Published by the Dumbarton Middle School PTSA

Dumbarton Middle School
300 Dumbarton Road,
Baltimore, MD 21212
410-583-7020 fax
A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Sue Harris, Principal
May, 2015
Liz Heil, Assistant Principal
Cheryl Scott, Assistant Principal
Jen Burch, Assistant Principal
From the Principal’s Desk….
I am very proud of our students! They are certainly achieving at a high level and they are
actively engaged in clubs and teams that are accomplishing great things. Friday night the
Radical Ropers performed at DMS and they amazed the crowd with their skills and team
work. In addition, our Band, Orchestra and Chorus competed at the BCPS Assessments this
week and did an outstanding job. We also hosted two BCPS musical assessments at DMS last
week which highlighted our school. Saturday our track and field team attended the BCPS
track meet competing against 25 other schools. A number of our students came in 6 th, 7th or
8th place in the standings. All of these groups embody DMS values which include
demonstrating tenacity, problem-solving, team work, collaboration, supporting each other
when challenges arise, knowing how to continue forward should mistakes be made,physical
fitness, refining skills over time, and taking risks. We realize that these accomplishments
only occur after long hours of practice, team work, teacher and parent support!
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. It is a privilege to work with such a talented
staff. Wednesday Ms. Katie Meyer, French teacher, is being honored by BCPS as the DMS
Teacher of the Year. She is not only a dedicated teacher but she has been an integral part
of sponsoring groups such as the DMS Cheer Squad, the Kindness Club and the Student
Government Association. Her classroom is one that is student-centered, provides
meaningful movement, collaboration is evident as are high expectations. Monday, Mr.
Ferenschak, was also named BCPS School Counselor of the Year. Mr. Ferenschak has
worked at DMS for many years and is deeply dedicated to his students and their families.
His professionalism and empathetic approach and positive relationships with students
enables them to reflect on decisions and move forward in a positive manner. For example, in
July two students came to school asking for Mr. Ferenschak’s help however he was off for
the summer. I called him at home and he immediately provided support to these two young
ladies. This is just one example of his dedication. I am honored to have both Ms. Meyer and
Mr. Ferenschak on our team at DMS!
This month is filled with activities at Dumbarton. The PTA is sponsoring the 8th grade Last
Luau Dance this Friday night. Tickets are on sale this week and the dress code for the
event is school appropriate casual-wear. The PTA is sponsoring assemblies for all grade
levels this Friday where they will hear a poet speak. Other events have been planned by the
teachers for 6th and 7th graders later in May as well. There are also many musical concerts,
and parent meetings on our calendar. Parent meetings include:
Monday, May 11 at 6:30 PM: Renovations Update at PTA General Assembly Meeting
See PTA President Amy Kline’s message later in this newsletter for more details.
Wednesday, May 13 at 7 PM: Orientation for Parents of incoming 6 th graders. We
appreciate your flexibility due to the power outage that caused us to cancel our April date.
As the year comes to a close, please continue to encourage your children to make
appropriate clothing choices so we can continue our focus on education at DMS. Our
building does get hot as we do not have air conditioning. Students need to be mindful that
they are dressing for school and not the beach. Lately the majority of our reminders have
been related to reminding students that all undergarments need to be covered and young
ladies need to be mindful that shirts are not cut too low. As you know, our students are
growing and clothing that might have fit earlier in the year may now be too revealing. Thank
you for assisting us in ensuring our school climate is one that supports a focus on learning.
Did you know that Dumbarton Middle was named a Maryland Blue Ribbon School in 1998?
We were selected for the honor based on the positive teaching environment, parent and
community support and other indicators of success which included student and school-wide
assessments. This year were chosen to be a BCPS Lighthouse Middle School to lead the way
with the digital conversion and student-centered learning. On May 4th Rodger’s Forge
Elementary School held a Night of Innovation which highlighted their students and what
they have learned this year as a BCPS Lighthouse Elementary School. I attended this
wonderful event as did many DMS teachers. We were amazed to see how proficient
students were not only with the laptop computers but how engaged and active learners they
have become due to innovative and blended instructional approaches. We look forward to
continuing the Lighthouse learning approach with all of our incoming students. To learn more
about S.T.A.T. and the move to digital learning visit:
and see the section on Digital Pioneers (Lighthouse Schools).
Please note that BCPS bus transportation is reserved for students officially assigned to
that particular bus. As of May 4, 2015 Dumbarton Middle will no longer be able to permit
students to ride other student’s busses even with a parent note due to insurance/legal
reasons. We have already been making announcements at school to inform students.
Attention Grade 8 Parents: Transition Year Residency Verification letters were mailed
home last week. BCPS requires that all families of 8th grade students will need to verify
their residency with their child’s current school. Please plan on providing proof of residency
prior to June 1st. The quickest method is for you to make copies of your documents and
send them in with your child. You can also bring the documents to school and we can make
copies. On the evening of the 8th grade concert, May 27th the counseling office will be open
from 3:30 PM until 6:30 PM to assist with residency documentation. When residency is
verified each child’s family will receive two tickets to our farewell assembly. Seating is
limited due to fire safety restrictions in our auditorium. There will also be an evening
Awards Assembly on June 17 that will provide unlimited seating for family and friends.
Students receiving awards at that event will receive an invitation
in the mail in early June. Thank you for your cooperation with
this process.
Enjoy these sunny days of May!
Susan E Harris
Dive into Some
Good Books this
Students in sixth and seventh grades will be able to check out up
to 10 books from the DMS Library Media Center to enjoy for the
summer break. Simply, complete the summer loan permission slip
and have your student(s) return it to the library media center.
Summer check out will begin on June 5, 2015. Students MUST
have a clear library media account in order to be eligible to check
out materials for the summer. Materials borrowed from the DMS
Library Media Center materials will be due the first week of
school and no later than 9/4/2015.
2015 Summer Library Loan Permission Form for 6th and 7th
Grade Students
I, _____________________________________________ (please print name),
would like permission to borrow up to ten (10) books from the DMS Library over the summer. I
have no outstanding library obligations and will be returning to Dumbarton in the fall. I agree to
return the material that I borrow during the first week of school and no later than 9/4/2015. I also
agree to pay for any of the books that I lose or that are damaged while in my possession.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Street Address
Phone #
Once this form has been signed and returned to the DMS Library, you may check out books for the
summer. Any questions, please contact Ms. Wroy via email at
Student Copy
_____________________________ has been granted the privilege of borrowing library materials
during the summer. He/she understands that he/she may borrow up to ten (10) items and that all
material will be returned to the library during the first week of school and no later than 9/4/2015.
He/she has agreed to pay for all lost or damaged materials. All books will be due the first week of
A list of material borrowed for the summer on this student’s account has been attached.
Radical Roper Showcase 7:00 PM
PARCC Testing (8:00- 11:00AM)
Grade 8 Farewell Dance 7:00PM
PTA General Assembly Meeting at 6:30 PM– updates on Renovations – all are welcome
5th grade orientation at 7PM
Grade 6 Spring Concert 7:00 PM
Interims Distributed
Grade 7 Spring Concert 7:00 PM
Grade 8 Ship Trip to the Baltimore Harbor
Grade 7 Field Day
Memorial Day: Schools Closed
Grade 7 Field Day rain date
Grade 8 Concert 7:00 PM
Career Day: 8th grade
Honors Spring Concert 7:00 PM
National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony (time to be determined)
Grade 6 STEM Day
ESOL Picnic/Field Day
Grade 8 Awards Assembly 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Schools close 3 hours early
Last Day of School: Schools Close 3 Hours Early
8th Grade Farewell Assembly 9:00 – 10:30
For April 2015
Seth V.
Annie W.
Rand K.
Zoe S.
Fauz A.
Ammy M.
Michele R.
Rukhma B.
Suyog B.
Abby M.
Hannah E.
Ian S.
Sara O.
Nicole S.
Jack C.
Isabella C.
Margo G.
Miguel I.
Bronwyn M
Ms. Sharbonda would like to congratulate the above students for
working especially hard in Algebra & Geometry.
This week, individuals, organizations, businesses and places
of worship were affected by senseless acts of violence in our
city. We know that Baltimore is a strong and generous city
and we will recover. We need your help restoring stability to
our communities.
Your contribution to the Maryland Unites fund –
established in conjunction with the State of Maryland – will
help those impacted and restore Baltimore City. 100
percent of your donation will go toward humanitarian
relief and emergency support to nonprofits in the
affected neighborhoods*.
United Way of Central Maryland is committed, now more
than ever, to changing the odds for families and
communities. During this challenging time for our city, we
will continue to press forward with our work to improve
community conditions – ensuring that everyone has access
to healthy food and health care, a safe affordable place to
call home and a quality education.
Or text MDUnites to 71777
For information regarding volunteer clean-up efforts around
the city, please dial 3-1-1
May is here and the end of the year is fast approaching! We have several both, fun
and informative, upcoming events. First, our next general PTA meeting will be on
May 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. We will have our regular meeting, and also have BCPS
officials there to discuss and reveal the renovations for Dumbarton. The Lion's
Den is sponsoring an 8th Grade Dance on May 8, see this newsletter for the entire
scoop on this student input event! Also, the PTA will be supporting the 7th grade
field day with popcorn and volunteers. In addition, we are gearing up to assist the
8th grade with bus transportation for their Ship Trip and decorations for their
farewell assembly and awards evening. Our high school, Towson High, will be
sponsoring an informational meeting with Mike Gimbel on May 14 from 6:30-8:30
p.m. at the school. Mr. Gimbel is a substance abuse educator who has spoken at
DMS in the past and is currently the host of Straight Talk. See the ad in this
Finally, I would like to thank the countless volunteers and feedback this year!!
Specifically, I would like to acknowledge all the members of the PTA Board:
Ellen Sheridan
Karen Baroody
Sally Mogilnicki
Ann Hutson
Rebecca Kliman
Heidi Bunes
Kristin Zoll
Jessica Gregg
Aimee Freeman
Karen Rodriguez
Kristan Joice
Kristy Knuppel
Joy Lewandowski
Susanna DeRocco
Sue Parts
Dan Sievers
Sue Harris
Cordially Yours,
Amy Kline
PTA President
DMS Counselor News
Letters were mailed home last week informing parents of how to proceed
with this process which will result in your receiving two Farewell Assembly
tickets. If your child is not attending a BCPS high-school, please put that
information in writing and send it to the School Counseling Office so you can
receive your Farewell Tickets. Questions can be answered in the guidance
office at 410-887-5654 by Mrs. Stockton-Porter.
The School Counseling Department at Dumbarton Middle will be hosting an
8th Grade Career Day on Friday, May 29th from 8:30-12:35. We are looking
for speakers from all career fields to speak with the 8th grade classes about
their jobs. If you are interested in being a speaker or would like to know more,
please contact the 8th grade counselor, Ms. Campbell for more information at
410-887-5654 or
Remember to Renew Your Shared Domicile paperwork
If you currently are enrolled under shared domicile you will be receiving a
letter asking you to renew your shared domicile paperwork. Please
remember to do this prior to June 30th so that you are not withdrawn.
Private School Reminder:
If your child will be attending another school other than their geographically
zoned school (i.e. private schools, etc.) please send us this information in
writing to Ms. Maria Stockton-Porter in the School Counseling Office. This
ensures that your child’s information and file are correctly forwarded.
Thanks for your help. If you have questions contact Ms. Stockton-Porter in
the School Counseling Office at 410 887-5654
Transition Year Residency
Transition Year Residency Verification letters have been mailed home this
past week. All families of 5th and 8th grade students will need to verify their
residency with their child’s current school. Please review these letters and
make sure you bring the correct documentation so you can be prepared to
provide proof of residency after May 1st and prior to June 1st.
Internet Safety in 7th grade
In May the 7th grade students will be having lessons from their school
counselor, Matt Ferenschak, on Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship. It’s
always a good time to have discussions at home about how to conduct
yourselves online and what to do if someone is inappropriate or mean to you
The MATH 24 club would like to congratulate
recognize Max M., Ben W., Miguel I. and Aaron
all advancing to the semifinals of the county
Math 24 tournament and capturing silver
The club also would like to recognize Sophie M.
winning a bronze medal in the integers competition.
C. for
wide medals.
Mike Gimbel, who has been working with substance
abuse education, prevention, intervention and treatment
for over thirty years, will present a free program at
Towson High School on May 14, 2015 from 6:30-8:30
p.m. in the school auditorium. Currently, Gimbel is the
host of Straight Talk and works with the NCAA on substance abuse
education for college athletes. Spring is Prom and Beach Week time for
young adults, and this is an opportunity for parents and the community to
gather information and ask questions. This is an evening not to be missed!
Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented
The Center for Space Science in Howard County IS BACK!
The Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented Students is celebrating
its 48th year this summer. The MSC Programs is available for Gifted and
Talented students/advanced learners from grades 3 through 12 this year. Subject
areas that are still open include Space Science, Engineering and Robot Design,
Creative Writing, Space Engineering and Robotics, as well as Center for
Biotechnology and Forensic Science. Some Centers offer a residential
experience and others are held during the day only. ALL Centers offer partial
or full financial assistance! Minorities and students with disabilities are
encouraged to apply.
For more information and to begin the NEW ONLINE APPLICATION process,
please visi :
Application should be completed as soon as possible. The application period
ends when the Center is filled. We will continue accepting applications until
Centers are filled (many may be open until mid-to-late MAY).
The Center for Space Science at the JHU Applied Physics Lab in HOWARD
COUNTY has JUST OPENED. Registration for most of the remaining
Centers will close on about May 31! Please get the word out about the
fantastic opportunity for GT students!
Our pride is
Our future!