President: Vice President: Secretary Treasurer: Sports Secretary: Memberships: Canteen: Safety Officer: Newsletter: Promotions/Facebook: Website: Brad West: 0411 022 309 Scott Brewster: 0427 754 588 Julian Carroll: 0419 892 912 Dawn Baker: 0422 550 521 Debra Woods: 0422 953 377 Dawn Baker: 0422 550 521 POSITION VACANT Darren Alderson: 0458 034 151 Dawn Baker: 0422 550 521 Darren Alderson: 0458 034 151 Darren Alderson: 0458 034 151 Information/Hotline No: 0438 920 821 JUNE NEWSLETTER: PRESIDENTS REPORT Hi all, the second and third round of the club champs were run and won on the 30th and 31st of May, what a great weekend it was. Saturday the weather was good although a bit windy and a tad chilly, but overall we witnessed some fantastic racing across all classes. Saturday night, the girls in the canteen decided to put on a BBQ dinner for the family's camping overnight, it was a great success and it was good to see some new faces mingling and getting to know our fellow club members, this is what a club should be like, good fun and good times had by all. Sunday the weather prediction was for late rain, so we combined some classes and set out to try and get in four rounds of racing, we managed to achieve this with minutes to spare, the rain began on the last lap of the last race, what perfect timing. It was fantastic to see more and more parent's and club members starting to help out around the place, keep up the good work. A big shout out to the committee for all there hard work to make this weekend such a success. But most of all, a BIG thanks to Danny Hansford for the days he spent on Tractor Repairs prior to the Club Champs. A Special mention to Warren Frost for his great flag work and quick response during a crash on Sunday. A speedy recovery to Acland Rush, Eric Dewar and John Kamenek, we hope to see you all back on the track real soon. Good luck to those competing in the up and coming Vic titles and the fourth round of the Gippys, stay safe and see you at the track. Westy RESULTS Results have now been posted to the website, See Link to results here Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Debra Woods preferably by email or contact the Hotline No on 0438 920 821 and leave a message and we will get back to you at our earliest. CANTEEN As always, the girls do a marvellous job in the canteen, to those who offer their assistance a big thanks. There will be a basic Canteen available for this Sunday’s Practice Day. MEMBERSHIPS Thanks to our members for your support. Any members who have friends wishing to join, please be advised I will be away from June 17th so please make sure you get your applications in prior to this date, new memberships after this date will be processed upon my return 1st week in July, but all subject to change. I am still having a few issues with current members email address’s bouncing back, I will endeavour to contact those directly so I can rectify, it might be that you have changed your email address or we do not have the correct spelling. RACE NEWS Congratulations to Blue Rock Member Maddy Brown on her Third place podium in the France MXGP. For her 1st time overseas, this result is a fantastic effort from a Grid of 38 entrants, well done Maddy !! UPCOMING COACHING SCHOOLS CALENDAR OF EVENTS JUNE 7TH TH JUNE 8 TH JUNE 20 & 21ST TH JUNE 27 & 28TH JUNE 27TH & 28TH JULY 7TH PRACTICE DAY – COMBINED 9AM – 4PM MEMBERSHIPS WELCOME ON THE DAY 20MX COACHING SCHOOL – BLUE ROCK GIPPSLAND CENTRE RND 4 OUTRIM SENIOR VIC TITLES RND 3 MAFFRA JADES OATES MX COACHING SCHOOL – BLUE ROCK COMMITTEE MEETING 7PM (IN THE BISTRO) CASTELLO’S HOTEL, PRINCES HWY, PAKENHAM ALL WELCOME TO ATTEND We thank the following Sponsors for their ongoing support in 2015
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