Newsletter 28 April - Riverton Primary Campus

28 April 2015
PHONE 9457 2644
A Message from the Principals
The new term has begun quite smoothly, with the students beginning their term with daily visits
to the Riverton Leisureplex for the in term swimming program. This is an extremely important
part of the students’ learning program, given the important skills that the students will develop.
Given our climate, lifestyle and the vast majority of the populations’ close proximity to the
coast in our nation, it is vital that all our children learn to swim confidently and safely. Please
remember to label all clothing with your child’s name.
Please note that the nationwide National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) will be undertaken by the students in Years 3, 5 and 7 during week 4. The testing
will cover reading, writing, spelling, punctuation & grammar and numeracy and will continue
throughout the week. Results of the testing will be provided later in the year, both on an
individual and whole school level.
The Canning District RSL invited our head boy and head girl student leaders to attend the
Manning Road Memorial service to commemorate ANZAC Day. Emily Annison and Julian Lee
attended the service and placed a wreath during the memorial service from Riverton Primary
Sharon Albers-Smith – Relieving Principal
Vicki Sturgeon – Principal
Education Support Centre
Friday 1st May
 Swimming concludes
 Uniform shop open 8.30 – 9.15am
 Japanese special lunch order due
Monday 4th May
 Uniform shop open 2.30 – 3.15pm
Tuesday 5th May
 P&C Meeting 7.00pm staff room
 Bulb orders due
Japanese News
“Kodomo no hi” means Children‟s Day and is
celebrated in Japan on May 5. Families fly fish kites
and put samurai dolls on display to wish that their
children grow up healthy, strong and brave. Students
in Year 3 and 4 will be discussing this festival in class
next week. The whole school is invited to purchase a
special canteen lunch order for Thursday May 7 and
enter a Children‟s Day Colouring-in Contest. Entries
need to be submitted to Sensei by Wednesday May 6
for judging. Prizes are vouchers to spend at the
canteen. Ganbatte! (Try your best!). Canteen menu
need to be returned to the canteen by this Friday 1
Office Hours
The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings
from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you.
Parent Group News
Sports News
Active Little Aussies Term 2
“Our goal is to try and educate and motivate as many
of being active and getting them in healthy habits early
through a fun and interactive way”.
Who: Each program is delivered by an accredited
coach with a working with children check. When:
Every Monday of term 2 from the end of school –
4:00pm. Starts Week 3 and runs for 8 weeks.
Where: The school oval. The coach will pick the
children up from their classrooms and take them out
to the field. Sport: Fundamental Sports Skills
(throwing, catching, kicking, hitting and locomotion).
The sessions will include a variety of sports and
games that help to develop these skills. Age
groups: Kindy – Year 3. Price: $80
($10 per session).This must be paid before the first
session. For more information and to enrol, see our
Rhys Brooks – Physical Education Specialist
The school gardener is conducting a fundraiser for
CanTeen, a registered charitable organisation
supporting teenagers diagnosed with cancer.
Brochures have been sent home. Please return your
order forms to the office by Tuesday 5 May.
Cheques can be made payable to “Tulips With A
Difference”. 30% of all sales come back to CanTeen.
Enquires to Dawn Wallis (Gardener) 0416101087.
There is a P&C meeting on Tuesday 5 May. We have
a representative from the Safety House Association
coming to address the meeting, and we will be
discussing the National Quality Standards which
govern the requirements for the physical environment
of our children – and what we can do with the play
spaces to fulfil these requirements. Your presence and
input will be welcomed. The meeting is held in the staff
room at 7pm. You need to contribute 50 cents in order
to be a fully paid up member (once off – valid for the
year), and this is required in order to vote on any
items. We look forward to seeing you there
A “busy bee” was held on the pupil free day (Monday
20 ) in which all the square ball courts and some of
the hop-scotch painting was completed. A big thank
you to Claire Money, Andrea Manning, Gillian Nathan,
Sarah Peckham and Denise Powell for giving up their
whole day to paint and special thanks to Fred & Linda
Horrocks (grandparents visiting from South Africa) who
spent the day painting as well. The remainder of the
painting was completed on Friday 24 April – with
thanks to Claire Money, Sarah Peckham, Gillian
Nathan and Tamar Green for their efforts. Thank you
to Anousha for arriving at school for pick up and
immediately assisting – much appreciated.
The team persevered through sore backs and knees
and hot sun – and I am sure that you can all commend
a sterling outcome.
All of the children are so excited to see the painting
completed and how lovely and bright the new play
areas are. Here is to many hours of fun filled play!
Community News
Do you know what the concept of a “BUSY BEE” is?
A “busy bee” is a general concept used to explain the
coming together of a group of people to achieve a
specific goal or completion of a project, that will benefit
the members of the community for whom the work or
project is completed.
The general understanding is that “many hands make
light work” – so the more people that pitch in and help
will ease the work load of all involved. Everyone only
needs to do a little bit instead of one or two people
doing everything. In this manner – bigger projects can
be undertaken and impressive goals achieved.
Riverton Primary School has over 600 pupils with
more than 450 families. All of our children can and will
benefit from any project that the school or P&C
undertakes to improve the facilities at the school.
Budgets are limited and resources are stretched, and
times are tough. We need to work together as a
community to provide improvements for the benefit of
all of our children and the extended community.
Let‟s join hands and help and work together to build a
better future. Please volunteer and get involved in any
future projects that the P&C (on behalf of the school
campus) requests “busy bee” or volunteer assistance
Relationships Australia
All About Anger- working with Parents and
Teenagers. Thursday 14 May 6.30-9.
This interactive workshop has been designed to
support families where anger is an issue. Anger is
explained in a way that challenges our labelling of “an
ANGRY person” and instead helps us to understand
that many of us have simply learnt to react to the
emotion of anger in unhelpful ways. For further
information please phone Relationships Australia on
9489 6322.
Anger Management for Teen Boys - 16 to 18 years
of age. Saturday 16 May 9.30-4.30. Many men
completing our Anger Management course tell us how
much healthier and happier their lives would have
been had they completed the course as teenagers.
Now is an opportunity to learn skills for dealing with
anger in an open, interactive one day workshop that
will support you throughout the years that lie ahead. It
will help you manage stress and help you in building
positive relationships in all areas of your life. For
further information please phone Relationships
Australia on 9489 6322.
Entertainment Books
Support Riverton Primary and pre order your
Books are $65.00 each and 20% of each book sold
goes back to the P&C. Any queries phone Natalie
McAuliffe 0451940701.
Hot Cross Bun Drive
If you forgot to collect your Hot Cross Buns from last
term please come and collect these asap from the
canteen. They were placed in the freezer that day.
If they are not collected by next week they will be
moved on as the canteen require the space.
Opening Hours
Friday 1st May
Monday 4th May
08:30 – 9:15am
2:30pm – 3:15pm
Denise Powell – Uniform Coordinator
Canning Districts Hockey Club „Canning Cougars‟
Hook in2 Hockey Program for pre-primary to year 4‟s
commences on Tuesday 5 May at Ferndale Reserve
from 4.15-5.15pm.
There will be a Fun/Come and Try Day on our mini turf
on Tuesday 28 April from 4.15-5.15pm.
Anyone interested in playing Hook in2 Hockey this
season should contact Sue Lang, on 0403 793 350 or