Saint Katharine Drexel Parish “A Home For All” St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 FEAST OF ALL SOULS Mass Times: 8:00 am & 10:00 am 1:00 pm (Nigerian Commnity) 5:00pm (September(September-May) (Ruggles Street) Daily Mass (Mon - Sat): 9:00 am Saint Katharine Drexel (Ruggles Street ) Parish Rosary: 12:30 pm 517 Blue Hill Avenue Dorchester, MA 0212102121-0208 Parish Office: 175 Ruggles Street St. Katharine Drexel Parish Roxbury, MA 02120 is a Black Catholic Community of believers, Telephone: 617 445 8915 celebrating and rejoicing Fax: 617 445 1652 in the love of GOD Administrator: Reverend Gerald Osterman 617617-389389-5660 E-mail Parochial Vicars: Reverend Jude Thaddeus Osunkwo Reverend Donatus Ezenneka Parish Secretary: Sr. Mary Christiana Onyewuche Pastoral Associate Sr. Christine Smith JN 6: 37-40 Sr. Mary Christiana Onyewuche “He called us to imitate Him and walk with Him in close intimacy all our life. May He make each of us, without exception, faithful until death.” Director of Music Mr. Meyer Chambers ST. K.D. Website: 2 St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 FEAST OF ALL SOULS MIDWEEK REFRESHER READ: Matthew 23: 1-12 (Twitter@Pontifex) Pope Francis’ Tweet In the fifth century B.C., the prophet Malavhi took to task the priests of his day who, breaking faith with the law of God, caused the fall of their people. Jesus, too puts his disciples on guard against the scribes and Pharisees. Forceful in telling others what to do, these teachers do none of it themselves. In their eagerness to be revered, they seek to dominate rather than to serve. They demand to be called "master" and to be treated with deference., Jesus' disciples must avoid such divisive behavior. Have they not all only one Master, the Christ, and one Father, God? Are they not all sisters and brothers, radically equal? No one is to seek to dominate the others. Everyone must be at the service of all. Those in the community who exercise authority have a particular responsibility to lead by serving. One could write a whole book on vanity in the Church. The demand for honorific titles, and preferential treatment has not be dispelled, despite Jesus' clear message. This gospel, however, goes beyond questions of vanity. As children of the same Father and disciples of the one Lord, none of us should consider ourselves superior. l All of us must give way before the one Lord, none of us should consider ourselves superior. All of us must give way before the One. Even today, elitism remains a perpetual danger. Paul understood this human weakness. In his letter to the Thessalonians, he gives his own selfless service as the example for leadership in the Church. REFLECT: “May we help people to discover the joy of the Christian message: a message of love and mercy.” Pope Francis LECTORS Sunday 8am: Joe-Ann Fergus 11/02 10am: Aja Credle 1pm: Stephanie Nwaford Sunday 8am: Felix Okonkwo 11/09 10am: Patricia Smith 1pm: Chi-Chi Nwaford Robert Gittens Bob Credle Chibueze Nwaford Lorraine Valentine Mohana Bailey Sr. Christiana O EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Sunday 8am: 11/02 10am: 1pm: Marion Peters Pat Smith Sr. Christiana O. Francis Ibili Sunday 8am: 11/09 10am: 1pm: Marion Peters Jacquie Townes Sr. Christiana O. Felix Okonkwo Sr. Christine Smith Chinwe K Okoye PRAY: Saying one thing and living another is hypocrisy. Pray that you may not live behind a mask. Larry Anderson ACT: If you "talk the talk", "walk the walk". Look at yourself in the mirror and say: "If God forgives me, I forgive me." Then live what you believe, at least for today. Maurice Tshitenge Tina Kamalu Scripture for the week of November 2nd 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUN Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:3740 Mon Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tue Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wed Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thu Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Fri Phil 3:17-4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Sat Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 SUN Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 EVERY THURSDAY 7PM-8PM PARISH CENTER, RUGGLES ST. NOVEMBER 6TH GENESIS 15: 1-12; 17-18 CREATION VS. REVELATION! 3 St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 FEAST OF ALL SOULS ANNOUNCEMENTS CATACHISM FOR CHILDREN IN THE NIGERIAN COMMUNITY Clases take place immediately after the Holy Mass for those preparing for First Penance and First Holy Communion. Registration forms are also available for new Catechumens. 10AM MASS Memorial Mass for Erik Durst on the First Anniversary of his death. Requested by his mother, Joyce Durst 1PM MASS Also, children from 5yrs can also register for the prayer session of the Catechism Class. Class time also immediately after Mass. Praying for the repose of the soul of Akunne Vincent Onochie. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Requested by: The Family of Akunne Vincent Onochie For registration, please call Christiana Onyewuche EHJ at the Parish Office (617-445-8915) or her cell at (617-767-9097) or Mrs. Lillian Ugocha. Praying for Mrs. Chinwe Kate Okoye & Mrs. Uche Uchendu’s guidance, protection and a successful tenor of offices. Requested by: Mama Theresa Areh, Mama Beatrice Chikeluba, Mama Patricia Adione & Mama Caroline Ude FOR CHILDREN IN THE 8AM & 10AM COMMUNITIES Please fill out the form available at the back of the Church and give it to Fr. Jerry or put it in the Offertory basket. Praying for thanksgiving for God’s blessings and protection. Requested by: Ita Madu and Family Praying for the happy repose of the soul of Elder Emmanuel Azuaro (Chydex’s Father) and praying for her safe journey to and from Nigeria. Requested by: The Family of Chief/Sir & Lady Lolo Victor Udoji NOW ENROLLING!! SR. MARY HART AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Place: 175 Ruggles Street, Roxbury 02120 Email: Contact: Juliette Toulon 857-236-4379 Julie McGovern 978-376-3715 Praying for the repose of the soul of her husband, Godwin Agbasi Edoka Chukwuka. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Thanking God for blessings and favors upon her and her family. Requested by: Gloria Iheuwa ST. KATHARINE DREXEL PARISH SENIOR CITIZEN CYBER CAFÉ PROGRAM TIMOTHY SMITH FOUNDATION FALL 2014 Thanking God for His faithfulness, for all favors received and for special intentions. Requested by: Anonymous Thanking God for His goodness and mercies upon him. Requested by: Ralph Ilona Date: Place: Fridays Time: 10am-Noon Computer Room, 2nd Floor, 175 Ruggles St. Dates: November 7 (Technical help for Seniors) November 14 December 5 Instructors are Sister Karen Hokanson, SND, Ed.D. and students from Emmanuel College. Lessons are one-to-one tutoring and include assistance with the Internet, Email, and Microsoft Office. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Marilyn Hicks, Ebere Ihionu Sr. Joanne McGovern, Andrea Middleton Mary Ramos, Herb Stephens Norman Tyler, Fr. Walter Waldron, Mavis Walker OCTOBER 19TH 8am: $674; 10am: $478; 1pm: $1,907 World Missions: $505 Thank you for your generosity! 4 St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 FEAST OF ALL SOULS Nigerian Community Chaplain: Rev. Jude Osunkwo Pastoral Associate: Sr. Christiana Onyewuche, EHJ Beginning at 7 p.m. every Friday, St. Katharine Drexel Parish is pleased to make the Blessed Sacrament available for Adoration for one hour before Holy Mass. Vice Chairperson: Mr. Peter M. Uzoma Secretary: Mr. Felix Okwesa Public Relations: Mr. Ike Oguadimma Coordinator of Altar Servers; Mr. Edward Ngobidi Director of Music: Mr. Emeka M. Ihionu REMEMBER THE 2014 CATHOLIC APPEAL Sir Willy Okwerekwu President Through your support of the Catholic Appeal, our parish community follows Pope Francis’ encouragement “to go forward in hope” as we support the ministries that bring to life the Gospel message across the Archdiocese of Boston (and as we benefit ourselves!). Nigerian Catholic: Men's Organization: Nigerian Catholic Women's Organization: Mrs. Uche Uchendu President Please consider a pledge of whatever amount. Pledge forms are available in the pews and at the back of the Church. Nigerian Catholic Youth Organization: Miss Violet Udochi Mbawuike President _________________________________________________ Thanks to all who have made a pledge or a donation!! PRAYER FOR NIGERIA All powerful and merciful Father, You are the God of Justice, Love and Peace. You rule over all the nations of the earth. Power and might are in Your hands and no one can withstand You. We present our country, Nigeria, before You. We praise and thank You for You are the source of all we have and are. We are sorry for all the sins we have committed and for good deeds we have failed to do. In Your loving forgiveness keep us safe from the punishment we deserve. Lord, we are weighed down not only by uncertainties, but also by moral, economic and political problems. Listen to the cries of Your people who confidently turn to You. God of infinite goodness, our strength in adversity, health in weakness, our comfort in sorrow, be merciful to us your people. Spare this nation, Nigeria, from chaos, anarchy and doom. Bless us with Your kingdom of justice, love and peace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. REMEMBER OUR FOOD BARREL IN THE CHURCH VESIBULE Try to drop something in once a month. It will be well used. PLEASE: NOTHING OUTDATED Thank You! THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) The RCIA program is open to all who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. At this time, we are beginning a group of participants preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The Archdiocese of Boston will be scheduling Adult Confirmation for this year. Now may be the time for you, a friend or family member to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. OFFICE HOURS AT THE PARISH CENTER (175 RUGGLES STREET) TUESDAY: 10AM-2PM THURSDAY: 10AM-2PM FRIDAY: 9:30AM-12PM Please contact Sr. Christine Smith at 617-442-0980 or see Sister or our Pastor before or after Sunday Mass. ALL OTHER TIMES, CALL IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH, EVERETT FR. JERRY AT 617-389-5660 5 St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 FEAST OF ALL SOULS ST. KATHARINE DREXEL SENIOR CLUB MEETING Date: Friday, November 7th Time: 10AM-12Noon Place: St. K.D. Parish Center Second Floor, Computer Room Guest Speaker will be: Karen Burns White, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Subject: “You’ve got the Power: Screening and Early Detection Can Make a Difference.” Plan to join us for valuable information, fellowship and refreshments! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A CONVERSATION WITH DR. ALVEDA KING (Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Date: Saturday, November 8th Time: 1PM Place: St. Patrick Church 400 Dudley Street, Roxbury ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BISHOP HEALY AWARD DINNER HONORING MS. LORRAINE “MA” SMITH Date: Friday, November 21st Time: 6:30PM Place: Lombardo’s, Randolph ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRAYER FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE Dear Lord, we are happy for life here on earth! Heavenly Father, we are deeply concerned about peace in the world, especially in our communities. We know that true peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice. We ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to descend upon our communities to eradicate the injustices. We know that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and that what affects one directly affects all indirectly. Send down your rain so the children will be refreshingly bathed. Send your sunshine so they may bask in the rays. Spread your rainbow so the children will be delighted of its beauty. Let them drink of lemonade from the lemons of life. Our faith is strong in you Dear Lord. We thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit who you gave us as our Advocate. May you inspire us in our mission as St. Katharine Drexel Social Justice Committee to bring about the peace and love of Jesus Christ that will truly be an example of Social Justice both locally and globally. It is well with our soul that you will hear our prayer. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOMINICA NATIONAL ANTHEM (ISLE OF BEAUTY) Isle of beauty Isle of splendor Isle to all so sweet and fair All must surely gaze in wonder at thy gifts so rich and rare Rivers, valleys, hills and mountains: All these gifts we do extol Healthy land, so like all fountains, giving cheer that warms the soul. Dominica, God hath blest Thee with a clime benign and bright. Pastures green and flow’rs of beauty filling all with pure delight, And a people strong and healthy, full of Godly reverent fear. May we ever seek to praise Thee, for these gifts so rich and rare. Come ye forward, sons and daughters of this gem beyond compare Strive for honor, sons and daughters do the right, be firm and fair, Toil with hearts and hands and hands and voices we must prosper! Sound the call. In which ev’ry one rejoices “All for each and each for All.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANY THANKS TO ALL! Many thanks for your words of support and encouragement for your priests here at St. Katharine Drexel as found in last week’s Pilot, celebrating PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY! Our prayers are with all of you as well! 6 St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 7 FEAST OF ALL SOULS St Katharine Drexel Parish-Roxbury November 2, 2014 8 FEAST OF ALL SOULS
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