connect.contribute.comprehend. D L R O MY W Justin Bieber on fans, influences & his new home in the ATL PLUS Spring Break the Eco-friendly Way pg 4 Interview with Atlanta pg 7 Thrasher Jim Slater pg 10 Spending Your Holiday Cash pg 11 6 Web sites To Get Geeked About pg 9 IN THIS ISSUE January/February/March 2010 3 editor's letter 4 spring break with an eco-friendly twist ‘ t. n e i t a p e b nd o want a d r a h k r o w e people wh it’s th ost who make it. it the m -Jim Slater ’ rashers. tlanta Th page 7. A e th r rward fo e interview on r plays fo siv Jim Slateore of our exclu m d a e R 7 jim slater forward for the Atlanta Thrashers sits down with us 8 i[check] do you? 9 justin bieber on fans, fame and finding his way in the music industry 10 christmas cash there are better ways to spend yours 11 six web sites to get geeked about make surfing the web worth your time...literally 7 pg What do orangutans, elephants, and sea turtles have in common? Well, aside from the fact that they’re all animals, they’re also your ticket to helping Planet Earth by bringing out the eco-tourist in you. Don’t think you have it in you? We do. 2 pg4 [ F RO M T H E ED I TOR ] HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2009, while not a banner year, brought about some good things. We’ve all had to learn a lot of lessons about money, finances, and how to spend and save. Here at i[x], we don’t want you to have to learn the hard way. That’s why we put this magazine out; to get the wheels in your brain turning and your minds thinking about your own finances and the best way to make your financial future a successful one. This edition is no different. In fact, we’re talking about everything from spring break to leftover Christmas money to pop sensation Justin Bieber! First on the list, here at Georgia’s Own Credit Union and i[x], we strive to be green. In fact, one of our tenants is that we stand for a healthy Planet. Given that fact, and since spring break season is just around the corner, we wanted to bring to your attention some, shall we say, alternative spring break options. I doesn’t sound fun. But give it a try. Read the article on elephants, sea turtles and eco-friendly spring break ideas and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised. We are also very excited about the guy on our cover: Justin Bieber! He’s talented, cute and extremely down to earth. Don’t miss our exclusive interview with him on page nine as he fills us in on schools, influences and how he feels about his fans. With the holidays barely behind us, we also thought we would tap into your conscience and talk a little bit about what to do with all of your Christmas cash. It’s probably safe to say that you want to spend it, and that’s okay. But there are better ways to use some of that money. Read page ten for a look at what you can do with your holiday mulah. As always, we want to hear from you! There’s still time for you to send in your i[live] story about yourself or someone else. We want to know what you’re doing, what you’ve done, or what you’re planning to do. We know you guys have some great stories and we want to hear them and share them with other i[x] readers. Plus, if we feature your story, you’ll get a $50 gift card on us! We’re also working on our blog at Check it out to learn more about student loans, finding a job, and more. Leave comments and tell us what you think about them, or tell us about other stories or topics you would like to hear more about. Again, i[x] is for you, about you and because of you; so we want to hear from you, really. Enjoy! Feedback. Thanks to those of you who have sent in On The Cover your comments and questions, we always want to hear back from our readers! Let us know what you think. Send your comments and questions to and we’ll try to post it online or in our next issue. NAME: Justin Bieber AGE: 15 SCHOOL: Home Schooled RECORD LABEL: The Island Def Jam Music Group RECORD: One Time OUT IN STORES: Now FAVORITE ARTISTS: Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Usher, and Boyz II Men to name a few. Fan Page. So we’ve had a profile on facebook, but now we have a fan page! Join the i[x] fan page on facebook for exclusive i[x] news, updates and prizes. Search “i[x] powered by Georgia’s Own Credit Union” to become a fan. Hurry, you don’t want to miss anything! D OYO U IX.CO M JA NUA RY/ F E BR UA RY/ MARC H 2 0 1 0 3 Spring Break [ T RAV E L ] With An Eco-Friendly Twist Spring break is perhaps the most popular week of the entire school year. All year we dream of being on the beach with friends, relaxing, chatting and trying to forget what’s waiting back at school and home when we return to reality. Well, this year we have a challenge for you. Are you ready? Here it is: forego the umbrella drink and steel drums this year and spend your spring break with friends or family doing something great for planet Earth. With these 6 affordable and surprisingly intriguing volunteer trips, you can become part of the solution to moving towards a healthier Planet. Check it out…we dare you. SAVE THE ORANGUTAN IN BORNEO Orangutans used to live all over Southeast Asia but today, forest destruction and an ever-increasing human population have reduced the rainforest, and therefore the orangutan home, to small, isolated patches. Experts say that if nothing changes, the species will be extinct in less than ten years. Cost: $660 per week Find Out More: 4 COMB CORAL REEFS IN BELIZE This volunteer program is part of a regional coral reef monitoring initiative to assess coral reef health on the largest reef in the Western Hemisphere. Group members work with the marine biologist to record specific fish types known as bioindicator [Google it] species. Even better, the project only requires snorkeling skills to participate. Cost: $1,950 Find Out More: s i m s i r u e o t h o t d Ec e r e d i s con est growing fast et in the try markism indus tour ourism -World T tion Organiza SAVE THE RAINFOREST IN COSTA RICA The World’s rainforests are disappearing daily. This volunteer trip involves many different projects ranging from protecting and learning about rainforests to providing support to the local school. Cost: $665 per week Find Out More: Note: Reference Trip # 900128 D OYO U IX.CO M JA NUA RY/ F E BR UA RY/ M ARC H 2 0 1 0 5 [ TRAV E L ] SAVE THE SEA TURTLES IN COSTA RICA Volunteers not only work with sea turtles, but through home stays and other programs they provide economic opportunities to the local coastal communities. Since turtles lay their nests on the beach during the night, you and a partner take 3-6 hour shifts of walking the beach searching for nesting turtles. Cost: Starts at $280 per person (discounts for large groups) Find Out More: ELEPHANT CONSERVATION IN THAILAND This elephant conservation centre gives refuge to domesticated elephants that have been used for begging on the streets of Bangkok and other cities. The centre exists to provide the elephants with an environment as close to nature as possible. There are currently six elephants who live at the centre and volunteers are needed to help look after the elephants [feeding, bathing, etc.]. Cost: $700 Find Out More: Note: Reference Trip # 901005 My Last Two Cents: See…we told you. Doesn’t playing with baby orangutans, protecting baby sea turtles and preserving the world’s largest coral reef sound so much more fun than sand in your suit and salt in your sockets? We thought so. Do some digging on the web for other great opportunities to see a new place and help more than just yourself for spring break this year. Oh, and don’t forget how great this will look on college apps and what a great topic of discussion it will be in interviews. Allison i[x]ga 6 [ A RTS & E NT E RTAI NM ENT ] jim slater A: Jim, where are you from? J: I was born in Petoskey, MI but grew up in Lapeer, MI. After that, I moved to Cleveland to focus on hockey and then went on to play hockey for Michigan State. A: How old were you when you first stepped on the ice in a pair of skates? J: 6, I played goalie for the first two years and then started playing forward which is what I play today. A: What is your most memorable moment in the NHL? J: I would have to say my first day of training camp. Seeing all the great players for the first time that you grew up watching was huge. A: Is there a player you have learned the most from? J: Yes, Bobby Holik. I played with him for 3 years and we are still friends today. I learned the most from him both on and off the ice. He tells you the way it is and has probably had the single biggest influence on my life. A: Who in the league were you most excited to meet or get to play with on the ice? J: Steve Yzerman when he played for Detroit. But the night we played them, he was hurt, so I didn’t get to actually play with him. So, my next answer would be Mario Lemieux who played for the Pittsburgh Penguins. A: How is it playing for John Anderson who is such a respected former NHL player? J: It’s great. He’s a player’s coach because of his time and success in the NHL. He deserves great things and a winning team. A: What is your workout schedule like? J: Off Season: 5 or 6 days a week I work out around 2 hours in the morning, run/bike/sprint in the afternoon and I do yoga in the evenings. A: Yoga, huh? J: Yeah, I like yoga. A: What do you like to do when you’re not on the ice? J: I stay active. Rock climbing, Boccee ball in Piedmont Park. I just like to be outside. I also like to go to shows and things like that, there are a lot of great things to do in Atlanta, and I like to travel in the summer. r, Jim Slate the r fo forward rashers, h T Atlanta ying bout pla tells us a your t ow to do and wha hockey, h the environment nd on the ice]. a elp ancially part to h cceed [fin u s to s e it tak A: What advice would you give to aspiring hockey players? J: You’ve got to earn it. It’s not always the best when you’re young who makes it. Work hard and be patient. It’s the people who want it the most who make it. A: We believe being kind to the environment is very important. Can you give us an easy, earth-friendly tip on doing our part to help the Planet? Slater: Yes. I recycle at my house. Recycling is particularly good because it is easy to do and it makes a big difference. At the end of the week when I see what I’ve recycled, I think how much difference it would make if everyone did an easy thing like recycling. A: i[x] is a program that is about being smart with your money. Even though you’re a professional hockey player, are you still aware of the need to save for things in your future and pay attention to your finances? Slater: Yeah. I’m huge into being smart with my money. I really focus on the fact that I want to retire at a good age. I do a lot of investing in stocks, bonds, and spread it around. You have to be smart and handle your finances based on what you want later in life. That’s something I focus on—I don’t need all the glitz right now. A: If you weren’t in the NHL, what would you be doing? J: I would be a fishing guide. Allison i[x]ga D OYO U IX.CO M JA NUA RY/ F E BR UA RY/ M ARC H 2 0 1 0 7 i(check) The i(x) checking account is here. Got one yet? i(check) accounts feature: • All-access checking account* • No monthly service fee • FREE/UNLIMITED ATM withdrawals** • 50,000+ Surcharge-FREE ATMs • First 50 checks FREE • FREE VISA check/ATM card • No direct deposit/minimum balance requirement • Access account online with FREE e-services: e-statements, homebanking and billpay • Dividends paid on every $ (just one of the perks of being a shareholder) Checking has never been this good. Sign-up for your i(check) all-access checking account from i[x]ga and Georgia’s Own Credit Union. For more information visit *Members under 18, you’ll need a joint on the account. **Other fees may apply [ARTS & E NTERTAI NM ENT ] justin bieber JB: You Got It Bad-his own song. i[x]: Whoa. Were you nervous? JB: Yeah, but I just did it. i[x]: So how does it feel to have a superstar like Usher backing you? JB: It’s cool. He’s great and gives me advice. i[x]: What does it feel like to have people start recognizing you out in public? JB: Really I just remember that I wouldn’t be here without the fans. They’re why I’m here and people are recognizing me. One time. That’s all it took for Usher to realize the talent that he saw in Justin Bieber and without question, the trend has continued. i[x]: Your first single One Time is out. What do you think when you hear your music on the radio? In a recent visit to Atlanta, I caught up with Justin while he was passing through Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to talk about fame, fans and finding his way in the music industry. i[x]: So music is obviously a big part of your life. You play instruments, sing...who are some of your favorite artists, old or new, that have influenced you? i[x]: So, let’s start at the beginning. Where did you grow up? Justin Bieber: Stratford, Ontario which is about 2 hours from Toronto. i[x]: And you’re how old? JB: 15 i[x]: Ok, so tell us how this all started. JB: A few years ago, I entered a singing competition. A lot of my family and friends couldn’t be there, but they wanted to hear me sing, so they asked if we would video it and post it on YouTube so they could watch. It’s kinda crazy because the video ended up getting lots of hits and then I started getting calls from people in the music industry. One day I got a call from a guy named Scooter and it just felt right. So he flew me to Atlanta where I met Usher and Justin Timberlake, and I ended up going with Usher. JB: It’s cool. It feels like all I worked for is coming true. JB: Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Usher, and Boyz II Men are a few. i[x]: Being 15, school isn’t an option. How do you handle working and going to school? JB: I’m home schooled right now and I have a tutor on the road. i[x]: I understand your new home is Atlanta. JB: Yep. i[x]: Do you like it? JB: Yeah, it’s a different feel. i[x]: Lastly, what every girl wants to know: Is Justin Bieber single? JB: Yes. Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbieber or find him at for more information on tour dates, events and everything Justin Bieber i[x]: The story goes that you met Usher the first time leaving a studio and on the spot you asked him if you could sing for him. What did you sing? Allison i[x]ga D OYO U IX.CO M JA NUA RY/ F E BR UA RY/M ARC H 2 0 1 0 9 [ IN V EST I NG ] Better Things to Do With Your Christmas Cash December may be behind us, but there’s a good chance that you can still smell pine in the air, hear sleigh bells ringing and maybe even see a few remnants of Christmas lights and tinsel. One thing that is for sure, the money that we got over the holidays is definitely burning a hole in our pockets and [how convenient] our favorite stores are filled with tons of postChristmas goodies. Well, it’s way past time to wake up and smell the poinsettias my friend. You should do something else with that money and resist the urge to go out and blow it all on the newest video game or killer pair of heels. Start 2010 with a mind focused on the future, not the right-now-gotta-have-it state of thinking. savings certificate (with no annual investments) x (1 + i)^n, aka, the greatest math formula EVER. This formula represents compound interest. Since words can’t possibly describe the greatness of compound interest, here’s a visual. Let’s look at 3 different scenarios using a savings certificate: 1. you invest $500 starting at 20 years old with NO annual investments 2. you invest $500 starting at 20 with annual investments 3. you invest $1,000 starting at 30 (10 years later) with annual investments. Don’t worry about the $500 or $1,000 deposit, the good news is compound interest works if you start with $20 or $20,000. The key is time. The longer you’re saving and investing, the prettier your account will look down the road. By starting at 30 instead of 20 in the scenarios to the right, you missed out on over $60,000! My last two cents: Still don’t believe us? You could learn a lot from Oseola McCarty. Oseola was a washer woman from Mississippi who lived from 1908 to 1999. She had no car, watched a black and white television, and lived in the same house for over 60 years. Imagine their surprise when The University of Southern Mississippi received word that Mrs. McCarty had left $150,000 to the school for student scholarships. How did such an unassuming woman get that much money to leave to the University? You guessed it…compound interest. $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 Balance Investment 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $525 $638 $814 $1,039 $1,327 $1,693 $2,161 $2,758 $3,520 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 45 50 55 60 1. Pretty cool, right? You’ve saved and made a little bit of money. Now look at the graph below to see what happens when you also add annual savings certificate investments. (starting at 20) $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Balance 20 25 30 35 40 $1,725 $7,269 $15,908 $26,934 $41,006 $58,966 $81,888 $111,142 $148,480 Investment $1,700 $6,500 $12,500 $18,500 $24,500 $30,500 $36,500 $42,500 $48,500 2. We know…over $140,000! Amazing what a little compound interest will do. savings certificate (starting at 30) $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Balance 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $2,250 $7,907 $16,722 $27,973 $42,332 $60,659 $84,049 Investment $2,200 $7,000 $13,000 $19,000 $25,000 $31,000 $37,000 3. Now let’s say you decide 20 is to early to worry about investing, and you start at 30. The kicker? Your deposit [since you’re making more] is $1,000, and your annual investment is $1,200. See that ending balance at age 60? Not quite as nice as scenario #2. 10 [ TEC H NO LOGY ] SIX WEB SITES TO GET GEEKED ABOUT Basically, there are hundreds of coupons you can search for on everything from lotion to pet care. So skip the newspaper clipping and instead click, search & print and you’re ready for a budget-friendly trip to the store. Truth:You’re going to shop from time to time. False:There’s no good way to save on the stuff you really want.With is the nation’s largest site for part and fulltime hourly jobs. After failing to find many sites geared toward, you can earn internships, and nothing related to part-time and full-time hourly cash back on your purchases. Extrabux jobs, Founder & CEO Shawn Boyer thought he must be missing lets you search for a particular product something – someone had to be filling this huge need online, from different stores, and when you buy that product, they receive a sales commission from the retailer that right? They weren’t then, but are now. Head on over to search for local hourly jobs near you to make some extra cash. they then pass [the majority of it] on to you. Extrabux is comparison Are you artistic, crafty or have a keen eye for sweet vintage shopping with coupons and cash back gear? Head over to discounts, so you’re sure to find the in less than five clicks. Listings only cost $.20 and you can sell best price on the web. your works all over the world. Interested in a free, effortless way to manage your money? Wake up and smell the coffee; could be the web site for you. Mint automatically downloads and categorizes all of your transactions every day so you can see what you’re spending and where you’re spending it 24/7. It will even monitor your investments, income and credit cards and offer advice on better ways to save your money based on the accounts you have. and set-up your own shop is the world’s leading travel agent for, well, responsible travel. With thousands of great trips benefitting different countries, people, animals and the environment, you should have no trouble finding one to bring out the eco-tourist in you. Allison i[x]ga DOYOUI X .COM JANUARY/ F EBRUARY/ MARCH 2010 11 i[live] We all have a story... what's yours? Send i[x]ga your story, photos or whatever else you have. We'd love to make you a part of i[x]ga magazine and Afterall, this magazine is for you, about you, and because of you. If we feature your story, you'll get a $50 gift card on us. Email your story to, with "i[live]" in the subject line. connect.contribute.comprehend are you ready?
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