Sponsorship Opportunities

Honorary Chairs
James Lake, James Lake & Assocs.
Harold McFarlane, INL
General Chair
Finis Southworth, AREVA
Assistant General Chairs
Danielle Perez, INL/IANS
Teri Ehresman, IANS
Financial Chair
Robert Skinner, IANS
Technical Program Chairs
Mark DeHart, INL/IANS
Todd Palmer, Oregon State Univ.
Kent Welter, NuScale Power
Publications Chair
Germina Ilas, ORNL
Spouse Activity Chairs
Cindie Jensen, INL/IANS
Gülru Yavuz-Sen
Student Arrangement Chair
Massimiliano Fratoni,
UC Berkeley
April 2015
Dear Prospective Sponsor,
The Reactor Physics Division, in conjunction with the Idaho Section of
the American Nuclear Society, is proud to host the PHYSOR 2016
Topical Meeting on the Physics of Reactors. This meeting will be held
in Sun Valley, Idaho, May 1-5, 2016. The meeting will focus on
unification of theory and experimentation in reactor physics. This letter
serves as an invitation to you and/or your company to participate as
an Individual or Corporate Sponsor.
Attached you will find information regarding Sponsorship levels and
benefits as well as a listing of typical “Frequently Asked Questions.”
Additionally, there is an opportunity to sponsor specific events at the
Topical such as support for student attendance, coffee break(s),
speakers breakfast(s), lunch(es), welcome reception, banquet, special
evening event, and/or student “best paper” awards.
PHYSOR 2016 will draw approximately 400 professionals and
students both nationally and internationally. At the Corporate level,
this level of attendance will provide your company a significant
avenue to promote assets and services in addition to interacting with
prospective candidates for internships and employment.
If you are interested in participating as a Sponsor, or would like
additional information, please feel free to contact me at anytime. I look
forward to hearing from you.
International Relations
Jim Gulliford, OECD/NEA
Deokjung Lee, UNIST
Jean-Pascal Hudelot, CEA
Danielle Perez
Assistant General Chair, PHYSOR 2016
c/o Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society
P.O. Box 51635
Idaho Falls, ID 83405-1635
Phone: 208-526-1228
Fax : 208-526-2930
Email: danielle.perez@inl.gov
Sponsorship Opportunities
The following sponsorship opportunities are available. We hope you will take advantage of
this chance to increase your company's visibility. It is through the generosity of our sponsors
that we can continue providing technical exchanges such as this meeting.
Conference Sponsor
Conference sponsors can contribute financially to the overall hosting of the meeting, or to
specific events. Various suggested sponsorship levels are provided below, but the
conference organizers are open to additional sponsorship ideas. However, creative ideas
will need to be developed early in the conference planning process.
Banquet Sponsor:
Platinum Sponsor:
Gold Sponsor:
$ 15,000 -$ 18,000*
$ 10,000
$ 5,000
Silver Sponsor:
Bronze Sponsor:
Supporting Sponsor
$ 1,500
$ 500
$ 250
Descriptions of benefits of each level of support are provided on the following page.
Gift Bag Sponsorship
Promotional Items
Sponsors are welcome to contribute to the conference by providing promotional items such
as bags, pens, or other items that can be distributed to the attendees as part of the
registration package. The Conference expects over 400 participants. Any sponsor providing
such items must provide a sufficient number so that each participant can receive one.
Please contact Danielle Perez (Danielle.Perez@inl.gov) for more information on how to
become a sponsor of PHYSOR 2016.
*Banquet Sponsorship will provide for transportation to/from and dinner at River Run Ski Lodge and gondola rides to the
Roundhouse on Mt. Baldy with hors d'oeuvres and a view. Sponsor would be able to have prominent logo/branding
placement at both the Lodge and Roundhouse.
Benefits of the various sponsorship levels.
Banquet Sponsor
Sponsorship for the conference banquet on Wednesday evening
and receive:
• •
Special Recognition in the Final Program
Company name prominently posted at the banquet location
Display opportunities during coffee break
Two complimentary registrations granted.
Two seats at Chair’s table for the Banquet.
Company Logo on PHYSOR 2016 Website
Opportunity to include items in Conference Gift Bag.
Exhibit Sponsorship:
Display opportunities during coffee break
Recognition in the Final Program
distributed to all attendees.
One complimentary registration granted.
Company Logo on PHYSOR 2016
Opportunity to include items in Conference
Gift Bag.
Sponsorship for a conference dinner and receive:
• Special Recognition in the Final Program
Recognition in the Final Program
distributed to all attendees.
Company name will appear on signs posted in the dining hall.
Display opportunities during coffee break
Two complimentary registrations granted.
Company Logo on PHYSOR 2016 Website
Opportunity to include items in Conference Gift Bag.
Sponsorship for a conference lunch or refreshment break and
• Special Recognition in the Final Program distributed to all attendees.
Company name will appear on signs posted during breakfast, lunch
or break.
Display opportunities during coffee break
One complimentary registration granted.
Company Logo on PHYSOR 2016 Website
Opportunity to include items in Conference Gift Bag.
Company Logo on PHYSOR 2016
Opportunity to include items in Conference
Gift Bag.
Recognition in the Final Program
distributed to all attendees.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find information and updates on the Topical?
Please check the Topical Website at www.physor2016.org for up-to-date information.
If my company sponsors an event what benefits are included?
Your company will receive the benefits that reflect their contribution level and
recognition during the event. These benefits are noted on the corporate sponsorship
information sheet.
What is the breakdown of the total number of events?
There will be seven coffee breaks, three speakers breakfasts, four lunches, a poster
session, a welcome reception, a banquet, and potential for another evening event.
Other sponsorship opportunities include support for student attendance, and student
best paper awards (3 total)
What type of file should the company logo be submitted as?
Any file type (JPG, PDF, GIF, etc), although JPG is preferred.
What is the expected attendance?
PHYSOR 2016 is expecting approximately 400 attendees.
How many company brochures should be submitted?
We won’t have an estimate of the number of attendees until the paper submission
begins. Please check the Topical Website at www.physor2016.org for up-to-date
When does the sponsorship commitment need to be paid?
For planning, our preference is within 30 days upon deciding to participate.
Who should the check be made out to and where should it be sent?
Please make the check out to “PHYSOR 2016 Topical” and mail it to:
Robert Skinner – Treasurer, PHYSOR 2016
c/o Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society
P.O. Box 51635
Idaho Falls, ID 83405-1635
PHYSOR 2016 Sponsorship Invoice
Address (cont’d)
Postal Code
Please make checks payable to PHYSOR 2016
Enclosed is our
check in the
amount of:
$ 18,000 - Banquet Sponsor with hosted bar
$ 15,000 - Banquet Sponsor with cash bar
$ 10,000 - Platinum Sponsor
$ 5,000 - Gold Sponsor
$ 1.500 – Silver Sponsor
$ 500 - Bronze Sponsor
$ 250 - Supporting Sponsor
Credit Card Payment
☐ American Express
☐ Discover
☐ Master Card
☐ Visa
Card Number:
Exp. Date:
Cardholder’s Name:
Amount: $
Cardholder’s Signature: