
This opens the Mobile Browser Simulator with by default an iPhone 5 as smartphone device. If
you haven't done yet, you need to enable the Useragent switching to simulate the selected
devices correctly once. If you have already done this, you can directly go to step 17. Select
Enable Useragent Switching.
This opens the installer. If you are in Firefox, you need to open the browser extension in a new
Window. Right click on Install Browser Extension and then Open Link in New Window. On
other browsers, this may be slightly different.
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The click on Allow.
Then Install Now.
And finally Restart Now.
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It now shows your mobile targeted content again, as the server recognizes the device that is
used. It also has changed the whole navigation, so with “thick” fingers you can still navigate
easily. There are different options available, such as showing the QR code of your current page
to read it with an external device and rotate it.
You can easily test with other devices as well. Click Add Device and choose any of the
preconfigured devices, eg. iOS – iPad – Apple iPad 4.
Close this window to get back to the desktop view.
In addition to this integrated mobile preview, it is possible to embed the personalized content within
mobile applications on one or multiple app stores (eg. iPhone, Android), using Worklight. This allows you
to have flexible ways of using the web site, and keeping everything centrally managed.
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Lab 6
Application Integration
A key functionality of the Exceptional Digital Experience is the possibility to integrate different
applications and make them work together.
In this part you will be discovering the Script Portlet which allows you to build real client rendering
portlets that can communicate with each other, using simple HTML, JavaScript and CSS skils. It is part
an extensive list of development tools and out of the box portlets that gives you a fast start for your
digital experience implementation.
Another good example, you may want to look at is the Greenwell Internet from the recorded demo in
Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idrueug10wQ, where a marketing manager manages a site
with content coming from Connections forums, Commerce products, etc.
First navigate to the Integration Examples site which has been previously setup.
You can find many out of the box integration examples, like with Connections, Forms
Experience Builder, etc. In addition to the out of the box Welcome and Getting Started pages,
you will discover a few other pages with integrated applications. Go to Script Portlet.
This shows a simple customer list with corresponding details. Now click on any customer on the
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And you see the customer information is sent directly to the customer details portlet which
shows details on it.
These are portlets created using the Script Portlet. The Customer List creates a list based on a
data set of customers. These can be obtained from external applications directly, or using
specific web services that could be generated for example by Web Experience Factory. Switch
to Edit Mode and have a look at how this is working. You can see that both portlets are Script
Portlet Content Items and can be edited. Click Edit on the Customer Details portlet.
This opens up the Script Portlet editor. It shows your content, a place to edit and preview pane
(which allows to preview in a dedicated window or enlarged one).
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If you wish, feel free to look around and make some changes. Under the Actions, you will have
access to functions to manage render parameters, which allow to share data between different
portlets. It also allows your end users to set any portlet preferences that you may use in the
script. And you can export it to use in other environments. Click Save to see your changes in
the preview pane. When done, close the editor.
If you are more interested in the Script Portlet, have a look at the other examples that come
from OpenNTF: http://openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/Script%20Portlet%20Samples
%20for%20IBM%20WebSphere%20Portal. And you may have a look at the IBM Connections,
Forms Experience Builder and Opportunities (combined Connections and Forms Experience
Builder) pages, as detailed in Appendix A.
Providing business pages with applications and content coming from many different places,
nicely integrated allowing your business users to get their work easier and faster is the typical
way of using our Digital Experience. As a business user, all information you need to make the
right decisions are put together in a simple user interface, can be act on and updated easily and
are accessible in your preferred device.
You have successfully discovered the Script Portlet. IBM's Digital Experience has many other
development and integrations tools to integrate your applications into your sites fast and easy.
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Lab 7
Analytics Integration
In this last section, you will learn how to your web site is being used, using the analytics integration. This
allows you to understand how many people are visiting your site and its tendency. You will see that you
can easily create site promotions and additional analytics tags to closely track your site.
All analytics tools are under your actions. Ensure, you are in the Script Portlet page and click
Actions – Site Promotions.
This allows you to put your content, pages, portlets, etc. to a specific promotion, part of your
marketing campaign, and follow this in your analytics tool. A site promotion is part of a
marketing campaign that has the objective to introduce a new product, service, or event, or
better position an existing one. A marketing campaign can consist of mailings, posters, banners,
articles, games or other web content. In our solution, a site promotion covers the web content
part of the marketing campaign. For example, a site promotion named “Digital Experience 2015”
can reference pictures, blogs, and gift-shops on a web site. Click Done to close.
Now select Actions – Analytics Tags.
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Notice the interface allowing you to manually add more tags to your page. You can obtain
specific analytics information from your site by using these analytics tags for your site
resources. You might want to know which types of users visit your site most frequently, for
example by age group or other characteristics. If you want to address mostly young
professionals, you can create an analytics tag targetAudience:youngProfessionals; you can then
associate the tag with all resources that contain content for this target user group. By looking at
the visits on these pages you can determine whether the main user group of your site is young
and new in their job. Click Done to exit.
The same functionality is available for each portlet. For example in your CRM Customer List
portlet, you can access to it dedicated site promotions and analytics tags.
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Finally, have a look at the overlay reports. This works if you use and have IBM Digital Analytics
(ex. Coremetrics) configured to analyze your data. You can select to have them for your page
and individual portlets. Select Actions – Show Portlet Reports to get the information for each
Notice that you can choose from different display styles. Now click on Details of the Customer
List portlet.
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This brings you to the IBM Digital Analytics web site where you can further analyze your data
you provided and use that to further optimize your site. You need a client ID to manage this. If
you are interested in learning more on this or any other topic, feel free to contact your IBM
contact person.
In little time, you can build you own customized multichannel intranet and internet web sites.
In this lab you have discovered the CTC Demo conference site, learned how to build a complete new
web site using site templates, add and update new pages, portlets, components and content. Specially,
you learned how to customize forms and analyze the user input.
Often changes to a website will be made by several users including business users, administrators and
designers. Once all the changes have been made, previewed and approved, a final approval for all the
changes can be made so that all the changes are published to the production site. Again, a Project can
be used to prepare these changes and publish them at the right moment.
You also discovered how different applications can be easily created based on applications,
components, forms, content that may communicate to each other and are adapting itself to different
devices with its personalization and multichannel support, and integrated analytics.
You have successfully completed this lab and your site is ready for reuse. Feel free to use different site,
page and content templates and add your own applications and content to extend your site and/or build
new ones!
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Appendix A More Application Integration examples
In this appendix, you may learn about a few other integration examples.
You will first find the standard IBM Connections integration and then a combination of Forms Experience
Builder and Connections.
First close the overlay. Click Close All and then select IBM Connections.
You see the Activity Stream portlet managing the status updates, and other out of the box
Connections portlets.
Then go Social Rendering Templates. These are more out of the box portlets to integrate
Connections into your Digital Experience.
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Next go to Forms Experience Builder. This has the starter pack deployed. You may have a
look at any of these ready to use and/or customize forms.
And finally go to Opportunities. This shows a Forms Experience Builder based Opportunities
application and an IBM Connections Profiles portlet. You can filter down the opportunities list by
Rep Name and Product line. Click on an opportunity in the list, eg. the one shown which has a
Camping product line.
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This will show you the details of the opportunity in the FEB application and any expert in
Connections who is tagged with that product line, Camping in this example. sends the Product
Line parameter to the Connections Profiles portlet as a filter parameter. You notice that the
Profiles portlet now shows employees that are tagged with the Product Line information who act
as an expert or contact for further information.
From here you can easily start collaborating with Heather. Click on her name Heather Reeds.
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This gives you access to more information of her.
You have a few additional examples of integration on this platform. Additional labs may provide you
more details on these and other topics around IBM Digital Experience.
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Appendix B Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries.
Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in
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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
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Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the
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Appendix C Trademarks and copyrights
The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States,
other countries, or both:
Cube Views
System z
Lotus Workflow
Red Brick
System i
System p
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries.
IT Infrastructure Library is a registered trademark of the Central Computer and Telecommunications
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SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its
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ITIL is a registered trademark, and a registered community trademark of The Minister for the Cabinet
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UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle
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Cell Broadband Engine is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. in the United States, other
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Linear Tape-Open, LTO, the LTO Logo, Ultrium, and the Ultrium logo are trademarks of HP, IBM Corp.
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