No,C/316/2009 GOYERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY POIICE DEPTIRTMENI Puducherry, Dared:31.01.201 4 Sub: PoLiceDepanheht- Puduchrry- Eosring o! Telder Notice in rhe Poli.e website - Requesied Reg. A specinen tender norice along wilh iende! schedule in Elglish lowardsthe puchase oIrNon-laper Sra{oneryitems, tot the use ofPolice Depannenl, Puducherry,is e!.losed. Please arange 1o ho$ lhe Terder Notice and schedule in lhe web site oI lhis Depdtment wihour delay. ft is lurthe! lo infolm ihat Tendereis are allowed to dom load the lender schedne trom the web sile, PO!SUPERINTENDIXITO! POIICE(HQ) PUDUCHEIRY ,'tZ O GOVERNMENT OT PUDUCHERRY POTICE DEPARTMENT TENDERDOCUMENT eu,jt6i1,otufor SUPPIY OI NON-PA?XR STATIONIRY Frre No,c/316/200e dar€d: 3l * _ I I \ ITXMS No. C/316/2009 GOWRNMENT OP PUDUCI]IRXY POI,ICT DI?INTMENT Dr,3\-\ .2014 searad qlorarions in tuo bid syslens viz. Pdl-l Techdcal bid ad Pd ll asidentof India arc invired fo! supply oi $e loltowinq non-papersralioneryitems lor ine use6Jthe PoliceDepdinent. The following de the ierms and codlions : Twobi.lsvslem ). 'Iha lcchhical bid dti t]ie Anancial ,brd slorld'be l/d-se aled by he bidde6 in t/.o sepuate cave6 d'ty s'pe.scnbed as rechaiat Bid ad Fihancial Bid and hath fiese se.led .overs lave ro be lapt in a bigget cavet, whi.h shauld aJsobe sealed ad (a) tie fcndet Dacunent nay be dav/nl'taded Ircn ||eb siLe,in vhich th," ?enderer s.horjd, drcare v/n6rare dl the itemswhichthey prapase ta supply(vljtiaul (h) Fixed DepasjLD.D tawtds EMD (EatnestManef Depasil) lat Rs,4t000/(Rupees{outtiouendanly) ih lavout o! SP(HQ)lrcn ey NatiohalizedBank. (.) the capy oIlhe cs'r / vAr / nN Ntnbet Regsuatj..,cAN (d) Untteiab.g tan (asjn page No.) 0) duly signedbl tt)ebidde., The Fjna"c;a] 3. b;.] ca'e| sh.Lld conG;' fte brrdde.s nay qrate rcte eitAertar one a! narc at all tte vhole itens rar every item only one seple :lsa//oyed fales snould be qdatedonly in the linandal hid bath in wafis ud tiglrs, T.e tale tDbe tumishe.l sharld be vatid at 16st lat ) 2 nan'}'s lran tte daleol hen quohnd. E]IRNESTMONEYDXPOSIT rhe intendihg biddeB (s) shalthdle ta s.nd &e EMD rar Rs.E9oa/(Rupees toDr tharstud ohly) in the ton ot qassed Denand Drat! FDR ftan ay Nationdized Bark in tavat ol supahnten.lent at Pati@ (dead QUM2B), Ptducherv 6A5AAl. TneFDR/DD shatld be ih atiginal. The EMDmaw be sdrt elther in one xpllpp, Tender $fihout lrescribed amourt of EMD wtu not be consideled. Eodkh (Metar)lensihbetu€en15-17 needle 3 I cn handle 3-9 cn BloqPachng lape (3m 2") 50mts calbonpape! (Blne)(100sheelpe!pack)pencu 5. Ddk kniJe (9 ) wifi handle (orddary) Envelopecova lroM 5 X12 (s0nos inabudle) Fevisrict(lss.) GLueshck (BLue& Yellov) (30csM) Noresheerpad(crcen)(l0oshceD Pad(Iou sideIolde!rr?e-good qualiry) 1 3 . FexeneTapal t5, 1?. 13. 300nl wlrile Bodd hdkd pcn (An cobus) O0 pei each ,ry (r). Na interestshanaqtue on tte aba,e ,ajd EMD as )ang as &ey are hetd by L4eCovernneht. me EMDin raspect ar u"successht bidder(s) v/ju be rcteased ,rhe sst unjts te exenpted tapay LkeEMD./ Secrnq Dep.sitp.escnbed as uhder Gakmnent Rul$. For rlrjl purpose ss/ t rjs srdr raye ta tuhish tegjstratian cettjicaton and hncaarat celalj.ares or sll unrs rssued4, c.ohp etent Authtit/ hth tia ,render.tfer, tailing u/hich nte heretjt at sstunik *nt ,ot be an.u/ed. (iit). (iu). Onty atre. ehsuri,g that au thercqdircd oacmeri trdudjng Denah.l tua4s rawads Eam$t Mhey Depor.i ,e ,urr6ned, the sanpres b-- auav/e.ttar the sele.uar by the auatjty conbata., 1ntuee atut seiecbo, to ape, 5. rhe bidde6 shoutdtunih 6. Racs shdjd be qrcted FreeAn Rajt(p.O.R), puducherrya\d it shauld c.rer atl Dtddds at t\-" CS,r/ vAT/ nN Nunbe. Reglskaian \t pc. a19, tatuhtai,o. -haD)d d-li!. .y bc atvdn h rt e 4"d it,,,tcn. QLa 6's .SfVA' Rdybd &is Te ro.I, to. tae gaads tuabt., whjch jhaul(t ba sp.anicaly stated by tle bi.|du, alhetunse it wil he treated kat be ,ales are rncJusrre 7 sids in wu+eled Mn-shtbhery coreB €nd sraple pd.! !"e det rot supply al ad.trcssed to the supe,inrcnde o, p.tice (Eead b,s u, ma,.6e sc,, ,y Ree,:.e,eo s,rr.4bed eticles, :":::'.' ctht ta :ud,c:4, ?hiru sw*ar. rnsp..tot ot potrc?tEQt or lhlu. Dillp K@ar, ohi.e ::,::.:::*',!.*^n*^"PolieEeadQu&|e^'Pnduche|ryunder a*nodcdsemdt t en be .rrcpped in the! Bd placed ,, yi: . " - *z.:::":::,, "**": * *" 2a:.2...rk rhpI "nd",ba,w the oftice or the re6^t. " . . - d b ! @ e 4 d p l a o n d n D d L q o . F .o . b e :redet ]i docua.nk arer t6 a0 h6. oa -&\-1, ,,r/,"i Deparr?ef B@/ resloji5re ro, ^" ;;;*;:: ;,:Z::::t:::; ;::; "; "", *"-' sv 'ac| ']jearLred be Jpe.,@nct" D.,.ce ''aadq,dr"rs ,o ::::: li:l" ,!udu :': re,i. o" or be,.,e .*r:?....l!!. ct tb oo hoL,,.s.a "ha wjll ,at be co'ndercd undet anv Sandes teceived alte. the du cjtcunsta,ce. 'rendes ftcaired vnll be apehed at 17AA hal's an ke sane dav ot L\et auhonze't (,-alr=4,-15 ) D d,e presenc€ at lvailable bidde. ad reprerenladves 1n cse ot lnlorer€el drcumralces L\e dlre 'r receru'q openitg ollander (nain cavet an.t the ?ach,icat bid) wn ha ahdidaf receiving ard oparing util be next wat king ddf 3. 'rhe fttes anceguated dhdapplotcdtu)lbetiaaiun atd accepted an.t aa deianon jn htes theddval the supP's are recdveo ll be allavled th'r'ater dte ta ndket reasans L,lule lo goduce oe sanples will lead ta suntu'nf ftjectian at tendet atlet .'pening oa leclacal br:dj 3€ safrpjes of Lhe u'succesttur tendeteB qj, be rctttned al ltldt casL lae ELID oI t\ase bidde$ vha @re rejected iuctuati.ns at alv .tht hdate seeiag lh,o sanple by the candltee wl be rctuned 1"he EnahcistRidsal thase,idde.5 rna de not snorl-lBtedlat the teas'h thal dutinq inspectionby the cancenett canniuee &etr sePles arc {onad nat gaad i' q]aljty andnat canlaming ta specitcationandpalice pa[sh ||i]t aar be opeaed s. At thesecand stage,Financjat bids o{ arnv ise bidAets v/nosereples are acceptablelJase.taa ihe quality andcahtotning to sPecilcaia' *i ll b e oPenett lA. bidde s\ v/il1b-'rcdned b lu'nishwithin)ada b! Lhesdecteditens.'rhesucces.ltrl de'ositftn5% ot at hn bfi sPCU'itv ,on t],edate.r,eceiatafintinaLio,araccebtanc" tawur ot the su.enrbnddL ot Pdice tHead@afles\' PrducherN a,lv ale' rcci'-! io siona co'rrad deed Sulplv order vniJbe issrod nrd Lhevnave rsecunlvDeDosil, Cahditia,s taitt dM)t lic bnonNab.ea..lC.nt.dD.Fed' Depa:,i vithi, slj.utaEl Period wju rcsdt in tatleiturc ot Eaned Man-'v Depsit ftsrltind jn cancgllation atlieit sec't7v r . , - J c c e s / u r b . d d e r' L P P t . rc' t d t e r s u t er c J t P P r y n ' i t n - d t P q U ' ' n n e rne ilen(s) so supplied shatl be oI same schedute meatiancd in tie stpp)y otder J. j) quatity/specilicaUd a thase ot the seple subnitted at the tine a! apeinq ndrD- o.u^th6dL.-ta,aeedv detjvety peio.t pradJbed, tdiins which he sedity al the J'indi. Deposir is tiabte to la eiture. All the atlicles suppliedby dreruc.€$tut t€nderersha, be subjectta jtspectan andaeeptece at rcjecuonby the Dircctar Gereral al Pdice ar dy pe an authaized by hin an his behall atd hs ophian thete an sha], jn su rcspec! be ,td and 11. '). erde q ldtls b "nv ot th" tuL.]a oJo-,eo. snJJb. lar/tut tot tle Djrectat cenetal ol Police ot ant peaan abthotj,ed by hjn ah hh behatt /ln-su-.e-1J. tapurchaeapertule athet thanthe tccepted tendareLsucr dtc/es rs shal hot have been supdied by tie accepted tende'e. ad to caltecLlrcn hjm he dtttelence jn the increased cast .t s'ch arlcles in addiuo. to &q b,tejrure at the t6. If,tre stesstut ten.terer lails taftnit the sadtitf depasit a, tuthdtaws hi tender at goes back aler a.captahce ar hh tehdaL it shatl be taund bt ttte Djrecbr Gehetat ot Palice or any petan auharized by Nn a, his bahat ro.ecetnt at aty tine antt the EaraestMoney daqfited lend.r by hjn atang u/itj\ r]4 Ender ltbe lateited ta cavemmenL Futther, he uir ako be ltabie tar att danales sbGDed b/ Ure Dnxb. Geteftl ot Pati@ by rcasom olsucn brea.,'r. ]t that cse netl lau/et raLentt) be accepted ahd the tjtst succeslul tehdererv/i haft ta nake gaad tae las. 17, Resui'eneat ot the iteh naybe ihcftased ordecreased e<j 10 carelad in shde at in pdt ot my at1cta shen in the *hedute ot reqtnenenb e,cjosed ard no jn this regard v be etGnained. Nl bidde(, jn vhjch an! at the con*panddce pr*ctibed conditan * ,at lullill.d ar ay @hdjtan j'ctudjtg rhat at 6ndjna, rcbate is put latth by the terdetet, shatlbe sunwny leiectcd. 13. In 6e a! uht tesben circunsttuccs the date ol apening oI bjds viu be he hoxt ulotkjng day at as natjtie.t separatcly. t9. t the Tendere, happens ta be tuy tfpe ot titn/^ utys,chpe6an(, u,no de1e"",," ,. !1.'".7'Jli"ll!: "*,."", paperr srdr aJ Lhe,ras,r,ende6 Daed, etc. on behat{".iilll,J tu,nishan ude,takins to .", .,"., .,","i; at L :^:,i:,::#,;:"":::::i:: ,espadtbte jojauy ahd itutividDatly an alt can acted na@$. faitule to da s. utju t*utt in the ngtu b,eiecuah otore, Mthou! anyn Uceahd conpensa!)on. 20. rhe suppties detive.ed by the ecces.tut tddercB shau be suneyed ard uaLtjad by ke hspaaa, / Suney ,rhe p!.cha* CamhjrLae Ca@ile. shatl be .l ttettv ta put to s@ti,y,/ vehtcation etc. the saleste .l success/u.e,dere, rs rod, as -.."."",",";':;' ;: ;;:;:::::,:::::"": :: s-srur re,dqq, Lire&nrra.r,tat * Unain{"nai^. ttetecled tuctq shEube ftnared by the bjttd*s at hen awa elr,edes tottlwiL\. Nter each ,ejectoh, he tppty dd dejivet equstq|euy al suchunclesor tle quaht!. t-tP dn.l Dy--)t, {Let a-epbrce wha bacls art ar ynlhdrad hk tendet or ,aits b abide t}ereot i5 co@rnicated / p.stett td hrn shau be taieited ::.:::i*::,1**"*-atnaybeavai]ahlelo|}eGave|Me'|nnde|ke]a|, 1n 1a'cet t)re w at pltlucherry. 22 canvxnrs wherhq direc|y u in li,ecuyj jn @naecuoh unk llhde^ h .., prdibiLed ed $e tehdqs ebnjued by the tin who r6ai b canvassj.g vn| be hable da.unenb ftlatid to tutes. 24. The deciia, ar ke Purchasecanturee a, s;te.lan ar iLenswhtch aren catbtmty b he qtatjty wiu be tjnat.
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