St. Pius X Parish 1100 Woodside Road, Redwood City, CA 94061 Phone: (650) 361-1411 Fax: (650) 369-3641 Web: E-mail: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm May 17, 2015 Ascension of the Lord Seventh Sunday of Easter PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Paul Rossi, Pastor ext. 117 Rev. Tom Martin, Parochial Vicar ext. 121 Rev. Martin Muruli Sequoia and Kaiser Hospital Chaplain (650) 361-1411 ext. 145 Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, S.S. Vice-President, Corporate Ethics, Daughters of Charity Health System (650) 361-1411 Deacon Mynor Montepeque (650) 361-1411 Sr. Norberta Villaseñor, OS.F Pastoral Associate Ext. 115 Maria Cornell Liturgy Coordinator, ext. 118 Nancy Powell Children’s Faith Formation Ext. 116 Beverly Hilliard Music Director Adele Sanchez Senior Adult Coordinator (650) 361-1411 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Judy Giacometti Operations Manager, ext. 110 Rita Carroll Principal, St. Pius School (650) 368-8327 Lauri Hill Preschool Director, ext. 127 PARISH STAFF Chris Luvisi Parish Secretary, ext. 114 Debbie Castelli Bookkeeper, ext. 112 Elvira Cabahug-Garcia Children’s Faith Formation & Assistant Parish Secretary, ext. 111 PARISH COUNCIL Susan Krauss (650) 361-1411 FINANCE COUNCIL Donna Schreiber MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:15 am 10:45 am, (Spanish) 12:15 pm and 5:00 pm Daily: 8:00 am Holy Days: As Scheduled Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30 to 4:30 pm or by appointment Devotions Liturgy of the Hours Monday - Saturday 7:15 am Monday and Wednesday 6:00 pm Rosary: Monday - Saturday 7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Friday of the month following 8:00 am Mass 4th Saturday of the month 7:00 - 9:00 pm Sacraments of Initiation Infant Baptism: 2nd & 4th Sundays at 1:30 pm Spanish Baptisms - 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 11:30 am For schedule: Sr. Norberta (preparation required) Rite of Christian Initiation for Children and First Eucharist: Contact Sr. Norberta Youth Confirmation: Contact Fr. Tom/Maria Cornell Adult Initiation: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Sr. Norberta Sacrament of Marriage: Contact parish office at least six months in advance. Vocations to Priesthood, Permanent Diaconate, Religious Life and Lay Ecclesial Ministries Contact Fr. Paul Rossi Anointing of the Sick: For all who are seriously ill or scheduled for surgery, call the parish office. For those in the hospital contact the hospital chaplain. Viaticum: Holy Communion for the dying, contact parish priest. Visitation of the Sick and Homebound: Contact parish office for Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion. Funerals: Contact parish office. Bulletin deadline Mondays by 10:00 am A Reflection From Your Pastor... Parish Groups Altar Society & Environment Tina Zanoni (650) 361-8203 Bible Study & Book Club Fr. Paul Rossi x117 Grief Support Ministers (650) 361-0655 Italian Catholic Federation Jean Tomatis, (650) 368-5486 Men’s Club Pete D’Errico stpiusmensclub@gmail (415) 806-8397 Sandwiches on Sunday (SOS) Margaret Cortopassi (650) 364-2132 St. Pius School PTG Courtney Caccia (650) 365-1877 St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Rick Boitano (650) 365-9797 Women’s Club Joany Draeger 868-8945 Laura Vargas 400-8298 Barbara Cage 575-0704 stpiuswomensclub (650) 562-3407 Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI) Virginia Keegan (650) 892-9280 Youth Ministry & Confirmation Fr. Tom Martin x120 Maria Cornell x118 Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord, Today's celebration of the Ascension of the Lord speaks to us of our Lord handing on to us, his disciples, a mission to bring him, the Good News, to all people, to all the nations, throughout the world. Looking forward to next Sunday's celebration of Pentecost, we realize that Jesus does not expect us to be on our own; rather, as he promised, he would be with us until the end of time. Looking forward to the gift and descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, his promise is fulfilled to this day. By the Holy Spirit we are led to bringing God's saving love to all people and we witness this love by our love and commitment of service to those poor and marginalized locally and throughout the world. The challenges the Gospel presents to us are great; however, the Holy Spirit inspires and moves us to even greater and mightier acts of charity and compassion. May we abandon any fears and turn to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, guidance and courage to live our baptismal call. Congratulations to our parish catechists who recently were acknowledged by the Archdiocese at the Pius X Awards and dinner at the Cathedral. The calling and role of catechist is key to a parish family, as those who believe, live and celebrate the Faith pass it on through instruction and guidance as they assist children and adults to know, love and serve Jesus and his Gospel in the midst of the Church and the world. Special thanks to Maryann Barry and Lourdes Piccone (5 years); Julianne Sullivan (10 years) Claudia Connors (12 years), Carolyn Healy (13 years); and, Donna Schreiber (25 years). Laurel Naylor was also acknowledged as finishing her term of dedicated service to the Archdiocesan Youth Council. I want to thank these parishioners for the many years of faithful service to the people of St. Pius Parish and I invite other parishioners to follow in their steps and consider the ministry of catechist here at our parish. I want to thank Nancy Powell for an outstanding job this past year as Parish Director of Children's Faith Formation for our parish. Due to her busy work schedule as a nurse at Sequoia Hospital, Nancy is stepping down from this Parish Staff position, while she will remain as a catechist for our children, for which I am grateful. I have asked Cathy Yee to take this position and she has accepted. I know that Cathy will do a fine job and I ask that our community support her with our prayers and cooperation as she begins to serve the children and their families in her new position. I am requesting parishioners to consider the wonderfully rewarding ministry we call SOS---Sandwiches on Sunday. After many years volunteering her time as a worker and coordinator, Margaret Cortopassi has asked that we begin to look for a new coordinator. SOS is a group of parishioners and others outside of our parish who come to our field kitchen on Saturday mornings for about 45 minutes to 1 hour to make sandwiches and put together bag lunches, 80 bags for adults and 10 for children, which are then picked up on the following day, Sunday morning, by a group of volunteers from local neighboring churches who distribute the bags to those in need at Fair Oaks Community Center in Redwood City. This volunteer work/ministry is fulfilling the request of Jesus to feed the hungry and your fulfillment and reward will be known both in this life and the next! You also will have the satisfaction of working with other Catholic and non-Catholic Churches--truly an ecumenical adventure. If any individual or individuals would be interested in coordinating this wonderful ministry of service, I ask you contact me at the Parish Center. I also suggest that a couple of people might want to share the coordination. We can explore the possibilities. I know Margaret will be grateful knowing that, after her many years of service, others will step up and take charge of extending Jesus' hand to the hungry and those in need. I also can assure you that Margaret would be willing to mentor those who are interested and offer guidance in the initial weeks. Please, consider this offer to be of great service in the life of our parish and city. Just a reminder that next Sunday we have the annual, national 2nd collection for Catholic Communications Campaign. Please be attentive to giving what you can to support the mass media of our Church in sharing the Good News of Christ to our world. I look forward to celebrating the great Solemnity of Pentecost with you next Sunday. Have a wonderful week. Fr. Paul Rossi CELEBRANTS*FOR MASSES May 23rd & 24th Sat., May 23 Sun., May 24 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5:00 pm Fr. Tom Martin Fr. Paul Rossi Fr. Tom Martin Fr. Paul Rossi Fr. Tom Martin Fr. Martin Muruli 5/17 Children’s Liturgy during the 9:15 am Mass Toddler Childcare at 9:15 am in the Fitzsimon Community Room *Subject to change as necessary 5/18 FilAm Meeting at 6:00 pm in Parish Center MASS INTENTIONS 5/19 Centering Prayer at 8:45 am in Parish Center 5/20 Men’s Club General Meeting at 6:30 pm in Homer Crouse Hall Spanish Bible Study at 7:00 pm in Parish Center 5/21 Finance Council Meeting at 5:00 pm in the Parish Center Ministry of Prayer - Spanish at 7:00 pm in Homer Crouse Hall Parish Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Parish Center 5/22 Centering Prayer at 8:45 am in Parish Center Senior Friendship at 10:00 am in Senior Adult Room 5/23 Interfaith-Spiritual Dialogue meets at 9:00 am in Parish Center PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK AND THEIR CAREGIVERS IN OUR COMMUNITY: 5/24 Doris Sullivan Konrad von Emster Mary Ann Cozzens Nancy Geenen Tina Zanoni Cathy Malabirade Peter Porata Morine Bisagno Children’s Liturgy during the 9:15 am Mass Toddler Childcare at 9:15 am in the Fitzsimon Community Room THE CAKE BOOTH NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!!! Sat., May 16 Sun., May 17 Mon., May 18 Tues., May 19 Wed., May 20 Thurs., May 21 Fri., May 22 Sat., May 23 Sun., May 24 5 pm 8 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5 pm 8 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 5 pm 8 am 9:15 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 5 pm Cortopassi family Victor & Lina Ghironi Mary Salino People of St. Pius Teodoro Bautista, Prudentia Perez & Felipa Payuyu Jim Meyer Paul Cinquini Frederick Heyeck John Smith Jose Vazquez Maria Imp Lina Tomalino People of St. Pius Frank Buonocore Glenny Durkin Mary Salino Lina Tomalino Linda Paroli Klug Caroline Hansen Leo Englert Lana Lagunera Eileen Welsh Mark Olson Joe Bellanti Fr. Fatu Mulikihaamea Leonore Dei Rossi ALL NAMES WILL REMAIN ON THIS LIST FOR ONE MONTH. PLEASE CALL AFTER THAT TIME IF YOU WOULD LIKE A NAME OF A PARISHIONER TO REMAIN ON THE LIST, 361-1411. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE A CALL, THE NAME WILL BE REMOVED. ST. PIUS SENIOR FRIENDSHIP All Seniors are invited to join the Senior Group every Friday at 10:00 am in the Senior Room behind Homer Crouse Hall. The Seniors will host a lunch for the 8th grade students on Friday, May 22nd. On Friday, May 29th, Ann Traylkill, a nurse from Veteran’s Hospital will come and check blood pressure on the Seniors. The Cake Booth is the only food booth at the Parish Festival that depends 100% on the generous donations of parishioners, and we desperately need your assistance to make the booth a success. Please consider baking some cookies, cakes, brownies, sweet breads, pies, or other sweet treats, and donating them to the Cake Booth! Of course, we will also gladly take donations of baked goods that you purchase! Baked goods can be dropped off on any day of the Festival, at the booth, or they can be left in the room next to the school office. If you have any questions, please contact: Amy Daniher ( or at (650) 346-1115. STEWARDSHIP July 1, - June 30, 2015 (goal) July 1, - June 30, 2015 (actual)* July 1,2014 to June 30, 2015 Weekly Goal Sunday Collection- May 10, 2015 $ 561,000.00 $ 486,603.23 $ 11,000.00 $ 9,744.00 *Includes E-Contributions through April 30, 2015 It’s that time of year! Festival times: Friday, June 5th 6 pm-10 pm Saturday, June 6th 1 pm-10 pm Sunday, June 7th 1 pm-8 pm “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION”! From chairing a booth to donating items to our annual auction, your involvement makes this annual event a success. We look forward to seeing the many faces of our St. Pius community. If you need more information or are interested in volunteering, please contact one of this year’s festival co- chairs: John Buonocore 369-5646 ( or Gina MalancaMorales 346-1634 ( Booth Sponsorships In an effort to underwrite festival expenses, we are seeking sponsors for each of our booths. Sponsorships are $150 and your name or business will be displayed on a booth. For more information, please contact Mike Descalso at or Colby Zeltmann at (650) 642-1011 or Donate to the Auction We would love to get some fabulous items for the silent auction this year. Clean out your gift closet, design a great party, donate unused gift cards or tickets, or put on your shopping shoes. Your donations may be tax deductible. Please bring your donation to the Parish Center marked Silent Auction or call Stephanie Giovannetti at 650-346-9166 and arrangements will be made to have someone pick it up. Raffle Tickets Tickets can also be purchased at the festival. The price is $10 per ticket. A $100 winner will be announced every hour throughout the weekend, and hourly winners will be re-entered for a chance to win the larger cash prize on Sunday night (25 percent of total ticket sales). Need not be present to win. Catholic Charities Second Collection 5/10/15 $ 3,010.00 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Assessment Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (as of May 10, 2015) Thank you for your generosity $ 132,000.00 $ 89,821.00 GIVE ELECTRONICALLY It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. We offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for parishioners and provides muchneeded donation consistency for our parish. To give electronically, visit the Church’s website and click on the link to sign up. FESTIVAL DINNERS: Friday, June 5th Rib Dinner, 6 - 8:30 pm ($17 per person, $20 after 5/25) Tickets available at the Parish Center Saturday, June 6th Pasta Dinner, 4 - 8 pm (Adults $12) (Children $7) Sunday, June 7th Chicken Dinner, 4 - 7 pm, ($15 per person) Pancake Breakfast (following 8 am & 9:15 am Masses) $8 for adults, and $5 for children Live Entertainment: Friday Night Mike Annuzzi - 6pm to 7pm Ticket to Ride - 7pm to 10pm Saturday: Big Band Music - 6 pm-9 pm Sunday: Woodside High School Band 1-2 pm D-Generations Band - 5 pm to 8 pm Volunteers Needed: Ray Diaz, Chair of the Merchandise Booth is looking for volunteers to work shifts during the festival. Please contact Ray at The Sno Cone & Churro Booths need volunteers. Call the Chairman, Sue Metcalfe, at (510) 432-8128. WOMEN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is open to any parish eighth grade girl with a GPA of 2.0 or higher who is continuing her education at a Catholic High School in the Fall of 2015. Applications are available in the Parish Center, School Office and thru CFF (Children’s Faith Formation). Deadline to apply is by 3:00 pm on May 22, 2015. Please feel free to call Sue Boragno at 650-364-2300 or with any questions. MSGR. HAGGARTY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The family of Monsignor Jim Haggarty, to honor his memory, is offering a $500 scholarship to a male 8th grade student and a $500 scholarship to a female 8th grade student who will be attending a Catholic high school. To apply the student should write an essay on, “What can I do, in light of my Catholic faith, to make the community where I live a better place?” These essays must be submitted to Judy in the Parish Center by Friday, May 22nd. Questions? Call Judy at 361-1411, ext. 110 or ¡VEN ALGO NUEVO EMPIEZA EN SAN PIO (ST. PIUS)! Wednesdays from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Bible Study in Spanish! ¡Estudio Biblico en Español! Conoce y estudia la Biblia Lugar: Capilla del Centro Parroquia (Parish Center) Día: Los Miércoles de cada semana Hora: 7:00pm a 9:00pm La Hermana Josefina Montalvo será la Facilitadora de este ministerio. Para más información llamar a la Hna. Norberta Villaseñor (650) 339-1209 ¡VEN, TE ESPERAMOS A CONOCER, AMAR, Y SERVIR A DIOS JUNTOS! Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 9:15am Mass For children in Kindergarten – Fifth Grade Children’s Liturgy of the Word for children in Kindergarten – Second Grade, is every Sunday morning, three Sundays a month during the school year. Once a month, during the school year, when the Children’s Choir sings, the children remain in the church and are often invited to sit in the sanctuary for the Homily. Please note: Children’s Liturgy of the Word is not intended for children younger than Kindergarten – please do not send pre-school children without adult supervision. Volunteer leaders read the Sunday Gospel, discuss the Gospel through a question and answer dialogue, pray the Prayer of the Faithful, and work on a coloring page or word puzzle that follows the Gospel. The session lasts 15-20 minutes. The children in Third – Fifth Grade have been meeting with Maria Cornell for CLW, we have thoughtful and challenging discussions. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend with their children attending for the first time, and to assist if possible. Volunteers are needed to work with Children’s Liturgy of the Word as leaders and as extra help for the leaders for K-2 & 3-5. The CLW session lasts 15-20 minutes. We use a weekly guide and on-line resources for planning the session and preparation for the session takes approximately 45 -60 minutes. The leader arrives 20 minutes before Mass to set-up for the session and check in with the priest who is celebrating the Mass. Please contact Maria Cornell at or 650-678-3545 to volunteer, for information and training. El MINISTERIO DE ORACIÓN es algo nuevo que se inicia en la comunidad de San Pio. Todos están invitados a la ORACION que es el camino hacia DIOS. Ven con la familia para aprender, conocer, escuchar, crecer y abrir el corazón al AMOR de JESUS. ¿Cuándo? Cada Jueves del mes iniciando el Jueves 21 de Mayo 2015. ¿Hora? 7:00pm a 9:00 de la noche ¿Lugar? Homer Crouse Hall Para información llamar al (650) 3391209 ¡Todos están bienvenidos, les esperamos! All are welcome to The Spanish Ministry of Prayer starting on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 at 7:00pm! Rock House ‘15 Summer League RESPECT LIFE CORNER In following previous year’s success, the St. Pius Athletic Board is opening Fitzsimon Gym again for the 2015 Rock House Summer League for all parish students entering grades 5th – 8th . Once again, the league will be built in a skill appropriate, foundations first, competitive league where the athletes will meet each week for one hour during the months of June & July . The cost for one sport is $ 35, two sports is $ 40 (total). Basketball will be on Monday evenings, Volleyball will be on Tuesday evenings, 6 pm-9 pm. Each week, a new skill will be taught, which will then be implemented during that week’s playing session. Please complete this form & return it to the school office with a check made out to St. Pius Athletics by June 3, 2015 If you have more questions, you may contact us at Name Address Parents cell # Parents email address Jersey size (circle) Sport- (circle) BB Skill Level ( circle ) S M L XL Adult S M VB both Advanced In case of emergency please contact Moderate Beginner The pro-life position is often misunderstood as neither showing compassion to mothers nor caring about the children after they are born. This is unfortunate..... Those who see a lack of compassion from pro-lifers, may not be aware of the many resources and compassionate care available to women facing unplanned pregnancies. ....(Crisis pregnancy) centers exist to provide warm and caring environments for mothers and families who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. Life Issues Forum: Racing Toward a Culture of Life, Mary Prentis, USCCB, Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities ST. PIUS SCHOOL BOARD SEEKING NEW MEMBERS St. Pius School Board is seeking applicants for board members and sub-committee member positions starting in the 2015-2016 school year. The board functions as an advisory group to the pastor and principal to recommend goals and policies for St. Pius School. Meetings are held in the evening, once per month, during the school year. Experience with marketing or grant writing would be particularly beneficial, but a strong commitment to Catholic education and St. Pius School, and enthusiasm in ensuring its ongoing success are the most important skills to be successful in this position. For more information, please contact the school office at 358-8327.
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