CHARACTER GUIDE ? ? CALDARIUS BOLDUR OSCAR MIKE MIKO PHOEBE ? ? ? MARQUIS MONTANA THORN ORENDI RATH ? PHOEBE LLC - PHASEGATE: After a brief charging period, teleports Phoebe to a target location. - BLADE RUSH: Phoebe launches a barrage of four charged rapiers, each dealing a large amount of damage. ULTIMATE - BLADE CASCADE: Conjures a storm of falling rapiers dealing a large amount of damage over time to a large area. PASSIVE - TRUE STRIKE: Phoebe activates her high-tech formal wear to propel herself any direction and attack with her sabre. Inventor, adventurer, and heiress to one of the largest family fortuntess within the Last Light Consortium, Phoebe Elizabeth Audelia Hemsworth the Fourth is NOT to be trifled with. Always ready for adventure, Phoebe rushed to the aid of the universe, accompanied by her multi-phasal sabre, Addonexus, earning her the title ‘’the Mageblade’’ among her friends. Phoebe is lured by her fascination with Eldrid ‘’magic’’, ancient relics, and her penchant for invention to bring more of her Hemsworth Mage-tech to the battlefield. MARQUIS LLC - TEMPORAL DISTORTION: Alter the flow of time in a targeted area for 6 seconds, slowing all enemies who are inside of the time warp. - PREDATORY STRIKE: Deploys Hoodini to a target location to collide with passing enemies, dealing a large amount of damage. A maximum of 3 owls can be active on the battlefield at once. ULTIMATE - BINDLEBLAST: A powerful single shot that deals a large amount of damage, and increases its damage the longer it is in flight. Must be charged before firing. PASSIVE - EIN, ZWEI, DIE: Rifle shots mark your target. The third shot on the same target adds a large amount of of your attack damage as bonus damage. Marquis d’Caliber was once butler to Phoebe before an odd encounter with the LLC’s AI leader, the Magna Carta, altered his personality. Now, this highsociety sociopath wreaks havoc on the unwashed masses with his sniper cane Bindlebane and his explosively temperamental mechanical owl, Hoodini. CALDARIUS JENNERIT - GRAVITIC BURST: Launch yourself forward. At the end of the dash deal a large amount of damage. - FLASHBANG: Fires a grenade that deals a large amount of damage and blinds enemies for 1 sec. ULTIMATE - AERIAL ASSAULT: After charging for 1s, jetpack high into the air. Activate the skill again to land at a targeted location and deal a large amount of damage. PASSIVE - GRAVITIC MANIPULATORS: Caldarius can activate his thrusters to jump a second time mid-air, in any direction. Caldarius won his name, fame, and eternal Sustainment in the Jennerit Fighting Pits. Armed in the jet-enhanced J-HTX Assault Frame armor of the Jennerit Shock troops, Caldarius is brutally efficient at hit-and-run close-quarters fighting. RATH JENNERIT - CROSSBLADE: Rath throws energy blades forward a limited distance, dealing a large amount of damage. - CATALYTIC SMASH: Rath unleashes a shockwave dealing a large amount of damage directly ahead. ULTIMATE - DREADWIND: Rath spins into a whirlwind attack for 4 seconds, causing a large amount of damage per hit to enemies around him. PASSIVE - GENETIC SYPHON: When Rath damages an enemy’s health he steals health worth 10% of the damage from melee attacks and 10% of damage from skill attacks. Verod Rath is not a vampire, though he gets that a lot. Rath is a master bladesmith and swordsman of the Jennerit Empire, once a member of the Keepers of the Blade — the elite guard of Empress Lenore. Rath is deeply focused on the art of battle, applying his three phasic energy blades with lethal efficiency. BOLDUR ELDRID - SHIELD DASH: Leap forward, damaging and knocking back enemies on impact. RUNE POWER: Unleash an EMP at the end of the dash, damaging nearby enemy shields - AXE TOSS: Throws Boldur’s axe through multiple enemies, dealing damage to each enemy. RUNE POWER: Axe explodes on impact, dealing a large amount of damage to nearby enemies. - ULTIMATE - RUNE MAGIC: Increases Axe damage when meleeing or health regeneration when blocking damage while Shielding. Using Axe Toss or Shield Dash, consumes the magic. PASSIVE - RAGE: Killing enemies causes Boldur to melee faster for a short time. Boldur the Unbearable is a stubborn, axe-wielding native of Ekkunar who has survived the last two millenia of interruptions to his quiet forest life through sheer stubbornness and the aid of the civilian militia he leads called the Woodsworn. Tough as a gnarled root, the Ekkuni dwarf carries only a rune-forged axe and shield into battle against any foe who dares land their dropship in his front yard. THORN ELDRID - VOLLEY: Fires a horizontal swath of 5 arrows, each dealing a large amount damage. Volley arrows ricochet off of world terrain. - BLIGHT: Summons a field of corruption. Enemies caught within this field take a large amount of damage every 0.5 seconds. ULTIMATE - WRATH OF THE WILD: After a brief charging period, hurls a massive energy bomb that explodes dealling a large amount of damage and knocks enemies backward. PASSIVE - NATURE’S JUDGEMENT: Ready and hold an arrow to charge it. Enemies hit with a charged arrow are cursed for 8 seconds. Skills and charged arrows deal a large amount of additional damage to cursed enemies. Teshka Elessamorn—nicknamed “Thorn’’ for her short temper—was the last aelfrin child of her homeworld before it was darkened by the Varelsi. Thorn ranges the jungle-wilds of Ekkunar and beyond with her bow “Kreshek’’ and her battle-honed skill with advanced Eldrid “magic’’. MIKO ELDRID - CLOUD OF SPORES: Throw a spore sack that explodes on contact, dealing a large amount of damage to enemies and slowing all enemies in the blast radius. - BIOSYNTHESIS: Miko gains a large amount of health over 5 seconds. During that time the effectiveness of Miko’s healing beam is increased. ULTIMATE - FUNGUS AMONG US: Hurl a mushroom to create an area of effect lasting 45 seconds. Allies gain a large amount of health per second while in range. Can be destroyed by enemies. PASSIVE - MOLECULAR MYCOLOGY: Miko’s kunai poisons enemies on impact, dealing a large amount of damage every half-second for 2 seconds. The last surviving bud of a once planet-sized fungal colony, Miko is widely known as compassionate and very skilled healer. Now more of a combat botanist, Miko devotes its time to restoring all which can be restored and throwing kunai at things which cannot be restored. ORENDI ROGUE - NULLIFY: Orendi knocks herself back, dealing a large amount of damage at the initial point. - SHADOWFIRE PILLAR: Target an area, after 1.5 seconds, Orendi will call down a mighty pillar of shadow and flame at the target location, dealing a large amount of damage. ULTIMATE - PARADIGM SHIFT: The area directly in front of Orendi erupts in chaos energy. Enemies caught in the blast take a large amount of damage PASSIVE - GNOSIS: Activating Nullify lowers the cooldown of Pillar by 8 seconds. Feared even by members of her own faction, the unhinged and unpredictable Orendi channels powerful magic-like energies, striving to test herself against the universe’s greatest foes. She has more than earned the title the “Chaos Witch’’. OSCAR MIKE PEACEKEEPERS - FRAG GRENADE: Launch a grenade that explodes 3 seconds after launch or 1 second after impact, dealing up to a large amount of Damage to each enemy within its blast radius. - STEALTH GENERATOR: Activate a cloaking device obscuring Oscar Mike from view and radar detection for 9 seconds. Attacking or using a skill cancels the effect. ULTIMATE - AIRSTRIKE: Target an area to strike with 28 laserguided missiles, each of which explodes dealing a large amount of damage to enemies. PASSIVE - TACTICAL ROUNDS: Oscar Mike’s Assault Rifle is loaded with tactical rounds. The first 15 rounds in each magazine, deal additional damage. Cloned to fight in a war that ended years past, Oscar Mike now brings well-crafted modern combat instincts to the Solus War, with the effective, sure fire of earnest objectives, strong missions, and excellent personal hygiene. Master of the UPR-AR7 Assault Rifle and the UPR-MkII Battle Augmented Deflective Armor Stealth Suit. MONTANA PEACEKEEPERS - LUMBERJACK DASH: Montana dashes and collides with an enemy, dealing a large amount of damage and knocking them back. If the hit enemy hits an object or ally, they are stunned for 1.0 seconds. - HAILSTORM: Loads a specialized ammunition that slows enemies hit. Adds armor that reduces damage taken. ULTIMATE - MANSFORMATION: Stomp the ground, dealing a large amount of damage and knocking up nearby enemies. Montana takes reduced damage for 8 seconds after. PASSIVE - HEATWAVE: The hotter Montana’s minigun is, the more bonus damage it deals. When he’s not clotheslining bears for fun, Montana can be found on the battlefield, soaking up industrial-sized buckets of hurt and suppressing enemies with his fearsome minigun. A friend to everyone, Montana controls the Battlefield with sprays of ice or fire, and sometimes just a good old fashioned knock-the-tree-down-with-my-shoulder dash. © 2015 Necromonger, LLC. 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