II -0. i,tet.tr.r{ _ n,nri Optrratorrr g}S.:S,llgl[-ig;.rryinq, !"le begfrr wl Eh r:orels, not . ?.helr crnly otructural prop$rty (l'e' thi:lr only c1;::+aiflcstlorr) la by thelr arguT:lent-r*qrrirer+lnt, wh'ch cete'rrinea thelr areJer of €.intry {nro a er{sc'urse (or senterrce). l_.ormd norptre:ee 1i,rre argu*:rncs trlrleh ve r"1 only Ll recognlze are rrord-classea prevr.ous1y defrned by &rgunsni-requlremcnt' 'rhrm no vor<ls r-drl L.e defrned aa being restrrcted to operete on gofte ed hoc eet of vortlg ns argtsnents. te r,ilr algo r1".r:lr.<I ag r:iuch as pr:eelble hardng olnplle trord appear ln nore than cne el.ossrflcatron 't (r+rret Bloo:lfLcl<! callect cLasg*c1ec,?agrl); but th{s *rJl1 not slts&,:rr* be poetihle. 'fhe above progrant ean be F&afsfled becauge ooe cen def:tne ffrct a aet of elen*ntsn' sr8u:rsnt', {'e. serdn r+hose ergtment rcqufreni:nt ,.s uero. firese &re & eubset of nc'uns, lI, genernlly those of concrcte r:eclr{rrg (Ln afly ease noe reletlonal 0nes lr.F;e !qt-,s:, &nd not cterr.ved ones lr.ke !gl!!, $ugtescrs,,i!), and also J.nCeflnlre nouns ltke thlgg, pgrs-on (g*q"g.), jlrg{, pgg. Each operator he,o lnequallties of lik-el{hood of occrrrrcnce (called selection) in Eespect Eo tl:e lndLrldu*l '*r*rdg 1n {.tg &rgu*ent <{onatn. .g<ine oper{rtors hnvsr relnt'*n' witose proi:eirtres cen bu, stated a general w*y, not nerery by llotl'ng the Lncqualltles- 1,'d certarn oper'torB ere sirdl&r to eacrr other rn r"n their eelectlnn" J1]i,i}e$i1_a3:X}: orrr ., et'c' 1' i' I on: ai.:':,rp-: JCg-_t-:e.epr_ o-14: Jgrin--t"--Jr:,1 ur': Jelg.-lgJg. T?re dtffercncea bet,.tlerr vsrti!t, a'{Jeetl,v*r' etc. d^e oper*rorn &re rlue to t{:nce (rv 3)" rt le nct clc*r lhsthar ttj;:rG aro noLlrls tn on: the clcss{.flar IgNC8 OEPA RT{W ENT Unluersitg af Pennsgluania LINGU Phlladolphia, Penn*, 19104 nau:.g :l rrp. 2 -tgt' lu_S oqf.l.:-U r;llcul,l pcrfi;rpn bn conglCcrcd a.r tho eecond argrment of f.he On', tg :r ncli,i:r of. ?h*n A cr.t {a n n;rrnrsl ls i.n effect Carlvecl frorn (J:*- n 1i1iut:tf*fij.li.i_"1,-t.)_:ai:{, srlth rhrl npprolrl.trn verb {s r*:nirer of the set heing rctlucer! to ls. f\re cllfftctrlt.r r:lch tllJ.s lr thnt clas:rtfier:-norms A cat 1:: ;t of?.etr lraue adJect.l'rirl fonxr: to sn'.'thnE tlrtg rre would lr.'.r'* docs not nnke the,l dl-rect operstor*, lrut t:n.'1dlectL...: forrr J4 r'lt* to s {urther (ntpectrral) oper&tor on tlre lg*r*iihe r"-*f r:lth tto Recand srgi,r.*eirt (tho cl nrstf l"er-nourl) Certaln occurreilces of On ar JolilrJ!rqgl9' Ml) :lF:]arc.:! t sr,n (ri{*-_:!,'-f! _g-J-ori-A}_ry:p C.tn b.r ii:rnI'gartrl cf (l-n nany casca r*-usl.ng the oprrr.lt<lr r"or,l) operator cvn rroun-forrr vaflantfi ,r!.Ji R l''orrlC,lng "perfecEtrd.zf,ng" :T*c!rl*j;1-tn_l1;\, l::l:::-*11^ir.:1r,-1. Irgai: Jd'-tl-::*:rji:"- fathcr: John 1s fethr:' of IJrr;r!:, The oceurrence of t'frrigre c:i.!rJrt.rr$ (III !.3): {gtg*g:l: (lirrt -I1.", '.r: i: 1. tholi[ $fr({;it'! firIrj:a'rnt d!t dtrc to *.1-,r1.:.._r.-1ry1}. ::-1_:':"j-1.-l:.11I. _.'c''l'n t-s*(a) fath.er,. Perhal* {n r;s;i: cnscrl lt ur\f;l trt;ri a};"r&!'s !'nt}r *fi a geeoncl arlluni'.ilt :rny Ls not clear frorrr ; nt the 0n (1.e. on -S.:l_ej-, etc.! L.2 onn: gqq, llq-q;: zeroLng . uhe t!te r bc irr,lri'rtli'1i-'i191'*' .!c!'"tt Jolg-:tttllgj|:lfl':l t1t {-nl' q l: il tr.:rl'er tlf i'*ih t!**rr*s. ,r't .qri i * .r o:'e;: . ,1* :: 1 (or ttr"r i tla! f1,r nnrl ;lf a{ r,:.i.* | l:tioI t nlso r{1th Thutr {t ,rr r:'1ltv * aefolng !r'!rrr ?\{;:\ri ilrnf; S (r*here S lncJlcrrtfln rltltt r:lenft:11'*r). In nany lnngu*licrl tlle $srr:*rl'i *tr:\ti.r:ti 9+ t*;i|$f by order but also hY n:'r ef f{x err i f."r:! 1f I ! iia.l COSe). If $Ot-?? necara*rtly) ar gentttr"s i ni r',.,rri.l:.,*.,1*ttl'*. 53i " q t irf il";&.1itr l.Jrf OpgfilfO!.S !15i',r rl:e t &4it ie-' ! '*l t rFi!:-rllr'r r''::ei i',rr t"o OpefaEor$ haVe SnOtli*i1', !'* ::1$|fe1$ e.g. rcly.ot. 1'ri'f grl.v (Of lrc""r(1".'r!rr 7l nlt {1'nf;nl; it r:r " trn l' * i r i t '* " +: r':oulc! have to ;inalYeiJ tltg l'1'le- t'r nci ri" ' I ' contrectitrg X Co tlts ll sll tch 1's'" 4 t F 1,-ir ., ** ;'trt erf f i:t{rfflii ttrc OpeffltOr: f niF9 ri?. :!.,r,1::efjitCt, i 1rr;r;s,',{ {rf le other .n. r !.'e rrP. 3 !1f.} 's "nnn' re ts not cerefiln that linglleh ha-r operato's lrilor-re nrgu,.€nt cnree or nore cienxrrrtRry ar$Ls',:€nts. Sons apparcnt and irl -.1:jbnsesdor occur aloo cu orrrr, in requtrernent orrnn, such as _:grq.lignrg. sftuatJ.on* uhlch aro pot, necessarlly annlyenbl'a as due to & ueroccr lniieflnrte tirird irrgu*ant: l:rytrg:r echool at tirls ru:ettnx, but v u L' aleo X reprcsents th %'-:;r' "r'" -r*1-11r'Jirgl!a*lre.ji3-1:1ve ; of Franee to Enfil_nn{but aLr:o X Le r._lt*_thsgs-rygq{qr nrr.nan lggff-ql-l rlg, A .X {s the -.I:US_'E g:'!:q-qsU' A'lso, r:iost *pParent onnn have severar posnibl"e prepoaiEiong the{r tirlrd argun:enr (-f.l.r".gj::fg-_*__tjt_S..qtqre"gg", before , .* 1 ln flE, ln, to, cte., as Oo' oper{rior$ on,, oPeratora) and A more to exl'tl (b) dtfflcurt nrost cuses tha bent analysle seene crn the palr: to be (s} -Igff!_?gg. (and slrnllar e.o:rferencg, govnll\lent, ece. John prr!_ryoqey is ln prrl, for r,rhJ ch a' or.,r, forrn does not seem on qhg tgblg, but *ftU:gLEonSX. ltcn^,ever, there case aeen are rnany ellf ferent preposLeloas before th* tlrlrrl *r8u'Fent, anti nany adverbe ln plaee of tlrls: Jolin-_prie-r.x-rney ln n hoil, J , {ghn put the lrjolc dcr...?nr.Ioir: prrt trrs plcture rqc; fer Bone aacontr crgurentr the adverb gtv-es aa extended or alno*t uetapirorle *eentnsr As {n Jgtp__n:L$S.-g9l ottt' Johrr put the icle;r -over. I{e cannot say tlrat trre nrgur*nt*r of put nre tr}-o noto'a a*d en aclvarb (or PN), liccauac 1n the preseRt thcor). no Fsrtn cf speech are prlFrcLve entlties, rrnd tha argrtnents of arr op*r,lltor cart only ho worcl claoseg deflned prevlou.ely pttt ln terrou in tha llrar,n&r. The onlv ennvclrteng us./ of snnlyzlag of the prercnt theoty ruy ba to trcsc ie a^r a vnrl*ne of an o*o operator such fl'n _ejgls, whlch thc ia lLocatl'onal: "ca,r:;ri cnn t.rf:,l tilian tlrn qpqg6Eor rmdar lt Wrq -q9.-"tii-,it ,J.trr: ,uig-*tg-p-!cj,rg *i:g. Tha resEr:tctfan an ths tlrird firgrr$i:fl| of l:111 t]rua.r,ero:rln r r-ertrtctlon on tbe Pttt- varinnt of gj:lfg ulelt real)ect t$ (i:o arrr{)nri $rfrr-r*re.ne oj. th,: g*concJ arp,uq,ent, of carr-ge. It Iit'.4 A dlffereut pro'Leru Ls rct uJ.th in !1i!3g'*q, as tn par{s ls betueen j':":r::ll@. I:f1::l IJ€ cen loolc Il q -!.ttery:L for a rtartvatlo";; oonethlng llltei t! bo-rmte-tl lrrr v. _a!rd_ v. (tdrlr tretlreren as rnorplrcpironenle varl;'flt of ln an gqs.radiri"f ll i,,urr,gd r,,:/); rrere the and r,'htcJi 1s a b!-ec:ntentl;rl rrpf:r$tor on trrrr {u terval,. Vincennes borrrd,t lq,rrnlll,lt 'orl-r<rc _!Is_*!rri_ry4. .lnal1'sea sudr ns trre above for p.qt anct !sg.1g13 are a etep Ln the drrectLon of dl'et::lbut{orally*}:e.scd vocebulary' faetorizntfon. suclr factorl.zaELon, thorrgh besed on the dlstributl.on of the exLstlng vocsbularyr crrn go beyontl the Byscen praseuted here, and requlres caraful preparatl.on. 2.- gper*tofs on qjle tHqcor.irse q:lg Oo factr IIts bein$ rre.Iqll ques ts-.a -fngq. tion, l:lS_.klg . : lss.lgluttgglfl" tnrirorr.tnr. pose ib.le: !le.J13inL nlF faulr is poff*ble. lnportant continue: {ile grhJ.l{s I.h*jEllg_19__rrench FoJ .Iolrn _to see -thl1J_s. J:jrrrgrraJ,L. _cryf,_qfi continued. Ilhen a dlgcourse (sentence) becor:es an operancl of a further operator lt recelves arr, lndlcator -rj--tnf, or _L\3t..:-:-; certal' operi{tors J^rnpose $r*qi}g"..L on their.perancr, ,..fiJ.clr conslsta of g: on two or cliscourses. The '.ore explenntlou for thls ls ghren Lir 4 bei"ow. These i-ndlcators can be consl.dered portlons of cacir o,, operator, ruhicir nre attached to the operend of c1e oo. An opernnd 1{J-..}:-.i{A can rec*tve not only the forrc.l{1re-_V_1ng l{2 but alot: j}-:i__-lllq of .it' v{r.rs of }11 (ee1.,r:etatty rf v iq oo),.Iil y-llg-jl.LJir. (see IV 3.5.) If the operand raceivcri a tense, (secr IV Z), t,!re tense enters the -thnt:-" or rgLq!hgl:-.: forn. operatoro uhl.clr are eharacterlstlcarLy '-l I "l I I before t*elr opermds ln tr'a esn attech the vartant Errr:t-,..srroJ.rltr..., (or $at,r_:.. tdth no teiroo)' or f,!,r-'-:-:!9..-:- to tir,:lr operan,l. IIe clc noc 1.n6., vhat determlnes H n t1 tiIIt{ ru ilt{ il Ir l) r J lhtr use of one --:|:fn ior:n or nnofher, nor rrliy certnl* operntor6 {npooe -E:_:: on tltelr operantl wltlrouE hevl.ng tlrc aho.ra tfu,e-relat{on. ,.,re faets can reatll.l}. l)e stflted, lrut in tlre prerrcnt theorl, se r*oul<l $rish to eccou4t for tlrun by zerced opcratorlt cr b;r llkcllhcoql rclrtton*r not bv frce varLatlcn or by creatrn;i s*irseefr &;1d rentrreEJcn.r. Tlre analysrc of *Lg**glr-:- presenta o problen dor ti:e present tlieory' beclusc ttre operetors r*hich lnpose lt rcqulre -q{ (r'e' & dl'Junctl0n of crlscotrrses) es opersnd. rt nay ri€ nccessary to analyze tltese operstors an clerfvecl fron 06o (s.e 5.2). fn sone Oo operators r*h{c}r lravc lhq_-: ag well as ulreshar..-_- oJ._.. on eheir operancls the sb:'rttr-q{. -gr.-:-. lg due to on internrerllate zeroe<l approprtate operator! E$!t'.t I,. ltl"l.t or So ls n l:r-otrle!+@ to" ttle$$r-i@' go J.s. the. qrrsstlor: or Thls dlffers frc*"Ii@ nr .__i.l rrhat T nskctl. ccrtairr apparent oo nouns have recelved thel,r no,'n-for,o secondarLly, drre to'JuraElr-rz'eng a-spectuar operacors'n oo acrJectlrres, or m oo or r,rr:rbs: Qno .Xt.f ; ll:--Xggilgflrome ro rlsr . Iug*Legg{g[.lqr]?lg-LJ-p'r, others s.re due co a reducrlon fron approprt6,reverb to ,f:;.: l!!.e l"l-ri": r'r..".gl"lnvqFes (or: rrr€rs 161,ous rl_qlgqgg1.I*og[ )-,;riis !:arn!nq@. -a.prob_lgl -{gortS.:-gg. A11 clir"se trpi)3rent (iiertvec!) oo norns do noE EeJie the !i$.r.re vilrl;rnts (trnns- fon::ntrffrs) crrst trie orl"5"t*;rl 00 no-r.ms cro. Thue The -facr.*-of hls_!-g!n&-r:gr.,q..., The -fgcri*$'ar jg {g-I3-t.il..'i r,ur n'q-rs.'l:-l,r:_-:s.rq_Tur-t--rglg..., -!bgg '!il*L':!-gla:*Jji9t:n" ' n!]_qjry. i 'il{l 141-.1% }'Eer$!..., il}e rlle pfODlcm problcm *It--th-l'iEr.lgs-jil*rl'.., :::.'::jj::.:j.t__j_'.,-.:l:-::: "llLo---lialilt:ir rlret lr* ts lcpr:rr:o Tr--* An exrrerleLy L:''1iortru:t brr[ ]-ittle-r+:cognlea.J s*t of ftn operators are t'e aspectuel c':leg' r*rrc' itil ilre "rrci'f{rct.'w:" or ,,mo:,.,,r11 tfineous,, (g!._,fd .1t R-.n.rinr}ne, or the "l.i::pcrfecri*r" .r "tlltrerlv{:" (irt-S _r-figU$f.fil,.-Lf-,i{.-oj!, or rhc "boun<il,!" LL (or _1r-.J.g) nir:T':*t-. A:r & r.rattcr of r{:l{:ctiton, cert{rln op.r&lors l1 . r,'1 6 norrally tn(lar ths rort:nCnneorrs (e.n. l:f.Lyg), ot}.ters no:rnnlly tr,rCer tire riurrtl.vc (*.it. f -t,1,*), or!:i:r* neltlrt:r or botir (e,fl, Iltj!:), As r,rlll be see-u lielcrr, tlrese asrnc:ctrr*! ci)errlcor:s g{lnerra.rry zer*sd, l.r:rt renvc effects on tlra {rccrrr tense suff{xes whlc}i tirt: rperntors (verbs) turcler ttrer-.r receft.e (r:speclally ln lrut;;ulrgt:s raltlr rr-cher c,:ln$c rysicn:r;, Brrclr as Frtrnch) , on flre conblnablll tir o f tlie vtlrhg rrr-trr bn.fo.r: erre! ,aftt:r, ,*nd on tlre af ft:ral slrtftlng of t.'ordg as l-rctr.reen verb-forn, noln.- forrn, ad iectlve_form (e. g. ls morc durat{ve -rq.cjr;:!_+*v-g- t.}ran r:eeel_g). c'erta:fn o,, verbe or acljectLver:, no8cly hawlng an artpecttral (duratlvfztng cr nonetltrncous) effecf,.tre slR. fotm,l (tn the sane or varlant fon:ri beforo thelr:!-rg or lo.:J,- artlu:ent, S , If@ to c-ry. Th:[:r varlsnt posLt{on lr.tll be dlscussecl i_n flf 2.6. There are also aspectrral oo r'rlth prcposl.tlanal forrn rirleir clo not have thln vnrlant: lle nte |'. .t11, frorn Iie ete -i-t. A particula:: sct of these (snl, gorl{, Ill,r-, r{.d!!-, gl!ll!, stlould, ancl ghe co'l';lna't'lon of operators x-,.,!j!.q anrr optionally !.ru.ht ?gr) hare *or t-o"- on trre{r r.nn.edlate l'erb-argrn:ent, rurt! sppeer prln*rlll' 'ettrrer_1ing Lrefore lt .1t (l.e.1nthe.IlJ0!.evarl"irntpon1t1on}:@.Tnthestan(lard po*iEloit' sfter t'hc argunr:nt, these oper.qtorr* have only r,.ri.pletJ.ve paraplrasee: sentetlrf'ng1{l.e!lt11tvo.|]rl.g.i']reneoperatorshlrve thelr o::l-gln lu Ono verbn uhfch oceurrer{ prope.rly.rftcr thelr f:trslt arg**,:nt: S4ll as operntcrr on s!il{ anrl a sentence wliose verb Lq ggl}:. I..}ren t}ris letter senlenco pern:lncntl'r ieroect lts eubjoct becnrr,.re r,t r.ras arucys tlre sRms *s .he cubJect of cen, thn can treeane no lon5;ar an Cno operslr)r, truc en oo opc:rrlror, e.g. Fttrely on g!!&_q1]j.f (cr,.,r.r tliorrXh Slrj|.l,t uns the suh.lnct of cs of tir1.k), I's Oo, 9,tll can be parnphrsr;cd fry arrtr)o aftcr.Llri-k, .c_.1n ns rrglt cnrrving n reilcrr:nce lndtc;rtinf; th,at tlre srrbJect of l_*]rr: ie alrio [rre etrhJocc of q,n-. The rrord l{-Llt con:nonl-y conr:{.(lered to bei {rr tlrt.s rrr!t i$ ncru l,cnt annl;lzerl ns n IIp. 7 vsrl&nt of elt*r., coriparabla t,o the -arl vartant of ]l5folg, 1... I ten$6, (T'he or1.1;lnnl o,.o yl"U nklo dxlete : jjg .l Corrl_rt, n Ii{flJ*' slojl4, tl?gl',i I'n sonn of rhatr ;:lus peet, tensc (ses IV 2). oecurrence$ &rrli -9g}-rF{r."1x., eirall, rrlll Anotli*'r oo operator -u-1th tltlr a.bove*r*ntl.cnetl varLnnt poslElon ie nqt, ulrlch ls Lndlrectly nspecEusl, hawlng a ciuratlvlzfrrg effect. rn ehe basLc 0o posltLcn r*e have to es$uni] rs--Ig.L-tgt- gnse' l-L-Ils,!-lg *r tiru Llke; the usual fori.r, nqr, l-g lrr the varlrlrlr pasLrion: Ii:S_J: ^o,.l*rhe- cajqtr ie. rn the present theor-y, theae fon:rs arree -l fron the t.ense enEertng after the not_ or aspeccual clr other operator has enccred (and after lt has therctrpoa teJ<,en chs varL*nt posltlon, Lf it does at all) ' (rf not-r or gg!3grtg' entet.a afte r the elne opcrirtor, r,a wourd get ,tiljtot-bejore anct sg]ul-nqqs-!-L.re-!,:ig:g.) ['hereas on the other nspectrrars, ns for all operators x, be !gJe, en,l al1 operators hava eg varLa$ts --ect and q.l ' sttfflxed to x, on !g! the befolg and -gr- are placed before the J,..ot, *r1th tle t+ord :Jg carrylng rlrerre sufft:<eo: llg-Jpll]!:$$g_t.o._jlgry, lg*(I{rlgqr* jl,rdl. !,_ 3. I Ore:Slo fg_qq .e-leme n r a rX_ a5gtarg n r s an C -qiy.._ j $Sgg ry s . orro A o*'ple caeo ia neiln i.n &ll_:grg$g,LEgd::_sgg,llrljg_U,u_gl*.. rn tire parslvo n{iny of theee looli lllie *o,.,: !gi11!_1_::gf:Srn" t',u-L*lcgj*q" :gP-q.Iq.Gt!l]'y.-&Ut-. For e(,t-'ra operetora, tire nacanr! (.1.a. dlscourge) argurrent lras a PnrtLcular Preposf'tlon (case, as !.* 1.2): '.!:ht-!.qgiggll'rtr*:-:gg,igg tha-g*lcg. Tirere &re softe opefstor:r for which te 1s rlif flcult or lnposslble t'oflnda;r-lt$fcirinoft'heope:rand:.Lj:!b:tr]$,r!,{'llJ'*no.c.,nt'1sdrrbicu.s .t (!*iSUS:.::4'-i"_:$Ur ftora rro), an<i I_U!.l.,.yl_r,U.t1.ri__:,_q,-t$*!,ngqg* urcerrain, r"lr1L: ,*i f,"L!1:g..t*.Jfj-:-t-,Ulg:Slgg- ts, riorivable f mr:r Lt,eLt..nyj__!1f_!:q*I$r11-tjog s-q-u]--te.!u!rL:qgg.L: rirr-s 1g drrrrvcblc fror* Erre r),.,r, op{?rsior belteve tn (I 1."1,'ar,n t- 1.i .-:-.';i;-t_:,:':yl1_jil*illJ-l) -J<;ririr,ci i,i' g!:c.]: ro l!,:_I*:,-..:-*1'1ngq,,.-ns t:r rr nlrlrilrrhn r. Ifir, (r"lth ttre-. gtlqa.r_:l$_o_{_!.$.1*firJgLaqtl .!ftl-1!311gggr:-1:, ns Ln Trr B ?.3). , ,., z\s lo tlre second arg,rrient. of thei Orru operatar ]3-!lg:,r: r r*,e riirly hnve to accept tlte {!-*t'-'.. fon:r rntirer tltrrn the -t-nX fornI t}rt$ ls a sl-trratlon rlrore conrjlon ln F::encir then irr i"-tnqlis'h. Oile ntglrt con:;ldc:r;ur altenrntlv,: anal;:sls ln uh;tclr,rgpQrqr -Lnry, !lg!*:tn, ete'; t"ould lle taken as having for eeconcl argrrrrent rlor a <il.scourse (Bentence) but a noun: f"acr, or rhe llke. Then r hrcr.r rl11q liq--ls_Jgrg r,roulcl be analyzeci es !31fl: }:* ltl,*ru: i:.hic}r on !_}.}o,i*,1*f_*gln Tl-rsr he Lsl,nfg ts uou1d be cire second er8ru:enr of lgowr and. also the operator ril,1 _{.tg.t*r}-a!. g-lgg.q' llere, .fggq. on Ile Ls ]rere, and it can be zeroed here as {.ntercediace operator (III 1.4). of the Ono have no norln r.'h{ch can occur lnstead of a dl.scourse argunent: e.g. I19pg, be!-fg1g (brrr perhapa Lgl1|g-.jg_e_g!g!g*e.n!). Hou'everr soile as $econ(l one cou1d, r of ceiur$e, use tire lndeflr"rlto pronorgr g_g1gthl}.t., or the llke: horre soJqrllr:tru' !lr:l!e'rp*:gr.g.!1,'rsr, r kno-'*l".qc_rne.c.hln3., Bur, rrrls gong"q$gg. I'e douirtfrrlly an ouer:.ttor: That he l"s here -ts U31g!l5g le only wltir cllfflcuJ.ty I coil?onent gor lbel{:;g,Ls.qff,_{fj:}g--g$_ct r".-li,llj:g..ls lrere, whl'ch 1s virat wortld be neede<l as a source for I b-elleve th.et l.re ls here. A avallabJ.e as more serlous obJectlorr to thla enaly*is ls tl'rat, aside fron pronouns, tlle nouns rreecjecl es replaccrr'errLs of the eecond cire indeflnite rrp,l$lenc of Orro opcrators are quite d:lfferent from the noirnfl rr]rleh are $.]cond argurcnta of ooo operators: eft- ha$ nlqac, .&g, eie,, and vrtth lo,.r likc,llhood L%, ox.zflcr!, eEc,, but not at al.l Iggq, l.]!-gl:r":Jf!; U,-g:, st'&tenint' i{rq3gsl!, hur not at;rll r:j!, JlgLq_, I,S!Lo::q can have i*e!r -t1ifjxl, etc. iience this analysls does not reciuee'tlrtr Ctnn .'ler to onnl tire dlff*rerrce.lrct'*eein thc tr.'o sets of operfitor$ rer:al-ns nrr cl11'fercnr setn*-noe tilffercnt selectlona--of secc,nd arglnl'inc$" Sl"nce J.r'r tlrc Itreseilt illicrlr-r'1t 18 possll:le to <lcf{.ne tlre arg,urrlenrs of eilch operaf or st:t {n tfrrn$ of irrcv,torr:rl./ dtrfinr:el worrJ-s.rts, it ta prefer&bl.e to give tire gccont! c.rgtrrreng sf lrnalr, l]-ry..q., eEc., arr rJre nct of oFerecors IIir. I {or dlncourlcs) roch':r tlt*rn ag tlro only luc!lrtrctly defl.rrablc net .f !1et-, (''!r1cir eBc. rlre nFrr,]1.; cert;rlrr oo aperatora on d{scourses). "li.]1trinr I'lost oor oi)e1.1 ro'{$ lritv*;t ratJri:r:rt.ronf; pr,efcr*nce for hurrs,n or htgherarrf rrrr-l crrb jects ( I'ir* | arp,rrixnt) . Iiorrever, 1t ls nat poirslhlc to e>:crudc any elernelttary €lrP,urrrnt fro:l l,Ellrrf, a suh.Ject of tirege op$r&tors, at least as a fs'r*reachi'ug ar falr"l-tale t)r nonseirs-rLcaL u.se: 1'l':j{.k-qn lgr.a*ql$-_liJ!l" l'ga r'1:uld l'uv !t. Ilcnce chc hunan f.lrst.-argur4enc ls a strong serect{on of these cpsrators' rsLhclr than a nJieeifLc strbclags to r+irich they are resrricted. Ag to clttr operand-:l-nriJ.cator tshLclr the orro !.rrpones on its sec'nd ergunentr certain or.o Ii'Tposrl cl{ffererit lncllcators ln aciciltton to or Lnstecc of llgted in L'2' Thus chose for g-(3, !r:rE r'ie flnd not onL-'r r-*gli Jolurrs cross{neg ^. -a:,1:_J--aur- : _c_ro:rs 1. 11 t} tlre str,eelr l..-.o:,lr:Iil!-_.iqitr]_g9_:rI,:4*tE-*rr-.rgg!, bur also L-sar., John croga rhe srtr.'e€:t: rlrfvcnr i,o,, !J"L_r*-"!g,.iJ4IL'.q_SIg:]t,rg__g.l!LsLtgg! (br-rr nor *I"-g:gv*rgS!t !b:$'-jl9j$-*qr:-11{{,.-j-i:::qt- or jJl.reJsr-g,{_ a'<1 alao LJ,r-gvEntr:tl_.lgtrr frtS_cr:qT{Ui_g}g--...1!1:ieJ.. It nray be possll,le ro eonsLder tltese other incllcators as srmi:ly varl-ruts of tire -lng form, for tlre particuler ono. As l[ rhe casc of o*, tlicre is a subset of orro operators r+h1ch rmpose git:.gls-r on tlre:lr dlscortrse-operan<l, ln which case rliat opersnd ts restrLcrecl to l-rrlrr.g or: ct1 tr.'6 6s rqore discourscs: J_ohnjrjIlge lerr,-dlu-t]@ lc derrival-'le irt 'rpproprl'rte-zerfiirng frr:n {glum:iere,1 ,..,lret!lcr ]ir€nl{. a*:t:qj g-r_ll.1g-j|!Li,qi_grln. A*<l as in rhe case of oo, ue are J.eft wirh a resirrctlon, r'rlttch ls rt'latl:;factory Jlcir the resr.rnt theory, the seco'd argu- Fl b. c!r f'.e. a <i[sJr::'tciLon of dl.scaurs'eg. r*tli be presenteC tn 5.2. r-:ent lluist An alternatlve a'ah,.sJ_s lr:iir*rtarrt or'l.rrstor in ono ls f3_ry-u ]_-r"lgrg. rt ralrr be goen tlr;tt tlli:t Circrator h;rrr to ho rrRswerl to have cxl.stacl (and usuarly 'rr vcr1" IteJ'crw Ililr/* l'een zur'r:tl) at thc lrc:rrl 0f every crlacourca, a*cl nt of n el{8c*urde. to nanSr lnterror polntn TYN 1N 1.2 o .: e.R. surprtrtr tn .Tc,trnr:r- qr-qlg{]!f:j-1{: j!I:$--l-y!Lf!ryC--T:.. o1'l vloltl or.,o-l{ltc PnnE{vc and p;r:;i:tvc-llke trim:}formatlon:r jl! {llllld *Lij_*'!:"_ s_ry*j::: lr!:,:ie-. .rrllg { rr . t-u-**lg,q L , The hun.rn sel.ecLlon (tn tire !-'.g q'gyL:.9-l__s sr:cotld srSul;'alrt) €or:'rs r*jl{rdg : !-gr'.s _c r*qlll'rE ls slndla:: to that Orro. A type of C)o' r,'hlch:lr: crrrcl.al for niur'; lcral'iscs ie thaf ln wirlc}r tire aperator gets che forn rrf a orer;osltton (LV3.1) antl relste:r l.te flrst argtinenl-an operator--to nouns of tine, cr place, or anount, or nannerr or other t'rlCe- propertJ.es: g1-j!-1:lg., 1s-19-7i,31.3-L]L' At:r nglfl1!, durlng th*r-4.av' 5@noltln!; $ jg!l, n-tlJi Els-ios{; -rl,rc,tdjr"L rLperfocl., ttl1 3PP*.ili., rri: to_an rrcrrql, Jn an naoturt' 5-elgrigg; ,ln a slorr rJan,e.r (+.{9,-4-83""".1 et,c. Tirere are also ooo of thls preposlclonal for:r':r whlch have yLlg;g-:l*tl; *prec<! n&rrolr'er eclectlons, rel.atln.r' partlcu1er operatcrrs (ln the flr";t ergutrnnt) Eo partlculer rclevant nouns: e.g. llts renrrsent:lng .Irrl-nqt ls -nE thjs c-glqglqncet or to t?',ls ectvetrrr'.'ent. 3. 3 orrrro t e. ulgther i'iarv g. f :!"9; Jo)r* wondtl're o.fL-ze or r,ra:; Sotle lrnpone a prepoaltlon on lqryjrrfr Joill. tlre ellscourse-arfiunent: John lrr,fornccl lran'i.- of iia.r)rts Lostnf tc. ':arri:; I (+. li. Orret:arc.'r$ rr'i'r- s..q crll:cot:r::en : nfr'il Ortel:af c.'r$ on on t1i'o c!tr:cor: John hlnr'.erl [.g, "nr.l JS]_'rnts nsk-ed Frank ll1 r-rrrlnr, the Prl:e. f.o:- si o cl e.t .!" ve . t""lgn1,qf*nt-cqrjcd lt:rrr.Lf s rettin; so also ent'q.!!, I-rllol"'e, l,:.sg1glq, -,q4*gggt*1 etc. Soire of tjre:;e algo occur as Opn, e.g. feser"'ir-ht occcr;rlso as Ono, c,g. poso.tbfy -g',,t.qc. Sone tlr,o Cases can be rnal'rzerl nc approprf.ate*zt:roirr1.s fron O"o: e.f,. &lg:g1lgd. Frnnl'-rir 5gcqry nnd otl.,ers :rq3:-gl,rtg1 trlg-1"llpf:If,j ll!:-t teer; o:'-iltr| !.-ejjj1ru,:q_gt.r'he sl-_r,jrn re:.1:qglj-:j_ Iits nnnl)'rls ftts the fact thcE norrnt t'hlch ilon't nillear an flrst sriiunenls of _r:'-r:r;g nl.:;o dontt enpear ns flrsC argu:rEntg Jc:lrrrri; actJ ons eSltjjd:_--, T,n of rhcr npproprfate-verha Rct, o-ccrir. fitu* *11"j!S5g-q11u:{]'!rrni:-A-1j:ltt5n. I1p. ll (except 1n t5e s1;nse cf tha terolng of eo*s dtscour$e-apirropriate verb:ittclr a:r lla".rlnt tn rlo ncnetir,{.-r:'1 .tbcrrf tl11$gg-ggg:i{-If:'td{:-tt'.-rifg)' Certstn crises of cperirtorn .*{rlclr api}e$r botit &n Ono nnd ag Onn can analyzed, as orlglnel 0,r,.: 11rr-.l givcn fuXgSS,1u. ("rt 1g-tgg--!]ifl, .3, Lre an *d lits ,rq4,]jlif,S,xggr,t$ ("tt !:*.gt*. tll:I:) iit'rlcLeat!-hf,r !-re c*ll analyze tlta l8tter as liis rerrriinr'. .tr ln '1r1 rlr'io,rurr ';!!gl1-t,rqr:eil'r (or: ls rnore !Ug) !*Lq*5$ijl-q of jler roa4tnil lir'.-Je g'll-rrrorj t&l1ll$-. A;rd giv*n -L?l-l-:f-X'"g!gd. (orr wa.s. .!gggr") 1974 (h*r* ls n,.,,r) nncl csn *nalyee t]rq her elecElon, rA'e ppg.ggs:l (or: w*11 seen p-3liq-gjg lllii-g!95g!-qa-K:.:"::ig (ort wns Pqfgre) latter as Sl* jrksil.g]-"f':-Sl:-ry9{j*tr."h. tigSgr=) .q]lgJ,q:1$--9j"i:**q.!tSg-!I}. Tlrese anaLvses sJ"ll be to regularfze tlrese €iilpcrent, Ooo, espectally ln tlre case of tlre conpsratlve (rvs. 1) . i,s wlth Clno ancl Oo' sorxt Ooo npcretors (sor,* *'rert's snd &11 adJectlvea a preposlc{on cn rhctr eeocnd srgumntt e.g. <tlffer lrornt ancl notsls) i-qrose. *!else..!-q,' In all 0oo tlre Ee-nslng of the ftrnt nr!:ur1€nt (iV 2) changes Ehe grarn- matigal forn of the Ono fro:n a l.,l-r+ententl.*1 vcrb to s hi-sentcnllal prepoaliiljli*'i**r::-qJH:; i.:-'-*l- q l,:gls:!"lgj.1q--!:".. rton : @t*i electlon. 1t $o:r*, felyi!nfi the 6ec*l'l* {r;rurcnt loarlg to cltlrpen.qtnf, wlth t}te ;,: oi:arand-lncJlcator (qtif r-) ; thi: c ifect of hc'th tenrlnin ln X a s r:b or cllnn t e con 1 un c t 1 on : li:- :'-:o 1;o tl:'qke tlre Ooo lnto :,il:*fil lU --l;)-l-qjiiM' lliury ffoor l.lo1iarref, rotn!.n tlrc $tltr:r:irl"tfglti:irnt {*,'i l.cntt:r (,:v,.in lf only l"n eero fc,r-nr) ant! clo not lleesne co:?1.:i.(t i:nil'!!s.!1cglt''l;t?: ji:',.:'*:gtlJ.r*ti-juq-lgile:- glgs$gf ; ljil'Lljgr,Jrtgt'jL sl re prrl'r-i r:trrl 4 L 3:::*-3f--.t':ll-1 (*r rrtir r*roe:r! $.r':L: I. lri 11' l:'5 ;'';t'^ ''t.) . It le frr t!,e.ea Ooo tlrili. tlrr! fi"rrr.neiol offrct ni rlrir opcrand lndtcntors Ls !n t*"*rii.rtl', a:l f)E-r1. olt atr^}i!oo r.'ou1d leild Bo€Il . S.lncr: tlrey ;lre 11cit-r!"riit{}cl111!-'ra to :raJor aitrt1,,rrit. l*s if ti:*Ftl Lofs !'0 rrt*f *xrr'; ';nt!!r:&tofrf i lf tlr': f lr$t r.I ir . J2 ,rrflit:"rl:i]t of rur Oo* lrl lfrlelf au Onor ue wouLcl lrnvft Slfloo5r .ts flrsf nrp.r;;Tlrlnt f. l-lo'uad by tire neir oooraircl lti; ii€coll(l arg,wicnr- s:}--in n1l sloooszooss3. rf rire eccond argtrr*rrf. r,rf err ffrro ls J.tself nn O.ro,,.,(i L,9i.llcl lrlrre tlrs ftrgt &rllutiienC, :i1r folloq'rtr'"1 lry tlre new ooo *lcl tl:r rlev*oPeraltl Ooo)-* lrl al second artrirrncni Li2ooos3 (produced b;* tire l 110oo'iroooi3. In rilatlrcrnt. lcnl notarion thp-se rv,o g.tturrtlon!l are rllntl-np.irislr.rrl by l)arenf:iesies, r,,lilcir lnrltcate ,^,llat oi,erotcfl virat: (S1oooS2) oo,rS3 a:rtl on slooo 6sroo*SU). in Language, t'lrc ef fccr Ls obtallred by the e.l,or/e*ixrrlt.loned furcllcat,ors, t.e. ;rltonernf c clrn:r,ges (cirtcfly ndCltlons) clt i}re operator lrr1;'ses on ;!"ts oparanc!. ?irus, for s1 Jglll_J"1cglgd, SZ - -Ir*lkig}irne{, s3 * .g.-}Frrong-jfljlq:T, ue trava: (ti1oooS2) oooS3 * r+ii{ *:l*_t.lEjronlng 1r:.ir<l!IL.Er j::*:r.ljs _rgqrrrn_carrs-qA giu_q1.n"g-t_!::.151 jnflty; slooo (ii20oos3) * -"ldr'tj'r-t"!gl'",ql1't"g--r",r ..qg-rri:'tl'i:-lo!ui{:--qggu1lg1lruL{s- l"t"f ""g2. the Tlre f"Itllort&nce of these oireranC*lndJ.caEors fcrr dlsrti.ngul-shing ferent as$octrrtlons (parenCiresen-placi-ngs) {s ser:n in the fact thaC Ooo rvhlcir nre .l-argely ass;ocLative. in nr+aning (rrir,rarl 1y anj, or) rlo nol: c{{f Ehor;e 1ntposetliege1nd1catorgantlteiroperan<ls:Jg].:ugL@iret!]rned ggg-.:glg.,:*'t ne" "n"l5y has no fliidl-cat!:n of r'rhich arrrl operatecl on wlLch, nor cioes tirle Ltt r'ro$c cas€s malce any tllfference Ln neanlng. So also for rvh. (nee l). i'irere i:i also an apparent sr*t Onoo as 1r. :lglg=lt-!:!!g@ g1.flf_!1j!:_l-r;rvJ,nq uor't,..ed !lat!. Ilo",,,r:r,r.:r lt may tre thnt all of these can be dertveil by tlre dlstrlirrrc.lon-bn.lc:rl vocahrrlary farctc,rlzetton (end of 1.3) to .''' 0,ro (*.g" co:rsirlj:_l:) r.rhoce seconr! argunent is en Coo (e.g. sllse, cltrq to): 'I9!rr-co'lo!ler,*!-rlrilr tll.rtjlr ""i:ttJyl*q:]:3:J.r:!li_Lqjgg_!ry!lrjg:k-J_:ll:g. 5: -l:g=!$!s-:*3_ttg!li:Jr.tt_-*:" .-rl!lg ",r'. l,.i: :g:L*gi. 5'1 Ar r.lr:tccl ln 4, tlra ooo witose repetlt:lon ls p,enerallv asrnoclsclvtr ln rne;lnLng Co noE :Li':po.si: lnriLcar.or.B orr L!iclr operarrrls: :Hfl_Ilq:ji{.1r{ tr3l]i_rjlgryg! ln conrrast, r.rlrh &:li:::..1Jr*tflj1_g.**'(]-:Lj:f:U_l_f:LL!.n:. Itnrce rhel, nre . (co.rrrl {-nnf e) con ltr,ret.torrn bett"ecn F#'o 3e nten{:e:J r;rLlrer tlrrrn (ns tn /r) r,c!:lrs I).p. ,'!.3 l,*t'r;rq:ilf! f'.'c nonlnel l:.e11 rielltericcli; thfl (sribc.rr!lnate) con.Jtnrc:{onal fot,n:.s ln r:r{l ilt:ccfir'inq,'belng dcrivud fron the verb:] by tensl:rg tlre two opcrrurcls. 5cr.:* ecltii'tlon.rl ccorc.!rtate sqr:tJunctl,ong c;rn psrilcular o r tlrc operatorit c]f l;e ccrlrtrd fron n reriucthle rype. i'hus l)ur ."n,1 4 trrrci benrlnEl g(ltlll'gly._*o_org:=g.!t!Lon J-ii.:e . AlJ' tg:es of oeeurrerrce of 1gl c"q-l be derlvecl , to all*arou:-rcl n6vantage, fron +{ on $entencct; (t.e. orr CLscorrrsee). it'}rls wtll be .seen rs.tder the reel-procal anrl collecrr'e v'.'-rbn ancl elser,rrrere (rv 6.6,7). 5,2 The operators whl_ch In;rose g!r*.gr!i5. rt r+as .seen operands (c'*t' in 2 trrat, the oo opcrritors whrcrr inpose on thelr "rig.glq.: r-i--.e^gil91-tlqit present a problcu, because therr operauct ls restricted to beinfi on sentercesr A slnllar prolrlen a::Lses for tha aPparent Ono operators asl'", xslf{gq, ecc. The fact of the regtriction cennog -q:: tr.'to be elhrinateC, lrut lt Ls possil-rle to glve such a clerivatLon of these opers.tors as nnlies the restrlc[ion p-rJ.:lc orrt1, +-p t],eLr i-arluutr.: " Lrc st.rrt w.ltli triirestrlc_ tcrl or on t'.'ro sentence$ (the o-r belng of course repeatable). on tirl.s r.re take oo an'{ (as nt che end of /*) ono of',rrtor:s wl.lch are free to acc on any operatclr' fnel-udlng a rJ:int:le scntence or rury ooo. Among these are so'6 oDeratorti'"rhl'ch are especiel.lv freqrrent (relnti'.,e11,) on or (rrlth its operancl : :hMjCll_l-ur!--*Ltg:s., :::_ia-.g_gg:g qlon,, -. Js tnclr*.ll; !_tt'$t: ,jrcrhel l:a_v,,L1t-*gg__!:lf-e_j.rf_L:rS.lry,, I tqF,! knorr.,.,, sente:rces) r l:no:r'.r.. ' I-[*r:L3gS-1-{"-:-:-:. rrJl or a]-nost ell of tlresre furtl.rer operarorg aLso act on slnJ;I.e sentences anci orr r:irrer 066, ln rdrlch case they !.npose :f rU: or -S.i!:*:. on rhelr o'er;urel: ilri-Iglr+:.\,"_t*Illi-r,1, lrJs a q,,ostlpl, :l:$.-!"*j:!ll_rp-l:_.f::g.to,,l.; !_,:gI*- nl;ou.r Jrjs r,.-orni, L:inl{_r-g},L_bS__reg. I"l ren tlre;r act on o_r thrlv l-r,inona, inrrtcntl , --.-!f:i or 5bllrll_:-:-:-: 11Lr; r,,ojln-q oL jl!'Illnli-L,r..j:*q1ii:::t:t' Iil"- rrorgr .Ir jrutnr: lnJ51lggl; t::rr,g.j!-gg!_.10 jlarlg--?i J-tj:1'1ril-. 'r'ircn opcrac0rs i,r"posr !rr,!i:,:-.. on -Qr, thcrc ls a zeroecl IIp. lrlterventr.ng oper;rtor orl r.,'hich the .tlrnt..,- hsd bean 14 lnposcd: llgglcr.l$"r h* ::t.,"!_X'_nf_:f*i..,_!jj:g1lg3!_{g,r.tt,,lrr.l- . c _-g-!9 {icrtrer ho **{J.t lro or sl1i, nri g611gt'*srcrl uLt.lr l:ilrj-14. r.,:1,:$gl_*[g- I,i1] ;1l_?l:if:, ilcre are also Or1nn c,n gf-, e.g. "L a,.tlgrl hof rb_qg*.!L-.grr:!3f_glgln.*$1a, !-ds c!lffcrent rieen{nl . r"'hr:tr such opcr&tors have an npproprr:rte.ly they acc on oI thcn r.,iren tlre;,r act onnother operagors, e.g. I--.:qkeA llef. iirat hr: i16' lrr.r:s,,]tatclv ('.,ith lensclesg opc:rand becatrce {E ls ncceas;1rlly lal.er f;hn* its \..t/g!*L\rrr, c,perator), ]r a:N;!r rrjil Lr-r1--l-*ltt_gQ. he go 9f or taly stsy liut st6r ",{*.d_-!r1y__t_!rt Iggl-q-qq{gg ({.c. jre rocs ...L}rrrt tt bc dec.icled wlrcthn.r. ire d w]:qllrrr t,nn,: n r stavs). c}r:,c\ or j*-9-E--9.ta:/3) Sone prol:lerna nevert.l:elesg renaLn r'rrEh che whet!.ler oper&tors. 6.. ltctecllscorrr:.i.q o.peratoas rn addttl-on to : On. listerl above, tl:ece are certnln 0., anct ooo oPcratclrs r':hlc!r contaln ehe adclresses of argul."€nts rrnrler then. I,.rorels referylng to loeatlons ln Ehe.sar:re clscorrrse occur Ln language, c.p,. che lntter. Iierc cire operators we propose e>qpllclt address-lre.arlng oilerarors. ls an exar.qr-le of cle oo: on I borrtr'ht a -!ool: anrl ,rlre borl.llq--g!4c tlrere rrny be the operator 1as second arg$r*nt of_.q:irirt.qlF_rrr,ont ,:ilne Itg:.-L:-3.-*'g," n:s r:ecglrl srflu:-.ant t" L2>. Ilere 1.2 and 2.2 qL:-g:-{.::gfIFI:q. (r,,rltten axe the a(ldresses, Locrtlng srgwrlents uncl"er the and cn wiric.ir the aCrlress*bearing On parrlcrrlar {s operatlng. The operator nh'r'e ls thc I'anLs for the vnrLanc .I-trord,r glr€grl*{ig__ir,".,grt. qLe. oirerators r+hich cont,eLn an nridress Ln thetr argrrln€ncs wl11 be ca1lecl rx:Eedtscourse oPeratorr;. Thel' t:rriy see:n to lic pecullarly conrpJ-ex and nerely a fl[nenc of thi:on', i;ut' ln fect tircy *re lnescapal>le for a slrrple analysLe of i-anguage. !"or, n.q '.,'111. l:e scen 1.,elce+, $rrcir op(:rntors ncco!!1t ln a natural way for nPi)sr.:rL r-eroinS; on irronounlng, tlfttrout appealinq to irny furthcr granrraElcal lLt tl'rirrr e:<is t:l oiitenr--Ls* {n f;f E:rr'r&,r. ItaVrr Eo tJnnoturc.e cltu fact.s,:rr<l co:rtllctons neEa-lJnf:ulctt:tc ritatanents*-!ttntcilents of r:r.r(ri* l'l t"horrfi these ope.rr{tor.e rerol.n11 ln , one rr.,uld md pr.on'r:ntng ln vartonn Elre qrarrnar about !lr& acntence' IIp of the lnnt:urrge' Ii'r'rcver, tf r;e consJrler nrich rrR''r-clrr-$cacer.u]ntn, titey are (.rr can tr*) ;,..111a' or.erf J.y J'n rire $,.lne f 11s11,.g.1;ie r.rlt{ch l5 scc thnt rde C[ey are descrlbtng, :rnrl tlti:t t(] lnclu,le th(: $r.rrt tnfcrnr.,it:{.r)n irs i.,i glvcn ln the operetord c>:cnp'1 {'l'lcti ilbor.'e. lllriG I*,:hrs po.nsible a rllfferenc approaelr, r"{rlch redLlccG t!i': irr':clrlur.lcri trt t!t.r :..::ro.i11i1 and prr-rnorml,ng. Itr t,he tr.qual gra:rn*t.tcirl tlrt-'y liave: epproRclr sre hav(:: (e) t'irr: J.trfolrt:tlon alrouE sar)rness, r,"iilch llre sencence, ig kncr*n io tlrc speaiter ln cruclal to rrrrrier.etrrntil"ng ancl ircErcrr ()ror.r?) outslcle t,he sentclrce to tilr'lclt 'Lt r'r fcrr+ ; rrilci (i') s gra:,rratlcal clescri pilon crits:ide the $errtcnce cllrecEs us ro tfte glvcn Eentence anc{ iirovlcies lnstructions ahout clangtng I'torcl-shllpes to z*ro ancl prolrolur. the of tirl*, r{e can say t}rat t}re Lnforr:rat.lon ahotrt nar,:c!l{:..i.* is 5,.irren (t,r tlre hesrar) in the sentence itself (cogetlrer r+ltir ali the oLirer infon.latton in the scuterrce). lfnturaLly, the infornatlon rnsteaci alrout sericlless can l-'e given onLy aftr:r (t-n thc: orcler tvo r.'orelg r'rjricl'r ar:e the g;irire lrave l"rot.lr enteresl t,fre btl an operator on wiratrlvr:r lirought tire AnrI tghen twcr the nanen€n$-cli)er$tor speclfJ.es of operator entry) the sontence: hcnce lt rruct rrorcls togetlrar r,,lrLelr r.rorcle tn the sentence, are trre game, t5e s1npleelt sg acclregs;ing ther:r 1s by thelr entrv.*-order in the operatnr hlstory of tle sentencoi tlre altr:rnative, to oa],, tlrat lt 1i; the nth uord !ra1r of the senEence, reclttrr*g kncrirLrrl; tlre entrir*orclcr 6f tlre operator ar(t tlren nraklng in aclclltlon 11 calculatLoir of hcn+ Eiris rcrrrltn In the r,,orcl--or(lcr. rt wi-tl be seen (rrr 1, 2'4) that u''r'tng rhI-ti acl'lrsssed lnfonr*tton for pro*orninfl nnd zeroLng iB not dlff*re-nt. frorn thc ot.!ier w;ry:r of esEnl, l.lslrlnil ,l&rl_ants (III). Tlt* eari;:Iletrs-olcrator ]r.-'ly sa;r noi thnE tlro tvo ilrld::esires havr: the rrorrls, l'ul tir;rt t,lre y :"': {cr ttr tlie sa:'ri: lnrltvlilrr:rl (tirr: srrne f J.'qora .Io;rl tit* cperator refer:ent). s&rne L.lrus jjnCJ*-*lly,t .*tr} tras ttrc rr;rria,rr !-:Lo-Lg:rnA:l,g:l?{*fg}A only lf o:r -::':,{ r,r ::r:-iJ:.t_-?::._!|i::ji-l1ri.!gjjl!lg**":.,1":r_r€, a:rrt noE tf tlre opcraror rrr:rc ]f..::iJ}*J_.r,-_U"rg_1,li::lin{'.,_.i_ui_.1;li..l-, (lur !'r"$-lg_S, of, *rorc hrtef.Lv :eJtlf.", is rrtriflr:1nat lcir r:l.,e r,rr:il!!L*q:g lrr clr* cx*nple above). Iiero the wortl If$LV;L,{U,J. catr be consl.rler*:d arr opi3s.ttor on ttia operacor ar.me. I; . lfi .i Of courrrtt, t.lic pi'rr:LLcr.rl;ir 1.!rrr(11:11: of tire p::oposed n,rt;1r!lseorrrse ope-rators !:: *r'llitr"lqf : lse nt'.or! tlt* s.ir:r'piast r"'or(Jlng..;rrfflclcnt to Cr:tenrl.ne the varLous ;eroiriilr-r rltld proncirri:rin1;s'rhlcir occur. Tlin relevarrc(l of th,:nc operators jn IIL r.ll-11 , ',r'irere lI r;t11 l:e scen that asr,;rsnllg a fer.r dlfferent n]eta<llscoursa ope):ittorl; strfftc,:s co glve ln a regu.lar and non sd-hoc nanner pr:cclsely ,','*cot:n cJ.ear -l lire r:i.:ny rr?ileCitJ oiral zero{ngc anil i;r,r:rorntngs r.r-iricir are F.cEua1ly fotrncl. It nay al"::o be useftrl to assrrne ccrtal.n olre-addrcsrr nctaelLscourse actln3 on certai.n q)eraEors r e. E. !3_Ig1:g_q-.L@lo.f n$l$'eJg) oi:erating on ggllglj:3, etc., to tr III 2.6,2 (see I\r 5.5). _tlg determJ.arr the- pc,.rreutlng In atlqlltton to t.he tr;,:*ad<lress operatorg, r..'hLch Oo of contf-rrua give essentLal lnforrnat{ou about S&lru}nessr tlrere are oilc*aclclress :net;rdlscourse opcrators whlclr glrre lnfornatlon gretrnnatical and dLction.ary aborrL the rrorrls at particular aeldr:es:ies in a sentence. Thts iolrn ate can carri'tha operator 1s a sentc:rce of EnglJ-slr, and *l-so ltgl:lt-t -9.rn..,9i:er+tor, atrcl aL:o haq a j-eJg.-Y;':|Jj!:l-*or t!r.a.- a{c][ru!rg- !."i9-!Irg*9frr}l q- jS"-t.tl. oirerat.ors oi1 & sentence of En1;llr;ir "trl,f|.Lt-. 'lire relevance of tirese granuratlcal ls scer ltt tlte fact thaE nn othenslse syllalrles l:ccones o.scircence of rnknor.'n sequenee }inp;l.trih {-f we can acl<l to lt operatorg r*hlch e;ry, for etx;inri:1e, tlrat tlie fLrst portLon of tt is a (l_ittle-knorrn) €lle::i*nti]1Y arglrrttllt of in"eltsllr.,rnd the rer,itLnrler of tt ls an on vcrb of lln6,,llsh. tlre dcclsLve 1ra"r::tntlcal qrre;tlon of '"rhetlter a glvcn phonen,r sequence is a sentr:nce <iepencic on thr rr,{"rl&di-scour{re fl?i:rirt.ort on L}rirt phonena sequencer Thrrs l-.- !i*s:!L:-tlrn9- ,'ti !'co-i.. __: \/' ll:: Titere l-s on* ni:tirrllscorlrse operrtor $lrtch ls croo rar'lier tlrarr Oo: tliLs is rh* wir- r'lilch nal:en tlic re.lrrttw: clqrrsc ;rntl tn<lcrrt! rrll rie:ntr-.rlcc-$ernents r.'hleh thi! flra:t:ltir.lann i.'nttltl c;r11 roilf. l'J.cr:l - r.."Jictirer or nalun, or ,.rerLr, or $entcilce, or '*{lti:tnvcr (III J".3, 2..i1 , 2.5). c?errrtors c}il ;l s.:iltcnce cirrl becoi:re uarts of .i "rloru!-nllra:ro" or eir), otiler t'wor.l-plrrnr:cl" vls ulr-, (:1 .e. r,ord r,,J.tlr J,[.s rroc!il]1crs) only . ;,. il1r, 17 ,t'. l'!rr consl(lt:r J; { "'en ll1 fLrst tl:* nore obrrlous enses of I'I*, {n the : in tl"s f irst rrlacc, lt ls lnescapabla tlrnt r.:e lrave *r:crn'l $*:tlencc r"lr{ch }rag been coilrracErlri to tlre iir. ro nourr-phrasc on a to T'!re rlo here r*f th slternativ(: a r.rould be the te[:nlent lrcaceci by {l- lr: so*rctirlng, rier.;, to be cnlreci a modifler, r"li!clt 1s ;.rdclcd cilrccEly to tl:e il: as tiroulllr :'1rc,- r,riul t.r'llo k,rs llcrc lefti is fon:c<l fror'r lj:ft operating cre 'Ii;c .nTr. r..'ir*o_.vlr irc:r.c. ilil6 ll'hc n;rn rrho:l I sau 3:l'r- L!:nt Jl:i! lo r-orrad fron left op(:racing on T'hj., nrn ilrorr r sa'i (tlrJ.s noun-phr:ise l-.eLng'. for:rerl ln turn f ron r:ltorl I serl bclnq adclec! tc tr.re3a1). T6ere are v;rriorril dlsadvantcnes r,rieh suclr en anal"r,sis, one of thcn bc]-ng trrat if cons3.di:r all posslbfe 5[". nocl.Lfiers on ifr,,:e fLnd th&g tit{r}, rrre all tre ,.ientences il, r,'tt!: }.11 or-:lttc(!t e.g. r,-i: h.:rq, J rq,a,,;.,. Tfiere Ls no lndepenrlent Etrrrcturcl charecterlzatlon of ttressepxlents wirLeh ci:n be nddecl to iI1 ; u,e have fo $a1' thet tlreee se&nc-nts are senccnces whleh contnlneri il, an<J ln r,r!rl.cl,. t.he cenrte.{-ning l'1, !rrs: r*cc!r'erI zero shape. Iiecorrcil-v, onc(: thc.repJrent brorlght in by the f5 Ls seen to be a sentence, t'hcre is LtctJ-e to be ga{-nec fron snyJ-rrg thai Lt operates on }i1 rather t6an ou che: sentcrt'ee contaLnlng ur. The chlef arlvarrrage ths.t woul<! have been galned fron hevinR the segnent oDeratc cijrcctly c,n il, rroul{ havc becn Lf rre corrLd, ha.r,e el{n{irrterl tile zerotng, lf we coultl ir:tve. salcl tlrs-t in ih,cr l:iu-r r;}ro :3:j!:a_kg!. ltot t: D genccnces but t'".'o oF{:rators on a slnqle argtnncnt. Iiut chl.s hss bccn seen to be u'rr"orkablc hecsrJsa cha c,..ro seqrlents on )i, ere not rrcrely oner;]tors br:r rr4 r,'h.'rterrot: eRn be & f;entence cnntn{ri|ng li1--*{th the iI1 r*sslng; v;e h':ve and tl:'::'te tt,'o sentcnceri are Gtructrrrsl1;,'lr:rlr:ptndc:rt r:.lr:tl;rrlt'y' .!;r.rlnr that each contdns ll1. rn xll'l.i t!rl,s;l,'€ly Le see t ba a r'ultac!{scor.rrsc r;{:ntcr)cc of cach otlrcr, ttrelr only that r*:..:rust !:e nn ooor corinr:ctlni tr;o sentencc$. rt oPcracor, stnce 1t rerJr.r:l.rcs tir.irt r}ol:!e arrt-ur}ent 1n c,rie b,l t}ra si.rrc ai} $lc}l'ic nri:rnrnt ln rhe ortrer. T1rr: r:c.tadlscorrrse s taref,lent r.t IIp. r:rf rcr,cne$d i1$ {!t ths two acldresged cennot bc ern o?(lrdror cn nn tnclependent lB Oo6, $*3 tlie caee ln 6 above, becauss there ls no conJu:ctlorr r+hl.eh hag tire !'|ro:rertlee of 'rh- -*lthout the sanena*a requltrar€ne. tr{e therefore have to say thnt the acldressed d&Ftenea* ls ltself tlra 0oo operator vhlch brlnge two Bentences tor:atlter (ratlrer thsn an Oo r:eneness operator on m Ooo, euch ao gg!); naturally li $peret'es only c,il trr'o ac-ntcnce$ wlrl.ch ln face have an lrlentical argunerlE. Th*v''l1-uou1dbe*vnrl.antr:fthl'grrgtadfscourgcoouoPerator.T}rtrsEFc-I.9n be a varlant of t'ihe nan lgfr.t llag (qrj-.:rnent) rhe Fane -l ru-fufg-'**g{--4.1p:I-jcf:--thq-rrel}t. The fsct rhat rirls eanenegs operacor aere !!-?Il!--i"Jlq"t dlreccly rrouLd. (c.s O6s) on t'he ln thls ex;rnple), L'r^'o aeritence$, l.e. on thelr operators (loft- whereas the other sameness operators thc ooo (uqgr ete') on trlo.eencencesr rrnf o:platn of gf appllea onL"/ fo srgul'f,nt,s, wlrereao r,rhy an4 sew (tn 6 above) acted on the sar,reness-requLrenent the cemeneas-operetors on Oeo caa spply co gfiythlng under the ooo--both the srgunents arrd the operato-is of t6e csro sentecce'' all of whlch are ln the argun:ents of the oor, (.grrd., etc.), ThLs restrLcelon of srmenesa to the argurnents of the tso sentences is a ma.Jor pecularlt:/ of wh-. Flnallv, addross. we conslder r,that happena ll"nen the -wh.. word to the repanted arfiunent at the ls that, the repeatetl zeroeel: The rsn,elra-t.I.,g-arr--r!:ft.. llhen the argunenc has v,rh- worrl is clearly second been r"di-clr, r,iho, wtrojl, etc. t{e c&n Btlll Bsy that 1t hae been seroed, ln vrhtch caae ere have to sey that the wh- recetveg n requlred enrllng whLch accordo w{th the zeroed s,rgurjenE (nun*hrrnrrrr: -Lclr; htr".an flrst erfiur".x:nt! :o_; hunnn second argu:,:"ent: :orn). Alternstfvelyn wo can aay that the repeated argunent, hs$J noc bcen rcroecl but hss been pronouned lnto che ::js!, :er ;gr EEcr I the pronorm verianes correspcnillng to lltmcn, a'f,t:L:r.lent-order, otc. I clasn!fJeatlons of the argtrrnents; ln thts c&*o r'ta ltave to say tlrat the pronorrns ara pr:rrn*ted frorn the argunent positlon to the vrir- connetctlva. {,' IIp. i9 a ,1.,sre are certn-in l{ntts Co the Reeond flrg'ursnt 6f rrh nnd eo the depEh as second ergun€nt rrf f\rr nddre** ln that arg*n*nE. T'lrus ''uh- docs not raka ,r St #fhe book uhlch- ftln-L1t+q snil"|lary btuPJrt -n n-nsazdne ls exe.g.Llent' j.-'-i*nd i-):-j:- fto* tgjtq@ r*r r...r lrsve Tle. bar'k: \{t}tqi! (-i,te-bc,riLg-!.Lt$d 3-{tlltf}g"yqht*airoglt); Tae ee ('i]re bq: bcjglt.a boo]<) seeond nrglriEe$c of th'te gL tu trn turn tl:e resultant of the seconrj c-:h fTlrg} $ov farrri,l a cjolJsr). The geccnd aclctrere cfflnot i:e fron (i19.lqgk-is e-S:eLLr:nL) "! \ -:___-.J- ::j: &rgl!$entofaconJurrctlonr:nderthe-*,h:ltehavc!I:s-}9.Lgjjr1-ct'"jl}1g}{)l b'.rt not *Tire--dollar:itrlcttl]11-}l[ hcirrp-J.rr afrer he fotm<l &,clq}.!sljs qllqellS!; - *.l#** *g[t:r!sll: l,o.L .*rq-gqrrtlel;lej!) g]1. Ttrle t'or'rld be frorn (T?rs doLl.ar (.49*bov houglllr--bg!5--gltr-r h* fqtn{*n nor have g/ine aon-ar r,rlrrsh ti.re t,ql:'{,lg jtlrn.rl*b--o-9-dr-t tlollel) And we do 3 !o-qE-3ng qountgrfg!9: Thts vould be fron (Tjre- dolrlar was c-?tmlj:rje:LL) * -(3glg-*!g-!g'j1{-*glg$sl dolt.er la ln the eeeond argtrnent of where as was scen !-gqff$-g.!-g!), 'rbovs tiie Secend '*h. o-perators Lnd rlI qgq:!Agl;-Jlr:*:3g]:' 8. l'fetallnsuls tlc al;o olerciora'uhl'clr cnnt'EJn ner acklress to the lrrFr'rrlentg of the s'"tgr*d-' oper*tor, but wiroee arg!$neut lo a eeg::ent of $or.c dlscourui:r: llqg:g I grylg rlsn€. i't:,rr7.-gontriqq-til:glq-t ry::1' I.fg.Jj.-jll3g!':1Sg' l.lary-f.s Thcre are rfi rn ]lilgrr*. Tlhese wtll be cellcd netaltnt:ulstlc opsrntor'!' lir;t:it operators do &it 183 the cage not have to be attached to &n o[henrlse enclttnl4 'Jlncorlr{$rr rlrleh sre blts of r-Lth the nstndl-gcourse opcrlrtors. ui.tlr chelr erf,ur'ett5' Iinglf.shrtht?8€oparatorsforms*psretcdl$ctlurB,,n'ln'!fet!tliayforntha grar,mar o€ It tlrc language. {"lrrrr{n'; t e f'i'i r'*t or? nay ba Poesfble to r!ei'tve ls I ril ones bY raPlactng of if*r-: ls the slrova ex;]r1Plcn i:v 2 !!--:: an occllrlqncq-g! a v.,"rrtl (1o**ll'1v: f i":,r.".'fa're(! ( I rr I :1 -.-':.. r.' i: .il-n"tf- rnn ncB ad{.scottrge s rllncotrrne?) i-f-)i-r:-ll n :grd .)q 7.t r4 rrp. But one could aleo derlve ln the i.r n.elirrencfl of t{srv eorlti}tna forif lcttefg. j:.'"*.:-: ++*@ otiror dlrecrlon: An occurrencc of c-!1e, gqq4 2A llnrv... frora A word 9l!!rs ' l!ary ls fi lrord (tnder ulrlch). !ror{, .S}-gt9g, and on aLl other proper Psrtg of a dlrcour$e, and c;:n be considered a t,ransforui of h-ncJrLJce tn_a dlscoursg. The verb qgc!r!- operat€:r on It dlffers fren oecrrr as &n Oon verb on & senterrce, ae tn trg.E-g:d,&y, whteh has rr selectlon dLsfavorlng nany adJectlvee and predtcata (e.g. I_@I93*-Ieg5-, gg-qqlslrcg:lgggl1 ** nersfncl). Ilcte th,1t M ense, cnd not thtr r*tellngul.stlc c&$e. nouns as operantte Quotatlon-msrka llt.q. dapsrlune oc_c]rrred Its be.lrg e .ryr,mql ta the Crqn (for what Ls calle,l nentlon) are wrLtten fntonation-Ilke variant of {e wgrd, etc., preclsely analogous to the quest$on-lntonet{on vcrLanE of l_esk- gogl, €tc. I conLalns you. can be t'Her7" Le a or theLr zaro equLvalenB {n speecht "lt!ary". conqalnF four l.ett-gra-l, The word t'YatT" '.-'/ Given quotstton-markg, aeroed. j-n:rr_-* l€lEg as Ttrus g!- rryerating word. (".^liar:r ls ,q on A l,ror{co3tt-ns_jlqlF. l-ette-qg, md word) o 1."
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