Public Interest Alberta’s Ninth Annual Advocacy Conference April 9 - 11, 2015 Chateau Louis Conference Centre Edmonton, Alberta A JUST aND FaIR ALBERTa Making It Happen The 2015 PIA Conference is about seeding new ideas and hopes for the future. The speakers are dynamic and progressive affording you some of the best thinking and critical analysis of current issues facing all of us in Alberta. Welcome to PIA’s Ninth Annual Advocacy Conference Spring is in the air and what better time to discuss and renew our positions and hopes for a better Alberta. Public Interest Alberta marked its 10th Anniversary last year and this celebration offered the opportunity to look back and reflect on all that the organization has accomplished since its inception in 2004. Public policy changes come about in painstakingly slow ways particularly in a province like Alberta where the population is so marginalized and complacent. Mainstream media and corporate influences further reinforce old stereotypes and out of date thinking despite new research, knowledge and evidence our policies are imbalanced and favor the advantaged. Whether you examine health care, gender/ LGBTQ equality, environmental or taxation policies, Alberta lags behind many if not all Canadian provinces in our adaptability and progressive policy approaches to these issues. A Just and Fair Alberta For All is achievable if our minds are open to considering approaches and alternatives. Avi Lewis, Colleen Fuller, Asbjørn Wahl and Bill Phipps are guaranteed to get you thinking. So, enjoy the dialogue and refreshing, engaging outlooks on what approaches Alberta could take. Remember that change is rooted in the daily conversations we have with other people in our homes, workplaces and communities. This conference will equip you with new information needed to influence others and collectively contribute to the public policy evolution Alberta so desperately needs. In closing, I want to thank our exemplary staff: Bill, Karen, Joel and Julie for their tremendous work in ensuring this conference is organized and runs smoothly. Acknowledgements would not be complete without also mentioning the Board of PIA who continues to advocate and lead the way to a stronger and more democratic province for all. Sincerely, Linda McCulloch, PIA Board Chair A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 1 Agenda Thursday, April 9, 2015 7:00 pm Welcome & Introductory Remarks Grand Ballroom Keynote Speaker - Avi Lewis “Our Power: Battling Austerity with a Bold Green Vision” 8:30 pm Reception St. Michael’s Room Friday, April 10, 2015 8:30 am Registration Foyer 9:00 am Welcome Grand Ballroom 10th Anniversary Video Overview of the Day Plenary - Asbjørn Wahl “Fairness and Justice: A Question of Social Power” 10:25 am Break Solarium 10:45 am Plenary - Sarah Hainds Grand Ballroom “Fighting Against the Corporate Attacks from the Classroom to the State Capital & Beyond” 11:45 am Organized Lunch Solarium 12:45 pm Plenary - Colleen Fuller Grand Ballroom “Driving the Wrong Way: Neoliberalism and Health Care in Canada” 1:55 pm Priorities for Change Workshops Workshop 1 Executive Workshop 2 Leland Workshop 3 Roseberry Workshop 4 Rosslyn Workshop 5 Commercial Workshop 6 Ballroom 3:25 pm Break Solarium 3:45 pm Panel - Laura Benson, Kelly Dowdell & Jacqueline Fayant Grand Ballroom “Effective Organizing for People and the Planet” Page 2 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Agenda 4:45 pm Action Wall 7:00 pm “On the River” Performance Grand Ballroom Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:00 am Overview of the Day 9:10 am Panel - Ricardo Acuña, Elisabeth Ballermann & Larry Booi “Getting There from Here - Revenue Reform, Public Services and Democracy” 10:10 am Break 10:30 am Making it Happen Workshops Workshop 1 Executive Workshop 2 Leland Workshop 3 Roseberry Workshop 4 Rosslyn Workshop 5 Commercial Workshop 6 Ballroom 12:00 pm Organized Lunch Solarium 1:00 pm Plenary - Bill Phipps Grand Ballroom “Setting the Direction: Achieving a Just and Fair Alberta” 2:00 pm Wrap Up & Closing 2:15 pm Adjournment A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Grand Ballroom Solarium Page 3 Keynote Presentation AVI LEWIS Our Power: Battling Austerity with a Bold Green Vision Thursday, April 9, 2015 7:00 pm - Grand Ballroom MC - Linda McCulloch, President, Public Interest Alberta How to build movement power in a one party state that is ruled by the interests of the richest industry on earth? With examples and film clips from his forthcoming global documentary, “This Changes Everything”, Avi Lewis argues that it’s time for those defending the public interest to go on the offensive with an inspiring, positive vision of the future we want. Social movements around the world are fighting back against the logic of austerity and endless extraction by harnessing the urgency of the climate crisis to advocate for a massive transition to a low-carbon economy. Alberta could be a crucible of this strategy in Canada. With his trademark wit and journalistic rigour, Avi will challenge Albertans to connect the dots between climate, social justice, and a fairer economy: beyond the election, there is a world to win. Avi Lewis is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and television journalist. His first feature length film, The Take (2004), followed Argentina’s new movement of worker-run businesses and was released theatrically, winning several awards. In 2009 and 2010 Avi hosted Al Jazeera English Television’s Fault Lines. He has also worked at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as the host of On the Map, The Big Picture, and counterSpin. Page 4 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Plenary Speakers ASBøjRN WaHL Fairness & Justice: A Question of Social Power Friday, April 10, 2015 9:25 am - Grand Ballroom MC - Jason Heistad, Secretary Treasurer, Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Social development is a question of social power. The post World War II development with welfare states and social progress was the result of an important shift in the balance of power in society – first and foremost due to the strengthening and the struggle of the trade union and labour movement. The economic crisis and the neoliberal offensive since about 1980 have reversed this development. Labour and social movements have been pushed on the defensive, market forces have gained ground, and the result is increasing inequality and unfairness, weakening of our democracy and a demobilisation of social forces. If we want to turn the tide, we will have to shift the balance of power again, and this can only be done through the mobilisation of social power through broad social alliances. Based on Norwegian and other experiences, the speaker will analyse and draw some conclusions on how this can de done. Asbjørn Wahl is Adviser at the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees and director of the broad Campaign for the Welfare State. Trained in history and sociology, he has many years of experience in the trade union movement, at the national as well as at the international level. He is currently Section Vice President of the International Transport Workers’ Federation and also member of the Co-ordinating Committee of Forum Social Europe (an informal trade union network). He has published a number of articles on political, social, and labour questions in magazines and books both in Norway and internationally. A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 5 Plenary Speakers SaRaH HaINDS Fighting Against the Corporate Attacks from the Classroom to the State Capitol & Beyond Friday, April 10, 2015 10:45am - Grand Ballroom MC - Jonathan Teghtmeyer, Alberta Teachers’ Association Sarah will describe how an activist group of teachers evolved from fighting against privatization and military expansion in the Chicago Public Schools to leading one of the country’s largest teachers unions, and becoming an inspiration for labor and community groups across the country and abroad. Sarah Hainds has been working as a member of the research team at the Chicago Teachers Union since 2010. Focusing on the negative effects of socio-economic inequities on disadvantaged communities, Sarah researches the privatization of school district programs, the expansion of charter schools, and disparities in school facilities and school funding. Her research is published in union position papers, media communications, conference presentations, policy briefs, and union member communication documents. Sarah has a masters in urban planning and policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago and serves as the Treasurer on the Board of Directors of ARISE Chicago, an inter-faith workers’ rights advocacy organization. Page 6 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Plenary Speakers COLLEEN FULLER Driving the Wrong Way: Neoliberalism and Health Care in Canada Friday, April 10, 2015 12:45pm - Grand Ballroom MC - Sandra Azocar, Executive Director, Friends of Medicare Neoliberalism – often called neoconservatism in Canada – is a belief in unfettered capitalism, free trade, individualism, and less government social spending. The main role of the state in a neoliberal economy is to aggressively expand private property rights and markets, and deploy political, legal, and regulatory systems to achieve these goals. The passage of the Canada Health Act in 1984 was a significant “push back” against the diffusion of neoliberal ideology in Canada. But it was framed by two other events in line with neoliberal reforms that reflected a dramatic shift in Canadian domestic and foreign policy – the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and free trade with the United States. These two events have had an impact on both the delivery and financing of health care and, indeed, on the basic foundations of universal medicare. Colleen Fuller is a health policy researcher, consultant, and writer. She is the author of several books, including “Caring for Profit: How Corporations Are Taking Over Canada’s Health Care System” and (with Diana Gibson) “The Bottom Line: The Truth About Private Health Insurance In Canada.” Colleen is currently working with the BC Health Coalition, an intervenor in the Brian Day Charter challenge against BC’s medicare laws. She is also a cofounder of PharmaWatch Canada, a critical consumer voice on Canadian prescription drug policy and an advocate of greater regulation of the drug industry to support safe and effective medicines for Canadians. She is on the board of Women and Health Protection and is a coauthor of “The Push to Prescribe: Women and Canadian Drug Policy.” A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 7 Plenary Speakers BILL PHIppS Setting the Direction: Achieving a Just and Fair Alberta Saturday, April 11, 2015 1:00 pm - Grand Ballroom MC - Heather Smith, President, United Nurses of Alberta This closing session will layout the foundations for how we can take action together to achieve a just and fair Alberta. Bill Phipps will be pulling the ideas, strategies and stories from the plenary speakers and reviewing the input and commitments made from people in the breakout sessions, into a closing talk that will set the direction and inspire citizens’ action for the year ahead. Bill Phipps is the Co-founder and Chair of Faith and the Common Good network and Chair of the Calgary Peace Prize committee. He is active in issues of climate change and right relations with First Nations. He was the Moderator (spiritual leader) of the United Church of Canada from 19972000 and is a former lawyer. He has been the Minister of United Church congregations in Toronto and Calgary. He learned community organizing with Saul Alinsky’s organization in Chicago. He has traveled to Congo, South Sudan, East Timor, Israel, Palestine, Japan, Jordan, and all of Central America representing the United Church of Canada, focusing on human rights. Now retired and living in Calgary, he calls himself an Earth Urbanist. He is married to writer Carolyn Pogue, with children and grandchildren in Yellowknife, Winnipeg, and Toronto. Page 8 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Panel Presenters Effective Organizing for People and the Planet Friday, April 10, 2015 3:45 pm - Grand Ballroom This plenary panel will explore various strategies used by other advocacy organizations to mobilize and organize people for more effective advocacy. The panelists will share their experiences and insights from their past and current campaigns: working to phase out coal, organizing campaigns with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities, and using digital tools for organizing mass grassroots public pressure. MC - Sherry Hunt, Southern Alberta Council Rep, Public Service Alliance of Canada LaURa BENSON is the Director of Dogwood Initiative’s Beyond Coal campaign. She has a master’s degree in Urban Studies from Simon Fraser University and 15 years of experience working on organizing and advocacy campaigns in British Columbia, California, and Oregon. This work has taken her through everything from local elections to living wage policies and toxic-free neighbourhoods to port accountability and responsible investment. She lives atop Burnaby Mountain with her husband, her two sons, and her tuxedo cat. KELLY DOWDELL is the Online Campaign Manager for Leadnow responsible for developing responses to current events and policy developments through online campaigns while coordinating online integration support for longer-term, strategic, organizing initiatives across the country. Over the past 15 years she has been both a scholar of and participant in citizen-based movements and initiatives supporting participatory democracy, community development, indigenous rights, economic and social justice and peacebuilding. JacQUELINE FaYaNT is an Edmonton-born Métis woman, with strong family roots in the Fishing Lake Métis Settlement. She has had extensive experience working with marginalized populations, and advocacy has always been the common thread in her work. Jacqueline has enjoyed specializing in community development and social/environmental justice. Currently she works for Mother Earth Action Cooperative, in partnership with other ENGO’s to bring environmental justice to disenfranchised groups and communities. A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 9 Panel Presenters Getting there from here – Revenue Reform, Public Services and Democracy Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:10 am - Grand Ballroom This panel will help participants to ‘connect the dots’ for building a just and fair Alberta through advocacy founded on three key elements: revenue reform, improved public services and stronger democracy. The panel of local advocates will share their insights into how effective advocacy on these cross-cutting elements will be instrumental in building the Alberta we want. MC - Siobhan Vipond, Secretary Treasurer, Alberta Federation of Labour RIcaRDO AcUÑa is Executive Director of the Parkland Institute, a political and economic research institute at the U of A. He has a degree in Political Science and History and over 20 years experience with various nonprofit organizations. Ricardo has spoken extensively and written on issues of water, NAFTA, commodification of the commons, and energy policy in Alberta to students, teachers, and numerous community groups. He is a regular media commentator and writes a column for VueWeekly in Edmonton. ELISaBETH BaLLERMaNN has been President of Health Sciences Association of Alberta since 1995, becoming the first president elected by the membership. She joined HSAA in 1980 when she started her health care career as a physical therapist at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. In order to enhance her academic background in labour relations, Elisabeth graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the U of A. Her extensive community service was recognized in 2005 with the awarding of the Alberta Centennial Medal. LaRRY BOOI has long worked to strengthen education and support the public good. The former President of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and vice-president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, he has been actively involved in curriculum development and written textbooks used in Alberta schools. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education, U of A. Larry has played a central role in the establishment and growth of Public Interest Alberta and is Chair of PIA’s Democracy Task Force. He was the Chair of PIA’s board from 2007 to 2014. Page 10 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Advocacy Workshops Concurrent Breakout Session One - Friday, April 10 @ 1:55 pm - 3:25 pm Priorities for Change Workshops Conference participants will be divided into six breakout sessions to discuss the “Priorities for Change” document included in the kits. Each session will focus on recommendations of one or two of the nine action areas in the document. Through this process we hope to be able to get insight and feedback from people with varying levels of experience and backgrounds into the proposed recommendations. The conference participants are being divided up so that we get a good cross section of people from various organizations and backgrounds. To that end, we ask that people go to the workshop number that is listed on your name tag (see room listing below). Concurrent Breakout Session Two - Saturday, April 11 @ 10:30 am - Noon Making it Happen Workshops Conference participants will go back to their same workshop breakout rooms to discuss how individuals and organizations can best advocate for the priorities outlined in the document. People will be asked to take the learning from the plenary sessions and/or from their own advocacy experiences to outline what can be done to achieve a just and fair Alberta for all. Breakout Session Rooms: Workshop 1 Executive Workshop 2 Leland Workshop 3 Roseberry Workshop 4 Rosslyn Workshop 5 Commercial Workshop 6 Ballroom Upper Floor Upper Floor Lower Floor Lower Floor Bottom Floor Main Floor A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 11 On the River Performance Friday, April 10, 2015 7:00 pm - Grand Ballroom Edmonton Singer Songwriter With Aboriginal Women’s Trio Maria Dunn Asani ON THE RIVER is a live performance by singer-songwriter Maria Dunn and Asani, an acapella Aboriginal women’s trio. Through the lens of the life of former chief, Dorothy McDonald, this multi-media presentation tells the story of the Cree, Dene, and Metis’ peoples community of Fort McKay which is a town located just north of Fort McMurray in the midst of major oil sands sites. Suggested eateries in the Kingsway area for the dinner break prior to the “On the River” performance: Chateau Louis Hotel Julian’s Piano Bar Royal Coach Dining Room Best Western Hotel Runway 29 Restaurant & Lounge 11310 109 Street Ricky’s All Day Grill 11431 Kingsway Boston Pizza - Kingsway 11440 106 Street Chateau Nova Restaurant 159 Airport Road Ramada Hotel GRAZE Restaurant 11834 Kingsway Moxie’s Grill / Bar 10628 Kingsway Page 12 A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Conference Planning Committee Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Public Interest Alberta Karen Werlin, Public Interest Alberta Joel French, Public Interest Alberta Julie Hrdlicka, Public Interest Alberta Larry Booi, Public Interest Alberta Ricardo Acuña, Parkland Institute Sandra Azocar, Friends of Medicare Chris Galloway, Council of Canadians Shelley Magnussen, Alberta Teachers’ Association Conference Sponsors/Supporters Alberta Teachers’ Association Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Local 54 Aspen Foundation Civic Service Union Local 52 Friends of Medicare Health Sciences Association of Alberta Parkland Institute Public Service Alliance of Canada United Nurses of Alberta CKUA Radio Vue Weekly A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen Page 13 Public Interest Alberta Public Interest Alberta 3rd Floor, 10512 122 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5N 1M6 Ph: (780) 420-0471 email: Facebook Page: Twitter: @PIAlberta Conference Twitter Hashtag: #PIAconf Advocating for a Better Alber ta for All
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