Plantation Field Horse Trials

 Plantation Field
Horse Trials
May 9, 2015
Dedicated to 100 Years of Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds Visit our new website at 911­ Address: 450 Apple Grove Rd., E. Marlboro Twp., Coatesville, PA 19320 ­ 1 ­ Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. P.O. Box 82 Unionville, PA 19375 610.347.2024, 610.347.1001 fax May 9, 2015 Dear Competitors: Welcome to our second Plantation Field Horse Trial of 2015. In 1976 a small group of Eventers met and started the Chesterland Horse Trials. Headed by Bruce Davidson and Mary Hazzard, our group was only able to conduct the trials due in a large part to Mrs. John Hannum and other landowners who allowed this new equestrian activity to invade their foxhunting paradise. Mrs. Hannum’s legacy is continued through the efforts of her family and her nephew, Mr. Cuyler Walker, who allows us to use his Plantation Field. If you have the opportunity to see Cuyler or Katie Walker or Carol Davidson please make it a point to thank them. We are all looking to an exciting year of activities here at Plantation Field. Thank you to everyone who supports our efforts. Thank you, Mary Coldren Director, Plantation Field Horse Trials
Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. is a Non­Profit Tax Exempt Corporation­­I.R.S. Code Section 501 (c)(3) All Contributions are Tax Deductible to the Extent Allowed by Law, Federal I.D. No. 52­1509790 ­ 2 ­ Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Plantation Field & 450 Apple Grove Rd. Unionville, PA 19375 *April 11­12, 2015​
Plantation Field Spring Horse Trials – Saturday: Dressage & Stadium, Sunday: XCTY​
­ Intermediate, Open­Intermediate, Preliminary, Open­Preliminary, Training, Open Training, Novice, Open Novice (Young Rider in Intermediate & Preliminary Junior in Training & Novice if numbers allow)
*May 9, 2015​
Plantation Field May Horse Trials – Saturday, May 9​ ​
­ Intermediate, Open­Intermediate, Preliminary, Open­Preliminary, Training, Open­Training, Novice, Open­Novice, Beginner Novice (Young Rider in Intermediate & Preliminary, Junior in all other Divisions if numbers allow)
*May 10, 2015​
Plantation Field Starter Horse Trials (unrecognized) – Sunday, May 10​
­ ​
Elementary Horse/Rider, Beginner Novice Horse/Rider, Novice Horse/Rider, Training Horse/Rider
*June 6, 2015​
Plantation Field June Horse Trials – Saturday, June 6​ ­ ​
Intermediate, Open­Intermediate​
, Preliminary, Open­Preliminary, Training, Open­Training, Novice, Open­Novice, Beginner Novice (Young Rider in Intermediate & Preliminary, Junior in all other Divisions if numbers allow)
*June 7, 2015​
Plantation Field Starter Horse Trials (unrecognized) – Sunday, June 7​
­ ​
Elementary Horse/Rider, Beginner Novice Horse/Rider, Novice Horse/Rider, Training Horse/Rider
*June 8, 2015​
Plantation Field Schooling Day – Monday June 8​
*June 24, 2015​
Plantation Field Jump for the Rescues Schooling Jumper Show to benefit Dog Rescues. Bring your rescued dog for the parade at noon ­ see website for details *July 8, 2015​
Plantation Field Schooling Jumper Show (tentative) ­ see website for details *August 12, 2015​
Plantation Field Schooling Jumper Show (tentative) ­ see website for details *September. 17­20, 2015​
Plantation Field International CIC & Horse Trials – Dressage: Thursday & Friday; Show Jumping & Cross Country: Saturday & Sunday ­ ​
CIC3, CIC2, CIC1, Advanced, Open­Intermediate, Open­Preliminary, Preliminary Futurity, (Young Riders in Intermediate, Preliminary if numbers allow)
*October 31, 2015 ​
Plantation Field Starter Horse Trials (unrecognized) – Saturday, Oct 31​
Elementary Horse/Rider, Beginner Novice, Novice Horse/Rider, Novice Horse/Rider, Training Horse/Rider
For further information please visit our website at: Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. 1420 Doe Run Rd., P.O. Box 82 Unionville, PA 19375 ­ 3 ­ (610)347­2024 (phone), (610)347­1001(fax), (610)316­0450(Cell) Email: ​​
­ 4 ­ The Plantation Field April​
Horse Trials May 9, 2015
JUDGES AND OFFICIALS ORGANIZER: Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. DIRECTOR OF HORSE TRIALS: Mary Coldren TECHNICAL DELEGATE DRESSAGE JUDGES Ring 1 ­ , President of the Ground Jury Ring 2 ­ Ring 3 ­ STADIUM JUDGE Carolyn Blakey, PA Event Secretary: Mrs. Bambi Glaccum – 610.316.0450, Miss Amanda Embree Event Scheduling: Mrs. Mary Coldren Computer: Miss Kathy Blank Chief Scorer: Anne C. Ogletree, Miss Kathy Blank Maps: Bambi Glaccum Safety Co­Ordinator: Medical: Longwood Ambulance Service Farrier: Dan Martzall Veterinarian: Steve Berkowitz, VMD, Unionville Equine Associates 610.932.6800 Announcer: Mr. Andrew Debenham Volunteer Coordinator: Melissa Wright Prizes: Bit of Britain Ribbons: Miss Mandy Embree Pre­Event Gophers: Mr. Jacob Embree, Master Ralph Embree, Master Will Debenham, Master Titus Embree, Miss Hannah EMbree Parking: Masters Ralph & Titus Embree Logistics: Mrs. Mary Coldren, The Embree Family ­ 5 ­ Cross Country Decoration: Course Painting: Isaias Colin Course Grooming: Mr. Jamie Hicks Volunteer Food: Miss Amanda Embree Competitor Food: Hoods Bar­B­Que, Unionville, PA Tack Vendor: DRESSAGE Dressage Steward: Mrs. Melissa Wright Assistant Scribes: Runner: Mr. Stevie Hayes Bit checks: STADIUM JUMPING Stadium Jumping Designer: Stadium Steward: Stadium Jumping Scribe: Stadium Timer: Stadium In­gate: Stadium Jump Crew: CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country Designers: Cross Country Control: Cross Country Starter/Timers: Cross Country Warm­Up: Cross Country Construction and Adjustments: ETB Jumps X/C Quad Driver: Mr. Stevie Hayes Jump Judges: ­ 6 ­ Plantation Field Horse Trials Announces the $5,000 Thoroughbred Competition Series Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc (PFEE) is excited to announce that we will be having a thoroughbred recognition series during the 2015 Competition year. Points will be awarded to horses in the Beginner Novice, Novice, and Training Divisions at all PFEE Recognized and Starter Horse Trials. The total prize money ($5,000) will go to the winning OWNER. President and founder of PFEE Denis Glaccum, in making this announcement, stated “we are able to conduct this series due to a very generous donation from Kathleen Crompton, a long time TB owner and enthusiastic supporter of Plantation Field Equestrian Events. Kathleen strongly believes in the TB for the sport of eventing and hopes her contribution will encourage others to develop the TB for this sport. We are pleased to be able to offer this significant award. We hope that not only competitors but breeders will recognize opportunities for thoroughbreds as an alternative to racing and as a second career after the horses’ racing careers are over. Competitors in recent years have been importing horses at a record level for eventing and we feel that the thoroughbred is ideally suited for this sport. We hope this series will grow in future years and possibly become a national series.” All thoroughbreds with a jockey club registration, a tattoo or an affidavit certifying his parentage from the breeder will be allowed. Horses will only be allowed to compete in one Plantation Competition during a weekend. Additional considerations may apply. Competitors and Owners must identify their horse as a thoroughbred eligible for this series when making their entry. A five hundred dollar ($500) award will also be given to the breeder of the ­ 7 ­ winning TB. In providing this modest award we are attempting to develop a linkage between all thoroughbred breeders and the sport of eventing. 2015 FAIR HILL HORSE TRIALS SPONSORS BIT OF BRITAIN​
­­ John Nunn’s Bit of Britain is synonymous with the sport of Horse Trials. Bit of Britain was purchased by John and Dorrie Nunn, from its founder Alan Griffiths in 1991. Through John’s direction Bit of Britain has become the major sponsor of Eventing in this country. In addition to being a sponsor of all the Plantation Field Equestrian Events Horse Trials Bit of Britain, under John’s leadership, provides sponsorship programs to all levels of the sport including Olympic Gold Medal winner Phillip Dutton. John’s grass roots sponsorship has helped many riders, and involves many educational programs from the young rider ranks to include USEA Area programs and training scholarships. Located in Oxford, Pennsylvania, John’s enterprise has expanded to include a Mobile Store, a Mail Order Catalogue, a wholesale company, Nunn Finer, and Tack­of­the­Day. Plantation Field Equestrian Events has greatly benefited from John’s leadership and support. We thank him and ask you to visit his store. Recognizing the crucial role volunteers play in eventing, John has generously donated $100 Bit of Britain gift cards to be raffled off to a volunteer during each Plantation Field event weekend as a thank­you for their help and support. Plantation Field – the Site: Early in the twentieth century, Plunkett Stewart was looking for an area to establish a recognized hunt. Traveling around the Unionville area, he was immediately struck by the view from the top of the hill overlooking the Plantation Field. The legacy of his vision is for all of us to see and enjoy. The tradition of caring for the land has been carried on by his stepdaughter, Mrs. John B. Hannum, and her family, for over fifty years. Today the Cheshire Fox Hounds are considered to be one of the top packs in the country, and the fox hunting country among the finest in America. The Plantation Field, also known as Logan’s Field, received its names from two sources. A Mr. Logan built the large foundation – long in ruin – with stone from a quarry on the property. Failing to persuade his wife to move so far out in the country, he never finished building a house. Fifty years ago a group of Boy Scouts received permission from Mr. Stewart to plant bushes over in the woods thus the name Plantation Field. The footing consists of excellent topsoil and turf which has not seen a plow for as long as anyone can remember. The Course: The Plantation Field Cross­Country Course has taken several years to develop, and there are more improvements planned for 2015. It is important that it be developed in context with the natural beauty of the site – with the goal of restoring many of the wonderful terrain features found on the property. Over the years we have rebuilt sections of the ruins, which have become a spectacular complex. The Plantation courses have been developed along three central themes. The Brandywine ­ 8 ­ Valley is known for its ​
historical significance​
during the Revolutionary War (Battle of the Brandywine). Preservation of ​
and ​
open space​
are everyday concerns to those of us who live in the area. These courses are designed and built with these themes in mind. PFEE is dedicated to the maintenance of open space resources, and we hope you will support these efforts. ­ 9 ­ 2015 Prize Sponsors Recognized Horse Trials ­­ Prizes and 8 ribbons each division Donated by Bit of Britain, John Nunn, Oxford, PA Starter Horse Trials ­­ Prizes and 8 ribbons each division Donated by Unionville Tack Shop, Unionville, PA The Plantation Field Horse Trials say “Thank you.” We hope you have had fun at “Your Event.” We are thrilled to be able to offer the prizes and ask our competitors and friends to visit our Sponsors and say, “Thank you.” Ribbons, Dressage Tests, Stalls and Trash Please, please, please don’t forget to strip your stalls and put your trash in the dumpster. We are more than happy to mail out ribbons and dressage tests if you have to leave early. Please stop by the secretary’s office and fill out a manila envelope with your name and address on the front. Put what you want mailed on the back of the envelope and put $3 to cover postage and handling inside the envelope​
. ­ 10 ­ Plantation Field April Horse Trials Tentative Schedule, May 9, 2015 SATURDAY Schedule goes here ­ 11 ­ Insert Times file here ­ 12 ­ ­ 13 ­ ­ 14 ­ ­ 15 ­ ­ 16 ­ Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. would like to thank the entire Farming Community for its support of our events ­ 17 ­