Profiling User Communities on Stack Overflow Jeff Avery Luis Blanco Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada ABSTRACT used to encourage developer participation [6]. Stack Overflow is a popular Q&A site and software development community, where programmers ask and answer each other’s questions. Unlike other Q&A sites, its focus and content is entirely determined by its own user community, who decide what content is posted, collectively vote to choose the best answer, and collectively refine one another’s content to improve the quality and usefulness of the site. There has been a great deal of past work examining the content and character of posts and site content, but relatively little attention has been `paid to the user communities that have evolved. This paper defines user communities on Stack Overflow as a set of users that share specific technical interests, and work together to author and revise technical content on the site. We examine user profiles and posting history of top-users in the context of specific communities – Java, JavaScript and C# – to characterize the nature of these communities and collaborations. The founders and the design team actively work to incorporate user feedback, and to moderate conversations to keep them within the established guidelines. They elicit continuous user feedback, bug reports and features requests, and have iteratively revised the site based on community feedback [7]. Stack Overflow attracts a diverse group of users from around the world. It brings people with common technical interests together, and engages them in a way that many other social sites are unable to do. We can think of this group of users as an ad hoc online community of like-minded individuals, with common technical interests. If Stack Overflow represents developers as a whole, then contributors within a technical area might represent that community. General Terms We propose to characterize some specific user communities on Stack Overflow. We group posts by technical area and programming language, and use this grouping to select three active communities. We then examine the profiles of top contributors on each community, using their post history, profile and demographic data to characterize that technical community. Is this group scattered globally, or centralized? What characteristics do programmers within a group have in common? Human Factors. For a given community, we are interested in questions like: Categories and Subject Descriptors H.1.2 [User-Machine Systems] Human factors. What is their median age? What is the geographic distribution for this community? Keywords programming; community; human-factors; data-mining. How active is this community? Who asks the most questions? Who answers the most? 1. INTRODUCTION Are there differences between users of this and other programming language communities? Stack Overflow was introduced in 2008 as an open Q&A site for software developers – a place where they could ask and answer technical questions in a community setting. Since then, the site has grown to nearly 2.7 million active users, addressing over 8 million questions [1-4]. 2. RELATED WORK A great deal of prior research on Stack Overflow data focuses on analyzing characteristics of questions. For instance, Cheng et al. [8] attempt to discover the features of a question that elicit answers. Anderson et al. [9] tried to identify characteristics of questions that, in their opinion, provided “long-lasting value”, where “long-lasting value” was defined as the questions that draw the most views and attention. The key to the success of this site is its active user community [5]. Any user can post a question, or add to a list of answers; the community votes answers "up" or "down" based on their quality. Incentive mechanisms are baked into the design of the site to encourage participation; top users complete for badges, ranking and recognition on the site. Jeff Atwood, one of the founders, has specifically called out gamification as one of the key approaches Recently, researchers have started to examine the characteristics of the user base, attempting to determine how closely related user characteristics are to the quality of the answers received. Posnett et al. [10] examine the quality of answers in relation to the tenure of the users who answer them, and suggest that a user’s expertise in answering questions remains fairly constant. Pal et al. [11] focused on trying to characterize the users that provide the answers to questions in Q&A sites, and how their behavior has evolved over time. Wang et al. [12] analyzed a large (100,000) sample of questions and extracted general characteristics of the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Conference’15, Month 1–2, 2015, City, State, Country. Copyright 2015 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010 …$15.00. 1 users of the site, such as the fact that less than 10% of users answer more than 5 questions, or than less than 2% of users ask more than 5 questions. Morrison et al. [13] examine the quality of answers in relation to the age of the developers, trying to determine if expertise is related to the age of a developer. Reputation These approaches attempt to look at the breadth of the Stack Overflow community as a whole, treating all contributing developers as part of a homogeneous group. Our focus is narrower. We expect that programmers have different motivations and usage patterns, and that these differences might be reflected in how they participate in the community (e.g. C# developers may have potentially different profiles than Java developers). We are interested in teasing out the differences between these communities. Postings Location Users.Location Ranking Users.Reputation Badges Badges.Name, Badges.Date Votes Users.UpVotes/DownVotes Profile views Users.Views Questions, answers Posts 3.3 Mining Data 3. METHODOLOGY To mine Stack Overflow, we built queries against this schema, and executed them using the Stack Exchange Data Explorer interface. All results were obtained between March 12 and March 29, 2015, then exported and filtered using Microsoft Excel, Python scripts or some other appropriate mechanism. 3.1 How Stack Overflow Works The process we follow to characterize Stack Overflow communities entails: Stack Overflow is presented as a Q&A website, where users can post new questions, or suggest answers to existing questions. Everyone has the ability to "vote" questions and answers up or down; the voting mechanism determines the score, or ranking of a given post, and determines the relative ranking of an answer, where higher-ranked answers appear below the question. The site also allows users to perform keyword searches, and returns questions and answers ordered by their rank. Although anyone can view questions and answers, users need to have an account to post, or up/down vote other users posts. Users can optionally add their age, location and other personal details to their profile, which are available publicly. Additionally, users can earn "badges" for participating, which motivates programmers, and encourages active participation [7]. Categories PostTags, Tags, TagSynonyms Questions Posts Answers Posts Popularity Posts.ViewCount Votes Votes, VoteTypes Accounts Account age Users.CreationDate Users Age Users.Age 3. Examining demographics, including age and location, and post history for these users, and using this data to characterize the larger user community. 4. RESULTS 4.1 Inception & Growth Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky created Stack Overflow in 2008 as a Q&A site for programmers [6]. It is characterized by intensive community involvement: the users post questions, suggest answers, and vote to determine the “best” answer. The community guides the content: users moderate one another, filter content and actively work to make the site accessible. Although heavily involved in the initial design of the site, the management and operations teams now works to maintain the infrastructure [7]. Table 1: Stack Overflow Data Posts Mining popular posts for each community, and using this data to build a profile of the top-ranked contributors in that community. We finish the paper by comparing and contrasting the communities, outlining our conclusions, and given suggestions for future work. Stack Overflow has a relatively simple database schema, consisting of the Posts table that stores questions and answers, the PostTags and Tags tables for annotating posts, the Users table with user profile information, and the Badges for annotating users. Table 1 describes the data that we consider relevant to our quest of attempting to characterize Stack Overflow communities. DB Tables[.Columns] 2. In the next section of the paper, we go through the steps specified above, present the results obtained and characterizing the three selected communities. 3.2 Stack Overflow Data Model Type Using post tags to rank area of interest, and using this data to select active and interesting communities. When examining large sets of posts, we restrict questions and answers to the top 10,000 posts, ranked by popularity. This allows us to focus on high-quality, relevant posts for that community. Stack Overflow is unique among Q&A sites, in that it makes its data publically accessible. In addition to a public API [2], the community periodically releases snapshots of all anonymized data to the Internet Archive [3], and the site maintainers also provide a web interface, the Stack Exchange Data Explorer [4] that allows real-time queries against the most recent snapshot of the data; said snapshot is typically updated every Monday. Area 1. The user community is substantial, having grown to over 4 million users (4,066,740). Members have posted 9 million questions (9,064,335) and 15 million answers (15,194,996) over 40 thousand topics (40,026 distinct tags). This is also a very active community, which boasts over 48 million unique hits per month, peaking at 4.5 million hits per day! [14] Given the volume of users, broad interests and heavy engagement, we can characterize this user community as large but diverse, with broad technical interests. 2 Figure 1: Questions Asked Per Year (2015 YTD) 4.2 Defining Communities Figure 4 : TIOBE Top-10 Programming Languages [15] We expect that Stack Overflow is used by a broad range of people for different purposes: professional programmers use it as an important resource when debugging problems, students use it to learn an API or discover the best approach to a programming problem. One thing that crosscuts their profession, location and age is their common technical interests. We propose that these technical interests may be used to characterize a community on Stack Overflow. However, there are some important differences between how often a programming language is used, and the amount of discussion that language elicits. For instance, JavaScript is only the 7th most popular programming language of 2015 on the TIOBE index, but it generated the highest number of questions on Stack Overflow. In contrast, Java follows a more expected pattern, where it is ranked 2nd in both usage and questions asked on Stack Overflow. However, users don’t explicitly join particular communities; community membership is implied by participation and active posting. To delineate technical communities, we examine posted questions and their associated tags (keywords added to the post by the authors, which may be edited and modified by other posters or moderators). We can use tags as explicit community identifiers, and count the tags to infer popularity of various technologies and programming languages. This suggests that language popularity isn’t necessarily related to the amount of community engagement around that language. There may be characteristics of programming languages that make them more or less likely to elicit questions. For instance, JavaScript has been trending-up in popularity, which aligns with the growing adoption of web applications and technologies. Its popularity on Stack Overflow might be related to novice users learning how to use it, the drastic shifts in related technologies (e.g. Node.js, jQuery and other web toolkits), or other changes that led to greater community engagement. The C language on the other hand, has a very different profile. Although ranked 1st in popularity, it doesn’t even appear on a recent top-10 list on Stack Overflow. This could indicate that the C community doesn’t tend to use Stack Overflow, or possibly that the language itself is so well understood by now that it doesn’t require much discussion. Figure 2: Popular Tags by Year For our research, we’re primarily interested in active programming communities. To determine the most active and popular programming languages being discussed, we extracted tags from all of the questions, and ranked tags by popularity. The results, shown in Figure 5, are the top-10 most frequently discussed programming languages on Stack Overflow. This table indicates that keywords are typically used to refer to programming language, or programming technologies. Note that topics trend over time. Tag counts compare favorably to other measurements of programming language popularity, such as the TIOBE Index [15]. In the following sections, we focus on three most popular languages: Java, JavaScript, and C#. These languages were chosen because of their overall popularity and active user communities. Though some of the languages may be used together, or more specifically be used in the same project, particularly JavaScript with C# and JavaScript with Java, we believe the languages are conceptually independent for their communities to have their own characteristics. We specifically exclude Android and jQuery as separate categories because they are technologies that are typically used with other languages on this list (Java and JavaScript specifically), and are subsumed in those programming languages; also, the Android tag may be used to make reference to either the operating Figure 3: TIOBE Community Programming Index [15] 3 system or the programming language used to program android devices. Figure 7: Java - Posts Per Year (2015 YTD) To characterize the Java community, we examine the posting history and demographics of users that post these questions and answers. As previously noted, we’re most interested in “useful” posts, so we restrict queries to the top 10,000 questions (using the voting system scores). Figure 5 : Top-10 Programming Languages To ensure that we find all posts relevant to a community, we generated a ranked list of all of the tags used on Stack Overflow, then manually extracted and categorized tags related to the programming language in question (e.g. “typescript” as a known variant of “javascript”). In subsequent sections, we use this set of restricted tags when extracting data for a specific programming language. 400 350 300 250 200 4.3 Community 1: Java 150 Originally developed by Sun in 1995, Java is a multi-platform programming language and computing platform. Java serves a broad range of purposes, from desktop and enterprise applications, to mobile and embedded systems. Oracle acquired Sun, including the rights to Java, in 2010 [16]. 100 50 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Questions We extract posts by the Java community on Stack Overflow by searching for posts containing the tags “java”, java-ee” (“enterprise edition” for scalable business applications), “javafx” (web development) and “java-me” (“micro-edition” for embedded systems). 50 55 60 65 71 86 Answers Figure 8: Java - Age Distribution of Core Posters 2,781 users ask the top-10,000 Java questions, and 2,606 of them answer these questions. Users can optionally post their age as part of their user profile; 55% of them (2,621 of 4,729) include this information, for a mean age of 35 years. These 2,621 users represent our “core” Java contributors; their contributions are shows in Figure 9. We consider the Java community to include those users who have posted, or answered a question containing these keywords (queries use wildcards, to allow for some variation). Wildcards are used to ensure that we consistently return all variations of these tags. The top-10 Java keywords are listed in Figure 6. 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 20 40 Questions 60 80 100 Answers Figure 9: Java - Posts By Core Contributors Figure 6: Java - Top-10 Tags Core contributors consistently answer more questions than they ask, providing 1.8 answers for every question (633,991 questions and 1,150,891 answers). This is consistent with the profile of other users, who typically answer 1.8 times the number of questions they ask (894,627 questions to 1,635,196 answers). The Java community posted over 260 thousand (260,227) questions and 383 thousand answers (383,771) related to Java and Java technologies in 2014. As noted by Wang et al [12], users posting more answers than questions are a common trend. The number of posts has increased linearly, as the community has grown. 4 We can further examine the age of user accounts, and posting history relative to account creation. On average, the age of the accounts of core contributors is 1740 days (4.8 years). We describe the JavaScript community on Stack Overflow as including any users who have authored or responded to a post containing the keywords “javascript”, “ecmascript” or “typescript”. Both ECMASScript and TypeScript are variants of JavaScript. Wildcards are used to ensure that we consistently return all variations of these tags. Figure 12 lists the top-10 JavaScript keywords, demonstrating a breadth of questions. 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Figure 10: Java - Time Between Account Creation and Post Date Post distribution, shown in Figure 10, indicates that posters tend to be most busy after they first create their account. This suggests, that in some cases, users create their accounts for the purpose of posting questions. In addition, the decay of activity indicates that some additional incentives might be needed to motivate users to stay involved. Figure 12: JavaScript - Top-10 Tags The JavaScript community posted over 260 thousand (262,784) JavaScript-related questions in 2014. They also posted over 380 thousand questions (383, 069) in the same time period. The numbers of posts has increased linearly over time, as shown in Figure 13. Finally, we examine user location. Because the user location field is a free-form text field, there is no consistency, and the data is highly irregular (e.g. multiple versions of a single location, with users specifying city, region, or country interchangeably). We manually categorized the first 30 locations in Figure 11, but were unable to perform further analysis, other than to notice a very diverse set of contributors. Figure 13 : JavaScript - Posts Per Year (2015 YTD) To characterize the JavaScript community, we examine the demographics of the users that post these questions and answers, as well as their posting histories. As previously noted, we’re most interested in “useful” posts, so we restrict queries to the top 10,000 questions (using the voting system scores). 4.4 Community 2: JavaScript 7,066 users asked the top-10,000 questions. In their profiles, 45% of those users (3,197) listed their age, with a mean age of 32 years, slightly younger than the Java community; note that 20 users list their current age as “95”, which seems unlikely and which we ignored in these queries. We consider these 3,197 users as our “core” community contributors for JavaScript, shown in Figure 14. JavaScript is an object-oriented, dynamic programming language originally developed at Netscape [17]. It’s currently included, in various forms, in all major web browsers and commonly used to allow client-side interaction on web pages, and dynamically modify the browser view independent of a back-end web server. The rise of web-development, and the general shift from desktop to web environments, has increased the popularity of JavaScriptbased programming languages. We then examined the posting patterns of these users. As Figure 15 illustrates, core contributors answer far more questions than they ask. Figure 13 suggests that typical users post about 1.74 times as many answers as questions (827,505 asked and 1,460,206 answered). In contrast, our core contributors answer about 1.6 as many questions as they ask (827,505 asked and 1,327,539 answered). There is not a significant difference in ratios between core and typical users. Figure 11: Java - Core Users Location 5 population, where 11.5% report age (468,927 out of 4,066,740) and 9.3% report both age and location (377,158 out of 4,066,740). 600 500 400 2000 1800 300 1600 200 1400 100 1200 1000 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Questions 50 55 60 65 74 80 800 94 600 Answers 400 Figure 14: JavaScript - Age Distribution of Core Posters 200 0 0 100000 90000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Figure 17: JavaScript - Time Between Account Creation and Post Dates 80000 70000 However, the user location field is an unchecked string field, which led to extremely irregular and hard-to-categorize data (e.g. locations such as “Seattle”, “Seatle”, “Seattle WA”, “United States”, “US” and so on). The top-50 locations were manually categorized, leading to Figure 18. 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 20 40 Questions 60 80 100 Answers Figure 15: JavaScript - Posts by Core Contributors We can also examine the age of user accounts, and posting history relative to account creation (i.e. did they create more posts when their account was new?). From Figure 16, we can see that most of the core contributors joined Stack Overflow in the years immediately after it launched. The average core user account is 1719 days (or 4.7 years) old. 3000 2500 Figure 18: JavaScript – Core Users Location 2000 4.5 Community 3: C# 1500 C# is a modern object-oriented programming language created in 2000 and released in 2002 by Microsoft, and ratified as an ECMA standard in 2006. 1000 500 It was designed for use with the .NET platform and the Common Language Runtime environment, running on Windows platforms, and is closely tied to those technologies. C# is integrated with the Visual Studio IDE, also a Microsoft product. 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Figure 16: JavaScript - User Account Creation Some attempts have been made to make .NET applications in general, and C# applications in particular, run in other platforms. The most successful has been the Mono Project [21], it even offers its own IDE to allow for the development of .NET applications in other operating systems. Post distribution, shown in Figure 17, indicates that posters tend to be most busy after they first create their account. This suggests, that in some cases, users create their accounts for the purpose of posting questions. Finally, we can examine geographic location. Users can optionally list their location in their user profile, and approximately 97.8% have included this information (9,698 out of 9,910). This is significantly higher than the remainder of the Stack Overflow Anders Hejlsberg was the lead architect of C#; he had also been the lead architect of the team that developed Turbo Pascal and Delphi at Borland [18-20]. 6 To identify the C# community, we examined the tag-list of related words. The top-10 list of relevant tags is listed in Figure 19. All of these tags contain the phrase “c#”, indicating that we can use this in a wildcard search to locate all relevant posts. accounts sharply declined after this. It may be that the community has matured or stabilized, or this might be an indication of the declining popularity of C#, or some other factor entirely. 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 14 20 25 30 35 40 Questions Figure 19: C# - Top-10 Tags 45 50 55 60 66 74 95 Answers Figure 21: C# - Age Distribution of Core Posters The C# community posted over 180 thousand C# questions (182,462) and over 256 thousand related answers (258,612) in 2014. The number of posts increased year-over-year from 2008 through 2013, but actually declined in 2014, as shows in Figure 20. This may indicate a maturity of the platform, or possibly a migration by developers to other technologies. 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 400,000 20000 350,000 10000 300,000 0 0 250,000 20 40 Questions 200,000 150,000 60 80 100 Answers Figure 22: C# - Posts By Core Contributors 100,000 50,000 As in our other two case studies, we can see that account activity peaks shortly after account creation and slowly declines after that. This is the same profile that we saw in our previous case studies. 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 Questions 2012 2013 2014 2015 Answers Figure 20: C# - Posts Per Year 3000 We can further examine the posting history of C# programmers. As before, we restrict ourselves to the top-10,000 C# posts, as determined by the rank of questions (based on voting scores). 2500 6,235 users asked the top-10,000 questions. 54% of these core users list their age in their user profiles (3,338 of 6,235), with a mean age of 34 years, slightly older than the JavaScript community. Again, we see a disproportionate number of users – 16 in this case - who list their age as “95” and are excluded. We consider these 3,338 as “core” contributors that ask and answer the top questions. We characterize these users in Figure 21 and Figure 22. 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2008 We examine the posting pattern of these core users. In line with other communities, core C# contributors answer more questions than they ask, at a ratio of 1.4 times (910,640 asked to 1,285,298 answered). This is lower than the 1.9 ratio suggested in Figure 20 for typical users (with 797,898 asked and 1,508,532 answered). 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Figure 23: C# - User Account Creation Finally we can examine geographic location. Location data is optional, with 95% (3,178 out of 3,338) adding a location to their profile. Unfortunately, the data is also extremely inconsistent, since users can enter free-form text. The top-12 locations, manually categorized from the top-50 locations identified by our core C# users, are listed in Figure 25. We can also examine the age of user account. The average core user account is 1907 days (or 5.2 years) old. C# posters rushed to join when Stack Overflow first launched, but the creation of 7 4000 3000 3500 2500 3000 2000 2500 1500 2000 1000 1500 500 1000 0 500 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 JavaScript 3000 Figure 24: C# - Time Between Account Creation and Post Dates Csharp Java Figure 26: Account Creation by Year and Community Table 2: Community Demographics Community Age (mean) Account age (mean) JavaScript 32 years 4.7 years Java 35 years 4.8 years C# 34 years 5.2 years We took the approach of extracting "key contributors" for each community, expecting that the top-posters might have a different posting profile than average users [11, 12]. We found that key contributors do post more frequently than typical users, however, they also tended to post more questions relative to the number of answers they provide. We also expected user location to be a key demographic, but the data was too irregular to reliably process. In the future, we would like to explore other ways to accurately categorize location information, and determine if deeper trends exist. We expect that smaller, and heavily localized developer communities do exist and that they may be reflected in Stack Overflow data. Figure 25: C# - Core Users Location 5. DISCUSSION Part of the reason that Stack Overflow had such a significant and immediate impact was that the founders were well-known and popular developers, particularly in the .NET community. Essentially, they were developers creating a site for other developers. Belonging to the community gave the site immediate credibility and popularity in this community. Finally, it's important to note that user profile information, age and location in particular, is optional and voluntary; and location fields are free form and users can enter any data that they wish. The participation rates are fairly high, but we have no reliable way of verifying the information that is entered, based on the schema provided. Some way of location tracking, by IP for instance, would greatly increase confidence in these results. This also meant that many of the first developers to join Stack Overflow were .NET developers, either already familiar with C# or making the transition from Delphi to C#, once Delphi stooped being widely used. We see this in the 2008 account creation statistics, where significant portions of the users were from the C# community. However, after this initial influx of users, the rate of account creation in the C#/.NET community has drastically declined; since 2010, it's had the lowest rate of account creation among these communities. 6. CONCLUSIONS Stack Overflow is a popular programmer Q&A site that attracts millions of hits per day; many developers consider it a key technical resource [7]. However, it actually represents a number of different technical communities, each with its own technical interests. Over time, the population of these communities has changed to reflect these changes in new technologies and programming trends. We can see how Stack Overflow attracted developers with other interests; the rise of JavaScript for example in 2009 indicates the growth of that community. Although it quickly stabilized, it hasn't seen the rapid decline of the C# community. Clearly, JavaScript remains popular and continues to attract new users. Although previous studies have tried to find trends in Stack Overflow by examining user demographics, ours is the first attempt, that we are aware of, that tries to characterize different Stack Overflow communities. We use data extracted from Stack Overflow posts to characterize three of these technical communities: Java, JavaScript and C#. Using demographic and post history data, we were able to extract unique characteristics of each community, and show how these they reflect the changing nature of Stack Overflow. There are subtle differences in the demographics of the user communities, as demonstrated in Table 2. The age of the C# account reflects the initial onboarding of C# developers, as discussed. The JavaScript community started to pick up 6 months later. Java and C# developers also tend to be slightly older, which might reflect trends in technology; JavaScript is a newer language, more likely to be learned by people at the start of their careers. 8 Even though we found important differences between communities based on posting trends and user age, we couldn’t find any characterizations based on user location. We believe that further investigation may discover meaningful trends, such as clusters of users of particular technologies in specific locations. 10. D. 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