Welcome to First Baptist, Hartwell January 11, 2015 Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms. ____________________________ Address ____________________________ ____________________________ Apt.______ City _______________________ State_______ Zip________________ Phone (Home/Cell) ____________________________ (Work) ____________________________ Email ____________________________ Married □ Single □ Widow(er) □ Spouse’s Name_______________________ Children Living at Home Name_______________________ Age___ Name_______________________ Age___ Guests & Members: (Check all that apply) ( ) First Time ( ) Second Time ( ) Member ( ) Regular Attendee ( ) Sunday School Member Guests: How did you learn about our church? ( ) Friend or Family ( ) Web ( ) Drove By ( ) Mailout ( ) Newspaper ( ) Other: ________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS THE ROSE on the organ represents new life. Kase Michael Richardson, son of Brice Edwards and Canaan Richardson, was born on December 29, 2014. His grandparents are Mike and Tammy Edwards and Paul and Rhonda Johnson. Ladies are cordially invited to a drop-in Bridal Shower for Amanda Holloway Bride Elect of THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS that grace our sanctuary today are given in loving memory of Trabue Bryans and the difference she made in the lives of others. They are given by her daughters, Alexa North and Trabue Kordares and represent a monetary contribution to First Baptist Church. SINCERE CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is expressed to the family of Harold Doster in his departure; to Jeannette Gurley and her family in the departure of her sister, Brenda Bell; and to Jonnye Mauldin and her family in the departure of her brother, Leon Andrews. Jeff Leard Saturday, January 17th, 10:00 am until 11:30 am Steve Albanese Beth Gustafson Matt Law Julia Mansfield Derek Moore Deborah Bowers Jennifer Craft Jean Sanders Courtney Kesler Tribble and Cheryl Payne Pastor Minister of Youth and Education Supply Minister of Music Children’s Director Administrative Secretary Staff Secretary Organist Pianist Kitchen Coordinator Facilities NURSERY WORKERS: Today: Jennifer Johnson, Sybil Dickerson; Jan. 18: Sally Turpin, Jill Walker GREETER TEAM 2: Pam Carroll, Chm., Wayne Carroll, Brooks Mewborn, Peggy Vickery. 81 E. Howell St. ● Hartwell, GA ● 30643 Phone: 706-376-3151 ● Fax: 706-376-7470 Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs.: 8:30 pm – 4:30 pm; Fri.: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm www.fbchartwell.com ● fbchartwell@hartcom.net Worship January 11, 2015 OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE Dear Church Family and Friends, Prelude All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Julia Mansfield Welcome and New News Hymns 237 601 Dr. Steve Albanese I Stand Amazed in His Presence I’ll Fly Away Congregational Greeting...the passing of the peace (children may come down for Pastor’s Pals) Pastor’s Pals Hymns 604 603 Offertory Prayer Message Yours for the greater good, Dr. Steve Albanese Pastor Dr. Steve Albanese Shall We Gather at the River When We All Get to Heaven Offertory We welcome today Rev. Roger Hanson as our supply Pastor of Worship. He comes to us from First Baptist Church Cordele, GA where he served many years in the same position and currently resides in the Athens area. Roger will be leading us in worship while the Music Minister Search Committee continues the work of finding someone permanent for that position. Deacon of the Week Majesty Sanctuary Choir Dr. Steve Albanese The Road to Armageddon - Heaven I Thess. 4:16-18; I Cor. 15; II Thess. 1:10; Rev. 1:17 This January we celebrate Rev. Matt Law’s 10th anniversary of service at our church. We are grateful for his faithfulness and the fruit of his ministry here at First Baptist. As a way to express our gratitude for his and Jennifer’s influence we will be hosting a church wide luncheon on Sunday, January 25, 2015, and this month we will be taking up a love offering on their behalf. Love offering envelopes are available in the pew racks and Welcome Station for your convenience. Let’s be generous as a way to show our gratefulness for their generous service to us and our youth! Invitation 414 Softly and Tenderly Benediction Postlude Rev. Matt Law Sunday Morning Themes: 01/11 The Road to Armageddon – Heaven 01/18 The Road to Armageddon – Hell 01/25 The Road to Armageddon - Finishing Well Sunday, Jan. 11 Library Open Museum Open Sunday School Worship Service Youth Mission Trip Meeting Youth Dept. 5:00-6:00 Fuse (Youth Workers) 6:00-7:30 Youth - Team SID 9:00 9:00 9:45 11:00 12:00 Tuesday, Jan. 13 Men’s Prayer Time - Chapel 10:30-12:00 Library Open 10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 14 5:30 Supper 6:00 Awana 6:00-7:30 Youth -The Shift 6:00-7:30 Women’s Bible Study - Room 12 6:15 Wednesday Worship 7:05 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Deacons’ Meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 9:30-11:00 English as a Second Language 10:00 Friday, Jan. 16 Women’s Prayer Time - Chapel My Decision Today □ I prayed to receive Christ as my Lord and Savior □ I want to be baptized □ I’m renewing my commitment to Christ □ I want to join this church □ I would like to talk to a pas- tor □ Other _________________ Request Information □ I would like more information about a specific ministry. □ Preschool □ Children (1st - 5th Grade) □ Awana □ Student (6th - 12th Grade) □ Single Adult □ Bible Fellowship Classes □ Music Ministry □ Other________________ Prayer Requests ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Wednesday Night Meal Reservation 5:30 - 6:30 pm Name___________________ Regular Hot Meal: Adult $5.00___ K-5th: $3.00 ___ Take out: $5.50___ Salad Bar only: $3.00 ___ Pizza Slice: Youth/adult $1.00 ___ AWANA children: FREE___ Remember to call and cancel if you cannot attend supper. Look for weekly menu on our website: fbchartwell.com
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