7701 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore, MD 21208 410-887-1207 http://pikesvillems.bcps.org Diane Richmond, Principal, drichmond@bcps.org follow on Twitter @DianeRichmond15 April Franklin, Assistant Principal, grade 6, afranklin5@bcps.org Anne Hammel, Assistant Principal, grade 7, ahammel@bcps.org Kevin Feeney, Assistant Principal, grade 8, kfeeney@bcps.org DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday, April 2 Third Marking Period Ends. Students are dismissed three hours early. Friday, April 3-Sunday, April 12 Spring Break Thursday, April 23 Distribution of Third Quarter Report Cards Wednesday, May 13 Fourth Quarter Interims Distributed Wednesday, May 20 Fourth Quarter Parent Conference Evening Monday, April 13 Schools Reopen Wednesday, April 15 PMS Family Association Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 16 Eighth Grade Farewell Celebration at Pikesville Middle School NEW THIS YEAR: 8TH GRADE FAREWELL CELEBRATION Unlike years past, the Eighth Grade Farewell Celebration will be an all-day event on June 16 (rain date will be June 15 or June 17) at Pikesville Middle School. The celebration will include a morning ceremony for eighth grade students and their families (please plan to br ing your own chair ). The rest of the day will give students the opportunity to celebrate with their classmates by participating in a cook-out, field games, and other fun activities. More information is forthcoming. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Doran (adoran@bcps.org ) or Mrs. Cain (gcain@bcps.org). If you would like to join the parent planning committee, contact Mrs. Flaks (sherriblayne@yahoo.com). HEALTH SUITE NEWS Spring has finally arrived, and allergy season is upon us. The Health Suite does not have allergy medication to relieve symptoms for itchy eyes or the miserable “stuffy nose” related to springtime allergies. Please medicate your child with allergy medication at home before he/she comes to school Also, springtime allergies can exacerbate asthma. Please bring a doctor’s order and the medication to school if an inhaler is needed by your child, and one is not already in the health suite. Newly Required Vaccinations: At the start of the 2015-16 school year all 7th and 8th grade students will be r equir ed to have the Meningococcal vaccine (Menactra) and a booster dose of Tdap (also called Boostrix or Adacel). Most children receive these vaccines at the age of 10 or 11 years of age. Parents of current 6th graders are encouraged to check with their child’s health care provider to see if they have received these vaccines. If your child is missing either or both of these vaccines please schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. Once completed, please provide verification of immunizations to the school nurse. A letter has been sent home to each current 6th grader who is missing one or both of these vaccines. Included in this letter is a copy of your child’s current immunization record from the student’s health file at school. Please direct questions or concerns to the school nurse, Angela Prestandrea: aprestandrea@bcps.org 410-484-9347. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Now that the weather has warmed up, students in physical education will be going outside for class. Please make sure your child has a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt to keep in his/her locker. For health reasons, students may not wear the clothes they wore to school. SIXTH GRADE SUSHI LUNCHEON The 6th grade Sushi Luncheon will take place in May. Students will be presented with an overview of Japanese culture, including how to roll their own Sushi and how to fold origami. Be on the lookout for the permission slips and details in April from your child’s world cultures teacher! COMING SOON: HAIRSPRAY JR. Hairspray Jr. will be presented on May 7 and May 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Tickets are $10.00 per person and can be purchased at the door or at the school store one week before the performance. Everyone is welcome to attend. Don’t miss this great show! NAMETAG PROCEDURE All BCPS students are required to wear identification badges at school. It is our new school procedure that all students turn in their ID badges before leaving school to prevent loss. A second badge will be sent home soon for students to use as identification outside of school, if needed. 2015-2016 REGISTRATION Sixth and seventh grade students will be meeting with guidance counselors and bringing home registration forms for 2015-2016 classes. Look for these forms after Spring Break, and please sign and return them in a timely manner. Please contact your child’s counselor at (410) 887—6725 or via email if you have questions: Grade 6: Mr. Hecht rhecht@bcps.org Grade 7: Mr. Hess mhess@bcps.org CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SPELLING BEE SENSATION! Congratulations to seventh grader Laura R. who advanced to the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee in Baltimore and won 2nd place! A NOTEWORTHY ACHIEVEMENT! Our outstanding Eighth Grade Choir qualified for the Maryland State Choral Festival by earning a “one superior” rating at the Baltimore County Choral Festival in March. Congratulations! YEARBOOKS Yearbooks are on sale for $25, cash or money orders only. Give your child a wonderful keepsake to remember the fun times in middle school! Mrs. Yadush is collecting money for yearbooks each morning before homeroom in room 45. ART NEWS Congratulations to the following students who participated in the Baltimore County Juried Art Show: Olivia L. (received the honor of having her art displayed on the BCPS Visual Arts website), Laura R. (awarded Honorable Mention in the Drawing/Painting Category), Tyasia M., Dylan C., Ruth M., Ethan R., Elijah J., Chava A., Sam S., Sydney S., Layla F., and Karla T. Congratulations to the following students whose artwork was displayed at the Owings Mills Youth Art Exhibit: Katelyn F., Ke’Shawn S., Maya G., Kyah T., Sydney S., Samara M., Emily P., Jaclyn W., Ruth M., Ethan R., Elijah J., and Chava A. A MESSAGE FROM THE FAMILY ASSOCIATION Attention all Pikesville Middle School Parents: Do you want to get more involved? Do you want to know more about Pikeville Middle School? The Pikesville Middle School Family Association (our version of the PTA) is restructuring and looking for parents who care about Pikesville Middle School. No previous experience is required. All skill sets and interests welcome! Minimal time commitments. If you are interested in working to make Pikesville Middle School the best it can be for our children, please contact Randi Nagel for more information or to join the team! randinagel@gmail.com Girl Scouts of Central Maryland | 4806 Seton Drive | Baltimore, MD | 21215| 410.358.9711 Farm & Food Spring Break Camp There is no better way to excite kids about food then to get them into the kitchen. Youth ages 9-13 will spend the day learning where their food comes from, gaining an appreciation for agriculture and gardening, exploring their natural world, playing games and making crafts, as well cooking up something special to take home. Monday - April 6, 2015 - Canning 101(blueberry spice jam) Wednesday - April 8, 2015 – Goat’s Milk Cheese and Fudge Single Day Registration: $80/child/day Three Day Registration: $180/child Friday - April 10, 2015 – Breakfast Muffins Drop-Off 8:30am…….Pick-up 3:30pm @ The Baltimore County Ag-Center and Farm Park. (1114 Shawan Rd – Cockeysville, MD) NOTE: Lunch is not included. Campers must bring their own lunch. Register Online: http://farmandfoodcamp.eventbrite.com
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