Message from the Administration: Working and learning together…

Friday, April 17, 2015
Number 6
11849 – 239B Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V4R 2T8
Tel: (604) 463-3035
PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Donna Heikkila
VICE PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Josie Mazzarolo
Fax: (604) 463-0667
Message from the Administration:
Thoughts from Mrs. Heikkila…
Happy spring to everyone!!! As a staff we share sincere appreciation with all of our families for
taking the time, making the effort and offering such wonderful contributions during our most
recent Student-Inclusive Conferences at the beginning of March. We do hope that you enjoyed
the time together with your child(ren) and the staff at our school as much as we did!!! The
pride in your children’s faces when sharing their successes and accomplishments speaks volume
about the importance of joining together to celebrate and reflect upon the progress made as
well as working together on future goals in support of your child(ren)!
Working and
Although it feels as though our Spring Break is long since over and Easter weekend a fleeting
memory, we hope that our families enjoyed spending time sharing in fun together. Now that we
are now back settling into the final term of the school year, not only have we noticed many
beautiful things beginning to bloom in our neighborhood, we also have many, many special events
and activities blossoming at ARE during the month of April, May and June!!!
Please be sure to have a careful read through this newsletter, as it is FULL of details regarding
upcoming events, activities, opportunities and celebrations!!!
Mrs. Donna Heikkila, Principal
Mrs. Josie Mazarrolo,Vice Principal
Dynamite Dads – JUNE 13
We would like to show our appreciation to the DAD’s of
Alexander Robinson. Donuts for Dads’ will be celebrated
on Friday, June 13 from 7:45-8:20!
Please make note on your calendars!
Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony
Grade 6 Immunizations will
take place on June 9th
Our celebration for our Grade 7 students will be held on
Monday, June 22 at 10:15am – 2:15pm. Please watch for
details coming home with grade 7 students in the near
future as well as on the parent portal.
Many of our students in grade 4 to 7 have been preparing speeches for our upcoming Alexander Robinson Elementary
Public Speaking event. Each student has an opportunity to select a topic of particular interest to him/herself. Speech
writing is a rather elaborate process involving research skills, drafting, editing, and refining their writing, not to
mention the practice required with regard to their presentation skills and techniques. Congratulations to all of our
grade 4 and 7 students for their hard work and diligence in preparing for this event.
Over the next few weeks, each classroom will select two students per class to participate in our Alexander Robinson
Public Speaking event being held on Wednesday, May 6. This event will begin at 9:00 in our gym. From our school Public
Speaking event, one student from each grade level will be selected to represent our school at the upcoming District
Public Speaking events. Judges will also select a “runner-up” to attend the district event should the finalist be unable to
attend. All district finals will take place at Riverside Centre (20575 Thorne Avenue)
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Wednesday, May 13
Wednesday, May 13
Thursday, May 14
Thursday, May 14
Alexander Robinson News
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8th Annual AR Neighbourhood 5km Run
The intermediates are busy training for our upcoming 5km run.
We are holding our race on FRIDAY MAY 22 (Grade 4/5 starts
at 9:00 and Grade 6/7 starts at 10:30). We need many parent
volunteers to help make this possible. If you are able to help
by being a route marshal, please let the office or your child's
teacher know. Volunteers are needed as follows:
Grade 4/5 event 8:30-10:15
Grade 6/7 event 10:15-12:00
We will also hold a celebration assembly that afternoon at
12:50 to recognize all runners and give special recognition to
the top 10 finishers (girls and boys) in each race. Parents are
welcome to attend.
Students Away/Late
Again this year we are
phoning home to confirm any
unexplained absences. We
would very much appreciate
a call to the school to let us
know if your child is going to
be absent or late. This is a
big help in cutting down the
number of phone calls we
need to make each morning.
If you phone before 8:00
a.m. simply leave a message
on the answering machine
sponsoring a free parent
resilience in children. With
family lives getting more and
more busy--and with that,
need resilience to cope.
build that
resilience. Come to the
workshop to learn how.
Fairview Elementary gym,
April 30, 7-9 PM.
Jump Rope for Heart
Calling all JUMPCREDIBLE kids!
Heart & Stroke Jump Rope for heart encourages kids to get active by skipping
rope while they collect pledges for heart disease and stroke research.
Fundraising envelopes were sent home and are due back by Friday, April 17th.
You are also able to fundraise online:
2. Click Register
3. Select your province
4. Find you school and fill in your information
5. Send out fundraising emails to friends and family
There are many prices to win depending on the amount of money you raise. For
more information go to the following website:
Our school staff is in the process of planning for our school’s participation in the Terry Fox Run. This is a school-wide
event; thus, we encourage all students to participate to the best of their ability. There is a separate route for young
students. Our event will begin with an assembly in the gym at 9:00 on April 29. All family members are very welcome to
join us for this event. Thank you to our PAC for kindly providing drinks for our students at the end of their race. This
year we are not asking students to collect pledges but are encouraging families to make a $1.00 donation on the day of the
event. All proceeds will be forwarded to the Terry Fox Foundation.
Alexander Robinson News
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Many students have one or more overdue library books
at home. We take great pride in our library and are
proud of our collection. With minimal library budgets
we cannot afford to lose any books. Sometimes books
are missed when circulating. Please pop into the
library and search the shelves if it is believed the
book was returned.
Our intermediate students will have an opportunity
to participate in the district cross-country race on
Monday April 27 The race will take place in Golden
Ears Park (Alouette Lake beach area) at 3:00 (rain
or shine). All interested students should have
brought home a permission form this week.
Permission forms due back by Apr. 22. Considering
the amazing 5 km training that has been taking
place…our students will be very fit for this event!!!
The Spring Book Fair will take place in the library from
the dates of May 8 – 14. This is a very popular event
at the school. Not only do children get to purchase
their own favourite books but also over 50% of all
sales go towards purchasing Scholastic books for
ARE’s library.
Spring Cross-Country Race for Grade 1-3 Students
We have just very recently received confirmation that our district is sponsoring spring cross-country races
again this year. Thanks to the great support of Mrs. MacPherson and Mrs. Murphy, permission forms for the
event have now been sent home with students who have expressed an interest. If you have not received this
form, extra copies are available in our office. The Primary race (at Albion Sports Fields) will be taking place on
Tuesday, April 28 beginning at 3:00. Please be sure to have your permission forms returned to the school by
Wednesday, April 22!!!
Ultimate Frisbee League continues this year in Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District and Mr.
Low and his Frisbee enthusiasts are “front and center”. Team members include Jocelyn C, Sydney P,
Tristan C, Erica C, Cole S, Brayden M, Brayden H, Braden V, Jesse T, Lucas M, Matthias C, Connor T,
Erick S, Alex C, Alex G, Sebastian R and Ethan V
Alexander Robinson News
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School District 42 allows students to attend a school
other than their “catchment” school or “neighbourhood”
school, provided there is space available at the school of
Parents who wish to have their children
transferred to another school, or program, for
September are required to complete a Student Transfer
Request Form available at their current school. Parents
will be notified by the school principal of whether their
child’s transfer was accepted.
Class and team group photos will be taken on
Thursday, May 14th .
Each student will receive a photo of his/her
class group at no cost from Photo Express.
In recognition of all our fabulous moms at
Alexander Robinson a Special Event has been planned!!
At Alexander Robinson Elementary, we believe that all of our MOMS are extraordinary and we want to let them
know just how special they are!!! On May
8 we have planned a special treat for our Moms…”Muffins for
Moms”. All students and their moms are invited to our school gym to share in a coffee, juice and a muffin treat.
Please plan to join us in the gym between 7:45-8:30 am to share in the fun!!! An invitation will be coming your
On Wednesday, May 27st @ 1:00 p.m. we will be warmly welcoming our new Kindergarten students and their
families to our school. This opportunity brings great joy to our staff. Watch for further details arriving to
families closer to the date. Parents of present Kindergarten friends will have received a school letter informing
them that dismissal for their children on May 27 will at 11:00.
Welcome to Our Most Recent New Friends
It is always a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet new friends that join us at Alexander Robinson
Elementary. We would like to warmly welcome the following students to our school community:
Jialue Zhou, Marley Hanmer
Donggyun Ryu and DongJoo Min
Alexander Robinson News
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The Ministry of Education’s Provincial Satisfaction Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools.
It gathers information from parents, teachers and students on topics related to school environment, safety,
and achievement. The information is used for planning for individual schools and provides a district and
provincial perspective.
During the month of April the Satisfaction Survey will be administered to students in grades 4 and 7, their
parents, and all school staff. We encourage parents to participate in this survey, as the results are important
in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus
This year, the survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at Any computer with an Internet connection
can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure. Complete the survey by clicking on the “radio
buttons” for each question. Move to the next set of questions by clicking on NEXT in the bottom right corner
of the screen. When you are finished the survey you will get a message “Thank you for sharing your views”.
Garibaldi Band Performs at ARE
As part of our School Growth Plan, we have planned
several extra special ARE Spirit Events.
Friday, April 24 we encourage ALL students, staff
and interested parents to share their very
CRAZIEST hairdos possible. We thank our grade
4/5 students for their help in organizing the
details for this spirited event! On the 24 th, our Me
to We leadership team will also be selling chips
for $1.00. All proceeds will contribute to the
purchase of additional goats for our friends in
Haiti!! We’re looking forward to the “craziest of
On May 1 we will be welcoming the GSS band to our
school. They will be sharing a performance with us
beginning at 9:15. Parents, please join us if your
schedules allow.
Has your child won an award? Played on a winning
team? Been chosen for a Special Event? We want to
know and celebrate with you! If your child has not
yet been recognized this year, please send Mrs.
Hogarth an email ( about
your child’s special accomplishment and we will
recognize him/her in our newsletter.
Cutlery for Student Lunches
We are noticing an increase in students requesting forks and spoons from the office. We do not have a supply
of such items. Please do your best to pack utensils with your child(ren)’s lunches. Thank you kindly.
Alexander Robinson News
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Student Classroom Placement for 2015 - 16
Please be reminded that during the month of May, the staff at Alexander Robinson Elementary will spend
considerable effort and thoughtfulness in developing preliminary classroom organizations for the upcoming
2015-16 school year. The process of organizing classes is indeed complex and time consuming. All staff
members will be present during specific meetings in order to share pertinent information about all of our
students. Many criteria are taken into consideration when we establish tentative classroom organizations.
Critical criteria include:
individual student learning styles, strengths and needs, social and personal characteristics
male/female balance in each class
peer relationships
Ministry of Education class size and class composition requirements
As you can see, social groupings for each child are certainly considered in the process, but classes are not made
up based solely on friendships. As a staff, we do place considerable thought into ensuring that students have a
support system within the new class. However, we also believe that opportunities to develop new friendships
are valuable for everyone as a means of gaining increased independence and self-confidence.
If you feel you have additional information, such as specific learning needs of your child or the learning
environment that best supports these needs, please provide this information in writing to Mrs. Heikkila by
Friday, May 15, 2015. If you submit written information, please remember that it is inappropriate to
include any specific reference to a particular teacher or to other specific students at our school other
than your own child(ren). It is also important for parents to know that it is unethical for any staff
member to recommend or to listen to a request for a specific staff member. When considering whether
to submit additional information or not, please do not feel that you are required to do so. Many parents feel
their child’s needs are well understood and appreciated. However, certainly the opportunity is yours.
The staffing that is allocated to each school is a reflection of the number of students enrolled to attend the
following year. In planning for next year, it is imperative that we know if your child(ren) will be leaving
Alexander Robinson. If this is the case, please contact the office with this information as soon as possible.
Also, please keep in mind that although we put tremendous effort into developing classrooms that will best
meet the needs of all of our students, there are times when we are required to revisit our organization and
changes sometimes must be considered. Please remember that when any decision is made, the Alexander
Robinson staff is committed to providing the best possible learning environment for everyone within the scope
of our resources.
ME To WE-Leadership/Social Responsibility Group
We have had a busy year so far with raising awareness and funds for our local and global issues. Thank you for
all the support you have given us. We have raised over a thousand dollars to help support families in Haiti and
Nicaragua. We have sold 100 Rafiki chains thus providing $1000 in income to mothers in Kenya.
On April 17th, many classes in the school will be participating in a Free the Children Campaign known as We Are
Silent. On this day, in a relay format, classes will work/play silently for the time assigned to their division.
The silent time varies from 2 minutes for kindergartens to 24 minutes for grade sevens. The purpose of going
silent is to raise awareness that many children around the world are denied their basic human rights.
In the last few months, we will be selling some food items on school theme days to continue raising money help
families in Haiti and Nicaragua.
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Mariah T - Div. 2
Ryan B - Div. 3
Ethan V - Div. 4
Catherine S - Div. 5
Kelly K - Div. 5
Amelia B - Div. 8
Amelia L - Div. 10
Nicole S - Div. 10
Dominick P - Div. 13
Brooklyn I - Div. 18
Evan S - Div. 19
Darius M. Div. 1
Justin W. Div. 2
Nevaeh L. Div. 3
Ivanka B. Div. 4
Austen Y. Div. 4
Allysha K. Div. 9
Ryan T. Div. 11
Jakob G. Div. 13
Kendra F. Div. 15
Calib W. Div. 15
Connor P. Div. 19
Coleton Chartier Div. 21
Niki M - Div. 13
Jordyn M - Div. 20
Kallia M - Div. 21
Trenton H - Div. 22
Kayden Kion Div. 14
Lilliana Magee Div. 18
Zach B - Div. 1
Jake B - Div. 1
Hannah B - Div. 1
Jaclynne W - Div. 1
Alyssa S - Div. 1
Selena P - Div. 3
Jaiden C - Div. 5
Blair S - Div. 5
A - Div. 6
- Div. 7
Div. 7
Joel M - Div. 2
Maya C - Div. 7
Adam J - Div. 2
Allison M - Div. 8
Melodie R - Div. 3
MacKenzie B - Div. 9
Kelsey F - Div. 4
Kesler J - Div. 9
Immanuel S - Div.5
S - Div. 9
Liam R - Div. 10
- Div. 9
Katelynn S - Div. 11
Div. 10
Nathan Y - Div. 13
Lily S - Div. 12
Sophia M- Div. 14
Sophie G -Div. 14
Rebecca B - Div. 15
Hannah H. - Div. 15
Mannat B - Div. 16
Sydney T. - Div. 15
Ariana L - Div. 18
Declan F. - Div. 19
Hayley T - Div. 20
Tyler W - Div. 21
L. Div. 1
Jessica S - Div. 22
Div. 3
Lars P. Div. 4
Dana Chen - Div. 12
Maverick S. Div. 1
Brayden M. Div. 5
Taydem Wilson - Div. 17
Emilee F. Div. 3
Antonio T. Div. 5
Harkeert B. Div. 4
J. Div. 7
Janaya T. Div. 9
Emily H. Div. 5
Div. 7
Matthew D. Div. 17
Charlize D. Div. 8
Kayley T. Div. 22
Christopher P. Div. 10
Ashlyn C. Div. 12
Luke P. Div. 8
Will H. Div. 14
Jaelyn F. Div. 8
Bryan A. - Div. 4
McKinley M. Div. 15
Keira C. Div. 9
Aleks B. - Div. 6
Nyla B. Div. 15
A. Div. 10
Wilson W. - Div. 18
Jazel Escano Div. 16
P. Div. 11
Jake M. - Div. 20
Morgan Div. 16
Div. 11
Kayla Murphy Div. 20
Rhyah H- Div. 11
Div. 13
Sustainability Serena Heaney-McDonald Div. 20
Ryan Acutt Div. 21
Arren Afaq - Div. 10
Ryder W. Div. 19
Gurnaman Gill Div. 22
Ariel Hernandez - Div. 17
River C. Div. 19
Makena R. Div. 22
MacKenzie B - Div. 3
Braya R - Div. 6
Mia G - Div. 6
Noah R - Div. 8
Cameron A - Div. 10
Macy R - Div. 11
Riley A - Div. 14
Emma F - Div. 14
Urveen J - Div. 15
Rachael H - Div. 15
Lauren K - Div. 18
Sanah M - Div. 19
Sameera M - Div. 21
Jaya V - Div. 22
Camryn C. Div. 5
Muskaan G. Div. 9
Aiden M. Div. 12
Abby R. Div. 14
Abigail L. Div. 17
Charlie O. Div. 18
Kaden M. Div. 20
Sailor S. Div. 21
Monica B. Div. 8
Saleh S. - Div. 12
Daniel S. - Div. 15
Josh S. - Div. 15
Brady P. - Div. 17
Lucas M. Div. 2
Kayla E. Div. 3
Deston P. Div. 8
Nathan T. Div. 10
Josh B. Div. 12
Oliver L. Div. 13
Logan A. Div. 13
Kameron T. Div. 15
Kaleb B. Div. 15
Kaylin D. Div. 15
Alexander Robinson News
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April 20
April 22
April 24
April 27
April 28
April 29
PALS 6:00 pm
Earth Day
Crazy Hair Day/Me to We Chip Sales
District Cross-Country Race – Intermediate
District Cross-Country Race – Primary
Terry Fox Celebration
May 1
May 4
May 6
May 8
GSS Band Performance beginning at 9:15
Jinnouchi Class to UBC Research Forest
Assembly 9:00am
ARE Public Speaking
Hot Dog Day
Muffins for Mom
Scholastic Book Fair 8th – 14th
PAC Meeting 7:00pm (6:30 meet & greet)
District Public Speaking (Grade 4/5)
District Public Speaking (Grade 6/7)
Class/Team Photos
Jinnouchi Class to the MR Dyke
Victoria Day
Non-Instructional Day (District Based)
5KM Run
School Trustees visiting ARE
Masabo Presentation (K-7) in the pm
DSAC Cor Project (full day for members)
Welcome to Kindergarten
Super Day/Food Bank donations
PAC Fun Fair
May 12
Wednesday May 13
May 14
May 15
May 18
May 19
May 22
May 25
Wednesday May 27
May 29