The Village of Port Alice RUMBLE SHEET May 2015 Municipal Office Newsletter The Village Municipal Office, Public Works, Arena and Community Centre will be closed Monday, May 18, 2015 for the Victoria Day Holiday. Inside…. Village Municipal Office News......... 2-7 Arena News ........................................ 8 Community Centre Calendar .............. 9 Community Centre Programs ...... 9-12 Community Messages ................. 13-17 The Mayor and Council Community Health ....................... 18-19 would like to extend their congratulations to Community Service & Business ..20-22 Wayne Beckett for receiving a BC Community Achievement Award. The award is presented to British Columbians who have made outstanding contributions to their communities. For over forty years, Wayne has been on duty 24-7, 365 days a year on the Port Alice Volunteer Fire Department. He also served the Port Alice Marine Search and Rescue Society for 18 years and has been a devoted member of the Royal Canadian Legion Port Alice Branch. Whether it is a parade, Remembrance Day activities, Scouts, special events, or Community Christmas parties, Wayne is always there. For Sale or Rent ........................... 23-25 Port Alice 50th Reunion............... 26-30 History Notes .................................... 30 In This Issue Bear Awareness National Public Works Week May 17-23, 2015 National Public Works Week celebrates our public works employees, who are responsible for keeping clean water in our taps, maintaining our roads, sewers, parks, municipal buildings and property. RFPs for Marina Manager Indoor Fun at the Arena Family Fun Day Free Business Workshops Health Forum Meeting Thank you to our local PA Fish & Wildlife Cookout Public Works Employees: Port Alice 50th Reunion Info Gord Ward, Kevin Cameron, Ted Dryka, Jason Yunker & Artur Lodewijk Rumble Sheet Emergency Preparedness Week 1 Port Alice History Notes May 2015 Municipal Office News Bear Awareness Garbage-eating bears lose their fear of people and can become a nuisance and possibly dangerous. Village Council Meetings Don’t attract bears to your neighbourhood. Use the following tips to help keep bears away: Garbage & Compost: Keep garbage in a secured shed or indoors until pick-up day. Fruit Trees: Pick fruit as it ripens and clean up windfalls promptly. Get rid of any unwanted fruit trees. Barbecues: Burn grills clean to remove any food residues and store barbecues inside. If left outside, keep it covered and store out of the wind. Council Meetings are held the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in the Village Council Chambers at 7:00 pm. There will be one meeting only in July, August and December, on the 2nd Wednesday of those months. If there is an issue or concern that you wish to address Council about, you may request delegate status by submitting a signed letter of request by 5:00 pm on the Thursday prior to the next meeting. Pets: A dog may warn you that a bear is nearby, but be sure your dog is restrained or in a fenced yard. If you see a bear: Remain calm. The bear is likely passing through and if it doesn’t find food, will move on. Keep away from the bear and warn others to stay away. Bring children and pets indoors. If the bear seems threatening or persistent, call a conservation officer (1-877-952-7277) or the police (250-284-3353). Village Council Mayor: Jan Allen ……..… 284-3201 Councillors: Marnie Chase ……... 284-3597 Christine Martin ……. 284-3470 Dave Stewart …...….. 284-0191 Doug Worthington….. 284-3202 Local Phone Numbers Rumble Sheet Advertising Prices ANY EMERGENCY - 911 Commercial Classified Ads $2/line ($6 minimum) Business Card $6/month 1/4 page Ad $8/month 1/2 page Ad $16/month 1 Full Page $32/month Notice to Advertisers The Village of Port Alice Rumble Sheet newsletter is produced in the Village Municipal Office. Please email your information to: or contact the Village Office to place and pay for ads at: 1061 Marine Drive or call 250-284-3391 Deadline for June is May 21st. May 2015 2 RCMP Non-emergency. 284-3353 Doctors Clinic & Health Centre ….284-3555 School…………… 284-3315 Municipal Office….284-3391 Community Centre …........... 284-3912 Arena…………….. 284-3943 Public Works……. 284-6612 BC Road Conditions ………. ……………. 1-800-661-2324 Wildlife …….1-877-952-7277 Rumble Sheet Municipal Office News Emergency Preparedness Week May 3-9, 2015 Are you prepared? In the North Island emergencies can include wildfire, severe weather, landslide, earthquake, tsunami, and land, air and marine accidents. The Village of Port Alice has an established Emergency Preparedness Program which includes specific emergency plans and evacuation plans that will be activated in the event of an emergency. As a citizen of Port Alice, you have a role and responsibility in emergency management to protect yourself and your loved ones. Understanding that emergency personnel will be tasked with numerous roles and responsibilities during an emergency, we need you to take responsibility for your family. Most importantly: 1. Know the risks 2. Make a Plan and Practice a household emergency evacuation: Can you evacuative within 30 minutes or less? 3. Ensure that you have an emergency kit in your household that will protect your family and pets for at least 72 hours. For more ideas and information on emergency preparedness: The Port Alice Community Centre is your Reception Centre for emergencies. There you will also find pamphlets on various emergency situations. For full details and specific emergency information, visit the Port Alice website: Welcome our new Emergency Coordinator, Maria Farrell. Maria is a long-time resident of Port Alice, member of the volunteer fire department and a paramedic. The Emergency Coordinator maintains the Port Alice Emergency Response Plan, develops procedures for warning notification and provisions, and helps promotes public awareness and coordinates with the regional and provincial agencies. In the event of a local emergency such as earthquake, landslide or tsunami, Maria will operate the Emergency Evacuation Center at the Community Centre, coordinate emergency response and services, and ensure that necessary assistance is provided to the public. Visit the Port Alice Emergency web site for more information: Rumble Sheet 3 May 2015 Municipal Office News Port Alice Rumble Beach Marina 2015 Parking & Boat Launch Passes $60 Annual Pass (tax included) covers parking for one registered vehicle at the marina parking lot, and unlimited launching of your registered boat. Your personally numbered pass should be displayed on the inside of the driver’s window or on the dashboard. FREE Trailer Parking sticker for your boat trailer. Purchase your pass at Village of Port Alice Municipal Office 1061 Marine Drive Monday to Friday - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 250-284-3391 $5 for 2nd vehicle parking pass (within the same family/household). AHOY BC Launches Marine Tourism Website AHOY BC has launched a website devoted to attracting marine tourists to BC coastal waters and its communities. Visitors to the website can learn about marine environmental ethics, respectful travel in First Nations traditional territories, safe boating, marine parks and more. Each coastal region has its own section where visitors can select marinas and communities to visit, fid services and learn what each community has to offer. See Port Alice on the site at: DO YOU LIKE BOATS & MEETING NEW PEOPLE? Maybe you should be our 2015 Marina Manager! VILLAGE OF PORT ALICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2015 Marina Manager The Marina Manager will collect moorage and oversee operations from June 15 - Sept. 15, 2015. For a full description of responsibilities visit the Port Alice web site: http:\\ Deadline: 4 p.m., May 8, 2015 Interested? Send us a proposal or come see us at the Village Office, 1061 Marine Drive, to find out more about this exciting opportunity. May 2015 4 Rumble Sheet Municipal Office News For Sale: 1996 GMC 3500 220,000 km One-ton Dually Diesel 4WD Pick-up As-is/where-is. Sealed bids accepted until June 12, 4 p.m. Submit your bid to: Madeline McDonald, CAO Village of Port Alice, 1061 Marine Drive, Box 130 Port Alice, BC V0N Rumble Sheet 5 May 2015 Municipal Office News Municipal Transfer Station Residential Garbage Collection 721 Marine Drive Open to Port Alice Residents Monday - Friday 8:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. (EXTENDED TO 6:00 PM TUESDAYS) Saturdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sundays NOON - 6 p.m. Monday Haida Ave Maquinna Ave Marine Drive Mobile Home Park Recycling Inside Depot (Packaging and printed material) Please drop off your recycling at the inside depot during operating hours. Thursday Rupert Ave. Matsqui Ave. Dogwood Lane McKay Crescent Jeune Landing Use garbage containers with secure lids — not bags. Maximum weight 50 pounds (22kg) NEW Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday Tuesday NOON - 6 p.m. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Recycling Depot CLOSED Thursdays PORT ALICE RECYCLING SOCIETY Celebrating 20 YEARS of Service to the Community FREE Recycling Pick-Up Service for Seniors and others with mobility difficulties… Please call Volunteer Cathy Anderson for assistance 284-3215 *** Please do not pile grass clippings, soil, rocks or other debris on the boulevard. These items must be taken to the Municipal Transfer Station. May 2015 Spring Cleanup CANCELLED until further notice. 6 Rumble Sheet Municipal Office News Port Alice Recycling Depot Guide Please bring to Recycling (Inside) Depot during Open Hours. Glass Styrofoam Plastic Film Keep your returnable beverage bottles out of recycling Take caps and lids off Fibre No Zip-lock bags Cardboard & Boxboard Egg Cartons Newspapers & Inserts Magazines Catalogues Telephone Books General Use Paper Envelopes Greeting Cards Paper Bags No Books, Foil Gift Wrap, Ribbons or Padded Envelopes 2. Paper/ Cardboard 1. Metal Containers Please rinse clean & remove lids No stretch wrap No packing peanuts Paper & Cardboard that contained liquids when purchased Metal Cans and Lids Aerosol Cans (NO Spray Paint Cans) Spiral Wound Cans (Steel Ends) Aluminum Foil and Foil Containers Paper Cups Gable-top Milk Cartons Aseptic Boxes Multi-laminated Paper Packaging 3. Plastic Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 plastic packaging. Plastic Bottles & Jars Plastic Clamshells Plastic Trays and Tops Plastic Tubs & Lids Plastic Drink Cups Plastic Pails (Up to 25L) Plastic Planter Pots and Trays Rumble Sheet 7 May 2015 Doug Bondue Arena Indoor Bike Riding and Floor Hockey Mondays April 13 - June 22, 2015 3 – 4 p.m. Kids Indoor Bike Time Adult supervision & helmets required. 6 – 7 p.m. Youth Floor Hockey 6-16 years old, helmets & gloves required 7 – 8:30 p.m. Adult Floor Hockey Ages 16 and up 7 – 8:30 p.m. Carpet Bowling In the curling rink. Everyone welcome. NEW! Carpet Bowling Come out and try carpet bowling in the curling rink! Fun for the whole family! Arena Closed May 18th for Victoria Day May 2015 8 Rumble Sheet Rumble Sheet 9 CLOSED May 18th for Victoria Day Adult Open Gym 7-9 Yoga 6:45-8 Open Gym 5-7 Arts & Activities 3:15-4:30 Yoga 6:45-8 Teen Drop-In 7-9 Boys Club 3:15-4:30 Time Out for Parents 2:15-3:30 Open Gym 5-9 AA Meeting 7:30 2-9pm Thursdays 2-9pm Fridays Open Gym 4-9 Ping Pong 6:30-9 Teen Drop-In 7-9 Teen Open Gym 7-9 Open Gym 5-7 Fun Fridays 3:15-4:30 Tots Open Gym 2-3:30 Computer Room Computer Room Computer Room 2-9 2-9 2-7 2-9pm Wednesdays Ping Pong 6:30-9 Open Gym 5-9 Girls Club 3:15-4:30 Computer Room 2-7 Computer Room 2-9 Tots Open Gym 2-3:30 2-9pm 2-9pm (Closed) Tuesdays Mondays Sundays Open Gym 4-9 Computer Room 4-9 4-9pm Saturdays Community Centre Calendar 951 Marine Dr. 250-284-3912 May 2015 Community Centre Programs Tots Open Gym Parent-supervised. Monday Friday 2:00 - 3:30 pm 2:00 - 3:30 pm Arts & Activities Monday 3:15 - 4:30 pm Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 pm School-age children. Girls Club Girls Only! Games, crafts and snack provided. Boys Club Wednesday 3:15 - 4:30 pm Boys Only! Sports, activities and snack provided. Fun Fridays Friday 3:15 - 4:30 pm Tuesday Thursday 6:30 - 9:00 pm 6:30 - 9:00 pm School-age children. Ping Pong Everyone welcome. Yoga Stretch and strengthen with certified instructor Lee-Ann. All ages and levels. Adult Open Gym Monday 6:45 - 8:00 pm Wednesday 6:45 - 8:00 pm Monday 7:00 - 9:00 pm All ages. Drop in and play. Time Out for Parents Wednesday 2:15 - 3:30 pm Looking for a well-deserved few minutes of peace? Drop off your children ages 5 and under while you enjoy some time in the computer room, library, or just visit with a cup of coffee. Open Gym 6 Days a week! Monday * Please note that parents may not leave the Community Centre during this program. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Programs listed on this page are FREE! Saturday May 2015 10 2-3:30 pm Tots 5-7 pm All ages 7-9 pm Adults 5-9 pm All ages 5-9 pm All ages 4-9 pm All ages 2-3:30 pm Tots 5-7 pm All ages 7-9 pm Teens 4-9 pm All ages Rumble Sheet Community Centre Programs Community Centre Hours Monday - Friday 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm July through August - Hours will vary according to maintenance and programming requirements. to Joanie Diebel for her generous donation to the Community Centre - tons of great craft supplies, books and items for Bingo prizes. Thank you Joanie! Summer Camp: (Ages 5-13) Monday-Friday July 13-17 9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. $75/week Junior Camp (Ages 5 and under) Tuesdays & Thursdays July 21, 23, 28 & 30 2 - 4:30 p.m. $15 per session Registration forms available at the Community Centre or Village Office. Rumble Sheet 11 May 2015 Community Centre Programs May 2015 12 Rumble Sheet Community Messages Rumble Sheet 13 May 2015 Community Messages NOTICE NEUCEL SPECIALTY CELLULOSE MILL ACCESS During the production curtailment, access to the Mill Site is restricted to employees scheduled to work and those who have been authorized to enter. Port Alice Library 951 Marine Drive, Port Alice Anyone requiring access to the Mill is to report to the Administration Building before entering the Mill site. (beside the Community Centre) 250-284-3554 Entrance to the Mill is through the main gate located across from the golf club. All other entry points have been secured. Video surveillance equipment has been installed at all gates and other locations around the Mill site. Hours at Port Alice Branch Hours of Operation Monday: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday to Friday 7:30 am – 4:00pm (250) 284-3331 Closed 2 - 4 pm & 7 - 9 pm 2 - 4 pm & 7 - 9 pm 2 - 4 pm & 7 - 9 pm Closed Closed Closed Free WiFi 2 Public Access Computers Children’s Literacy Computer Photocopier Wheelchair Accessible. Watch for events at: May 2015 14 Rumble Sheet Community Messages ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 180 Hours: 7 DAYS A WEEK 2:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. If you wish to book a function, please contact the Legion at 250-284-3256. Hours will be adjusted for the function and a designated Driver will be provided. Legion Events Spring cleaning has started at the Branch. Volunteers are need to help “spruce up the place”. Contact the Branch at 284-3256 to leave your name. Ongoing Events Some members have already stepped forward BUT “Many hands make light work”! Friday night Meat Draw Saturday Afternoon 9 Meat Draws starts at 3 pm Free Pool Table Gardening Committee Chair needed: Upcoming Events Do you have a green thumb with no place to demonstrate your talent? Legion garden beds need tending. And a chairperson to plan and direct the project. Bocce Ball tournament More meals from the kitchen NEW family-themed events Ways & Means Committee Chair needed: May GENERAL MEETING DATE CHANGE: Without this position being filled, it adds to the duties of other executive members. We don’t need any “burn outs” from too much volunteer time! Due to the May long weekend and possible lack of a quorum, the next general meeting will be SUNDAY, MAY 24th at 3 p.m. Port Alice Scotiabank MS Walk Sunday, May 10, 2015 Port Alice Community Centre The 5km dog friendly walk (10 km if you walk the route twice) starts at the community centre and follows the Sea Walk. Participants can turn around any time. Dog friendly! After the walk, enjoy a great barbeque lunch and the inspiring company of others working to end MS. Canada has the highest rate of MS in the world with an estimated 100,00 Canadians living with the disease. Most often diagnosed in young adults aged 15-40, it can also affect younger children and older adults. MS is unpredictable and can affect vision, hearing, memory, balance and mobility. Its effects can be physical, emotional and financial. Currently there is no cure, but each day researchers are learning more about what causes MS and are zeroing in on ways to prevent it. Help us end MS— register today! Register in advance at or call toll free 1-877-339-0819 Raise a minimum of $125 for an event t-shirt and lunch. Visit the Port Alice Scotiabank to donate to walkers! Rumble Sheet 15 May 2015 Community Messages Port Alice Fish & Wildlife Association May 10 11 a.m. Marine Drive, Port Alice, B.C. 250-284-3213 Meeting Fun Shoot, and Cookout at The Range 2015 ANNUAL DUES Adult ............................. $400.00 Student ......................... $200.00 Junior............................ $110.00 Not a member? No problem! The Port Alice Fish & Wildlife Association invites you to stop by, say hi and find out more about our club ... and become a member we hope! Members who’ve forgotten to renew - great time to do so. Benefits: We can help you source C.O.R.E. and firearms licensing if required Use of our range and facilities Automatic membership to the B.C. Wildlife Federation (BCWF) giving you $2,000,000 liability insurance for you and your ATV/boat up to 50hp Email updates from BCWF on Fish and Wildlife issues, conservation projects and events around the province The ever-fashionable BCWF member bumper sticker: May 2015 2015 ANNUAL GREEN FEES 9 Holes ......................... $ 15.00 All Day .......................... $ 25.00 ANNUAL LOCKER RENTAL Member ........................ $ 15.00 Non-Member ................ $ 30.00 GST INCLUDED Junior Golf - Monday nights. If you'd like to join ($50 per member or $60 per family) but can't make it to the meeting or for more information on this or anything about the PAFWA: Phone 250-284-3922 Or email: Family ........................... $800.00 Men’s Night - Wednesdays. Men’s & Ladies’ Spring Open May 9 & 10 Any questions concerning Dues, Green Fees or Locker Rentals should be directed to: 16 Tom McCarthy 250-284-3483. Rumble Sheet Community Messages Welcome! Hope Offered! Port Alice is facing some uncertainty with lots of questions and tough choices. You are not alone with your questions and concerns. It used to be that in times of uncertainty the Church was a good place to go and sit and try to sort things out. Usually this was done in the quiet of the day or after worship folks would gather to sort out how to move forward. At church, we knew we were not alone; we were able to connect with each other face-to-face. Today we live in a time where we have all kinds of tools to connect with each other. The ironic thing is that our amount of face time has decreased. Time spent with a person over coffee or sharing a moment together is getting harder and harder to find. It makes times when we face a crisis so much harder. We would like to help our community through this difficult time. Know that we are here. You are invited to Attend The Port Alice Health Forum Monthly Meeting Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:00 P.M. at We are St. John’s church at the corner of Marine Drive and Nigei Street and our minister is Rev. Wade Allen (cell # 250-230-6044). We meet at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays for fellowship, worship, music, laughter and hope. Come spend some time with people who care. You are always welcome. Can we help? The Port Alice Community Centre Please join us in making a difference! The Port Alice Girl Guides are looking for more Volunteers! May 13 9:30 am Port Alice Health Centre Let’s take steps together towards good health. Get moving with BC’s doctors! If you are interested in helping, please contact Ashley at 250-284-0015 or Walk with your Doc is an annual event celebrating daily movement for better health. Doctors and other health care professionals are hosting free walks in communities across the province walking side-by-side with their patients and the public. Receive a free pedometer by signing up for a walk happening near you at: Cookies still available! Contact Ashley. The website connects BC walkers with photos, stories, and a map of walks around BC. Share your walk photos with the hashtag #WalkWithYourDoc for a chance to win great prizes! *There is a screening process and a Criminal Record Check required for Girl Guides of Canada. Rumble Sheet 17 May 2015 Community Health Single number for health service enquiries Port Alice Health Centre 1090 Marine Drive Open 7 days/week 8:30-4:30 A nurse is on duty during these times. Call 250-284-3555 for appointment Line 1 to reach the nursing station Line 2 to reach urgent after hours phone Line 3 to reach the doctor’s office Baby Clinics are by appointment Lab and X-Ray Schedule Lab is open Monday to Friday, X-ray days are varied, Call 250-284-3555 ext 3 for appointment. Island Health has an easy way for you to get answers to your questions about health services in Mount Waddington. You can now call 1-855-902-6048 or text 250-230-6048 and an Island Health staff person dedicated to answering the numbers will help you find the services that are right for you, your family members and loved ones. Calls and texts are answered Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If the number is busy when you call, leave a message and your call will be returned. The information provided will be specific to services in the Mount Waddington regional district boundaries and you can call or text from anywhere in Canada. The numbers are connected with the single referral form—one form with all the information that you provide that follows you from your initial contact until your care is complete—that is used in the hospitals and clinics across Mount Waddington. The form and numbers are part of the work we are doing to ensure that clients and patients are connected with the health services they need. The numbers do not replace any existing numbers including 9-1-1 or 8-1-1 services. Call 9-1-1 in a medical emergency or life-threatening injury. May 2015 Please bring your care card. Mental Health Clinic Held bi-weekly at the Port Alice Health Centre by doctor or self-referral. Contact 250-902-6051 for an appointment Infant Development Program When your baby needs extra help Phone 250-949-8323 (Ask for IDP) Email: North Island Counselling Services Employee & Family Assistance Professional Assessment & Resource Service If you need us, do not hesitate to call 250-956-3144 Mental Health & Alcohol/Drug 250-949-8611 Email: NI Assessment & Referral 250-949-3144 Email: NI Community Services 250-956-3134 Email: NI Crisis & Counselling 250-949-8333 Email: CRISIS LINE: 250-949-6033 18 Rumble Sheet Community Health Port Alice Weight Room & Fitness Centre at SeaVac Strength & cardio equipment available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day with your accesscard. One-Day Pass: $4 One Month: $25 Two-Month: $40 Paramedics Needed Six-Month: $120 One Year Pass: $200 One-Month Seniors Pass: $15 Do you want to provide a vital service and make a positive One-Month Student Pass: $15 difference to the lives of others? One-Month Family Pass: $60 (16+ years; must be a full-time student) For more information or to download an application package visit and select Emergency Medical Responders from the careers page or contact us by phone at 1-877-577-2227, by fax at 250-952-5970 or email us at: Purchase your Weight Room Pass at the Village Office (1061 Marine Drive) or the Community Centre (951 Marine Drive). Medical Transportation If you need a ride to the local health clinic, or to Port Hardy or Port McNeill, for a medical appointment, please call: 284-6109 or 284-3216 Send your applications to: BC Ambulance Service Human Resources - Vancouver Island PO Box 9601, Stn Prov Govt 3300 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 9P1 24 Hours advance notice is preferred. This service is also available to link up with the Wheels For Wellness or Cancer van at Beaver Lake. Reimbursement for expenses is appreciated. Successful applicants may qualify for education funding for Emergency Medical Responder, (EMR), training. More volunteer drivers needed: you must be fully insured and submit a drivers’ abstract (available from any ICBC outlet). Rumble Sheet Questions? Call Chandra Hovde at: 250-284-3590 or cell 250-230-4821 19 May 2015 Community Services & Businesses Better at Home Port Alice Lions Club Better at Home helps seniors with simple day-to-day tasks, thereby helping seniors maintain their independence and stay connected with their community. Our mission statement is to serve our community by volunteering our time and providing financial assistance, to help our community with projects which benefit the town of Port Alice and its residents. A range of non-medical home support services include: We support the visions of Lions International which empowers volunteers to serve their communities and meet humanitarian needs. Friendly visiting Transportation to appointments Light yard work Minor home repairs Snow shoveling Light housekeeping Grocery shopping The success of this program depends on two important factors: People who are willing to volunteer Seniors who wish to access the service If you are interested in joining or would like some more information please contact our Membership Chairman Audie Tamburini @ 284-6663. Please contact: Pat Horgan: 250-949-8333 Better at Home Coordinator North Island Crisis & Counseling Centre “Empowering People” Better at Home is funded by the Government of British Columbia Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesdays 7:30 pm NORTH ISLAND CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES Community Centre Room 101 Fr. Scott Whittemore, Box 1329, Port McNeill, V0N 2R0; 250-956-3909 (Please enter at back grassy area) “One day at a time” REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE For more info call Darren at 250-284-0140 Our Lady of Assumption, Alert Bay Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 10 a.m. NA Welcome! St. Theresa’s. Port Alice Saturday, 5 p.m. St. Mary’s, Port McNeill Sunday and Thursday, both at 9 a.m. St. Bonaventure, Port Hardy Sunday, 11 a.m. and Wednesday, 7 p.m. May 2015 20 Rumble Sheet Community Services & Businesses Port Alice Thrift Shop Tues, Thurs & Sat 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Located at Sea View Activity Centre. (Parking Lot off Centennial Field Rd) Please ensure that items being dropped off are clean and in good condition Thank you for your donations Claire Trevena, MLA (North Island) Room 7, Robert Scott School 6855 Market St Box 2479 Port Hardy V0N 2P0 Phone: 250-949-9473 or 1 866 387-5100 Fax: 250-949-9403 HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Email: Port Alice Anglican-United Fellowship F.P. Foods Ltd. 250-284-3525 Full Service Supermarket Fresh Meat Department – Produce Department – In Store Bakery Deli – featuring Quality Sliced Meats & Cheeses, Take-out Chicken, Soft Ice Cream, “Super Subs” Sporting Goods OPEN DAILY 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Rumble Beach Falling For all your tree removal needs, pruning, topping, limbing, Residential or Business Invites you to our Regular Sunday Services St. Johns Ecumenical Church Sundays - 4:00pm Everyone Welcome Rev Wade Allen 250-949-6247 or 250-956-3670 Ocean View Christian Assembly Worship Service and Children’s Church every Sunday 10:30am Bible Study Monday 7:00pm Pastor Dennis Helset: (250) 284-3522 Certified Faller – 25 years Experience On call for Village of Port Alice Regan Hickling 250-284-6204 LADIES COFFEEHOUSE Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 In the Ocean View Church basement Meet new friends, enjoy visiting old ones! Everyone is welcome! Rumble Sheet 21 May 2015 Community Services & Businesses Mini Excavator w/operator and dumping 5 ton trailer. Serving Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill and surrounding areas. Low impact travel on grass or roadways due to its rubber tracks. Undercarriage retracts to just under 39” to fit through most garden gates and access hard to get at jobs. Available for: Trenching – Foundation inspection – Drain Tile replacement and foundation coating – Prep Grading and Concrete work – Rock and stone placement – Trail building & Maintenance – Stump removal – Footings – Septic tanks and field installations. Anything you don’t want to shovel by hand. Aaron Neely PH 250-209-6318 Happy Mother’s Day! May 2015 22 Rumble Sheet For Sale or Rent BASHAW STORAGE 731 Marine Drive — Port Alice — Strata for Sale - #40 Clark Drive 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathrooms, new floor, appliances and much more $98,000 Call 250-949-6319 for more info APARTMENT FOR RENT Seaview Apartments 3 Bedroom Call Woody @ 604-727-2004 or 778-434-2311 5 x 10 x 10 Cubicle $50/month 10 x 10 x 10 Cubicle $75/month For Rent 3 bedroom townhouse with Pool $750 per month For info call Angie @ 250-284-6613 3 Bedroom Apartment for Rent in Seaview Available October 15th Ground floor, Ocean view $595 / month includes parking Call Danielle @ 284-0030 to arrange a viewing (Self-contained, locked storage) 284-3201 Rumble Sheet Advertising Prices Commercial Classified Ads $2/line ($6 minimum) Business Card $6/month 1/4 page Ad $8/month 1/2 page Ad $16/month 1 Full Page $32/month Apartment for Sale Misty Manor 1 bedroom Priced to Sell! For more info call 250-209-2787 FOR RENT 3 bedroom condo, SeaView strata, 3rd floor Large deck, ocean view, keyed strata building entry $650/month Contact: 284-3201 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apts for rent in Misty Manor Affordable, available now. Please email for info: For Sale 24 1/2 ft Four Winds w/ Galley, Head, Sleeps 4+ Asking $12,500 For more info or to view,see Kjell @ 510 Industrial Way Or call 284-3956 Notice to Advertisers The Village of Port Alice Rumble Sheet newsletter is produced in the Village Municipal Office. Please email your information to: or contact the Village Office to place and pay for ads at: 1061 Marine Drive or call 250-284-3391 Deadline for June is May 21st Rumble Sheet 23 May 2015 For Sale or Rent Townhouse for Sale FOR SALE BY OWNER Evergreen Terrace $69,000 Units #406 & #407 505 Haida St. Evergreen Terrace End Unit Excellent inlet views 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Large Balcony Walk-out basement Covered Carport Carpeted throughout Pool Privileges Call Anne 780-916-5344 3 bdrm,1 &1/2 bath, walkout basement Stove, fridge, B\I dishwasher, dryer, washer, over-stove microwave, and exhaust fan, carpeted throughout, extended balcony, covered carport plus swimming pool privileges. Well kept with superior inlet views. Call Kerry at 250-284-6634 to book an appointment to view VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Townhouse for Sale or Rent 801 Evergreen Terrace $55,000 * End unit, wonderful views * 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom * Large Balcony, Large Kitchen * New professional blinds (not yet installed) * Covered Carport * Pool Privileges Call Anne 780-916-5344 FOR SALE OR RENT Forest Grove Condos HOUSE FOR SALE: 1037 Matsqui Ave Blow Out Price - $69,900! Furnished and Unfurnished Rentals available by the day, week or month. $169,000 Comprehensive rental management services available. Call Bonita today 250-284-6323 ACT NOW! Only 11 units left! May 2015 24 Family home with 1956 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms upstairs 2 rooms downstairs 1 1/2 bathrooms Many recent updates Double carport and driveway Parking for boat or RV Phone: 604-942-6656 or 250-284-6634 Rumble Sheet For Sale or Rent Royal LePage Advance Realty Ltd. 740 Marine - Oceanfront, 4 bed, 2 bath - $299,900 1057 Matsqui - 3 bed, 2 bath - $64,900 REDUCED! 770 Marine - Oceanfront lot - $112,000 1076 Matsqui - 4 bed, 2 bath, shop - $159,900 203 - 791 Marine - 2 bed, 1 bath - $29,900 REDUCED! 1138 Rupert - 5 bed, 2 bath - $189,000 305 - 791 Marine - 1 bed, 1 bath - $29,900 206 Haida - 3 bed, 2 bath - $79,000 101 - 801 Marine - 3 bed, 1 bath - $64,900 925 Haida - 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 2 level $195,000 REDUCED! 103 - 801 Marine - 2 bed, 1 bath - $42,900 SOLD 904 Maquinna - 3 bed, 1 bath - $69,900 BEAUTIFUL! 311 - 801 Marine - 2 bed, 1 bath, - $ 33,500 1007 Maquinna - 3 bed, 1 bath - $75,000 23 - 1191 Marine - 2 bed/2 bath mobile - $39,900 1162 Maquinna - 5 bed, 3 bath - $236,000 OFFERS! Karin Moeller - Royal LePage Advance Realty Ltd. - Sandra Masales 250 949 7231 Trailer for Sale #66-1191 Marine Drive $25,000 Addition & Wood Stove Covered back deck Large Work/Storage Shed Covered storage area Beautiful Ocean View Call Mike @ 209-0100 Rumble Sheet 25 May 2015 Port Alice 50th Reunion Port Alice 50th Reunion Registration Information & Additional Costs Please be advised that all reunion guests must be registered (cost $15.00) with the Port Alice Reunion Association to have access to the events, activities, and displays in the Community Centre, Doug Bondue Arena and Seaview School. Seaview School, both the middle and top school, will be open to Reunion Guests on: st Friday, July 31 between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. st Saturday, August 1 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Additional Costs Breakfasts: Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Monday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. At the Port Alice Legion By donation Lunch Saturday, 12:00 noon At the Community Centre $5.00 per person Sponsored by the Oceanview & the Ecumenical Church Dinner Saturday 6:00 to 9 p.m. $15.00/adults and children 13 plus $8.00 children 12 and younger Sponsored by the Oceanview & the Ecumenical Church Sponsored by the Port Alice Reunion Association Invitation to Vendors, Crafters and Artists The Port Alice 50th Year Reunion Association is extending an invitation to businesses, with a valid business license, crafters and artists to set up a booth or table at the Port Alice 50th Reunion Celebrations on Friday, July 31st and Saturday, August 1st Space will be available in the lower curling lounge area of the Doug Bondue Arena for businesses, crafters and artists and to sell their merchandise. A 15% commission, payable to the Port Alice 50th Reunion Association, will be charged at the close of business on Saturday, Aug. 1st. Please call Gail Lind at (250) 284-3960 to book your booth or table. May 2015 26 Rumble Sheet Port Alice 50th Reunion Port Alice 50th Reunion (July 31, Aug. 1, 2, 3 ) ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED: Do you have an extra room? An Apt.? A House? HELP US MAKE A COMMUNITY QUILT Do you have Driveway Space or Boulevard Space for an R.V/Camper? TO BE RAFFLED AT THE PORT ALICE 50TH REUNION Ladies Coffee House invite you help us make a lap quilt (or two) to raffle off at the Port Alice 50th Reunion. Each participant is asked to make one 12 x 12 quilt block and we will do the final assembly. Please phone Bonnie at: 250-284-3216 if you can assist in providing We have material and patterns available at Coffee House on Wednesday mornings between 9:30 – 11:30 am. Sewing machines and help will be available on Wednesday mornings as well. If you would like help in the evening give us a call and we will set up some an evening schedule. accommodations for Visitors during our Reunion Celebrations. You can follow a pattern or design your own block. Don’t worry if you have never quilted before but want to take part in this project, we will help you at Coffee House. We are looking for donations of tea cups and saucers for the Port Alice 50th Ladies Coffee House meets on Wednesday mornings at the Ocean View Church (across from the Legion) 9:30 – 11:30 am. Reunion luncheon. It would be best if we received sets we did not have to return to anyone. Quilt blocks need to be in to Coffee House no later than May 31st, 2015 If you have a donation or need more info or The proceeds from this raffle will go towards Christmas Hampers here in Port Alice. pick-up please call: For more info call: Corrine at 250-284-3594 . Thank you Rumble Sheet 27 Diane Inglis 2840-3335 Michelle Roberts 284-3473 Corrine Tiberghien 284-3594 or 230-0225 May 2015 Port Alice 50th Reunion Port Alice 50th Year Reunion Committee Notice The 50th Year Reunion Celebration is scheduled for July 31st to August 3rd. The Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with various aspects of the celebration as follows: 1) Physical labour – moving furniture, decorating, clean up, chaperone children’s dance and social, assist with children’s events, & security; 2) Sub-Committee Coordinator – liaison between Sub-committees and Reunion Committee; 3) Kitchen Detail – food preparation, cooking, serving, and clean up. If you are interested in helping with the celebration, please contact the undersigned with your contact information. Thank you. Gail Lind, Secretary Port Alice 50th Year Reunion Association PO Box 70 Port Alice, BC V0N 2N0 250 284 3960 Email: Visit our new web site! Registration Forms 50th Reunion T-Shirts Registration Forms are available at: F.P. Foods, Swiftsure Convenience Store, the Community Centre and online Facebook: Port Alice 50th Reunion Forms and payment must be returned to: PO Box 70, Port Alice, BC V0N 2N0. Reunion T-Shirt pre-order forms are available at: Facebook: Port Alice 50th Reunion and the April Rumble Sheet 50th Reunion T-Shirt Order Form 50th Reunion Cash Prize Raffle Tickets – Only 1800 Tickets Printed- License #72634 The Reunion Committee will be selling raffle tickets as a fund raiser to help support the costs associated with putting on the 50th Reunion. Tickets will be available April 1st and may be purchased from reunion committee members as follows: Florence Nelson-Van Graven Brent Borg Gail Lind Maria Farrell First Prize: $500.00 May 2015 Garth Borg Tracey Sutton Dougald MacMillan Audrey Clark-Surtees Second Prize: $250.00 28 Third Prize: $150.00 Rumble Sheet Port Alice 50th Reunion Rumble Sheet 29 May 2015 Port Alice History Notes... Construction continues in 1967. Port Alice town site in 1967. The town moved from the mill site to the “Rumble Beach” location in 1965. The District of Port Alice (Rumble Beach) was incorporated as B.C.’s first instant municipality on June 11, 1965 when the Provincial Government and Rayonier Canada partnered to relocate the company town. The original company town of Port Alice was located at the pulp mill site between 1917 and 1965. In the mid-sixties, the Provincial Government required the mill to install pollution control infrastructure. To make room for the new infrastructure, the buildings were torn down or removed from the Mike Rumble, late 1920s. mill site and the town relocated five kilometres north to Rumble Beach. The location was named after Mike Rumble. The Rumbles were one of Port Alice’s first families who spent their holidays in a tent on the beach approximately where the picnic shelter is located at present-day Lion’s Park. Mike Rumble (far right) with coworkers in the late 1920s. The Heritage Office is looking for any memorabilia of Port Alice and its past functions, including T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, yearbooks, photographs, buttons, pins, event programs, etc. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate or lend to us, please call Evelyn at 284-6608, or drop off at the Village Office. May 2015 30 Rumble Sheet
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