1 2 ANZAC DAY FALLS ON SATURDAY SO GAMES MAY START FROM 12.00 & RUN LATER. TBA Home Game Times for 2015 9.00 11 div 3 & Inter 4 10.00 Under 9 10.30 Inter 5 11.00 11 div 2 12.00 13 div 2 & Inter 2 1.30 Snr 5 & GSNA League 3.00 Snr 7 (7.30 pm Wed 2nd ½ season) With our first games for 11 div 2 & 11 div 3 this Wednesday 8th April the season gets underway. All other teams as well as our 11.2 & 11.3 will play our first home match on 11th April at Port Elliot. REMINDER you must have made a subs payment prior to the 1st game or you are unable to participate due to insurance. Those members who have received emails already regarding this please ensure you see Wendy this Wednesday. Juniors using the grant still need to pay the difference asap. All uniforms & subs need to be completed prior to 13th May unless other arrangements have been made with the treasurer. Payments can be done by direct debit to BSB 105026 Acc. No. 64637240 using your Surname so we know whom payment is from. VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Due to Willunga coming in to the GSNA there will be some changes to training times during the season to make room for mid week games to play. Players will be advised of any changes. Some of these games are caused by clubs having 2 teams in the one grade; meaning we have to play their 2nd team during the week. Some of the junior games may have double ups on the away games. If you have any queries regarding these games the person to ask is Wendy. We also have to play our junior club games against Goolwa at some point which will hopefully take place on July 4th a scheduled bye round for netball. Please keep this date free so we can hopefully avoid any more mid week games than necessary. Catch up games may also take place when the team has a bye so please don’t make plans on scheduled byes without checking first. 13-2 / Inter 5 / Inter 2 / Senior 5 / Inter 4 may all have some mid week games so please ensure that both Wednesdays & Saturdays are kept free. We hope everyone supports our mid week teams and especially Senior 7 who have been put in the position of being a mid week team for the 2nd half of the season. Thanks for your help in this annoying position we have been placed in by the Association which puts demands not only on families but also causes disruption to normal training. We welcome more new faces to our club and hope they enjoy our netball family. Great to have Sarah Griffen return after a long break from our club and look forward to getting to know Sarah Headon and her girls Mia, Deriney, Chloe & Tihana as well as Ella Richter & Daina Morrison-Mulder. Aimee Norris-Hutchinson & Alex Money also return to the club. Good to have you all on board. Club Hoodies ($55) & t-shirts can be ordered thru Jacky Ayres 0409 679 518. Please make payment with order. Cost includes logo and name. We also have some of our old style jackets and zippered hoodies for sale 2nd hand. News no.2.2015 http://portelliot.sa.netball.com.au TRAINING DETAILS COACHING STAFF GSNA League Senior 5 Senior 7 Intermediate 2 Intermediate 4 Intermediate 5 13 & Under Div. 2 11 & Under Div. 3 9 & Under Garry Anthea Wendy Jacky Greg Jacky Tori Fiona Jessica Anthea 0414 550 429 0412 749 206 0438 642 157 0409 679 518 8387 0017 0409 679 518 0403 827 252 0427 745 700 0435 144 653 0412 749 206 TEAM MANAGERS – A Big thanks to …… GSNA League Narelle Felix Senior 5 tba Senior 7 tba Intermediate 2 Verity Kenyon Intermediate 4 Melissa Beckett Intermediate 5 Stuart Smith 13 & Under Div 2 tba 11 & Under Div 2 tba 11 & Under Div 3 tba 9 & Under Eliza Thorn PLAYERS & PARENTS NEED TO ADVISE THEIR RESPECTIVE COACHES PRIOR TO TRAINING IF THEY ARE UNAVAILABLE. It is very difficult for the rest of the team if not all members attend. Each coach will have their own guidelines for this which the players will be made aware of. If you are unsure of anything please speak to the coach before or after training. NOTE: ALL INTER TEAMS WILL WEAR THE A LINE DRESS IN 2015 PLAYER LIA ISONS have been appoint ed for any player who has a problem they feel cannot be taken directly t o the c oach. Jacky Ayres Snr & Cheryl Busch Jnr have undertak en this role for 2015. Ple a se re me mb er y ou c an ch ec k in fo rma tio n an d p ro g ra m o n o ur w eb site at http://portelliot.sa.netball.com. C OM MITTEE MEMB ER S 2 0 15 Fio na M as on – Pr es ide n t 0 42 7 7 4 5 70 0 em ail : fio na ma so np e nc @g ma il.co m An th ea S ibly – Se cr eta ry 0 41 2 7 4 9 20 5 e ma il : a nth e ap e nc @g ma il.co m W en d y Cr os by – Tre a su re r 0 4 38 64 2 1 57 e ma il : w en d ycr osb yp e nc @g ma il.co m From Wed. 29th April Net Set Go 4.00 – 4.45 pm Wednesday 9’s / 11div.3 / 11div.2 4.30 – 5.30 pm 13 div.2 5.00 – 6.00 pm Inter 4 / Inter 5 5.30 – 7.00 pm Seniors / Inter 2 7.00 – 8.30 pm Please check details on the website to keep abreast of any changes etc CLUB APPAREL The 9’s and 11’s who don’t have their own have been issued with a club jacket which is a loan garment for use on Saturdays. The 9’s and some 11.3 also have loan bodysuits. Players must change out of hire/loan bodysuits after their game if they are not going home to avoid excess wear and tear. Both these garments need to be cared for and NOT tumble dried. Tie a ribbon through your tags so you know which is yours. Garments are collected by the club on the last game the team plays. SENIORS, 13’s and some inter teams have club warm up polo shirts which are also loan garments. Please wear these on Saturdays with pride. CANTEEN ROSTER IS NOW IN PLACE ON NOTICEBOARD INSIDE CLUBROOMS. This week canteen duty is 11 & Under Div. 2. Players have been allocated times due to the lateness of receiving game program; so please check for your name. You will need to swap with other team members if the time isn’t suitable. All other teams have this week to get their names on the roster prior to club filling in names. Canteen duty team is also responsible for 2 litres of soup as well as homemade cakes and or slices. Thanks for your assistance.
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