University Procedure VET Assessment Procedure Policy Code: LT1241 Table of Contents Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Actions ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 The VET Assessment System ................................................................................................................. 6 Planning & Management of Assessment Processes .................................................................................. 7 Obligations to learners and clients - Informing students of assessment requirements ................................ 10 ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Managing and Recording Results .......................................................................................................... 14 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Implementation and Communication .............................................................................................................. 16 Records Management ................................................................................................................................... 16 Records Disposal ................................................................................................................................. 19 Supporting Documents .................................................................................................................................. 19 Legislative Context ............................................................................................................................... 19 University Statutes and Regulations ....................................................................................................... 19 University Policies and Procedures ........................................................................................................ 19 Forms and Templates ........................................................................................................................... 20 Related Web Resources ....................................................................................................................... 21 Purpose This single procedure is designed to implement the Federation University VET Assessment Policy by specifying training and assessment strategies and related practices that are responsive to industry and learner needs and meet the requirements of Training Packages and VET Accredited Courses. This procedure reflects the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. These Standards form part of the VET Quality Framework, a system which ensures the integrity of nationally recognised qualifications. Scope The procedure applies to assessment of learners of Federation University in all VET programs and units offered by the University. This procedure does not include Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Procedure is separate to this procedure but bound by it. This procedure is designed to be read in conjunction with Federation University VET Assessment Policy. Definitions Many of the definitions use wording taken from the Standards for RTO's 2015 or the AQF Handbook Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 1 of 21 University Procedure Term Definition AQF qualification AQF qualification is the result of an accredited complete program of learning that leads to formal certification that a graduate has achieved learning outcomes as described in the AQF. Assessment Assessment means the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a Training Package or VET accredited program and is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence. Assessment system Assessment system is a coordinated set of documented policies and procedures (including assessment materials and tools) designed and implemented to ensure that assessment of learners conforms to assessment policy and procedures. Assessment requirements Assessment requirements are the endorsed component of a Training Package that underpins assessment and sets out the industry’s approach to valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment. Assessment tools Assessment tools include the following components: the context and conditions of assessment; tasks to be administered to the student; an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidate; and evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance (i.e. the assessment decision-making rules). Assessment Tool Templates. Assessment Appeals Assessment Appeals refer to the process whereby a student may appeal within 10 working days of official publication of the final grade on any of the following grounds: • The unit outline was not explicit ie. it did not detail how many assessment tasks were required to be undertaken; how students will be assessed; and/or when they will be assessed. • The assessor did not fairly and appropriately apply the assessment criteria as specified in the unit outline. • The assessor did not conduct assessment tasks as described in the unit outline. Further information refer to Regulation 5.3 Assessors A qualified assessor is a person who has the competencies required under the Standards for RTOs and relevant Training Package or Curriculum Qualification who assess a learners competence. Apprentice Training Online Management (ATOM) ATOM is a Fed Uni endorsed data base for managing and tracking Apprentice’s and Trainees as per the: 2014 - 2016 VET Funding Contract (Dual Sector) Victorian Training Guarantee Program. • This data base does not replace the Student Management System but works in conjunction with it. This custom design tool allows Fed Uni staff to manage administrative tasks, File management, Training plan design and Training Plan management associated with delivering Apprenticeship and Traineeship programs. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) means the framework for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. Block Credit Block Credit is credit granted towards whole stages or components of a program of learning leading to a qualification. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 2 of 21 University Procedure Term Definition Cheating Cheating is the intention to gain an unfair advantage in the assessment of a unit. This may include (but is not limited to): a. fabrication of data and/or results; b. colluding with others; c. allowing another person to complete an assessment on behalf of a student; d. accessing an advanced copy of a test paper; e. copying from others in an assessment; f. bringing into an assessment unauthorised material or information; g. knowingly helping others to cheat; h. taking actions which intrude on the ability of others to complete their assessable tasks. Competency Competency means the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments. Competency Based Completion (CBC) Competency Based Completion (CBC) means that Apprentices are no longer locked into fixed time periods and can complete the apprenticeship at their own rate. The apprentice is completed when the RTO gets employer confirmation of competence in all areas required under their qualification. In some industries, wages are affected at progression points. Credit Transfer Credit Transfer relates to institutional recognition of any unit of competency or module a student has successfully completed at any other RTO. Credit transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications. Reference: VET Credit Transfer Procedure Current industry skills Current industry skills are the knowledge, skills and experience required by VET trainers and assessors and those who provide training and assessment under supervision in accordance with the National Standards for RTOs to ensure that their training and assessment is based on current industry practices and meets the needs of industry. Current industry skills may be informed by consultations with industry and may include, but are not limited to: a. having knowledge of and/or experience using the latest techniques and processes; b. possessing a high level of product knowledge c. understanding and knowledge of legislation relevant to the industry and to employment and workplaces; d. being customer/client-oriented; Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 3 of 21 University Procedure Term Definition e. possessing formal industry and training qualifications; and f. training content that reflects current industry practice. Graded Assessment Graded Assessment is the practice of assessing and reporting aspects of varying levels of performance in competency-based training. It is generally used to recognise excellence. Graded Assessment enables competency based assessment (CY/CN) to include Competent with Merit (CM) and Competent with Distinction (CD). Graded Assessment is the process of awarding the learner with a grade based on a higher level of performance once competency has been achieved. Graded Assessment Forms Independent validation Independent validation means, that the validation is carried out by a validator or validators who: a. are not employed or subcontracted by the RTO to provide training and assessment; and b. have no other involvement or interest in the operations of the RTO. Industry engagement Industry engagement may include, but is not limited to, strategies such as: a. partnering with local employers, regional/national businesses, relevant industry bodies and/or enterprise RTOs; b. involving employer nominees in industry advisory committees and/or reference groups; c. embedding staff within enterprises; d. networking in an ongoing way with industry networks, peak bodies and/or employers; e. developing networks of relevant employers and industry representatives to participate in assessment validation; and f. exchanging knowledge, staff, and/or resources with employers, networks and industry bodies. Industry relevance Industry relevance is when learners, employers and industry have confidence in the integrity, currency and value of certification documents issued by the RTO. RTO’s must document and maintain current evidence of industry engagement activities. This must be demonstrated though a range of strategies of industry engagement and the systematic implementation of the outcomes of that engagement to ensure relevance of the; training and assessment strategies, practices and resources, and the current industry skills of its trainers and assessors. Licensed or regulated outcome Licensed or regulated outcome means compliance with an eligibility requirement for an occupational license or a legislative requirement to hold a particular training product in order to carry out an activity. Learner Learner means a person being trained and/or assessed by the RTO for the purpose of issuing AQF certification documentation. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 4 of 21 University Procedure Term Definition Mode of delivery Mode of delivery means the method adopted to deliver training and assessment, including face-to-face, online, distance, or blended methods. Moderation of assessment Moderation of assessment is the process of bringing assessment judgments and standards into alignment. It is a process that ensures the same standards are applied to all learner assessment results within the same units. Official Publication of Results Official Publication of Results refers to when students’ ratified results are entered into the Student Management System and published. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the presentation of the works of another person / other persons as though they are one’s own by failing to properly acknowledge that persons / those persons. Proper acknowledgement means to clearly identify which parts of a work originate from which source. Student Plagiarism Policy Professional development Professional development means activities that develop and/or maintain an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a trainer or assessor. This includes both formal and informal activities that encompass vocational competencies, currency of industry skills and knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency based training and assessment. Program Program is a series of units of vocational education and training, or the modules of a VET accredited course that combine to become a qualification from an accredited Training Package or skill set. Program Manager / Coordina- Program Manager / Coordinator is the person responsible for the management and leadership of a program or a range of Programs. tor Ratification of results Ratification of results refers to the processes used by Faculties to approve student results and grades. Moderate a statistically valid random sample of student assessment results to enable confidence that the result is sufficiently accurate to representative of the total population of assessments being ratified. Recognition of Prior Learning Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means an assessment process that as(RPL) sesses an individual’s formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the Training Package or VET accredited courses. Refer to: VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Procedure Skill set Skill set means a single unit of competency or a combination of units of competency from a Training Package that link to a licensing or regulatory requirement or a defined industry need. Special consideration Special consideration is the making of alternative arrangements for the assessment of students who are unwell or experience hardship. As required under the principles of assessment fairness, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. Special consideration Statement of attainment A statement of attainment recognises that one or more accredited units has been achieved. Third Party (Subcontracting) Third Party means any party that provides services on behalf of the RTO but does not include a contract of employment between an RTO and its employee. Training and assessment strategies Training and assessment strategies are the approach of, and method adapted by, an RTO with respect to training and assessment designed to enable learners to meet the requirements of the training package and accredited Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 5 of 21 University Procedure Term Definition course. They include the amount of training provided, which will be consistent with the requirements of Training Packages and VET accredited courses and the assessment practices that enable each learner to meet the requirements for each unit of competency or module in which they are enrolled. TAS Template Training Package Training Package refers to a set of qualifications for a defined industry, occupational area or enterprise endorsed by the Industry and Skills Council or its delegate in accordance with the Standards for Training Packages. The endorsed components of a Training Package are: units of competency; assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency); qualifications; and credit arrangements. Training Product Training Product is any qualification, accredited course, skills set or individual unit of competency listed of the University's Scope of Registration. A unit of competency is only considered a training product if it is listed separately on the Scope of Registration. When a qualification is listed on the Scope of Registration, the units of competency within that qualification are not considered a 'training product' rather the qualification is the training product. Unit of competency Unit of competency is the unit of learning in a VET qualification and includes assessment requirements and the specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a Training Package. Validation Validation is the quality review of the assessment process. Validation involves checking that the assessment tool/s produce/s valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the training package or VET accredited course are met. It includes reviewing a statistically valid sample of the assessments and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, processes and/or outcomes and acting upon such recommendations. Validation Record VET accredited course VET accredited course means a course accredited by the VET Regulator in accordance with the Standards of VET Accredited Courses. Vocational competencies Vocational competencies as applied to trainers means broad industry knowledge and experience usually combined with a relevant industry qualification. Vocational Competency is determined on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the relevant Training Package or VET accredited course. Actions The VET Assessment System At Federation University Australia, the assessment system ensures there is a coordinated set of documented policies and procedures (including assessment materials and tools) designed to ensure assessment of learners is consistent and based on assessment evidence that is valid, sufficient, authentic and current and assessment practice that is fair, flexible, valid and reliable. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 6 of 21 University Procedure Planning & Management of Assessment Processes 1. Develop a training and assessment strategy (TAS) for each program offered Responsibility: Program Manager / Coordinator The TAS documents the amount and nature of training and assessment required for the learner to gain the competencies as specified in the relevant Training Package or VET accredited course. The training and assessment will vary depending on the existing skills and knowledge of the learner, the mode of delivery and include any work placement arrangements. The TAS specifies the amount and nature of training provided to each learner/learner cohort, the assessment process and the assessment tool(s) to be employed. A new TAS must be developed for any major variation in delivery. Assessment of students will commonly involve using a range of strategies to demonstrate competency in a manner that is fair, flexible, valid and reliable. Examples of assessment methods include (but are not limited) to: a. Practical demonstration /direct observation b. Structured activities e.g. Simulations, roles, group work, case studies, projects, field work, practicum, electronic forums presentations c. Knowledge tests through questioning e.g. Verbal or written d. Portfolios e.g. Work samples, journal, log book e. Review of products e.g. Reports, performance, exhibitions f. Workplace based observation In accordance with the principles of flexibility in assessment, adjustments may be made to the way in which evidence of student performance can be collected for individuals or groups with special needs. Whilst reasonable adjustments can be made in terms of the way in which evidence of performance is gathered, the evidence criteria for making competent/ not yet competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) must not be altered in anyway. That is, the standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and/or individuals being assessed to ensure consistency of standards. Required facilities, equipment and materials must be readily available and appropriate for assessment according to the Training Package requirements and industry standard requirements. This applies to all delivery locations. TAS Template Industry Consultation Program Coordinators should ensure that industry consultation takes place around the assessment strategy and assessment tools and that all assessment tools are validated prior to implementation. Program coordinators/assessors should record industry consultation using the Industry Engagement Log. 2. Allocate appropriately qualified Trainers/Assessors to units within the program Responsibility: Program Manager / Coordinator Ensure that Trainer/Assessors have one of the following: a TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment; a diploma or higher level qualification in adult education; or an ASS00001 Assessor Skill Set and that training and assessment is conducted by persons who have: a. Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed; Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 7 of 21 University Procedure b. Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided; and c. Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment. TSM Template must be used to record the qualifications and experience of trainers/assessors. 3. Provide Professional Development Responsibility: Program Manager / Coordinator/Trainer/Assessor It is the responsibility of each Trainer/Assessor undertake professional development annually to ensure their skills, knowledge, expertise remain current, through formal and informal activities that include vocational competencies, currency of industry skills, knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency based training and assessment. Examples of professional development activities include: a. Participation in courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, or formal learning programs b. Participation in mentoring, professional associations or other learning networks c. Personal development through individual research or reading of publications or other relevant information d. Participation in moderation or validation activities e. Participation in industry release schemes All professional development should be recorded in Trainer Skills Matrix Template. 4. Ensure that information on the University's VET assessment system is provided to Trainer/Assessor Responsibility: Program Manager / Coordinator Ensure that all personnel, such as trainers, workplace supervisors, assessors and others involved with the assessment are aware of their roles and responsibilities. New assessors should be mentored for 12 months and formally inducted into the University’s VET Assessment Policy/Procedure. 5. Developing, validating and implementing assessment tools Develop, regularly review and retain master copies of all assessment tools for each qualification in centralised departmental qualification files. Responsibility: Trainer/Assessor/Program Coordinator/Director a. Develop assessment tools for each unit on the University Scope of Registration. It is the responsibility of each Trainer/Assessor to ensure that the assessment tool contains all required components. Refer to Assessment Tools Template in the Forms Section b. Assessment tools should reflect learner and industry requirements Responsibility: Trainer/Assessor When planning for an assessment the Assessor must ensure that: a. The assessment methods to be used are identical to those identified in the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS); b. Assessment tools are valid and meet the principles of assessment and rules of evidence; Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 8 of 21 University Procedure c. Industry has been consulted in the development of assessment tools and the assessment is relevant and meets the learner needs; d. All personnel, such as workplace supervisors and assessors involved in the assessment are aware of their roles and responsibilities; e. Any reasonable adjustment or specialist support required is in place; f. Candidates are assessed as being either "Satisfactory" or "Not Satisfactory” at individual task level and "Competent" or "Not Yet Competent” at unit/course level (unless Graded Assessment applies); and g. All student assessment items are retained for a minimum of 7 years within the departmental student file or as an attachment in ATOM. c. Undertaking Validation of assessment tools Responsibility: Trainer/Assessor When conducting validation, the Program Coordinator/Assessor must: a. Ensure that the assessment tools are valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic to enable reasonable judgements be made as to whether the requirements of the Training Package or VET accredited courses are met. The validation process includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to; b. The effectiveness of the assessment tool and the assessment process; c. The standard of performance required to be achieved; d. The validity of the evidence collected; e. Reporting and record keeping of assessment; f. Updates are made to the assessment tools to ensure validation recommendations have been adopted; and g. Record of validation to be filed in the department qualification file. 6. Validation of Assessment tools When planning for validation of the assessment system, the Education Manager must ensure that: a. All training products that have a Training and Assessment Strategy and listed on the Scope of Registration must be validated at least once within a five year cycle. A plan must be developed prior to the commencement of each five year cycle that provides the following details: • • • • who will lead and participate in the validation activites which training products will be the focus of the validation when assessment validation will occur how the outcomes of those activities will be documented and acted upon b. At least 50% of all training products listed on the University's Scope of Registration must be validated within the first three years of the five year cycle and recorded in the VET Validation of Assessment Record and stored in the qualification file. High risk qualifications and units of competency must be given priority for validation and validated more frequently. c. If the training product is a full qualification (eg. Certificate, Diploma) then either two units of competency or 10 per cent of units within the qualification, whichever is greater, must be validated. If the training product is a single unit, then that unit must be validated at least once within the five year cycle. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 9 of 21 University Procedure d. Within the validation a process a sample of assessment judgements must be included. This means that completed students assessments for the units selected for validation must be included as part of the review. To determine the sample size required for these assessments ASQA has provided a validation sample size calculator on their website. The calculation is based on the number of assessment judgements within a period of time, estimated error level and confidence level. ASQA have determined the estimated error level and confidence level at 15 per cent and 95 per cent respectively and have these as default values in the calculator. e. The appropriate number of assessment samples must be provided to member/s of the validation panel when undertaking the validation of the unit. Responsibility: Associate Director / Education Manager 7. Who Participates in Validation Validation must be undertaken by person/s who collectively hold: i. Vocational competencies and current industry skills relevant to the assessment being validated ii. Current knowledge and skills in vocational teaching and learning iii.The training and assessment qualification or assessment skill set referred to in item (i) or (ii), whichever applies. Industry experts may be involved in validation to ensure there is the combination of expertise set out in (i) to (iii) above. The trainer and assessor who delivers/assesses the qualification/unit being validated: • can participate in the validation process as part of a team • cannot conduct the validation on his/her own • cannot determine the validation outcome for any assessment judgements they made, and • cannot be the lead validator in the assessment team. 8. Independent Validation of all Training and Assessment qualifications For a training product from the Training and Education Training Package, an independent validation of assessment system, tools, processes and outcomes must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 as detailed below. Independent validation means that the validation is carried by a validator/s who: 1. not employed or subcontracted by the University to provide training and/or assessment: and 2. have no other involvement or interest in the operations of the University. Obligations to learners and clients - Informing students of assessment requirements Obligations to learners - Informing learners of assessment requirements 1. Prior to enrolment conduct RPL assessments if requested and check for credit transfers Responsibility : Program Coordinator/Trainer/Assessor Refer to the VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Procedure 2. Prior to the commencement of a unit or program Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 10 of 21 University Procedure Prior to the commencement of a unit the Trainer/Assessors must: a. Inform the student of related educational and support services Federation University will provide including: eligibility requirements for completing assessment, sitting for external examinations (if applicable), conditions of assessment, dates of submitting assessment evidence, assessor contact details (unit outline should provide this); b. Estimated duration, expected delivery locations, modes of delivery; c. make clear to the learner where how a third party arrangement is involved in the delivery of training and/or assessments, including the name and contact details of the third party; d. provide information on Federation University’s complaints and appeals process; and e. any work placement arrangements particularly those that relate to assessment of competency in any unit(s) 3. Prior to the assessment It is the Trainer/Assessor’s responsibility to: a. Confirm that the learners is prepared to undertake the assessment; b. Advise learners of the time, place and requirements for the assessment; c. Ensure the learners is fully aware of what they have to do; and d. Advise learners of the procedures for re-assessment and appeals. 4. Reasonable adjustment Learners who have a disability and believe they are eligible for alternative or adjusted assessment should negotiate with their Trainer/Assessor prior to assessment. If advice or support is required, staff and learners can contact the University Disability Liaison or Student Support Services to gain assistance. The Disability Liaison Office can also assist learners in negotiating adjustments - assets/pdf_file/0019/203608/dlu_handbook.pdf 5. Conducting the assessment When conducting assessment the assessment methods/tool templates used must be identical to those specified in the TAS. Assessors must conduct the assessment in a professional and objective manner using the standards of performance identified in the assessment tool to determine competency. Note that a learner who is unwell or experiences hardship on the day of an assessment may apply for special consideration. If the application is successful alternative arrangements for the student’s assessment may be made. Where alternative arrangements for assessment are made, the evidence criteria for making competent / not yet competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) must not be altered in any way to ensure consistency of standards. It is the Assessor’s responsibility to: a. Give any special instructions, if required, to the learner; b. Conduct the assessment in a professional and objective manner, and c. Consult any marking guide, assessment criteria or exemplar/s that exist when determining the assessment outcome. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 11 of 21 University Procedure 6. After assessment At the conclusion of assessment, it is the Assessor’s responsibility to consult any marking guide, assessment criteria or exemplar/s that exists for the assessment to determine the assessment outcome. Assessors must use the grading code as defined below. Assessors must: a. Give learners documented feedback on their performance within two weeks; b. Follow the University’s appeal procedures if a learner disagrees with the assessment outcome; c. Record results on the individual learner unit assessment record and feedback form and place in student file within 2 weeks of completing the assessment; d. Maintain a cumulative assessment record for group results at unit level; e. Record final assessment result in the student management system within one week of the assessment result being determined; and f. If the learner is an apprentice, ensure employer confirmation of competency is received within 21 days of the assessment date. 7. Graded Assessment Graded Assessment enables competency based assessment (CY/CN) to include Competent with Credit (CC), Competent with Distinction (CD) and Competent with High Distinction (CHD). Graded Assessment is the process of awarding the learner a grade based on a higher level of performance once competency has been achieved. Graded Assessment can only be applied to units and programs that have been formally approved through Academic Board. This must be done prior to learners being offered graded assessment. The grading approach used in this procedure provides ways to assign grades above CY (Competent Yes). This is appropriate for qualifications at Certificate IV and above. 8. Generic descriptors for Graded Assessment Competent Yes (CY) The candidate demonstrates competence against the relevant unit(s) of competency drawn from the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Knowledge and Skills, and Evidence Guide and Range Statement. Competent with Merit (CM) The candidate demonstrates competence against the relevant unit(s) of competency and in addition, demonstrates competence in a range of contexts identified as appropriate in the Range Statement of the relevant unit(s) of competency. Competent with Distinction (CD) The candidate demonstrates competence against the relevant unit(s) of competency and in addition, demonstrates competence in a range of contexts identified as appropriate in the Range Statement of the relevant unit(s) of competency, and demonstrates depth of knowledge through critical understanding against Required Knowledge of the relevant unit(s) of competency. 9. Approval Process for Graded Assessment To undertake Graded Assessment for a Program or unit it is the Program Coordinator/Trainer/Assessor’s role to: a. Identify graded assessment as a priority for pathways to higher education and/or employment; Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 12 of 21 University Procedure b. Develop graded assessment criteria using the Generic Grading Criteria Form; c. Complete and submit application for approval through the application process through Faculty Board, Curriculum Committee and Academic Board; and d. Ensure that Grading Category 1 for Program/Unit are allocated in the Student Management System Generic Grading Criteria Form/Rubric Graded Assessment in VET Application form 10. Design for graded assessment Trainer/Assessors will need to create assessment tasks that allow learners to demonstrate performance from ‘competent’ (CY) through to ‘competent with distinction’ (CD). To allow for demonstration of skills and knowledge to the level of ‘Competent with Merit (CM) assessment tasks will need to draw more heavily on Range Statements and other industry-specific information about contexts of work to construct assessment tasks that produce evidence of competence in a wider range of contexts than usually required to demonstrate competence. To allow for demonstration of skills and knowledge to the level of ‘Competent with Distinction (CD), assessment tasks will need to draw more heavily on statements of Required Knowledge to construct assessment tasks that produce evidence of deeper and more extensive knowledge and understanding than usually required to demonstrate competence. 11. Rubric development Rubrics containing descriptors for CY, CM and CD levels are required to communicate expectations of performance at different grade levels. Rubric Template 12. Ratification of Results To enable confidence that the learner result is sufficiently accurate to be accepted as representative of the total population of assessments the following statistical validation process applies. It is the Program Coordinators responsibility to: a. Moderate results for each unit in each qualification by statistically validating 10 percent with a minimum of 10 student assessment samples over the duration of a calendar year. This should occur systematically in the third week of every month in conjunction with the Trainer/Assessor resulting day. b. The ratification of learner results will specifically review the student file to ensure: • Assessment evidence matches duration of unit (start and end dates) • Valid and authentic completed assessment tasks as listed in the unit outline and assessment tools and that these meet the principles of assessment and rules of evidence • Ensure that there is appropriate and adequate Trainer/Assessor feedback to student against each task • Ensure that the learner, assessor and employer (where relevant) signatures and/or confirmation of assessment are captured • Ensure that there is sufficient evidence of the recording of results at task and unit level and or/RPL evidence or credit transfers appropriate to unit/course Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 13 of 21 University Procedure • Ensure that this process occurs for every program listed under the Program Coordinators responsibility on the University Scope of Registration. • Ensure that a Statically valid results report is provided to every Faculty Board 13. Appeals process Refer to Appeals Procedure and Statute Managing and Recording Results 1. It is the Trainer/Assessor’s responsibility to: a. Accurately enter valid learner results into the Student Management System as detailed under ‘Recording of Assessment Results’ below within 1 week of the conclusion of the final unit assessment. b. Use the approved Grading Categories and codes outlined below Final Grading Categories Grading Category 1 Term Definition CD Competent with Distinction: for Students who have achieved competency in specified assessment criteria for Competent with Merit and, in addition, meet specified criteria which distinguishes their work from this grade. CM Competent with Merit: for students who have achieved competency in specified assessment criteria in addition to achievement of all learning outcomes to the specific standard. CY Competent: for students who have achieved all of the learning outcomes specified for that unit/ module to the specified standard. CN Not Yet Competent: for students who are required to re-enrol in a unit/ module in their endeavour to achieve competence Grading Category 2 Term Definition CY Competent: for students who have achieved all of the learning outcomes specified for that unit/ module to the specified standard. CN Not Yet Competent: for students who are required to re-enrol in a unit/ module in their endeavour to achieve competence Grading Category 3 (for Victorian Certificate of Education student only) Term Definition S Satisfactory: has achieved all the work requirements N Not Satisfactory: has not achieved all the work requirements J Did Not Complete: no longer in attendance but has not officially withdrawn Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 14 of 21 University Procedure 2. When entering Results into the Student Management System STEPS WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? COMMENTS 1. Trainer/Assessor Check for: Check listing of students’ names for accuracy and contact the relevant Program Coordinator if list is not accurate. -names being listed where students have never or are no longer attending. -names not listed where students have been attending. 2. Correct errors in listing of students Program Manager/Coordinator names If student’s name appears but they have never attended, the student should be withdrawn If a student’s name does not appear but they have been attending class: -check student is enrolled; -check student is enrolled in the correct group; -enrol student if necessary. Enter final unit result into the Student Management System. Assessor 4. File assessment details within the student file. Assessor / Program Administration Student file must be the standard Federation University Australia file and stored centrally within the Faculty. 5 After student’s statistically valida- Manager, Student Administration ted results are entered into the Student Management System and published (Official Publication of Results) send students an email from Student Administration advising that their results are now available online. 3. Note: if the result is not entered by the assessor, the Assessor must print, complete and authorise the Assessment sheets. Results must not be entered without authorisation by the qualified assessor. The email also includes instructions on how to access results online and the appeals process if students’ wish to appeal their final grade. 3. Amending Final Results STEPS 1. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Complete and authorise AmendProgram Manager, Coordinator ment to Final Grade memo and forward to Student Administration. COMMENTS Ensure a detailed rationale is provided Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 15 of 21 University Procedure STEPS WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? 2. Manager, Student Administration Enter amended results into the Student Management System ensuring the unit grade date entered is the same as the assessment date and file form. COMMENTS Responsibilities • Academic Board is responsible for the scheduled review of this policy • Chair, Learning and Teaching Committee (L&T) is responsible for maintaining the content of the procedure as delegated by Academic Board. • Executive Officer, Academic Secretariat is responsible for the administration support for the maintenance of this procedure as directed by the Chair (L&T). • Deans of School are responsible for the operational implementation of this policy. Implementation and Communication The policy will be implemented and communicated throughout the University via: 1. Announcement the University’s News webpage; 2. Inclusion in the University Policy Library; 3. Annual professional development including assessment activities and workshops. The policy will be implemented and communicated throughout the University via: • Announcement on the University’s News webpage; • Centre / Faculty / College Learning & Teaching Committee • Centre / Faculty / College Executive Leadership Committee Records Management This section of the procedure needs to align with the records management information contained in the related policies and procedures. Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period Credit transfer Faculty / Centre/ ColManager, Student Admin- Record stored in University Business lege student file or ECM istration Program Manag- Systems (i.e. APTUS or Campus Soluif electronic records are er/Coordinator tions) Permanent kept Hard copy credit transfer forms – store on the Faculty/School/Centre/College student file - retain 7 years after completion of the program. Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 16 of 21 University Procedure Document Title Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period Transfer non active student file to archives as per transfer process in Records Management procedure. Block Credit TAFE register Academic Board Executive Officer Record stored in University Business Systems (i.e. Campus Solutions) Permanent Records of industry Faculty/ Centre/ College Program Coordinator consultation qualification file or ECM if electronic records are kept Destroy 2 years after last date of action. All completed student assessment items. Store on Student File – retain 7 years after completion of the program. Faculty/Centre/ College Program Coordinator student file or ECM if electronic records are kept Dispose of hard copy records as per disposal process in Records Management procedure. Transfer non active student files to archives as per transfer process in Records Management procedure. (The actual piece(s) of work completed by a student or evidence of that work, including evidence collected for an RPL process. An assessor’s completed marking guide, criteria, and observation checklist for each student may be sufficient where it is not possible to retain the student’s actual work. However, the retained evidence must have enough detail to demonstrate the assessor’s judgement of the student’s performance against the standard required). Where co-assessment is used the coassessment retain the co-assessment Responsibility Plan, together with records of meetings. Faculty/Centre/ College Program Coordinator qualification fileor ECM if electronic records are kept Validation of AsECM or departmental sessment schedule qualification file & Record log Program Coordinator Retain in the Faculty for 2 years Dispose of hard copy records as per disposal process in Records Management procedure. Destroy 3 years from date of last action. Dispose of hard copy records as per disposal process in Records Management procedure. VET Assessment tools, which includes: ECM or departmental qualification file Program Coordinator Permanent Form 01 Section A Written As- sessment Task Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 17 of 21 University Procedure Document Title Location Form 02 Section A Cumulative Assessment Record Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period Form 03 Section A Practical As- sessment Task Form 04 Section B Unit Outline Student Form 05 Section A Unit Record of Assessment Form 06 Section B Practical As- sessment Task Student Form 07 Section B Written As- sessment Task Student Form 08 Section A Assessment Content Summary Form 09 Competency Mapping Matrix Form 10 Section C Third Party Report Form 11 Section A Project As- sessment Task Form 12 Section B Project As- sessment Task Student Record of Assessment Student file in Faculty or Program Coordinator ECM if electronicrecords are kept Permanent Transfer non active hard copy records to archives as per transfer process in the Records Management Procedure Amendment to Result Form Student file Student Ad- Manager, Student Admin- Permanent ministration or ECM if istration Transfer non active hard copy records electronic records are to archives as per transfer process in kept the Records Management Procedure Final Assessment Results Student file and Student Manager, Student ManManagement System agement and Systems Permanent Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 18 of 21 University Procedure Document Title Re-issue of Statement of Results Location Responsible Officer Minimum Retention Period Student Administration Manager, Student Admin- 1 year from date application made or ECM if electronic re- istration Dispose of hard copy records as per cords are kept disposal process in theRecords Management procedure. Records Disposal University records must only be disposed of in accordance with the University’s Records Disposal Process as outlined in the Records Management Procedure. Authorisation must be obtained from the Head of School/Centre/ College, Records Management Services and the Director of Academic Services or their delegate prior to disposal. Records must not be destroyed where it is known that those records may likely be required in evidence, either now or in the future Supporting Documents Legislative Context Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2014 Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) Act 2000 National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 University Statutes and Regulations Regulation 5.3 - Assessment Regulation 5.3.2 - Assessment • Statute 2.2 - Academic Board. • Statute 5.1 - Academic Awards and Courses. • Statute 5.2 - Entry Quotas, Admissions and Enrolment. • Statute 5.3 - Assessment. • Statute 5.4 - Exclusion for Reasons of Unfitness. • Statute 5.6 - Admission to Academic Awards. University Policies and Procedures Assessing Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Learners in TAFE Programs Guidelines. Assessment Policy Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 19 of 21 University Procedure Integrity in Assessment Guidelines. Integrity in Assessment Procedure. Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy VET Assessment Procedure VET Qualification Delivery Procedure VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Procedure VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Policy VET Recognition of Current Competency Qualification Training and Assessment Management Plan (QTAMP). Learning and Teaching Policy. Pathways and Articulation Policy. Policy Development, Implementation & Review Framework Policy. Forms and Templates VET Assessment Tool templates and VET RPL Assessment Tool Template can be accessed in PAMS. Forms. • Delivery Plan (DOCX 209.6kb) • Developing Assessment Tools Guide (DOCX 1079.8kb) • Form 01 Section A Knowledge Assessment Task (DOCX 239.0kb) • Form 02 Section A Cumulative Assessment Record (PDF 150.9kb) • Form 03 Section A Practical Assessment Task (DOTX 250.7kb) • Form 04 Section B Unit Outline Student (DOTX 392.4kb) • Form 05 Section A Unit Record of Assessment (DOTX 236.4kb) • Form 06 Section B Practical Assessment Task Student (DOTX 247.5kb) • Form 07 Section B Knowledge Assessment Task Student (DOTX 251.8kb) • Form 08 Section A Assessment Content Summary (PDF 84.5kb) • Form 09 Competency Mapping Matrix (DOTX 359.2kb) • Form 10 Section C Third Party Report (DOTX 250.2kb) • Form 11 Section A Project Assessment Task (DOTX 247.4kb) • Form 12 Section B Project Assessment Task Student (DOTX 258.0kb) • Guide to Assessment Tool Templates (DOTX 217.3kb) • RPL Tool Part A (DOCX 1339.7kb) • RPL Tool Part B (DOCX 822.6kb) • RPL Tool Part C (DOCX 1197.0kb) • Session Plan (DOCX 149.9kb) • Trainer Skills Matrix (XLSX 49.6kb) Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 20 of 21 University Procedure • • • • Training and Assessment Strategy (DOCX 270.0kb) VET Graded Assessment Application Form (DOCX 221.3kb) VET Validation Assessment Schedule Template (XLSX 101.8kb) VET Validation of Assessment Record (DOCX 111.2kb) Related Web Resources Warning - Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the FedUni website. Authorised by: Academic Board | Document Owner: Chair, Academic Board | Original Issue: 21/11/2001 | Current Version: 30/03/2015 | Review Date: 07/05/2017 | Policy Code: LT1241 CRICOS Provider Number: 00103D Page: 21 of 21
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