St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and San José Mission 800 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 31602 Phone: 244-2430 Fax: 244-5352 “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Matthew 22:21 Weekend Masses Saturday Mass: 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00pm Spanish Mass Saturday Vigil: 7:00 pm at San José (Lake Park) Adoration Every Sunday (Chapel) Silent-10:30-11:30 a.m. Devotional-3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Weekday Masses (Chapel) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 12:10pm Wednesday: 6:00pm Friday: 8:10 am Church Office Hours: Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday (Closed for lunch9:00am-4:00pm 1:00–2:00 pm) (Closed for lunch 1:00–2:00 pm) Friday 9:00am-1:00pm Nursery (Parish Center) 9:30am & 12:00pm Masses Penance (Confession) Schedule Saturday: 4:00pm Or By Appointment– Call Office Baptism Class: First Tuesday 7:30pm- CHAPEL St. John Catholic Church Valdosta, Georgia Phone Numbers Church Office - 244-2430 Pastoral Emergency 506-5483 Church Fax - 244-5352 Convent - 244-0050 Parish Center - 249-9281 Knights of Columbus - 247-4913 Pastoral Staff Fr. Brian LaBurt, Pastor Fr. Paul Ladda, Parochial Vicar Deacon David Lasseter - 251-7874 Deacon Columbus Carter - 245-8276 Deacon Pete Falkenhausen - 241-7184 Deacon James Burns - 794-9422 Deacon George Heise - 241-1126 Deacon Paul Worth - 263-5659 Church Office Staff Lynn Barfield, Office Director/ Religious Education for Youth Michelle Kirkpatrick, Bookkeeper/ Bulletin Editor Lynne Salek, Office Assistant School Staff School - 244-2556 Chris Wilson, Principal Marian Mitchell, Secretary Christy Hatcher, Bookkeeper Maintenance Staff Nicolas Agudelo Mark Chamberlain Parish Ministries Parish Council 2014-2015 President Lee Crosby - 229-251-6628 V.P. Ryan Hogan - 229-563-3001 Secretary Terri Filtz - 229-247-1125 RCIA Paul & Sue Worth, - 263-5659 Nursery Hanna Everitt, - 247-8942 Bethanie Brogdon, Campus Ministry - 333-5666 Suzie Puckett, Children’s Liturgy 242-8603 St. Francis Center Sr. Nuala Mulleady 520 E. Mary Street 242-8656 Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:00-2:00 2nd Saturday of each month October 19, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time exyÄxvà|Çz ÉÇ fâÇwtçËá extw|Çzá “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” Those are the Lord’s words in the final verse of today’s Gospel from Matthew. It is a quote (or something similar) that most of us as Catholics have heard many times. There is a definitive message from Jesus within that statement, and it applies directly to us and to our approach to life. From God’s statement in the first reading, “There is no God besides me” to Jesus’ reminder to us in the Gospel about what is God’s and what is Caesar’s the theme of one God, one provider, one Lord runs throughout. It is not that the anointing of Cyrus and the prediction by Isaiah of who and what Cyrus would be (Isaiah wrote almost 200 years before Cyrus even came into existence) is not germane to our current theme. The basic point of the first reading is that God is firmly in control. That should be a great comfort to us, but the humbling acceptance of that fact provides challenges to us. As we have stated many times, stewardship is God-centered, and it recognizes absolutely that God is in control. God accomplishes so much already, but think what He can accomplish if those of us with faith follow Him, and seek discipleship and stewardship as a way of life. St. Paul was very fond of the Thessalonians for many reasons. Historians and scholars and Scripture itself tell us Paul spent only three weeks in Thessalonica (Acts 17:2), scarcely time to found and establish on a firm footing a Christian community. Yet, as reports come back to Paul, he learns that the community is thriving and is firmly launched. As is regularly the case with Paul, there are subtleties included in his letter which we may miss. He writes this letter on behalf of his companions and fellow evangelists Silvanus and Timothy, but what he communicates has a stronger meaning than that. Observe how he phrases this statement: “We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers.” There are three telling allusions in that sentence, built around the words “thanks” and “always” and the plurals “We and our.” Thanks and gratitude are at the basis of stewardship and our attitude toward God. Paul confirms that thanks is something that he and his companions focus on often. In fact, they focus on it always, which means this is a consistent aspect of their thoughts and prayers. Using the plurals implies that prayer is something they do as a group as well as individuals. We, too, are called to prayer, certainly as individuals, but also as communities. Jesus is confronted with a difficult question by the Pharisees: “Teacher… is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” If the Lord said “Yes,” it might seem as if He was denying the authority and power of God; however, if He said “No” He might be viewed as being opposed openly to Rome. His answer is completely in line with Isaiah’s point in the first reading. He acknowledges the existence of civil governments and their right to make certain demands of us. Nevertheless, He also makes it quite clear that we belong to God. We do not belong to Caesar. God is in control. God is our Father and we must be responsible to Him in everything. That is what is meant by living lives of stewardship as God-centered. Stewardship also declares that everything comes from God and everything belongs to God. The Pharisees did not understand stewardship. Do we? Stewardship Reflection on Lectionary Readings Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc. 2 Mass Intentions Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time Week of October 19 Year A “Look upon the face of the Crucified, who invites you to follow Him. He will be a Father, Mother--everything to you." St. Paul of the Cross Feast Day October 20 SATURDAY, October 18 5:00 pm + Kenneth Carter SUNDAY, October 19 7:30 am + Peggy Nargi 9:30 am People of the Parish 12:00 pm +Marge Stockhammer MONDAY, October 20 12:10 pm Sr. Justine Youth choir news A production crew from the office of the Diocese of Savannah came to Valdosta this weekend to record our wonderful youth choir. Our youth choir will be included as part of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Every church in the diocese will get to hear and see our Blue Angels sing. What a wonderful tribute to help out with the Bishop’s appeal. We are so proud of our youth programs here at St John’s! TUESDAY, October 21 12:10 pm Special Intention LIVING ROSARY WEDNESDAY, October 22 6:00 pm Sabine Carter THURSDAY, October 23 12:10 pm + Malcolm Rainey On Wednesday, October 29, immediately following the 6:00 Mass, the St. John School community will lead a “living rosary” in the church. Please join with the faith community in praying this special devotion. FRIDAY, October 24 8:10 am + Inez Caulk SAVE THE DATE Breakfast With Santa! For Daily Readings visit: Saturday, December 6, 2014 8-11 a.m. Next Weekend’s Readings Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26 First Reading: Ex 22:20-26 Second Reading: 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Gospel: Mt 22:34-40 St John's Parish Center Also... we will have a White Elephant Sale, for children to purchase gifts for parents, teachers, friends, etc. We will be accepting donations from the parish (no furniture, electronics, or clothes). Items will be collected in the vestibule starting in November 3 PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THE SICK If you have someone you would like remembered in prayer, please contact the Church office. Names will be published for one month. If prayers are needed for longer than one month, please call us with an update. Sick or in the Hospital If you have a family member in the hospital, please call the Church office so they may be included in the hospital visits made by our priests and deacons. Mass intentions Mass intentions are on a first-come, first-serve basis and may be made at the church office. A donation per Mass will be collected at the time the intention is made. Stewardship Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” - Matthew 22:21 Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All else comes second. Halloween carnival Come one come all to the annual St. John School Halloween Carnival. This year’s theme is the Wizard of Oz. We are asking for baked goods. Whole cakes and individually wrapped cookies, cupcakes other treats for the Sweet Shop. For more information contact Bethanie Bass @ 229-561-4456. Newman center update Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization for men and women who serve the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. Meetings are Mondays at 10:00am. in the Parish Center Conference Room. For information please call Betty Murphy at 229-247-6610. Are You Certified to Work with Parish Youth? VIRTUS training; background check; code of conduct. Call(912) 201-4073/4074 or visit We have closed on the new Newman Center located at 1524 N. Oak St. Ext. The previous location is still for sale. Future updates will be given as progress is made. ST. JOHN ROAD RACE 2014 Have you picked out your costume? There are only six days left until the St. John Halloween Hustle 5K and Monster Mile. The event will be held this Saturday October 25, at 8:00 a.m. Please help support our school. Don’t forget! The class that turns in the most registrations will be awarded with a pizza party. Currently, there is a tie between Mrs. Rose’s and Mrs. Powell’s class! Applications are available in the school office or online at If you have questions please call Mixson Anderson at 229-415-4439 or Laurie Wallace at 229-292-0887. 4 Prayer Requests Please pray for our sick: Gloria Bailey, George Pruner, Clyde Pruner, Jose Antonio Sanchez Andrew Rumker, Salina Rumker, Sonia Singletary, Bill Searling, Terri Filtz, Joe Stavoli, Connie Kosa, Joan Pickens, Marion Kovach, Linda Hayman, Barbara Cunningham, Tammy McDonald, Jennifer Mills For Those Who Have Died Robert Cunnings, brother in law of Deacon Heise Dr. Bill Martin Kira Fiona Klotz, daughter of Jessica & John Klotz Dan Sebring Joseph ZurSchmiede, father of Ann Hilgert Christina Kija, sister of Fr. Ladda Sandra Rolland, niece of Myra Guarino Alexandrina Vera, sister of Maria Colwell Sunday Morning Adult Education We continue to watch and discuss world-famous Catholic speaker and teacher Father Robert Barron’s renowned ten-part series Catholicism. This week’s topic: The Ineffable Mystery of God The class will meet in the Maturi Room from 10:45 to 11:45am. Each film in the series is independent of the others so that you can attend all or certain ones that interest you. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Anniversaries Michael & Julie Baun Roger & Marina Boyd James & Marian Burns Ryan & Chrissy Cummings Brandon Maryellen Dampier Dennis & Rebecca Dewey Joseph & Karen Farmer Mark & Agatha Graves Mike & Rachel Hilkert John & Betty McElwain Tim & Becky Murphy Raymond & Eileen Smith Gary & Claudia Symon Alberto & Araceli Vicente RCIA sessions continue following the 9:30 Mass in the Parish Center conference room (10:45-11:45 AM). You are welcome to attend any of these sessions. For more information contact Deacon Paul at 229-263-5659 or e-mail at We will explore the following topics: October 19 – The First Commandment; Sacrament of the Eucharist October 26 – The Command to Love; Sacrament of Matrimony November 2 – Heaven, Mary, The Creed November 9 – The Four Marks of the Catholic Church November 16 – Stewardship November 23 – Judge the Living and the Dead, Christ the King, Liturgical Cycle November 30 – The Second Coming 5 Change of name/ address/ phone numbers Please notify the Church office at 229-244-2430 of any change in your member information. New parishioners If you are new to St. John, please stop by the Church office to register. NURSERY The nursery is available for children 6 months through 3 years of age during the 9:30a.m. and 12 noon Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) marked with your name. Online giving Sign up for online giving at and select the Online Giving link. Call the Church office if you need assistance. brick Garden Honor a loved one or special occasion with a brick in our Brick Garden. Bricks are $100 with an inscription of your choosing. Come by the church office to order. ALTAR FLOWERS Altar flowers may be purchased from the florist of your choosing. Please call the church office to check the calendar for availability visit our website at Catholic diocese of savannah Schools accreditation As the diocese begins to prepare for district reaccreditation with AdvancED (SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) in an effort to improve system practices, the Catholic Diocese of Savannah will be conducting a series of three surveys. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete survey #2: Catholic Identity - Program Effectiveness To complete the survey by October 24, go to: Please be assured that your responses will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciatedŜ Planning a Wedding Soon? In the Diocese of Savannah, couples are required to attend a Marriage Preparation workshop/weekend. Programs are offered in Macon, Savannah, Atlanta, St. Augustine FL, and here at St. John the Evangelist Church in Valdosta. St. John will host our next marriage workshop on the weekend of November 7th and 8th, 2014. Registration is required and there is a $50 fee per couple. You may obtain the forms from the Church office or call Deacon Pete and Cathy Falkenhausen at 229-563-3980. RACHEL’S VINEYARD POST ABORTION HEALING RETREAT If you have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abortion know that you are not alone. Help and healing are available through the Rachel’s Vineyard post abortion ministry. This confidential weekend retreat facilitates spiritual, psychological and emotional healing for women, men and family members struggling with the pain of abortion. Exercises based on scripture are designed to help participants experience God's mercy and compassion, to reconcile with God, their child, and with themselves. The retreat concludes with a Memorial and Entrustment Service. If your heart hears God's gentle invitation, take courage, for you are being called home to heal. Come and experience the mercy and compassion of God through this healing ministry. For additional information contact the Confidential Line for Rachel’s Vineyard at 912-201-4059 /, or visit the website at All calls and inquiries are strictly confidential. Come and be restored. Our next retreat is October 31 – November 2014, near Augusta, Ga. 6 Diocesan loan balance Week of October 5 Offertory Debt Reduction 2014 BAA PROGRESS $478,720.45 Parish Goal: Pledged: Paid: Participation October Payment $16,146.66 $ 2,474.60 Principal $2,246.14 Interest $1,400.76 Debt Reduction $3,787.06 Total Payment $7,433.96 $ 91,035 $ 82,971 $ 77,564 26.57% EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS October 18/19 5:00 p.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 A G. Harmon L. Murphy S. Boinski C. Genter K. Metzger M. Meacham Deacon A. Martinez Deacon 7:30 a.m. H. Everitt 9:30 a.m. S. Findlay C. Hotcaveg J. Kozuch W. Kozuch C. Stubbe C. Dinkins Deacon 12:00 p.m. R. Amiot B. Lanier B. Lanier P. Mills T. Waite J. Waite Deacon October 25/26 5:00 p.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 A C. Dowling M. Doner J. Cabral L. Salek W. Scoby T. Thomas Deacon B. Sewell Deacon 7:30 a.m. A. Rivera 9:30 a.m. M. Fendley T. Fendley C. Hotcaveg B. Kindley D. Martin M. Burns Deacon 12:00 p.m. J. Peters G. Peters W. Okuma T. Drake J. Marcoux C. Meadors Deacon ALTAR SERVERS October 18/19 October 25/26 5:00 p.m.. + W. Gerber/T. Ellis Z. Brice M. Gerber 5:00 p.m.. + T. Ellis 7:30 a.m. + B. Meindl/F. Asebiomo L. Peterman J.D. Peterman 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. + S. Manning/E. Hester E. Roy S. Vicente 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. + K. Kenworthy/E. Carter N. Savoie M.E. Wilson + J. Rowe M. Rozier S. Rozier + E. Hester L. Struble I. Repsher T. Falkenhausen E. Kumpel 12:00 p.m. + E. Carter GREETERS October 18/19 (3rd Sunday) October 25/26 (4th Sunday) 5:00 p.m. Carol & Ray Genter 5:00 p.m. Ralph & Myra Guarino 7:30 a.m. Columbus Carter & Family 7:30 a.m. David & Donna Nolan 9:30 a.m. Anita & Tom MacFarlane 9:30 a.m. Diane Culpepper 12:00 p.m. Denise Plumly 12:00 p.m. Carmen & John Wilkinson lectors October 18/19 October 25/26 5:00 p.m. Sr. Nuala Mulleady Michelle Kirkpatrick 5:00 p.m. Denise Retterbush Bonnie Rainey 7:30 a.m. Rebecca Meindl Kevin Berkel 7:30 a.m. Mike Mikovitz Angela Carter 9:30 a.m. Lee Crosby Gayle Whitley 9:30 a.m. Ryan Hogan Micha Hogan Marian Burns 12:00 p.m. Sheryl Dasinger John Waite 12:00 p.m. Amelia Kumpel 7
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