PFWBC NEWS SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: V O L U M E AWANA Year End News Daughter’s of the King Banquet Meet the McDannel’s Upcoming Love 442 fundraiser INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Egg Hunt Details 2 Business Meeting Info 3 IL WAC Brunch 4 April Women’s Meeting 4 Fridge Calendar 5 Down the line 6 4 I S S U E 4 A P R I L 1 , 2 0 1 5 Resurrection Weekend It’s Friday….But Sunday’s Coming!! The first weekend in April we will commemorate and celebrate the greatest 3 days in the history of the world! flyers in the Info Center to invite others with, as well as a Facebook event that you can share on your wall. Let’s pack His house and Praise His Holy Name! On Good Friday, April 3rd, we will have a Concert of Praise worshipping Jesus for His birth, life, death, resurrection, and promise to return! The evening of worship will begin at 6:30pm. The PFWBC Praise Band will be leading. Josh Colson will be the MC for the night and leading us in praise and prayer. This event is open to anyone who would like to attend and is free. There are On Resurrection Sunday, April 5th, we will begin the day with our Sonrise service. It will begin at 6am. Don’t worry the lights will be low and the dress is casual. There will be a fellowship breakfast immediately following in the Life Center for anyone who would like to attend. No one will go away hungry! We will then all meet back up at 10 am for our Morning Worship service. Last year there was over 500 in attendance, so you better come early to get a seat! There will be NO Youth Group or Children’s Church that day, There will also be NO Sunday School or Evening Service to allow time with family. Make plans to attend and rejoice with us in the fact that Jesus has conquered death, hell and the grave! And as a result we get the gift of spending eternity with Him in His House! Marriage Conference Mark your calendars. On Saturday, April 18th, PFWBC will be hosting an all-day marriage conference. It is open to anyone inside the church or outside the church who would like to attend. There is no cost for the event. A love offering will be received during the lunch meal to help cover food costs. The menu is fried chicken or ham, cheesy mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, bread and dessert. The doors will open at 8am for registration. Coffee and muffins will be available. The conference will begin at 9am and end at 3pm. Handfuls on Purpose will also be supplying a bookstore, with materials geared towards marriage and family, you can browse during breaks and before and after the conference. You will purchase directly from them. Pre-registration is required. You can pre-register on our website at or go to our app and register. You can also scan the QR code in this article and it will take you directly to the registration form. Registration will end Sunday, April 12th. Once you register, you will automatically be entered into our “Date Night” drawings! There are flyers and brochures available in the Info Center you can take for your information or to pass along to someone you think would be interested in attending. There is also a Facebook event that you can share on your wall to spread the word. If you have any questions please see Jenny Felty, Jessica Lenon, Jamey Rogers or Christina Wilcox. PAGE 2 E. May Details…. Wednesday May 6th, SALT & Prayer Meeting will begin summer schedule and meet at 7pm until the end of the summer. Nights Shield & update: Current amount is $463.86. Up $1.11 from last month!! There are many ways to support Women’s Banquet is scheduled for Friday May 8th beginning at 6pm in the Life Center. Details about the event are on next page. Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day. There will be NO Evening Service to allow time with family. immediately after morning service in the Life Center. The Church will provide fish, chicken, and fried potatoes. Please bring side dishes and/or desserts. We usually have around 350 in attendance for the meal. There will be NO Evening Service. Church Closet setup will begin the week of Memorial Day weekend. Last drop off will be Monday, May 25th, which is Memorial Day from 9am-11am. Setup will be for two weeks this time. Closet is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. Sunday, May 24th is our annual Dutch Anderson Memorial Day Fish Fry. It will be the Nights Shield now on the internet. Check out GoodDining, GoodShop, GoodSurveys and more. Go to and click on the more ways to raise tab at the top! Remember to keep searching, because every penny counts! AWANA End of Year News AWANA is winding down for this school year...already! Hard to believe it has went by so fast. Clubbers will have their normal schedule for the first three weeks of April. On Wednesday, April 22nd, the AWANA Year End Party will be held. The clubbers will have dinner, play games, and get to spend the evening fellowshipping with their groups. The menu will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and cookies so bring them hungry! The following Wednesday, April 29th, will be the AWANA Commencement. It will begin at 7pm in the Sanctuary. We will celebrate the Clubbers accomplishments throughout the year. Thank you to all of our leaders who have committed themselves each and every week and to the parents for bringing your children each Children’s Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4th at 10 am, PFWBC will host a community wide Children’s Egg Hunt. The event will be held at the Pittsburg City Hall in downtown Pittsburg. They are in need of volunteers to help with face painting, games, balloon filling and more. The event is open to children up thru fifth grade. Activities include games, prizes, face painting, a balloon release and more! The event is open to the public so feel free to invite whoever you would like. If you would like to volunteer please see Kim Francis or Jenna Barnett. and every week. We couldn’t do it without you! The next AWANA year will begin in the fall in early September. Stay tuned to the PFWBC News, bulletin, and Facebook to stay up to date! Allegiance & Angela Lilly Trio Saturday, April 11th 7pm @ PFWBC Open to anyone who would like to attend. Love Offering will be received. Doors will open at 6pm. Flyers are available in the Info Center to invite those who are interested in attending. VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 PAGE 3 May Women’s Banquet On Friday, May 8th, the annual Women’s Banquet will be held in the Life Center. It will begin at 6:00pm. A sign up sheet is in the Info Center to reserve your spot and your guests at the Daughters of the King Banquet. so the Committee can get an accurate count. Also, LAST DAY to sign up is Sunday, May 3rd. The menu for the evening consists of a wide variety of miniature, delicate, fancy foods that you would find at a The theme this year will be a tea party tea. Elegant will be the word for the evening. After all, we are the Most for Princesses! Tea cups and High King’s daughters! tiarras….lots of purple (color for royalty) and white (color for puriThe evening will start off with dinner ty) and sparkle!! and then move into the program The Banquet is open to anyone who attends PFWBC and their guests. It is free. Pre–registration is necessary so as to determine seating, adequate food portions, and more. So please sign up show, and special music and more will round out the evening. Please wear something that makes you feel beautiful! It can be a beautiful evening gown or jeans and t-shirt if it makes you feel like a princess! A beautiful princess inside and out! The prayer is that this will be a night that you will never forget and you will discover or be re-affirmed of your place in the King’s Court! portion. Malinda Edgell will be sharing with us her heart about what it means to be a Daughter of the King. A reading of being a princess in God’s eyes, the King’s Court fashion Business Meeting’s A special business meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th to vote on whether to add Pastor Keith McDannel to the church PFWBC staff as Associate Pastor. The vote had to be postponed until Wednesday, March 18th due to the bad weather. Pastor Keith was unanimously voted in! When you see him and his family tell them how glad you are that they are a part of our church family! On the page 4 there is a brief “Meet The McDannel’s” article. Also, in the month of March, survey forms were made available to gather the consensus on what to do about the ongoing growth of the church body. If you have been to a service recentlyespecially when there is no Children’s Church or Youth Group-you have noticed it is getting a bit crowded in the Sanctuary. The survey was ONLY a survey, not a vote, to see what direction the church body wants to take in moving forward. The NEXT Business Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th at 7:45pm in the Sanctuary. The options to choose from were 1) Build a new sanctuary, 2) Vote on Rhonda Burnett joining the church 2) Have 2 services or 3) A letter of recommendation for Brother Kenneth Edwards ordination papers to be moved to the South Central Quarterly 3) other suggestions. The opinions were gathered for the last couple weeks of March. The results will be presented at the next Business Meeting in April. The Agenda for the meeting includes 1) elect delegates for next quarterly meeting 4) Report on Church Growth Survey results 5) There will be discussion about the church parking lot Make plans on attending so you can stay informed of what is happening at your church! PAGE 4 IL Women Active For Christ Brunch On Saturday, May 2nd there will be an Illinois Women Active for Christ Brunch with special guest speaker Kelly Penn. Her presentation will be on “Our Applicable God” . It will be held at Pleasant View FWB Church on Meyers and Kell Road in Walnut Hill, IL. It will begin at 9am. There will be a Provision Closet Shower that day too. They are collecting twin size sheet (300+) thread count, mattress pads for twin, queen, and king beds; solid towels- all colors and LOVE 442 Fundraising Meal On Sunday, April 19th immediately after morning service, the nonprofit Love 442 ministry will be providing a donation based meal to raise funds for their ministry. The menu consists of lasagna, fettucine alfredo, salad, bread and dessert. Funds will be used for start up costs of new conces- sion areas for the Marion Park District. The money earned through concessions goes directly to local non-profit ministries that struggle financially such as The Promise, The Lighthouse homeless shelter, and the Nights Shield Children’s Shelter in West Frankfort. For more info check out LOVE 442 on Facebook! April Women’s Gathering The next Women’s Gathering is scheduled for Monday, April 6th at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be childcare provided. Kim Francis will be leading the meeting. The theme for the evening is “Get Your Head in the Game!”. Many popular games will be played throughout the evening. There will also be a devotional. Please bring a snack if possible. The upcoming events that the Women’s Group hosts will also be discussed along with the specific events that still need volunteers for them. The gathering is open to ANY lady at PFWBC. You do not have to be a member to attend. We love to see new faces each and every time! Blood Drive & Youth Fundraising Meal Recap We had another successful Blood Drive! We had 36 people present to donate and 30 were successful! We will be able to provide life saving care for up to 90 people through this sacrificial act of giving. It is such an awesome way to literally give a piece of yourself to others that you will probably never meet this side of heaven. Thank you to all who participated! The Youth Group also had a meal fundraiser to raise funds for their upcoming P2 mission trip in June. They had a great turnout as well. Thanks again for supporting these great ministries! very thick including hand towels and wash cloths; kitchen towel sets; sets of 12 inch flatware; and sets of 12 piece Corelle Ware. MEET THE MCDANNELS! Keith McDannel has been a General Baptist minister for the past 30 years. He was raised in Creal Springs, and still lives there with his wife, Kim. Brother Keith is also an electrician for the Southern Illinois Power Co-op. Keith and Kim have been married for 27 years and have three children. Their oldest daughter, Abby is married to Tyler Smith. They currently live in Carterville and attend Cornerstone church in Johnston City where his dad is the pastor. Olivia is a Junior at Agape Christian High School in Marion while Zach plans to graduate from the Unity Christian School 8th grade class this May. During his years of ministry, Keith has served several churches either as Head Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Youth Pastor. He and Kim both were saved at an early age, grew up as preacher’s kids, and feel they have been called by God to continue the work in the local church. They both are committed to Christian education as well. Keith serves as President of the Unity Christian School Board and Kim is Secretary and Admin. Assistant at the Agape Christian High School. The McDannel family feels so blessed to be a part of PFWBC and thanks each one for the welcome and support they have received. They are very excited to see what God has planned for our church and feel privileged to have this opportunity to be used by God to grow the Kingdom! VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Good Friday Concert of Praise Worship Service 6:30pm 3rd Blood Moon Best View 6:40am AWANA 6:30-8pm SALT & Prayer Group 6:457:45pm 5 6 7 8 SonRise Service 6am * Breakfast after in LC Women’s Meeting 6:30pm FH Men’s Basketball 6:30pm LC AWANA 6:30-8pm No Sunday School or Evening Service 12 10 11 Allegiance Homecoming 7pm here Business Meeting 7:45pm 13 LAST Day to register for Marriage Conference 19 9 SALT & Prayer Group 6:457:45pm 10am Worship Egg Hunt 10am Passover begins at sundown 14 15 Men’s Basketball 6:30pm LC AWANA 6:30-8pm 16 17 Marriage Conference 9am-3pm SALT & Prayer Group 6:457:45pm 20 21 Men’s Basketball 6:30pm LC 22 AWANA End of Year Party 6:30-8pm 18 23 24 25 SALT & Prayer Group 6:457:45pm 26 27 LC=Life Center 28 29 Men’s Basketball 6:30pm LC AWANA Commencement 7pm in Sanctuary FH=Fellowship Hall 30 MCC=Marion Cultural Civic Center PFWBC A Church For Today With A Vision For Tomorrow The church office is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm. If you would like to receive this newsletter by email, P. O. Box 39 16891 Pittsburg Rd Pittsburg, IL 62974 please send a request to Do you have a submission for this monthly newsletter please send it to Phone: 618-982-2230, drop your it in the office E-mail: or contact Christina Wilcox. Thank You! Website Next Church Closet June 6th! Come and See! Down the Line…. Connections May 6th Holy Grounds Coffee Shop The coffee shop is open every Sunday from 8:30am9:30am. Grab and Go or Sit and Chat! Weekly bulletin A copy can be emailed to you. Send your request to with “bulletin” in the subject line. Screen Announcements are ran continuously before each Sunday service. Our website Every Sunday morning service is videotaped and uploaded to this site. Introduce your family and friends to PFWBC through our site. Bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Information center in the foyer. Facebook If you would like to be added please send an email to with Facebook in the subject line to be added. Church App-We now have our very own FREE church app that is available on Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Wednesday Night Summer Schedule Begins 7-8pm for ALL classes/programs May 8th Women’s Banquet 6pm May 10th Happy Mother’s Day * No Evening Service May 24th Dutch Anderson Memorial Day Fish Fry No Evening Service May 25th Last Day to drop off for Church Closet 9am-11am May 26th Closet Setup May 27th Closet Setup May 28th Closet Setup May 29th Closet Setup May 30th Closet Setup
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