Bella Vista Baptist Church Phone: 855-3748 Prayer Room: 855-6644 Something to Think About Email: M AY 2015 Pam Terrell is the wife of a church planter in Wisconsin. Before being a church planter he pastored churches in Texas, Missouri, and Louisiana. April 17, 2010 she wrote a blog that gives a good glimpse into life “on the other side of the ministry fence” from the perspective of a pastor’s wife. I felt it thought provoking enough to yield the space of my article this month so that you could read hers. The Secret Lives of Pastors' Wives-Fishbowl Living Being a family in ministry has been compared to living in a fishbowl. Everyone is watching. Watching what you do and what you say. Watching to catch you making a mistake. Watching to see if you are human. Watching to see if you yell at your children or nag your husband or curse when you hit your thumb with a hammer (yes, yes, and no if you are keeping score). I think the Bible is clear that people in ministry leadership positions are held to a higher standard. James 3:1-2 “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” However, in those verses it seems that it is God who will be doing the judging and holding teachers to the higher standard. Also, it is the teachers who will be held to this high standard. (I by Pastor Mike think minister/pastor also fits here since they do typically teach). It is not the teacher's spouse or children or parents or cousins held to a high standard, but the teacher him/herself. Now if the spouse chooses (operative word) to assume a teaching role, then those verses certainly apply as well. I know a lot of preacher’s wives who feel like they live in a fishbowl. I do think that's reality for many of them as well. I guess to some extent it's a reality for us, too. However, I have either been naive or blissfully unaware. I suppose that people have talked about my husband, me, and our children behind our backs. However, what I don't know doesn't affect me. I do know that at one point when we were going through a crisis with extended family people thought that Robert and I were having marital problems (we weren't). I only knew that because a friend told me that those were the rumors circulating. Wouldn't it have been nice if people had been concerned and asked us instead of just questioning to each other...or worse offering it as a "prayer request." That's Christian code for gossip. I guess the biggest thing about living in a fishbowl is that I don't really care. It's not entirely honest of me to say that I don't care what others think of me because I do. I want people to like me. I want people to find me friendly, kind, witty, compassionate, loving, etc. However, first of all I am not always those things and certainly not all at the same time. Many times I am grumpy, selfish, and whiny. However, my mama didn't raise no fool. I know that not everyone will like me, or approve of me, and that some people in fact will dislike or even hate me. And I am fine with that...really. While I like approval and admiration, it really only matters to me that I have it first from God, then from my family. Of course friends factor in that as well, but since friendship is a choice I certainly hope that my friends do like me...or else they wouldn't be friends with me. My "love language" is words of affirmation. I don't need gifts or big outward shows of love and affection, but a well-placed "Atta Girl!" will do wonders for my self-esteem and endear me to you forever. Even though that is the case, I don't know whether it is age, wisdom...or maybe apathy, but if you don't like me or approve of me I just build a bridge and get over it. This is especially true of those people who are just naturally critical. I have more important things to worry about than how I can make everyone like me. Also, I really relate to this quote from one of my bestest friend's mom, "You would not worry about what people think of you, if you knew how seldom they do." The whole fishbowl concept is rather moot now as church planters. We are just regular joes, Bella Vista Baptist Church Page 2 Continuation from page 1 part of the pack, and I certainly don't feel any fishbowlness in our current situation. Many of the people who attend our church have seen me with no make-up, morning hair, and sleep wrinkles from overnight events like Trivia or mission trips. They have spent time in our home and us in theirs. We have worked together, cooked together, etc. We just do life. Honestly, I find that students are more freaked out than church members about me living my regular life. Several have expressed shock to see me in jeans or run into me at Target, like I live in "business casual" clothes and never leave the campus. The only interesting thing about the fishbowl has been related to nosy neighbors. In Texas, we lived in a parsonage and some church members lived just two houses down. We'd run into them and several times they said things like, "We saw your lights on at 2:00 am. Hope everything is okay." (Translation: I'm nosy and dying to know what you were doing. Incidentally we had a baby who was just a couple of weeks old, so it was probably something really exciting like nursing, changing a diaper, or pacing the floor trying to get a screaming baby to sleep.). These were the same people who would call if we forgot to put our garbage out on trash day just to make sure we were alright. Um yeah, we just forgot it was Tuesday. You just can't make this stuff up. It’s Something to Think About— Mike Ja 5/6 Cubbies Turtle Races 5/9 End of the year Celebration Blowing Springs Park @ 10:00am Looking Ahead VBS 6/22-6/26 6:00pm to 8:30pm Register Online @ www.bvbap Wednesday night Summer Program Theme- Movie Stars 5/13 @ 6-7:30 Register online @ Park Days (10am to noon) Thur., 5/7 @ Dave Peel Park, off Bentonville square Fri., 5/22 @ BV Lake Walking Trail Park Children’s Choir Musical 5/3 @ 5:00pm Please have preschool children here by 4:30pm Camdon B. 5/7 Hayden Wood 5/15 We will learn about: ♦Choose to forgive others. ♦ Choose to help at church. ♦ Choose to be kind like Jesus. ♦Choose to accept everyone. Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 Page 3 What we are learning this month: ● in Children’s Worship: The Exiles Returned: After Israel’s disobedience led to 70 yrs. of exile in Babylon, God kept His promise to bring His people home to Judah. Prophets encouraged people to re-build the temple. The prophet Zechariah told of a future king who would come humbly on a donkey. Key Passage: Zechariah 9:9 Lesson 1- Daniel and the lions Lesson 3- Zerubbabel Lesson 2- Obadiah Lesson 4- Haggai In Sunday School : Life Verse: Galatians 5:14 May Lesson 1- Jacob and Esau Lesson 3- Jesus’ example Birthdays: Lesson 2- The Antioch Church Lesson 4- The 10 Lepers Kassidy Bauer 05/30 Dates to Remember: 05/02—Praise Kids Dress Rehearsal 9am 05/03—Praise Kids Rehearsal 2-4 Children’s Choir performance 5pm 05/09—AWANA end of the year celebration and AWARDS. 05/13—Move begins AWANA end of year celebration/ awards luncheon. Come help us celebrate all the hard work this year, enjoy lunch and family games. May 9,2015 11:00a.m. Blowing Springs Recreation picnic area, just past Cooper Elem. Kids Super Summer Wednesdays, beginning May 13 Sign up on VBS 6/22-6/26 6:00pm to 8:30pm Register Online @ VBS helpers are needed. Sign up at the Welcome Center Needed: We need 8 to 10 canopies for decorating during VBS. They will be used inside the building and will be very well taken care of. If you have one we can borrow, please let Nancy or April Schultz know as soon as possible. Page 4 Bella Vista Baptist Church Page 5 Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 Young at Heart News & Music News by Pastor Daniel Salls There are so many great opportunities coming up, so I want to use my article this month to let you know of a few special things for you to plan to attend. The National Day of Prayer is on Thursday, May 7th. The Mayor will host a prayer breakfast at 7am at the First United Methodist Church. I will be providing the special music at this prayer breakfast. Tickets are $6 each and will be available at Allen’s Grocery and at City Hall. Wycliffe Associates annual banquet will be held at the Springdale Holiday Inn on Saturday, May 9th at 6pm. If you have not been to one of these banquets to hear the stories of what this fascinating ministry is doing, then you have missed out! They provide you with a delicious meal, give you some great information, AND you get to enjoy the fellowship of those you bring with you or those new friends you meet at the banquet! The tickets are FREE but, you must make reservations with us to attend. For more information on this please call Julie Weese, 855-3748. On Sunday, May 17th, we will observe the Lord’s Supper during the evening service. If you do not normally attend Sunday evening services, please come this Sunday so we can observe this sacred time as a church family. Our monthly movie night is on Friday, May 22nd. The movie this month is “Finding Normal”. We always have a lot of fun on our movie nights! We start with nachos and hotdogs at 6pm, then about mid-way during the movie we have intermission with ice cream sundaes! This is a great event for you to bring your friends and neighbors. Some of you have been heavily involved in the Concordia services that our church is responsible for and others may not know about this ministry. On Sunday, May 24th, Bella Vista Baptist is hosting the Concordia Worship Service. This is an opportunity for us to be blessed by serving others. You may feel that you do not have musical talent to share or don’t know how you could be helpful during this service...well, there’s a place for everyone! Volunteers are needed to get the residents to and from their rooms and to just sit and worship with the residents. Please plan to come and help with this service. On Tuesday, May 12th the California Baptist University Male Chorale will be performing at our church at 7pm. This is an unusual opportunity for our church and I sincerely hope that you will make every effort to be here and to bring friends with you. They are on a traveling tour and have agreed to come to our church. We will be taking a love offering to help with their travel expenses. This is an event that you will not want to miss. Lastly, many of you have asked about getting a copy of the DVD from our Easter performance, Stabat Mater. You can call the office to reserve your copy (855-3748). They are not yet available but, we will notify you as soon as they are ready. We are asking for a donation of $5 each (just enough to cover the costs). Bella Vista Baptist Church Page 6 This will be our last mee ng before Summer Break! We’ll gather in Fellowship Hall for coffee, then at 9:45 we will carpool to Centerton, to visit Youth Bridge, a facility that provides housing for troubled teens, ages 13 – 17. We plan to have lunch somewhere in the Centerton area a$erward. Please bring a personal item/items to donate to the teens at Youth Bridge, such as: Body Wash, hair brush, nail polish, lo on, flip-flops, Stitch n’ Chat is starting up for the new year. Please join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. On: Sunday, May 17th from 2pm to 5pm in Fellowship Hall Bring any needlework or craft project you are working on, or if you want to learn to knit or crochet we can help. This is a drop-in event—come for all or part of the time. For more info. contact Joan Abrams, 295-0598. All ages welcome! If you drink Coke© products we need your help! AWANA is collecting empty bottles (16oz and 20oz only) and we need 200!! There will be a shopping cart at the Welcome Center for you to drop off your bottles. Thank you for your help. **NOTE: only Coke© brand bottles will work (see samples below) The Guatemala team is in need of mats made from plas c Walmart bags. These will be given to those who sleep on dirt floors. If you can crochet, the bags will be provided. Contact Barbara for instruc ons 479-273-2243. They are not difficult and easy to do while watching TV. This will be such a blessing to those who sleep on a dirt floor. Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 Thank You Church Page 7 Thank you to everyone who came to “shower” Sunny with gifts for our soon to be born baby boy. Words cannot express how much we appreciate you all and the love and kindness you’ve shown to us. Thank you to the ladies of the Praise Team for hosting the shower. We feel loved and blessed by your kindness. ~ Daniel & Sunny Salls and family Thank you is so inadequate to express my gratitude for all the prayers, prayergrams, calls, hospital visits, cards and food I received while recovering from hip replacement surgery. Those who came to keep Bob company while I was in surgery were very much appreciated. You have truly blessed Bob and I with your love and concern. God is so good and His goodness has been showered on us through you! ~ Bob & Gloria Sayre Movie Night for Senior Adults Friday, May 22 6pm-Nachos & Hotdogs 6:30pm-Movie Starts (ice cream sundaes at intermission) GUATEMALA MISSION TRIP, Oct. 8-17. Meeting is May 24, in the conference room @12:15. We could use some more men to join our team. We plan to go to the tracks, probably visit Panachel and go over by boat to Jabalito where there is a small medical facility that needs our help. We plan to also go to San Miguel by the Pacific Ocean and plan a cook out with the kids. This little village needs our attention. We've been asked to also put tile on the second floor hallway at the tracks. Don't know about a mosaic at this time as it is time sensitive project. We will see. A $150.00 deposit is due now and it is nonrefundable. At the July meeting $750.00 will be due to secure our airline tickets. forms available at Nursery desk— Please email a photo by May 6 to be used on the screen that Sunday to Questions? Call 855-3748 The balance is due Sept. 1. Total cost of this trip is $1,500.00. We that have gone before can promise you a great trip that will change your life. I pray you will consider joining our team and be a blessing to so many less fortunate. We are constantly updating our photo directory to include new additions to our congregation and to update out-of-date photos. Adding / updating your photo is easy! You can: 1.) email a photo to 2.) stop by our office with a photo for us to scan (it’s fast, you can take your photo home with you) 3.) stop by our Hospitality Room any Sunday morning after Worship to have a new photo taken The photos in our directory help our newest members to put the names they are hearing with faces. They also help us when we are praying for each other to have your faces before us. If you haven’t already, please send in a photo. Bella Vista Baptist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID BENTONVILLE, AR 72712 PERMIT #222 50 E Lancashire Blvd. Bella Vista, AR 72714 May 2015 Phone: (479) 855-3748 General E-mail: BVBC Pastoral Staff Michael McCauley, Senior Pastor E-mail: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Daniel Salls, Associate Pastor E-mail: Dave Brown, Associate Pastor E-mail: ******************************* Lighthouse of Prayer ... (479) 855-6644 Freedom Ministry........ (479) 855-1119 General Delivery .. Stacy Craig ......... Julie Weese Renee Estes ........ Carolyn Nancy Julie AWANA ........... 1 –Bev Stetler, John Prathaftakis 2 –John Schultz, Serrena Schultz, Rob Caster, Sarah Saxon 3 –Poiema Heinritz 4 –Danetta Korte 6 –Lauren Blankenship 8 –Pat Hay, Ron Dulmage 9 –Terry Hayes 10–Tim Verble 11–Deanna Cascio, Barbara Fleeman, Kevin Hayes 12–Angie Zoeli, Joyce Howe, Katlyn Stigall 13 –Joan Abrams, Steve Sullivan, Richard Dees 14 –Peggy Tallant, 15 –Gene Keith, Bob Short, Mark Stewart, 17 –Rebecca VanGorkom 18 –Anna Tallant, Drew Shover 19 –Jim Erskine, Daniel Salls 20 –Roberta Bever 21 –Chet Coltharp 23 –Megan Chester, Judy Fessler 24 –Steve Roughton 26 –Donna Seay, Dan Weese 27 –Lois Adams 28 –Anna Mattingly 29 –Paul Epperson 30 –Kade Korte 31 –Dylan Gard If you are celebrating your 50th + anniversary this month and were not on our list, please contact the office. We have several anniversaries in our database with the year missing. FOR THOSE SENDING CARDS, THE FOLLOWING IS THE BEGINNING OF NEXT MONTH’S BIRTHDAYS: JUN. (FROM 1ST—5TH) 1– Sam Mendoza, Jason Salmons 2– Joe Vance, Waymon Rivers, Carter Keene 3– Ann Arnold, Madison Weaver 4– Gloria Peterson, Nancy Merrell May Anniversaries (50+years) Red & Faith Herring ....... 05/06/62 Michael & Jayne Fisher ... 05/08/64 MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Regular Weekly Events: Sundays: Worship (8:30am, 11am, 5pm); Bible Study (9:45am) Tuesdays: Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study (6:30am) Wednesdays: Meal (4:45pm); Children’s Choirs (5:30pm); Prayer Meeting (5:45pm); AWANA (6:15pm); Youth (6pm); Choir (6pm) Thursday: Handbell Rehearsal (6:30) 3 4 Praise Kids Rehearsal 2-4pm GH 5 AWANA– Last Night Children’s Spring Musical 5pm Deacon’s Meeting 4pm 10 11 12 Finance Committee Mtg 6:30pm CR CA Baptist University Male Chorus 7pm GH Baby Dedication 17 6 WOM 9:20am 18 Piano Recital 3-4:30 Stitch-N-Chat 2-5pm Lord’s SupperPM Baptism’s 5pm 19 7 25 Service at Concordia 2:45 Memorial Day 26 VBS Taskforce Mtg. 12:30 CR 1 2 Children’s Choir dress rehearsal 9am 8 9 AWANA– End of year celebration Blowing Springs Park 10am-2pm Cubbies turtle races Financial Peace University 6-8 pm 13 14 15 Children’s Super Summer Program Begins 6-7:30pm Financial Peace University 6-8pm Piano Recital 6:30pm OS/FH 20 21 22 Move Night for Senior Adults 6pm Nachos & Hotdogs 6:30pm movie 23 29 30 27 28 BHS last day of school Financial Peace University 6-8pm 31 Sat National Day of Prayer Preschool Park Day 10am-12pm Financial Peace University 6-8pm 24 Fri 16 Calli Heriaud Matt Livermore Brock Moore Faith Saulsbery Serrena Schultz Attention, Parents of Graduates: If you did not get your information turned in for the newsletter you can contact the church office and we will make sure your Open House / Reception information gets announced on a Sunday morning. Please join us in Celebrating Open House with Food and Fellowship in honor of Serrena Schultz’s Calli Heriaud Open House On Saturday, May 23 from 3-5pm Sunday, May 17th At At 20 Norman Lane, 626 Lynn Drive, Bella Vista Pea Ridge From 6:30-9:30pm You are invited to a Cookout Celebration In honor of Brock Moore On Saturday, June 6th Beginning at 6:30pm At 12 Newhaven Lane, Bella Vista Please RSVP by 5/25 To 479-264-3981 or
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