Prints of Peace PASTOR’S LETTER – MAY 2015 CELEBRATING THE “OTHER” CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS Do you know what the most important day in the church year is? The highest, most holy day that Christians gather together in worship to celebrate? It’s Sunday. Christians have gathered for almost two millennia to celebrate the resurrection of Christ every seven days. Every seven days we gather, and together we proclaim and hear God’s Word, and together we share the promise of forgiveness and life in Christ’s body and blood. We gather on a Sunday because that is the day on which Christ was raised from the dead. (We also gather on Saturday evenings because, liturgically, days begin at sundown. As it says in Genesis, “There was evening, and there was morning, the first day.” Saturday evening is liturgically part of Sunday. Saturday worship is thus, in a sense, “Sunday Eve.”) But certainly there are annual holidays on which we gather with a special emphasis. The most important annual holiday in the church year is the Resurrection of Our Lord, also known as Easter Day. The Nativity of Our Lord, which we know as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, is second. And there are other holidays as well. This year, three of them will fall in the month of May. (Some years, one or more of them is in June, based on the date of Easter.) I encourage you to join in these celebrations! The Day of Ascension. The gospel-writer Luke (who also wrote the book of Acts) describes an event that occurred exactly forty days after Jesus was raised from the dead. After appearing to the disciples for forty days, Jesus ascended into heaven before their eyes. (See Luke 24:50 -53 and Acts 1:1-11 for the story.) On this day, we celebrate that even though Christ is no longer physically with us, his presence is still all around us, in the Word, in the bread and wine, and in so many other ways. Following Luke’s timeline, we celebrate this day on the fortieth day of the Easter season, which always falls on a Thursday. This is the second year in a row that the Slate Belt Ministerium will gather to celebrate this holiday. Because of some scheduling issues, this year’s ministerium Ascension service will be held the following Sunday, May 17 at 6:00 pm at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 404 Broadway, Bangor. Hope you can join us. 1 The second is The Day of Pentecost. Again the church follows Luke’s timeline. Luke tells us that fifty days after the resurrection, an astonishing thing happened during the Jewish holiday, also called Pentecost. On that day, the eleven apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit, coming as tongues of fire, and that gift enabled them to proclaim the Word of God in all languages. The Holy Spirit broke through all the boundaries and walls standing between us, and made the resurrection real to people of all nations. (See Acts 2:1-21 for the story.) Many congregations (including Prince of Peace) have a tradition of confirming their young people on the Day of Pentecost, praying that God will stir up in them the gift of the Holy Spirit, celebrating as the Spirit enlivens a new generation of the faithful. Join us for this holiday at our 9:45 worship on Sunday, May 24. The third is The Holy Trinity, a unique day that celebrates an idea, the idea that God is Three-in-One, that God is Father, God is Son, and God is Holy Spirit, yet only one God. In my experience, the more you think about this, the more confusing it becomes! Yet we believe and confess that it is true. (Eastern Orthodox Christians focus on the Trinity as a “mystery,” and I think they’re onto something. It’s not a mathematical formula to figure out, it’s a mystery to embrace in faith.) One focus of Holy Trinity Sunday is on relationship…that even within God’s own existence, God is in relationship. (The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father, the Spirit is that very love between the Father and the Son, that sort of thing.) And so if we are made in the image of God, we too are built to be in relationship, with God and with one another. Join us to celebrate this mystery at our 9:45 worship on Sunday, May 31. And above all, let us continue to gather each Sunday (or Sunday Eve!) to celebrate the mighty acts of our loving God. Blessings, Pastor Scholtes PASTORAL ACTS Marriage: Linda Strunk & Donald Streisguth, March 25 Baptisms: Eric Philhower & Savannah Philhower, April 19 ADULT FORUM PROGRAM FOR SPRING 2015 May 3rd- V1319 Wrestling with Angels Video II Part 4. Forgiving: How do I forgive and get on with my life? May 10th- Part 5. Doubt: How can I question and still believe? May 17th- Part 6. Love: Why is Loving so hard? May 24th- Suggested topic? May 31st- Wrap up. What helped nurture my spiritual growth the most? Suggestions for future? 2 ORGAN REPAIR On Sunday, April 12, 2015, two motions were unanimously approved at a special congregational meeting: 1) to accept the proposal from Crossan-Savage for necessary repairs to our pipe organ, not to exceed $27,000; and 2) to approve a capital campaign to pay for the organ repairs. The work that Crossan-Savage, our organ tuners, will perform includes: *removing all the pipes and cleaning the chests, pipes and platform the organ sits on, *repacking the stoppered wooden pipes and repairing those which need repair (especially the leather, some of which is deteriorating badly, *having a pipe custom made to replace one that does not match the rest of its rank, *repairing/replacing bent and/or rusty tuners, *fitting tuning slides to some of the string pipes, *cutting some of the wooden pipes to bring them into tune, *adjusting and regulating the entire key action and coupler rails (which will greatly reduce the chance of cyphers), *adjusting the crescendo pedal, *constructing and installing a wider wooden walkway to protect the area between the Great and pedal chests, and *replacing the tremulant, which is currently too weak to be effective. By the newsletter deadline, the timeline of the work has not been decided, but the organ will probably be out of service for several weeks during the process (hopefully during the summer). MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY UPDATES (Please provide any directory corrections or updates Good Samaritan Collection in May to Annette Buss or Pastor Scholtes. They will be printed in the following newsletter.) We will once again be collecting funds for our Good Samaritan Fund during the month of May. These funds are used by the Pastor as an emergency fund for various needs of congregational members. Envelopes will be available from a basket in the narthex during the entire month. Please support this very important ministry. Eric Philhower & Aubrey Bellis (new members) Child: Savannah Philhower 270 Powder Mill Lane Emmaus, PA 18049 484-619-1120 Miriam Eichlin Correct phone number: 610-863-3515 Luther’s Large Catechism Workshop Amber Black The next workshop looking at Luther’s Large Catechism will continue on Sunday, May 31 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. We will be looking at Luther’s explanation of the Lord’s Prayer. Breakfast will be provided and a sign-up sheet will be in the narthex. Everyone is encouraged to attend. New address: 531 West Central Ave. East Bangor, PA 18013 Georgia Suranofsky Phone number: 610-703-0638 3 Date Saturday, May 2 Sunday, May 3 Sunday, May 10 Power Point Ushers Greeters Communion Lay Reader Bread Baker Acolyte Assisting Minister Assistants Mary Lee Dry Bob Schuette Jennings Family Sue Reinhart, Blanche Hinton, Isaak Griggs, Juanita Hower Itterly Family Autumn Williams Brenda and Larry Stauffer, Marilyn and Joe Daley Diane Hahn, Laraine Brands Larry Rissmiller, Robert Schuette Janet Martocci Wanda McCammon Juanita Hower C.J. Kizer Kale Baker Jonathan Antonioli Tina Johns Sue Reinhart, Samantha Johns Saturday, May 16 Sunday, Mary Lee Dry Tina Johns Larry Rissmiller Jennings Family May 17 Pentecost Sunday May 24 Jennings Family Hughes Family Holy Trinity Samantha Sunday, May Johns 31 Saturday, June 6 Cathy Mullen Sunday, June 7 Autumn Williams Antonioli Family Pearl Reimer, Ernie Lohman Brenda Stauffer, Joyce Minisi, Miriam Eichlin Tina Johns, Georgia and John Suranofsky Diane Hahn Evan Powell Autumn Williams Kelly Hill TBA - See Cheryl Statham Emily Brands Tami Manicke Lauren Harrison Bob Schuette Emily Brands Betty DeVito Cheryl Statham Kelly Hill, Jim Jennings Kale Baker Harrison Family Sherry Hock, Joan Miller Juanita Hower, Diane Hahn Tony DeVito Wanda McCammon Ben Manicke Brenda Stauffer If you are unable to fulfill an assignment, please find someone to take your place and let the church office know of the change as soon as possible. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE! Property Contact for May: Brooks Baker Altar Guild for May: Kelly Hill, Jill Hill, Kim Jennings June: Scott Schipps Counters - May: 3: Rich Kessler, Sr. 10: Georgia Suranofsky 17: Kathy Williams 24: Brenda Hughes 31: Bern Deichmann Counters - June: 7: John Martocci 4 ELCA Campaign Always Being Made New: Campaign for the ELCA was overwhelmingly approved in August 2013 by the voting members of the ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The five-year fundraising effort formally began on February 1, 2014 and will end on January 31, 2019. The campaign seeks to raise $198 million to help sustain and grown the ministries of this church through four priorities – Congregations, Hunger and Poverty, Leadership and Global Church. The additional resources will give the ELCA opportunities to deepen relationships and expand ministries in the United States and around the world. You might like to know that in this first year of the campaign approximately $48 million or 23% of the goal has been raised. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Synods goal is 100% congregation participation, this was established by a Synod Assembly action last June. The Synod goal at the end of February 2015 was reported at 64.2% or 179 of 279 congregations have made contributions to the “Campaign for the ELCA”. Both the Campaign and the Synod goals are off to a great start. Together we can do more. Always Being Made New Sunday Sunday, May 3 has been designated as “Always Being Made New Sunday.” At Prince of Peace that day we will be raising up one of the priorities of the Campaign for the ELCA, Disability Ministries. That morning at 8:30 a.m., in the fellowship hall, the Adult Forum will welcome the Rev. Paul Xander, Chaplain at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network in Allentown. He will talk to the group about disabilities and his work at Good Shepherd. Come and join the group for information, discussion and with any questions you may have about disabilities or Good Shepherd. Refreshments will be available during the Adult Forum and following the worship service. If you are unable to attend the Adult Forum, Chaplain Xander will be available in the narthex following the worship service for discussion, questions or comments. We thank him for his willingness to take time out of his busy schedule to share his experiences with us at Prince of Peace. Offering envelopes will be included in your announcement booklet that morning for you to make a donation to the Campaign for the ELCA, Disability Ministries. Just place that envelope in the offering plate with your other offerings. Through Disability Ministries we will have the opportunity to make it possible for all of God’s people to become part of a community of faith. We thank you for your time and generous support when guest speakers are invited to speak about important topics and issues. The May newsletter is sponsored by the BRANDS FAMILY 5 Honor Your Mother and Special Ladies for Mother’s Day An Announcement Folder insert will be prepared in memory of and in honor of Mothers and special ladies for Mother’s Day. The suggested donation is $1.00 per name, which will benefit the Sunday School. Mail your information to Annette at 2445 Lake Minsi Drive, Bangor, PA 18013 or email, or place info on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Deadline for names to be included in the Mother’s Day announcement folder insert: Sunday, May 3rd Property Committee The property committee would like to thank those that contributed salt that was utilized during the long winter months. We are asking for "willing hands" for the summer months to help in the mowing and outdoor care of our facility. By having volunteers do some of the work around the building helps keep down the costs, which helps with the budget expenses. In June, we will be giving the choir room an overhaul. Anyone who would like to paint, organize, rip out carpeting, etc., can contact me to be involved. Even though we have an active group of guys on the committee, we are always looking for new members. If you don't like coming to meetings, but like to use your hands to beautify our space, just let me know. We ask that anyone who uses our building, please have your rooms ready for the summer, as we will be touching up paint, cleaning the rugs, etc. It is the perfect time to house clean"………………...Thank you. Please contact: Dennis Horn (610) 704-1570 (cell), ( 570) 897-6601 (home) RUMMAGE SALE BAKED GOODS NEEDED: It is that time again! We are asking for clean donations but no electronics! We are also in need of volunteers to help set-up and take-down the sale items during the week of May 4-9. The sale days are 7th, 8th, and 9th. Set up days are from Monday the 4th through the 6th, beginning at 9am each day. Please pack a lunch the days that you will be helping. If you would like to help make soup, please contact Jackie Horn at 570-897-6601. If you would like to bake items for our upcoming rummage sale......just bring your items out by Wednesday night May 6th, for sale opportunities on Thurs./ Fri./ Sat. Joan Predmore will be making calls to line up bakers. We thank you in advance for your participation! See you at the sale! Jacktown Help Needed This year we will again be helping the local non profit group called Blue Mountain Antique Steam and Gas Association. As many of you are aware there are 3 events held at Jacktown during the year. They are in May, July, and October. They are always the 3rd full weekend of each month there is an activity. The help we provide is in the concession stand. This is a fund raiser for our congregation. Everyone needs to be aware that at this time, our fund raisers help us to meet our budget needs. By helping during any of our fund raisers gives of your time and talent! Our congregation needs the help of your time and talent! You may sign up in the narthex, and Charmaine will be making calls for volunteers. If you have any questions about "Jacktown" you may ask Jackie Horn @ 570-897-6601. The more that we have there to help, will make a difference in the donation we receive. 6 Stewardship News God’s Work. Our Hands. We are excited about how God is working in and outside the walls of our church. “God’s work. Our Hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate how we at Prince of Peace as members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ serve and love our neighbor. Please join us on Tuesday, May 5th at 7PM to start organizing how we plan to involve as many people as possible and have fun honoring God through our work on September 13th. We are inviting all committees, ministries, groups we can think of such as our youth, boy scouts, daisies, quilters, GOWAMS and interested individuals. Please try and send at least one member of your committee or group. What’s coming next…. In June we will honor our first steward of the month on June 14th. We will honor 1 person a month and the committee will select the first 3 and then turn it over to the congregation. Who comes to mind that is passionate about using their time and talents doing God’s work? We can share their story with the Parish Publishing Company and if their story is selected to be published, we receive $100 to be used for a ministry of our choice. We have many stewards to recognize! VISIONING PROCESS RETREAT Mark Your Calendars! On May 8th and 9th we will be having another retreat with our consultant Pastor Bob Machamer. Pastor Machamer is helping us find our purpose. Friday evening will be just for council and the facilitation team. On Saturday, EVERYONE is welcome to attend. Please make time to play a part in this retreat. Many of you attended our last one, and everyone completely enjoyed it. We all learned so much about one another, and about our ministries here at POP. If you plan on attending, you will find up to date info in our weekly bulletins, or ask a council or facilitation committee member. They are as follows; Jackie Horn, Chip Harrison, Georgia Suranofsky, Brenda Stauffer, Larry Rissmiller, Judy Trigg, Pastor Scholtes, Scott Schipps, Cathy Mullen, Jim Jennings, Bern Deichmann, Rich Kessler, Marlene Stana, Kelly Hill, Brenda Hughes, John Martocci, Kathy Williams. The GoWams Group will meet Thursday May 14 in the church fellowship hall at 11:30. Pasties will be ordered for lunch, if you still need to place an order please call Janet @ 610-588-4543 by Monday May 11. We will have a speaker on this date and then pack Disaster Kits for Lutheran World Relief. We are always looking for new members to Join our group. See you there… PASTIE SALE! Mark your calendars! We will be having a sale for full sized pasties in May. You can pick them up on Sunday after church on May 17th. Please sign up in the narthex to place your order. If you need someone to sign you up, please call the church office @ 610-588-2355. WEIS CARDS AND RECEIPTS If you are a Weis/Mr. Z's shopper, you may want to participate in a fund raising program that we participate in. POP will make 5% from every receipt that you turn in (in a timely fashion). We also sell gift cards for the store. If you go shopping and spend $100.00, the store makes $100.00. But, if you purchase $100.00 worth of gift cards from the church, POP MAKES 5% up front on the gift card. This is the easiest and best fund raising opportunity that we participate in. Think about taking advantage of this great opportunity.....or maybe you need a gift.....".just sayin". 7 Meet Chaplain Xander Reverend Paul Xander is a Staff Chaplain at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network. Chaplain Xander is called to serve approximately 300 residents and patients on the Allentown Campus and the Bethlehem locations of Good Shepherd. His primary responsibilities are in the long term care facilities, Raker Center in Allentown and the Bethlehem Home on Schoenersville Road. In addition to addressing the spiritual needs of residents, patients, families of residents and patients, and staff during the week, Chaplain Xander also provides worship leadership on Sundays and other holy days throughout the year. Chaplain Xander graduated from Gettysburg College and The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg. Ordained by the Northeastern PA Synod of the ELCA, he served 15 years as a parish pastor in two parishes of the NEPA Synod and one parish of the SEPA Synod in Pottstown. Chaplain Xander received his Clinical Pastoral Education training at The Altoona General Hospital and Reading Health Care System; where he completed internships in 2006 and 2013 as well as a year-long residency in 2014. Chaplain Xander was endorsed by the ELCA in July of 2014 to serve in the specialized ministry of institutional chaplaincy. He is a member of the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC). Chaplain Xander is married. His wife’s name is Susan. They currently live just south of Pottstown in northern Chester County. The Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network Good Shepherd, based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, is a nationally recognized rehabilitation leader, offering a continuum of care for people with injuries, complex medical needs and physical and/or cognitive disabilities. More than 60,000 adults and children come to Good Shepherd each year for specialized programs in stroke, orthopedics and sports injuries, brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputation and more. Good Shepherd provides rehabilitation services at more than 30 locations throughout 8 eastern Pennsylvania counties. In addition, Good Shepherd is the majority owner of Good Shepherd Penn Partners, a joint venture with the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia. 1908: Good Shepherd Home Founded One night in 1906, The Rev. John (affectionately known as "Papa") Raker was riding a train from Reading, Pennsylvania, when he ran into James Fritz, a parishioner of Papa Raker's from many years before. Papa Raker, a Lutheran minister, shared with James a deep desire to build a home for the needy. James was so moved by Papa Raker's vision that he asked for the honor of making the first donation towards that home. With Papa Raker's permission, James handed him fifty cents. After getting off the train in Belfast, James walked six miles to his home in Pen Argyl. He could have paid for a ride, but he had given the last of his money to Papa Raker. Sometime later, James would remark that he still would have donated his last fifty cents even if that meant walking a hundred miles. On September 30, 1907, Papa Raker's dream of a home for the needy was put on hold as he and his wife, D. Estella Raker, celebrated the birth of their daughter. Her name was Viola. Sadly though, Viola passed away in December of that same year. She wasn't even three months old. Returning home from the funeral of their beloved daughter, the Rakers found a letter from a local minister asking if they had room in their Lutheran Church for a crippled child. Her name, too, was Viola: Viola Hunt. The Rakers took Viola into their home. And on February 21, 1908, so began the tradition of charity and care that became the Good Shepherd Home in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 8 IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the upcoming NEPS Bike for World Hunger, Saturday, May 16 @ 9am-1pm. This event will be held rain or shine at the Bob Rodale Cycling and Fitness Park, Routes 100 and 222, Trexlertown, PA. Registration begins at 8:30am, at the Picnic Pavilion. Parking is provided on site. The event begins at 9am, with a prayer by Bishop Zeiser. Every participant MUST have an individual registration and signed release to participate. Participants under 18 must have a parent or guardian signature. Also, please bring with you the money you’ve collected for world hunger. Place the money in an envelope and write ELCA WORLD HUNGER on the outside of the envelope. On the day of the event, we will meet at the Prince of Peace tent set up in the grassy area. Please remember to bring with you a FILLED water bottle and a bag lunch. Fruit and some other snacks will be supplied. Water will be available to re-fill your bottle when needed and don’t forget the sunscreen. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PARK REQUIRES HELMETS FOR BIKERS AND ROLLERBLADERS. IT’S TIME TO ORDER RED GERANIUMS FOR PENTECOST (May 24, 2015) Deadline to order is: Sunday, May 17 - Mail to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2445 Lake Minsi Dr., Bangor, PA 18013, Attn: Annette or drop this order form into the offering plate. A sign-up sheet is also available in the narthex. ________# Red Geraniums x $2.65= $__________________ Check one: _____I will pick-up my plant(s) or _____I want to donate my plant(s) to the sick/shut-ins. PLEASE PRINT -- Use additional sheet of paper if you need more space. IN MEMORY OF: _________________________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF: ________________________________________________________________ BY: ____________________________________________________________________________ In Lieu of plants a monetary contribution is enclosed: $_____________ 9 PRINCE OF PEACE May and June 2015 April 19 11:15 AM – Convo Youth cleaning up yards April 26 1:00 Youth training – Child Abuse April 26 Youth group 6:00 till 7:30PM May 3 11:15 Pampered Chef Party and Convo meeting May 5 7:00 – Christian Ed Meeting May 9 11:30 Help clean up rummage sale and set up for Mother’s day tea. May 10 Mother’s Day Tea May 17 5:00 – Younger youth group to 6:00 Older youth at 6:30. Between at 6:00 – 6:30 food available. May 30 10:00 am to 1:00 PM Car Wash June 2 7:00 – Christian Ed Meeting June 7 11:00 Youth Convo meeting June 12 6:00 – EVERYONE INVITED Last day of school party. Please bring a covered dish to share. June 20 6:00 Movie night June 26 6:00 Camp Fire with songs and smore’s Please call with questions. Judy Trigg 908-910-8250 The youth gathering group has been busy getting ready for the ELCA National youth gathering in Detroit. We have 11 young adults and 3 adults going in July. Part of what we do in preparation for this trip is raise money. Our goal is approximately $14,000.00 dollars. ($1,000 pp) we have been going strong, and thank the congregation for their response. So far we have approximately $11,000. We have some things coming up to help us reach our goal. There are other aspects of preparation, we are learning the history of Detroit, we are having fun ty dying shirts, and just learning to be with one another. We pray for strength to guide us throughout this process, and hope that the congregation keeps this group in their prayers. Honor Your Father and Special Gentlemen for Father’s Day June 21st An Announcement Folder insert will be prepared in memory of and in honor of Fathers and special Gentlemen for Father’s Day. The suggested donation is $1.00 per name, which will benefit the Sunday School. Mail your information to Annette at 2445 Lake Minsi Drive, Bangor, PA 18013 or place info on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Deadline for names to be included in the Father’s Day announcement folder insert: Sunday, June 14th. 10 Health and Wellness Committee May Newsletter Happy Mother’s Day! Mothers- our first teachers, our comforters, our protectors, our caregivers, the artists who mold us into the person we will become. Thank you! And care giving is not only limited to mothers- friends, aunts, siblings, neighbors, and even strangers all bear the burden of benevolent caregiving at one time or another. What an honor it is to provide care for another living thing; to nourish and sustain life! A huge and daunting task if we had to go at it alone... but we don’t, do we? In providing care for our neighbor, aren’t we following on the path that Jesus laid out before us? Aren’t we doing God’s will? Read Luke 10:25-37 to see what I mean- I think you’ll recognize the passage! If you weren’t already aware, May is not only the month in which we recognize mothers, it’s also a time to acknowledge nurses. A coincidence? I think not! And, no, this is not an attempt at blatant self-congratulations! It just brings to mind something I learned over two decades ago in nursing school- The Nightingale Pledge. Developed in 1893 by the Ferrand Training School for Nurses in Detroit to honor the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, The Nightingale Pledge continues to be recited at nursing school graduations to this day. Read the pledge and see if you can draw the parallels between nursing and caregiving in general (the bold highlights were added by me for emphasis): “I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and I will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.” (Public Domain) Do you see the similarities? A commitment before God and others, to abstain from wrongdoing, and loyally protect those in your care... sounds like mothering, and caregiving, to me! So, whether you are a devoted mother, a loyal friend, or any other type of caregiver, continue on your path, for in doing so you are lifting up God’s plan for you; be thankful for the gifts He has given you! If you happen to be on the receiving end of someone’s care, thank God for instilling them with the skill and devotion needed to help you. I think it’s also important to remember that at any given time in our lives, we may be a caregiver, someone in need of care, or we may be in BOTH of these categories at the same time! This month, let’s thank our mothers and other caregivers and re-dedicate ourselves to those in our care. Let’s continue on the path laid out for us so many years ago. Let’s “go and do likewise.” Now, where have I heard that before? Blessings! Justine Cesari 11 This is the first of a series of articles in the newsletter about people in our congregation. Each month, one person will describe his/her journey of faith, answering the questions “Who I am, and what does it means to be a member of Prince of Peace?” Many of you may already know me, and some of you may think that you know me…. My childhood home is 1/8 of a mile from our church. My current home is 1 ½ miles from the church. I attended Sunday School at the original Johnsonville church, which stood along the road, where our current POP building is today. I sang in the choir there and here, and attended confirmation in East Bangor while POP was being constructed. I have been involved in most committees here at POP, and am also a member of our congregational council. I am a daughter, sibling, wife and parent, and yes, a grandparent. My profession for 35 years has been in the cosmetology field. I enjoy all types of crafting, painting, and party planning, but my most joy comes from spending time with my grandchildren. When we ask “Where have we seen God lately?”; I see it in everyone who touches my life, in my talents that God gave me, and the wonderful surroundings in my life. I will be turning 53 this year, and am a lifelong member of one of our founding churches, and the current POP congregation. Many of our members that you may know by only their first name, such as Kathleen, Lois, even Charmaine…..have known me since I was very young. I completely -to my core- believe in our congregation. Everything that we strive to do here makes me proud to be a member. I think it is truly a blessed thing that we possess at POP; helping others in need. We are so successful at this! But sometimes, giving to one another proves to be more difficult. We just celebrated the Easter season, learning the path that was set before our Lord. This made me think about our struggles as humans, not only then, but in the present. The being that we celebrate each week in our church, and his fundamental teachings that we follow, was a person that others hated, betrayed by his closest friends, and was crucified for his beliefs because of his internal strengths that others feared. Have you ever passed judgment upon someone, been involved in gossip or believe what the gossipers say? As humans we sin each day, and sometimes to others…..friends, colleagues, and those that we love or admire. I am guilty of this and I have been the recipient of this by others. “Sometimes people that know us, don’t really know us“. This is why it is so easy to pass judgment upon others. When I think of what Jesus endured, I sometimes wonder how he could have mercy for those that not only tortured him, but betrayed him. I don’t think that is how we should be at Prince of Peace. We all make mistakes, and we all want forgiveness. Each day we can only try harder. Sometimes it is something as simple as not understanding what the other person is saying. Sometimes we just need to talk to one another. We often think about the wonderful “out-reach” that we do here, but something that we really should practice is “in-reach“. This is the place where “We actively seek and serve Christ in all people”. As I was preparing for this article, I realized something. My journey at POP started with the support of my grandmother. She made sure that I got to church each week. But from the age of 14, it was my belief in God, that brought me to these doors. My belief has no boundaries. Some may know this because I have told the story before, but my parents never believed you had to be in a building to believe in Christ. I feel the same way. But, I do believe that strength comes from others. The strength, conviction, and the unity of our congregation helps us to share the word, help those in need and to build a stronger bond with one another. Through the word of God, we will be better followers. We will be better humans, not just to those in need, but to one another. Jacqueline Horn The Kitchen Committee needs your help! “Are you aware, we have a kitchen committee?” The individuals on the committee check on our kitchen. They do NOT put items away. They do NOT clean out the refrigerator or freezer. Their sole responsibility is to observe our kitchen and to make contact with those that do not keep the kitchen in order. There are so many of us that use the kitchen, but do not clean up when we are done. Please be more mindful next time that you use the kitchen! It is very easy to fall back into bad habits. 12 After a nice, wet, early, spring we finally got a chance to till the garden the week of April 12th. We are going to add an irrigation system that involves the rain barrels this year to keep the soil more moist with trickle lines under plastic. A grant check was received from world hunger and we are anxious to get going this season. The days that we will be meeting will be Monday mornings (before P.U.M.P. delivery), Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. More exact times will determined , if anyone would like to come and help or just see what we are up to please except our invitation. Questions? 570-897-5659 or Gods work Our hands ……………...The Garden committee THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR TEACHERS! Another Sunday School year is ending and the Christian Education Committee would like to recognize and thank all or our teachers. If you meet any of these people, please thank them for their dedication to Christian learning. Tina Johns Colleen Hall Michele Harrison Kim Jennings Justine Cesari Janet Martocci Cheryl Statham Judy Trigg Cheri Confalone Bruce Antonioli Tara Flyte Sherry Hock Valerie Kessler Stacy Powell Juanita Hower Krista Singer Tarin Flyte Joan Miller Laraine Brands Brenda Hughes Samantha Johns Kelli Hall Karen Karner Carol Shuman The Quilters have had a rough year—snow and more snow. For the time we were here we did well and will be giving lap robes etc. to several nursing homes. Our last day will be June 2, 2015 and we will return Sept. 8, 2015 @ 9am. As in the past years we are requesting old but gently used flannel sheets to use in our quilts. Sometimes you just need a change and we could use these. In the past you have all been very generous! Thank you! ……………..The Happy Quilters Blanche Hinton Thanks to everyone for the many acts of kindness and especially for the prayers during my recent health problems. Thanks again!—Charmaine Collins 13 Scout Breakfast The Scouts, of Prince of Peace, would like to extend an invitation, to all congregation members, to a breakfast. It will be held, Sunday, May 31, right after church, in POP social hall. This is the Scouts way of giving Thanks to their Chartering Organization who blesses them with the support and use of the building and grounds. Please mark your calendar and join us for fellowship and some good food. Looking forward to serving you. Pack, Troop and Crew 14 From Carol’s Bench JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once, upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia. Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! Praise eternal as His love, Alleluia! Praise Him all Ye heavenly host, Alleluia! Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! You might confuse this hymn with Charles Wesley’s “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”. The theme is the same, the structure is similar, and Wesley also had a hand in this hymn. But this hymn is based on a medieval Latin text. Alleluia is the perfect word for Easter Sunday. It simply means “Praise the Lord.” It is used throughout Scripture (especially in Psalms and Revelation) to glorify God for the mighty acts He has done. And what mighty act is there more than this: The resurrection of Christ from the dead. Interestingly, this hymn speaks more about Christ’s death than His new life. Both are vital aspects of God’s redeeming work. Christ endured the cross and rose from the dead. His death and resurrection are inseparable, and hymn singers exalt in all of it. During this Easter season, let us praise God who made it happen. Alleluia! For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. 1 Peter 3:18 RSV The GOWAMS are in need of the following items to complete Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief: Bath towels (dark colors), soap and toothbrushes. Your generous donations are greatly appreciated, we couldn’t do this without your help. You may place your donation in the bin in the Narthex (next to the PUMP bin). Thank you! Questions: see Mary O’Meally or Janet Martocci 14 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 3 Rummage sale set-up Temple Talk: Rev. Paul Xander 8:30 am VBS Registration 8:30 am Sunday School 8:30am H.S. Sunday School 8:am Adult Forum: Coffee Hour with Speaker 9:45am Worship & Holy Communion 11-12:30 Youth Gathering 11am Pampered chef party 4 5 Rummage sale set-up Announcement Folder DEADLINE 4:30-5:30pm Cub Scouts: Webelos II 6-7pm Cub Scouts: Tigers, Wolves, Bears Rummage sale set-up 9am Happy Quilters 9:30am GFWC –Craft 6 7 Rummage Sale set-up 9am– 5pm RUMMAGE SALE 7pm Boy Scouts Property Committee 7pm Prayer Group 7pm 6pm Daisies 6:30 pm Historical Task Force SAT 2 9:30am GEMS: Bulletin assembly 5:30 Worship & Holy Communion 8 9 9am-5pm RUMMAGE SALE 9:30am GEMS: Bulletin assembly 9am-12pm Tenative RUMMAGE SALE –Bag Sale 11:30am Youth help clean-up Rummage Sale 1pm Kitchen use for Mother’s Day Tea 1:30pm GFWC-Executive 6pm Social Ministries 6:30pm Dwelling in the Word 7pm Christian Ed. & Stewardship 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Steward of the Month Good Samaritan Fund Temple Talk 4:30-5:30pm Cub Scouts: Webelos II 6-7pm Cub Scouts: Tigers, Wolves, Bears Newsletter and Announcement Folder DEADLINE 9am Happy Quilters 10:30am GFWC Luncheon and Meeting 7pm Boy Scouts 7pm Prayer group meeting 6pm-10pm American Red Cross FA & CPR class– contact Judy Trigg to sign up 9:30 am GEMS: Bulletin assembly 5:30pm Worship & Holy Communion 22 23 8:30am Sunday School 9:45am Worship & Holy Communion 6:30pm Congregational Council 6:30 Metal Wellness Support Group 6:30pm Dwelling in the Word 17 18 19 20 21 8:30am (Last day) Sunday School 8:30am H.S. Sunday School 9:45am Worship & Holy Communion 6pm Ministerium Ascension Service : Trinity Church 5pm– 7pm All Youth Groups 4:30-5:30pm Cub Scouts: Webelos II 6-7pm Cub Scouts: Tigers, Wolves, Bears 6pm Facilitation Team & Council Announcement Folder DEADLINE ELECTION DAY tentative in Narthex 9am Happy Quilters 6:30pm Dwelling in the Word 7pm Boy Scouts 7pm Real Readers 7pm Prayer Group 24 25 26 28 29 30 CONFIRMATION 9:45am Worship & Holy Communion CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED Announcement Folder DEADLINE 6pm Worship & Music Committee 6:30pm Dwelling in the Word 6:30pm Mental Wellness Support Group 9:30am GEMS: Bulletin assembly 10am-1pm POP Carwash 9:30am GEMS: Bulletin assembly 31 9:45 Worship & Holy Communion 11am SCOUT BREAKFAST For the most up-to-date calendar, visit our web-site: – Google Calendar Page 15 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 2445 Lake Minsi Drive (Johnsonville ) Bangor, Pennsylvania 18013 Would you like to place an article in the monthly newsletter? Highlight your ministry? Post a Thank you? Make an announcement? Office Phone: 610-588-2355 Fax: 610-588-9150 Web-site: -------------------------------------------------- EARLY SUBMISSIONS ARE APPRECIATED! Items received after the deadline will go into the next months newsletter. Worship Schedule: 5:30 pm 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month 9:45 a.m. Sundays: Sunday School: 8:30 am You may email your submissions to Or leave them handwritten in my basket in the narthex….Wanda McCammon Rev. Michael J. Scholtes: Pastor Minister of Music: Carol Koslo Youth & Family Coordinator: Judy Trigg Treasurer: Joyce Weishaupt Assistant Treasurer: Georgia Suranofsky Financial Secretary: Mary o’Meally Sexton: Candy Rissmiller Church Secretary: Annette Buss P.S. GEMS: We’ll be assembling the June Newsletter on Wednesday, May 27 at 9:30 a.m. Come out and join the fellowship and fun! Church Secretary’s Office Hours : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am–Noon Thursday: 1 to 4 pm Church Secretary’s email: Publication’s title & number: PRINTS OF PEACE Church Council Members: Jim Jennings - President Jacki Horn - Vice President Bern Deichmann - Secretary Georgia Suranofsky Jim Poliskiewicz Jr. Reverend Michael J. Scholtes Brenda Hughes Marlene Stana Rich Kessler John Martocci Cathy Mullen Kelly Hill Statement of frequency Published Monthly: 12 issues January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Authorized Organization’s: PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH OUR PURPOSE STATEMENT We the people of Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church will actively seek and serve Christ in all people. 16 Name and Address: 2445 LAKE MINSI DRIVE BANGOR, PA 18013-5418
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