Evidence-Based Skin Care for Newborns PNANN 2015 Objectives Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC Perinatal Neonatal Consulting & Swedish Medical Center terrie@perinatalneonatalconsulting.com The skin is largest organ in the body Preterm skin makes up 13% of weight, versus 3% of adult Skin integrity essential to survival any break is portal of entry Basic Components of the Skin Discuss pertinent elements of national guidelines related to NB skin care Identify areas in your setting that might be enhanced by use of guidelines Format: basics of skin structure and function factors that influence skin integrity 2013 guidelines on neonatal skin care Epidermis: barrier against toxins and bacteria, retains both heat and water exfoliating dead cells Dermis: collagen and elastin fibers that provide strength and elasticity blood vessels and nerves 60% as thick as an adults Subcutaneous tissue: insulation, shock absorption and calorie storage area fatty connective tissue Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Factors that Influence Skin Integrity Skin pH pH <5 offers bacteriocidal quality acid mantle = barrier to microorganisms term skin pH >6 at birth, <5 by 4 days preterm “mantle”, pH<5 not until ~ month with alkaline soap need > hour to drop pH <5 1 Factors that Influence Skin Integrity Skin Maturation fetal skin development follows clear pattern at term, barrier function similar to adult preterm change from aquatic to aerobic conditions accelerates maturation delayed in lower GA Factors that Influence Skin Integrity Stratum corneum less keratinized and thinner as GA decreases term 10-20 layers preterm 2-3 layers Epidermis of preterms > 26 wks improved barrier function within several weeks delayed to 30-32 wks if < 26wks Preterm skin permeable to toxins &TEWL Barrier function limited for first year Factors that Influence Skin Integrity 2013 Guidelines Preterm Cohesion epidermis & dermis linked by thin fibrils stronger and more numerous with age diminished cohesion between layers, at risk for epidermal stripping bond between skin and adhesives may be stronger than bond between skin layers Vernix: Nature’s Waterproofing Decreases skin permeability and TEWL Cleanses and moisturizes skin Protects against infection Reduces pH and creates “acid mantle”, inhibits growth of pathogenic bacteria Temperature regulation Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Vernix Bathing Cord care Circumcision care Diaper dermatitis Disinfectants Adhesives Skin breakdown IV infiltrates Emollients TEW Nutrition Bathing: General Considerations Staff and family: hand washing with antibacterial cleanser prior to bathing Community acquired infections Tub disinfection 2 Skin Cleansers First Bath Once thermal and CR stability achieved Goal: Remove unwanted soils (meconium, blood) and leave residual vernix intact Universal precautions Minimal amount of pH –neutral or slightly acidic cleanser to assist with removal of blood and amniotic fluid Product Selection No specific products Minimal product use Potential toxicity, especially if preterm Avoid unnecessary exposure to chemicals A benchmark investigation of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides in umbilical cord blood Environmental Working Group, 2005 ~200 chemicals detected per baby Routine Bathing: Term Newborns Bathing is not an innocuous procedure Daily bath not clearly justified for NB May bathe every few days “to remove debris and for general hygiene“ Shampoo X1-2/week Immersion or swaddle bathing preferred over sponge bathing Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Cleansers with least irritating ingredients Neutral or mildly acidic pH (5.5-7.0) Preservatives with demonstrated safety in newborns No antimicrobial soaps Avoid soap-based products Baby Care Products: Possible Sources of Infant Phthalate Exposure, Pediatrics, Feb’ 08 Infants may be absorbing phthalates through commonly used baby products Authors recommend reducing exposure Immersion Bathing Stable infants safely immersed No increase in rate of bacterial colonization or infection of cord Immerse entire body (except head and face) with warm water (100.4ºF or 38 ºC) 3 Swaddle Bathing Routine Bathing: Preterm Infants Routine Bathing: Preterm < 32 Weeks Vulnerable to disruption and toxicity from topically applied substances Water baths only during first week Warm sterile water if breakdown Soft cloth, avoid rubbing Sponge baths stressful Swaddled or immersion bathing preferable Cord potential port of Cord Care entry for invasive bacterial pathogens Good hand hygiene to avoid community-acquired infections such as MRSA Dry cord care leads to shorter separation times Topical drying agents: no benefits on separation, colonization, or infection Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Should not be bathed daily “The bathing schedule for preterm infants should be based upon the infant’s physiologic condition and behavioral state” Bathing and Temperature Control After bath, dry/diaper baby Double wrap in blankets with cap for head Ten minutes later…dress the baby, change the cap and wrap in dry warm blankets large drops in temp noted 10 min post bath, due to dampening of clothing Cleanse cord during first bath with water or cleanser of choice Dry thoroughly with clean gauze If soiled, clean with water and dry Keep cord clean/dry outside diaper 4 Disinfectant Dilemma Educate Parents about Cord Care Hand hygiene Keep clean and dry Moist, mucky appearance is normal Redness, swelling and drainage abnormal Allow cord to fall off Evidence is insufficient to recommend a single product for all newborns. Efficacy Potential for toxicity Skin irritation or breakdown Disinfectants: The Competitors Isopropyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol 10% Povidone-iodine (PI) Chlorihexidine gluconate (CHG) Povidone iodine (PI) 10% aqueous solution Single use products Better than alcohol for skin disinfection Apply and allow to dry for 30 sec Remove completely after use Risk of absorption: Elevated iodine levels and thyroid suppression Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Drying to skin and is least effective Avoid use as primary disinfectant Don’t use to remove either CHG or PI Chemical burns in preterms Use to disinfect needleless connectors and other access ports, preventing BSI 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Used in aqueous solutions and in combination with isopropyl alcohol Bactericidal properties, effective against gram positive and negative organisms Also binds to protein in stratum corneum, leaving residual bactericidal effect that is resistant to alcohol removal 5 Meta-analysis of eight studies (n=4143 catheters) in adults determined CHG disinfection reduced BSI risk by 49% 2% Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) But, current CDC guidelines indicate that there is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation about safety or efficacy of CHG products in infants less than two months of age 2% Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) Per 2012 FDA regulations, some CHG/alcohol-containing products are now labeled: ”Use with care in preterm infants or in infants less than 2 months of age. These products may cause irritation or chemical burns” NICU’s may use the product “off label” as indicated for disinfection Chlorhexidine Gluconate Options Systemic toxicity not yet seen in NB’s Local reactions to impregnated dressings European use for ~ 30 years, increasingly in US & Canada in recent years Chemical burns in VLBW 2% Aqueous CHG, poured onto applicators or 2X2’s Chloraprep: 2% CHG in 70% isopropyl alcohol Disinfectant Options: “Insufficient evidence to recommend a single product” 2% Aqueous CHG Chloraprep for larger infants, PI or 2% Aqueous CHG for infants < 1500 grams 10% PI for all NB’s, all procedures Disinfectant Dilemma Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 All have potential to damage skin and interfere with tissue function Disinfectants kill bacteria Damage or destroy fibroblasts and keratinocytes in healing wounds Limit time and area of exposure Remove with sterile water or saline 6 Adhesive Damage is Painful Adhesives Primary cause of skin breakdown Strips epidermis, disrupts barrier Use sparingly Double back tape Avoid bonding agents, solvents, bandages after drawing labs Adhesive Options Pectin or Hydrocolloid Barriers Hydrogel electrodes Semipermeable dressings Allow skin to “breathe” IV’s, PICC’s, NG/OG’s and nasal cannulas Stretchy gauze to secure electrodes, probes and limbs to armboards “Tender grips” adhesive circles for NC Shown to improve adherence to wounds, reduce discomfort during tape removal Holds promise for new products that adhere, with minimal trauma upon removal Mepitac: soft silicone layer that provides secure fixation but no epidermal stripping Secure non-life sustaining devices Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Shown to cause skin trauma equal to tape when removed at 24 hours Absorbs moisture, molds well to skin surface, and prevents application of tape directly to face Useful with ETT, NC for extended periods Minimize Risk of Breakdown Silicone Based Adhesive Products Remove using water-soaked cotton balls, pull tape at low level, parallel to skin petrolatum if re-taping not anticipated Anetoderma: Atrophic patches of skin due to dermal thinning Reposition medical devices Water/air/gel mattress Sheepskin/soft surfaces Transparent dressings over bony prominences Petrolatum-based ointments to groin/thigh of VLBW infants 7 Skin Breakdown Culture and treat if signs of bacterial or fungal infection Cleanse affected area Sterile water/saline No disinfectants Debride, don’t scrub Moistening tissue facilitates healing “Moist Healing” Environments Dressing: Occlusive, nonadherent, and provides moist healing that promotes rapid migration of epithelial cells and protects wound from further injury Use hydrogel, transparent dressings and hydrocolloids and leave in place for extended periods (remoisten hydrogels) Serous exudate often forms (leukocytes) Wound care options Wound care options Hydrogel (Vigilon, Flexigel or Transgel) infected wounds in conjunction with antifungals or antibacterials Mepitel, Mepilex soft silicone dressing Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Transparent dressings (Tegaderm) uninfected wounds Hydrocolloid (Duoderm) deep and/or uninfected wounds absorbs exudate and acts as barrier Emollients Products should be petrolatum-based, water miscible, no preservatives, perfumes and dyes Unit dose or single patient use May be used with photoRX/warmers 8 Emollients Protect integrity of stratum corneum and enhance barrier function Restore skin integrity Gentle application at first sign of dryness, fissures or flaking Watch for signs of systemic infections, especially < 750 gms Petrolatum-based ointments For uninfected or infected lesions (after cleansing and application of antibacterials) Improves healing, reduces skin growth of gram neg organisms, and decreases severity of dermatitis Cautious use < 750 gms Not for fungal lesions Routine Emollient Use in VLBW Routine Emollient Use in VLBW Early emollient studies showed no increase in colonization patterns (Lane & Drost, 1993, Nopper et al, 1996, Pabst et al, 1999) RCT: Association between emollients used twice daily X2 wks and coagulase-negative S. epi in subset of infants < 750 grams. No difference in gram-negative bacterial or fungal infections Edwards et al, 2004 Emollients used to treat dry skin during RCT did not increase infection rates Transepidermal Water Loss Increased TEW and evaporative heat loss in infants <30 wks At 23-25 wks have TEWL X10 > term Use a single method or combination of techniques to limit TEWL and heat loss Need more fluids if TEWL not limited Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Benefits of emollient use for prevention of dermatitis and skin breakdown should be weighed against risk of infection Strategies to Reduce TEWL Polyethylene wrap at birth Supplemental conductive heat Semipermeable transparent dressings Polyethylene coverings or blankets 9 Humidity: Reducing TEWL TEWL depends on ambient water vapor pressure Raising ambient humidity increases water vapor pressure, and decreases fluid and heat loss via evaporation Humidity 70 - 90% for first 7 days After first week, gradually reduce to 50% until baby is 28 days old Strategies to Reduce TEWL Humidity Newer isolette designs include servocontrolled humidification using sterile water sources, eliminates reservoir as source of contamination Actively generated humidification systems don’t cause air-borne aerosols that could be contaminated with microorganisms Evidence-Based Care of Diaper Dermatitis Heimall, et al. 2012. Beginning at the Bottom: EvidenceBased Care of Diaper Dermatitis. MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 37(1), 10-16 NICU Best Practice Committee Swedish Medical Center DD: Multifactorial Etiology Diaper Dermatitis Acute inflammatory reaction of the skin First signs are erythema and mild scaling If not treated promptly, can progress to painful excoriated or ulcerated lesions Multifactorial etiology includes moisture, warmth, friction, urine and feces Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). 2013. Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guideline, 3rd Ed Trapped moisture (urine) against skin Increases pH of skin surface, limits ability to maintain normal microflora Increases skin permeability Vulnerable to damage from friction Can activate fecal enzymes: irritants that can cause skin destruction 10 DD: Multifactorial Etiology Skin loses ability to act as barrier against irritants and microbes As skin becomes damaged, microbes are more likely to cause inflammation Can lead to development of secondary infections (bacterial or fungal) Diaper Dermatitis Hurts Erythema indicates that epidermal layer has been damaged, and that the dermis (with sensory nerve endings) is exposed to air, urine and stool Candida is often opportunistic invader when simple diaper rash is untreated Common after antibiotic use Beefy red skin Oval/dotty lesions scattered at edges (satellite lesions) Slightly raised Often in skin folds Skin may or may not be denuded Goal: Prevent DD whenever possible, using an evidence-based algorithm for every baby Heimall, et al. 2012. Beginning at the Bottom: Evidence-Based Care of Diaper Dermatitis. MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 37(1), 10-16 Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 11 Concern about prevalence of DD Incidence was 24% at onset of project Numerous DD concoctions and “potions” Treatment plan changed shift to shift Interdisciplinary task force included wound ostomy continence nurse, nurse researcher, pharmacist, four CNS’s (NICU, surgery, oncology, chronic care) Focus groups with ~ 50 bedside nurses 2012, Literature Search Choosing our Barrier Products Environmental Working Group http://www.ewg.org/skindeep Petrolatum: Vaseline Minimal ingredients Preventive measure Zinc Oxide: Desitin Maximum Strength Paste (40% zinc oxide) Highest concentration of zinc oxide Shorter term used anticipated Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Reviewed national skin care guidelines, pharmacy and nursing list-serves Consulted with topic experts and other pediatric hospitals about their practices Complete literature search Levels I-VII Very few systematic reviews or RCT’s Mostly nonrandomized trials, single descriptive studies, expert opinions Highest level evidence is unavailable Consensus of lower levels of evidence around effective barriers Literature supports that petrolatum and/or zinc oxide provide effective barriers against potential perineal skin irritants and maceration Vaseline and Desitin Barrier Products Initial application to clean, dry skin Prevent skin breakdown Protect injured skin with thick layer of barrier product: “Icing on a cake” Allows “moist healing” environment (not wet) to protect healing skin 12 Less comfortable since it exposes dermal layer to air Exposes healing tissue to re-injury from irritants like stool and urine Prevents faster healing from moist wound healing environment Diaper Wipes Diaper Changes & Barrier Products Prevent breakdown Protect healing skin Remove only soiled layer Cleanse gently and avoid rubbing product off, pat dry Replace product prn to clean, dry skin Parent teaching Assessment: Intact Skin No Erythema Goal: Prevent skin breakdown Treatment: Vaseline Application Instructions: Apply thick layer of Vaseline over entire area to be protected (think “icing on cake”). With Diaper Changes: Try to remove only stool Leave barrier of Vaseline on skin if possible Replace any Vaseline that came off. Assessment: After All Meconium Passed High Risk for Breakdown Intact Skin With or Without Erythema Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 Some contained preservatives, alcohol, and perfumes that could irritate skin Newer formulations with fewer additives reported to be well tolerated and mild Soft cloth with water, or mild cleanser and water are also acceptable options Frequent diaper changes (Q 1-3 hours during day and at least once during night) Goal: Prevent skin breakdown, Provide barrier Treatment: Desitin Application Instructions: Apply thick layer of Desitin over entire area to be protected (think “icing on cake”). With Diaper Changes: Try to remove only stool Leave barrier of Desitin on skin if possible Replace any Desitin that came off. 13 Assessment: Intact Skin Erythema No Candida Goal: Prevent skin breakdown, Provide barrier Treatment: Desitin Application Instructions: Apply thick layer of Desitin over entire area to be protected (think “icing on cake”). With Diaper Changes: Try to remove only stool. Leave barrier of Desitin on skin if possible Replace any Desitin that came off. Assessment: Denuded Skin* No Candida Goal: Prevent further breakdown, Provide barrier Treatment: Adapt Stoma Powder, then Desitin. If no improvement, use “sealing” technique Application Instructions: Apply Adapt powder to denuded areas. May use cotton ball to spread evenly. Powder will stick to open skin. Apply thick layer of Desitin on top of powder. Assessment: Denuded Skin* Candida Goal: Prevent further breakdown, Treat candida, Provide barrier Treatment: Antifungal Powder, then Desitin. If no improvement, use “sealing” technique Application Instructions: Apply antifungal powder to denuded areas. May use cotton ball to spread evenly. Powder will stick to open skin. Apply thick layer of Desitin on top of powder. Assessment: Intact Skin Erythema Candida Goal: Prevent skin breakdown, Treat candida, Provide barrier Treatment: Antifungal Ointment, then Desitin Application Instructions: Apply antifungal as ordered and cover with Desitin (“icing on cake”). With Diaper Changes: Try to remove only stool. Leave barrier of Desitin on skin if possible Scheduled Antifungal Doses: Gently remove any residual products to allow assessment of skin, then reapply both antifungal, then Desitin Assessment: Denuded Skin No Candida Diaper changes: Try to remove only stool. Leave barrier on skin if possible. Replace product that came off. If skin showing: Replace Adapt powder, then Desitin. If powder showing: Replace Desitin “Sealing Technique”: Apply Adapt powder as previously described, then dab on No-Sting Barrier* to seal powder. Allow to dry and repeat process. Layer with Desitin Assessment: Denuded Skin Candida Diaper changes: Try to remove only stool. Leave barrier if possible. Replace product that came off. If skin showing: Replace antifungal powder, then Desitin. If powder showing: Replace Desitin “Sealing Technique”: Apply antifungal powder as previously described, then dab on No-Sting Barrier* to seal powder. Allow to dry and repeat process. Layer with Desitin (*No-Sting Barrier is for use in babies > 28 days, and can also be applied prior to application of any barrier products) * Denuded skin: Moist, open, oozing ulcerations Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC www.perinatalneonatalconsulting.com Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2015 14
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