POSITION DESCRIPTION Plainfield Riverfront Foundation (PRF) Executive Director Full Time The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Plainfield Riverfront Foundation. The Executive Director reports to the Executive Board of Directors, and is responsible for the organization’s consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives. Administration, Program Development, Property Improvement, Fundraising, Marketing, and Community Outreach are all key duties and will be implemented as follows: 1) Board Governance: a) Works with the Executive Board & Advisory Board of Directors to fulfill the organizations mission and leads in a manner that supports and offers guidance. b) Organize monthly Executive & Advisory Board meetings. c) Communicate effectively with the Executive & Advisory Boards, providing in a timely and accurate manner, all pertinent information necessary for the board to function properly and make informed, educated decisions. d) Maintain the process of board involvement and term limits. 2) Organization Mission/Strategy: a) Works with the Executive Board to ensure that the mission is fulfilled through program implementation by offering guidance and support. b) Responsible for presenting and maintaining a 5 Year Strategic Plan to meet various PRF objectives.( Property development & Fundraising support ) c) Actively pursue the enhancement of the PRF’s image by being involved and visible in the community by working closely with other professional, civic, and private organizations. 3) Financial Viability/Performance: a) Sufficiently ensure the financial health and integrity of the PRF to include submission to the Executive Board a proposed annual budget working with the Executive Board Treasurer to provide monthly financial statements, which accurately reflect the current financial condition of the organization. b) Responsible for fiscal management, working within the approved annual budget, maximizing resources to maintain the PRF in a positive financial position. c) Responsible for fundraising and developing resources/events to support PRF mission/strategic plan. d) Ensures corporate tax forms are filed and tax deposits are made in a timely fashion. e) Has signatory authorization up to $500.00, dual signatures with an Executive Board Member required over $500.00. f) Is responsible for all employment matters of PRF staff, assignment of duties, and supervision of their work and establishes the terms of employment. Staffing needs are within the annual budget of the PRF PRF Executive Director cont. 4) Organization Operations: a) Oversee and implement appropriate resources to ensure operations are efficient. b) Attain appropriate bids for maintenance work, new & exiting improvements, and strategic plan initiatives. ( building/property ) c) Chair Committee of annual major fundraiser – Plainfield Fest as well as additional, new fundraising events to be established d) Work closely with the Village of Plainfield and Plainfield Park District to ensure proper maintenance of the riverfront property with regards to the PRF board expectations. General responsibilities further defined as follows: - - Planning and operation of annual budget. Establishing employment policies and administrative procedures for all functions related to the day to day operation of the Plainfield Riverfront Foundation. Serve as the PRF’s primary spokesperson to the organizations constituents, the media, and general public. Provide annual updates to the Village of Plainfield President and Board of Trustees. Establish and maintain relationships with various organizations within State, County, and Village to enhance PRF’s mission/strategic plan. Oversee PRF Board and designated committee meetings, including devising an agenda, topics of discussion, and action items to be approved appropriately. Maintains accountability for assigned duties. Implement and oversee a marketing and communication effort to further creating awareness of mission and current projects. Review and approve contracts for services. Professional Qualifications: - Five or more years’ senior nonprofit management involvement/experience. Strong finance & budget management skills, including preparation, analysis and reporting. Strong organizational abilities including planning, program development, and implementation. Ability to convey a vision of PRF’s current, and strategic future to PRF boards, civic partners, volunteers, and donors. Knowledge of fundraising strategies, and donor opportunities. Ability to motivate, and educate with strong written and oral communication skills. Strong public speaking ability. Salary/Benefits: - Starting salary - TBD - commensurate with experience and other qualifications. 3 Weeks PTO-2 Weeks’ Vacation / 5 Sick Days Annual Review to be completed prior to February 1st by Executive Board, determining merit increase. No Health Insurance or Retirement benefits offered at this time.
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