Promote, promote, promote:

Promote, promote, promote:
How to make your PLTW program stand out
and gain the recognition it deserves
You are part of a national conversation.
You are part of something
bigger than yourself.
Project Lead The Way is the largest and most
influential STEM organization in the United States,
with more than 6,500 schools offering PLTW
Together, we’re solving the national workforce
challenge. PLTW students from your school and
district will be the next generation of leaders,
entrepreneurs, and innovators.
Let’s tell people about it.
How do we
spread the
Where can I
find resources?
What’s newsworthy? More than you think.
Visually engaging
• Course activities:
Anna Garcia
Rapid prototyping
PLTW Launch: Animal rescue or Jack and the Beanstalk
PLTW Gateway: Glider activity or designing a playground
• Poster fairs or project showcases
• EDD or BI final project presentations
What’s newsworthy? More than you think.
Prestigious for your school or community
• Teachers completing core training or becoming a master teacher
• Student success and scholarships
• K-12 Pathway
Real-world meaning
• Adding new courses
• Competitions
• Connecting student learning to industry through mentoring or
Make the first connection
Just reach out
• Send press release or media advisory and include:
Who, what, when, where
Offer interviews and help reporter visualize what will happen
Include stats and facts
PLTW key messaging
Seek help from communication/PR pros or journalism
Share your perspective
• Submit an op-ed
– Back to school
– Preparing students for success
– Graduation plans
– Community’s role in education
– Value of PLTW Partnership Team
Partner for shared recognition
Coverage can take many forms
School or district newsletters
Community papers and newsletters
Social media
Social networks
Promote within your school
Display cases
Posters, banners, photos
Spirit wear
Biomedical Science white coat ceremony
Graduation stoles and cords
Promote across schools
Personal letters
School visits
Open houses
Involve girls
Additional Resources
• Find PLTW logos, logo guidelines, messaging, and more at
• PLTW Promotion School Toolkit
• Order PLTW gear, including graduation cords and stoles
We want to hear from you
Share your stories and best practices with us.
– Email
– Tweet us @PLTWorg
– Share it on Facebook at
LeadThe Way