Newsletter - 30th April, 2015

Address: 48 Rosher Road, Lockridge WA 6054
Telephone: 9377 1110 Facsimile: 9378 3433
Principal: Joe Dellaposta
Newsletter No 6
Wisdom and Courage
30th April, 2015
“At Lockridge Primary School we are committed to developing, within a caring environment, holistic education for all
children aimed at enabling them to realise their potential and to become valuable members of the community.”
Dear Parents/Guardians
Welcome to Lockridge Primary School’s newsletter for week 2, term 2.
Welcome to the first newsletter of the term. As I said in the interim newsletter sent out last week it is
fantastic to see all the children in their school uniforms. The school very much appreciates the work of our
parent volunteers in the Uniform Shop. Parents and students are reminded that the Uniform Shop has a
range of new and pre loved uniforms for sale at a very reasonable cost. With the cooler weather
approaching it is very important that we have our school dark blue pullovers. Well done to everyone on
displaying the pride and respect for the school.
Thank you to students, staff and parents for welcoming me into the school. I have met up with the enthusiastic and dedicated
members of the P&C. They have mapped out a range of fantastic activities to support the children over the term. The first of
these will be the Mother’s Day Stall on Friday, 8 May. Keep an eye out for details of this very important event.
The staff members at the school are to be congratulated on their professionalism, care and commitment to the children. I
have observed how each of our staff interacts politely and courteously with all of the children. This is a fabulous trait that
models to the children the expected social courtesies at our school. Parents should be reassured that the children attending
Lockridge Primary School are in good hands.
Thank you to all of the students, parents, friends and dignitaries who were able to attend our
ANZAC Assembly held on Friday, 24 April. We wanted to highlight the importance of ANZAC
(Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day to our student community as we remembered the
100th anniversary of the landing of troops from Australia and New Zealand on the Gallipoli
Peninsula. Our key message from the ‘ANZAC Spirit’ was to respect ourselves. Special congratulations to all the children
for the way in which they responded to the solemn occasion. The school thanks and acknowledges the excellent preparation
undertaken by Mr Kriziotis and the children from Moodja 5. The Yr. 4/5 children performed brilliantly and carried out their
duties confidently. Well done, Lockridge.
The Eagles Rock My School program will be at our school on Friday, 1 May from 1 pm. The program promotes
teamwork, harmony, tolerance and doing our best. The Eagles will return later in the term to take some football
clinics for the children.
The students in Yr. 3 and Yr. 5 will be involved in the annual National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy on
Tuesday 12 May, Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May. The school respectfully asks parents not to make other
appointments on these days and to ensure that the children arrive promptly. It is also essential that the children are able to
have a good sleep overnight in preparation for the assessments.
Joe Dellaposta
It is essential that all parents and caregivers provide
up to date details to the school.
If you have changed any details, please contact the
front office so these can be updated.
When contact details are changed and the school is
not notified it makes it impossible to contact
parents in emergency situations.
Thank you
May 1
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
Breakfast Club
Eagles Rock My School
Breakfast Club
Every Girl Program Yr 5/6 starts
SDFC Footy Program Yr 5/6 Boys starts
Breakfast Club
Mother’s Day Assembly B4
Mother’s Day Stall
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is happening again on
Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8am.
If parents would like to give a hand
please arrive at 7:30am.
50 cents
Available Friday Lunchtime
Kindy & PrePrimary students need to order their
icypoles from their classroom teacher.
Wednesdays is the Best Start Playgroup for
Aboriginal mums and babies 0 - 5 years.
Time: 9:30 - 11:30am.
Thursdays is Puggles Playgroup.
Time: 9:00 - 11:00am.
These playgroups are located in Moodja 3.
Welcome back!
A new menu item for Winter
Potato Bake
This is a green menu item and is vegetarian
Please come along and enjoy the company of
other mums while doing fun activities with
your children.
All Welcome!!
Leanne Hull
Canteen Manager
Hand Washing
Washing hands is the easiest way to protect ourselves from
contagious diseases, like colds, influenza and gastroenteritis.
With winter approaching it is important to protect ourselves
and others from illness.
Hands should be washed before and after eating or preparing
food, after going to the toilet, after nose blowing, playing with
pets and after handling rubbish.
When teaching your child to wash their hands;
Use soap and water, making sure they cover their hands and
Use a nail brush to clean under dirty nails.
Dry hands with something clean, like a towel or paper towel.
Alcohol based sanitisers are useful when soap is not available.
Use 1 pump or a half a teaspoon of the product and encourage
your child to rub into their hands until they are dry.
If you can see dirt on the hands it is better to use soap and
I will continue hand hygiene sessions in the
classrooms this term.
Chance to Win
$100 Coles Voucher
All families that pay their Voluntary Contributions in
full by Friday 29th May, 2015, will be eligible to go
into a draw to win one of two $100 Coles
vouchers. Those families who have already paid their
Voluntary Contributions in full are automatically in
the draw.
Schedule of
Voluntary Contributions
Number of Children
1 Child
To promote TALK and literacy in the school I am available in
the library during recess and lunch on Tuesdays for students
who wish to read a book in the library or enjoy story time.
2 Children
3 Children
Kathleen Glasgow-Collins
Community Health Nurse
4 Children
5 Children
Don’t Forget
On Tuesday the 28th of May students from Lockridge
Primary School had the amazing experience of being
taught by former NRL star and current member of the
Rabbitos coaching staff Matt King.