Dumbarton Middle School 300 Dumbarton Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 410-887-3176 410-583-7020 fax A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Sue Harris, Principal April, 2015 Liz Heil, Assistant Principal Cheryl Scott, Assistant Principal Jen Burch, Assistant Principal From the Principal’s Desk…. April is here and that means students have successfully completed third quarter at Dumbarton Middle School. Before we know it we will be in June. This week MAP test results reports were given to students to bring home. The data show that our students continue to excel at high levels. Should you have questions about the MAP test home reports feel free to contact Ms. Cheryl Scott, Assistant Principal & Test Coordinator at cscott2@bcps.org. As you may know, last month we were selected to be one of seven schools to become a Lighthouse Middle School next year. That means that our school will be embarking on a transformation in terms of focusing on increased student engagement through student-centered learning activities in the classroom. This also includes personalized and customized learning which fosters student collaboration and includes providing opportunities for student choice. Flexible grouping is also used to better meet student needs. In addition, our incoming 6th graders will be receiving computer devices to use in the classroom and take home next year. The following year, all middle school students will be provided with computer devices. We are certainly excited about this opportunity! Visit the BCPS Website to learn more about Lighthouse Schools and student-centered learning: http://lighthouse.bcps.org/learner-centered-environments.html Spring is here and hopefully we will soon see warm weather returning to Towson. We sincerely appreciate your monitoring your child’s attire each morning. Appropriate clothing helps us ensure that there are not distractions to the learning environment. Our school dress code can be found in the first few pages of each child’s agenda book. We will also be utilizing morning announcements to remind our young people to dress for success at school and avoid wearing clothing more suited to the beach. We encourage all parents who now have 5th graders to come to our Parent Orientation on April 22 at 6:30 pm. At that time, we will provide a preview of a day at DMS for a 6th graders, review the expectations of our academic program and provide other pertinent information. May is also a busy month! Did you know that the PARCC test includes two parts given several months apart? We gave the first part in March and the PARCC end of year assessments will be administered at BCPS schools the first week of May. At Dumbarton, May 4 & 5 will be English/Language Arts PARCC testing and May 7 & 8 will be Math PARCC testing. The tests will be administered in the morning and should conclude prior to lunch shifts. We appreciate your ensuring your child arrives on time for school. We also look forward to seeing you at our grade level concerts in May. Spring also involves more safety drills. BCPS requires that we complete one fire drill each month and selected months we also conduct severe weather drills and lock down drills. All of these practice drills ensure that students and staff know what to do in case of a real emergency. As we enter into spring when strong storms sometimes come through Towson please know that we are prepared as we monitor a NOAA weather radio daily. Officer Brown also continues to be a wonderful addition to our faculty. He also serves as a resource for families. He can be reached by calling school or through email at tbrown@bcps.org. We are very grateful to have such a dedicated, caring police officer assigned to Dumbarton. I wish you and your family a wonderful, sunny spring break. We look forward to seeing our students back at Dumbarton on Monday, April 13. Sincerely, Susan E Harris Principal TAKE YOUR CHILD TO WORK DAY Thursday, April 23, 2015 is Take Your Child to Work Day: A national effort to help teach kids about the work-a-day world of their parents and to get them dreaming about their own grown-up careers. It is an excused absence as long as DMS receives a parent signed note informing us that your child was at work with a parent. [2] Science 8 MSA 8th grade students will participate in the science MSA on April 13-14, 2015. The science MSA meets the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act and assesses Maryland content standards in science. MSA scores will show how well Maryland 8th graders have learned the science skills specified in the State Curriculum. To prepare for testing students are encouraged to get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast the morning and arrive at school on time with a positive attitude knowing that he/she will do well on the test. Severe Weather Drill On Wednesday, March 25, 2015, Dumbarton Middle School participated in its first severe weather drill of the school year. The drill required students and teachers to leave their classrooms and sit in designated safe areas located in hallways away from windows and doors. Once students were staged on the first and second floors, we practiced moving students and staff from the second floor down to the first floor. This is an important step to practice since some weather emergencies require all students and staff to be on the first floor. The drill was well executed as students and staff did an excellent job moving quickly and quietly to their designated locations. 8th Grade Field Trip to Towson High School As part of the county’s articulation plan to help students transition to feeder elementary and high schools, 8th grade students will be visiting Towson High School (THS) on the afternoon of April 14, 2015. During the visit students will see a dress rehearsal of Towson High School’s presentation of Hairspray, the THS administration will address the group, and there will be a brief tour given by the THS student government association. [3] Ship Trip Update The finalized date for the 8th grade tour of the Baltimore harbor is Thursday, May 21, 2015. This is a change from the May 22 date that was originally published. Please update your calendars. Also note that the trip occurs during the school day so students should dress in accordance with the guidelines established in the Student Handbook. Detailed information, including permission forms for the “Ship Trip” will be sent home soon. Nurses Notes Another friendly reminder to the parents of our 6th graders: Please send in the required up-dated vaccine information before school ends in June if at all possible. Please refer to the information on the yellow flyer which was sent home with interim reports a couple weeks ago. Proof of vaccination can be sent in with your child or e-mailed to Mrs. Miedusiewski at dmiedusiewski@bcps.org. Please use “Vaccine update” on your subject line. A reply will confirm receipt and updating of your child’s health file per the State guidelines. KINDNESS CLUB Thank You!!! The Kindness Club and Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in our Cereal Drive during the week of March 17th. The Sarah’s Hope and the Hannah More Shelter were overjoyed at your generosity [4] 8th Graders: 8th grade students will be visiting Towson High School on Tuesday, April 14th from 1:10-2:30. We are excited that our students are getting this opportunity to visit Towson High. Please be on the lookout for permission slips coming home soon! This is a FREE trip! All students will still be joining us on the trip to Towson High School even if they do not plan to attend Towson. SCHOOL RECORDS FOR STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING TOWSON HIGH: If your child will be attending another school other than their geographically zoned school (i.e. private schools, etc.) please send us this information in writing. This ensures that your child’s information and file are correctly forwarded. If you have questions contact Ms. Stockton-Porter in the School Counseling Office at 410 887-5654. CAREER DAY FOR 8th GRADERS The School Counseling Department at Dumbarton Middle will be hosting an 8th Grade Career Day on Friday, May 29th from 8:30-12:35. We are looking for speakers from all career fields to speak with the 8th grade classes about their jobs. If you are interested in being a speaker or would like to know more, please contact the 8th grade counselor, Ms. Campbell for more information at 410-887-5654 or scampbell3@bcps.org. [5] Instilling a Growth Mindset: The Power of Yet! Dumbarton Middle School provides a culture of encouragement fostering continual student growth with the belief that through effort, motivation and resilience, all students will improve academically and achieve personal success. Work harder, get smarter! How easy is it to change a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? It’s as easy as one word: yet. The next time you hear your child say, “I can’t do so-and-so”, add “yet”. Think about the fixed finality of “can’t”: it implies that not only am I unable to do something now, but I will never be able to do it. “Can’t” stifles growth, but by adding “yet”, you open the door for improvement: “I can’t do so-and-so yet, but I may be able to in the future.” “Yet” also implies desire: if I can’t do something, I may not care enough to try again, but if I can’t do something yet, that means that I want to be able to do it, and I am willing to continue trying in order to be able to do it. That desire, that motivation, is key because developing new abilities requires effort, hard work, and perseverance—it doesn’t just happen overnight. To foster the power of “yet”, Carol Dweck, the main proponent of developing a growth mindset, recommends praising students for their process, not for their intelligence, and rewarding their effort, strategy, and progress, not just their achievement. She believes that by embracing the power of “yet”, parents and teachers can help students break out of the “tyranny of now”—the unrealistic expectation that they must be masters of academic skills now or not at all—and build their confidence to embrace challenge and risk the possibility of failure that goes hand-in-hand with learning new skills. Watch Carol Dweck’s TED Talk on “The Power of Yet” to learn more about instilling a growth mindset in your children: http://unclutteredwhitespaces.com/2014/12/the-power-of-yet/ [6] Greetings from the PTA We are busy planning some spring activities after a long winter!! The PTA and the Kindness Club just finished collecting many, many cereal boxes for Sarah's Hope at Hannah More. Thank you so much to Susanna DeRocco for organizing. The Lion's Den will be hosting Game Night on April 24. Listen to morning announcements and follow us on Facebook to hear the details. Also, we are planning a special Teacher Appreciation Week for May 4-8 please email Karen Rodriguez (krodasada@yahoo.com)if you can help. We were pleased to present the teachers with $20 gift cards at their March 16 Faculty Meeting. Far too many times teachers are using their own funds to purchase items for classrooms; this is just a small way for all of us to help. Finally, we are looking for new PTA officers for next year. It is a simple and fun way to stay connected with your middle schooler. Please contact me (amykline@att.net) if you are interested!! Best Regards, Amy Kline PTSA Membership Update As of March 27th, 545 parents and teachers have joined the DMS PTSA. We'd like to thank each of you for joining the PTSA and contributing your dues. The money we collect from your membership dues provides multiple opportunities for our students and teachers throughout the school year. Some of these activities include sponsoring the Lion's Den social events, grade-level assemblies and classroom enrichment materials, as well as supporting Teacher Appreciation Week. It's not too late to join the DMS PTSA! The cost is $10 for one adult and $20 for two adults. Please contact Rebecca Kliman at rebecca.kliman@gmail.com if you'd like to join. Happy Spring! [7] APRIL FITNESS CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Cardio Arms & Abs Cardio Cardio 30 min. end of the week walk/jog/run Scavenger Hunt or Geocaching Power up your day 30 sec. plank 20 tricep extensions 15 minute walk 30 sec. bicycles during your 20 arm curls lunch break 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cardio Energize your week Leg Work Cardio Arms & Abs Cardio Cardio 4 x 10 squats 25 Calf Raises 2 x 20 walking lunges Power up your day 35 min. end of the week walk/jog/run 30+ minutes of outdoor activity with a friend or your family Rest Day 1 mile walk/run/jog 10 x 3 push ups 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cardio Energize your week Leg Work Cardio Arms & Abs Cardio Cardio 4 x 10 squats 25 Calf Raises 2 x 20 walking lunges Power up your day 40 min. end of the week walk/jog/run 30+ minutes of outdoor activity with a friend or your family Rest Day 1.5 mile walk/run/jog 10 x 3 push ups 19 30 sec. plank 20 tricep extensions 15 minute walk 30 sec. bicycles during your 20 arm curls lunch break 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cardio Energize your week Leg Work Cardio Arms & Abs Cardio Cardio 4 x 10 squats 25 Calf Raises 2 x 20 walking lunges Power up your day 45 min. end of the week walk/jog/run 30+ minutes of outdoor activity with a friend or your family Rest Day 1.5 mile walk/run/jog 10 x 3 push ups 26 30 sec. plank 20 tricep extensions 15 minute walk 30 sec. bicycles during your 20 arm curls lunch break 30 sec. plank 20 tricep extensions 15 minute walk 30 sec. bicycles during your 20 arm curls lunch break 27 28 29 30 Cardio Energize your week Leg Work Cardio Arms & Abs 4 x 10 squats 25 Calf Raises 2 x 20 walking lunges Power up your day Rest Day 2 mile walk/run/jog 10 x 3 push ups 30 sec. plank 20 tricep extensions 15 minute walk 30 sec. bicycles during your 20 arm curls lunch break [8] DUMBARTON MIDDLE SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Spring 2015 April 13-14 13 14 22 23 24 Grade 8 MSA Science Test (8:00 - 10:00 AM) PTSA Executive Board Meeting 6:00 PM Towso n High School trip – 8th grade (1:00-2:30 PM) Grade 5 Parent Orientation 6:30 Report Card Distribution PTSA Event – Game Night May 1 4,5 & 7,8 8 11 18 20 21 25 27 29 June 1 3 17 18 19 Radical Roper Showcase 7:00 PM PARCC Testing (8:00- 11:00AM) Grade 8 Farewell Dance 7:00PM PTSA Executive Board Meeting 6:00 PM Grade 6 Spring Concert 7:00 PM Interims Distributed Grade 7 Spring Concert 7:00 PM Grade 8 Ship Trip (during school) Memorial Day: Schools Closed Grade 8 Concert 7:00 PM Career Day for 8th graders Honors Spring Concert 7:00 PM National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony Grade 8 Awards Assembly 7:00 – 8:30 PM Schools close 3 hours early * Last Day of School: Schools Close 3 Hours Early Eighth Grade Farewell Assembly 9:00 – 10:30 * Last day/dates are subject to change. [9] [10] Math 24 Club The MATH 24 club would like to congratulate and recognize Max M, Ben W, Miguel I. and Aaron C. for all advancing to the semifinals of the county wide - Math 24 tournament and capturing silver medals. The club also would like to recognize Sophie M. for winning a bronze medal in the integer’s competition. For March 2015 Bryce E. Caroline C. Hannah E. Shayna B. Max B. Miguel I. Luke G.P. Margo G. Rose R. Laurel B. Steffi C. Caroline M. Max G. Sarah K. Oliver W. Caroline R. Kristina R. Elisabeth Sw. Ms. Sharbonda would like to congratulate the above students for working especially hard in Algebra & Geometry. [11] Meet Dumbarton Middle’s Radical Ropers Student Spotlight is a regularly-updated feature that highlights Baltimore County Public Schools students involved in a wide range of activities and programs. To see more student spotlights, click here. Dumbarton Middle School is very proud to be the home to the only jump rope team in Baltimore County. This will be the Radical Ropers’ 17th year at Dumbarton Middle School. These hard workers practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. There are 33 jumpers all together, including a team manager. The coaches of the Radical Ropers are Mr. Overtoom and Ms. Morrison. They push the jumpers to be the best they can be. The travel team (pictured) is the team that goes on the road. They travel at to at least four to 10 schools a year. The cub team stays at Dumbarton and performs at other events. These jumpers perform many jumping tricks, from doing a cartwheel into the rope to doing solid butt bounces. These jumpers are not just great jump ropers, but they are also wonderful role models for other students. The best part about being a Radical Roper for most of the team is to simply entertain. The team works together through tough and easy times. If you want to see the jumpers in action join us May 1 at Dumbarton Middle School. The show is at 7 p.m. and costs $2 a person. You will be amazed at how talented they are! [12] Tickets will be sold during lunch shifts several days prior to April 24. We hope your child joins us! [13] [14] [15] [16] At DMS, Our pride is Our future! [17]
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