q?rw ETdri{TriG Tq q, I o l.j {i E-qfo: : -= /fd -t /ffi / zals ffi +_j2 I C lql ?18,1, ^- {Tu,q{ --------{-:- Er.rT $qg{,ffi-6 :- '-:'/ 04 / , , l--, 2a15 I 1fl, ftrcn fl"i-oq E-q=q{F, F-l\tl c'l | - \-1 tsi tfi .... UcnlH'lS ^ I fu-dl qqrq_d/fumT il€rT fr-+l-s lqqq:- eqq{ aTF|*-rar trrTT sqrftE qi-r-Ten o edffT o | --00-wqinT Eioeror fu-qr 1. u -ri ftmfs fuflT gnr irErfrm fii*- dr-wfl3n iF ffiq qq t r g{T srqu- i r ftffi n grqr-ffi rr.rw qrwfl fuqqr eloeioT fuql qt.l t sq ErEiT .i; scdfun "=rq tr-{ g+ {TIeJ expression a ftqr{$rE oT?iqtfr fu-ql wq zotq*ts rc]-6 ql-q.l sel] q]q of intelest geft4_| qr-q t d ficq 3{drT-3ff,:l ft-f-ql fonl fu,w "te r f+fa<l folni 6l qq lssp sqg- I W qff gcnls--E fu1fl or.j .::"re @q rT chq s qf F oer ql Edtriltr q5;.1reFil{ !l{f empanelled ET ts-€ €i .nF; kqr qrq i em, qlg {.+cu di.q-dT d q".q i' rei ur.ri 4. ql-El3ii o 6 lq So\\I _ 1 --lof^ rr\\ ot'k) T ';6c,rl-{ erpt'esion of intcresr $rT- \TiQ farni qr rs.lf f*"t t'rr,. fifuqrmi onrtr*i € Tecilricai Bid d?-l Financiai Bid ge-en-gu;ep ffi c fhql .,:d , (Scope 5 eloerol Eg !|fl-fr qls-Tefr qrT y'Jfi-g:;c ToR iTenr of refi'ence) f+f.|qrod .il=i 6T rrd-D erEEi .F *TaT s0 EriltR sqqT FDrt o eq q wql \n-rq I i r 7 6in --: qd'; : t q-q.D qt!,rfl o -.t-osirr o ftr ftre a=rol] qTw <{ cF elt-Ej( qq 1e2T-?a-.r-fr qtfr lq,r]l3les 3gi- ?,q *g, . 6 Gt:al A ? qC Z# Td-rJ:Cs cFl f'o il Griat@ qr--cil fl elospl tu{ s'ffi Ei-rT trrftqr i gc'-g fo{.x <\ 6 sr-ir-Tr{ _ 3,=qE Jll6Ti gq - '. c---_ t.] ( It'icl \n'q I CpF;.....2 i /2/ / qqq-t EGl="i ",{ ftt ffq= rcjq 3C q.-, 2'ti5 c, yz El E;E 'gc: q,.s \.nrETe€ a;T qq- Er Fmr i gc et., c p. a wq, e,-fi zer.-tr tr,,,*i ITqq q{ srriiz .TS fuEl q-ia-,' € el e.qlq ffi wq alE i*r {r #- {i=\-rE z q-rirln ei rrfu qdfr or qrq ll-cFi :- EOI cFT qrST urq"-,.rn ?u r I -' -''"!-'' - (q.r. E . irca-) GTq{ Eg q'fuE u-ffi-g=ta eTrgq Tqiqn g+ tY -I / rtttqtq/ //zots ?G zo15 * //ftifiwfda/ 5cq qrFfqdi 3ffi, fu-dl qqrud - Y-@qra ffitft ,- = *_rg.'fl E-g fB-f 1 ilS"l fte-rs- fr'qnr qTqg'-' ffi{ qrqrd, Edn=rTd, \\ r'vr/ oi Y/' r;anef \&L e-+/oq/zols !q sTrq-€q-fr \r"*'\"--'-"r:' eTq{ grq s"tr=q E-ds.TE ETTq.' qqrcm g-q ilq?-rT ftEl-r',, furT.r f- trl v I i- .'l l\\ f; i1 1l-l=c.A llahatnia Ga*dhi National Rural Empla3 !i?e*i C**rantee Scheme Chhatfisgarlr --- \-\:, --- The oltjectir e of this check ii,cr is to suidi- the Auditol.S 'tl crndiicl tlie Auiiii in a -ri,cienalic tlailiei st, ihat al1 rhe signiiicanr poinls in flnar,ie & accoLllttS. pt'0e urc]lt3Ii. cOlllraal ct le;iOe is. J-1:i\'lIL'ili Ol--bii]: oi- conlrlre{ors. plannirg llr-oces:- fltlr oi' iitttC,s attci siailjlrr ere. erc ilti.ke.i beli,r'r llrr:rlizari,-'ir ol .\Lrdii l{epc'r-1, The,{uditors shoulcl familiar-ize themselles rr ith the Proceci*raj Guiiieline ol lf CFIf-EGA. State Gor t. Financial & Procurement management Svstenrs arici {,cner.al Financiil} Rules (GFRI oJ GoI thoroughh beibre condLrctiits Irrtcrrral {LrJii. sccrlre and coverage of Audit ancl report - Audit ol'Zila Iranchar 3r ('1P1. Janpac pancitarat,s tJps., Gratrr lranchrats (GPs) and irrplententins -Agencies ilAstshoLrlcl bc- couducted thor-onghJl ro corc-r all Bloclis and GPs ri'itirin stipulated time. The Audit repon sirc,Lrld iedicati napre oi'uniti6ie.eci. date oi Audir. rerien of exeeution pr.oucss ro asceilain rri1s1lls1 the aciirities under llG\RI,GA har.e beerr erecutecl as ller prescribed nonls. revierr- of fiirancial slstells to check the elllcaci of.internal checjis and controls' ret'iett of establishnleltt ntatters ard staliins. r eviel crf Ploclirerlerrt alcl -ciaius of Lcrcal FLrnd ,{Lrdlt & C&AG Audit. This checklist fbr flnancial and colt'ipliance audit br rhe Srare \iGNREG{ Cell (or-irs re'resenratiresr -sl-]ould be treated as cotrplerlelrtarr to the eristins al'ranuenrents ibr-Financial audrr. Dis_tir"ictlBlqsb/GplolA Au cl ir Ch ecklisr 1) Finance ancl Accounfing: a) IJooks of Accountsi Registers/ I{ecorrjs i) Erarline ibllo$ins Lrooks' registers records ar.e rlaintaiuins a District Janpad GP lA lelel - 1) Cash Booli Receip'i and Pavnreni Statemenr It 3 ) \{u-.rer Roll Receipt Re qister 4) JoL-. Carcl Is-cue R.esister 5 ) Erlplovntent Register 6 t \\ o;'l's Resisler , t _\::i. Rec.l:ter a'r -?er=iirdic'-A-ir'rr1lii-e'i-andl-til1sa-oir riirrritt,lrirsRecrster. 9i \lorrririr jsc Blnli po:i Ojllce Rc.o,,cjli:r;,.; -arr,_-,,,.,r, 10't Reconciliation Sratement rr jth Jtrrl..,le nieniint agenc je s I i't\iainre;rance of seriaj nuntbered r oucheis and ih,iilaits I I rLrtiiise.tion Cer-ttilcaie -sug1liin96 1 3'i Cheqr-re lssrie Resistei l4 rFTO Recisnef b-; Receipt of Funds i) \\-hat at ; iitc 1.1,,,u3.r:: beit-is follpr,.cd fgr-relcase ot'i'Li:.ic: {i;tsl:lji,rciir.-.r. ii) Are rite rc arrr delar s in receint o1-fir;rrs liont Slaie r0 tite Disriici: ai the Blocl- 1er ei: c.) at the GP level: ano d) at th- l--r level? 1l so, nlir? Did sucir deiars afiicr ;-ri-or,isic,i, ci en-iplovn-ieni ir, anr a] br CASt:' iii.t \\'hetiter the drstricl releas,--s rc-1ttisi1c not'll: \ iZ - llrD tlanche {. on',','ards t oi fi:rrd< erisurir.rs ccirt-rliarruc t,t t verifi cation aciltal pet'lorritancr. 1tr_=,hr sicai anc jlnancial ): L.') 60cl.b Lrtilisation of Total ,\r ailabie F Lrnd,c (l .\ F r: c i utilisation cet-ti1'lcate of prer,ioiis insialintenl: d) non diversion and non embe zzienieni cefiificare: ej audit report of prer.ious r ear: ir.) Does the district receive relror-t-s arrci returns resardine tintcli anci ccrrreci pa\ilteni of uases. 11113rnnl n vrrr r nt 2 I l,-\\ \ "'lCe alld gf ief,attCe f eClfgSSal ] a c) tl) Fion of Funds j.) - Tile fund received from the State h4Cr-REG.A Cell is to be transierreci ro JPs. GPs. l-{s per nollns. AtlY ttndue delav in flon of funds should be reponed in tlte .tudit report. as Patrnents & \Iaintenance of Aecounts i) Checli uirh tite PO, Accourrts Oil'rcer, Acccluntaut rrhethei I ) Far menrs made are ta11i ing n.ith bilis,rvouchers. : ) Pa'rents r'ade in sulll_.,o1-t of pr.oper bills'r or_rchers. 3 j Erpenditules have been incun.ed for the pui.11,-15ss intenderi ibi. 4l Bank'Post Office pass book balance reconciied nith ZP.IP GP casli book bahnce ol _ lronthl) basis. 5t Experlditure incurred br tire GP has been corlectir classii-rei ani are acjnrissible irr ac corcian c e r-r'itit Op eratiol al GLy d el i es an d ilsrr-r-t cii o1 s. 6i Has necessat'r 3glioll been takerr on tjre \\i"oltg ol-losl ci-ieque:. rssried. if an],? 1 .) l\'hethel all vtruchers and recejtrts are auiilLrrised Lrr the CEO-JP,'GP Sarpanch a5d Sachiv or auiholized person o1-lA. 8.r \\-hether the assets ct'eated find place in the asset resister of the GP -rp Zp i,\. 9l Yelif-'' aboLtt the iriimbet'of sarings Baiil; Account-s r-nainrainecl for \,{G\REGA i-Lrnds aI ZP:JP' GP,'IA Lereis. The n,ui.,=iorlc be reporre,i if nroie tiran orre sar-ines bank accounts are ntaintr.ined at anl lerels. The reasot.ts f-or nraintenance of nrultjple Banl, .A.ccor-utrs should also be melttioned in the Audit Repon. \ote: As per tl.ie neu"guideline ZP JP shor-r1d maintairi r\ic sellalare barik accounr*c i.ar {eii:r'cg:=r:m'=-{os:-;ld l,l:) fbr a.jnrjni-tatj:r cosi i,\ has be ii-iajiiiajitcti e separaie bank account lbr NREGA Lrnd. 10)Cash bool' - cl.reck cash book ibr ascenaining uhetller cash book is uriireir daili Lrasis. Tire Ar-rditol nrusi also conduct plrvsical r.er-ificatlorr of cash arrd repro;i hea* cash baiance. if anr. Also take a cop\ of'the appr.or.ai lener fbr.the cash reienrron llmii. Note: Cash Retetrtioit Lirait: Ap1,rps131 shouli obrairr fiont Office of tire ACCourTairr 11 Ceneral. I I ) Par neni oi bilis. to leriir r',l.-the l' a ) Originai biii d,"r1'' sisned b'' contraciurs sl:lirliels i,. siibmined. L.r (,ontractc,r,,.upplierhas pLrr hi-. iniiials iri aii cutriug-. alc correctioit:1r, the bil-. c ) {11 Sufpor-tinq iic,cumsnr-\ ale aitaclied ri itlr the itili.. dt The rates. secnritr dcposit. and dedLrctlors ali es p.r't-ims anC conCitiors cified in the ar:reerlent fhe ranltions in quantitres anii cortrltleiit'r per-iod eic. iiair: bu'ilt a"ttjrot'izeo spe el t1-ie con"tpetent authLrl itl. i,.r . i -Iob onr|letion ccrtificaie ha-s eir processed L-.r tire cie a1in3 assisilri. g ) Bil1s passed for parrlrent are as pe r rules Lritire St:ite Gor-t. h) All tems and contiitions of the contract ar-e 1irlfi1]eci befole passing the biils. i) Everl final bill is checlieci in detaii iiith citaliaiLs stcck reoisters nre3sur-nren1 f e L-'e boolis, j I Cash"Barrli Yor-rcirers to be checlicd lbi authorizaiion e',c. k) Or,elall reriet.,'of the bocrk of accounts. ll Position o1' outstanding advances paicl to sr-rppliers, coirtractors. n) Position of outstanding adr ance s paid io enrplovees .12)Salarr Bill - cirecli uhether salalr bill is plepaled in sLrcir a manner that ii sires bleal,up of the amount of bill and all ad-lustnrents such as cieduction of TDS aird other a-dvances etc. e) DirersionrRe-appropriation ii't ft of funds Anr dir,ersion're-applopriation of funds not covered under the \IGNREGA guidelines should be pointed out fbl rentedial action, Ltilisation Certificates and Accounts - Obtain the LiCs lbr-tne prelious \-ear - il Yerifl alitirtletical accuracr': i.e. Openirr'. Briance 1OB t - Recerl-.ts (inciuiiinr other receipts-)'Borrou'ed Fr.rnd (tl-onr other Sclientes ll1-ost'ailmes.j - Dislrursernent: lirrciuJinr repa\.ment of borror..'ed fund) : Closins Balance (CBt and also CB of previous fltrancial : OB oi'cLlt't'eni \ caf. ) err' ii) ls there a bank reconciliatiLrn siaien.lent [betneen the CB as per LC accolr]tis and as per' batili sratenrer,t)? \'erif, corfeciness of bank reconciiiaiiolr sraielllent. iiil Are tltere periodic reconciliation staternents fbr FTOs (beru'een FTO resister and FTO stalus reporl of \'iiS t? \;erifi correcttles-c. ii'1 \-eril'r teceipt,s fiom Gol as indicated jr the LC'(-B rrirtr lc,'r--il-ri\ ii FL-1'\REG{Soii ttbr' NREG-A. S',ate Cell onl1'). t t Ft'onr the disl-'ursenrenis indicated ur the LC tfor tite Cistlictt. olrtain the Bioclil,,\-u'ise details oi disbursentertt. Take a sarnple of- Blocks iAs. airci r eriir tite disbut'setitents r-nade fi'onr the District level u'itl', the receipts at th!- Blocir,ls level ar-icj entered correctlr ir.i TREGASoTT.*-r'lrLikeuise. at the Bjock iere1. obtain GP-u,ise details o1'disbLrrserreni.. l-aiie i,, santpl3 qi CPs. and rerill the clisi,.ulsenrents maCe fi'olri rhe block lerel riith lire receiprs: at ihe GII ler ei anci eniered conecth, ir: \REC.{Soi. riilYet'if, fina1 pavmeltts fas distinct fi'on-i transf-ersl u'ith jrrciividLra] Fa\.nleni.,cuchers r.-.S. L-ruLcita.re invoices' pavntents' lfRs ei,-. I I-. trrcitthll squalitrg c,f accouiits r-rncler three heais (ntciner'held i;, irat-rl' accoull;s. ai\ances tcl iilltlcilctttirr: parllelt arencies anl rcuclreis oi ac;ual e:;pr':1ttat, cirll'jilcteil a.t District" Biocli anc CP leleis.' isi A1e tirerg. ilslance,' oi' releas.' oi further insialiureni- a1 glcrcf: GI''l,q ieveis rri'tiiotrt tilt r,iii I subnri,ssion of the reqr,rired UC xj \rerifl uhc-ther s. \{G\REGA iunds hale beer-i cep1o1.'c on adnrissible acrilitie-c rrorks ol' otheru ise. xil Cotrchicr a sanrple checl; of'final pa\men1 rolichers ro identii- cases ol erpenditurc ii,l irregLrlar plirposes ie.g. r,ehicle hiring charqes. fuel. stati,rntr'\.- pa\rtetti cri'salaries io slai-. ofilce equipnent - o-.tiside Administr-aiir e ErpensesJ. riitUtilization Cei-rificate - check rrhether uriiization crriiilcate i-c ior acrual utiliz-atio;: oi funds receir ed. lr should also be cirecked that utilization ce rtificate is issue d arr pi-rprescribed tinre frarne gir err State,'Drstrict and issue oi U[.s is rtoi cielaved b1 JPs. CPs & lAs. Ar-rditor should also check n'hethei erpenditure incurred on each aciivitl does not erceed the apptor'ed budget heaos. g) Administratir e Erpenses Goi prorides an allocarion oi 6 per cent for adminisrratir-e e\penses of the total erpenditure ilrci-rred during the FY. i) \;erifl details of administrative c\npnseq u-ith nr-rrrzl pa\ment rouchers for a sample to ASSCSS . a) arithrletical correctness: and alscr L. r rr hetlrer the anrourrt \\ aS S|en1 lor' llre a|pltrpri"itc and acjnri:sihls FurploScs ard rtot diverted. iil Thjs verificatron should be conducted at difierelri levels r-,'here acimjnistratlre elpcnscs alc incurred (generallr'District. Blocli levels and GPs. and r',-here necessar\ at the IA iereii. Also find out the percer.)tase at different 1evei. Note: X{oRD has eanrar ked the adnrinistratir e e:ipenditule ai ciefererit ier el of irrplenrenration: Srare Oiilce - 0.259;0. ZP - 1.00,0, JP - 1.09r. GP -:.09;. SAL-- 0,15'tu and Strengthening oj stalfs - 0.;i! o h) Financial .{udit j) Obtain a cop) cf last \ ar's Audit Reporrs ( bi Local Fund Ar-rdrtors Charteied Accountants) for the selecled Disiricts Blocks" GPs'lA.i. ii) \/erifr tirat the f-rsures of Openin-r and Closins Balance indicated in the .Audjt Repon talli rrith tirose indicated in the Utilisation Cerrificates. Aiso eraniine tirat rhe CB of the districr taliiecl rritii ihe cornbined CB of .lPs & lAs anci CB of JP tallieci rritn the cornbincci CB oi GPs anci correctir enlered in \REGASoft. iiii \ierii-r con'ective action taken on lhe findings crf the Audlt Re|p6* inspectior' Repor-is. ir ) \;erifr Audlr Conrpliance Reporr submission date (e.e. disrlict .1,D GP sr-rbrlined tireir - ]TirtrIis-T.il t fiisr. r) Obtain a cop) titat accor.urts of GP,s are cefiified bv the erlparieliecl CA r',ithin..lr'en rime e franr e. i) -4.udit of Implementing Agencies - 1) Are accoultts of Line departmerits (Otirel Implentenriiis Acencies \,1GNRE GA. bein g aucliteC resul arlr'? r impiententine 2) Procurenrcnt Actil ities (e.recution oi'progranlmri_ -{sceilain tire plocurentent prrlicie,.. ;riocei..5.es allC cielesatio;: llrocLrfenrelrt of rlaierials arrci senices ar tlre Ilistict. Block & t) ii i rr ltcrc a1.p''crpf i3'.., i,{ of il;iar,cia1 por', ers ibr lerel land rht GF lerej. \-e|ii-r l"'hethe r- iilt- prcrcecliil es har e b':eir conrpljeri n iih. L, pariiciil:lr-. r ei-1fr rr jreljrei I I 1-he pLr-c'11"?se proposal r\as al_rlti-.)\ed br tlie culllrelenl:ilitjrLlr.ir\, 2i lndent for 1''urcha-'c i'dicate.' th: drti,riis oi qLr:l,tiir ,l.qr;,:-J l'lri';1 ;irr\raic. ,,.elr.ii for- rrtich slLries ar.e needeci anci nante of ci.,,ri;gn.,.. 3t Approval of moCe of procurenrenr. 4) Tile tender docu'ents are prepareci proper'lr anc dcscripijorr trf iterris io be prgcurei. quantiti and esri'rated'alLre shourd b.- indicatecr (',r-rh i, sPeciiied cosr iiixirs. sc) a,q r(l gel.lerate conrpetitir.e tender) and are u ide l'circuiaiei. Check tjrar tlte tinte,idare of recelpr ancl openiitg of ienders \\.3_\ 1r1g1rs1lr incor?or.ated itr the tender docuntents 6) The iniportant Gol"state GoYt. guicleiines relating to earnesl monc\. deiiver].scheciule. pavment tenls. perfor.mance \\ arralrt\ gro.u,,rJ.. iris|gs1io11. ir;t, ri;on iiqLriciated datrlaQes''penaltr fbr dela'ed sLrpplies. pi.ir"r. or, ,i.1. and ccrsr",u'ere inc,orporated in rire rerder documenrs for safcguariiins the irreresr oritcxRrcs. 7') check $hether the provisioni oi'Stale Gor-t. Plocureirent Srsieins *ere lblloued for Irotification"ad'ertising a'd opening of bids a1 1ror,fieci d;.';i;,. unj plo.- in tlie presence ofbidders. 8) Bids rlere evaluated itr tet]xs o1'the pror,isions oi'the bicl drrcr-irlenls and tjte er.alualirirr report $as ar.ailable, 9) Adeqr-rate nttmbet'of bids are receireci. tliese are properJr arallseci. ard contracts as'arded uith due regard to ec'ononr\ leenelarlr iu tire L-r bidcter). \\,here cL)nrracrs afe a$'arded to bidders othei'than L-1. r'erifr xhether rhese haie beerr p.roperl\,iustifieo. tlre'iustification is pt'ina.7ttc'ie reasonabie. and thi-s ira,. beer apiiroieii b.. tire co*r'ei"'r auih0rit\ 10)in case of negotiations of prices- it shoulcl be cirecked *tetherthe neqotlation *as made 5; . rr.jtlrL1bjdderandal1rhere]er.ail1recordstltereoirr'er.;;;li;bi-' l1)For a saltlple of Yendors. r'erifi the crecjentjals oltire sr-rpplier in rhe local rrarke.r (e.s. br r isitirl-s tiie itrcatiotr. clrcciirre tire Sales Tar Re.'clstraiior cietaiis, r,eriir i's irLrcli " i'ecisr.aricrr dcrcjl:. cnecki'r lr,rinr. or p;;.j,;..: . ;;;;;. t ;4.:;,,;;ir;,; Deparirleirts fl.om the sanre ve"iidor etc. ). ",r,_r' J2)Receipt of goods aitd sen ices are propeijr recorced. and painteni is niacie onh a,rainsr authenticated receil-rt of iloocl-( anci sen.ices ard as per l'ates arrcl quote-< inclicated In the contract,pllrcliase older. r3l rs ihe procilrene'rt cf more than *rrat is-iustiiie,J? 'laterials l4)-{r-e the rates of procurelnent of ral.ious rtrateli:,1-.- in s,.r1-_ptrr_iing r,oucl.iet_s reasonable aliC cbiirltEreitlelir-ute vjme in tlle aieal--l5i-{ ceriificate that the goods'Storc:r receir,ec are iii goocl co'dirion aiici are as lel purcltase order.in tenns of qr-raiitr- quanritr. specifications and price aiicl ihe sane har.e bee-n entereci in the Stcckl,Asset Regi-.,.r. ,, f ug_ ro,- _'. . :' .' t. recorded or iire Bill lnr oice. i5l Stock rec.grtilaru- frioferl'' ntaintaine'1. a'd phrsical ierificatior oi'stoct is ccr'cuciec periodicallr' Foi ma-jo. ite*s' r'isitthe Plu..lra.eh.use aiid assess the.-.ua'iitr cf sroci. (e.9. nuntber of baes of cemerjt) t.i-s_s_1.15 tlr. ,ro.k l1r,e;rttrir reccijs. l7t'Artard oj- c0ntt"acr and its e-titcirtio;; is a-. arrd gLiidelrnes is,rriel L.r rrr-]l-.cr'prrr!ccL-lr't Siaie Gcrt. Gol. lEt{r'ticlestiercrecei'ecl *oi'}'\"asrtririrrlere,lilrin,e :isir-f ii:lirer.r schldu,e. l9t\\hrrher an\ cr)]rpjairit uas recei.,,e.iieiardil-rprocuiellteiil anci lta\n.leni ancl e.listerie o1'rrlechanisnl fcrr redt'ess:l oi ct,:l jrlair,al .r.,. isagec irr cir-iiiielirre 20)Palnrent uas released to the su|piie..ou"r.ro,.&S ". 1,rg1 ter.nrs oj.iire contract, The ijelar inpar;rlettttlalbeincjjcatedrriillreasot''.. l1 t.{n1 irregr-rlarities reiaiir-rg to procuremclri lijroilec in ih: J_rlc\ io1-1_i auiii.i . reporls it:rr c been conrp jied u itit. 31 \\ age - ]taterial Rario: i'i Is the p.escribed \\-ages \4aterial Rario of a1 leasr 6[r:-itr tor hjgherj adherecj to ar thc ' Dist|ici Block'GP iele-l? \\'hat iit 1) is the situatio;r in r.especr oiinilrvidLral Biocks,Gpsl Note: In case the ratio has not been obsen'eci ai the clistrict ler.el" the stare Gort. has .io b. contribured an equi'arenr amounr b1'*a, olr.tciilunJ ,{;;;; ;;;;; "'' \ierifr utetirer pa'nlerlt of semi-sii1lei anci sliilred \\'ases is incir-rciecl correctlr under. ihe \Cater-ial Componenr. Also. check -rihetirer an-, 1;1-{:gulsr.iiems irave been included under iire \\'ages cotxjtonent- so as to S61i1s1-,o.r achieye ihe 6tl:.lC rarii,. Par-ments of \\'ages and Lrnemplor,ment Allo*,ance: a) lluster Rolls fllRs) i) Do all \4r-rster.Rolis har e a r_rniqite ID? iil Exarline \{Rs talir 11115 nase catd? tii t Arc' propel records o1'receipi oi ittR, nrainrairrecl in rhe * orii sit.-,:1\''l Are there iltstattces of cuttirtosalteratioirs. and orirer irresularities iu \iR.,.? \.) For oneoing rr,orlis. ask a i-ei,u.orker.s aboLrt the nunrbei.of dar5llorkecl. and compar.e u jth the xfR data: also co'rpare \4R data *'itii the ;.;r ;r;i;.'u u, ;,r., j"n'.ora, (if possible;. For co'tpleted i\'lJ{s' co'rpa'e the data indicated i' tire \,lR a'd rie ciata uploacleci 'il NREGASoft ortc,tire (X{GNREGA i\,fIS j r.ii)\\-hat p''.centase of N'{Rs (for tltc Jast quartcr.r ha: beer u}rloacicd o.to r'e NRrG,{Soii.-\\-hat ar.e tire reasons for non-uploacliirg. ;f -.ig,rif ,.r,-rr: tiii) For rlngoiltq r^'orlts' exatrine \llic'tlier thel'e i-. anr practice of',,katcira'. \{uster.Roli a;rd risli inherent in the same. h) Eranrirle e-Nfustet' Rolls liave put inio plaurice ail til.origlr the ciisiricis {ro nranual \{R lised ). h l f'lr p;sp1 of \\ aoer -I -forreqronrjent-efi-iff :lji:::,*lj.j:fi1,:1:lj::'.:ii11oi_\\'ases Ar *jrai ier-eltoer*?le iil ... iiit ir ) rhrc,r.r.h Bank post ofr-,ce Bankins 1,,.arnie,,r-;#;rju,-lrl_?;;r-t|i1 f 1t"s ALe there delars iri parnienl of u.ases/ \\here cjo these cjelars talie _ in fTO oetleratiotl process' sendi'g pa' orlgi5 to the Bank posi ofilce or place in creclit to the betieficiar) accou]lts L-.,r tlie'ga,rl"'Post olirce o,'urr,,ri iisbiirse're'i ol.cash rr, tire beneficiaries b1 the Bank'post Oljlces,., compa|e \\'aoe palnlellis incijcated in tlie recor.d: riitl: thai i:rclicare,j ir, rhe iob, cari. ith a feu- beneficiaries u herher - Che ck u r /'r \r c) tirc pai'ncn'l nas receir e ,j tinrelr no plol)ien-l;s \\'err laced in cash rr-ithdrar.,'ai alc. an\ otit-r contltlai|1s reraldiitE \\ aqe pa\ nte|i. .\re deiuii: c: rrar'c f .l\ Iltc]ilS l.ili ot, tlre CP nL'r.iu: h,'e1'. . . Lnemplovnrent Alk-rn ance ir Obtain iire lotal amount of unenrfjcr\'ment aliouance paiC in tlie lJisirict Blocli' GP. iii I hecl, liom a f'eu beneficiaries rrherher .. tiiet'e uas delar clf urcrle tiran i5 ciar.s ln proiidin_t e;lirlorileirt: ani r if so. nhether an\ nneii-iplo\ment allonance pa,io fcrlthe,:e1ars. / Cross-rt-jet'ence trr questions re sa,r'dinr nrriirte'rnnce of recorcis of dateci applications u'orJi for- C)r'j'ire *l'tlie Cirie ZiiaPa:llhei - f i:,rciiiji e Cijr.ic:. ai --",., --, Filll-css,i,;, ol iit.lie,.i {,El-ii I i-. r,:r';i':. j:'-'tt, ci.:;r,. C:,1.:-.,:ic:. -:.,:1.,,::t-,L:,-. iiil:ci,t:c,,iuii:r: lr,.tii.i crt'f,:,lili.,,n" sr'ireiirts it't:;_,,:i::e;tici i-.., rl; D::tr-,it lc,li:,::r,,: . l. '.'r,\'Ltl \1L, \1\! it:: i.( \J :. I{\' iGr-treir1l. L$ E & FRi b,-leii;r:ii-' -r. Bi'.Gi :,. l{Rl \i :. \luljtr anrai-itij :'a;t,Lr.st'a \-ii;asit 'l ojo;xt {-,. il' ', il' : rr r : . -ll otiter- f et,tral arrd Slaie s1-.u;tsc,te'.1 sclrepte:. r , Thc Se 1r-cticrt'i ol aucliiors u'i11 ir.. as l,el' cltiaiier l:[l] arli Te;";r.: o. i{lfer;;tue f l OR r-'hicl, Itte\ Lre ciori'i11psii.d fi-oitr tire ri-ebsite (',reL.si-:e ol'ttrl dlsirict,Si:ori iisiing ri'i1l be ciorit stricri'' based olt tlte crttelia listed thereirr Tirc aserc-\ Lr:s tt ; r'.rr i;i-- s-r)1..,:r r: doc,.i;lelrls ic,,;. crt'detltlal-c clalllrec liiril the EOl. Firms al'e reqLr-sl-.r iLr srirllit t:iilnic:it arrcl i,lti.lurar prL,l ,r,:i, separat:1r. Tlte1echricai bid and fitrancial bio etrrclrt.t s1,L,.r,li n:1,.'r,.i in.i.i: rire eu',e1ope ii. Seltaia,- su'alrd ertrelolte..fhe EO] S.lroulc'b. celri..r.r; at tii; jc''iliv,i;,r ticic:5 1,r -,rprl1 1Uih. Itl l5 iiit i'ali,,pt'ti in a seajed srr1gj1r1te. li,e er,reiof.e strcr-,ta 1,3:t-.i11;. tlt,Ir: o_ i|: asslilluelt.i iLrl n'lric,r Fiil is bein,: siri.,nritr'-c Adci;-ess for-; Chiei Erecuiive Of'iicer Zih I'tncha\ ai . .iT-r()si:ir adat'e ss , ( .j f Liri i:i,'r.iii t Oifilcr T',i, r '.i,': Lr*Ll.i......,.. {iii't':r: *'i the Ciiicf'E ','"ii.iiit C"l:It; Z'rlzPa.lrciiar a, ---1. \1.,- -- {EQli-fl,|3t::jl'itr-i::-s:a1-si-e:=::.ej-:j--j'iii+iiiE-:E llt l.: for ,.{ridii cf eiitir.e' Cenirai trrd Strir: f--ic=r rl'nt;:e!1 s:l'.ii1:i}r'cil sciiettres. iltt:!q!!=e!tq!l !ri, tltet -iii:tL.!qll-Ar-'ti il! e-.],e-c!,:ii*S.-?-gqlqill'l= J E:_:t: e_=.sit-lq ci, I-ElqL=-sl and Gt'am Panchat'atqL D,:iiici inliits Ei-li iio:tr filnrs cii Clrerrtle'i rl\rr.,)iill:.tr.l 1,:)i cLrlrci-li.i;r3 i',,iii oiOiilel'erl: schetli.-s ilt-ipletlenteC Lr., tli: Zila P:inclia', aI f{,1 ili'J -'s::--!sllir:'i i-e::1. :i i=- I : jlnr Ciiict irr ChLiriisg:i;-h alti pcssl:: iliniir-iri;, t)j leilr': c:',1-eLiltri= fi: c:tt't'.. iirg oit : Siriuilt'i :rtriii ilr:ei-l-ra, .udil o; Gr-rreninteni PSU,ALrtolonroltr bocll , erc. The fil'n, :,lti.,i,ld e;tril:lle1i.-c l't-' tl-te CAG ic,l- tir: fipalcjal 1eA1 l(-) I j-l5 arrcj 2t)l5-l6. Inielcsicc lr.icl elisil'tlr' iL:rr:,, tttft\ su'i,lrit the it data aetalls cittcLimeirls l:-t*st bi ltt' -rpii10i5. Tcr bc eitgibre. th.- siro,-ild har': its F.egi:let'i:c! lire intellsieii Cilal-ter-t-d Accoiltli:il,L.i f ittlrs folilri ill dcrcutrie:ris t-.e-111:',rte -<ie ll l, r -ilctrrber.-.hil-r .er'Lificatt oi piaciice :. P{}' Calcl: 3. Laies'i lf ;-etLti-l iiie d'b,. lilnl. + ' Lti-sl IT I'eil,r:ts c,j-Pal1n.'l-s: :. Seri ic; Ta:, re qrsitaiiolr c'et-iiical:: 6. Dociinrent 1n siil-'i.,c,it of iir'ancial illlllovc-l' ,--'i ill. iil-t:-.: : . L- rrdtr-ial;ilS itr r3 ftlritishec L-',. iil: F'rii,, il,l:, itilrr ptnd,r'- a.'aitts: tt-,e F,iirt arri iis JlarlllJl'L o: 1r'" '.- l,-'. ^ lri.-' ji!ll; .-:-l:.. L-.rl!: !\ cl' nti'l-a-l rlrtl:i111aa c:- i,-tl' r'iolatir'lr oi l:'', s il, ;,-'l'-.. ji'iill 'rl, elrrr,:s ir tl rt--.li'p'ic:,ir'l fi ir irslt ii,. ilic,i:ri aiio;t ttiai i-.r a-ali,eu. ;;r-sr:fil ! ! eil-,, c:. si.oLiio sejri',iaii :- i.t ie':,r'i :.: Lr-. ' ':f :i;1i,". lt irl; si-,:,:: Sr!l,aC i-. -.-. : ....r.,jr- (1L ii'tl .t,a... ,i PP L i f.i fl Q i*l iil_: i i i f-ir:t;--.:;'ci .lcil,irtt:a:,. tr:-j l.';... ...:. \c. S. i "c-.- -il;--,' F:rr.ticulal-s \'. 'r; r.i ;i.- tlri.. iddt'e ss oi tltl Rc..-.i,\rtl e d r-it-tll: Lj f r { - t -n I/ Ir ^ IL-1.l Ki',t-iil alta,l \o. ri-itir ''-' Lii!rall -'-;-'" \anre ari Cod. \i,. ,t-)r' uur- .ni\,1 ,'r r.t-'i-r'ri,rrr L',:-.,t.ir!..r1;( r,t- rrr, l:,., l.lL i,.,-, ' PeX f-c, c,ithe j]a.ri t.r.tT::il'tC \\l..,lt ill: T/-'l I L irJ-t :-. lt:,i:. 1.,i. tf :lfi _,r. rl-,rl.e.-Jrr-lr-i;i,r. po..n.., * -1-2l,rl ,5 (De-tails rrr be l_-.r.or iced i:, "ArlneE*A" . lr-i -ii - - r \t-t'1lr-t.ol-:,. l,i,,t-. illttf - !!!i-2rll-. l-th.t-iitL,l.r ,ll,:ir. l, \umb:i ol;.L,11fi-- Ct*r*r-" _--\LC,r!rrry]ni El:l:,tCrr 1- Ztli: ::rti:tl:t-,: e::_i a_.: {)lt I -.j-lir I5 \r-intbi.r' .-f Brari,,tes ri; C,i""i"..i LDr-tails Io b: trrtpr l6:ij ir ''Anne],-B'" j j-, ;-: \\'itether tlle fiinr 1: .-,-r."-,1 !,rq:d-:lu Jrj dt,'\ Starutorr,'lnier-nal 'ConcLtrl-e nt ,{.rrd j: ani oth-r accoutrlitrr rroili of al-, G,,\':illt ,,: . L)=j':t-.t;,;ti1< rilr., , It ti! Lr:i-*ia: 'r i:. i :::r, Dt.:,r \anre oi -iirrn l,c.rit-r ip--i-, fr-*.,. tiit l)al'ifie]\r,, FC i . st. r\ 0. _-l!A { Pi:rce l];r1e: : -***,1 .]linilr rl,r flrnr --Fufi :;ir_ iilii,:, lJi;.irirr :ignaiu;-e oj -.,1ih ot.izrrj jrri":rr, t', Siifit;n d: Regiorr llh ei'e r-r:irling ai pt'eserr t itir le :rl of'tirc ljir-tri i ii_r-, Annc-r 5i. ' \o. Conrpleie ;rrld]'r:-{s (r itir I'l--i & f elrplione 5o. (ri itir codeJ _ qli code) \anie oi iitr Irarrner in ciiargr ui rhr L,r.incl, - -tir;biic n{,i. ri{' Iiate cif ollerrtng ilti' Flr |.lr;tI r;i lirr brancir (3ignatEre ol -iuthoiizcd l,ei.sr'it rl iti; Seal of the Firnr pt.,..,. Date: E ) Ai;te:, - C Dtla,is ci Siai,.lt,.-,:'i il,rtl:,e -:'.:iltl l. a'.-r, --:rt,-' {i.tr':: .--.:r'-it.irlt: \1, L,:i. i,i Gtr.i.il-^nrtei:: I),:.0::tiiltnts Sci,rrrte: it: t,t.trc i"i;:, rtr: l,:-,t-, i;t,,:cl'ii,,:t- ,t, ii.: l-:.1 -l-,.- ,.i. i:: irl. It-:-lit L:: \anrc ol Clicnt _!f1;t or_-rg,lti {rrci. riir;l.r4rliri. i;f:..., -r..r \111i:i{rl-\ i',t,,.-,,i()tlttl r|j(!, |,4' . Cel rral'State {iolern ili cn i (_l )rprrrlnlL ni\ !('llr IIlr': ;: _ ': - _ I .a --.-* -q t rlo' --, iSigltlli:ile oi',',riii;li;'i..i.i. i'r'l-siri' i'-;:l' !r:;iof iiic'Fi:-m I'la ce: flaie: j i{ } Slne:: * B I \llEir riiJ\G e tir: ioliori irrt 1-.i11ir,-. . ol' \ I . ACCo!1rtilit1 s dr-' l:eriiri i;,iir i.lLr:11., .ji.rit,lii ;ir,c I i. . Yr L.irari:t'e d ': -,r--,:r- thal the p-,atiicr-li:t's .ji e;, at-1. cLr'tfle-r_ iitri cr,t-t.3ui ..*:ta iltati t- :it;i Oiiitt staienrertts maie ot-ihe inlbnt-iaiir-rir scr iui.trjsir,_.,j lr t,rc rrl ,]l1i,,:tiLrl, iut.l_ is lai:: io,.rt.ii noi co1Tecl or fhlse or ihL're has Ltr'.-tl '-<u1l1tl-g,qsjt,ti oi nraicrj:i jl jbllra:lolr. ti,= firi,-r n oul;l 1oi ol jr sta'd clisqLralilied il'0tl' alit'lt-.'retti bllt ti r-rulc b: iiablt trr i151iirlii,.1r-r. aciion r_irdei tire Chanel'ed .'\ccou-trtattls -{ci. 19-19 an,i ihr rcgura-iions fr.:.rri:cr iher-r- u;rLiei: tirai the fir.rl. ot" jtil-iltet.s lta_c noj bcer, debi.rrri or.cauiiflr_Li lr IL Al clut.ing the lasi f;rr \ eers. iiidebalred. deiails i: 'ir,e 111 that jtrdividuallr rie are l.toi enqaceii il 1_.,ii1si,.. otlt,,-l.irrse ot. u.i a|\ other actiYirr $1tich i';c,itlC Lre deented io bt ilr l_rt-aclice Llt.liL-i secijor I r,ltoj tjt.: C iianer':c .{ccoullaui Aci. 1q10. 1\, - u\. thai the con,rlil_rtiori ,_',j- the fii.nr as otr I sl -1Fr i1 of tltt in the constituiitrlr cr-11if,caia issri;r. br ilr,,. lL il. l{rinie o{ tlit Fal'tirei' 1i-enrbcrsi:i1r Regisil'utio;t -.i(;. {Signrriur'r Pie cc: l) a re; oj- t'e le r a|i i cai. siitr-,',ir is sarlle 1;..-r \r;. as tiiai -eiigi;:]rure of Farin er -.luihcrizeil I'g'-'on u'itir Seal of rhe Firrn) Er aJiii;iitri i;{ fe-ri:r,ilai Eirl; r..-' ..',-l..-_*. ( \1. 1:j: \,, _- :.: f-i.ii I l-ti]liit a_i la,l l'ar'1 - _- -!; !, iculrtr ui \\ r.ioi.r. eigfttxgL i i;'-;---- -\irrririirtr; Iis,lrr,.til;iil _ Ljl-1 -:l ll ii i.;,t r:i,r , .,1- tLt i, 1Itla sirrci la-.t }f ai'Iis -_ 3 15i - tt'. . _ _tl tt,_:,;._: l.-, l/ \otr: j - ( ', i. .:: : ', .';. ll-i .,...,, )rlili h-' :- r':.ll::i.: l:,t -i.. '-ri:r ,r_ i:,5:, lrlil-111. !!q :. SLlltiti-u-iinr tir)il,rlll:jliS i,,r, Cli_ei.i.,,i;- ut.---i.:-: - I sltltl,iotrin! cirJun-lli-i tc est:b,is'i_ ltijLt trd j_t : _:.:.1-:.. l:l', i .i ]]t.:::: siti,.l,rii:j recuir--c Tile Filnl. ell-' Pal-lllais oi''tle ill:r -.i,r1,,.r nni b- i-.,;rl; i,sitl i... ,,rr: jr'-rj_ cr Grtl,smn-,eni cieplt'Itletl-la -(Jil3t.ll-s Jlt-()!ranIIi.. i,_:.l_ it: t-r:t-.--,. .r, tit-_., t:._,i{t,t_,rt,,: ,,.t brt:a., ioiti. Ait.. Pattner,Qri::liiiei 3l'l-t1-'i61'''.a c,iiir- Ji-rrr rirrr.:: i,irrrr: i-. in,1;-rlii i;, th. iii.-s: or Second scheJLric cithe ci-a.i'tered Accirutr:lrris,ltci i:'+!; riill [L-,,-br- corsid:r-:, ii, er-aluaiion and tlie ilnti r.,'i1i pr-r-rr ii1,-d al underLal,iii_rr rhat silcl, Fal_itrii ()it::1riie cl e-ll;,.i,t_i,ee\1 ill t.)oi b_ involved in ihe a,:dir r., orli. dl.ecrh crr iltcjirecrlr Each applic:itiolr il, scale c elrr eli-,Fe I Su.JtLit'at: -t-rr .3iOl.r fi,t echn jcal I and Fitancial nroposal r rtrlrs: r-e a:lt CE,O Z:ie paniltar a1 rritl.c. .. {|.:ta. ali;_e-.s i...., ..,i Chhanisgalli rvithlr' l[)t' A]lii,- ltrl-; lbeft,re ,t-[rrr Pli; p,r-siiir.1.. r.1ry1lc.atjo]rs reailjle the abor,e addl'ess afiel'the stipr-rlaled c.lare ancl tiile riill iror lre cc,rrsiclei-ec lbr seleciion.,,tOI for tlie audii oi ztla Patich'ai ..(clistrict nan.re )..' .rhoulc bc ri'r'litei, or the enr-e1ope contairrins rlre illled irL application 1ot.rir. Scaltnecl applicatiut rtr:ir alsc, hc -\..iri tr, b 11te c_ ir-ctiorr ri'rl] b. ciiri.ie c,r r c[r]r.r1r-fitr \ e ii:rsi:.. ,i ai,, L:>sii,r in aill rii srluali ii cati oi: ol' il re Finr. Se Seiecfion of Auclit Fee: 1tr lli-1..s:;i l.-,l Finl:_ ..,,il ': L..:..:i :,._l frioltosar s. f]t : lriit::u c I ai Fi..lt.ts i: I s a,i. L r Itl,l . l ..,, .,:. .i lee-ii ,'-: t:rai'l:s I uijl be clti-.jcjel.ec. r i- \ r, I ';t i ili,,..tl iln:tr:iiel l-ii)Lr.)-<:.1 r', ill bt ai,, aldl j it:. c irrtit.aa:. .l -, T;i:,rt:i:,, alri Fi;ianciar l, le;li:,ic:l Flaluaiioir (a: ,i. i. - .',,,'ii ti i I irr i., Tei'iils ai Fief'et'riicri Bacl, Grcurril: ilre Ilisrricl Councii at Zile I':iticillii'ai '7,1' :. ,i,. it',,:'i :t:t t,,'tlr lanci:l-,ii: Iii.-, si -slertt. I ire Cllief' Er'ei,-l.i', . L):r''cl ii- F (.'l i irc::: '.tr; ai::trtrr.llatrr r n,a:]titrei-, ci i'rLe Ztla Pattcjtavai. Ti't.' CE-{l-Zi' is lr'.i.i,,,sibr; ior sir|.iirs;r,'ri arr: etecuiion c)i iil derciol,.;r'rttli scilelll-. t-ttl'j.'l'i ir r.L,Jrllr: oi ltte Dtsit-,cl L,--.i,:cii.:-. Fiit:c: receir-ed i.oiti Ccr,rral Govettrtt:etii. Statc Gor et'riir,en-i al,l ;rri:;il]a:r.-ou-. ler:ilri: ar.J il-airsi-n-ed acrc,,s adtLtinistrari"'; atrd ilincriotral r:nli: riz. G|ar, PaIcIa\tt f CiP.t. -lrlt--ii faircirar-ai (.1pj anc ii,e C)tner' L.ii1r1e n'reltrlr -{gerrcie- {Oi e.r r ir, ur, rl,. Blc-,cks oi th. districi. .. ...inlinre ). The Distt-ict itttcncis tct alti.ointlreiri r suiir.lle Cira:tcle,i ACCOLLllanr Firm tol coitdr-tciittg Auciil oi- erttire Cerrtr-;ri ancl Srat: r.c\ -nrrrir'li sltl;rsoreci schenes irllrls1113111gcl br rire ZP forthe financial ie:ir l{-}r,i-1: Cbj ect!i'es: Tir: oi,jec'iii'e oilil:,ruij]i Ltr ii;, a,-rt.r'i,;ll i1l.-1tl;a::j. i,.__irtir,. i:.t1 ci:s,tic irr'.rr:tsli thc ai:iiiot"s 1tt'oir-,<sitri,ai e,pirtic.'r, ol, the llir;.;,;i:,, iro-.1iii,p c'i Lr. Zii; Pai,cirarai ana it: \-ailr)!l: ];lri-.1ct:letrtittg agcitcics. jis ir..i:.,. Ji.,l.i:':ctit.lIs ar! d\trarisr.: iirili t]t: lile irir-ral:lt !r io the enrir-e fle iitlai a:trr Silli: ,'oi e t.i -1,' SUi'lrS:,rl-it. 5-iteill :s r-incet' audii Scor;e of \1 orE.': I l!! Pr;'. r rrr'!ri c i'- :. it';',ir.t I --rL .r.,'l stlli'e s. .i:-,_ .-:ll Tr: I r"il --- '- i :: - 11 _ iite {,:ll:141,-' .\icer-'ie 'J -r, Lrii:.iin! .... ... - i.1.. .:- tt.--:*::-i i.l:lJcl'L'.a :i-ai i.' llr. uirl;lt-'.t::, i:l: iO !1j cir\'--ii,J. ir f i i'-s \ eitf-r al- a;uoun'ts receiyec jl ,jjilet;t_. -rlt,.t:,:-, -,-,,,tt ,t, I j ri'i n, Cetrtial G,-..,'ei l-li:,in.. Sla.- f;il\ -i,1tl;-tr. a:t{j O:it: \ et-riy a,l r'ru,its transjeit.ec ia: Bt,:ii:, i..lJ Ci:,,: RTGS \EFT L}lter: --ri pt-.-f;t.i _i-.:-.-.1--.1 -tF- C: :.,i fi, ear l0I -i- ihrou.'ir -r:elillcatloi, Ol al, i-' con"e \. ci coliirr!- L 51 . i \ ificaiiil, cj er ajr firaitcjaj jtrior;l:.Lii_,t, cc:r,p1e ieir. prcrnpiti ali .gli.a. The seiecied -Auditor *'ii; repor-l arri-iacurrrr iroiicei ir, tir: eristine plocr.dLrres atld su,soest itlillt'or enrertt. -{rr\ dLlllicatiorr oi u'o11; rrorice i c,l r,,'orli Lrr unneces-sai\ ciala nclricerl r','ill be highligirtei aitci reported. The Chartererl Accounlant firm so appointed n oulr] be required to gir e: a. Audii cefiiiicate s and issue an-\' other cerrificaie(s r as rra\ be requirerl b1 the distlict adnrinistraticn u'ithout an,r aciditiolal fee ro bc- paid bl,tire Zp. b. The responsibiiities of tire audj.i also inclucie reportinr or rhe aciequac\ of 5. }t eltts . Liaison: The selecred -{nditor u'i1r liaise uit! rhe Disrrict, Blocl.: Adminisiration and o1'{ Audiiors tt} rel'ieu ihe plogress of the accoilirtirig auciri i','orl;s arrd io ersur.e requir-emeni be 7. -,',,i:,s le stem In:pror enlcnt: stalet " S eltsure ali eccout,i.:ltr= l:at anei tl-]e ]t-;eSSaii autitcrisaijoi, 3. r,-r'.i:l,lr: atra srta-i! \'erificat'on of salai-r. rlldor. ira\nenis, p.F. LT.. TDS. eic., a:ic r erif;cailon oi su'i,.nissicrr oj'r'alrol-:s r-a-rlint iir il: ccltFeieli aulnLrt-ili irr tin-ie r nraiiii'-.],aortrlrr,r-,-r' fnlh rnet. The Chanered Accoutltant finn so appoin.rea ri'ciuld be rcquired to iook into the colllpliatlce ofpt'eriousaudliob-jeciionsraisei(iianrlanij hare tor-eiii olconrirleni oll the sliirpot-iing docuntenis vouchers submined at lai-ie: sias-. io setle the audii qualificatioirs i'tiie Audii repori of this assislmrerri. Audir Report: After- coltlilletion cf the as,ciqrneni- the --,.idircl r,,,iii su'brr;i the Auciir Repor-t. The Yat-iclii-c R'ecoilcllie:jol Sta-ierlerls ri,j1t iL.r-n, parl grilire Arrrjii Re.nr-i elnrlg - Iuurr ll:l -:"'-*---'- 11,jil1 ':l cet-ililcale reSarrilrlr the r-eiii-rcaiior, oi al, iir. ii-alsaciions throuqil \EFT''RTGS otl:rs allc raliia'iiclr of tht accounis. iu r..hich iire fuiics *.ere transferrec anc Lttilizec. Plioi to subniissior-i oi finai riFoii. F.ef orr r',-irir the D ltininrur;; S. \"- F-e3- i-'str-l ci A dir ur t/ l L or i. - n.scrtptioo oru.,i i..-. - IieIProi'essionaii Required Chafter-c-i Ovei'a1l cocrdjnaticn. Erperierrce Perio6 -I r Q,,ratiilec. I adnrini strati or-r , r _ Ca plannint, teanl leaclershil. r.,irli at leasl 5 ' e::: rcponlng. plltltL:r art: -\ erecutioir of the I e-''Pet'ience : asslllllllelli Ser::i-qualiiieJ Ser:ri-oLralllled ' \iust rtot'l; itt clr'se CA u itit at coordhration n'irh their Team merlbers ,n , le:.si 3 1'ears team leader andZP JP Accoutrrant ^ s:raii Drai FrafeEsiairal;Pel'scnnel t'equii'ed f'cr tiie assignment: \utttbeliri 1 i the Audnoi i','il, share anc ciscr;ss the fir er ifie assl$rnetri l'crioi Or et'tlte asslslrllelli peli,-'d o--..o''i-..ne l,\j-,rr llrrLr Reporting and Timeliness: The fina1 Audi: F,epon should be siibtrrtied r-.ithjr ltt d.:. cf ar,'aio oith: assigtnteni. Tue Audit Repon alols uith all iite anne-\Lrfe- sta:elr-rtt a;ri cetlificates tr-iusl br Submitte,l in I h:r'd r-oniec ,'id soft copi to Zila Palcharai. ar- ihe air parlienis \-,-itat a11.1 arj rtccl-rciliaiio;_ oi tl. flrrc tratrs..: Rr;O:d: Ol er c:'. >C:_r:t_-ti SsiillZ.-,\, o. Besicle s the se . I iotlori-ci ibr ' re ieas: oi r,:lc:. C,.rJtc ii :i,uii: clsl ci:t.,:;: eircit'oni I t:':t-r sir:-. \ aiioar- ali th: accouli-r l, rlLrilt ;:le i;-:tr,ji i'. er.r ii;,rrs,-lre d pr'.rcessL-s being tire aridiior- shari aiso perfbrni the iorori i's +L tlrc rasl:s; Preparation and r.erification of llistrict Auriii Report: a. Plepa;e st:ltenrerll Block_ Gp and OIA n,ise b' \;elif1 tile utilization of anrouri trairs{erec arrd balai-,ces iope'ir-g,closing). c' \re|if1 the sutt'ender,'depo-sii of balances intc Districi . ?,ccouli Blolk. Oi r:. d' ) a. b. b' corrcenre d Pt'epare a consoliaiated staienrenr accor,linoi,r. sep.arate repoil ibr each scheile froin the audii relrons of the Jps. Gps and OIAs. District Adnrinistr.arir e Cell: Trausactio;.ls are iecol.oeci as per uinciples of Geiteralir ..1cg3p1eo Accouutinq Principl.-s ani aie bool;e ii .iC, Irt.Lr]]el.accoLr;ittng heacs. Utijization ol adr-njnistr.ativE iLriiij is ir, accorcancr rr jti, sj_.,ecifjc scherle suid:lirre. c' Goods and ser'ices i]al'e been p',1.gp1ed i' cou-ipiiance \\lih iire procurerxeri guideline of Gor,etnuretrr of Chiranisgaih. d. \'erif-r. alj transacrioiis have irass:d rlx.oucii porl:,j al_,pr.or-al proce s,.. e. Transactjons are dul.. sul,Torted f,r proprel surilorlrnS oocilntsrts. i. Cltcckirt tlre rrrri:,ir:ar,ie oln,,cj;. oj ac;cir:'3i 11c r.iior.u:. g Checkirtg the Lranl; reconciiiarion sraiel'etlrs. il' Checkiiig of schente q'i,.e. caiesorr-r1ise and accc,u:.li heao ri-i,.e erpe'ditures. i. Checkins oi vat-ior-ls ra\e-_i. siaruror-\ conrpliarrces. j Check a1l star-'.rtt,t.\- recol.os. re,qi-sier,. i:iclucitg \jiirute Bc,oi:s. r. \;erification of Ca,slt Boci,. \'ouchin-s oi.Ii-lpie s, Casir. ii' Sciuii'r oi Pai Biil. Staif Adrance iie"isteis. cor''reiriiirs cuista;rJiriS r.itt.;3s. ei:. iir. \ieiificatior oicasi.,- ciiec;es o;t lta:id eic. j or: l,l -l -== <- --< a a : -: I '-'-==. = >:=-=?====.1::; -=:.::11=i::= F t: r=:: i -' -=::i= -, I aI -:: i:,:ii - t::)a:>-i- ; +: =:' --l=<:= -::=:.a: ;:: == i " -:: j - > -l ;! 31' 3 :; < =_ =- \- - = c = :.= -< >I :, ;3: = -: !, =! -:=-+<i -:=-1! :f : j=cr .<-:=<>: t ==. -= 1--- .'s.: _::.: -a----= €:{:+j -:: <:= 7= = =- =:;:<:9= =f=;:5: :: i-:-::5 3 =r9_: -: i )-2t-z=--ii= jri=i!9: =\?:1 =:93 -::.i=-; :1i:: = =- = ^ r: - =: i 1r =:-ri:ti'ca1-= ! ; + =_:; i -:: = :;^;s: : = r a = - .. -<1 = <1 '. ? -" : :1 >= 2t= a -= a 9 : L: ; ! = : : :: ^ = :- 2.= L- =l z? = : =t_t_z==.:r==== - =: -: l. -:: = : . 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