Saint Matthias Parish

Saint Matthias Parish
128 Bryn Mawr Avenue
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004
Rectory: 610-664-0207
Fax: 610-664-3559
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass .......... 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ............... 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday ............ 7:30 a.m.
Saturday ............ 8:00 a.m.
Reverend Monsignor Gerard C. Mesure, Pastor
Reverend Charles E. Gormley, Retired Priest
Reverend John A. McGinnis, Retired Priest
Deacon Thomas P. Quinn
Parish Business Manager: John Yura
Director of Parish Outreach: Peggy Haley
Director of Liturgical Music: Berthilla Wiscount
Coordinator of Religious Education: Peggy Haley Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministry: Katie Bryson
Parish Religious Education Office and Youth Office: 610-664-1942
RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: The office staff is available for
business matters Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Mass Cards may be obtained at the Rectory during
business hours, or until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Saint Matthias Parish!
Please see Monsignor and register at the Rectory after any
weekend Mass. A person arranging for Marriage or seeking
a certificate of eligibility to act as a sponsor at Baptism or
Confirmation is to be registered and an active member of the
APPOINTMENTS: Our Priests are most willing to be of service
to all. You are asked to arrange an appointment in advance
by telephone with the Priest you wish to see.
SICK CALLS: Emergencies – Please call the Rectory.
Hospital Visitation – The Parish Priests will be happy to visit
any Parishioner who is hospitalized. Please contact the
Rectory, since hospitals do not contact the Rectory.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is
administered most Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Arrangements are
made in advance at the Rectory. Sponsors must provide
proof of eligibility by a letter from their respective Pastors.
First time parents attend a Pre-Jordan Meeting prior to
Baptism, which is arranged at a mutually convenient time.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on
Saturdays at 4:15 p.m., or at any time by appointment.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made
with the Pastor at least six months before the date of the
Wedding. Pre-Cana instructions are required. Weddings
may be scheduled on Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m., or on Friday evenings.
Heidi Anderson, Pat
Black, Ethan Boldt, Tom Bruner, Katherine Bryson (ex-officio), Maggie
Duffy, Peggy Haley (ex-officio), Ross Holgado, Ray Nepomuceno, Mark
Rooney, Peggy Saeger (Secretary), John Yura (ex-officio), H. Nelson Keyser
III (Finance Council representative), Mike Utkus, Berthilla Wiscount (ex-officio).
October 19, 2014
Twenty-ninth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
H.O.P.E. Helping Other People Enthusiastically
H.O.P.E. volunteers assist fellow Parishioners by
providing transportation to doctors’ offices, banks
and supermarkets. The Captain for October 19-25:
Peggy Haley, 610-664-0207.
Saturday, October 18, 2014 – Vigil, 29 Sunday in
5:00 Dominic Mammola
Ordinary Time
Sunday, October 19, 2014 –29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 Mario Sandiego
10:30 Ralph Sando, M.D.
7:00 For Our Parishioners
Monday, October 20, 2014 – St. Paul of the Cross
*7:30 In Memory of Vincent and Louise Vesci
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 – Weekday
7:30 In Memory of Nicholas Chovanes
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 – St. Pope John Paul II
7:30 Theresa Randazzo
Thursday, October 23, 2014 – St. John of Capistrano
7:30 Rev. D. James McGettigan
Friday, October 24, 2014 – St. Anthony Mary Claret
7:30 Wharton Tiers
Saturday, October 25, 2014 – Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 Dr. Michael Brignola
5:00 For Our Parishioners
Sunday, October 26, 2014 –30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 Mario Sandiego
10:30 Don Kuzy
7:00 Rev. Michael J. McCabe – 96th Anniversary
Joseph Butler, Betty Ann Haenn, Tom Hennessey, Jr.,
Marie D. Fratini, Martha Eckert, Richard Knorr,
Stephen Williams, Ryan Williams, Wyn Marino,
Thomas Liciardella, Jeanne Glick, Nita Dransfield,
Anthony Massini, Louise Rascioli, Paul Snyder, Joe
Casino, Irma Bates, Mary Takacs, John Lynch,
Dorothy Rubincam, Eugene Scotti, Catherine
O’Connor, Tom Klemick, Alec Boult, Peggy Ann
McDermott, Francis Diebold, Louise Grato, Bernie,
Katherine, Jordan Damas, John DiVivo, Ernest
Augustine, Baby Michael Anthony Siniscalchi, Mary
Rowland, Gisela Jost, Joan Grzeskowiak, Gerry
Gregory, Roger Lifleur, Lelene Lifleur, Josette Brun,
Eleanor Kuhl, Joe Campopiano, Fran Cravereo, Jim
Cassalia, Hannah D’Agosta, Jacqueline Gregory,
Christine Ambrose, Lorraine Beaulieu, Dr. Joan
Hurlock, Theresa Jandrositz, Raymond Sullivan, Rev.
Thomas Wheeler, SJ, and Thomas Melone. We also
pray for those served by our Parish in Inglis House
and Bala Nursing Home. If you wish to have someone’s
name added to our prayer list, please call the Rectory.
Kindly notify the Rectory when a name should be removed
from the Sick List.
LIVING LIGHTS: In the Sanctuary near the statue
of the Sacred Heart three candles burn for special
intentions. If you wish to have one burning for your
intention, ask one of the Priests to put your name on
the list in the Sacristy. The Donation for these
candles is $10. This week’s candles are lit for: Our
Youth, Marriage & the Family and Special Intention.
*Extraordinary support through the Saint Matthias Day Program
Priest-Celebrant Schedule: October 25/26
5:00 Father McGinnis
8:30 Father Gormley
10:30 Monsignor Mesure
7:00 Monsignor Mesure
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord
We pray for the happy repose of the souls of
Michael Brignola and Michael Wiscount.
Let perpetual light shine upon them and may their
souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Praying the Rosary
Dear Parishioners,
This weekend we celebrate World Mission Sunday.
It is a reminder that the work of building up the
Church around the world is not just for select
missionaries. We all have a role to play.
It is significant that one of the patron saints of
missionaries is “The Little Flower” - Saint Therese
of Lisieux.
Saint Therese entered a cloistered Carmelite
convent at age fifteen. She lived there in obscurity
until her death nine years later. At first St. Therese
might seem to be an unlikely candidate to join Saint
Francis Xavier as a co-patron saint for missionaries.
Saint Francis Xavier was himself one of the great
missionaries of the church. He spent much of his
life traveling through Asia proclaiming the Gospel.
Saint Therese spent her short life in quiet prayer.
Yet in 1927 Pope Pius XI named her the co-patron
saint of missionaries in recognition of the support
she gave to the missions with her prayers.
It is a reminder to us that we all have a role to play
in the mission work of the Church in spreading the
Gospel to the entire world. Perhaps some in our
parish are being called by God to follow the
courageous example of St. Francis Xavier and travel
to distant lands to bring the Good News of Jesus.
Others of us are called to support the missions with
our prayers and with our resources.
Like St. Therese of Lisieux, all of us can do our part
on this Word Mission Sunday in building up the
Church around the world.
May God Bless you.
Father Mesure
The Luminous Mysteries
Instituted by Blessed John Paul II in 2002
(Said on Thursdays)
The Baptism of Our Lord
The Marriage Feast of Cana
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration of the Lord
The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
The Fatima Prayer
A prayer given by Our Lady to the children of Fatima
to be said at the end of each decade of the Rosary after
the Glory Be to the Father.
Oh my Jesus
Forgive us our sins,
Save us from the fires of hell,
Lead all souls to Heaven
Especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Month of the Holy Rosary
at Saint Matthias
Throughout October, there are baskets with rosaries
at the church entrances. Please feel free to take a
rosary for yourself or to share with someone. You are
always invited to join our Rosary Group in front of
the Blessed Mother’s altar right after any daily
morning Mass to pray for your intentions and the
intentions of the parish.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!
A Living Rosary
For Mary the Mother of Jesus
A Living Rosary is a prayer service where each
person represents one of the beads of the Rosary
and leads the corresponding prayer while reflecting
on the mysteries of Jesus’ life.
Our Living Rosary will be on
Sunday, October 26th at 9:30 AM
Meet in the Parish Center
All are invited to pray with us.
If you would like to volunteer to lead a prayer,
Contact Peggy Haley at
or call the rectory.
Mark Your Calendar
 Sept. 28-Oct. 26 – Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive
 Oct. 30 – Ministry Gathering
 Nov. 4 – All day Eucharistic Adoration,
Benediction 7 PM
– Parish Council
 Nov. 9 – Heavenly Coffee after morning Masses
 Nov. 9-23 – Giving Tree
 Nov. 18 – Red Cross Blood Drive in Gym, 1-6PM
Annual Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive
now through October 26th
Collection Baskets are located at the
Highland & Bryn Mawr Ave. entrances.
The drive benefits the Archdiocese Food Bank.
7th and 8th Grade Students
Please encourage your 7th or 8th
grade student to attend our new Chosen Program.
This program was designed with the new generation
of teens in mind. Totally different, exciting,
challenging, I promise they will lyk this program!!
Additionally, students will not be spending all of
their time in a classroom, many outside the box
projects. We dare students to try one or two
“Teens who experience Chosen will find
themselves drawn deeply into the beauty of
Catholicism and the love of Jesus Christ. In a world
searching for meaning, Chosen speaks to the hearts
and minds of our youth through comprehensive
materials and engaging videos taught by an
impressive array of presenters.”
– Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M.
Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia
Saint Matthias Young Professionals
We invite our young adults in their 20s & 30s to
gather together to deepen their Catholic Faith,
develop friendships with other believers, strengthen a
sense of community, and find help to live our
Catholic faith through service and discipleship. Join
us for our next gathering on Wednesday, November
19 at 7:30 PM in the Rectory.
Saint Matthias Youth Group (grades 7-12)
meets Sundays from 5 - 7 PM in the Parish Center.
We learn more about our Catholic faith, share meals
together, participate in community service, and enjoy
other fun activities. This Sunday we will continue our
discussion from last week on why we believe in God
and follow the Catholic faith.
Help wanted! We are in need of dedicated,
enthusiastic adult volunteers to help with the youth
ministry program. Volunteering with our teens is fun
and rewarding, and you may learn a few things
yourself! If you are interested in helping out, contact
Katie at or 610-664-0207.
The next gathering of the Highlanders will be
November 19 at 1:30 PM in the Parish Center. We
always welcome new members to socialize, share
interests, suggest new activities and to share
refreshments. All men and women 55+ are invited to
attend. Join us!
Halloween treats will be distributed to the
children after the weekend Masses on
October 25th and 26th.
Extraordinary Ministers
Of Holy Communion
Saint Matthias has many parishioners who
cannot attend Mass on Sunday but would like to
receive Eucharist on a regular basis. We appeal to our
Communion for your help - perhaps, you can share
some of your time to bring Jesus to others. Please
contact Peggy Haley in the Rectory. If you are
interested in becoming a deputed Extraordinary
Minister of Holy Communion, either for weekend
Masses or to bring Communion to the sick please
contact Jack Yura or Monsignor.
We are in need of Greeters at all Masses. If you are
interested in joining this ministry, please contact Jack
Yura at the Rectory or
Offertory Procession
Our families are invited to participate in the Offertory
Procession at the 5:00 Mass each Saturday. Our
children are encouraged to participate in the
Offertory Procession at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday.
There is a sign-up sheet in the back of Church.
Ministry to the Homeless
Saint John's Hospice seeks to be a community
grounded in faith and service where homeless persons
find dignity, respect, nourishment, and opportunities
for new beginning. The hospice is in dire need of
additional casseroles each month as the number of
men served has increased over the past few years.
Please consider preparing a casserole each month. It’s
simple: prepare a casserole in one of the handy
containers located at church vestibules and deliver it
to the gym on the third Monday of the month.
Will you lend a hand and help feed the hungry?
Thank you!! The next pick up will be Monday,
October 20.
Jesus is truly present – Body, Blood, Soul and
Our Monthly adoration of the Most Blessed
Sacrament is being moved from the first
Wednesday of the month to the first Tuesday of the
month. The next Adoration followed by 7 PM
Benediction will be on Tuesday, November 4.
World Meeting of
Families is
coming to
Philadelphia in
September 2015!
Learn about the World Meeting of Families,
how to prepare your parish, get involved, or
get your copy of the official Catechesis on our
new website,
Sacrificial Giving ~ Stewardship
Collection for October 4/5 $6185
Year to Date Totals – Sunday Collections:
FY ’14: $86,505 FY ’15: $85,959
(Fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30)
Thank you for your
Continual Sacrificial Generosity!
Saint Matthias is hosting a
Safe Environment Training Session
Monday, October 27, 2014 @ 6:30 PM
Parish Center
Register online at
Catholic Life Congress – Saturday, November 1,
2014, 9AM-4PM – All are invited to come explore the
beauty of Catholic Faith & discover the joy of knowing
Jesus Christ in his Church. Congress begins with Mass
with Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Enjoy
talks, music, exhibits, prayer, & more! Located at Sherton
Philadelphia Downtown Hotel, 201 N 17th Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19103.
CATHOLIC men and women are cordially invited to join
"The Main Line Singles Dinner Club" to share common
interests & dine together 2 times a month. Our next
scheduled events are: (Sat) Oct. 25th @ 6:15 P.M. - "PreHalloween House Party" @ a member's home in
Broomall, PA. (Sun) Nov. 16th @ 6:15 P.M. - Restaurant
Event @ "Mnt Fuji Restaurant" located @ 36 Greenfield
Ave., Ardmore, PA 19003. More info, call Barb (610) 8966542. Catholic men are encouraged to participate.
Programs for Divorced & Separated Catholics - will be
held at Daylesford Abby, Paoli on Sundays from
September 14 to December 14, 7:15 – 9:00 PM. This is a
free Catholic ministry offering welcome, support and
direction in navigating this most stressful, confusing and
painful time. Topics covered include anger, depression,
loneliness, forgiveness, finances, and more. For more
information contact Deacon John Lozano at or call (610) 647 – 2530.
Waldron Mercy (WMA), a Blue Ribbon School of
Excellence, located in Merion Station, Pa., offers a
Montessori program for children ages three to six, and an
Early Childhood Program for three year olds, through
grade 8. To learn more about WMA, please call Sr. Joellen
at 610-664-9847, ext. 113.
Please join us for our Open House: Sunday, October
26, 2014 at Noon; and Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 9
Devon Preparatory School is a private Roman Catholic
college preparatory school, owned and conducted by the
Piarist fathers, for young men in grades 6-12. They will be
conducting Scholarship/ Entrance Exams for
prospective students on Sunday, October 19th and
Saturday, October 25th from 8:30-11:45 AM. For
registration, further information, or any questions, visit,
Kane,, 610-668-7337 x129.
Malvern Preparatory School Academic Scholarship/
Entrance Exam – Entrance exams for Grades 6-11,
scholarships for 6th and 9th grades, will be held Sunday
October 26th and Saturday November 8th, 8:30 AM.
Pre-registration is required–online at An
Open House for parents, students, and teachers will be
held Sunday, October 26th, 8:30 AM.
The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur will offer its
Ninth Grade Scholarship and Entrance Examination
on Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 9.
Open House will be held on Sunday, November 2,
10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. For more information, call 610971-0498 or visit Public and
private bus transportation is available. A private, Catholic,
college preparatory school for girls in grades 6-12, Notre
Dame is located at 560 Sproul Road in Villanova.
St. Joseph’s Preparatory School invited students and
parents to an Open House on Sunday, November 2
from 10 AM to 2 PM. Before the Open House, you are
also invited to join the Prep community for Mass at 8:45
AM in the Church of the Gesu (here on our campus).
Interested 8th Grade boys should sit for the
Scholarship/Entrance Exam on Saturday, November
15 or Sunday, November 16 at 8:30 AM. Students must be
applicants and they are registered automatically upon
completing an application. Academic Scholarships and
financial aid grants will be awarded to eligible students.
Registration for the Pre-7th and Pre-8th Grade Summer
Enrichment Program will be available at the Open
House. This program is open to boys and girls entering the
7th or 8th grade. For additional information please call 215978-1954.
La Salle College High School, located in Springfield
Township, Montgomery County, will hold an Open
House on Sunday, November 9 from 11 AM to 2 PM.
Prospective students and their parents are invited to tour
the buildings and 84-acre campus. For questions or
additional information, please contact the Admissions
Office at 215-402-4800 or
Information can also be found on the school’s web site at
The Visitation Nuns at 5820 City Ave, Philadelphia, PA
19131, cordially invite you to celebrate with them the
Triduum of Our Lady of Guadalupe at 7:30 PM
Masses on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, December
10, 11, and 12, 2014, celebrated by Rev. Joseph Okonski.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, who appeared to St. Juan Diego
in 1531, and whose shrine in Mexico City attracts more
pilgrims than any other shrine in the world, is honored
especially because the community was originally founded
in Mexico by Sisters from Mobile, Alabama.
Catholic Cruise to Bermuda – Come and sail away on a
7-night Catholic Bermuda Cruise with Father James
Shaughnessy May 2nd-May 9th, 2015 on Holland America
Veendam out of Boston, Massachusetts. Ports of Call:
Hamilton, Bermuda; Boston, Massachusetts. Prices begin
at $1934 for two passengers, this includes all port fees and
taxes. Deposits of only $200 per person will reserve your cabin.
Catholic Cruise to Alaska – Come sail away on a 7-night
Catholic Alaska Cruise with Father Leo Prengaman May
2nd – May 9th, 2015 on Holland America Westerdam out of
Seattle, Wahington. Ports of Call: Juneau, Alaska; Glacier
Bay; Sitka, Alaska; Ketchikan, Alaska; Victoria, British
Columbia; Seattle, Washington. Prices begin at $2004 for
two passengers, including all port fees and taxes. Deposits
of only $250 per person will reserve your cabin. Daily
Mass offered on both cruises. Space is limited.
Registration deadline is April 20th, 2015. For further info
or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or