SAINT PIUS X CHURCH 1051 WAGGONER ROAD REYNOLDSBURG, OHIO 43068 MAILING ADDRESSES: Rectory & Church Offices 1051 Waggoner Road • 866-2859 Children’s Center : 1067 Waggoner Road School : 1061 Waggoner Road Web Site : E-mail : PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PARISH PASTORAL STAFF: 866-2859 Msgr. David Funk, Pastor - Ext. 104 Deacon John Vellani - Ext. 102 Deacon John DuPrey - Ext. 102 Deacon Jim Kelly - Ext. 102 Deacon Charlie Miller, Business Manager - Ext. 101 WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30, 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. HOLYDAY MASSES: On the Eve: As announced Day: 8:30 a.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:30 a.m. Rosary following We, the people of God at St. Pius X parish, are a community of believers faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Tradition. We seek holiness through prayer, worship and the sacramental life of the Church. Inspired by the fire of the Holy Spirit, we give witness to the Gospel through education, service and sharing of our time, talent and treasure so that God’s kingdom may live and grow in our midst. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. – until all are heard & by appointment. WEDDINGS: No date may be reserved until after an appointment with a parish priest at least 4 months prior to desired date. BAPTISMS: Baptismal preparation classes are held the first Sunday of each month following the 12:00 p.m. Mass. Register with the rectory prior to the class. Baptisms are celebrated at the 12:00 p.m. Mass on the first Sunday of month, and at 1:30 p.m. on the third Sunday of month. SICK CALLS: Anytime day or night. If you are a shut-in, please notify rectory if you wish to receive Holy Communion. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: New parishioners may stop at rectory Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to register. Also, new parishioner registrations are held following Masses on the second weekend of each month. Registration forms are also on our web site and may be downloaded, completed and sent to the Rectory. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday - 12:00 noon ST. PIUS X CHURCH REYNOLDSBURG, OHIO This Week at Saint Pius – October 27-November 2 Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice! Masses for October 27-November2 Monday 8:30 A.M. (MDF) +Kermit Knox by William Knox Tuesday 8:30 A.M. (MDF) +Rick Spires by the Lawler Family Wednesday 8:30 A.M. (MDF) +Dorothy Eggers by the Bergman Family Thursday 8:30 A.M. (MDF) +Margaret Gray by Charlotte & Pat Westlake Friday 8:30 A.M. (MDF) +Larry Hodges by Msgr. David Funk Saturday 5:00 P.M. (SF) +Alfred Forino by Jean Forino Sunday – ALL SOULS DAY 8:30 A.M. (MDF) Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass 10:15 A.M. (PG) +Josip & Sabina Kovacevic by the Bergman Family 12:00 P.M. (MDF) Living & Deceased Members of the Parish COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS For the Week of October 12, 2014: Budget Requirements Actual Offertory Received: Weekly Surplus/Deficit): **EFT (Debit) Program: Envelope Offering: Cash Offering: Total Offering: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,000.00 27,147.70 7,147.70 15,430.00 9,713.00 2,004.70 27,147.70 Debit Program Participants: Envelopes Used: Special Collection: World Mission 233 293 $900.00 For the Month of October 2014: MTD Budget Requirements: MTD Actual Offertory Received: MTD Surplus/(Deficit): YTD Budget Requirements: YTD Actual Offertory Received: YTD Surplus (Deficit): $ 60,000.00 $ 60,219.16 $ 219.16 $292,000.00 $302,773.12 $ 10,773.12 COLLECTION COUNTERS Sunday, November 2, 2014 CAPTAIN: GINA MEADOWS Team 2: Anthony or Leeanne Mampieri, Bill & Joyce Black, Steve Fox Monday Adult Education PAC Room - 7-9 PM Finance Committee Rectory - 6 PM Tuesday Cub Scout Pack 326 Meeting Cafeteria - 6:30 PM Women’s Ministry PAC Room - 7-9 PM Wednesday Choir Church - 6-10 PM Thursday RCIA PAC Room - 7-9 PM New Creation Bride’s Room - 7-9 PM Saturday Joseph’s Coat Cookie Sign-up Church - After Mass Sunday Joseph’s Coat Cookie Sign-up Church - After all Masses K of C Memorial Breakfast Cafeteria - After 8:30 AM Mass New Parishioner Brunch Cafeteria - After 10:15 AM Mass Youth Ministry Hohman Hall - 12-9 PM Baptism Class PAC Room - 1 PM PSR School/Pac/Gym - 5 PM Young Stewards Corner 10/19/2014: Donations: $4.00 Number of Envelopes: 5 Examples of our young steward’s use of time and talent: -I dusted (Maleah) -I vacuumed the house (Piper) -I cleaned the toy room (Nathan) -visited my Grandpa in the hospital (Staci) -praying for the sick (Domenic) TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE November 1 & 2 2014 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (H): Host (C) Cup 5:00 PM H: (2) – Organ side - Nancy Himmelspach & Carol Summa H: (2) - Organ side - Pat Miles & Marie Giametta C: (3) - Pulpit side - Diane Bailey, Megan Berger & Charles Giametta C: (3) – Organ Side - Cynthia Moder, Scott Marsh & Norbert Stalica Lectors Dean Miles & Ramona McClelland Servers Abbie Wilson, Annie Robinson & Mia Innes 8:30 AM H: (2) - Pulpit side - Brenda Beyer & John Beyer H: (2) - Organ side - Scott Gallagher & Julie Gallagher C: (3) - Pulpit side - Greg Waybright, Bob Briggs & Pam Briggs C: (3) - Organ side - Carol Shown, Tom Vollmer & Chris Vollmer Lectors Ron Shown & T.J. Bryan Servers Megan & Kevin Gallagher & Nolan Hartley 10:15AM H: (3) - Pulpit side - John & Shirley Callahan & DeAnn Bukowski H: (3) - Organ side - Debra Orellana, Ann Alge & Ed Greer C: (4) - Pulpit side - Julia Wolf, Irene Hrivnak, Gordon Burke & John Goetz C: (4) - Organ side - Karen & Paul Yarger, Greg & Patricia Canfield Lectors Pat Lutz & Laura Morrison Servers Chris Wolf, Hannah Schoolcraft & Shane Donaghy 12:00PM H: (2) - Pulpit side - Erin Gilchrist & Carol Shown H: (2) - Organ side - Jon Caruso & Kim Connors C: (3) - Pulpit side - Beth & Jose Antommarchi & Jennifer Powell C: (3) - Organ side - Dominic Nocera, Tess Dusenberry & Dave Roby Lectors Sandy & Tim Puet Servers J.P. Timmons, Grace Sammler & Joseph Sheridan 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 10:15 AM: 12:00 PM: GIFT BEARERS: Al & Nancy DeLoye Mike & Teresa Paszkiewicz & Family Eleanor Kelley & Family Pam & Ed Sammler & Family 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 10:15 AM: 12:00 PM: GREETERS: Mary Hopkins Joyce Guth John Zacovic & Family Vicky Mercer OCTOBER 26, 2014 In Our Parish November 1st All Saints Day … All Saints Day is normally a Holy Day of Obligation. However, when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the obligation to attend Mass is abrogated or waived. This means that Catholics in the United States are not required to attend Mass. Therefore, no Masses have been scheduled for Friday evening, October 31st or Saturday morning, November 1st! PARISH NEWSLETTER EDITOR NEEDED … We wish to thank Megan Berger for the time and talent she has volunteered over many years in gathering and editing information for our quarterly Parish Newsletter. Megan is moving on to another ministry after our November Newsletter is published. We ask for God’s blessings on Megan and her family in her future ministry endeavors. This means we will require someone who has the time and talent to replace Megan in this role. If you are interested in becoming editor for the Parish Newsletter, please contact Deacon Charlie Miller at the rectory at, by phone at 866-2859, or by arranging for a time to meet regarding the responsibilities of this ministry. Thank you. SPX BASKETBALL… Winter registration is now open for anyone in grades 4-8 who attend St. Pius X School or St. Pius X Religious Education Classes and are interested in playing basketball this year. Registrations can be found at Evaluations/Try-ins will begin the first week in November. All paperwork MUST be completed before participating and can be found on-line at If you have any questions please contact basketball commissioner, Heath Parker at "CALLING ALL STRONG MEN IN THE PARISH TO HELP JOSEPH'S COAT!” Our furniture ministry is in need of help to work on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8 AM11 AM picking up furniture donations in the provided trucks and possibly delivering furniture to people in need who cannot make arrangements to pick up the items. There are only a handful of men currently in our group and we need 5-6 men each Saturday so the need to grow our group is important. If you have interest in joining our team or helping on a few Saturdays a year, please e-mail, Anthony Mampieri at or you can call him at 614-554-1536. Thanks for your consideration to serve!” ST. PIUS X CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING…On Tuesday, November 4 at 7:00 PM in the church there will be a Parent Meeting for anyone with a young person receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Pius X Parish. It is very important for at least one parent to attend this meeting to be informed about the Sacrament of Confirmation (Confirmation, Retreat, paperwork etc.). If you wish to bring the Confirmation candidate and/or their sponsor to the meeting it would be acceptable but not mandatory. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 614-864-3505 or 614-648-9191. God Bless, De Ann Bukowski Coordinator of Religious Education for St Pius X Parish. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMORIAL MASS…Knights and their families from Fr. Andrew H. Hohman Council to attend annual Memorial Mass next Sunday, November 2nd, at the 8:30am Mass in memory of their deceased brother knights. There will be a breakfast to follow in the school cafeteria. All parishioners are invited to join them. CHILDREN’S CHOIR IS STARTING AGAIN…The Choir is open to all grade school children that are members of St. Pius Parish. We sing November to May. We practice Thursday afternoons from 5:00 to 5:30 in the church. Our first practice is November 6. Our first Mass would be the Noon Mass on November 16. Need more information? Contact John Pottkotter, Music Coordinator, at 501-0104 or e-mail at If you were in the choir last year, just e-mail John that you will be participating again! A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS 4-Part Video Series Begins Monday, October 27, 7:00 pm Do you understand the meaning behind the parts of the Mass? In his video-based study A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri explores the roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. In this study, you will come to know and understand the Mass as never before, leading you to a richer, more fruitful worship experience. The study will be held weekly in the PAC Room, beginning Monday, October 27, at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact Leah Kelly at 866-2859. All are welcome. INTERESTED IN SKI/SNOW BOARD CLUB? Ski Packages can be now purchased through Snow Trails (Mansfield). You can register at SNOWTRAILS.COM/ADP. Join the St. Pius Ski Club F-22. These St. Pius rates are open to anyone at St. Pius. The St. Pius Ski Club will provide 6 trips to Snow Trails every Friday directly after school beginning Jan. 9th, 2015 for both parents and kids of the school by way of a chartered school bus. It will leave St. Pius at 3:00pm and will arrive back at St. Pius around 10:45pm. We can accommodate 47 people on the bus. Deadline for early registration (which is the cheapest rate 30$ off) is by Oct. 15th. If you register by Nov. 15th rates are $20 off. Regular rates are thereafter. If enrolling you must email me- -so I can enroll you as a St Pius Ski/Snow Board Member. Also I can provide information about pricing, info on clothing, first time single promotional visits, tubing prices, and physics classes at snow trails or any other incidental questions. We will be holding an information meeting on Wednesday, November 5th, at 7 PM in the PAC room for anyone interested in more info. Chaperones: Jennifer & Jonathan Chamberlain 614-3074708. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE…On Monday, November 3, at 7 PM, there will be a special Mass celebrated for our parishioners who have died this year. We have mailed invitations to those families who have lost a loved one this past year. If you would like to participate in this Eucharist, please phone the Parish Office (614-866-2859), by Monday, October 27, so that we can inscribe the name of your loved one in the Book of the Dead and order a flower that will be added to a special arrangement that will decorate the altar. Please call only if you are going to attend the Mass on November 3. There will be a reception afterwards in the church and we need to plan as closely as possible for the number attending. Again, the deadline is October 27. All new parishioners are cordially invited to attend the NEW PARISHIONER BRUNCH on Sunday, November 2nd, after the 10:15 Mass from 11:30 to 12:30 in the school cafeteria. The brunch will be an excellent opportunity to meet our ministry team, other ministry leaders as well as pastoral staff members and to learn about the St. Pius X Parish Family! Cookie Bakers Wanted: We need cookie bakers for the Christmas Cookie Sale to be held Dec 6th and 7th at St. Pius Church. Please sign up now to bake cookies for December by calling or e-mailing Pat Lutz - 614-395-2057, or Eileen Kaminski - 614-753-3838, All proceeds will benefit Joseph's Coat. MEN’S RETREAT: The men’s retreat is just around the corner. Join other parishioners for a weekend of faith and fellowship December 5-7 at St. Therese Retreat Center. “Man's Journey of Faith: Walking with Christ to Greater Wholeness” will be the retreat theme. Men often find their own unique challenges of faith. This retreat will explore some of the struggles men have in finding meaning and faith in their day to day lives. The retreat will look at some spiritual struggles of the great men in the Bible as a way to offer encouragement for our own faith walks. Karl Ruttan is the retreat Director. He has served as an Episcopal priest for over thirty five years in congregations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Africa. He recently retired from parish ministry to pursue his passion for spiritual direction, formation, and retreat leadership. He received his doctorate in Spiritual Formation from Duquesne University. He has a long time interest in men's spirituality. Cost of the retreat is $110.00 and includes 4 meals and all materials. Commuter cost is $50.00. Registration deadline is December 1st. Contact Leah Kelly to register at 866-2859. SCHOOL NEWS This week at Saint Pius X School… Tuesday, October 28… Students attend 8:30AM Mass Wednesday, October 29… Pizza with the Pastor, Grades 4, 5 and 6 Thursday, October 30… SCAAP Day 1st Report Period Progress Reports go home Friday, October 31… Halloween Parade, 8:30AM Halloween Classroom Parties November Panther Pen posted The end of the 1st Report Period for the 2014-15 school year was last Thursday, October 23. Progress reports for the 1st quarter of the school year will be issued to all students on Thursday, October 31. Halloween is always a fun day at school! Our day will begin with our annual Halloween parade at 8:30AM in the gym. Students in K-6 will wear their costumes and will parade around the gym for all to see! Our Student Council coordinates this annual event each year. The afternoon of Halloween will be filled with our classroom parties. Our Home and School Association is covering the cost of party fees this year and each classroom party is organized by the homeroom moms. It should be a fun afternoon for our students and staff. The November edition of the Panther Pen newsletter will be posted to our school website, this Friday. Visit the website to learn more about all the happenings at Saint Pius X School! PHONES: Rectory & Church Office.......................................................................................................................................................................866-2859 Rectory Fax…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...….……866-1499 Cafeteria.................................................................................................................................................................................................866-1282 Latchkey.................................................................................................................................................................................................866-1209 School.....................................................................................................................................................................................................866-6050 Children’s Center...................................................................................................................................................................................577-0826 Religious Education & Youth Ministry.................................................................................................................................................864-3505 PARISH PASTORAL STAFF:………………...……..866-2859 Msgr. David Funk, Pastor - Ext. 104 Deacon John Vellani - Ext. 102 Deacon John DuPrey - Ext. 102 Deacon Jim Kelly - Ext. 102 Deacon Charlie Miller, Business Manager - Ext. 101 Sue Hodges, Secretary - Ext. 102 Judy Miller, Bookkeeper - Ext. 105 Brenda Brammer, Finance – Ext. 116 Christina Zacovic, Bookkeeper/Receptionist – Ext. 105 Leah Kelly, Pastoral Minister - Ext. 103 AROUND TOWN HELP THE HEART FOOD PANTRY…On November 16, Culver’s, located at 1912 Ohio 256, is offering to donate 10% of your total purchase to HEART Pantry! This is an all day event, lunch, dinner or a custard treat, every sale counts! Sunday, November 16, please take your bulletin as other area churches are also participating! Thank You, Culvers for donating to such an important organization in our community! OPEN HOUSE AT ST. CHARLES PREPARATORY Sunday, November 2, at 1:00 PM for all 8th Grade boys and their parents. St. Charles, the diocese’s college preparatory school for boys, is located at 2010 E. Broad St. Classes to officiate basketball, including eligibility to officiate diocesan youth games, will be held at St. Mary Magdalene Parish, 2909 Parkside Road, Columbus, beginning Mon., Oct 27, at 6 p.m. Class cost is $125; enroll online at For additional details, contact Julius Palazzo at 614-276-9373. BISHOP HARTLEY YOUTH WRESTLING 2014 – 2015 Open to boys in grades 1-8. (Teams for 1st – 6th grades and 7th -8th grades). Practice begins the week of November 17. Registrations will be held on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at Bishop Hartley High School from 6:00 – 7:30pm in the cafeteria. Registration forms can be picked up at any Catholic grade school. Contact coach Paul Petrella at 751-1315 for further information. The November session of the Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club will feature a presentation Dr. David Belcastro, Chair of Capital University’s Department of Religion and Philosophy. Professor Belcastro is also president of the International Thomas Merton Society and will explore the topic, “Merton: A Monk for Our Times” at the men’s luncheon on Friday, November 7th! Join us for this thought-provoking talk on November 7th at St. Patrick Church in downtown Columbus! Holy Mass begins at 11:45 am followed by lunch and Prof. Belcastro’s presentation until 1:00 pm. No reservations necessary. $10 covers the lunch and meeting. Bring a friend! For information on the many activities of Columbus Catholic Men, visit or contact John Schechter, CMLC President at Sr. Maxine Shonk, OP, Pastoral Minister…….....................866-1575 Jonathan Cuniak, School Principal........................866-6050–Ext. 222 Mary Benedict, Children’s Center.........................................577-0826 Sharon Miller, Children’s Center..........................................577-0826 De Bukowski, Director Religious Education…....................864-3505 Judie Bryant, Youth Minister................................................864-3505 Beth Antommarchi, Director of Latchkey.............................866-1209 John Pottkotter, Coordinator of Music .................................501-0104 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Barbara Martin.............................................................(614) 861-5809 CEMETERY SUNDAY PRAYER SERVICES will be held at 2 PM on November 2nd at St. Joseph, Resurrection, Holy Cross and Mt. Calvary Cemeteries. Prospective Student Day and Prospective Parent Information Evening: Eighth grade students who are interested in attending Newark Catholic High School in 2015-2016 are invited to spend a day at Newark Catholic on Wednesday, November 12th, from 9:15 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. For reservations and information call the school at 740-344-3594 Mrs. Sara Heiser x222. All students of Knox/Licking Vicariate are welcome to attend. An information session for parents will be the same evening Wednesday, November 12th from 6:00 until 7:30 p.m. at Newark Catholic High School. The advantages of being a substitute teacher for the Diocese of Columbus: Follow in the work of the Greatest Teacher Make your own schedule Use your degree and expertise Use your teaching credential and get experience Substitute teachers are needed to work in our 53 elementary and secondary schools in 15 counties of the Diocese. Candidates must possess at least a bachelor’s degree or an appropriate teaching license. Candidates must also have a current BCI/FBI background check (less than one year old) and submit proof of attendance for Protecting God’s Children Virtus seminar. Salary is per diem based on location. Interested in sharing in this valuable work and ministry? Go to to find out more and apply, or contact HR Assistant for Teacher Personnel Jeanne Gissel at 614-221-5829. Connect with Bishop Campbell Tues, November 4th on AM 820 Tuesday, November 4th, on AM 820 St. Gabriel Catholic Radio. This is a great opportunity to ask Bishop Campbell questions about Catholic teachings during his monthly call-in program, From the Chair, on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio. Calls begin at 5 p.m. Call (614) 459-4820. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 LIVES OF THE SAINTS October 25 St. Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão (1739-1822) God’s plan in a person’s life often takes unexpected turns which become life-giving through cooperation with God’s grace. Born in Guarantingueta near São Paulo (Brazil), Antônio attended the Jesuit seminary in Belem but later decided to become a Franciscan friar. Invested in 1760, he made final profession the following year and was ordained in 1762. In São Paulo, he served as preacher, confessor and porter. Within a few years he was appointed confessor to the Recollects of St. Teresa, a group of nuns in that city. He and Sister Helena Maria of the Holy Spirit founded a new community of sisters under the patronage of Our Lady of the Conception of Divine Providence. Sister Helena Maria’s premature death the next year left Father Antônio responsible for the new congregation, especially for building a convent and church adequate for their growing numbers. He served as novice master for the friars in Macacu and as guardian of St. Francis Friary in São Paulo. He founded St. Clare Friary in Sorocaba. With the permission of his provincial and the bishop, he spent his last days at the Recolhimento de Nossa Senhora da Luz, the convent of the sisters’ congregation he had helped establish. He was beatified in Rome on October 25, 1998, and canonized in 2007.
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