THE PHOEBE NEEDLES CENTER presents... SATURDAYS @ PHOEBE NEEDLES April 11th, 2015 “Creating a Culture of Peace” with Steve Shanks This event is for you if you are concerned about peace and reconciliation in your personal relationships, congregation, or job setting; in war-torn regions of the world or towns in our own country, in poverty or privilege. All of us are affected by violence and injustice that plague our world. This course offers: insight and renewal opportunities to re-center a supportive community effective skills and practices to build a culture of justice and peace. Using an education process that respects and builds upon the wisdom and experience of the participants, the program provides community-based leadership training for nonviolent change to help individuals and groups know their power for nonviolent personal and social change. Living in Richmond, VA, Steve Shanks is an ordained Episcopal Deacon and an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, based in Benedictine spirituality. For years Steve has been active in expanding the nonviolent movement by providing leadership and working with the church on issues related to justice, peace, nonviolence and reconciliation. He serves on the national boards of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship and Creating a Culture of Peace. He provides nonviolent direct action training or the School of Americas rally and vigil, Witness Against Torture, as well as others. Begun in the fall of 2014, Saturdays @ Phoebe Needles are seminar programs designed to discuss everyday practical life issues from a faith perspective. In addition to a presentation from each speaker, there will be questions and conversation, lunch, and time for Christian fellowship, all in the beautiful surroundings of the Phoebe Needles Center. You are invited to arrive beginning at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and refreshments. The program will begin at 10:00 a.m., lunch will be servced at Noon, and the seminar will conclude by 3:00 p.m. The cost of each program including lunch is $25.00. The programs focus on the practice of faith. Where is the living God today in the midst of these issues and in our lives? How does our faith influence our understanding and actions? Each presenter is well qualified and sensitive to how our faith in God comes to bear on how we think and respond to the decisions we face each day. Advance registration is required (on or before Noon on the Monday before each program). You may pay online using PayPal, or mail a check in advance of the program along with your registration. For more information, contact the Phoebe Needles Center at 540-483-1518 or 800-848-1677. Information is also available on our web site: **There is a $25 scholarship available for this program. Please let us know when signing up if you will be using it.** SATURDAYS @ PHOEBE NEEDLES REGISTRATION FORM Program Title: “Creating a Culture of Peace”Date: April, 11 2015 To register, please complete this form and return it with the registration fee ONE WEEK before the program. Name Spouse/Guest AddressCityStateZip Code Daytime Telephone NumberEmail Address Any special dietary accommodations? IS NOW AN OPTION! OR make your check payable to: The Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. 732 Turners Creek Road; Callaway, Virginia 24067-5814 Phone: 540-483-1518 Toll Free: 800-848-1677 Email: Web Site: Unless otherwise informed, The Phoebe Needles Center will consider your registration as permission to use your photograph if it appears in video or still photos including our web site unless otherwise requested.
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