Physical Address 11361 Prospect Drive Martell, California Mailing Address 11361 Prospect Drive Jackson, CA 95642 Web Parish Mission Statement We, the Amador Community of St. Katharine Drexel Parish, are united in our Catholic faith. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and led by the example of St. Katharine who served the marginalized, we are strengthened by the Eucharist and strive to serve all God’s people while evangelizing future generations. See inside back cover for more contact information Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Weekend Approaches The Annual Catholic Appeal is our annual tradition that connects us to thousands of people who need our help every day. This year, our Appeal Weekend takes place two weeks from now on the weekend of February 7-8. Last year, through your generosity, our parish contributed $44,589 to the Appeal. Our 25% parish share was used to help our own parishioners with emergency assistance. Through our support, we can assure that many vital social service programs continue to assist tens of thousands of people in need, assist with the formation of diocesan seminarians, and provide need-based tuition assistance to deserving families in our most economically-challenged communities. Your gift makes a difference in someone’s life. Please prayerfully consider what you can give. St. Thomas Aquinas — Memorial January 28 life, the “dumb ox”, as he was dubbed, taught, preached, and wrote, producing the monumental “Summa Theologica.” His thinking became enorSt. Thomas Aquinas so shocked his no- mously influential in later centuries ble Italian family when he entered the and he was named a Doctor of the Dominicans about 1244 that his broth- Church in 1567. ers imprisoned him for a year. But he - Copyright ® 2014, United States Conwould not yield and after escaping ference of Catholic Bishops, studied under St. Albert the Great. Washington, D.C. He was appointed as a master of theology in 1256. For the rest of his brief St. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and Youth Day - Only 8 Weeks Away! Teens from the Los Angeles Archdiocese are preparing for Youth Day 2015 “Talk Jesus With Me,” on March 12. Continuing on March 13 to 15 is the Congress, “See/Ver.” Both events are held at the Anaheim Convention Center. A few of the 202 speakers will include the recently named Bishop Soane Mafi of Tonga; Fr. Greg Boyle, founder and Executive Director of Homeboy Industries; Fr. Marc Reeves, director of the RCIA program, as well as teacher for the Dept. of Theological Studies as a lecturer in liturgical theology at Loyola Marymount University; and Jesse Manibusan, an itinerant witness, songwriter, speaker, joy cultivator, storyteller and evangelizer. One of the many sessions provided is one that embraces the variety and diversity in our parishes and in the world. Moving toward oneness and communion in many cultures requires a small portion of courage, humility and, dare we say, faith! Specially priced tickets to Disneyland as well as discounted hotel rates are available to attendees. A wonderful gathering of people from around the world to celebrate the gifts of young adults. For more information or tickets, see This workshop will transform more than your liturgies. Come and see! Page 2 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Desire To Stay with the Lord Is, In Itself, Our Comfort And Our Joy! When I started in campus ministry, I was fortunate to meet a wonderful priest who had worked with college students for many years. I watched him carefully on Sundays and at student gatherings, picking up valuable information about how to talk to students, conduct myself professionally, and bring out the best in others and in myself. Over the years we worked together, I observed many campus ministersyoung and old, lay and ordainedseeking him out for advice and counsel. I referred more than a few. I also enjoyed our conversations and nearly always left our meetings with more wisdom than when I started. I wonder what Andrew and the other disciples thought when John called Jesus “the Lamb of God.” Whatever it was, they must have seen in Jesus someone who could answer their questions or give them something they were lacking. Maybe they saw a person their teacher admired and decided to seek his wisdom for themselves. Whatever it was, something compelled them to follow Jesus, and Jesus’ own invitation to “come and see” whetted their curiosity and desire even more. Today we might call that the impulse of the Spirit, who draws us to Christ even when we’re not sure why. The challenge for us is to have the courage to follow Jesus, ask where he’s staying, and walk with him even if we can’t see where it will lead us. Our desire to stay with the Lord is, in itself, our comfort and our joy. Mary Katharine Deeley sundaybulletin@liguori.og International Pilgrim Statue of Fatima The International Pilgrim Statue of Fatima from Portugal will be brought to the Diocese of Sacramento from March 1 to 21, 2015. Explore the Transformative Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel! Centering Prayer infuses into all activity the motive of divine love and personal commitment to transformation in Christ. It adds depth of meaning to all of our prayer. Come to the Introduction to Centering the flyer posted in the churches for Prayer Workshop on Sat., Feb. 7, 8:30 further information. Questions? Please AM to 12:30 PM in the hall at Trinity call Patti Stalder at 209-296-5167. Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek, on Hwy 49 across from Walgreens. See Are You Fired Up? The Confirmation Conference “Fired Up!” Will be Sat., Feb. 21 and Sun., Feb. 22, 2015 from 10 AM to 4 PM at St. Francis High School in Sacramento. This rally is for all junior high and high school students (grades 7-9) who are scheduled to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2015. A fun and inspirational day for teens to enrich the Confirmation preparation process. Keynote speakers will be Mark Hart, Armando Cervantes and Lili Flores. The day will culminate with Mass with Bishop Jaime Soto. Cost is $30 per student/chaperone. Teens must attend as a parish group with chaperones. Register and get more information at One-Day Parish Mission Retreat: April 11, 2015 Keep the date on your calendar for our one day parish mission retreat: April 11, 2015! We are once again seeking volunteers part of this years’ team? Contact to assist in setting up, cleaning up, Suzie Reynolds at 223-2970 or email registration, hospitality, and the children’s program. Interested in being Parishioner Financial Gifts: With Sincere Appreciation Our apologies: Sacred Heart’s December total was inadvertently left off our list. Total collections for month of December for Sacred Heart - $6,015. Donations from all churches for the third week of January were as follows: Offertory January 17-18: $7,620 End-of-the-Year Contribution Statements are in the mail for those contributing $100 or more. Please watch your mailbox for its arrival. Upcoming Second Collections Heartfelt thanks for your generosity Feb 1 Building Repair Fund Feb 8 Annual Catholic Appeal All other special donation envelopes may be given on any weekend of the month. January 25, 2015 Page 3 Rite of Christian Initiation News Have you ever heard the initials, RCIA, or noticed them in our weekly bulletin? They stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the Roman Catholic Church’s official collection of rites for initiating unbaptized adults and for receiving baptized candidates into the church. The RCIA is not a program. It is a process. It’s a process of formation in prayer, of receiving and discussing information about the Church’s teachings, and of transformation. All of it comes from a growing awareness of a need for a personal conversion toward Jesus Christ. And, all of it is done in the context of a faith community. The people who join the RCIA process are often at different stages in their faith journeys; some are Catechumen, those who have never been baptized and want to be baptized in the Catholic Church and some are Candidates who have been baptized in another Christian faith or baptized Catholic but never received Confirmation or the Eucharist. This Monday, our participants will learn about the Early Church. Soon, they will begin their Lenten rites as they prepare to be welcomed into the Church at Easter. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, the RCIA team can be reached via email, or by contacting the parish office. Interfaith Food Bank - Suggested Donations for February For the month of February, suggestions for the Interfaith Food Bank are meals in a box such as Macaroni & Cheese, Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-roni mixes. The Food Bank can always use staple items such as canned vegetables/ beans, rice, and pasta. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Please place your donated items in the box marked “Interfaith Food Bank” at any of our churches. Thank you so much for your support! Counseling & Spiritual Direction If you are searching for God’s presence and direction in your life, or trying to discern your life’s journey in loving and serving Him, or seeking opportunities to grow through life’s struggles, contact Victoria S. Grimm, M.C., at the Parish Center, 209-2232970. Victoria is an experienced counselor and spiritual director. $50 for a 50-minute session or $25 for a 30-minute session. St. Vincent de Paul - Beggar’s Sunday The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is holding a Beggar’s Sunday Collection today. Those of you who receive envelopes will notice that in a cost saving measure to help the parish towards funding a Youth Minister, no St. Vincent de Paul envelopes were in your monthly mailing. Please write your checks out directly to St. Vincent de Paul or make a note to us in the memo portion of your check. If paying in cash, please make sure the donation is given to one of the society members collecting after mass in an envelope with your name and envelope number, if you so desire. We thank you for your continued support allowing us to help those in need in our community. Conference members will have special collection baskets as well as Share cards to be used at Save Mart. The Society receives cash back on use of the cards. St. Vincent de Paul Society members thank everyone for your ongoing prayers and financial support. “For it is in giving that we receive.” Men’s Club Sponsors Crab Feed: February 7 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 The St. Katharine Drexel Men’s Club annual crab feed will be held at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Center on February 7. Cocktails at 5:30 PM, din- ner at 7 PM and a BIG RAFFLE at 9 PM. salad, pasta, dessert and wine. For Dinner consists of all-you-can-eat crab, tickets please call Ron Floyd at 2233114 (daytime) or 267-5346 (evening). Many Thanks from Oneto Family The family of Albert Oneto thanks everyone who helped with his services, and those who helped with his reception. Page 4 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bishop Issues Influenza Precautions On Jan. 9, the California Department of Public Health reported that statewide influenza levels have risen above the ‘epidemic threshold;’ therefore Bishop Soto has issued the following temporary measures to be followed throughout the diocese at least through March 1. Discontinue distribution of Holy Communion in the cup. Our parish implemented this on Jan. 17. Encourage the reception of Holy communion in the hand. Do not hold hands during the “Our Father.” The Sign of Peace should be offered without shaking hands. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion should cleanse hands before and after administering the Sacrament. As a reminder, the faithful do not have the obligation of attending Sunday Mass when ill, especially when suffering from a contagious disease. Out of consideration for others, those with flu-like symptoms are asked to remain home. News from . . . ST. KATHARINE DREXEL Catholics Returning Home This began several weeks ago and is meeting upstairs at St. Katharine Drexel from 2 to 4 PM every Sunday. Come join us! Hope to see you there! News from . . . SKD Book Club The book club met and planned our spring reading schedule. Feb 10 the book choice is “And Now I See: A Transformation” by Robert Barron. On March 10 our book is “7 Secrets of the Eucharist” by Vinney Flynn. April is skipped as the May book is a long one. May 12 the book is “The Fulfillment of All Desire” by Ralph Martin. We meet on the second Tues. 6 PM. If any of these books sound interesting, everyone is welcome to join the discussion. No long term obligation. For more information call Susan at 296 -1231. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Spanish Mass Spanish Mass is now conducted at St. Katharine Drexel until further notice. We will keep you informed when the hall will again be useable. News from . . . OUR LADY OF THE PINES OLOP Society St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Our Lady of the Pines will have their fifth annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on March 14 in Haran Hall. Watch future bulletins for time and cost for dinner. For information please Wondering whether Mass is canceled contact Thelma Asbury at at OLOP because of snow or ice? Call 295-4909 or 223-2970 if weather conditions are questionable. Recorded Volunteers are invited to assist in this update at OLOP (295-4909) is available fun and worthwhile venture. by 8 AM on the morning of Mass. News from . . . ST. PATRICK St. Patrick Society The next meeting is Tuesday, January 27, 7 PM, in St. Patrick Hall. Questions about the Society: Call President Jeannine Crew at 223-3623 or Vice President Room w/bath for rent. $495/mo. No pets or smoking. References. $395 Security deposit. Call (209) 2749171. Jack Quinn at 223-1092. January 25, 2015 Page 5 Faith Formation Susan Kirkwood-Yates, Director of Confirmation Parent-Youth Religious Education (223-2970) Meeting today at 6:30 PM to 8 PM beginning, as usual, with a potluck En Español: Tenemos información de las dinner. The final Parent-Youth session clases para sus niños y adolecentes en is on Feb 8, but preparation is not español. Favor de contactas a Lino y Rosa over! Youth must continue the regular Solis al 209-304-3026 para cualquier weekly sessions. And don’t forget the información. retreat coming up in March! First Holy Communion. Parent-Child preparation classes continue on Sat, Jan. 31 from 2:30 PM Scrip Continues To Grow Congratulations Scrip Buyers! As of early January, our fledgling scrip program had earned just over $5000.00! The secret to the long term success of our effort is continual participation, so please keep utilizing scrip for all of your purchasing needs! Remember that the scrip we to 4 PM at the Parish Center. This is for baptized children in the second consecutive year of Faith Formation. First Reconciliation The children preparing for First Communion are also preparing for First Reconciliation. The Parent-Child Reconciliation Retreat is coming up on Sat., Feb. 7 at 1 PM to 4 PM. Be sure to attend. ENROLLMENT CODE AT AAL585AE39864 carry in stock is just a sample of what is available. We can special order hundreds of stores. If you haven't purchased scrip yet, we are willing and waiting to answer all your questions. This is the ONLY way you will be able to contribute to the future of the Catholic faith in our county without actually making a donation. Instead, all you need to do is shop . . . .As always, if you have any ques- tions, please contact us at or call Linda at 223-1156. Devotions ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday, 10 AM to 3 PM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Third Thursday, 1 to 6 PM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth Friday, 12:30 to 5:30 PM at St. Patrick, Jackson ROSARY Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30 AM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Tuesday & Friday, 9:10 AM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Wednesday, 9 AM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Second Sunday before Mass, 7:30 AM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Tuesday , 10 AM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer First Sunday, 10:45 AM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth Please Pray For Don Armstrong, Monroe Anderson, Marlene Brandt, Bob Buck, Janet Carr, Brent Carrico, Bill Clapp, Joan Corbett, Sharon Cosgrove, Timothy Daniels, Kyleigh Derouin, Bruce Dixon, Kelly Dulka, Aaron Esparza, Andrew Esparza, Tilly Esparza, Joanne Ghiorso, Donald Graf, Joseph & Joan Gregorious, James Higgins, Norm Hoffman, Ann Joly, Kristin Jordan, Gale Kilgore, Nancy Knox, Ken, Mary and Sally Koch, Molly Kohlschreiber, Marcie Lawrence, Zee Lawrence, Jennifer Lemos, Junie Lopes, Marcea Malatesta, Linda Mancilla, Ken Martin, Michelle Martz, Donna Miller, Ada Mocelin, Darla Monroe, Gene & Frances Mummy, John Neptune, Bill Netto, Claudia Parker, Joyce Parker, Lucien Provost, Jacqueline Reed, Alison Reinhardt, Emmett Rettagliata, John Reynolds, Joe Rosa, Janet Saust, Al Silva, Brianna Smith, Rick Smith, Veva Smith, John Stremfel, Tracy Tober, Brayden Wood, Sean Wood, Edward Wuelfing Names stay on the prayer list for 2 months unless otherwise requested. We need first and last name, phone number of requesting party. Thank you for keeping our prayer list current. Call 209-223-2970 with updates. Respose of the Soul Mary Ann Busi The Gift of Life Pray for these expectant mothers: Rachel Bellotti, Shenay Corrigan, Alyssa Curran, Ashli Curran, Eileen Curran, Jaclyn Galica, Marci Gillman, Heather Lindsey Santos, Jaime Trassare, Chelsea Yule Serving in the Military Pray for these men and women serving our country. We thank you for your service: Matt Campoy, Brett Cleary, Glen Getz, Rey Del Rosario, William Mullan, Eric Perez, Sam Ruttschow, Steven Segura, Miguel Serrato, Daniel Smiley, Tony Stewart, Tyler Vinson Page 6 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Churches of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: Locations, Mass Times, Mass Intentions CHURCH, LOCATION & MASS TIMES DAY & DATE MASS MASS INTENTION ST. KATHARINE DREXEL 11361 Prospect Drive, Martell 209-223-2970 Sun 9:30 AM Sun 1:30 PM (Spanish) Mon-Fri 8:00 AM SUN SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SUN SUN Jan 25 Jan 25(Spanish) Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Feb 1 Feb 1 (Spanish) 9:30 AM 1:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 1:30 PM IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 115 Spanish Street, Sutter Creek 209-223-2970 Sat 5:00 PM SAT SAT Jan 24 Jan 31 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Frank Marre † OUR LADY OF THE PINES 26750 Tiger Creek Road, Pioneer 209-223-2970 or 209-295-4909 Sun 9:30 AM Tue & Fri 9:30 AM SUN TUE FRI SUN Jan 25 Jan 27 Jan 30 Feb 1 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM All Souls All Souls All Souls SACRED HEART OF JESUS 20 Relihan Drive, Ione 209-223-2970 Sun 8:00 AM Mon-Fri 7:00 AM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SUN Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Feb 1 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM All Souls ST. BERNARD 16285 Emigrant Street, Volcano 209-223-2970 Sat 5:00 PM SAT SAT Jan 24 Jan 31 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Draga Kozina† For All Parishioners ST. MARY OF THE MOUNTAINS 18765 Church Street, Plymouth 209-223-2970 Sun 11:15 AM SUN Jan 24 SUN Feb 1 11:15 AM Cyndi Martin † 11:15 AM Mary Studebaker † ST. PATRICK 115 Court Street, Jackson 209-223-2970 Sun 8:00 AM SUN Jan 25 SUN Feb 1 8:00 AM 8:00 AM All Souls All Souls All Souls Bill Smith † All Souls Dan Howley † All Souls Fr. Vladimir Kozina† Fr. Vladimir Kozina † “Sacraments are like hoses. They are the channels of the living water of God's grace. Our faith is like opening the faucet. We can open it a lot, a little, or not at all.” ― Peter Kreeft Sacraments RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday, 3:30-4:30 PM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Confessions heard upon request or by appointment at all other mission churches, before or after Masses WEDDINGS Call Parish Center six months in advance BAPTISMS Call Parish Center for required preparation RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Call Parish Center for details EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND Call Jeff and Marilynn Dillon at 209296-8011 to have Holy Communion administered to those unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability. January 25, 2015 Page 7 Parish Contact Information CLERGY Rev. Lawrence Beck, Pastor Rev. Michal Olszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas Relihan, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Anthony Janelli, Retired Priest in Residence Ed Pogue, Deacon deaconepogue@stkatharinedrexel. com Jaime Garcia, Deacon PHONE NUMBERS Office 209-223-2970 Fax 209-223-1147 Rectory 209-223-4463 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 4:30 PM OFFICE STAFF Suzie Reynolds, Pastoral Associate Marge Vicari, Bookkeeper Susan Kirkwood-Yates, Director of Religious Education skirkwoodyates@ Victoria Grimm, Counseling/Spiritual Direction Barbara Morgenstern, Parish Center Special Events Manager (non-church-related events) OFFICE EMAIL RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Fr. Michal Olszewski & Teresa Yeakey CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME AMADOR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES SCRIP PROGRAM Enrollment code at AAL585AE39864 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Message hotline: 209-223-5865 BULLETIN Deadline: Monday 4:30 PM MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline: Tuesday 4:30 PM WEBMASTER Parish Life - Groups, Organizations, Committees, Councils, Bible Studies, Prayer Groups ST. KATHARINE DREXEL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Barbara & Lance Outland 209-296-4672. Meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month following the 9:30 AM Youth Mass at SKD. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE Melissa Sanders at 209-245-3482. Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5:30 PM, SKD Parish Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room. “BE NOT AFRAID” PRAYER GROUP Allen or Karen Martin at 209-365-6090. Meets Wednesday at 6:30 PM at different homes. SPECIAL FRIENDS FOR JESUS Joan Pickering at 209-267-0538. Teens and adults with developmental delays. DIVORCE HEALING MINISTRY Victoria Grimm at 209-223-2970. The Catholic Church can help you through this life journey. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sue DuBois at 209-918-6360. Meets Wednesdays. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 7 PM, St. Patrick Hall. Call the Parish Center, 223-2970, for info. LITURGY OF THE WORD BIBLE STUDY Meets Fridays at 3 PM at Our Lady of the Pines. Fr. Tony Janelli, facilitator. ST. KATHARINE DREXEL MEN’S CLUB Meets 1st Monday, 6:30 PM, SKD Parish Center. Bingo is 1st Thursday; dinner at 4:30 PM, Bingo begins 5:45 PM. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #1849 Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting, SKD Parish Center. SACRED HEART LADIES CLUB Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6 PM meeting and potluck, Sacred Heart Hall. COLUMBIA #72 YLI Meets 1st Tuesday, 6 PM social hour, 7 PM meeting, St. Patrick Church Hall. GEMMA #75 YLI Meets 3rd Wednesday, 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting, Immaculate Conception Hall. YMI #137 OLOP Meets 4th Wednesday, 5:30 PM, Our Lady of the Pines Haran Hall. ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION #428 (ICF) Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6 PM, Immaculate Conception Hall. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Meets 1st Thursday, 5 PM, SKD Parish Center. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Meets 4th Tuesday, 4:30 PM, SKD Parish Center. LITURGY COMMITTEE Meets 2nd Thursday, 5 PM, SKD Parish Center. CHURCH LEADERSHIP GROUPS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ST. MARY OF THE MOUNTAINS MINISTRY COMMITTEE Meets 2nd Wednesday, 4 PM, alternate months at Immaculate Conception Hall and St. Mary Church. OUR LADY OF THE PINES SOCIETY Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:30 PM potluck, 6:30 PM meeting, OLOP Haran Hall. SACRED HEART LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Meets every other month (dates vary), 6 PM, beginning in January, Sacred Heart Hall. ST. BERNARD SOCIETY Meets 2nd Saturday, immediately following 5 PM Mass, St. Bernard Church. ST. PATRICK SOCIETY Meets 4th Tuesday, 7 PM, St. Patrick Hall. Picture your ad here! To advertise in this bulletin, please call the Parish Center at 209-223-2970 or email To advertise in this bulletin, please call the Parish Center at 209-223-2970 or email
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