14th Annual Matthew 11:28 Thank you for considering 2015 CWC Sponsorship. 501(c)(3) nonprofit Catholic evangelization apostolate 2015 Conference ‘Saint’ Sponsorship Matthew 11:28 Organized by The Pilgrim Center of Hope A Catholic evangelization apostolate for the Archdiocese of San Antonio since 1993 PilgrimCenterOfHope.org 7680 Joe Newton San Antonio, TX 78251 (210) 521-3377 (210) 521-0288 FAX 14th Annual Catholic Women’s Conference August 28-29, 2015 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center CWCSanAntonio.com Facebook.com/CatholicWomen CWC Founder Mary Jane Fox CWC Coordinator Nan Balfour cwc@pilgrimcenterofhope.org CWC 2015 Steering Committee Nilza Britton Laura Garza Vallerie Hartfield Katherine Jass Slone Elvira Jimenez Suki Jimenez Pam Mandeville Amy Montesdeoca Sylvia Martinez Rose Marie Ponce Julie Reyna Angela Sealana Be a saint and partner with us as a Conference Sponsor at this year’s Catholic Women’s Conference, to be held August 28-29, 2015 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in downtown San Antonio. The Catholic Women’s Conference (CWC) mission is to foster an appreciation for the personal dignity of women, to encourage women to know and love God, and to inspire women to use their feminine gifts for the transformation of family and society. Women who attend the CWC have experienced conversions, healings, have returned to the Church, and some have even heard a call to consecrated life. One 2014 attendee shared: The CWC truly has helped me to grow and have a closer relationship with God. At last year’s conference, I carried many emotional burdens and thanks to the holy experience during the weekend, I can say a couple of months after[,] my bad emotions converted to giving and forgiving. I am so happy I make time to attend the CWC to be celebrated, encouraged and rewarded by God by being present this weekend. I count my blessings for CWC! This annual event for women is produced by our small non-profit, the Pilgrim Center of Hope, which exists solely on donations. We are asking you to partner with us in producing this conference, which comes at a cost of $100,000 each year. Will you be one of our saints? Women who answer our Lord’s invitation to “Come to Me” at the CWC receive the opportunity to experience what Pope Francis described when he said, “No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her ... whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.” I encourage you to visit CWCSanAntonio.com and watch our 2-minute video to learn more about this transformational event for women. Please read the benefits of the Sponsorship Levels listed on the following page and prayerfully consider at which level you can sponsor. May God bless you! In Christ, Nan Balfour CWC Coordinator 2015 Conference ‘Saint’ Sponsorship Levels We kindly ask that you prayerfully discern at which level you are able to partner with us in our mission to women. $600 - Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified • (10) Registration Vouchers advertising your sponsorship that you can give to female clients, family, friends, etc., to attend CWC 2015 • Half-page Ad in the Conference Companion Booklet • Sponsor Recognition on the CWC Website & Event Signage $1,000 - Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity $2,500 - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross $5,000 - St. Thérèse of Lisieux These three sponsor levels include the following benefits: • (10) Registration Vouchers advertising your sponsorship that you can give to female clients, family, friends, etc., to attend CWC 2015 • Full-page Ad in the Conference Companion Booklet • Sponsor Table (staffed or unstaffed) at the CWC • Sponsor Recognition on the CWC Website & Event Signage $12,000 - St. Teresa of Avila • All the benefits listed above • PLUS - a pilgrimage! This special sponsor level includes (1) paid passage on a scheduled Pilgrim Center of Hope pilgrimage from San Antonio. Based on double occupancy. Must be used by end of 2016. To Sponsor the 2015 Catholic Women’s Conference, please complete the attached Sponsorship Form and return to the Pilgrim Center of Hope by July 27, 2015. To discuss your questions and comments in person, contact Nan Balfour, Coordinator, at (210) 521-3377 or cwc@pilgrimcenterofhope.org. 2015 is the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila, this year’s Conference Patron. In honor of the Year of Consecrated Life, we have selected consecrated women of the Carmelite order to represent our sponsor levels. The Pilgrim Center of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, funded by the generosity of private donors. The Pilgrim Center of Hope is blessed with the full endorsement of the Archdiocese of San Antonio and is spiritually supported by and at the service of Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S. We appreciate your support and take seriously your trust in our apostolate to be good stewards of your treasure. 2015 Conference ‘Saint’ Sponsorship Form Yes - I Want to be a Saint! Please check at which level you are sponsoring: $12,000 - St. Teresa of Avila $5,000 - St. Thérèse of Lisieux $2,500 - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross $1,000 - Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity $600 - Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified Sponsor Benefit Preferences Matthew 11:28 Companion Booklet Ad: Yes, I want an ad for my organization included in the Companion Booklet. No, thank you. Half-page is 3.5” H x 4.5” W; Full-page is 7.5” H x 4.5” W. Email your black & white ad design as PDF or JPG to cwc@pilgrimcenterofhope.org by August 1, 2015. (Complimentary design services are available with advance notice.) Website Recognition: Yes, I will provide my organization logo and website address to be included on the CWC website. No, thank you. Email logo & link to cwc@pilgrimcenterofhope.org. Sponsor Table: Staffed Sponsor Table - I will provide persons to staff my sponsor table in the Exhibitor Gallery at CWC. Unstaffed Sponsor Table - I will have a sponsor table with promotional material in the Pre-Function Area. None - I will not have a sponsor table at CWC. Nan Balfour will follow up with details about your sponsor table. Contact Information Organization: Physical Address: Mailing Address: Contact Person: Daytime Phone: Other Phone: Email Address: I have included my payment by check, made out to “The Pilgrim Center of Hope”. MasterCard Name on Card: VISA Discover I prefer to give my payment information over the phone. Please call me. #: Expires: Security Code (on back): Thank you! Feel free to call us at (210) 521-3377. Please submit completed form with payment to: The Pilgrim Center of Hope, 7680 Joe Newton, San Antonio, TX 78251.
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