April 2015 NEWSLETTER NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY—PINELLAS CHAPTER The purpose of the Florida Engineering Society shall be the advancement of the public welfare and the promotion of the professional, educational, social, and economic interests of the engineering profession; to stimulate and develop professional concepts among all engineers; and to strive throughout the profession to make registration more meaningful in terms of individual achievement in engineering as reflected by education and practice. FES Pinellas Chapter April Membership Meeting DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 (See Attached) Program: Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition Presented By: Mallory Likes Dimmitt Executive Director of the Florida Wildlife Corridor Location: Pinellas County’s General Maintenance Division South Training Room 6730 142nd Avenue North, Largo Time: 11:30 A.M.: Registration and begin lunch (Sandwiches & Drinks) 12:00 P.M.—1:00 P.M.: Presentation Cost: $15 Professional Members and Guests Please make your checks payable to FES Pinellas Chapter, Credit Cards Accepted. Registration collected at the door. R.S.V.P: Please send your RSVP to: Jonathan Gotwald (727) 822.4317 or E-mail: gotwald@georgefyoung.com Please RSVP — EARLY REGISTRATION is necessary to order appropriate food and drinks. ~ Thank you. APRIL 2015 SPECIAL FES CHAPTER MEETING HOSTED BY THE FES TAMPA CHAPTER DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 (See Attached) Program: Gateway Express Project, FDOT District 7 Presented By: Richard Moss, PE FDOT D7 Design Engineer Location: Clarion Hotel and Conference Center 2701 E. Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL 33612 Time: 11:30 A.M.: Registration (Please check in at the PINELLAS Chapter Table) 12:00 P.M.—1:00 P.M.: Lunch and Presentation Cost: $35 Professional Members, Guests and Students R.S.V.P: RSVP online and choose Pay at the Door Please make your checks payable to FES Pinellas Chapter. Please send your RSVP to: Jonathan Gotwald (727) 822.4317 or E-mail: gotwald@georgefyoung.com, AS WELL AS using the online registration by noon, Friday, April 10th. Please RSVP as walk-ins cannot be guaranteed a seat. Early on-line registration is greatly appreciated! INSIDE THIS ISSUE : President’s Message 3 FES Golf Tournament 4 Meet Pinellas FES Chapter ; FES Pinellas Chapter Membership 5 Pinellas Chapter K-12 Committee 6 FES News Pinellas Chapter News 7 FES News from Tallahassee April 2015 NEWSLETTER NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY—PINELLAS CHAPTER The purpose of the Florida Engineering Society shall be the advancement of the public welfare and the promotion of the professional, educational, social, and economic interests of the engineering profession; to stimulate and develop professional concepts among all engineers; and to strive throughout the profession to make registration more meaningful in terms of individual achievement in engineering as reflected by education and practice. 8 - 11 Mark Your Calendar 12 Job Announcements 13 Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs 14 President’s Message — F. Fred Dargahi, P.E., C.B.I. Dear FES Pinellas Chapter Members and Friends, I hope everybody is enjoying this pleasant spring weather. John Wayne called this weather “FALLSPRING” in the movie Shooter. Last month, we had the state wide middle school MATHCOUNTS competition on March 19th and 20th in Walt Disney, Orlando. Over 200 students participated in both individual and school group categories. Myself and Chapter Vice President / MATHCOUNTS coordinator Jon Gotwald, PE, were there as the representatives for the Pinellas Chapter. This month, we have two (2) Luncheon Meeting’s scheduled. On April 9th, the Program is Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition. Executive Director Mallory Lykes Dimmitt, will give a presentation at the Pinellas County General Maintenance Division South in Largo. On April 13, we have scheduled a joint meeting with ASCE, ASHE, FES Tampa, and FES Pinellas. The Program is Gateway Express Project. Richard Moss, PE (FDOT, D7 Engineer) is the guest speaker. The meeting will take place at the Clarion Hotel on Fowler Avenue in Tampa. Remember to sign your team up for our Annual Spring Golf Tournament scheduled for Friday, April 27th, at Eagles Golf Club (Odessa). The course is in great shape and will hopefully feature nice weather for the day. This Golf Tournament is our main fundraiser to help pay for scholarship for local high school seniors that will be studying engineering in college. We have varying levels of sponsorship’s for this fund raiser event. We need sponsors and volunteers that make these events such a hit. Company items for goody bags and donations for prizes are greatly appreciated. Looking forward to see you at the above events and at the Pinellas Chapter Board Meeting on April 17, at 7:30 AM at Village Inn on Gulf to Bay in Clearwater. Sincerely, ~ F. Fred Dargahi, P.E. ~ President FES Pinellas Chapter A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 3 26th Annual Pinellas Chapter FES Golf Tournament FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 The Eagles Golf Club 16101 Nine Eagles Drive Odessa, FL 33556 12:00 P.M. : REGISTRATION 1:00 P.M.: START TIME Regular Registration Deadline: April 22, 2015 Fee is $340 for foursome, $85 per player. Includes: Golf, Dinner, and Prizes. See attached brochure for more information. A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 4 MEET FES PINELLAS CHAPTER: WE NEED YOU!!!! Would you like to be featured in “Meet FES Pinellas Chapter”? If so, please e-mail FES Pinellas Chapter Secretary, Michelle Giuliani at mgiuliani@cityofsafetyharbor.com. We welcome all FES Pinellas Chapter Members, current or retired, to participate! FES PINELLAS CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP The FES Pinellas Chapter welcomes new members! If you know or work with someone who would like to join FES Pinellas Chapter, please sponsor them! Attached is a Membership Application. Contact Chuck Warrington or Jane Roberts for more information. Chuck Warrington, PE FES Pinellas Membership Development Director 400 North Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, FL 33755 Phone: 727-562-4901 Fax: 727-562-4902 E-Mail: chuck.warrington@clearwatergas.com Jane Roberts Member Services Representative Florida Engineering Society Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers PO Box 750 Tallahassee, FL 32302 Phone: 850-224-7121 Fax: 850-222-4349 E-Mail: jroberts@fleng.org A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 5 FES PINELLAS CHAPTER NEWS PINELLAS CHAPTER K-12 COMMITTEE The FES Pinellas K-12 Committee is providing our support to the latest addition to Pinellas County Schools Magnet Program at Azalea Middle School. The 2014-15 school year is the first year of the Middle Grades Engineering Gateway to Technology program and has already shown signs of success with 159 students. The Azalea Middle School Breakfast for Women Engineers (Sponsored by the FES) on Thursday March 19, 2015 had an extraordinary turnout of women, nearly 30, in STEM fields, representing Pinellas County, City of Clearwater, City of Largo, Raytheon, GE Systems, and many more local companies. The Pinellas Chapter FES was well represented and a THANK YOU goes out to: Tara Kivett, PE, Alex Hebert, EI, Nan Bennett, PE, Kimberly Tracy, PE, and Kathleen Ruvarek, PE. Thank you for representing the FES! Since the event, there have been 14 confirmed new applicants and many more requesting the applications and more information. All of the young women attending from Azalea MS received the book titled Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, which is a story relevant to the STEM topic. “Nan Bennett, PE, Kim Tracy, PE and Alex Hebert, EI - sharing with Azalea Middle School Students” A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 6 FES PINELLAS CHAPTER NEWS HIGH SCHOOL ENGINEERING INTERNSHIPS – Pinellas County Schools is looking for opportunities to place High School students in the Engineering and Pre-Engineering programs throughout the County in Summer Internships. The PCSB is looking for host companies or organizations that are willing to have our future Engineers work as interns for the summer months and possibly during the school year. Marti Giancola with the school district is coordinating this effort and anyone interested can contact Marti at GIANCOLAM@pcsb.org or Jon Gotwald at gotwald@georgefyoung.com. ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FES UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINES EXTENDED TO APRIL 12, 2015. SEE ATTACHED APPLICATION. FES offers several scholarship programs for students interested in pursuing careers in engineering. Volunteers are needed to assist with the chapter and state selection processes. For more information, please visit: http://www.fleng.org/scholarships.cfm A PR I L 20 1 5 N E W S L E T T E R Page 7 FES NEWS FROM TALLAHASSEE FES/FICE NEWS 2015 FES MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL UNDERWAY Renew today and keep YOUR professional society strong. The 2014-2015 FES Membership renewal statement is available for your review at http://www.fleng.org/customers.cfm. Invoices were mailed at the end of August and payments were due on October 1. Please contact Amanda (ahudson@fleng.org), Janice (janice@fleng.org), or Jane(jroberts@fleng.org) for assistance or call 850-224-7121. FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY ANNUAL DIRECTORY & GUIDE NOW AVAILABLE: GO TO: http://www.fleng.org ATTENTION FES MEMBERS The Florida Board of Professional Engineers is seeking nominations for the following Board seats: 1. Mechanical 2. Electrical 3. Non-Engineer (Public Lay Seat) The FES Nominating Committee is seeking recommendations and interest from members. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Charlie Geer, PE, F.ACEC (FBPE/FEMC Liaison) at charlie.geer@greyling.com. The Florida Board of Professional Engineers is established under the Engineering Registration Law, Chapter 471, Florida Statutes and is comprised of 11 members, nine of whom are licensed professional engineers representing multiple disciplines and two laypersons who are not and never have been engineers or members of any closely related profession or occupation. All members are appointed by the Governor for terms of four years each. The FBPE meets six times a year in designated locations around the state. http://www.fbpe.org/about-fbpe A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 8 FES NEWS FROM TALLAHASSEE (CONTINUED) Award for Chapter Excellence (ACE Award) Deadline, April 30, 2015 The ACE Award competition emphasizes individual chapter activities. The ACE Award is presented to the winning chapters at the Annual Summer Conference & Exposition in August. The emphasis on individual activities should allow for even competition between all chapters — small, medium or large. ACE Award Application - MS Word ACE Award Application - PDF 2015 FES Practice Section Awards Applications are available at www.fleng.org under each respective Practice Section. Florida Professional Engineers in Industry (FPEI) Submittal Deadline is April 17, 2015 to FES Headquarters - FPEI Engineer of the Year The FPEI Engineer of the Year Award recognizes the nominated engineer who has made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of engineers in industry. Florida Professional Engineers in Government (FPEG) Submittal Deadline has been extended to April 30, 2015 to FES Headquarters - 2015 FPEG Fellowship Award Application available at: http://www.fleng.org/FPEG/FPEGawards.cfm Submittal Deadline has been extended to April 30, 2015 to FES Headquarters - FPEG Government Engineer of the Year - FPEG Professional Development Award Florida Engineers in Construction (FECON) Submittal Deadline is April 17, 2015 to FES Headquarters FECON Scholarship Award Submittal Deadline has been extended to April 30, 2015 to FES Headquarters An applicant must: Be currently enrolled or accepted into a Florida university engineering program. Be in or entering his/her junior or senior year. Have at least a 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale. Be recommended by an engineering faculty member. Be interested in pursuing a career in the field of construction. Further questions, please contact Kelly Jones at kelly@fleng.org or 850.224.7121 A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 9 FES NEWS FROM TALLAHASSEE (CONTINUED) 2015 K-12 Awards CHAPTERS — IT IS TIME TO NOMINATE - Deadline May 15, 2015. The Florida Engineering Society K-12 Committee is pleased to present two awards designed to acknowledge individuals who endeavor to introduce engineering to K-12 students. K-12 Engineer Volunteer of the Year- recognizes the FES member who has volunteered his or her time to introduce engineering and technology concepts and activities to K-12 students. K-12 Teacher of the Year for Engineering - recognizes a K-12 teacher who creatively incorporates or promotes engineering and technology concepts and activities in his or her lessons in the classroom. Each of these awards includes a monetary prize to be presented to the teacher, school, volunteer, and chapter. Nomination forms are available on the FES K-12 website. Please review the nomination forms and make your nominations before May 15. The nominations will be reviewed by the K-12 Committee, and the winning engineer and teacher will be presented with their awards at the FES/FICE 99th Annual Summer Conference, July 29-August 1 at the Marriott Harbor Beach, Ft. Lauderdale. Geotechnical and Materials Engineers Council 2015 Conference April 9-10, 2015 Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront For more information, visit: https://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm?event_id=662 2015 Transportation Conference May 6-7, 2015 Wyndham Orlando Resort International For more information, visit: https://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm?event_id=665 Save the Dates FES/FICE 99th Annual Summer Conference & Exposition July 29-August 1, 2015 Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa Fort Lauderdale — Room Rate $159 plus 11% tax per night Special Concessions Reservations Cutoff Date: July 10, 2015 — Complimentary fitness center, 10% discount on hotel restaurants. Parking: 30% discount on self parking. FES Upcoming Seminars For more information please go to: http://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 10 FES NEWS FROM TALLAHASSEE (CONTINUED) Calendar of Events APRIL 9 GMEC Conference, Hilton Cocoa Beach https://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm?event_id=662 15—16 FICE / FDOT Mutual Gains, D2, Lake City http://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm?event_id=653 23 - 25 FELI Class of 2015, Session IV, Hyatt Jacksonville Riverfront MAY 6 - 7 2015 FICE Transportation Conference, Wyndham Orlando Resort International http://www.fleng.org/seminars.cfm?event_id=665 A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 11 Florida Engineering Society Pinellas Chapter Mark Your Calendar http://www.pinellasfes.org/ April 2015 April 9 : FES Membership and Guest Lunch Meeting at Pinellas County’s General Maintenance Division South — Training Room April 14: Special FES Chapter Meeting Hosted by the FES Tampa Chapter. Lunch Meeting at Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Tampa. April 17: 7:30 A.M. FES Board Member Meeting Village Inn - Gulf to Bay, Clearwater For additional information about these events contact the chapter officers or FES Headquarters at 850-224-7121 A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 12 JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS NONE AT THIS TIME A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R Page 13 Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs (2015) PRESIDENT Fred Dargahi, PE SECRETARY Michelle C. Giuliani, E.I. Annual Meeting David O’Connor (727) 431-1543 Awards Kevin Becotte (727) 464-5377 City of St. Petersburg City of Safety Harbor Charter & Bylaws David O’Connor (727) 464-5377 (727) 892-5379 (727) 724-1555, Ext. 1706 Communications Rick Bowers fred.dargahi@stpete.org mgiuliani@cityofsafetyharbor.com Conservation & Enviro. Quality R. Drew Hollis (727) 530-7600 PRESIDENT ELECT Brad Foran, PE PAST PRESIDENT Mahshid Arasteh, PE Construct Environment Vacant Energy Brian Langille (727) 562-4911 Lighthouse Engineering American Quality Consultants Ethical Practice Kevin Becotte (727) 464-5377 (727) 726-7856 (727) 543-1458 E-Week Banquet Fred Dargahi (813) 758-0052 bforan@lighthouseenginc.com americanquality Golf Tournament Fred Dargahi (813) 758-0052 K-12 Education Jon Gotwald (727) 822-4317 consultants@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT Jonathan Gotwald, PE STATE DIRECTOR David O’Connor, PE Leadership Adv. Legislative & Government Vacant George F. Young, Inc. Cardno TBE Affairs Mahshid Arasteh (727) 822-4317 (727) 431-1543 Membership Development Chuck Warrington (727) 562-4901 gotwald@georgefyoung.com david.oconnor@cardno.com MathCounts Jon Gotwald Professional Concerns R. Drew Hollis (727) 530-7600 TREASURER Brian Langille, PE FES STATE PO Box 750 Professional Development Bob Pierro (727) 789-9500 (727) 365-3616 Tallahassee, FL 32302-0750 Scholarship Student Professional Brad Foran Clearwater Gas System (727) 562-4911 1255 Gadson St. Development Vacant brian.langille@clearwatergas.com Tallahassee, FL 32301 Transportation Supersession Fred Dargahi (813) 758-0052 (850) 224-7121 FPEG Kevin Becotte (727) 464-5377 FECON Michael Gibson (410) 872-2250 FEE Vacant FPEI Rich Fraze FPER Don Henderson FICE Vacant FES@fleng.org A P R I L 20 1 5 NE W S L E T T E R (727) 543-1458 (727) 822-4317 Page 14 FES Pinellas Chapter April Membership Meeting DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 09, 2015 Program: Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition Presented By: Mallory Lykes Dimmitt Executive Director of the Florida Wildlife Corridor Location: Pinellas County’s General Maintenance Division South Training Room 6730 142nd Ave North, Largo Time: 11:30 A.M.: Registration and begin lunch (Sandwiches and Drinks) 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.: Presentation Cost: $15 Professional Members and Guests Please make your checks payable to FES Pinellas Chapter, Credit Cards Accepted. Registration collected at the door. R.S.V.P: Please send your RSVP to: Jonathan Gotwald (727) 822.4317 or E-mail: gotwald@georgefyoung.com Please RSVP — EARLY REGISTRATION is necessary to order appropriate food and drinks. April 2015 Special FES Chapter Meeting Hosted by the FES Tampa Chapter FES Tampa Chapter, FES Pinellas Chapter, ASHE and ASCE April Joint Meeting Notice Date: April 14, 2015 Program: Gateway Express Project, FDOT District 7 In partnership with ASHE & ASCE, the Tampa Chapter FES Luncheon hosts the Gateway Express Project w/ Richard Moss, PE as he presents on the Gateway Express Project connecting I-275 to US-19 and SR 686 in Pinellas County. Please join us for the opportunity to network and hear our District Design Engineer present on this high profile project! Speaker: Richard Moss, PE FDOT D7 Design Engineer (or his designated alternate) Location: Clarion Hotel and Conference Center 2701 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33612 Time: 11:30 AM: Registration (Make sure to check in at the PINELLAS Chapter Table) 12:00 noon: Lunch and Presentation Cost: $35 Professional Members, Guests and Students (Please make checks payable to FES Pinellas Chapter.) R.S.V.P. Please send your RSVP to Jon Gotwald at 727-822-4317 or gotwald@georgefyoung.com AS WELL AS using the Online RSVP Registration below and choose Pay at the Door by noon, Friday, April 10th. Please R.S.V.P. as walk-ups cannot be guaranteed a seat. Early on-line registration is greatly appreciated!!!! ****************************************************************************** In partnership with FES Pinellas, ASHE & ASCE, our April Luncheon hosts Richard Moss, PE (or his Designated Alternate) from FDOT District 7, as he presents on the Gateway Express Project connecting I-275 to SR 686 and US-19. Please join us for the opportunity to network and hear our District Design Engineer present on this high profile project! Note: the location and event fee of $35 applicable to this unique luncheon. CLICK HERE TO RSVP ONLINE!! Presenter Biography Mallory Lykes Dimmitt Executive Director, Florida Wildlife Corridor Mallory Lykes Dimmitt is a seventh generation Floridian whose childhood was partly spent exploring the lands and waters of central Florida. She pursued her passion for the outdoors by receiving her B.S. in Natural Resources from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. She was awarded a Doris Duke Conservation Fellowship at Duke University’s Nicholas School of Environment, where she earned a Masters of Environmental Management (MEM) in Environmental Economics and Policy, as well as a certificate in Non-profit Management. Mallory specializes in large landscape conservation and the nexus of agriculture and conservation, freshwater issues, and payments for ecosystem services. She is a currently a member of Class IX of the Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Mallory is the Executive Director of the Florida Wildlife Corridor, and recently lead the 2015 Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition to bring visibility to the Corridor vision and the public-private partnerships to conserve working lands. Previously she led The Nature Conservancy's Colorado Plateau Initiative from Telluride, Colorado, assessing large-scale conservation opportunities in a four-state region of the West, and prior to that directed the Southwest Colorado Project for the Conservancy's Colorado Chapter. Mallory has served as a member of Telluride’s Town Council and has worked with local, regional, state, and federal agencies and organizations on natural resource issues. Some of Mallory’s other projects include research in Sri Lanka for the International Water Management Institute and strategic planning and organizational development with Legacy Institute for Nature & Culture (LINC). Florida Wildlife Corridor The Florida Wildlife Corridor is a conservation advocacy organization focused on connecting, protecting and restoring corridors of conserved lands and waters essential for the survival of Florida’s diverse wildlife. The organization showcases the need to protect the missing links in the Corridor, preserve Florida’s waters, and sustain working lands and rural economies from the Everglades to Georgia and Alabama. A dedicated statewide Corridor will benefit wildlife, watersheds and people for generations to come. The Florida Wildlife Corridor aims to protect and restore connected landscapes throughout the Florida Peninsula and Panhandle to create a viable corridor from the Everglades to Georgia and west to Alabama. The corridor addresses the fragmentation of natural landscapes and watersheds from the Everglades ecosystem north. Contributing to the fragmentation problem is the disconnect between the perceptions of Floridians, and the real need to keep natural systems connected. The Florida Wildlife Corridor is positioned to mend the perception gap through an education and awareness campaign that demonstrates the connection between the landscapes and watersheds. If we show Floridians the panthers, bears, native cultures, ranchlands and rivers—and how they are all connected—then they can help us make the Florida Wildlife Corridor a reality. The centerpiece of this strategy is the Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition. The first expedition launched January 17, 2012, and traversed the Everglades ecosystem into Big Cypress, over to the Everglades Agricultural Area, back to the Okaloacoochee Slough, across the Caloosahatchee, over to Babcock Ranch, back along Fisheating Creek toward Lake Okeechobee, up the Kissimmee River with excursions toward the Lake Wales Ridge, up the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, east around Orlando into Ocala National Forest, and north along the O2O corridor (Ocala to Osceola) to Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. The trek covered over 1,000 miles in 100 days. The vision for the second Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition is to connect natural lands and waters throughout the northwest region of Florida, from the Green Swamp to the panhandle. Despite extensive fragmentation of the landscape in recent decades, a statewide network of connected natural areas is still possible Take a Friday afternoon off ... 26th Annual Pinellas Chapter FES Golf Tournament 16101 Nine Eagles Dr., Odessa, FL 33556 From Tampa Airport ... to treat yourself, your client or reward your vendor to a great day of golf at one of the most professionally manicured and enjoyable courses in the state. Proceeds will go to the Pinellas Education Fund for educational programs and scholarships for students in the Bay Area. Prizes will be awarded to first through third place. • • Follow the exit airport signs to SR 60 West/Clearwater. Take SR 60 west for approximately ¼ mile and take Veteran's Expressway North to the Linebaugh Avenue. DO NOT GO OVER THE BRIDGE. • Exit (first exit after the toll booth) and follow Linebaugh Avenue West to Countryway. • Turn right on Countryway and follow Countryway to Racetrack Road; cross over Racetrack Road at the traffic light. • Countryway turns into Nine Eagles Drive at this point. Follow Nine Eagles Drive through the front gate to the golf course. From South Pinellas Area • Go north on Rte. 611, McMullen Booth Rd. and follow it to Rte. 580, Main Street. Take 580 east to Forest Lakes Road and turn left. • Follow Forest Lakes Road over Tampa Road/Hillsborough Ave. to the Race Track Road intersection. • Turn left on Race Track Road and follow to Nine Eagles/ Countryway intersection. Turn left on Nine Eagles Drive. • Follow Nine Eagles Drive until it dead ends at the Front gate. From New Port Richey Area • Take US 19 south to Rte. 582, Tarpon Avenue and turn left going east. Rte. 582 Tarpon Avenue changes names to Keystone Road and then to Tarpon Springs-Lake Fern. • Continue on Rte. 582 crossing over Rte. 611 East Lake Road. • Follow Rte. 582 until you see Patterson Road. Be careful, Patterson is a small two lane road on your right side. Turn right on Patterson. • Follow Patterson for approx. 3 miles and The Eagles back entrance will be on your right hand side. Regular Registration Deadline April 22, 2015 The Eagles Golf Club Friday, April 24, 2015 12:00 p.m. Registration 1:00 p.m. Start Benefiting Our Scholarship Fund and Youth Activities Tournament Information Dress: Where: The Eagles Golf Club When: Friday, April 24, 2 015 Cost: $85 per player Includes: Golf cart, green fees, buffet dinner, and two drink tokens (soft drinks or beer) Only tennis or golf shoes with soft spikes will be permitted on the course. Men's shirts must have collars and sleeves. Slacks or Bermuda length shorts are acceptable, but no jeans. Woman's halter tops or bare midriffs are not permitted. Schedule: 12:00 pm Registration Begins 1:00 pm Shotgun Start 5:30 pm Buffet / Awards / Raffle The tournament will be a shotgun start with four member teams competing against other teams according to the standard "Scramble" format. Mulligans can be purchased prior to the tournament (5 max per person). USGA rules will apply, except for course rules, which will be distributed the day of the tournament. Mulligans can be played, with a limit of two on each of nine holes, per golfer, and can be purchased at the time of registration. Please try to complete a foursome. Individuals and teams of less than four will be paired prior to registration to create as many foursomes as possible. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded for first and second place team finishers; prizes for longest drives (men's and women's) on designated Par 5 holes, and closest to the pin on designated Par 3 holes. 26 th Annual FES Pinellas Chapter Golf Tournament Registration Form Contact: E-mail Address: Company/Agency: Phone #: Address: Cause: The annual Pinellas Chapter FES Golf Tournament is the main fund raiser of the year for youth programs such as MATHCOUNTS, Young Engineers Society , and the High School Scholarship program. Some of the money is obtained from golf tournament participants, but the main funds are obtained through generous sponsors that want to help educational programs for kids in the Tampa Bay Area. Please make a donation by using the enclosed Sponsorship Form and we thank you in advance for your support. Come join us at the tournament and play one of the most exciting golf courses in Florida. If you need additional Tournament Information, a Registration Form, a Sponsorship Form, information about sponsorship levels or directions to the course, please contact Fred Dargahi at (727) 892-5379 or by e-mail at fred.dargahi@stpete.org. City: State: Zip: FOURSOME: Name: Company: Name: Company: Name: Company: Name: Company: Make checks payable to Florida Engineering Society and mail to: Fred Dargahi, P.E. 23233 Cypress Trail Drive Lutz, FL 33549 813-758-0052 Or send completed form back with credit card information completed below. Charge to: Card # Name on Card: Signature: Visa MasterCard Amount $ Exp. Date: 26th Annual Florida Engineering Society Pinellas Chapter Golf Tournament Sponsorship Form @ THE EAGLES GOLF CLUB - FRIDAY, April 24, 2015, 1:00 PM SHOTGUN START The Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society, is sponsoring their 4th FALL ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT. Proceeds from this fund-raising event will be the main financial source available this year to sponsor the Pinellas Chapter's Education Programs. As always we will be expending an extraordinary effort to generate sponsorship funds. These educational programs include: scholarships for college bound high school students, Mathcounts Tournament for the middle school students and the Young Engineers’ Society (a grade school program introducing engineering into the students’ curriculum). Please consider making your donation by sponsoring one or more of the following: DONATION SPONSORSHIP $400 Registration $400 Dinner $250 Beverage Cart $250 Closest to Pin $150 Tee $150 Green $50 Door Prize More than $25 Honorable Mention Contact Name_____________________________ Address: _____________________________ City _____________State ______Zip_________ Phone No.______________________________ Fax No._________________________________ Longest Drive $250 Support the young students in the area (the engineers and scientists of the future) by writing a check payable to the Florida Engineering Society, Education Fund and mail to: Sponsor Name____________________________ E-mail Address____________________________ Pledge Amount $__________________________ Charge to: ___Visa ___MasterCard Amount $________ Card # ______________________ Exp. Date_________ Name on Card _________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Your contribution may be tax deductible. All sponsors $150 and up will receive an advertising sign or banner placed on the course targeting participants during the golf tournament and recognition in our monthly newsletter. The Sponsor must provide a digital image for use on any sign or banner. Support the young students in the area (the engineers and scientists of the future) by writing a check payable to the Florida Engineering Society, Education Fund and mail to: Florida Engineering Society F. Fred Dargahi, P.E., 23233 Cypress Trail Drive, Lutz, Florida 33549 Cell (813) 758-0052 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please complete all sections and return to: Florida Engineering Society, PO Box 750, Tallahassee, FL 32302-0750 or fax to 850-222-4349. Contact the Florida Engineering Society (FES) Member Services Department at 850-224-7121 with any questions. Please use your complete and official job title and firm or agency name. This information will be used in member records and publications. Please do not abbreviate. Nickname ___________________ Employer ___________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address: ❑ Home ❑ Business Name of Spouse _______________________________________ Date of Birth _________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Fax _____________________________________________ Home Address Business Address Name ______________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ Fax _______________________________________________ County ____________________________________________ County ___________________________________________ Registration State I am a registered Professional Engineer ❑ Yes _______________ Registration Number Date Registered ____________________________ _____________ I am a certified Engineer Intern ❑ Yes _______________ ____________________________ (If registered in state other than Florida, enclose copy of current registration.) _____________ Education ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Undergraduate Degree Major University Date Graduated NSPE Section Are you a current or former member of NSPE? ❑ Yes ❑ No NSPE Member # _______________________________ NSPE dues paid through (date) ___________________ ❑ Yes ❑ No Name of State __________________________________ If currently a member of another state society, do you wish to arrange to pay for your future NSPE dues through FES? ❑ Yes ❑ No Sponsor (Applicants residing in Florida are required to have their application endorsed by a “sponsor” who shall be a member of FES. If you do not know an FES member, we will gladly assist you upon receipt of your application.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor Signature Sponsor Name (please print) Date New Member Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date I certify that the above statements are correct and agree that I will be governed by the Charter and Bylaws and policies of the Society and will conform to the FES/NSPE Code of Ethics as they currently exist and as they may be amended from time-to-time (the most current copy of the Code of Ethics is available at www.fleng.org). QUALIFICATIONS AND DUES INFORMATION Use the following to calculate your dues OR send in your $20 application fee and let us invoice you. FES membership includes membership in NSPE, FES, a local chapter, and a state practice section. The FES dues year begins October 1 and ends September 30. National dues are collected and forwarded to NSPE in compliance with their dues year, which runs from January 1 through December 31. Dues payments are due on October 1 each year and are prorated for new members on a quarterly basis as follows: National Dues October 1–March 31 ........................... Full Year April 1–September 30 .......................... 1/2 Year State and Chapter Dues October 1–December 31 ...................... Full year January 1–March 31 .............................. 3/4 year April 1–June 30 ..................................... 1/2 year July 1–September 30 .............................. 1/4 year 1.Application Fee: A $20 application fee must accompany your application. 2.APPLICATION GRADE (Choose One–Includes NSPE and FES dues, unless otherwise noted): $ 20 ❑ A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MEMBER shall be a Professional Engineer as defined by the holding of a valid license or certificate of engineering registration issued under the laws of any state, territory, possession, or district of the United States or Canada. If registered in a state other than Florida, please enclose a copy of current registration. NSPE $110 + FES $133 = $243 ❑ AN ENGINEER INTERN MEMBER shall be an Engineer Intern, or equivalent holding a valid certificate issued under the laws of any state, territory, possession, or district of the United States or Canada. Include proof of status with application. NSPE $110 + FES $133 = $243 ❑ AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER shall be a graduate engineer qualified to be admitted to examination as an Engineer Intern as defined in Chapter 471.013 of the Florida Statutes but who does not hold a valid certificate as an Engineer Intern-in-Training in any state, territory, possession or district of the United States or Canada. State ONLY membership. Please include evidence of engineering degree. FES $133 = $133 ❑ A RESPECT MEMBER (Retired Special Transfer) (a) shall be at least 65 years of age, (b) shall have retired from the active practice of professional engineering, and (c) shall have been made a Life Member of the National Society of Professional Engineers through his membership in a State Society other than the Florida Engineering Society. NSPE $0 + FES $22 = $ 22 ❑ A RECENT UNDERGRADUATE MEMBER shall be a graduate of an ABET-accredited undergraduate engineering program within the last five years. Year Post Graduation 1 2 3 4 5 NSPE Dues $22 $44 $66 $88 $110 FES Dues $27 $53 $80 $106 $133 Grade Subtotal (Prorate dues if appropriate) Total $49 $97 $146 $194 $243 ________ 3.CHAPTER DUES (Choose One) For All Grades Except RESPECT (Out-of-state members are not required to pay chapter dues.) ❑ BIG BEND*** (Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties) ..................................................................................... $15 ❑ BROWARD*** (Broward County) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. $13 ❑ CALUSA*** (Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties) .......................................................................................................................................... $15 ❑ CENTRAL FLORIDA (Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Sumter Counties) ...................................................................................................................... $15 ❑ DAYTONA BEACH*** (Flagler and Volusia Counties) .............................................................................................................................................................. $15 ❑ EMERALD COAST (Okaloosa and Walton Counties) ................................................................................................................................................................ $10 ❑ FOREST*** (Citrus, Levy and Marion Counties) ........................................................................................................................................................................ $20 ❑ GULF COAST (Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Walton, and Washington Counties) ...................................................................................................... $5 ❑ INDIAN RIVER*** (Brevard and Indian River Counties) ........................................................................................................................................................... $15 ❑ MIAMI*** (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties) ........................................................................................................................................................................ $20 ❑ MYAKKA (DeSoto, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties) ................................................................................................................................................................. $20 ❑NATURE COAST (Hernando and Pasco Counties) .................................................................................................................................................................... $20 ❑NORTH CENTRAL (Alachua, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Putnam, and Suwannee Counties) .................................................................................. $10 ❑NORTHEAST FLORIDA*** (Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Nassau, St. Johns, and Union Counties) .................................................................... $15 ❑ NORTHWEST FLORIDA*** (Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties) .......................................................................................................................................... $10 ❑ PALM BEACH (Palm Beach County) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... $20 ❑ PINELLAS (Pinellas County) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... $20 ❑ RIDGE*** (Hardee and Polk Counties) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... $12 ❑ TAMPA*** (Hillsborough and Pasco Counties) ........................................................................................................................................................................... $12 ❑ TREASURE COAST (Highlands, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie Counties) ........................................................................................................................ $15 ❑ RESPECT MEMBERS (Big Bend and Indian River Chapters) ..................................................................................................................................................... $3 ❑ ALL OTHER CHAPTERS RESPECT MEMBERS ..................................................................................................................................................................... $2 *** Chapters offer half dues or discounts to retired members Chapter Dues Subtotal (Prorate dues if appropriate) 4.Practice Section (Please choose the practice section which best describes your field of employment.) ❑PEPP Private Practice ❑FPEG Government ❑FPEI Industry ❑FEE Education ❑FECON Construction ❑FPER Retired TOTAL DUES [Add (1) $20 + (2)____________________ + (3) _______________ + (4) Application Fee ❑ Total Payment Enclosed or ❑ NSPE+FES Membership Dues Chapter Dues $12 ________ $ 12 ] = _______________ Practice Section Dues Total $20 Application Fee Enclosed, Please Send Me A Dues Invoice Charge to: ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Card Number Signature Expiration Date Today’s Date Send completed form and payment to: Florida Engineering Society PO Box 750 • Tallahassee, FL 32302-0750 • Phone 850-224-7121 • Fax 850-222-4349 FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCIETY UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION 2014-2015 Academic Year Please submit your application by APRIL 12, 2015 to ensure consideration for the scholarship. Each applicant is only required to submit one application in order to be considered for all Foundation scholarships available. If permitted by the applicant, each application may be passed to other engineering entities for scholarship consideration as well. To be eligible, a candidate must be entering his or her Sophomore, Junior or Senior year in an ABET accredited Florida University Engineering Program, have at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, be recommended by an engineering faculty member, and be a United States citizen or permanent resident (Green card holder) Students who meet the eligibility requirements should complete this application and submit by February 13, 2015 to your local Chapter representative. For contact information of your local chapter representative see the “Chapter Representatives” link on the FES Scholarship website www.fleng.org/scholarships.cfm. An official transcript (high school if needed & collegiate) and letter of recommendation from an engineering faculty member must also be submitted with the application in a separate sealed envelope. Applicants will be sent a notification letter regarding selection of semi‐finalist candidates. A member or members of the Scholarship Committee will interview the semi‐finalists. The interview process is part of the application grading. 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 1 of 7 Please complete the following: NAME: PHONE: HOME ADDRESS: CITY STATE ZIP COUNTY EMAIL ADDRESS: ALTERNATE CONTACT NAME & RELATIONSHIP: ALTERNATE CONTACT ADDRESS: ALTERNATE CONTACT PHONE: EMAIL: SCHOOL WHERE CURRENTLY ENROLLED: CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: Freshman Sophomore Junior SCHOOL I WILL BE ATTENDING: FIELD OF STUDY: GRADE POINT AVERAGE: CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): US Citizen HAVE YOU INCLUDED THE FOLLOWING IN SEPARATE ENVELOPES? Official Transcript US Permanent Resident (Green card holder) Letter of Recommendation MAY WE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO OTHER ENGINEERING ENTITIES FOR SCHOLARSHIP CONSIDERATION AS WELL? Yes No Please note: Scholarship funds awarded through the FES/FEF Scholarship program are intended to be used solely to defray some of the costs associated with the pursuit of an engineering education/degree. For the FES/FEF Scholarship to be considered non‐taxable to the recipient, the scholarship must be used to purchase tuition, fees, books, supplies or equipment for your college courses. 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 2 of 7 HONORS Applicant Name List special honors and awards, either in or out of school, since entering college.* Description of Honor or Award Date Awarded: Date Awarded: Date Awarded: Date Awarded: Date Awarded: WORK EXPERIENCE List any jobs or Engineering Internships you have held since entering college: Employer: From(mm/yy) / to(mm/yy) / Hours/wk (avg for year): From(mm/yy) / to(mm/yy) / Hours/wk (avg for year): From(mm/yy) / to(mm/yy) / Hours/wk (avg for year): Duties: Employer: Duties: Employer: Duties: ACTIVITIES List your college and community activities (other than employment) in the order of interest to you. Please indicate if you are an FES Student Member, or FES Student Chapter officer. List only those activities in which you have been active since entering college.* Activity: Hours per week: # of Years: Your most significant contribution: Activity: Hours per week: # of Years: Your most significant contribution: Activity: Hours per week: # of Years: Your most significant contribution: MISCELLEANEOUS If your parent or legal guardian is an active member of the Florida Engineering Society (FES) Please include their name and FES member number in the area provided. Name: FES Member Number: * Attach extra sheets if necessary 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 3 of 7 COURSE LISTING Applicant Name Please list Math and Basic Science Courses ‐ DO NOT ENTER ANY COURSES YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN, FOR WHICH YOU DO NOT HAVE A FINAL GRADE ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT. Year Taken When Taken Course Name High School Junior College University Pre‐Calculus Math High School Junior College University Calculus I High School Junior College University Calculus II High School Junior College University Calculus III High School Junior College University Differential Equations High School Junior College University Multi‐Variable Calculus High School Junior College University Vectors and Matrices High School Junior College University Engineering Math I High School Junior College University Engineering Math II High School Junior College University Intro to Engineering Analysis High School Junior College University Physics I High School Junior College University Physics I Recitation Grade Earned Course Type (select one) Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 4 of 7 Honors Scores (Minimum scores AP ≥3/IB≥5 College ≥B) COURSE LISTING , continued Applicant Name Please list Math and Basic Science Courses ‐ DO NOT ENTER ANY COURSES YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN, FOR WHICH YOU DO NOT HAVE A FINAL GRADE ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT. Year Taken When Taken Course Name High School Junior College University Physics II Recitation High School Junior College University Physics II High School Junior College University University Physics II High School Junior College University University Physics III High School Junior College University Chemistry I High School Junior College University Chemistry II High School Junior College University Chemistry Fundamentals I High School Junior College University Chemistry Fundamentals II High School Junior College University Chemistry for Engineers High School Junior College University Principals of Chemistry High School Junior College University High School Junior College University Analytical Tools in Mechanical Engineering Geology for Engineers Grade Earned Course Type (select one) Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 5 of 7 Honors Scores (Minimum scores AP ≥3/IB≥5 College ≥B) COURSE LISTING, continued Applicant Name Please list Math and Basic Science Courses (DO NOT ENTER ANY COURSES YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN, FOR WHICH YOU DO NOT HAVE A FINAL GRADE ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT.) Year Taken When Taken High School Junior College University High School Junior College University Course Name Physics I ‐ Lab Physics II ‐ Lab High School Junior College University University Physics II ‐ Lab High School Junior College University University Physics III ‐ Lab High School Junior College University Chemistry I ‐ Lab High School Junior College University Chemistry II ‐ Lab High School Junior College University Chemistry for Engineers ‐ Lab High School Junior College University Principals of Chemistry ‐ Lab High School Junior College University Organic Chemistry High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University Grade Earned Course Type (select one) Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 6 of 7 Honors Scores (Minimum scores AP ≥3/IB≥5 College ≥B) COURSE LISTING, continued Applicant Name Please list Math and Basic Science Courses (DO NOT ENTER ANY COURSES YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN, FOR WHICH YOU DO NOT HAVE A FINAL GRADE ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT.) Year Taken When Taken High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University High School Junior College University Course Name Grade Earned Course Type (select one) Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors AP Pre‐IB IB Honors Scores (Minimum scores AP ≥3/IB≥5 College ≥B) APPLICANT’S CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO RELEASE INFORMATION I hereby certify that all information submitted on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting non‐factual information will automatically disqualify me from any consideration for a scholarship. I hereby grant permission to allow the Florida Engineering Society to release information contained herein to other potential sources of scholarship assistance for engineering studies. Applicant’s Signature Date 2014-2015 Florida Engineering Society University Scholarship Application Page 7 of 7 / /
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