St. Pius X Parish 1100 Woodside Road, Redwood City, CA 94061 Phone: (650) 361-1411 Fax: (650) 369-3641 Web: E-mail: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Paul Rossi, Pastor ext. 117 Rev. Tom Martin, Parochial Vicar ext. 121 Rev. Martin Muruli Sequoia and Kaiser Hospital Chaplain (650) 361-1411 ext. 145 Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, S.S. Vice-President, Corporate Ethics, Daughters of Charity Health System (650) 361-1411 Deacon Mynor Montepeque (650) 361-1411 Sr. Norberta Villaseñor, OS.F Pastoral Associate Ext. 115 Maria Cornell Liturgy Coordinator, ext. 118 Nancy Powell Children’s Faith Formation Ext. 116 Beverly Hilliard Music Director Adele Sanchez Senior Adult Coordinator (650) 361-1411 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Judy Giacometti Operations Manager, ext. 110 Rita Carroll Principal, St. Pius School (650) 368-8327 Lauri Hill Preschool Director, ext. 127 PARISH STAFF Chris Luvisi Parish Secretary, ext. 114 Debbie Castelli Bookkeeper, ext. 112 Elvira Cabahug-Garcia Children’s Faith Formation & Assistant Parish Secretary, ext. 111 PARISH COUNCIL Susan Krauss (650) 361-1411 FINANCE COUNCIL Donna Schreiber MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:15 am 10:45 am, (Spanish) 12:15 pm and 5:00 pm Daily: 8:00 am Holy Days: As Scheduled Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30 to 4:30 pm or by appointment Devotions Liturgy of the Hours Monday - Saturday 7:15 am Monday and Wednesday 6:00 pm Rosary: Monday - Saturday 7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Friday of the month following 8:00 am Mass 4th Saturday of the month 7:00 - 9:00 pm Sacraments of Initiation Infant Baptism: 2nd & 4th Sundays at 1:30 pm Spanish Baptisms - 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 11:30 am For schedule: Sr. Norberta (preparation required) Rite of Christian Initiation for Children and First Eucharist: Contact Sr. Norberta Youth Confirmation: Contact Fr. Tom/Maria Cornell Adult Initiation: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Sr. Norberta Sacrament of Marriage: Contact parish office at least six months in advance. Vocations to Priesthood, Permanent Diaconate, Religious Life and Lay Ecclesial Ministries Contact Fr. Paul Rossi Anointing of the Sick: For all who are seriously ill or scheduled for surgery, call the parish office. For those in the hospital contact the hospital chaplain. Viaticum: Holy Communion for the dying, contact parish priest. Visitation of the Sick and Homebound: Contact parish office for Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion. Funerals: Contact parish office. Bulletin deadline Mondays by 10:00 am A Reflection From Your Pastor... Parish Groups Altar Society & Environment Tina Zanoni (650) 361-8203 Bible Study & Book Club Fr. Paul Rossi x117 Grief Support Ministers (650) 361-0655 Italian Catholic Federation Jean Tomatis, (650) 368-5486 Men’s Club David Sawyer (415) 218-0836 Sandwiches on Sunday (SOS) Margaret Cortopassi (650) 364-2132 St. Pius School PTG Courtney Caccia (650) 365-1877 St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Rick Boitano (650) 365-9797 Women’s Club Joany Draeger 868-8945 Laura Vargas 400-8298 Barbara Cage 575-0704 stpiuswomensclub (650) 562-3407 Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI) Virginia Keegan (650) 892-9280 Youth Ministry & Confirmation Fr. Tom Martin x120 Maria Cornell x118 Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord, St. Jerome once said that to be ignorant of scripture is to be ignorant of Christ. That statement or teaching is supported and has its roots in the readings today. St. Luke offers us his resurrection account of the Risen Jesus, who, upon appearing to his disciples, begins explaining how all the scriptures they have known refer to him. In other words, Jesus is the Promised One to whom the Law and Prophets referred; Jesus is their fulfillment and the early Church came to understand Jesus from this perspective. The word "witness" also is key to both the first reading and the Gospel. It is used in reference to the apostles and disciples in the New Testament. The application of these readings and the focus on being a "witness" applies by extension to us as well. We are today's disciples who are called to witness to the Easter Mystery by who we are and how we conduct our lives. To know Christ is to learn what it means and how it means to witness to him and the Good News in the world. It is important, in fact essential, that we know scriptures, that we study the scriptures and pray out of them. The more we know the Word of God the deeper relationship we will have with Christ and the better understanding of how we are to witness to him. How can we witness if we do not know, love and serve Christ. I again encourage our community to read and prepare the coming Sundays readings in order to have heard and prayed the Word before its proclamation at Mass and preparing will better help us to appreciate the homily, which is to break open that Word in our midst. Last Sunday Pope Francis brought news of a special Holy Year of Mercy, a Jubilee Year, beginning with the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015 and concluding with the Solemnity of Christ the King in November of 2016. My hope for our parish is that we can plan our prayer, adult religious education and faith formation, and social outreach around this Holy Year theme of God's mercy. I encourage you to begin imagining what we could do to bring a deeper awareness of God's Mercy to our local community and the implications of God's mercy in our daily personal lives and in the overall life of our parish. Perhaps we can integrate this reality and theme of God's mercy into some pastoral strategic planning for our parish, which we will be planning for the coming months. Please, keep these parish intentions in your prayers. Several weeks ago, in the middle of March, Fr. Ed Grimes CSSp wrote me with the disappointing news that he will be unable to visit and work at St. Pius this summer because of the delicate condition of his back. His doctors want him to put off surgery as long as possible by trying to manage his pain through exercise and rest. Thus, for the first time in many, many years, Fr. Ed will not be able to travel and be with us this summer. I hope you keep him in your prayers as, hopefully with a summer of recovery and healing, he might be able to join us in the summer of 2016. I know we will miss Fr. Ed and he will miss us, as he finds such joy and satisfaction serving the people of our parish. Again, keep him in your prayers. Some wonderful events coming our way: next Saturday, April 25, Confirmation will be celebrated here at the 5:00 Mass by Bishop William Justice, auxiliary bishop of San Francisco. All parishioners are invited to join our candidates for Confirmation celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit upon them. Sunday, April 26, at the 9:15 Mass, will be the annual parish baccalaureate Mass with our parish high school students graduating this year with their families in attendance. Again, all parishioners are invited to come and celebrate our parishioners who will be graduating in a few weeks from the various high schools. Let us keep them in our prayers as they go forth to explore the next stage of their lives. Finally, a little shout-out to Karen Elmore, her assistants, cast and crew of last weekend's St. Pius Young People's Theater's production of "Anything Goes." It was a wonderfully fun performance and I know everyone had a good time. Thanks again to all who helped make the performance such a success. We look forward to next year's production. The 2nd collection next Sunday is the national, annual collection to support the Catholic Home Missions-Black and Indian Missions in the United States. Thank you for your gift and cooperating as a missionary bringing the Good News of Christ to those served by your financial gift. Alleluia---continued blessings for Easter Time, Fr. Paul Rossi CELEBRANTS*FOR MASSES April 25th & 26th Sat., April 25 Sun., April 26 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5:00 pm Bishop William Justice Fr. Martin Muruli Fr. Paul Rossi Fr. Tom Martin Fr. Paul Rossi Fr. Tom Martin 4/19 Children’s Liturgy during the 9:15 am Mass Toddler Childcare at 9:15 am in Fitzsimon Community Room CFF Class meets at 10:30 am in the School 4/20 Greif Ministry Support Group at 7:00 pm in Parish Center 4/21 Centering Prayer at 8:45 am in Parish Center Book Club at 9:30 am in Parish Center PTG General Meeting at 6:00 pm in Homer Crouse Hall 4/22 CFF Class meets at 3:45 pm in the School Spanish Bible Study at 7:00 pm in Parish Center 4/24 Centering Prayer at 8:45 am in Parish Center Senior Friendship at 10:00 am in the Senior Adult Room Spanish Eucharistic Ministers Training at 7:00 pm in Parish Center Chapel 4/25 SOS Group meets at 8:00 am in the Field Kitchen Interfaith-Spiritual Dialogue meets at 9:00 am in the Parish Center Confirmation Mass at 5:00 pm in the Church 4/26 Children’s Liturgy during the 9:15 am Mass Toddler Childcare at 9:15 am in the Fitzsimon Community Room RCIA meets at 9:30 am in the Parish Center Reception for St. Pius Baccalaureate in Homer Crouse after 9:15 am Mass *Subject to change as necessary MASS INTENTIONS Sat., April 18 Sun., April 19 5 pm 8 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5 pm Mon., April 20 8 am Tues., April 21 8 am Wed., April 22 8 am Thurs., April 23 8 am Fri., April 24 8 am Sat., April 25 8 am 5 pm Sun., April 26 8 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5 pm Cortopassi family Thomas Natoli People of St. Pius Drew Fredrick & Roccio Garcia (Int.) Eugene O’Sullivan Sylvia Montiverde Dominic Dei Rossi Tom Cozzens Dominic Dei Rossi Theresia Puffer Winnie Cooper Lina Tomalino Corinne Black Norma & Chuck O’Connor Deacon Steve Michaelson Jose Cuevas People of St. Pius Bridget McLaughlin PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK AND THEIR CAREGIVERS IN OUR COMMUNITY: Doris Sullivan Konrad von Emster Mary Ann Cozzens Nancy Geenen Tina Zanoni Cathy Malabirade Caroline Hansen Leo Englert Lana Lagunera Eileen Welsh Mark Olson Joe Bellanti ALL NAMES WILL REMAIN ON THIS LIST FOR ONE MONTH. PLEASE CALL AFTER THAT TIME IF YOU WOULD LIKE A NAME OF A PARISHIONER TO REMAIN ON THE LIST, 361-1411. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE A CALL, THE NAME WILL BE REMOVED. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED DECEASED Charlene Payne Gerald Volk YOUTH MINISTRY DROP - IN PROGRESS Any student from Saint Pius Parish, in grades six through eight, is invited to join our after school drop in sessions. The sessions are every Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:00 in Room 4 in the school building. This is an opportunity for our young people to discuss faith, have a snack, and grow more deeply in their relationship with the Lord. Please feel free to call Fr. Tom at 361-411x121. God bless! ST. PIUS FESTIVAL JUNE 5TH, 6TH, 7TH It’s that time of year! Planning is well underway for the 2015 St. Pius Festival which takes place June 5,6,7. This year’s theme is “Lights, Camera, Action! St. Pius Festival Please call us if you can volunteer for the traditional chicken dinner on Sunday, June 7th From chairing a booth to donating items to our annual auction, your involvement makes this annual event a success. We look forward to seeing the many faces of our St. Pius community. If you need more information or are interested in volunteering, please contact one of this year’s festival co- chairs: John Buonocore 369-5646 ( or Gina Malanca-Morales 346-1634 (gmalanca@yahoo Booth Sponsorships In an effort to underwrite festival expenses, we are seeking sponsors for each of our booths. Sponsorships are $150 and your name or business will be displayed on a booth. For more information, please contact Mike Descalzo at or Colby Zeltmann at (650) 642-1011 or Restore, Rekindle, Renew: A Weekly Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience This will be presented at the Church of the Nativity in Menlo Park, Saturday, April 25, through Saturday, June 6, from 7:00 to 9:30pm. The 3RE is the WWME Weekend spread over 7 consecutive Saturday evenings. Call Paul & Yvonne at 650.366.7093 or go to 2015 San Francisco/Santa Rosa Weekends: Vallombrosa Retreat Center, MP: Nov 20-22. 3RE: Menlo Park Sat 4/25–Sat 6/6, 7-9:30pm. Space is limited so please apply early. STEWARDSHIP July 1, - June 30, 2015 (goal) $ 561,000.00 July 1, - June 30, 2015 (actual)* $ 439,428.20 July 1,2014 to June 30, 2015 Weekly Goal $ 11,000.00 Sunday Collection- April 12, 2015 $ 9,936.50 *Includes E-Contributions through March 31, 2015 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Assessment Archbishop’s Annual Appeal $ 132,000.00 $ 75,466.00 (as of April 12, 2015) Thank you for your generosity. GIVE ELECTRONICALLY It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. We offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for parishioners and provides much-needed donation consistency for our parish. To give electronically, visit the Church’s website and click on the link to sign up. Thank you for your generosity! ¡VEN ALGO NUEVO EMPIEZA EN SAN PIO (ST. PIUS)! Wednesdays from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Bible Study in Spanish! ¡Estudio Biblico en Español! Conoce y estudia la Biblia Lugar: Capilla del Centro Parroquia (Parish Center) Día: Los Miércoles de cada semana Hora: 7:00pm a 9:00pm La Hermana Josefina Montalvo será la Facilitadora de este ministerio. Para más información llamar a la Hna. Norberta Villaseñor (650) 339-1209 ¡VEN, TE ESPERAMOS A CONOCER, AMAR, Y SERVIR A DIOS JUNTOS! WOMEN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is open to any parish eighth grade girl with a GPA of 2.0 or higher who is continuing her education at a Catholic High School in the Fall of 2015. Applications are available in the Parish Center, School Office and thru CFF (Children’s Faith Formation). Deadline to apply is by 3:00 pm on May 22, 2015. Please feel free to call Sue Boragno at 650-364-2300 or with any questions. WELCOME TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Emma Mendez Shelby Bergner Amerie Torres Jacob Jurow Milanah Garcia VOLUNTEERS FOR CHILD CARE We are looking for volunteers to help with child care during the 9:15 am Mass on Sunday mornings. The time commitment would be two hours once or twice a month. Please join us in this ministry that is so appreciated by our young families. For more information, please contact Samantha Yee at ST. PIUS SENIOR FRIENDSHIP All Seniors are invited to join the Seniors every Friday at 10:00am in the Senior Room behind Homer Crouse Hall. There is a special presentation about Medicare Part D and Health Care Fraud from a representative from HICAP, a Medicare Counseling Program, on Friday, April 24th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the Senior Room. If you have questions about Medicare this is a great opportunity to ask the representative. The Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop William Justice Saturday, April 25 at 5:00pm Mass Please pray for those who will be completing their initiation sacraments: Brandon Aguirre Rebeca Almeida Paola Arellano Natalie Bravo Vivian Bright Stefan Buhr Rocio Cabrera Nayeli Carreno Diana Cauich Juan Cauich William Chacon Sean Clark Nicole Cortopassi Gustavo Cuevas Santino Di Santo, Jr. Jacqueline Fletcher Steven Foley Elias Fonseca Katherine Forrest Eduardo Garcia Victor Garcia Virginia Garcia Paul Gorman Andrea Guevara Max Hallmann Claudia Lucatero Josephine Lucatero Alyssa Lucchini Katie Luttringer Patrick Lynch William Mahoney Nichole Manese Robert McLalan Gianna Morales Danielle Negrete Sabrina Nunn Ariana Nurisso Christian Ramos Anthony Rivera Jacob Russell Estrella Salguero Kristopher Salguero Julieta Sánchez Molly Saxelby James Takapu Felela Takapu, Jr. Riley Thompson Ryan Tranor Laurent Tse Elizabeth Vavuris Victoria Velazquez Marissa Velez Maya Woodbury Swain Yakupitiyage Dylan Zeltmann Ella Naylor (will be Confirmed at St. Matthias Church on May 30th) Also Receiving Communion: Rocio Cabrera, Santino Di Santo, Jr., Victoria Velazquez The following children will receive the Eucharist for the first time on May 2nd at the 5 pm Mass and Sunday, May 3rd at the 9:15 am Mass. Please keep them and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this important step on their faith journey Saturday, May 2nd at the 5 pm Mass: Alicia Arroyo, Mackenzie Beach, Lacey Barstad, Sofia Berta, Riley Britt, Giana Bruno, Haley Cardinale, Daniel Gee, Isabella Gonzalez-Bustos, Isaac Guizar, Alexa Guizar, Emilio Guizar, Andre Gutierrez, Joseph Hohl, Parker Isom, Yvette Kleinberg, Zorenza Kleinberg, Briana Lucatero, Christian Lucatero, Brisa Lucatero, Arden Manca, Eann Panganiban, Kayla Stevens, Holly Taylor, Lauren Thomas, Gabriella Tomatis, William Webb, Ella Webster Sunday, May 3rd at the 9:15 am Mass Blake Affrunti, Chase Affrunti, Robert Allegri, Hannah Baltadano, Haiden Barnuevo, Coco Beck Kerzic, Nicholas Bilafer, Broden Brennan, Liliana Caccia, Kristian Calcagno, Madeline Carter, Jacob Corradetti, Taylor DeChaine, Destiny DeLeon, Giovanni DiGrande, Marian Dujmovic, Finn Flores, Charles Hague, Christopher Hernandez, Josefina Hussussian, Paige Lambert, Natalie Lyssand, James Marek, Julie McCully, Christopher Philpott, Peyton Sawyer, Hudson Taylor, Evan Usher, Giovanni Valdez, Nicholas Young, Joel Granados RESPECT LIFE CORNER In every child which is born and in every person who lives or dies, we see the image of God’s glory. We celebrate this glory in every human being, a sign of the Living God, an icon of Jesus Christ. Pope Saint John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, no.84 CATHOLIC CHARITIES CAREGIVER COURSE If you are a caregiver this free course may give you some valuable information. This “Dementia Care Strategies for Family Caregivers” is on Saturday, May 2nd from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, at The San Mateo Senior Center (2645 Alameda de las Pulgas). This will be presented by Patricia Hurst, Case Management Coordinator, and will cover several topics including effective communication, managing challenging behaviors, stress reduction techniques, and where to find more information. This is hosted by Catholic Charities and the City of San Mateo Parks and Recreation Department. You can register by visiting (course #66168) or calling (650) 522-7490.
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