Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 1900 Meadowbrook Road + Feasterville, PA 19053 + 215-357-1221 CALL TO HOLINESS A Bible/Faith Sharing Group meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:15 in Mary’s Chapel (Sept. through May). Forty Hours Devotion The Charismatic Prayer and Praise Group meets on Monday evenings at 8:00 in the rectory office. All are welcome to praise the Lord with prayer, song and Sacred Scripture. October 12th, 13th and 14th Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated Tues. from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Mary’s Chapel. Solemn Evening Prayer with Homily P A R I S H& STuesday TAFF Sunday, Monday, at 7pm Reverend William F. McGeown, Pastor SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Monday– Friday: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: 6:30 a.m., 10:00a.m. & 7:00p.m. Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Saturdays: CONFESSION 4:00 to 4:30p.m. Reverend Daniel P. Devine, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Robert J. Stewart, Permanent Deacon Deacon Eric M. Umile, Permanent Deacon Confessions Monday at 8pm Sister Diane M. Wolf, S.S.J., Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Director of Liturgical Music Mrs. Susanne Brooks, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mrs. Dotto Vogel, Parish services Secretary on Hospitality follow Mr. Fred Perazzelli, Business Manager Tuesday evening St Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School J. Tralies Father Matthew Principal: Ms. Laura A. Clark, 215-357-4720 BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:15 p.m. Preparations for your child’s Baptism should begin prior to the baby’s birth. Call the rectory to register for Baptism MARRIAGE Please make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage by calling for an appointment with the parish priest at least six months before the wedding date. guest Homilist PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Janice Bauer Theme: James Brennan Steve Dwyer Matthew Hastings Sharon Koob Ann M. Baldassarre MyStephen DailyJ. Life Clark Bernie Frederick Jack James Fr. William McGeown Deacon Bob Stewart Robert Watson Sr. Diane Wolf, SSJ FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Henry Carroll Kathleen Farrell Joseph Gnias James Lomanno Kevin Leonard Kevin Shire Edward Shannon Diane Steele Robert Watson WELCOME! New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. Please call the rectory for an appointment. DRE Office: 215-357-3445 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014, Free! Healing, Insight, Help, and Counsel Free! P A S T O R I A L C A R E OF T H E S I C K Please contact the rectory if someone is sick, in the hospital, or wishes to receive the Holy Eucharist or the Anointing of the sick. Continuous Adoration from 1pm Sunday until 6:45pmTuesday. Website Childcare for children 1year to grade 3 provided during the Facebook each evening. Feasterville PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary, We are called to discipleship through worship and service. Twenty - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 A Message from our D.R.E. Dear Friends, Weddings —-so much planning is involved, so many details to coordinate, so much time, effort, energy and money! With my daughter’s May wedding fresh in my memory, I looked at today’s Gospel with new eyes. What if, after all that planning and work and expenditure, none of the invited guests had attended? God has planned the most marvelous banquet for us —Heaven. He has, with great loving care, prepared a place for us. He has used his infinite energy to create it, and has opened the doors to us at great cost —the sacrifice of his only begotten Son. Our Sunday liturgy is also a magnificent wedding banquet —a foretaste of the heavenly assembly depicted in the Book of Revelation. We have been invited, but we may at times find ourselves like those in the Gospel who were too busy with work or other pursuits to respond to the invitation. Jesus is certainly challenging THAT behavior. Or, you may be saying, “I’m here at the banquet every week. What is the message for me?” Maybe Jesus is sending you to invite others, who may not know about the banquet, or who may think they are not among the invited. How about the wedding garment? Far beyond dressing appropriately for Mass, it’s obviously much more important to prepare our inner selves, by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis, as well as nurturing our daily prayer lives and treating others with love and respect. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want a new outfit when they’re planning to attend an event of this magnitude? If you’re searching for something to spruce up your interior wardrobe, please join us for our Forty Hours celebration starting on Sunday at the conclusion of the 11:00 AM Mass and extending through Tuesday evening. We will celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of the Church, with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and talks by Fr. Matt Tralies. This is probably one of the most uniquely Catholic practices in the treasure of our Tradition. (Please see the insert for more of the history.) Come for one night or all three, stop and make a visit during the day, renew and refresh yourself, and, by all means, INVITE a friend or family member to accompany you to the banquet. See you at the wedding…. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education Treasure Sunday Thank you for your support to this Annual Appeal. The parish relies on this collection to help us with our extraordinary expenses like property and liability insurance ($38,000.00), school subsidy ($161,000.00), snow removal etc. It is not too late to donate to this collection if you have not already done so. Just put your Treasure Sunday envelope, or any envelope marked ’Treasure Sunday’, in the collection or mail it to the rectory. Again, thank you and God Bless You. World Mission Sunday Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information please visit: : Expectant and New Parents If you are expecting a baby or have a child to be baptized, please call the rectory to register for your child’s Baptism. Following your call, you will be mailed information to be discussed at the Baptism interview, which you may schedule as soon as you receive the letter. ALL parents who have not attended class recently at Assumption may also need to attend class. This will be discussed at the interview. It is best to call at least one month prior to the class you plan to attend. OUR REMAINING CLASS IN 2014 IS: Tuesday, November 11th 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. In the rectory meeting room. October Count PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) During this month, at every Mass we have an attendance report. Needless to say your presence at Mass helps determine the parish’s future. There is NO PREP on Monday, Oct. 13th because of Forty Hours. PREP families are encouraged to attend the Forty Hours celebrations at 7:00 PM on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evenings, or stop in to spend some “quality time” with Jesus during this period of special grace for our parish. Haunted Hallway Everyone is invited to join us Under the Big Top at the Haunted Hallway in school on Saturday, October 25th from 6 to 8 PM. Spooky fun for all! High School Teens If you missed our picnic but still wish to join the Youth Group, our next meeting is today, Oct 12th at 4 PM in the rectory meeting room. Fabulous 55 Plus Club News Fabulous 55+ will be making a trip on December 17th to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in New Jersey for a festive holiday musical review. Your luncheon will include baked breads, choice of entrée, and all-you-can-eat homemade desserts. The cost of the trip will be $100 and is on a first come basis. Don’t miss out — sign up now. A deposit of $50 is due by October 20th, balance due by November 14th. To sign up, contact Gerry Maialetti at 215-355-7461. Knights of Columbus News The K. of C. are selling Chances of a Lifetime tickets. . Buy a ticket (or many tickets) for a chance on one of 16 prizes. $1.00 a chance or $6.00 for 8 tickets. Benefits K. of C. State Council Scholarships. Tickets 215-470-2050. . Any Catholic man 18 years or older interested in joining the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world should contact Grand Knight, Michael Arment at 215-470-2050. PREP classes began on September 7 and 8. If you have a child who has entered First grade in public school in September, or a child in a private school who will celebrate sacraments in the parish, please contact the PREP office ASAP at 215-357-3445. PREP families are asked to donate a jar of peanut butter and/or jelly for our parish food cupboard. We will accept donations through October 20th. Parents of Level and Grade 2 students in PREP and St. Katharine Drexel Regional School are reminded of our Sacrament Kickoff Meeting for parents and children on Monday, November 10th. A letter with details was mailed home. The deadline for choosing a preference for your child’s Celebration of First Eucharist is October 20th. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) RCIA is the process by which persons enter the Catholic Church. It is for those who have never been baptized, for those who were baptized in another faith tradition, and for those who were baptized Roman Catholic but never completed their sacraments of initiation. It’s not too late to begin RCIA! Anyone interested in learning more about the RCIA process is invited to call Joyce Boag at 215-357-3445. Assumption BVM Parish Sick List Assumption Deceased List Please pray for all the sick of our parish and all who care for them: Marie Bontempo, “Cheech” Russo, Louis DeSiato, Bob Diehl, Dot & Joe Oschell, Debbie Kohn, Tom King, Jr., Pat Bassett, John Sullivan, Kailie Nagel, Lucas Snyder, Anne King, Joe Lorenz, Michelle Tobin, Milissa Franco, Dennis McDonald, Sara Harvey, Billie Lee Sonndag, Ray Kashow, Noelle Ambs. Please pray for all the deceased of our parish, especially Rudy Massari. Active Military Parishioners FLU SHOTS For the uninsured, age 9 and over. Provided by St. Mary Medical Center. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014, 10 AM—1 PM. Middletown Township Building, 3 municipal Way. Langhorne, PA. For additional information visit our website at: or call 215-710-5888. We are highlighting active military members in “News from the Pews”. If a member of your immediate family is currently serving in the military, either home or abroad, please contact Glen Michaels at 215-396-0475 or Please include: Name, rank, branch of military service, home base, and whether they are serving abroad. Archbishop Ryan H.S. Open House Thursday, October 16, 2014 6:30—8:30 PM All 6th, 7th & 8th grade families Welcome to attend. St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School Principal’s Corner October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Our students will be praying the rosary each day in their class. We also encourage each of our families to say a decade of the rosary each day in October. Consider doing it weekly with your family members before dinner, driving in the car, or before bedtime. As always, we appreciate your support and commitment to Saint Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School. During this month, let us ask Mary, Our Mother, to make us an instrument of God’s peace. Announced Masses for the week of Oct. 12, 2014 Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Josephine & Edward Blaney Mass for Parishioners Charles Conrad Helen Sorrentino Joseph Fullerton Mass for Parishioners Dorothy Arbogast Dolores Murphy Marie Kearns Judith M. Jefferson Mass for Parishioners Craft Fair Assumption BVM Parish Saturday, November 8, 2014—9:00 AM—2 PM Vendors Needed For information call Patsy Medaglia 215-364-2435. God Bless us all! Ms. Clark, Principal Pro Life News Save the Date Open House at St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School On Sunday, October 19th from 2 to 3 PM, the Annual Memorial Vigil will be held in Our Lady of Grace Cemetery. Please come and join in prayer and remembrance of the innocent victims of the abortion holocaust in America. Sunday, November 2, 2014 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM This is also a good day to remember the babies who were stillborn or died by miscarriage. Monday, November 3, 2014 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM And 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Please bring a flower to place at the memorial stone. Come one, come all!! St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School CATHOLIC LEADER AWARD FOR SEPTEMBER The following students from Assumption BVM Parish received the Catholic Leader Award for September. 1B Julia Rankel 2A Alexandra Kelly 3A Michael Murphy 3B Alex Kolaris 6A Jillian Clark 6B Bailey Reid 7A Chloe Woollens 7B Emily Buccello 8B Christopher Leonard Congratulations to all. We are proud of you! Mount St. Joseph Academy OPEN HOUSE Sun. Oct. 19th 12:00—3:00 PM To pre-register visit Come Support St. Katharine Drexel school At our SPIRIT NIGHT FUNDRAISER Tuesday, Oct. 14th 7—9 PM Bruster’s Ice Cream 1520 Brownsville Rd. Trevose, PA 19053 St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School Annual GOLF OUTING Northampton Valley Country Club, Richboro Saturday, October 18, 2014 • Check–in and Driving Range Open : 11:00 AM • Buffet Lunch: 11:30 AM • Shotgun Start: 12:15 P.M. (Scramble Format) • Dinner, Prizes and Raffle Baskets: beginning at 6 PM Proceeds to benefit school projects and educational programs. Registration forms can be found online at For questions contact Chuck Goodwin 215-378-3555 or email Holy Ghost Prep OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014— 11 AM—2 PM. For information call 215-639-0811
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