Katharine M. Donato Vanderbilt University Department of Sociology 201AB Garland Hall VU Station B351811 Nashville TN 37235-1811 EMAIL: katharine.donato@vanderbilt.edu (615) 322-7500 office / (615) 322-7505 fax EDUCATION 1989 Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Chicago, Demography 1988 Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Sociology 1984 M.A. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Sociology 1981 M.S.W. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Social Welfare 1978 B.S. New York Institute of Technology, New York, Economics EMPLOYMENT Current Position 2006— Professor, Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University (VU) Past Positions 2000-06 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Rice University 2000-06 Associate Professor, Epidemiology, University of Texas School of Public Health 2000-06 Research Associate (Special Sworn Status), U.S. Bureau of the Census, Center for Economic Studies, Maryland 1995-96 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University (LSU) 1997-2006 Research Faculty Associate, El Colégio de San Luis Potosí, México 1996 Visiting Professor, El Centro de Investigaciones Historicas, San Luis Potosí, México 1988-95 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, LSU 1990-92 Research Associate, Population Research Center at the University of Chicago and NORC 1988-89 Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Research Center, University of Chicago and NORC 1985-88 Research Associate, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research on the Determinants of Change in Occupational Sex Composition (PIs: B.F. Reskin & P.A. Roos) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2008— Chair, Department of Sociology, VU 2009-11 Director, Center for Medicine Health and Society, VU 2008-09 Associate Director for Survey Research and Training, VU Center for Nashville Studies 2001-06 Master, Wiess Residential College, Rice University 1996-2000 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, LSU HONORS AND AWARDS 2009-10 Fellow, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, VU 2008 Best Paper Award, Urban Politics Section, American Political Science Association 2000 Fulbright Award, El Colegio de San Luis A.C., México 1997-98 Nominated for University Teaching Award, LSU 1995-97 Member, Binational Study of Migration between México and the United States, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (appointed) 1995-96 Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Sociology, LSU Katharine M. Donato page 2 MAJOR FIELDS Social Stratification and Social Demography RESEARCH INTERESTS International Migration, México-US Migration, US Immigrants, Ethnic & Gender Inequality, Social Determinants of Health EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE Editorial Board, International Migration Review, 2014-17 Editor, American Sociological Review, American Sociological Association and SAGE Publications. 2013 American Sociological Review (with Larry W. Isaac, Holly J. McCammon), Volume 78, 1-6 2012 American Sociological Review (with Tony N. Brown, Larry W. Isaac, Holly J. McCammon), Volume 77, 1-6 2011 American Sociological Review (with Tony N. Brown, Larry W. Isaac, Holly J. McCammon), Volume 76, 1-6 2010 American Sociological Review (with Tony N. Brown, Larry W. Isaac, Holly J. McCammon), Volume 75, 1-6 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association (ASA) Chair, Section on International Migration, 2014-15 Chair, Section on Population, 2012-13 Population Association of America (PAA) International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Southern Sociological Society (SSS) Southern Demographic Association (SDA) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1999— Advisory Board, Mexican Migration Project, Princeton University 2007-14 Immigration Advisory Committee, Russell Sage Foundation 2010-11 Research Director (with Donna Gabaccia, History, University of Minnesota), Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Workshop, Migration and Gender Studies 2010-11 Receiving Communities Initiative, Center for American Progress and J.M. Kaplan Fund 2010-11 Organizer, Immigration Sessions, PAA 2009 Discussant, Migration and Health Session, PAA 2007-08 Working Group on Schools and Immigrant Civic Engagement, Social Science Research Council 2007 Organizer, International Migration/Gender and Migration sessions, PAA 2006 Discussant, Session on Life Course Perspectives on Migration, PAA 2003-06 Working Group on Migration and Gender, Social Science Research Council 2005 Discussant, Session on Acculturation and Health, PAA 2005 Organizer, Population Session, ASA 2004 Discussant, Session on Immigrants in Nontraditional Destinations, PAA 2003-05 Member, Population Section Council, ASA 2003 Discussant, Session on Immigrant Adaptation, PAA Katharine M. Donato page 3 2002 2002 2000-01 2000-02 1999-01 1998-00 Organizer, Population Section Session, ASA Organizer, Social Networks and Migration Session, PAA Chair, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award Committee, ASA Advisory Group on the Effects of Border Enforcement, Public Policy Institute of CA Member, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award Committee, ASA Advisory Group on the Effects of Welfare Reform on Legal Immigrants, International Migration Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C. 1999 Review Panel, National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, USDA 1999 Chair, Nominations Committee, Section on Occupations, Organizations and Work, American Sociological Association 1998 Organizer, International Migration Session, ASA 1998 Organizer, Session on International Migration, PAA 1997 Member, Program Committee, International Migration Section, ASA 1997 Member, Program Committee, SSS 1996 Organizer and Chair, Migration and Health Session, PAA 1996 Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, PAA 1995 General Topic Organizer, PAA and SDA Reviewer for Social Forces, International Migration Review, Demography, Social Science Quarterly, Population Policy & Research Review, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Work and Occupations Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation, NIH-NICHD Population Science Subcommittee, National Research Initiative, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Poverty Center at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, The Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Russell Sage Foundation and The World Bank UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2014-15 VU Trans-institutional Programs (TIPs) Review Panel 2009-14 Faculty VUceptor, VISIONS 2013-14 Executive Committee for VU Strategic Plan 2009-10 VU Committee on Institute for Advanced Study 2008-09 VU Social Sciences and Education Subcommittee, Task Force on Graduate Education 2008-09 VU Committee for Applied Social Sciences 2006-08 Nashville Survey Research Taskforce, VU Center for Nashville Studies 2006-07 Chair, Speakers Series Committee, Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University 2004-06 Presidential Committee on Faculty Women, Rice University 2003-04 Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Faculty Women, Rice University 2000-02 Health and Society Seminar, Rice University and UT-School of Public Health 1996-98 Chair, Graduate Policy and Admissions Committees, LSU 1995-96 Graduate Policy Committee, LSU 1994-95 Recruitment Committee, LSU 1993-95 Research Advisory Group in the Social Sciences, LSU 1989-94 Graduate Policy Committee, Advisory Committee, Women's Studies Committee, LSU 1988-89 Demographic Workshop/Gender and Society Workshops, The University of Chicago Katharine M. Donato page 4 PUBLICATIONS Books and Edited Volumes Donato, Katharine M. and Donna Gabaccia 2015 Gender and International Migration: From the Slavery Era to the Global Age. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. Aranda, Elizabeth, Cecilia Menjivar, and Katharine M. Donato 2014 Spillover Effects of Immigration Enforcement in Local Contexts. American Behavioral Scientist 58(13). Donato, Katharine M., Jonathan Hiskey, Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey 2010 Continental Divides: International Migration in the Americas, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Social and Political Science 630(1). Spanish Edition: Salvando Fronteras: Migración Internacional en Amérca Latina y el Caribe. México, D.F.: Porrúa. Gabaccia, Donna, Katharine M. Donato, Jennifer Holdaway, Martin Manalansan IV, Patricia R. Pessar 2006 Gender and Migration Revisited, International Migration Review 40(1). Articles and Books Chapters (*Refereed) *Donato, Katharine M. and Blake Sisk. 2015 “Children’s Migration from Mexico and Central America to the United States: Evidence from the Mexican and Latin American Migration Projects.” Journal of Migration and Human Security http://jmhs.cmsny.org/index.php/jmhs/article/view/43 *Donato, Katharine M., Bhumika Piya, and Anna Jacobs 2014 “The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered: Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century.” International Migration Review S1(Fall): S335-376. *Donato, Katharine M. and Leslie Rodriguez 2014 “Police Arrests in a Time of Uncertainty: The Impact of 287(g) on Arrests in a New Immigrant Gateway.” American Behavioral Scientist 58(13): 1696-1722. Aranda, Elizabeth, Cecilia Menjivar, and Katharine M. Donato 2014 “The Spillover Consequences of an Enforcement-First U.S. Immigration Regime.” American Behavioral Scientist 58(13): 1687-95. *Meyers, Abby G., Amanda Salanitro, Kenneth A. Wallston,, Courtney Cawthon, Eduard Vasilevskis, Kathryn M. Goggins, Corinne M. Davis, Russell L. Rothman,, Liana D. Castel, Katharine M. Donato, John F. Schnelle, Susan P. Bell, Jonathan S. Schildcrout, Chandra Y. Osborn, Frank E. Harrell, and Sunil Kripalani 2014 “Determinants of Health after Hospital Discharge: Rationale and Design of the Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study (VICS).” BMC Health Services Research 14: 1-10. Katharine M. Donato page 5 Donato, Katharine M. 2014 “Natural Disasters, Environmental Crises and U.S. Immigration.” In Jim Ciment and John Radzilowski (eds.), American Immigration, Second Edition: An Encyclopedia of Political, Social, and Cultural Change. NY: M.E.Sharpe. *Donato, Katharine M. and Blake Sisk 2013 “Shifts in the Employment Outcomes among Mexican Migrants to the United States, 19762009.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30(1): 63-77. *Donato, Katharine M. 2012 “Variation in the Gender Composition of Migrant Populations: An Introduction.” Social Science History 36(2): 191-95. Donato, Katharine M. 2012 “Gender, Immigration and the U.S. Labor Market.” Pp. 131-50 in Michael C. LeMay (ed.), Transforming America: Perspectives on U.S. Immigration. NY: Praeger. *Brown, Tony N., Katharine M. Donato, Mary T. Laske, and Ebony M. Duncan 2012 “Race, Nativity, Ethnicity, and Cultural Influences in the Sociology of Mental Health.” Pp. 255-75 in Carol S. Aneshensel, Jo C. Phelan, and Alex Bierman (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology on Mental Health. New York, NY: Springer. *Marschall, Melissa, Paru Shah, and Katharine M. Donato 2012 “Immigrant Gateways and Parent Involvement in US Schools.” Social Science Quarterly 93(1): 130-51. *Donato, Katharine M. and Amada Armenta 2011 “What Do We Know About Undocumented Migration.” Annual Review of Sociology 37: 52943. *Donato, Katharine M. and Ebony M. Duncan 2011 “Migration, Social Networks, and Child Health in Mexican Families.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73(August): 713-28. *Donato, Katharine M., J. Trent Alexander, Donna R. Gabaccia, and Johanna Leinonen 2011 “Variations in the Gender Composition of Immigrant Populations: How and Why They Matter.” International Migration Review 45(3): 495-526. *Donato, Katharine M. 2010 “U.S. Migration from Latin America: Gendered Patterns and Shifts.” The ANNALS 630(1): 78-92. *Donato, Katharine M., Jonathan Hiskey, Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey 2010 “Migration in the Americas: México and Latin America in Comparative Context.” The ANNALS 630(1): 6-17. Katharine M. Donato page 6 Donato, Katharine M. and Melissa Marschall 2010 “The Challenges of Educating Latino Students: Engaging Parents as Partners.” In Alan Booth and Nancy Landale (eds.), Development of Hispanic Children in Immigrant Families: Challenges and Prospects. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. *Kandel, William A. and Katharine M. Donato 2009 “Does Unauthorized Status Reduce Exposure to Pesticides? Evidence from the National Agricultural Workers Survey.” Work and Occupations 36: 367-99. *Donato, Katharine M., Chizuko Wakabayashi, Shirin Hakimzadeh, and Amada Armenta 2008 “Shifts in the Employment Conditions of Mexican Migrant Men and Women: The Effect of U.S. Immigration Policy.” Work and Occupations 35: 462-95. *Donato, Katharine M., Brandon Wagner, and Evelyn Patterson 2008 “The Cat and Mouse Game at the México-U.S. Border: Gendered Patterns and Recent Shifts.” International Migration Review 42(2): 330-59. Donato, Katharine M., Charles Tolbert, Alfred Nucci, and Yukio Kawano 2008 “Changing Faces/Changing Places: The Emergence of Non-Metropolitan Immigrant Gateways.” Pp. 75-98 in Douglas S. Massey (ed.), New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York, NY: The Russell Sage Foundation. Donato, Katharine M. and Carl L. Bankston III 2008 “The Origins of Employer Demand for Immigrants in a New Destination: The Salience of Soft Skills in a Volatile Economy.” Pp. 124-48 in Douglas S. Massey (ed.), New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York, NY: The Russell Sage Foundation. *Donato, Katharine M., Charles M. Tolbert II, Alfred Nucci, and Yukio Kawano 2007 “Recent Immigrant Settlement in the Nonmetropolitan United States: Evidence from Internal Census Data.” Rural Sociology 72(4): 537-59. Donato, Katharine M., Nicole Trujillo-Pagán, Carl L. Bankston III, and Audrey Singer 2007 “Reconstructing New Orleans After Katrina: The Emergence of an Immigrant Labor Market.” Pp. 217-34 in David L. Brunsma, David Overfelt, and J. Steve Picou (eds.), The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a Modern Catastrophe. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Donato, Katharine M., Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni, and Theresa Thompson-Colon 2007 “Contando con los Parientes: Redes Sociales, Apoyo Social y Estado de la Salud Infantil en México.” Pp. 400-30 in Manuel Angel Castillo and Jorge Santibanez (eds.), Nuevas Tendencias y Nuevos desafios de la Migracion International: Memorias del Seminario Permanente sobre Migracion Internacional. Volumen II. El Tijuana, MX: Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Kawano, Yukio, Katharine M. Donato and Charles M. Tolbert II 2007 “Generational Differences in Mexican-American's Earnings: Comparing the Second, 2.5th and Third Generations.” Pp. 216-36 in Yoshimichi Sato (ed.), Deciphering Social Stratification and Inequality: Japan and Beyond. Melbourne, Australia: Trans Pacific Press. Katharine M. Donato page 7 *Wakabayashi, Chizuko and Katharine M. Donato 2006 “Caregiving for Economic Well-Being in Women’s Later Life.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 47(3): 258-74. *Donato, Katharine M., Donna Gabaccia, Jennifer Holdaway, Martin Manalansan IV, Patricia R. Pessar 2006 “A Glass Half Full? Gender in Migration Studies.” International Migration Review 40(1): 326. *Curran, Sara R., Steven Shafer, Katharine M. Donato, and Filiz Garip 2006 “Mapping Gender and Migration in Sociological Scholarship: Is it Segregation or Integration?” International Migration Review 40(1): 199-223. Donato, Katharine M., Chizuko Wakabayashi, and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni 2006 “Effects of México-U.S. Migration on Health.” In México-United States Migration: Consequences and Challenges for Both Nations. México City, México: El Colegio de México. *Donato, Katharine M., Michael Aguilera, and Chizuko Wakabayashi 2005 “Immigration Policy and the Employment Conditions of U.S. Immigrants from México, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.” International Migration 43(5): 5-29. Donato, Katharine M., Melissa Stainback, and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni 2005 “Migración y Salud en México: Resultados para San Luis Potosí.” Pp. 46-75 in Jorge Durand (ed.), Vetas: Revista de El Colegio de San Luis. El Colegio de San Luis Potosí, A.C.: SLP, México. Donato, Katharine M., Melissa Stainback, and Carl L. Bankston III 2005 “The Economic Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants in Southern Louisiana: A Tale of Two Cities.” Pp. 76-99 in Víctor Zúñiga and Rubén Hernández-León (eds.), New Destinations of Mexican Immigration in the United States: Community Formation, Local Responses and InterGroup Relations. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. *Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia, Katharine M. Donato, Theresa Thompson Colon and Melissa Stainback 2005 “Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support and Child Health.” Social Forces 83(3): 1137-64. *Read, Jen’nan Ghazal, Benjamin Amick III, and Katharine M. Donato 2005 “Arab Immigrants: A New Case for Ethnicity and Health?” Social Science and Medicine 61: 77-82. *Wakabayashi, Chizuko and Katharine M. Donato 2005 “The Consequences of Caregiving: Effects on Women’s Employment and Earnings.” Population Research and Policy Review 24: 467-88. Katharine M. Donato page 8 Donato, Katharine M., Chizuko Wakabayashi, Amada Armenta, Shirin Hakimzadeh, and Nora Gallegos Vargas 2004 “Salarios de las Mujeres y Hombres Inmigrantes a Estados Unidos desde América Latina: Efectos de la Política de Inmigración de los Estados Unidos.” In Elaine Levine (ed.), Inserción Laboral de Migrantes Mexicanos y Latinos en Estados Unidos. Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City. Donato, Katharine M. and Evelyn Patterson 2004 “Women and Men at the Border: Undocumented Border Crossing.” Pp. 111-30 in Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey (eds.), Behind the Smoke and Mirrors: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. *Saenz, Rogelio, Katharine M. Donato, Lourdes Gouveia, and Cruz Torres 2003 “Latinos in the South: A Glimpse of Ongoing Trends and Research.” Southern Rural Sociology 19(2): 1-19 [Appeared in 2004]. *Donato, Katharine M., Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni, and Melissa Stainback 2003 “Sex Differences in Child Health: Effects of México-U.S. Migration.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Families and Children’s Inequalities, special issue, E. Fussell and A.H. Gauthier (eds.) Summer: 455-77. Donato, Katharine M., Carl L. Bankston, and Dawn T. Robinson 2001 “Immigration and the Organization of the Onshore Oil Industry: Southern Louisiana in the Late 1990s.” Pp. 104-113 in A. D. Murphy, C. Blanchard, and J. A. Hill (eds.), Latino Workers in the Contemporary South. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. Donato, Katharine M., Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni, and Rebecca Carter 2001 “Uso de Anticonceptivos y Preferencias de Fertilidad en Las Mujeres de San Luis Potosí: Efectos en la Emigracion de México a Estados Unidos.” Pp. 147-72 in Fernando Alanis Enciso (ed.), La Emigracion de San Luis Potosí a Estados Unidos Pasado y Presente. San Luis Potosí, México: El Colegio de San Luis. Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni 2001 “Food Assistance Programs, Legal Status, and Mexican Immigrants.” In Research Perspective on Migration. International Migration Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Washington, D.C. Donato, Katharine M. 2000 “Impacto en la Salud de los Migrantes Mexicanos en Estados Unidos.” Pp. 43-48 in Jorge Durand y Primitivo Rodriguez (eds.), La Familia Transnacional: Migración México-Estados Unidos. México, D.F.: Red de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural, A.C. Donato, Katharine M. and Rebecca S. Carter 1999 “U.S. Policy on Illegal Immigration: A Thirty Year Retrospective.” Pp. 112-29 in David W. Haines and Karen E. Rosenblum (eds.), Illegal Immigration in America: A Reference Handbook. Greenwood Press. Katharine M. Donato page 9 Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia and Katharine M. Donato 1999 “Migradollars and Mortality: Effects of Migration on Child Mortality.” Demography 36(3): 339-53. *Donato, Katharine M. 1999 “A Dynamic View of Mexican Migration to the United States.” Gender Issues 17(1): 52-75. *Stainback, Melissa and Katharine M. Donato 1999 “Going to Work but Never Leaving Home: Working at Home for Pay, 1991-97.” Women & Work 1(Spring): 141-62. Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni 1999 “Women's Status and Demographic Change: The Case of México-U.S. Migration.” In Brígida García and Karen Mason (eds.), Women, Poverty, and Demographic Change. Geneva: IUSSP. Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia and Katharine M. Donato 1999 “Linking Migration and Health: Community and Household Effects of Male Migration on Mothers and Children’s Health in Mexican Origin Communities.” Pp. 251-276 in Kenneth Hill, José B. Morelos, and Rebeca Wong (eds.), Las Consecuencias de Las Transiciones Demográfica y Epidemiológica en América Latina. México City: El Colegio de México y Johns Hopkins University. Donato, Katharine M. 1998 “Mexican Migration Project Data.” Pp. 903-64 in Migration Between México and the United States, Volume 3. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Latapí, Agustin Escobar, Philip Martin, Gustavo Lopez Castro, and Katharine Donato 1998 “Factors that Influence Migration.” Pp. 163-250 in Migration Between México and the United States, Volume 1. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Stainback, Melissa and Katharine M. Donato 1998 “Going to Work but Never Leaving Home.” Population Today 26(9): 3. *Donato, Katharine M. and Roger A. Wojtiewicz 1996 “The Educational Achievement of U.S. Puerto Ricans.” New England Journal of Public Policy 11(2): 99-111. Also reprinted in Latinos in a Changing Society, edited by Edwin Meléndez and Martha Montero. Greenwood Publishing Group. *Wojtkiewicz, Roger A. and Katharine M. Donato 1995”"Hispanic Educational Attainment: The Effects of Family Background and Nativity.” Social Forces 74(2): 559-74. *Donato, Katharine M. 1994a “U.S. Policy and Mexican Migration to the United States 1942-92.” Social Science Quarterly 75(4): 705-29. Katharine M. Donato page 10 *Donato, Katharine M. 1994b “Reply to Espenshade and Romo: Final Comments on the Relationship Between Mexican Migration and U.S. Policy.” Social Science Quarterly 75(4): 737-40. *Donato, Katharine M. 1993 “Current Trends and Patterns in Female Migration: Evidence from México.” International Migration Review 27(4): 748-71. *Donato, Katharine M. and Douglas S. Massey 1993 “Effects of the Immigration Reform Act on the Wages of Mexican Migrants.” Social Science Quarterly 74(3): 523-41. *Donato, Katharine M., Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey 1992a “Stemming the Tide? Assessing the Deterrent Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.” Demography 29(2): 139-57. *Donato, Katharine, Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey 1992b “Changing Conditions in the U.S. Labor Market: Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.” Population Research and Policy Review 11(2): 93-115. *Tienda, Marta, Katharine M. Donato, and Hector Cordero Guzmán 1992 “Schooling, Color, and Labor Force Activity of Women.” Social Forces 71(2): 365-95. Donato, Katharine M. 1992 “Understanding U.S. Immigration: Why Some Countries Send Women and Others Send Men.” Pp. 159-84 in Donna Gabaccia (ed.), Seeking Common Ground: Female Immigration to the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Donato, Katharine M. 1990 “Keepers of the Corporate Image: Women in Public Relations.” Pp. 129-143 in Barbara F. Reskin and Patricia A. Roos (eds.), Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Donato, Katharine M. 1990 “Programming for Change? The Growing Demand for Women Systems Analysts.” Pp. 167182 in Barbara F. Reskin and Patricia A. Roos (eds.), Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Massey, Douglas S., Katharine M. Donato, and Zai Liang 1990 “Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1988: Preliminary Data from México.” In Frank D. Bean, Barry Edmonston, and Jeffrey S. Passel (eds.), Illegal Immigration to the United States: The Experience of the 1980s. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press. Katharine M. Donato page 11 Donato, Katharine M. and Patricia Roos 1987 “Gender and Earnings Inequality among Computer Specialists.” Pp. 291-317 in Barbara D. Wright, Myra M. Ferree, Gail O. Mellow, Linda H. Lewis, Maria Luz D. Samper, Robert Asher, and Kathleen Claspell (eds.), Women, Work and Technology: Transformations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Tyree, Andrea and Katharine M. Donato 1986 “A Demographic Overview of the International Migration of Women.” Pp. 21-41 in Rita James Simon and Caroline B. Brettell, (eds.), International Migration: The Female Experience. New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld. *Donato, Katharine M. and Andrea Tyree 1986 “Family Reunification, Health Professionals, and the Sex Composition of Migrants to the United States.” Sociology and Social Research 70: 226-30. *Tyree, Andrea and Katharine M. Donato 1985 “The Sex Composition of Legal Immigrants to the United States.” Sociology and Social Research 69: 577-85. RESEARCH GRANTS External Environmental Stress and Human Migration in a Low-Lying Developing Nation: A Comparison of CoEvolving Natural and Human Landscapes in the Physically and Culturally Diverse Context of Bangladesh, U.S. Office of Naval Research (Donato-Co-PI, Steven Goodbred-PI), 2011-14, $4.5M Health Literacy, Hospital Discharge and Cardiovascular Outcomes, NIH/NHLBI--R01 HL109388 (Donato-Co-PI, Sunil Kripalani-PI), 2011-16, $3.3M Immigrant Parent Involvement in Schools, Communities and Politics, funded by the National Science Foundation (Donato, Melissa Marschall and Audrey Singer-Co-PIs) 2006-09, $300,838 Immigrant Civic Engagement and Political Participation, Russell Sage Foundation (Donato and Melissa Marschall-PIs) 2008-09, $26,000 Immigrants and Schools: Contextual Factors in Parent’s School and Community Involvement, Russell Sage Foundation (Donato and Melissa Marschall-PIs and Audrey Singer-Co-PI) 2006-09, $151,763 Conference on Mobility, Gender Ratios and Public Policy, Russell Sage Foundation (Donato, Donna Gabaccia, Trent Alexander and Bianet Castellanos-Co-PIs) 2008-09, $19,000 Employers and Workers in Post-Katrina New Orleans: The Process of Early Immigrant Incorporation, Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline, American Sociological Association (Donato, Carl L. Bankston III, Audrey Singer and Nicole Trujillo-Pagan-Co-PIs) 2006-07, $7,000 Social Networks, Social Support, and Educational Outcomes Among Hawaiian Families, The Kamehameha Schools (Donato-PI with Chizuko Wakabayashi-Co-PI) 2004-05, $27,613 Katharine M. Donato page 12 Child Obesity in Migrant and Nonmigrant Households in México, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Donato-PI) 2004-06, $40,000 Fertility and Family Planning in Mexican Communities: A Binational Study, Willliam and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs) 2000-04, $425,000 Changing Places, Changing Faces: Immigration in the Nonmetropolitan United States, National Research Initiative, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Donato, Charles Tolbert and Alfred Nucci-PIs), 2001-2006, $150,000 Charting the Age of Immigrant Populations in U.S. Urban Areas, The Brookings Institution, $11,000 (Donato and Elizabeth Fussell-Co-PIs), 2002-04, $11,000 Collaborative Research: A Binational Study of Social Capital, Social Networks, and Mexican Health, National Science Foundation (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 2000-02, $147,000 Labor Demand and the Deep-water Oil Industry, U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, (Donato-PI) 1998-2001, $362,000 Food Insecurity and Immigrant Well-being: Mexican Immigrants to the United States, U.S. Department of Agriculture, $46,000 (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 1998-99, $46,000 Health Consequences of Mexican Migration to the United States, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 1996-99, $375,000 Health Consequences of Mexican Migration in Houston, Rockefeller Foundation (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs) 1997-99, $50,000 Food Assistance Programs and Maternal and Child Health: Legal and Undocumented Migrants from México," IRP-USDA Small Grants Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 1996-97, $38,970 Binational Study of Migration Between México and the United States, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (Donato-PI), 1995-96, $16,000 Health Consequences of Mexican Migration: A Collaborative Proposal, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (with Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni), 1995-96, $5,000 Long-term Consequences of U.S. Immigration Policy: Effects of Legal Status on the Labor Market Conditions of Mexicans, Division of Immigration Policy and Research, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor, 1995-96 (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 1995, $9,492 Bringing Women In: Mexican Immigration to the United States, Small Grants Program, American Sociological Association (Donato and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni-PIs), 1995, $2,500 Poverty Among Puerto Ricans: Differences Between Working and Non-Working Poor, Committees for Public Policy on Contemporary Hispanic Issues and for Research on the Urban Underclass, Social Science Research Council (Donato-PI), 1992, $5,000 Katharine M. Donato page 13 Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Mexican Immigration to the United States, The Sloan Foundation (Donato and Douglas S. Massey-PIs), 1990-92, $140,535 Internal Race, Immigration and Acculturation in the United States, Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Grant, Vanderbilt University, 2009-2011, $100,000 (with Ifeoma Nkwankwo) Immigrant Parent Involvement in Schools, Communities and Politics in Nashville, TN, Center for Nashville Studies, Vanderbilt University, 2007-09, $69,268 Migration in the Americas: México and Latin America in Comparative Context, Publication Colloquium, Center for the Americas, Vanderbilt University, 2007-08, $50,000 (with Jon Hiskey) Mexican Adolescent Health Pilot Project, Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, Center for the Americas at Vanderbilt University, 2007, $5,000 Global Migration and Gender Ratios, University of Minnesota Office of Interdisciplinary Research Program, 2007-08 (with Donna Gabaccia, Trent Alexander, Catherine Fitch and Maria Bianet Castellanos), $23,584 Nativity, Race and Health, funded by the James Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University (with Rudy Guerra), 2005-06, $20,000 Effects of Nativity on Health in the United States, funded by the James Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University (with Bridget Gorman), 2004-05, $20,000 Art in Contemporary Mexican Society, funded by the Brown Teaching Foundation, Rice University, 2001-02, $3,500 Consequences of Immigration Reform: Mexican Migration to the United States, funded by the Council on Research, Office of Research and Economic Development, Louisiana State University, 1994, $4,000 Effects of Recent Immigration Reform: Mexican Immigration to the United States, supported by the Center for Life Course and Population Studies, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University, 1992, $2,500 CONTRACTS Teen Pregnancy among Hispanics, Pew Hispanic Center, Washington, D.C. 2005-06 Changing Places, Changing Faces: Contextual Determinants of the Foreign Born, 1990-2000, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001-04 Seminar on the Legalized Population: Five Years Later, Division of Immigration Policy and Research, U.S. Department of Labor, 1994 OTHER WRITTEN WORK 2014 “President’s Immigration Action Protects Families.” Oped in The Tennessean, November 23. 2014 “The President’s Executive Order: What Difference Will It Make for Immigrants?” The Conversation, November 21. Katharine M. Donato page 14 2014 2014 2012 2008 2009 2008 2006 2005 2005 2003 1996 1993 1990 “Nashville: Immigrants in the New ‘It’ City.” Background paper for Americas Society/Council of the Americas Nashville Roundtable Meeting. “Gender, Migration and Politics.” American Association of Political Science Migration and Citizenship Newsletter 1(3): 19-23. “Keeping the Survey Would Boost Employment.” The Tennessean, July 17. “Understanding the Economic Consequences of Mexican Immigration to the United States: Much Done But More To Do.” Work and Occupations 35:189-95. “Tennessee, Do a Better Job of Providing Early Intervention for All Special-Needs Kids.” The Tennessean, April 28. “True Face of Immigration is More Complex than Portrayed.” The Tennessean, March 7. “The Changing Face of the Gulf Coast: Immigration to Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.” In Migration Information Source, published by the Migration Policy Institute, January (see http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=368) (with Shirin Hakimzadeh) “In Katrina’s Wake, Who Will Return?” The Brookings Institution, Web Exclusive, September 27 (with Audrey Singer) Review America’s Newcomers and the Dynamics of Diversity in Urban Studies 42:11 (October): 2004-05. Review Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Immigration in an Era of Economic Integration in International Migration Review 37(3): 893-95. Review Internal Migration of Women in Developing Countries in Population Research and Policy Review 14: 137-39. Review Handbook on International Migration in Contemporary Sociology 22(2): 221-22. Review American Aliya: Portrait of an Innovative Migration Movement in American Journal of Sociology 96(3): 796-97. WORKS IN PROGRESS Weathering the Storm? Employment Transitions of Low-Skill Foreign-Born Mexican and U.S. Born White Men, 2003-11, revise and resubmit (with Blake Sisk) A Different Hue of the Gender Gap: Latino Immigrants and Ideological Conservatism in the United States, under review (with Samantha Perez) Something Old, Something New: When Gender Matters in the Relationship between Social Support and Health, under review (with Gabriela León-Pérez, Kenneth A. Wallston, and Sunil Kripalini) Mexican Children’s Family Migration Arrangements (with Samantha Perez) Gender, Education, and U.S. Migration from Colombia and Mexico (with Gabriela León-Pérez) The Immigrant Double Disadvantage among Blacks in the United States (with Anna Jacobs and Brittany Hearne) Provision of Healthcare Coverage to the U.S. Unauthorized Population: Lessons Learned and Implications for Migrant Health in Urban China (with Van C. Tran) Navigating the Gendered Terrain: Variation in International Migrant Populations (with Bhumika Piya) INVITED LECTURES AND PAPERS 2015 “Gender, Education, and U.S. Migration from Colombia and Mexico.” Invited paper, El Proyecto LAMP – Colombia sobre migración, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Bogota 2014 “Gender and International Migration: From Slavery Era to Global Present.” Invited lecture, Department of Sociology, University of South Florida Katharine M. Donato page 15 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 “Transforming America: Immigration Past and Present.” Invited lecture, Global Studies Program and Department of Sociology, Saint Leo University “Explaining Children’s Migration from Mexico to the United States.” Invited lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland “The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered: Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century.” Invited lecture, Center for Migration Studies, 50th Anniversary “Gender and International Migration.” Plenary lecture at the 3rd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center and Tel Aviv University, Israel “The Feminization of Migration over the Longue Durée.” Invited lecture, Office of Population Research, Princeton University “Healthcare Service Access by U.S. Unauthorized Population: Toward a China Comparison.” Invited presentation for Migration, Social Development and Social Protection Common Concerns Seminar, sponsored by Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences and Social Science Research Council, Beijing “Children on the Move: Prospects for México-U. S. Migration.” Invited plenary for International Symposium on Illegality, Youth, and Belonging, Harvard University Graduate School of Education “Police Arrests in a Time of Uncertainty: The Impact of 287 (g) on Drivers’ License Arrests in a New Immigrant Gateway.” Invited lecture for Latino Communities in Old and New Destinations: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Assessing the Impact of Legal Reforms, University of South Florida “La Niñez en la Migración de México a Estados Unidos.” Invited lecture at Migration Working Group, Universidad de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina “Weathering the Storm? Employment Transitions of Low-Skill Workers in the United States.” Invited Lecture, University of Michigan’s Institute for Survey Research, Department of Sociology, UC-Irvine, University of Pennsylvania and SUNY-Albany “Gender Differences in the Effects of Social Support on Health.” Invited lecture for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars, University of Pennsylvania “U.S. Immigration: Transforming America.” Invited lecture for the Center for the Study of Social Justice, University of Tennessee-Knoxville “The Migration-Family Nexus and the México-U.S. Case.” Keynote given at Comparative and Multi-sited Approaches to International Migration, Conference on Migrations between Africa and Europe, Paris “Provision of Healthcare Coverage to the U.S. Unauthorized Population: Lessons Learned and Implications for Migrant Health in Urban China (with Van C. Tran).” Presented at Social Development and Social Protection, Academy of Social Sciences and Social Science Research Council, Beijing “Convergence in the Labor Market Outcomes of México-U.S. Immigrants.” Presented at Poverty and Immigration Conference, UC-Davis “Children on the Move: México-U.S. Migration and its Prospects for the Future.” Presented at New Realities of Mexican Immigration to the United States, Princeton University “Migration, Social Networks, and Child Health in Mexican Families.” Presented at the Department of Sociology, Emory University “How Many Men? How Many Women? Gender Balance and International Migration.” Plenary speaker for graduate colloquium, "Women, Migration, and Immigration.” Presented at Northern Illinois University Katharine M. Donato page 16 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 “Contributions of Mexican Immigrants and Implications for Assimilation.” Presented at the Center for the Study of Wealth and Inequality, Columbia University “Children’s Migration from México: Differences by Household Poverty.” Invited paper, The Sources of Inequality Across the Globe, Juan March Institute, Madrid “Mexican Immigrants and Public Resources: Costs and Contributions.” Plenary speaker for the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association “Gendered Consequences of International Migration.” Keynote speaker for International Women’s Week, by International Studies Program and Alice Drum Women’s Center, Franklin & Marshall College “Latino Children in Immigrant Families.” Invited discussant at Penn State’s 16th annual Symposium on Family Issues on the Development of Hispanic Children and Youth in Immigrant Families: Challenges and Prospects, October “Immigrant Settlement in Nonmetropolitan Areas of the United States.” Invited lecture for the Internal Migration and Immigrant Settlement Patterns Panel, U.S. Census Bureau Migration Speaker Series. “Education and the México-U.S. Migration System.” Invited lecture at México-U.S. Migration: Rural Transformation and Development, a conference sponsored by the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas Austin, April “The Consequences of Immigration Policy for Mexican Migration to the United States.” Invited lecture at the University of Texas San Antonio México Center, April “Parent Involvement in Schools: A Macro-Level Analysis of Immigrant Gateway Districts.” Invited paper for the Migration and Education Conference, Social Science Research Council, December “New Faces in New Places: Recent Immigrant Settlement in the United States.” Keynote Distinguished Lecture at the Tennessee Undergraduate Sociological Symposium at Middle Tennessee State University, November “Changing Places, Changing Faces: Recent Immigrant Settlement in the United States and Its Implications.” Keynote speaker for the E. James Holland University Symposium on American Values, San Angelo University, October “Gender and Migration in Latin America.” Invited lecture for Conference on Gender and Migration in Global Perspective. co-sponsored by Barnard College’s Center for Research on Women, Barnard’s Forum on Migration, and Columbia University’s Institute of Latin American Studies, October “Migration and Infant Health.” Invited paper at the Conference on Migration and Human Development, Sponsored by Stanford Center for Internacional Development and México’s United Nations Develoment Program, April Primer Congreso Internacional “Migraciones Globales: Población en Movimiento, Familia y Comunidades Migrantes.” Featured speaker, la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Universidad de Guadalajara, and el Consulado General de los Estados Unidos de Norte América en Guadalajara. “The Chilling Effect: Public Service Use and Tax Contributions of Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Invited lecture, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University, December “Gender and Migration.” Organizer and presenter of workshop at the Social Science History Association, November “New Orleans’ Population after Hurricane Katrina.” Invited lecture at Tulane University, March Katharine M. Donato page 17 “Migration and Health.” Invited paper as part of the Expert Group Meeting on International Migration and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, sponsored by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, the Consejo Nacional de Población, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, and the Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía, México City, December 2005 “Cumulative Impact of Migration on Infant and Child Health.” Invited lecture given to the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Migration and Health, Department of the History of Medicine and Infectious Disease, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, September 2005 “Immigration Policy and the Employment Conditions of U.S. Immigrants from México, Nicaragua, and Dominican Republic.” Invited paper presented at Spring Colloquium Series at Center for Migration and Development at Princeton University, April 2005 Invited contributor to book presentation at “Second Cumbre of the Great Plains: Re-Visioning Latino America: New Perspectives on Migration, Transnationalism and Integration,” Office of Latino/Latin American Studies, University of Nebraska Omaha, April 2005 “Changing Places, Changing Faces: What do Internal Census Data Tell Us About Immigrant Settlement in Nonmetropolitan U.S. Areas?” Invited paper presented at “Immigration in the United States: New Sources and Destinations,” Russell Sage Foundation, New York, February 2005 “The Salience of Soft Skills in A volatile Local Economy: Employer Demand for Immigrant Workers in Southern Louisiana.” Invited paper presented at “Immigration in the United States: New Sources and Destinations,” Russell Sage Foundation, New York, February 2004 “Implications of México-U.S. Migration on Health.” Invited paper presented at “México-United States Migration: Consequences and Challenges for Both Nations,” a seminar organized by México’s National Population Council (CONAPO), El Colegio de México, Center for Research and Higher Education in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), and Center of Economic and Managerial Sciences of the Universidad de Guadalajara, México City, December 2004 “Recent Patterns and Trends in the Cat and Mouse Game at the México-U.S. Border.” Invited lectura at Seminario de Migracion Internacional, Colegio del Frontera Norte, Tijuana, July 2004 “Mexican Migration and Infant and Child Health over the Life Course.” Invited lecture/paper given at the Conference on Mexican Migration over the Life Course, Brown University, May 2004 Commentary on America’s Newcomers and the Dynamics of Diversity by Frank Bean and Gillian Stevens. Invited special session at annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 2004 Commentary on Perspectives on Immigration Reform. Invited lecture sponsored by the México Institute of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and University of Houston Center for Immigration Research, April 2004 “Gender, Migration and Mexican Health.” Invited lecture at the symposium, Gender and Human Security of Immigrants in the Midwest, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 2004 “The Significance of Gender in Explaining the Effects of Migration on Mexican Child Health.” Invited lecture at the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University, March 2003 “Ethnicity and Health.” Invited lecture in course, Society and Health, at Rice University, Fall 2003-05 “Immigration, Ethnicity and Hispanic Health.” Invited lecture given as part of “Disparities in Health in America: Working Toward Social Justice,” The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 2002-05 “Social Determinants: Immigration, Ethnicity, Family and Health.” Invited lecture for “Disparities in Health in America: Working Toward Social Justice,” University of Houston 2005 Katharine M. Donato page 18 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 2000 1999 1999 1998 1996 1995 1994 1993 “Is the United States Good for Immigrant Health?” Invited lecture for “Globetrotting with Scholars: Celebration of the Fulbright,” supported by School of Continuing Studies, Rice University “Latinos in the South Symposium.” Invited as discussant of four papers, Rural Sociological Society, Atlanta “Women and Men at the Border: Undocumented Crossings.” Invited to present at Third Binational Conference on México-U.S. Migration, Puerto Vallarta, México, March “Health Consequences of México-U.S. Migration: Observations and Reflections.” Invited lecture at “Cutoff: Impact Across Generations,” Georgetown Family Center, Washington, D.C., April “Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support and Child Health in México.” Invited lecture at Seminario de Migracion Internacional at the Colegio de Frontera Norte, Tijuana, May “Immigrant Families: Their Medical, Pyschological and Social Needs.” Invited lecture at the Tenneco Community Symposium on Immigration and the Family, organized by the University of Houston, March “Boom to Whom? Effects of Investment Liberalization on Poverty and Income Distribution in México.” Invited lecture at the conference, The Americas Project, James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy at Rice University, October Invited discussant for the seminar, “Dialogo Migratorio México-EUA 1995-2000,” organized by Mexican and U.S. governments in México City, October “Health Consequences of Mexican Migration to the United States.” Invited lecture at a seminar by the Rockefeller Foundation, Los Cabos, México, November “Food Assistance Use: Differences by Legal Status.” Invited lecture at the Department of Sociology,Mississippi State University “Going to Work but Never Leaving Home: Working at Home for Pay, 1991-97.” Invited lecture at conference, Work and Family: Today’s Realities and Tomorrow’s Visions, Boston “The Health of Mexican Children and Families in Houston and México.” Invited lecture at the workshop, Ethnographic Research on the Health and Well-Being of Immigrant Children and Families, National Research Council, Board on Children, Youth, and Families in Irvine “The Consequences of Migration for Maternal and Child Health.” Invited lecture at International Seminar on the Consequences of Demographic and Epidemiologic Transition in Latin America, México City, México “Poverty, Demographic Change and the Migration of Mexican Women.” Invited lecture at the seminar on Women, Poverty, and Demographic Change, Committee on Gender and Population, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Oaxaca, México. “Changes in the Employability of Minority Men, 1960-85.” Invited lecture at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Issues Conference, Washington, DC CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Donato, Katharine M., Anna Jacobs, and Brittany Hearne. 2015 “The Immigrant Double Disadvantage among Blacks in the United States.” To be presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. 2014 “Migrant Adolescent Girls: What We Don’t Know, What We Need to Know, and How We Can Do Better.” Panel discussion at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. and Bhumika Piya 2014 “Gender, Immigration, and Labor Market Activity in New Global Contexts by the 21st Century.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Katharine M. Donato page 19 Donato, Katharine M., Amanda Carrico, and Bhumika Piya 2014 “Economic Development and International Migration in South Asia.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. and Samantha Perez 2014 “Mexican Children’s Family Migration Arrangements.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Piya, Bhumika and Katharine M. Donato 2013 “Navigating the Gendered Terrain: Variation in International Migrant Populations.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. and Blake Sisk 2012 “Children on the Move: Prospects for México-U.S. Migration.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Sisk, Blake and Katharine M. Donato 2012 “Weathering the Storm? Employment Transitions of Low-Skill Foreign-Born Mexican and U.S. Born White Men, 2003-2011.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America. Alexander, Trent, Katharine M. Donato and Donna Gabaccia 2008 “Gender Ratios in Global Migrations: 1850-2005.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Sana, Mariano, Katharine M. Donato, and Laurie Chancey 2008 “Trends in Skilled Migration to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Wakabayashi, Chizuko and Katharine M. Donato 2007 “Health Consequences of Immigration in Women’s Later Life.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Marschall, Melissa, Paru Shah, and Katharine M. Donato 2006 “Schools and Parental Involvement Policy: Macro-Level Analysis of Immigrant Gateway Districts.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association Donato, Katharine M., Douglas S. Massey, and Brandon Wagner 2006 “The Chilling Effect: Public Service Usage by Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. and Audrey Singer 2006 “The Changing Face of Immigration in the Gulf States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society Donato, Katharine M., Chizuko Wakabayashi, and Amada Armenta 2004 “Gender, U.S. Immigration Policy, and the Employment Conditions of Mexican Migrants.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. and Shirin Hakimzadeh 2004 “Migration and Infant Mortality: Evidence from México and Peru.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M., Chizuko Wakabayashi, Amada Armenta, and Shirin Hakimzadeh 2003 “U.S. Immigration Policy Effects on the Wages of Latino Immigrants: Differences between Men and Women.” Presented at the Conference on Migration and Development, University of Zacatecas, México Donato, Katharine M., Charles Tolbert, Yukio Kawano, and Alfred Nucci 2003 “Intergenerational Earnings Differences among Persons of Mexican Origin.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association Katharine M. Donato page 20 Donato, Katharine M., Michael O. Emerson, and Chizuko Wakabayashi 2003 “Religion and Migration Effects on Adolescent Health: Race and Ethnic Differences in Risk Behaviors.” Presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M., Charles Tolbert, Alfred Nucci, and Yukio Kawano 2003 “Changing Places, Changing Faces: What do Internal Census Data Tell Us About Immigrant Settlement in Nonmetropolitan U.S. Areas?” Presented at annual meeting of Rural Sociological Society Donato, Katharine M., Melissa Stainback, Caitlin Clare Rosenthal, and Shawn Malia Kanaiaupuni 2003 “Is Migration Healthy for Boys and Girls? Sex Differences in Child Health.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Fussell, Elizabeth and Katharine M. Donato 2003 “Charting the Age of Immigrant Populations in U.S. Urban Areas: 1990-2000.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. 2003 “Sex Differences in the Impact of U.S. Immigration Policy on Undocumented Border Crossing.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association Donato, Katharine M., Melissa Stainback, and Carl Bankston III 2002 “The Economic Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants in Southern Louisiana: A Tale of Two Cities.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M., Melissa Stainback, and Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni 2002 “Immigrant Adaptation and Mexican Health: The Effects of U.S. Duration.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine and Evelyn Patterson 2002 “Changes in the Cat and Mouse Game at the Border: New Patterns and Trends.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M., Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni, and Rebecca Carter 2001 “Fertility Preferences and Contraceptive Use: How Migration Affects the Choices of Mexican Women.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M., Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni, and Melissa Stainback 2001 “Silent No More: Considering Men’s Impact on Mexican Women’s Fertility Decisions.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M. and Katharine M. Donato 2001 “Social Network Structure and Social Support Activation: The Effects of México-U.S. Migration.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M., Charles Tolbert, and Alfred Nucci 2000 “Changing Places, Changing Faces: Contextual Analyses of the Foreign Born 1990-2000.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni 2000 “Re-examining the Epidemiological Paradox: A Binational Study of Non-migrants, Returned Migrants and Current U.S. Immigrants from México.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni 2000 “Is Flexible Employment Family Friendly? Evidence from the 1990s.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Kanaiaupuni, Shawn M. and Katharine M. Donato 2000 “Networks that Count: Health of Mexican Families in the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Katharine M. Donato page 21 Stainback, Melissa and Katharine M. Donato 1999 “Flexible Forms of Employment in the 1990s: Do they Mediate the Dilemmas of Working Families?” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Lee, Marlene, Katharine M. Donato, and Chizuko Wakabayashi 1999 “Immigrant Status and Elderly Living Arrangements.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M., Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni, and Rebecca Carter 1999 “Contraceptive Use and Fertility among Women in México: Effects of U.S.-México Migration.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Thompson-Colón, Theresa, Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni, and Katharine M. Donato 1999 “Social Networks, Social Support and Health among Mexican Immigrant Households.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni 1998 “Food Assistance and the Legal Status of Mexican Migrants.” Presented at the USDA Small Grants Seminar, sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty Donato, Katharine M., Dawn T. Robinson, and Carl Bankston, III 1998 “Being from South Texas: Mexican Immigrants in Louisiana.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn M. Kanaiaupuni 1998 “The Effects of Migration on Fertility in México.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Stainback, Melissa and Katharine M. Donato 1998 “Race and Ethnicity of Home Laborers in the United States: 1991-1997.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia and Katharine M. Donato 1997 "Migration and the Reproductive Health of Mexican Women." Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia and Katharine M. Donato 1996 “Migradollars and Mortality: The Effects of Migration on Infant Survival in México.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. 1994 “NAFTA and Mexican Migration to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association Singer, Audrey, Katharine M. Donato, and Douglas S. Massey 1994 “The Social Process of Border Crossing: Mexican Migration to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. 1993 “U.S. Policy and Mexican Migration to the United States, 1942_92.” Presented at a conference on binational México-U.S. migration sponsored by the Mexican Studies Program at the University of Chicago Donato, Katharine M. and Shawn Kanaiaupuni 1993 “Migration, Marriage and the Labor Force Activity of Mexican Women and Men.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association Donato, Katharine M. and DeAnn Gauthier 1993 “Minority Poverty: Differences between Working and Nonworking Poor Families.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Katharine M. Donato page 22 Donato, Katharine M. and Douglas S. Massey 1993 “Legal Status and Social Service Use: Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Donato, Katharine M. 1992 “Immigration Policy in the 1990s: Transnational Processes.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association Donato, Katharine M. 1992 “Current Trends and Patterns in Female Migration: Evidence from México.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association Donato, Katharine M. 1992 “Recent Trends in Mexican Migration to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M., Kristin Neuman, and Shawn Kanaiaupuni 1992 “Occupational Mobility of Migrants: Opportunities in México and the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. and Douglas S. Massey 1991 “Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act on the Wages of Mexican Migrants.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association Donato, Katharine M., Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey 1991 “Stemming the Tide? Deterrent Effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine, Joan M. Morris, Mary Gautier, and Wayne Villemez 1991 “Job Mobility: Employers, Employees, and the Promotional Opportunities of Jobs.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. 1990 “Immigrants and Their Sponsors: A New Look at the Demand for U.S. Migrants.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. 1990 “Recent Trends in U.S. Immigration.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America Tienda, Marta, Hector Cordero-Guzmán, and Katharine M. Donato 1990 “Queues and Consequences: Labor Force Participation of Minority Men and Women.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. 1989 “Why So Many Women? Cross National Variation in the Sex Composition of U.S. Immigrants.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. 1988 “Crossing International Borders: Female Immigration from the Philippines.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Donato, Katharine M. and Andrea Tyree 1986 “Understanding the Sex Composition of Immigrants to the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association TEACHING Courses Taught 2015 Sociology of Climate Change 2014 Methods of Sociological Inquiry (graduate seminar) Katharine M. Donato Page 23 2010-13 2011 2008-09 2006-07 2000-06 1998-99 1994-98 1989-93 1985-88 International Migration (graduate seminar), Contemporary Mexican Society Foundations of Medicine Health & Society Sociological Methods and Survey Research Methods (graduate seminars) Population & Society, Contemporary Mexican Society, U.S. Immigration Social Statistics, Demography, Contemporary Mexican Society, Immigration and Public Health Honors Introductory Sociology Gender, Race and Ethnic Inequality (graduate seminar) Population, Statistics, Gender and Work, Introduction to Sociology Gender and Work, Sociology of Work, Introduction to Sociology STUDENT Ph.D./M.A. COMMITTEES Ph.D. from Vanderbilt AY 2014-15 – Chairing committees for Samantha Perez, Bhumika Piya, Gabriela Perez Leon 2014 Ebony Duncan, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Washington University (Chair) 2014 Blake Sisk, Postdoctoral Fellow, CASPAR Undergraduate Advisor, VU (Chair) 2013 Diana Maria Orces, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Oakland University (Member) 2009 Haihong Wang, Research Associate, Cygnus Applied Research (Member) 2008 Emily Tanner-Smith, Research Associate, Peabody Institute, Vanderbilt University (Member) M.A. 2010 Ebony Duncan (Chair) 2013 Leslie Rodriguez (Chair) 2013 Bhumika Piya (Chair) 2013 Samantha Perez (Chair) 2014 Chelsea Morgan Williams (Chair) 2011 Alyson Nunez (Chair) Ph.D. from Louisiana State University 2000 Melissa Stainback (Chair) 2000 Rebecca Carter/Powers, Associate Professor, Sociology, East Carolina University (Chair) 2000 Michelle Livermore, Associate Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Member) 1996 Yanyi K. Djamba, Professor, Auburn University at Montgomery (Member) 1995 Mary L. Gautier, Senior Research Associate, Center for Applied Research, Georgetown (Member) 1995 Carl Bankston III, Professor, Sociology, Tulane University (Member) M.A. 1996 Melissa Stainback (Chair) 1996 Rebecca Carter/Powers (Chair) 1996 Pamela R. Bennett, Associate Professor, Queens College and CUNY Graduate Center (Chair) 1995 Dana Haynie, Professor, The Ohio State University (Chair) Honors Undergraduates VU Nicole Chanin Matthew Farina LANGUAGES Spanish and English
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