March 10, 2015 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. D3 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE MEETING DATE: March 24, 2015 Special Land Use Permit, SLUP-15-19581 Cronos Development COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 2&6 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: x YES PAGES: NO 23 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 PETITION NO: SLUP-15-19581 PROPOSED USE: Three Story Office Building LOCATION: 1923 Clairmont Road, Decatur, Georgia PARCEL No.: 18 103 05 022 PURPOSE: For a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) in the C-1 (Local Commercial) District to increase building height from two to three stories to allow a new 27,375 square foot office building. The property is located on the southeast corner of Clairmont Road and North Williamsburg Drive at 1923 Clairmont Road in Decatur, Georgia. The property has approximately 233 feet of frontage along North Williamsburg Drive and 200 feet of frontage along Clairmont Road and contains 1.02 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION: FULL CYCLE DEFERRAL COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING COMMISSION: On March 10, 2015 the Planning Commission recommended “Full Cycle Deferral” of the proposed SLUP request. PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed request to demolish the existing one-story convenience store and gas pumps and redevelop the site with a three story office building falls under the requirements for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) since the proposed building height exceeds two stories. Based on the submitted conceptual elevations of the proposed office building, it appears that the proposed SLUP to increase height is consistent with the policies of the Commercial Redevelopment Corridor (CRC) Character Area of the DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan calling for enhancing the visual appearance of commercial structures in a state of disinvestment and decline and focusing development on parcels that abut the designated Commercial Redevelopment Corridor (CRCCAP7 & CRCCAS12). The request to allow a building height of three stories is suitable given the three-story medical office building to the west across from the subject site (Shepherds Pathway Building), the five- story apartment buildings (Clairmont Crest Apartments) approximately 445 feet to the south and the three-story apartment buildings Petition Number: SLUP-15-19581 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr March 10, 2015 (Longwood Apartments) approximately 535 feet to the northeast and the property’s proximity to an intersection of two major thoroughfare roads (Clairmont Road and North Druid Hills Road) (Sec. 27-873B). Since the proposed request is to substantially redevelop the site, the Land Development Ordinance will require sidewalks along Clairmont Road and North Williamsburg Drive. The size of the site is adequate for the use contemplated since the C-1 district requires 20,000 square feet (approx. .46 acres), and the project site contains 1.02 acres (44,431 square feet). Since variances are required for the proposed 6 foot side yard setback along the southern property line (minimum of 20 feet is required by Zoning Ordinance) and the proposed 71 parking spaces (110 parking spaces are required by the Zoning Ordinance), approval cannot be based on the submitted site plan. It should be noted that even with the proposed reduction in side yard building setback, the proposed office building will still be 46 feet away from the adjacent Golden Buddha restaurant building. Since the proposed office building will be 46 feet away from the adjacent Golden Buddha restaurant and will only be three stories tall, there does not appear to be any negative shadow impacts on adjoining lots or buildings (Sec 27-873 R). Regarding parking, the applicant is trying to obtain a shared parking agreement with the adjacent Golden Buddha restaurant. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Planning and Sustainability Department that the Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) request be "APPROVED CONDITIONAL” subject to Staff’s recommended conditions. PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Full Cycle Deferral 7-0-0. deferral. The motion unanimously passed. J. West moved, and M. Butts seconded for full cycle COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 5-0-0 (No Quorum). There was not a quorum, but the members present thought the proposal was appropriate in this location. Petition Number: SLUP-15-19581 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr March 10, 2015 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SLUP-15-19581 1. Limit maximum building height to three stories and to the conceptual building façade elevations date stamped 11/6/14 by the Planning and Sustainability Department. 2. Seek variances by the Board of Appeals to the parking, side-yard building setback, and/or other applicable requirements of the C-1 zoning district. Approval of this rezoning does not result in any action for which the Board of Zoning Appeals has sole authority. 3. All refuse areas shall be completely screened from view of public right-of-way. 4. Provide and/or maintain a 10-foot wide landscape strip with one street tree for every 50 feet of street frontage along Clairmont Road and North Williamsburg Drive or as approved by the County Arborist. 5. Ground signs shall be limited to a mounted monument style sign with a base and framework made of brick or stone, and shall not exceed a height of ten feet or a sign area of forty-eight square feet. Petition Number: SLUP-15-19581 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr March 10, 2015 ITEM NO. DEKALB COUNTY N6 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE MEETING DATE: March 24, 2015 Special Land Use Permit, SLUP-15-19670 Oak Grove United Methodist Church COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 2&6 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: x YES PAGES: NO 42 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 PETITION NO: SLUP-15-19670 PROPOSED USE: Church Addition LOCATION: 2374 Fair Oaks Road, and 1722, 1780, and 1792 Oak Grove Road, Decatur, Georgia PARCEL No.: 18 160 03 003, 18 160 03 004, 18 160 03 005, 18 160 03 151 PURPOSE: To request a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow expansion of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church for a three-story (32 foot high), 34,500 square foot education building addition and to include 1780 and 1792 Oak Grove Road for future church use in the R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District and the Sagamore Hills Residential Infill Overlay District. The property is located on the west side of Oak Grove Road, the south side of Crestline Drive, and the north side of Fair Oaks Road at 2374 Fairoaks Road and 1722, 1780, and 1792 Oak Grove Road in Decatur, Georgia. The property has approximately 1,032 feet of frontage along Oak Grove Road, 218 feet of frontage along Crestline Drive, and approximately 775 feet of frontage along Fair Oaks Road175 feet of frontage along Covington Highway and contains 11.49 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING COMMISSION: On March 10, 2015 the Planning Commission recommended “Approval” of the proposed rezoning request with the conditions recommended by Staff. PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed request to demolish the existing 9,800 square foot church education building and replace it with a 34,500 square foot education building falls under the requirements for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) since the proposed building is an expansion of the existing Place of Worship. The proposed expansion is consistent with the church’s original 1968 masterplan (see attached). Based on the submitted conceptual elevations (see attached), it appears that the proposed SLUP to add a 32 foot high church education building is compatible with the building height of the existing 35 foot high sanctuary. Based on the submitted site plan, the proposed place of worship appears to be compatible with existing low density residential development Petition Number: SLUP-15-19670 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr March 10, 2015 surrounding the subject site since the proposed building additions will be located no closer to adjacent residential uses or property lines than the existing buildings and parking lots on the project site. Furthermore, no additional parking demand will be created since the request is not proposing to expand the number of seats in the sanctuary (Sec 27-873 B). It appears that the size of the size it adequate for the proposed use since the R-100 district requires a minimum of 3 acres, and the subject site contains 11.49 acres (Section 27-873 A). The property falls within the boundaries of the Sagamore Hills Residential Infill Overlay District (RIOD) which limits building height of single-family dwellings to 28 feet. In accordance with Section 27.722.9 of the Zoning Ordinance (See attached), it appears than non-residential buildings are not subject to RIOD height requirements. Therefore, it is Staff’s interpretation that the height requirements for this use are controlled by the underlying R-100 base zoning which allows a building height of 35 feet from the average finished grade. The proposed 32 foot high church education addition complies with this requirement. While the proposed building additions appear to comply with all zoning requirements, some of the existing church buildings and parking areas encroach into the minimum 75 foot building setback and 20 foot parking lot/driveway setback requirements along Fair Oaks Road and Oak Grove Road per the supplemental regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. However, given these structures are pre-existing, they are considered to be non-conforming structures. It is the recommendation of the Planning and Sustainability Department that the Special Land Use Permit request be “APPROVED CONDITIONALLY” given that churches are exempt from the height requirements of the RIOD ordinance and subject to Staff’s recommended conditions. PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: Approval with conditions 7-0-0. J. West moved, and A. Lerner seconded for approval as recommended and conditioned by staff. The motion unanimously passed. COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 5-0-0 (No Quorum) . While there was not a quorum, the Council voted for approval. Petition Number: SLUP-15-19670 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr March 10, 2015 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SLUP-15-19670 1. Limit maximum building height of the proposed church education building addition to 32 feet as measured from the average finished grade to the average distance between the eaves and the ridgeline of the roof. Limit maximum building height of the proposed 1,500 square foot addition to the rear of the existing church building to 25 feet in height as measured from average finished grade to the average distance between the eaves and the ridgeline of the roof. 2. Approval of a place of worship and accessory uses and buildings in general compliance to building locations as shown on the conceptual plan stamped received by the Planning and Sustainability Department on January 8, 2015, prepared by Perkins and Will. 3. Any substantial changes other than those proposed under this application to the site plan related to building, parking lot, or driveway expansion shall be required to obtain approval of a new Special Land Use Permit from the Board of Commissioners. 4. Any change in occupancy from single-family land use for the structure at 1792 Oak Grove Road (Parcel 151) shall require necessary building permits and certificates of occupancy. 5. Parcels 3, 4, and 5 (2374 Fair Oaks Road, 1722 Oak Grove Road, and 1780 Oak Grove Road) to be consolidated into one lot prior to the issuance of any building permits. Parcel 151 (1792 Oak Grove Road) to be consolidated with remainder of church property prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy for any use other than a single-family dwelling. 6. Building facades visible from public right-of-ways shall consist of primarily brick, stone, or wood. No building façade shall have exposed metal siding. 7. Provide a 6-foot wide sidewalk along the property frontage of Oak Grove Road. 8. Comply with parking lot landscaping requirements for the new parking lot as approved by the County Arborist. 9. All new exterior lighting shall be screened or shielded to minimize glare and keep light inside the development Petition Number: SLUP-15-19670 Board of Commissioners: 03/24/15 jlr
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