Minutes of a meeting of the Plaquemines Parish Council held in the Plaquemines Parish Temporary Magnolia Center, 17563 Highway 15, Pointe-a-la-Hache, Louisiana, on Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 1:00 p.m., pursuant to notice to all members with a quorum present as follows: PRESENT: Council Member Benedict Rousselle-Chairman Council Member John L. Barthelemy, Jr. Council Member W. Beau Black Council Member Kirk M. Lepine Council Member Irvin Juneau Council Member Charlie Burt Council Member Audrey Trufant-Salvant Council Member Jeff Edgecombe Council Member Nicole Williams Kim M. Toups Secretary ABSENT: None The Parish President was in attendance, along with Mr. Edward P. Theriot, Director of Administration, Mr. Stanley Wallace, Director of Operations, and Rev. Michael Jiles, Director of Public Service. The Prayer was led by Council Member Williams and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Rousselle. Council Member Rousselle moved to Agenda Item 1b, “Proclamations”. Without objection, so ordered. PROCLAMATION On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by All Council Members, and on roll call all members present and voting AYes@, the following Proclamation was unanimously adopted: A Proclamation declaring March 26, 2015, as “National Relief Network Day” in the Parish of Plaquemines. WHEREAS, the National Relief Network works with high school and college students from across the United States to provide volunteer labor to local communities; WHEREAS, since Hurricane Isaac, the National Relief Network has worked with the Committee for Plaquemines Recovery; and WHEREAS, numerous houses have been gutted and torn down in the Braithwaite community due to the tireless efforts of the National Relief Network; and WHEREAS, this group has made a tremendous impact by providing 17,478 hours of labor to help rebuild Plaquemines Parish; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Plaquemines Parish Council represented by its duly authorized Chairman, Benedict Rousselle, and by concurrence of the Parish President, Amos J. Cormier, Jr., representing the Plaquemines Parish Government, that it hereby declares March 26, 2015, as ANATIONAL RELIEF NETWORK DAY in the Parish of Plaquemines” and hereby extends its gratitude for the service provide to rebuild Plaquemines Parish one home at a time. Given under my hand and the seal of the Parish of Plaquemines on this the 26TH day of March, 2015. s/Amos J. Cormier, Jr. AMOS J. CORMIER, JR. PARISH PRESIDENT s/Benedict Rousselle BENEDICT ROUSSELLE COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Council Member Rousselle moved to Agenda Item 1c, “Status Report by the Parish President”. Without objection, so ordered. President Cormier gave the State of the Parish address to members of PABI this week. He stated that the Administration and Council need to look as some issues such as water and sewer rates, ferry rates and passes, boat slip fees, permit fees, Parish vehicle usage and services such as pet vaccinations, in order to present a balanced budget for 2016. Council Member Edgecombe asked if the current Administration would continue, like the previous Administration, to provide the labor to install culverts purchased by residents and also if construction debris from private properties would be picked up by the Parish if the debris was left on the side of the road. President Cormier stated the Legal Department will have to look into both issues to make sure the Parish can legally provide these services. Mr. Warren Lawrence asked if the vote on the Water, Sewer and Garbage rate increase would take place before the public hearings on the issue. Council Member Edgecombe stated the public meeting would be held before the Council votes on the matter. Council Member Edgecombe asked to move to Agenda Item 6a(2), “An Ordinance authorizing and directing Parish President to have the Administration take all the necessary steps to institute an across the board increase in the fees for Water, Sewerage and Solid Waste Collection; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. It was offered by Council Member Edgecombe for discussion only and seconded by Council Member Williams. The item was opened for public discussion then deferred by Council Member Edgecombe. Council Member Barthelemy asked to move to Agenda Item 6c, “An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the Highway 15 Repairs Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. Without objection, so ordered. Council Member Barthelemy offered and Council Member Trufant-Salvant seconded the item. A discussion was had on this matter and then passed over until later in the meeting. Council Member Rousselle asked for any items which would be deferred or withdrawn. The following Items have been deferred: 6a(3), “An Ordinance approving a plan of re-subdivision of the property of Belle Chasse Technology, Inc., Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, as shown on the Map of Re-subdivision, Tract A-3 into Tracts A-3A and A-3B, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, by Hugh Mc Curdy, III, P.L.S., dated November 17, 2014 the owner having fulfilled all the requirements of the Subdivision and Re-subdivision Ordinance of the Parish of Plaquemines without cost to the Plaquemines Parish Government or the Parish of Plaquemines; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.” COUNCIL MEMBER BLACK 6i, “An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the Coastal Bird Habitat Islands in the Barataria Basin (Cat Islands East and West) Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. (OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBER EDGECOMBE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WILLIAMS, DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER EDGECOMBE 6j, “An Ordinance to amend the 2015 Library Services Fund, Operating Expenditure Budget, Libraries-General Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHELEMY 6q, “A Resolution authorizing and directing the Parish President to have the Plaquemines Parish Heath Department conduct air quality testing of the Belle Chasse Council Building; to submit a written report to the Parish Council regarding the findings of the test; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT The following Items have been withdrawn: 6a(1), “An Ordinance amending and restating Section 14-154 of Ordinance No. 98-117, such Section currently, and to remain, entitled “How penalties recoverable, remission or waiver of penalty, interest,” and to further add language requiring the recommendation to, and approval by, the Plaquemines Parish Council for the remission and/or waiver of penalties and/or interest on delinquent taxes prior to the Collector, as defined therein, granting such remission and/or waiver; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 6b, “A Resolution approving Plaquemines Parish Government’s entering into an agreement with parties in lawsuit styled Vintage Petroleum Inc. vs. State of Louisiana and Plaquemines Parish Government, 25th JDC, No. 48-788 Div. “A”, (hereinafter “Vintage Lawsuit”), to settle and compromise claims; authorizing Parish President Amos Cormier, Jr. to execute settlement documents on behalf of Plaquemines Parish Government; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 2-12-15, 2-26-15 & 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 6c, “An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the Highway 15 Repairs Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 2-26-15; OFFERED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHEMELY WITH CHANGES, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TRUFANT-SALVANT, DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHELEMY 6d, “A Resolution authorizing the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana, to proceed with the issuance of not to exceed Twelve Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($12,750,000) of Revenue Refunding Bonds, of the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana; providing certain terms of said bonds; making application to the State Bond Commission for approval of said Bonds; appoint Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor and Underwriter; and providing for other matters in connection therewith”. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 2-26-15 & 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER LEPINE 6e, “A Resolution urging the Louisiana State Legislature to amend the applicable laws pertinent to official journals of parishes, municipalities and school boards; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 226-15 & 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 6h, “An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the ExtensionPeters Road Bypass Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. (DEFERRED AND CARRIED OVER FROM THE 3-12-15 MEETING) COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 6r, “A Resolution authorizing and directing the Plaquemines Parish Council Secretary’s Office to issue a Subpoena Duces Tecum to the Plaquemines Parish Legal Department and the Plaquemines Parish Engineering Department to provide any and all documentation in its possession regarding an ongoing Internal Audit relative to a retirement and payroll claim; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 6u, “An Ordinance to suspend and de-obligate funding for the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice); and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. COUNCIL MEMBER WILLIAMS Council Member Burt offered 6o with changes and it was seconded by Council Member Edgecombe. ORDINANCE NO. 15The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Burt who moved its adoption: An Ordinance to amend the Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, after a review of the 2015 operating budget, it has been determined that there is a need for aerial spraying for citrus farmers in Plaquemines Parish, and WHEREAS, amending the Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department by appropriating $____________ to line item Professional Services Aerial Spraying from the General Fund Unreserved/Undesignated Fund Balance is requested; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 The Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department is amended by appropriating $____________ from the General Fund Unreserved/Undesignated Fund Balance as follows: Fund: 004 Public Health Fund Dept/Div: 540-2650 Health General Object 532.280 Description Prof Services Aerial Spraying Inc/Dec Amendment Inc ORDINANCE NO. 15The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Burt who moved its adoption: An Ordinance to amend the Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, after a review of the 2015 operating budget, it has been determined that there is a need for aerial spraying for citrus farmers in Plaquemines Parish, and WHEREAS, amending the Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department by transferring $40,000 to line item Professional Services Aerial Spraying is requested; and WHEREAS, the funds being transferred from the Widening Hwy 23-Engineers Road to Laplaco Project were budgeted for highway lighting and are not needed at this time; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 The Public Health Fund, 2015 Operating Expenditure Budget, Health General Department is amended by transferring $20,000 from the Emergency Levee-Potato Ridge Project and $20,000 from the widening Hwy 23-Engineers Road to Lapalco Project as follows: Fund: 004 Public Health Fund Dept/Div: 540-2650 Health General Object 532.280 Description Prof Services Aerial Spraying Inc/Dec Amendment Inc $40,000 Council Member Rousselle called a recess at 1:55 p.m. The Council meeting resumed at 2:05 p.m. and after a discussion on item 6o, Council Member Burt withdrew the item. Mr. Ricky Becnel asked that the Council reconsider paying for the aerial spraying of citrus trees in the Parish. There being no “Bids and Advertisements, Council Member Rousselle reverted back to Agenda Item 4, “Building Permits”. Without objection, so ordered. Item 4a(1), “Century Exploration N.O., LLC, Application No. 2014-5900, dated October 30, 2014, to install 6 inch gas line, California Bay Area. COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHELEMY” was deferred. Items 4a(2), 4a(3), 4a(4) and 4a(6) were taken en globo: R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-115 On motion of Council Member Juneau, seconded by Council Member Edgecombe, and on roll call all members present and voting AYes@, except Council Member Black, who “Abstained”, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT the following applications for construction permits in the Parish of Plaquemines are hereby approved: Century Exploration N.O., LLC, Application No. 2015-40, dated January 13, 2015, to install 3 inch pipeline, 2 inch gas lift line, line heater platform and walkway, California Bay Area; Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Application No. 2015-76, dated January 23, 2015, maintenance jetting operations at existing Central Facility, Black Bay Field; Eustis Engineering, Application No. 2015203, dated March 4, 2015, to drill five soil borings and two dynamic cone penetration test, South Plaquemines High School, Buras; Cedar Gas, Application No. 2015-240, dated March 13, 2015, to inspect existing 6 inch pipeline for leaks (after-the-fact-application), South Pass 24 Field. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-116 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Burt, and on roll call all members present and voting AYes@, except Council Member Black, who “Abstained”, and Council Member Williams, who was “Present But Not Voting”, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT the following applications for construction permits in the Parish of Plaquemines are hereby approved: Targa Resources Partners, LP, Application No. 2015-235, dated March 12, 2015, to install 8 inch pipelines and temporary work space, Venice Gas Plant, Venice. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-117 On motion of Council Member Barthelemy, seconded by Council Member Lepine, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution approving the issuance of a special permit to Michelle Bienemy for the placement of a third trailer residence on property located in an A-2 (Rural and Agricultural) Zoning District at 17333 Highway 15, Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2014-5560, dated July 29, 2014. WHEREAS, Michelle Bienemy, applied to the Plaquemines Parish Department of Permits, Planning and Zoning (Application No. 2014-5560, dated July 29, 2014) for a permit for the placement of a third trailer residence on property located at 17333 Highway 15, Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that it hereby approves the issuance of a special permit to Michelle Bienemy to place a third trailer residence on property located in an A2 (Rural and Agricultural) Zoning District at 17333 Highway 15, Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2014-5560, dated July 29, 2014. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-118 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Lepine, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution approving the issuance of a special permit to Kurt Cavalier, (Wholesale Fireworks) for the installation of a fireworks stand (renewal) on property located in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zoning District at 7614 Highway 23, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-228, dated March 10, 2015. WHEREAS, Kurt Cavalier, (Wholesale Fireworks) applied to the Plaquemines Parish Department of Permits (Application No. 2015-228, dated March 10, 2015) for a permit to install a fireworks stand (renewal) on property located at 7614 Highway 23, Belle Chasse, Louisiana; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that it hereby approves the issuance of a special permit to Kurt Cavalier, (Wholesale Fireworks) for the installation of a fireworks stand (renewal) on property located in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zoning District at 7614 Highway 23, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-228, dated March 10, 2015. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-119 On motion of Council Member Williams seconded by Council Member Edgecombe, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution approving the renewal of a trailer park permit to Henry Smith for the operation of an existing trailer park (PHI, Inc.) located in an A-2 (Rural or Agricultural) Zoning District on Ernie’s Lane, Boothville, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-227, dated March 10, 2015. WHEREAS, Henry Smith applied to the Plaquemines Parish Department of Permits, Planning and Zoning (Application No. 2015-227, dated March 10, 2015) for the renewal of a trailer park permit for the operation of an existing trailer park (PHI, Inc.) located on Ernie’s Lane, Boothville, Louisiana; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that it hereby approves the issuance of a trailer park permit to Henry Smith for the operation of an existing trailer park (PHI, Inc.) located in an A-2 (Rural or Agricultural) Zoning District on Ernie’s Lane, Boothville, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-227, dated March 10, 2015. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-120 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Juneau, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, except Council Member Burt, who “Abstained”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution approving the renewal of a trailer park permit to Charles Whitley for the operation of an existing trailer park (Belle Chasse Mobile Home Park) located in an I-2 (Light Industrial) Zoning District on River Oaks and Burt Drive, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-90, dated January 12, 2015. WHEREAS, Charles Whitley applied to the Plaquemines Parish Department of Permits, Planning and Zoning (Application No. 2015-90, dated January 12, 2015) for the renewal of a trailer park permit for the operation of an existing trailer park (Belle Chasse Mobile Home Park) located on River Oaks and Burt Drive, Belle Chasse, Louisiana; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT it hereby approves the issuance of a trailer park permit to Charles Whitley for the operation of an existing trailer park (Belle Chasse Mobile Home Park) located in an I-2 (Light Industrial) Zoning District on River Oaks and Burt Drive, Belle Chasse, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-90, dated January 12, 2015. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-121 On motion of Council Member Williams, seconded by Council Member Edgecombe, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution approving the renewal of a trailer park permit to Angie & Mark Majorie for the operation of an existing trailer park (Delta Dragon RV Park) located in a MH (Mobile Home) Zoning District on Finnegan Lane, Venice, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No.2015-74, dated January 14, 2015. WHEREAS, Angie & Mark Majorie applied to the Plaquemines Parish Department of Permits, Planning and Zoning (Application No. 2015-74, dated January 14, 2015) for the renewal of a trailer park permit for the operation of an existing trailer park (Delta Dragon RV Park) located on Finnegan Lane, Venice, Louisiana; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that it hereby approves the issuance of a trailer park permit to Angie & Mark Majorie for the operation of an existing trailer park (Delta Dragon RV Park) located in a MH (Mobile Home) Zoning District on Finnegan Lane, Venice, Louisiana, all in accordance with Application No. 2015-74 dated January 14, 2015. Council Member Rousselle reverted back to Agenda Item 3, “Beer and Liquor Licenses”. Without objection, so ordered. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-122 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Edgecombe, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT the following applications for permit to engage in the sale of liquor and/or beer only in the Parish of Plaquemines for the year 2014 is hereby approved: J & J Mart, LLC, “D/B/A/ Belle Chasse Express”, 7812 Highway 23, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, Retail Package, Class B-Package Liquor; High Adventure at Port Eads, LLC, “High Adventure at Port Eads, LLC-Marina”, No. 1 Southpass, Venice, LA 70091, Retail Package, Class B-Package Liquor; High Adventure at Port Eads, LLC, “High Adventure at Port Eads, LLC-Restaurant/Bar”, No. 1 Southpass, Venice, LA 70091, Retail Outlet, Class A-Retail Liquor; Big Drink, LLC, “Sudz Tavern”, 106 Barrier Road, Suite E, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, Retail Outlet, Class A-Retail Liquor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to Sheriff Lonnie J. Greco, Sr., and the Plaquemines Parish Health Department as notice of approval of application for permit. Council Member Rousselle advanced to Agenda Item 6, “Ordinances and Resolutions on Second Reading and Final Passage”. Without objection, so ordered. ORDINANCE NO. 15-36 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Black who moved its adoption: An Ordinance authorizing the creation of a four-way stop and the placement of four Stop Signs at the intersection of Industry and Planters Canal Road, Belle Chasse, LA; to establish penalties for the violations thereof; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, due to a speeding problem, the residents of the area requested that a four-way stop signs be created at the intersection of Industry and Planters Canal Road in Belle Chasse; and WHEREAS, in an effort to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Parish, the Council wishes to have four stop signs installed at the intersection of Industry and Planters Canal Road in Belle Chasse; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 It hereby approves and authorizes creation of a four-way stop at the intersection of Industry and Planters Canal Road in Belle Chasse. SECTION 2 It hereby authorizes and directs the Administration to place four Stop Signs at the intersection of Industry and Planters Canal Road in Belle Chasse. SECTION 3 Any person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be fined not more than fifty ($50.00) Dollars or imprisoned for not more than fifteen (15) days in the Parish Jail or both fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. SECTION 4 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Lepine seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015. ORDINANCE NO. 15-37 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Black who moved its adoption: An Ordinance authorizing the creation of a three-way stop and the placement of three Stop Signs at the intersection of Ginger Count and Spring Rose Drive, Belle Chasse, LA; the creation of a west bound stop and the placement of a stop sign at Spring Thyme Drive and Jasmine Court, Belle Chasse, LA; the creation of a westbound stop and the placement of a stop sign at Sunflower Road and Poinsettia Drive, Belle Chasse, LA; the creation of an eastbound stop and the placement of a stop sign at Spring Thyme Drive and Wild Rose Drive, Belle Chasse, LA; to establish penalties for the violations thereof; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, due to a speeding problem, the residents of the area requested that three-way stop signs be created at the intersection of Ginger Count and Spring Rose Drive in Belle Chasse; a westbound stop sign be created at the intersection of Spring Thyme Drive and Jasmine Court in Belle Chasse; a westbound stop sign be created at the intersection of Sunflower Road and Poinsettia Drive in Belle Chasse; an eastbound stop sign at Spring Thyme Drive and Wild Rose Drive in Belle Chasse; and WHEREAS, in an effort to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Parish, the Council wishes to have three stop signs installed at the intersection of Ginger Count and Spring Rose Drive in Belle Chasse; a westbound stop sign installed at the intersection of Spring Thyme Drive and Jasmine Court in Belle Chasse; a westbound stop sign installed at the intersection of Sunflower Road and Poinsettia Drive in Belle Chasse; an eastbound stop sign installed at the intersection of Spring Thyme Drive and Wild Rose Drive, Belle Chasse, LA. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 It hereby approves and authorizes creation of a three-way stop at the intersection of Ginger Count and Spring Rose Drive in Belle Chasse. SECTION 2 It hereby approves and authorizes creation of a westbound stop at Spring Thyme Drive and Jasmine Court in Belle Chasse. SECTION 3 It hereby approves and authorizes creation of a westbound stop at Sunflower Road and Poinsettia Drive in Belle Chasse. SECTION 4 It hereby approves and authorizes creation of an eastbound stop at Spring Thyme Drive and Wild Rose Drive in Belle Chasse. SECTION 5 It hereby authorizes and directs the Administration to place three Stop Signs at the intersection of Ginger Count and Spring Rose Drive in Belle Chasse; one stop sign at the intersection of Spring Thyme Drive and Jasmine Court in Belle Chasse; one stop sign at the intersection of Sunflower Road and Poinsettia Drive in Belle Chasse; one stop sign at the intersection of Spring Thyme Drive and Wild Rose Drive in Belle Chasse. SECTION 6 Any person violating the provisions of section 1, section 2, section 3, or section 4 of this Ordinance shall be fined not more than fifty ($50.00) Dollars or imprisoned for not more than fifteen (15) days in the Parish Jail or both fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. SECTION 7 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Lepine seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015. ORDINANCE NO. 15-38 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Trufant-Salvant, who moved its adoption: An Ordinance by the Plaquemines Parish Council, as and on behalf of the West Bank Levee District and the Buras Levee District, to appropriate perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements in certain portions of lands in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana to construct the New Orleans to Venice, West Bank Hurricane Protection Levee, NOV-05A, St. Jude to City Price (NOV-05A) project in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana for levee, drainage, flood and hurricane protection purposes; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined that new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements are necessary and required over certain lands situated in Plaquemines Parish are required to construct the New Orleans to Venice, West Bank Hurricane Protection Levee, NOV-05A, St. Jude to City Price (NOV-05A) project in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, hereinafter referred to as “the NOV-05A Project”; and WHEREAS, the land estates required for the new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements for the NOV-05A Project are identified in revised right-of-way maps entitled “New Orleans to Venice-05A, Upper Reach A, West Bank Back Levee, St. Jude to City Price, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana Right-of-Way, Plan Sheet 1 of 7, dated September 20, 2013, File number H-8-47464, Sheet ID R-101, Sheet 14 of 20” hereinafter referred to as “ Revised NOV05A Right-of-Way Maps” attached hereto and made part hereof as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, a “New Perpetual Waterline and/or Utility Pipeline Easement” is a perpetual and assignable right-of-way, servitude and easement in, on, over and across certain lands for the location, construction, operation, maintenance, alteration, repair and patrol of overhead and underground utilities or pipelines; together with the right to trim, cut, fell and remove therefrom all trees, underbrush, obstructions and other vegetation, structures, or obstacles with the limits of the right-of-way, servitude and easement; reserving, however, to the landowners, their heirs and assigns, all such rights and privileges as may be used without interfering with or abridging the rights and easement hereby acquired; subject, however, to existing rights-of-way, servitudes and easements for public roads and highways, public utilities, railroads and pipelines; and WHEREAS, the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana law provide that levee districts are authorized to appropriate needed lands for levee, drainage, flood and hurricane protection purposes; and WHEREAS, by letter dated February 18, 2015 addressed to Mr. Amos Cormier, Jr. as President of the Plaquemines Parish Government, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers officially requested that Plaquemines Parish Government grant to the United States of America a clear and unobstructed right of entry, including the right of ingress and egress, to construct the new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline crossing for the levee for aforementioned NOV-05A Project; and WHEREAS, a copy of the aforementioned letter is attached hereto and made part hereof as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers the requested right of entry for the subject project, it is incumbent upon and the responsibility of the Plaquemines Parish Council, as and on behalf of the West Bank Levee District and the Buras Levee District, to appropriate new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements consisting of 1.7464 acres (0.7995 Flood Side and 0.9469 Protected Side) in Plaquemines Parish as identified in the aforementioned Revised NOV-05A Right-of-Way Maps for levee, drainage, flood and hurricane protection purposes; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 It finds that the appropriation of new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements consisting of 1.7464 acres (0.7995 Flood Side and 0.9469 Protected Side) in Plaquemines Parish as identified in the aforementioned Revised NOV-05A Right-of-Way Maps are necessary, useful and required by the West Bank Levee District and the Buras Levee District for drainage, levee, flood and hurricane protection purposes and are required for the construction of the NOV-05A Project. SECTION 2 It does pursuant to the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana hereby appropriate new perpetual waterline and/or utility and pipeline easements consisting of 1.7464 acres (0.7995 Flood Side and 0.9469 Protected Side) in Plaquemines Parish in Plaquemines Parish to construct the NOV-05A Project for levee, drainage, flood and hurricane protection purposes as identified in aforementioned Revised NOV-05A Right-of-Way Map attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 3 President Amos Cormier, Jr. is hereby authorized to approve, sign and issue the requested right of entry, including right of ingress and egress, to the United States of America for the construction of the aforementioned project. SECTION 4 A copy of the Revised NOV-05A Right-of-Way Maps attached as Exhibit A shall be kept on file in the offices of Plaquemines Parish Government’s Land Department. SECTION 5 This Ordinance shall be published in the official journal of Plaquemines Parish Government in the manner prescribed by law and that a copy of this Ordinance shall be furnished to each known property owner affected thereby by certified mail, return receipt requested, in accordance with law. SECTION 6 The compensation due the affected landowners as determined in accordance with applicable law shall be paid within one year of the date of the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 7 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Plaquemines Parish Government employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Barthelemy seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015. Council Member Barthelemy offered and Council Member Williams seconded Agenda Item 6f, “An Ordinance to amend the 2015 General Fund, Community Programs Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. The matter was opened for discussion and then deferred by Council Member Barthelemy. Without objection, so ordered. Council Member Barthelemy withdrew Agenda Item 6g, “An Ordinance to amend the Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan by transferring funds from the East Bank Library Project back to New Courthouse Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. Without objection, so ordered. Council Member Barthelemy offered and Council Member Rousselle seconded Agenda Item 6k, “An Ordinance to amend the 2015 General Fund, Manpower Structure, Maintenance DepartmentGeneral; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. A discussion was had on this matter and then it was requested by Council Member Barthelemy to pass over it until later in the meeting. Without objection, so ordered. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-123 On motion of Council Member Barthelemy, seconded by Council Member Trufant-Salvant, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution establishing a program for residents who live on private roads and lanes or who have driveways which are in such disrepair that it is difficult for emergency vehicles to access those in need of emergency services to apply for financial assistance from the Community Action Agency; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, there are various private roads, lanes and driveways in the Parish which from time to time may be used by emergency services; and WHEREAS, there are land owners who do not have the financial capability to provide for the proper maintenance and repair of these private roads, lanes and driveways; and WHEREAS, numerous complaints and concerns have been made by the Ambulance Department concerning the condition of certain private roads, lanes and driveways and the inability to access residents in need of emergency services; and WHEREAS, in an effort to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Parish, it is the sense of this Council that a program needs to be created wherein residents can receive financial help to maintain and repair private roads, lanes and driveways; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT it hereby establishes a program wherein residents living on private roads and lanes or residents with driveways which are in such disrepair that it limits access for emergency vehicles, may apply to the Community Action Agency for assistance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT each resident who is seeking assistance must apply with the Community Action Agency, meet the current year’s Louisiana Income Eligibility Guidelines to receive assistance and be approved by the Community Action Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT the Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Resolution and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. Council Member Barthelemy withdrew Agenda Item 6m, “A Resolution establishing a program for residents who have driveways which are in such disrepair that it is difficult for emergency vehicles to access those in need of emergency services to apply for financial assistance from the Community Action Agency; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. Without objection, so ordered. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-124 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Juneau, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the following Resolution was adopted: A Resolution giving preliminary approval to the issuance of not exceeding Thirteen Million Dollars ($13,000,000) of Revenue Refunding Bonds, in one or more series, of the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana; providing certain terms of said bonds; making application to the State Bond Commission for approval of said Bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. WHEREAS, the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana (the "Issuer") has heretofore issued (i) $5,000,000 of Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, dated September 1, 2007 (the "Series 2007 Bonds") and $11,850,000 of Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, dated April 1, 2009 (the "Series 2009 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, in order to provide debt service savings, the Issuer desires to refund all or any portion of the callable maturities of the Issuer=s outstanding Series 2007 Bonds and/or Series 2009 Bonds, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 14-A of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority (the "Act"), through the issuance of its refunding bonds; and WHEREAS, the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana is now levying and collecting a special one percent (1%) sales and use tax pursuant to an election held on October 29, 1977 (the "Tax"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority of the aforesaid election, the Issuer adopted an ordinance on November 16, 1977 (the "Tax Ordinance"), providing for the levy and collection of the aforesaid 1% tax; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, and subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, the Issuer desires to accomplish the refunding by authorizing the issuance of not exceeding Thirteen Million Dollars ($13,000,000) of its Revenue Refunding Bonds, in one or more series (the "Bonds"), to be payable from and secured by an irrevocable pledge and dedication of the net avails or proceeds of the Tax; and WHEREAS, other than the Bonds herein authorized, the Issuer has no outstanding bonds or other obligations of any kind or nature payable from or enjoying a lien on the Tax herein pledged, EXCEPT the outstanding (i) unrefunded Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, (ii) unrefunded Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, (iii) Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B, (iv) Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A and the (v) Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2014 (collectively, the "Outstanding Parity Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana (the "Issuer") desires to accomplish the refunding by authorizing the issuance of not exceeding Thirteen Million Dollars ($13,000,000) of its Revenue Refunding Bonds, in one or more series (the "Bonds"), pursuant to the Act, for the purpose of refunding all or any portion of the Issuer=s outstanding Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 and Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, and paying the costs of issuance of the Bonds, said Bonds to be payable from the net avails or proceeds of the Tax, to mature no later than March 1, 2029, and to bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed six per centum (6%) per annum; and WHEREAS, the Issuer desires to make formal application to the State Bond Commission for approval of the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Parish Council (the "Governing Authority") of the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of said Parish: SECTION 1. Preliminary Approval of the Bonds. Preliminary approval is given to the issuance of not exceeding Thirteen Million Dollars ($13,000,000) aggregate principal amount of Revenue Refunding Bonds of the Issuer, in or more series (the "Bonds"), pursuant to Chapter 14-A of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, to be issued for the purpose of refunding all or any portion of the Issuer=s outstanding Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 and Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, and paying the costs of issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds, equally with the Outstanding Parity Bonds described in the preamble hereto, shall be payable from and secured by an irrevocable pledge and dedication of the avails or proceeds of the special one percent (1%) sales and use tax being levied and collected by the Issuer pursuant to an election held on October 29, 1977. The Bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed six per centum (6%) per annum, to be determined by subsequent proceedings of this Governing Authority at the time of the sale of the Bonds, and shall mature in annual installments due no later than March 1, 2029. The Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form, shall be sold to the purchasers thereof at a price of not less than 97% of par, plus accrued interest, if any, and shall have such additional terms and provisions as may be determined by this Governing Authority. SECTION 2. State Bond Commission. Application be and the same is hereby formally made to the State Bond Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for its consent and authority to issue and sell the aforesaid Bonds, and a certified copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the State Bond Commission on behalf of the Issuer, together with a letter requesting the prompt consideration and approval of this application. By virtue of applicant/issuer=s application for, acceptance and utilization of the benefits of the Louisiana State Bond Commission=s approval(s) resolved and set forth herein, it resolves that it understands and agrees that such approval(s) are expressly conditioned upon, and it further resolves that it understands, agrees and binds itself, its successors and assigns to, full and continuing compliance with the "State Bond Commission Policy on Approval of Proposed Use of Swaps, or other forms of Derivative Products Hedges, Etc.", adopted by the Commission on July 20, 2006, as to the borrowing(s) and other matter(s) subject to the approval(s), including subsequent application and approval under said Policy of the implementation or use of any swap(s) or other product(s) or enhancement(s) covered thereby. SECTION 3. Appointment of Investment Banker/Underwriter. Raymond James & Associates, Inc., of New Orleans, Louisiana (the "Underwriter"), is hereby appointed as investment banker/underwriter in connection with refunding the Series 2007 Bonds and the Series 2009 Bonds, any compensation to be subsequently approved by the Issuer and to be paid from the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds and contingent upon the issuance of the Refunding Bonds; provided that no compensation shall be due to said investment banker/underwriter unless the Refunding Bonds are sold and delivered. SECTION 4. Employment of Bond Counsel. This Governing Authority finds and determines that a real necessity exists for the employment of special counsel in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, and accordingly, Foley & Judell, LLP, of New Orleans, Louisiana, as Bond Counsel, is hereby employed to do and perform work of a traditional legal nature as bond counsel with respect to the issuance and sale of said Bonds. Said Bond Counsel shall prepare and submit to this Governing Authority for adoption all of the proceedings incidental to the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of such Bonds, shall counsel and advise this Governing Authority as to the issuance thereof and shall furnish their opinions covering the legality of the issuance of the Bonds. The fee of Bond Counsel for each series of said bonds shall be fixed at a sum not exceeding the fee allowed by the Attorney General's fee guidelines for such bond counsel work in connection with the issuance of each such series of revenue bonds and based on the amount of said bonds actually issued, sold, delivered and paid for, plus "out-of-pocket" expenses, said fees to be contingent upon the issuance, sale and delivery of said bonds. That pursuant to instructions from the Council Secretary or Chairman, Bond Counsel shall cause to be prepared an official statement with respect to the sale of the Bonds and the costs of the preparation and printing of said official statement, as approved by the State Bond Commission, shall be paid from the proceeds of the issue for which it has been prepared. Said Official Statement may be submitted to one or more of the nationally recognized bond rating service or services, together with a request that an appropriate rating be assigned. Payment for all ratings shall be made by the Council Secretary or Chairman upon presentation of appropriate statements from the particular rating service furnishing the ratings. The Council Secretary or Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute, and this Governing Authority hereby agrees to and accepts the terms of, the engagement letter of Bond Counsel on file with the Clerk of the Council. A certified copy of this resolution shall be submitted to the Attorney General of the State of Louisiana for his written approval of said employment and of the fees herein designated, and the Council Secretary or Chairman is hereby empowered and directed to issue vouchers in payment for the work herein provided for upon completion of the work herein specified and under the conditions herein enumerated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that the Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Resolution and that Parish officials and employees are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. Council Member Burt offered Agenda Item 6p, “An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the Playground-Oakville Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto” with changes and it was seconded by Council Member Edgecombe. After a discussion on this matter it was withdrawn by Council Member Burt. Without objection, so ordered. ORDINANCE NO. 15-39 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Edgecombe who moved its adoption: An Ordinance to amend the Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for the Sewer Lift Station #24 Project; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, an additional $100,000 is needed for the Sewer Lift Station #24 Project; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 The Five Year Capital Improvement Plan is amended by transferring $100,000 to the Sewer Lift Station #24 Project from the Sewer Extension-District 7 Project; funding year, 2015. SECTION 2 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Williams seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015. ORDINANCE NO. 15-40 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Williams who moved its adoption: An Ordinance to officially name the access lane located at 36965 Highway 11, Buras, Louisiana, to “Toe Hoskin Lane”; authorizing the installation of street signs; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, the current property owner has requested their access lane to be officially named “Toe Hoskin Lane”; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 It hereby officially names the access lane located at 36965 Highway 11, Buras, Louisiana, to “Toe Hoskin Lane”. SECTION 2 It hereby authorizes the Parish President to direct the Sign Department to install signs at the appropriate location. SECTION 3 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Edgecombe seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015. Council Member Barthelemy asked to revert back to Agenda Item 6k, “An Ordinance to amend the 2015 General Fund, Manpower Structure, Maintenance Department-General; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto”. A discussion was had on this matter and then it was deferred by Council Member Barthelemy. Without objection, so ordered. Council Member Rousselle moved to Agenda Item 7, “New Business”. Without objection, so ordered. There were no items under 7a, “Resolutions for which a suspension is being sought”. Council Member Trufant-Salvant spoke regarding Agenda Item 7b, “Update and presentation by District 7”. A District 7 Town hall meeting will be held on April 8, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Port Sulphur YMCA. Agenda Item 7c, “National Disaster Resilience Competition: Application Process: Briefing, was removed from the agenda. In Agenda Item 7d, “Status and Update of Pointe-a-la-Hache Courthouse”, Council Member Barthelemy informed us there would be no decision regarding the lawsuit on the demolition of the old Pointe-a-la-Hache Courthouse until June or July. In Agenda Item 7e, “Discussion regarding overlay of Main Street from Avenue M to Oak Road”, Council Member Juneau thanked Mr. Blair Rittiner and the Corps of Engineers for overlaying that area. Council Member Rousselle moved to Agenda Item 8, “Approval of Minutes from the March 12, 2015, meeting”. Without objection, so ordered. R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-125 On motion of Council Member Juneau, seconded by Council Member Rousselle, and on roll call all members present and voting AYes@, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT it hereby approves the minutes of the March 12, 2015 Council Meeting, as recorded by the Secretary of this Council Council Member Rousselle moved to Agenda Item 5, “Introduction of Ordinances and Resolutions”. Without objection, so ordered. 1. An Ordinance to transfer funding from the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice) to the East Bank Back Levee Hurricane Protection Project and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHELEMY 2. A Resolution authorizing Plaquemines Parish President, Amos Cormier, Jr., to enter into and execute the Original Entity/State Agreement for “Peters Road Bridge and Extension (Phase II),” State Project No. H.008068, Federal Aid Project No. H008068, herein referred to as the “PROJECT”, with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) and the Regional Planning Commission. COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 3. An Ordinance to transfer funding from the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice) to the LEVEE LIFT PROJECT WBV-12 PROJECT; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 4. A Resolution of the Plaquemines Parish Council that with concurrence of the Parish President to adopt the Plaquemines Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan update dated March, 2015. COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 5. An Ordinance to approve the amended Pay Plan adopted by The Civil Service Commission on March 11, 2015, to create the Classifications of Diesel Maintenance Mechanic, Tier 2 and 3 Diesel Mechanic-Technician, Air Conditioning Mechanic-Technician, Hydraulic Mechanic-Technician, Tier 4 Diesel Mechanic-Technician, to delete the Classification of Diesel Mechanic, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 6. An Ordinance to approve the amended Civil Service Pay Plan adopted by The Civil Service Commission on March 11, 2015, to reallocate the Classification of Supervisor; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER ROUSSELLE 7. An Ordinance to amend the 2015 General Fund, Manpower Structure, Courthouse Security-General Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 8. An Ordinance to transfer funding from the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice) to the LEVEE LIFT PROJECT WBV-9a and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 9. An Ordinance to transfer funding from the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice) to the PLANNING AND DESIGN OF OAKVILLE TO LA REUSSITE BACK LEVEE (HSDRRS NOVNFL-04a AND MRL OAKVILLE TO LA REUSSITE (MRL-WB-179) TO 100 YEAR LEVEL OF RISK PROTECTION PROJECT; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT 10. An Ordinance to amend the setback requirements in a settlement agreement between Plaquemines Parish Government and Woodlands Borrow Pits, LLC covering permitted operations of the Woodlands South Borrow Pit in exchange for Woodlands Borrow Pits, LLC donating the required portion of the levee servitude for the NOV -06 A.2 Levee Project which lies within the Woodland South Borrow Pit property; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER TRUFANT-SALVANT 11. An Ordinance to amend the 2015 Waterworks and Sewerage Fund, Manpower Structure, Waterworks-Billings/Collections Department; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER TRUFANT-SALVANT 12. An Ordinance to amend and as amended reenact Sect. 22-8. (1), of the Code of Ordinances, to establish water rates; to amend and as amended reenact Sect. 22-22. (3), of the Code of Ordinances, to provide for sewer fees; to amend and as amended reenact Sect. 22-23., of the Code of Ordinances, to establish refuse fees; to amend and as amended reenact Sect. 11-5. (h), of the Code of Ordinances, to establish new fees for additional refuse containers; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER EDGECOMBE 13. A Resolution authorizing the letting for public competitive bidding of Lot E of the Venice Boat Harbor. COUNCIL MEMBER WILLIAMS 14. An Ordinance to transfer funding from the “Reach B-2” Vegetative Ridge and Marsh Creation project (from Fort Jackson to Venice) to the BUDMAT West Bay Project and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER WILLIAMS 15. A Resolution allowing Janice Andry, Justice of the Peace, to use the District 9 Council Office conference room to hold court; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. COUNCIL MEMBER WILLIAMS Council Member Barthelemy asked to take up Agenda Item 6k. Without objection, so ordered. ORDINANCE NO. 15-41 The following Ordinance was offered by Council Member Barthelemy who moved its adoption: An Ordinance to amend the 2015 General Fund, Manpower Structure, Maintenance Department-General; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto. WHEREAS, due to the cancellation of the annual professional services HVAC mechanical systems full service maintenance contract, it has been recommended by Administration to fund one fulltime, currently unbudgeted, Master AC Mechanic position at an annual salary of $32,857 plus benefits; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLAQUEMINES PARISH COUNCIL THAT: SECTION 1 The 2015 General Fund, Manpower Structure, Maintenance Department-General is amended by funding one full-time, currently unbudgeted, Master AC Mechanic position. SECTION 2 The 2015 General Fund, Operating Expenditure Budget, Maintenance Department-General personal services line items are amended by transferring funds as follows: Fund: 001 General Fund Dept/Div: 628-3600 Maintenance-General Object Description Inc/Dec Amendment 510.005 Salaries & Wages-Regular Inc 25,270 515.005 FICA Taxes Inc 370 516.105 Retirement Inc 3,660 517.005 Group Insurance Health Inc 10,810 528.610 Maint. Buildings and Grounds Dec (40,110) SECTION 3 The Secretary of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify and release this Ordinance and that Parish employees and officials are authorized to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, both without further reading and approval by the Plaquemines Parish Council. WHEREUPON, in open session the above Ordinance was read and considered section by section and as a whole. Council Member Rousselle seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance. The foregoing Ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote resulted as follows: YEAS: Council Members John L. Barthelemy, Jr., W. Beau Black, Kirk M. Lepine, Irvin Juneau, Benedict Rousselle, Charlie Burt, Audrey Trufant-Salvant, Jeff Edgecombe and Nicole Williams NAYS: None ABSENT: None PRESENT BUT NOT VOTING: None And the Ordinance was adopted on this the 26th day of March, 2015 R E S O L U T I O N NO. 15-126 On motion of Council Member Rousselle, seconded by Council Member Burt, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, except Council Member Black who was “Absent”, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Plaquemines Parish Council that it hereby resolves itself into Executive Session for the purpose of hearing a report and recommendations and strategy advice for the management of litigation from its attorney concerning: Discussion of legal issues regarding Danny J. Trosclair, 62-030, Division A, 25th JDC and other Trailer Park Cases-Attorney Shane Landry. COUNCIL MEMBER BURT; Dynamic Constructors, LLC vs. PPG No.61-883 Div. “B’ and 4th Circuit of Appeal No. 2015-CA-0271-Attorney Shane Landry. COUNCIL MEMBER BARTHELEMY. It being the sense of the Plaquemines Parish Council and its attorney that hearing said reports, recommendations, and advice in open session would have a detrimental effect on the Plaquemines Parish Council s bargaining and litigating position. The Council resolved itself into Executive Session at 3:02 p.m. The Council came out of Executive Session at 3:15 p.m. with no final binding action having been taken during Executive Session. There being no further business to come before this Council, on motion of Council Member Juneau, seconded by Council Member Burt, and on roll call all members present and voting “Yes”, the meeting adjourned at 3:16 p.m. ________________________ Chairman _________________________ Secretary
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