Remember to pick up your registration for the Tim Lipka Memorial Habitat Golf tourney in the narthex today! A WARM Welcome to our visitors today! Please take a moment to sign a visitor card, located on the back of the pews. ADULT MINISTRIES ANNOUNCEMENTS The Deacons’ Fund at PPC helps folks in our community in times of Discipleship Class crisis. When someone makes the based on the Animate Series transition from homelessness to Church: An Imperfect Family-Bruce Reyes Chow living in an apartment, the Deacon’s fund helps with Facilitated by Kay Starnes getting the utilities turned on and other expenses. When Bruce Reyes-Chow knows he’s not inventing the someone can’t pay their rent because illness kept them metaphor of the church as family, so he suggests out of work for two weeks, the Deacon’s fund helps. The we take our changing notions about what it Deacon’s fund helps purchase needed prescriptions for means to be a family and let them seep into our those who can’t afford them. And when someone needed understanding of the church. For Bruce, it’s the messiness, the dysfunction, and the joy that comes a community college course in order to be more qualified for employment, the Deacon’s fund helped. To date for from complex relationships that make church this year the Deacon’s fund has helped 128 people: 64 worth hanging on to. How do we stay connected with rent, 49 with utilities, and others with deposits, gas to this sometimes broken family system? What cards, dentist visits, and more, all totaling $33,968. The does it mean to commit ourselves to the church Deacon’s Fund started the year with $15,900 and has family, for better or for worse? Please join us! received $19,648. during the year. Thank you all so much! Covenant Class - FH Room #101 This is your generosity at work caring for the least of Reading and discussing Amazing Grace: A these who are Jesus’ brothers and sisters. Vocabulary of Faith by Kathleen Norris Our next Deacon’s Fund Collection will be at our Explorers Class - AMC Room #403 Christmas Eve services. But of course, you can give to the Studying Paul's letters to the Corinthians Deacon’s fund at any time! Faith Foundations & Pathfinders -AMC Room #402 Reading and discussing St. Augustine's Confessions. FAMILY TREE COMMUNITY MEAL***FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, FROM Providence Class - AMC Room #407 Studying Revelation 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM Last summer, when we shared news about The Family Tree, PPC responded by providing assistance to fund the Spirit Safari youth trip to New York City. Thank to those of you who so generously donated to make it a meaningful experience for these young people (read about their trip at If you would like to meet Helms and Greg Jarrell, the youth group and their neighbors and families, PPC is sponsoring Community Meal for Enderly Park, so join us even if you aren’t able to bring a dish to share. Those who would like to carpool can meet in the church parking lot at 5:00 pm or meet us at Family Tree by 5:30. We will set up and serve the meal, fellowship and eat with neighbors, and then clean up. You should be finished by 7:30 pm. We will need food and drinks to serve up to 50 neighbors. The theme is can bring take out from your favorite pizza place or your best home made pasta dish: lasagna, spaghetti, ziti, Italian subs, etc. Please specify what you are bringing when you sign up. If the weather is nice, the meal will be outside. If not, we’ll go indoors. Once sponsors have unloaded supplies, they are encouraged to park in the gravel parking lot across from the Parkway house or in the Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center parking lot. If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute food, just let us know. Contact Gale Kinney by phone (704-846-5807) or email ( if you have questions or suggestions. Check out their new website to learn more about The Family Tree. Adult Sunday School Today at 10:15 AM, FH LOCATION: 2910 Parkway Ave Charlotte, NC 28208 Family Tree Gardening/Landscaping Afternoon!!! Also, on Friday, November 21 from 2:30 pm until... Please think about coming a little early for the community meal, around 2 or 2:30 pm, to help with WHAT’S COMING UP Sunday, October 26 Bulbs, Batteries & B’everything 9:00 & 11:15 am Worship 10:15 am Sunday School for all ages! 12:30 pm Worship Committee 2:45 pm Sunshine Singers 3:30 pm Kingdom Choir 4:15 pm Beginner Guitar 5:00 pm NO Points of Light Choir 5:45 pm YG: FUN on the FARM Monday, October 27 11:30 AM John Bible Study, AMC #402 5:30 pm AA Tuesday, October 28 10:00 am Presbytery, 1st Pres. Monroe (AA) Women’s Serenity, 5:30 pm AA Wednesday, October 29 5:30 pm AA 7:00 pm TGIM (Capps’) 7:30 pm PPC Book Club, Parlor Thursday, October 30 10:00 am (AA) Women’s Serenity 4:30 pm Yoga, CLC HS Room 6:00 pm Handbells 7:30 pm Choir Friday, October 31 5:30 pm AA Saturday, November 1 5:30 pm AA, Al-Anon Sunday, November 2 Lord’s Supper Daylight Saving Time ENDS-Fall Back 9:00 & 11:15 am Worship 10:15 am SS for All ages 12:30 pm Worship Committee 2:30 pm Children’s Musical Offerings 5:30 pm Ladies Spiritual Disciplines 5:45 pm Youth Group PPC Children, Youth & Family Ministries ALL PPC YOUTH: from 5:00-8:30 pm is fun on the farm at the Kunkleman's house, 4001 Wilson Drive Charlotte 28270. Lots of food and fun for everyone! What to bring? Middle schoolers bring something salty or sides and High schoolers bring something sweet (I mean beside your mom) or drinks. Call Lisa or Dan if you need more specific directions. 704 579 7161 or 704 617 0857. Directions from the church: Head toward I-485 and turn left onto McKee Road. Bear right onto Tilley Morris, which is right before the Fire Station. Go under the I-485 overpass and turn into the first neighborhood on the left (Roxbury) onto Chestnut Hill Dr. Turn on the first left (Olde Roxbury Dr.) and follow it until it turns into a narrow driveway which will lead you up between two horse fences to the house. Enjoy Fun on the Farm! PPC 2014 A DVENT D EVOTIONAL O NLY S IX (6) P ASSAGES R EMAIN !!! You are invited to submit a devotional for the 2014 Advent Devotional booklet. Select and sign up for one of the six remaining Scripture passages at & write a brief reflection or devotional message about it or relating to it (approx. 200 – 350 words). Poems, song lyrics, black and white drawings, or other forms of artistic expression are also welcomed. All devotions are due back no later than Friday, November 14 (earlier is even better). Email your completed devotion in the form of a Word or Publisher document, a jpg for a picture, or as the message in the body of an email (no PDFs, please) to: The printed booklet should be available on Sunday, November 30th (the first Sunday of Advent). Questions? Contact Nancy Baum at 704847-4861. Batteries Bulbs & B-everything Else!!! THANKS GREEN TEAM... Today is the last day you can drop off your non-recyclable items for the Green Team to take to Fox Hole! Please consider this trip (airfare app. $1000 with app. $500 additional funds), and call Dan Kunkleman to find out what preparation is needed. Dan’s cell number is (704) 617-0857. Many, many thanks to all who donated items to the baby layette ministry . Diapers, lotions, onesies and blankets have filled the back of my car. One member knitted baby caps & booties and another knitted a baby blanket. The love and care that our congregation shows to others in our community is abundant. These sweet things will go to the layette ministry at Green Memorial Baptist Church that distributes them to new moms and dads after a parenting class. Thank you! We Need Your Help Delivering Friendship Trays Did you know that Providence Presbyterian Church delivers meals for Friendship Trays? With the help of four families in our church, we deliver meals for route 39 two and a half days every week of the year. At one time, we were able to deliver meals for this route all five days of the week. We would love to be able to do this again. If you are looking for a way to help others, have a car, don’t mind driving, and have two to three hours to volunteer twice a month, we could use your help. Route 39 has an opening for every other Friday and we would like to be able to reclaim this spot for Providence Church. If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Jane Hudson at 704 846-1744. Wendy Felker, Doris Rea, Dave Preston, Don McRae (friend of Alice Majure), Willie Brock, Mary Benton, Joyce Ahlstrom, Kay Heller, Mary Morris, Jim Hanly, AP Nominating Comm., Youth Director Search Committee. PRAISE for Isla Katherine McCamic and Ethan Graham McCamic, twins born on October 10 to proud parents Elizabeth and Jeremy McCamic and to proud grandparents Keith and Nancy Templin. HELP US PUT THE STEW in STEWARD- We’re putting the “stew” back in to Stewardship this year! We’ve got the big pot out and are starting to think about ingredients for the stew. Then, we’re going to mix ‘um up, get it nice and hot, add the See website for more information. seasoning and serve it up for all who are hungry Click on serving and then, stewardship. whether physically, or spiritually, or both; we’ll pour it out for those in need of care and prayer; for those longing for worship and praise this stew will be a feast; and what nourishment it will provide so we can take God’s love everywhere. There are some basic Stewardship Stew ingredients: You Me All PPC - for a lot of stew you’ll need a lot of hearty stock More than a pinch of time Several quarts of energy, don’t skimp here. Prayer sauce, it’s like fish sauce in Asian cooking. It brings out the flavor of everything. Seasoning to taste with talents (use your favorites) And, if you’re going to go to this much trouble, don’t skimp on presentation. The finest ingredients deserve the classiest service money can buy. But you can doctor this old stew up just about any way you like. You can add: The bouillon of Bible Study The hot sauce of a Habitat project The meat of a mission trip AND there are so many more ingredients - just use your imagination. All we have belongs to God. That means anything at all, and all of each and all of us, are available ingredients for the Stewardship Stew. So, check out the pantry of your soul, look into the fridge of your heart, pull out your wallet and go to the store, see what you want to put into the Stewardship Stew this year. I can smell it already and we’re just talking ingredients!
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