The Reporter A Publication for Patients, Residents and Families APRIL 2015 From the Administrator’s Desk Welcome Spring! With the arrival of spring we look forward to brighter skies, blooming flowers and the feel of a lush carpet of green grass under our feet. Will April showers bring May flowers? Stay tuned and we shall see! A few news notes to share … We are excited that we now have a brand new large flat screen TV in the Tidewater multipurpose room. The new TV was purchased and hung up on April 1st. We are beginning our outdoor courtyard project that will provide more shade areas. The project is just beginning so it will be mid-summer before we are done. The first step is to obtain bids for the project and we are in that phase right now. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the Spring and early Summer. Our Human Resources Director, Maintenance Director and Social Services & Case Management Directors all had training in late March/early April; they are now back at Potomac Falls and better able to serve you! Potomac Falls will host the Dulles International Airport Rotary Club High School Scholarship Committee meetings in April and May. The Rotary Club raises money and provides scholarships to deserving Loudoun County high school students that would not otherwise be able to attend college. We realize you have a choice in providers and thank you for choosing Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center. Zoie Barcus Nikov, MSA, LNHA Page 1 of 8 Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center partnered with a third-party research company, My InnerView, who recently conducted a satisfaction survey for our center. We want to thank everyone who took the time to complete a survey and share your thoughts with us. In order for us to deliver the best quality of care and services it is important for us to know what we are doing well and what things we could improve on. April Birthdays All of the data from your surveys was compiled and we would like to share the feedback with you. Helen Youngblood 5th According to you, 83% of patients/residents and 79% of families rated our center as excellent or good in their recommendation to others. We also has 79 % of patients/residents and 75% of Frances Evitts 10th families rate their overall satisfaction with our center as excellent or good. William Tydeman 10th In addition to those ratings, the surveys have also provided more detail th about what you feel are Veronica Dominik 12 our center’s strengths as well as the areas in need of improvement (listed below). Eugenia Glover 16th Top Strengths: Areas for Improvement: st Competency of staff Asghar Farahmand Quality of dining21 experience Care/concern of staff Quality of meals st Afagh Shafiei Commitment to family updates Meaningfulness 21 of activities Safety of center Adequate staff to meet needs David Carney 22nd Respect for privacy Attention to resident grooming Susan Prisco 25th Focus groups consisting of key leadership and staff members have been established to work on ways we can improve inMercedes the areas listedCuzzi-Espinoza above. Our center remains committed to continual 27th improvement and we appreciate in the input and perspective that each th of you can provide. We Mariam Kianpour 28 kindly ask that you continue to share your thoughts as you receive surveys in the future. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of caring for you and/or your loved Agnes Ford 30 Sincerely, Pauline Ross 31st Zoie B. Nikov Administrator Page 2 of 8 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Focus Group for Improving the Dining Experience and Meals Spring Cleaning at Potomac Falls Focus Group for Improving Resident Grooming Thanks to all of our residents and families for participating in our recent Satisfaction Surveys! We heard you and we now have a team working toward improving the grooming for all of our residents. We have developed a tool to evaluate how our CNAs are doing with showers, nail care, shaving, and mouth care. We will start auditing next week and will post our results. Please feel free to ask me questions or let me know if there is something else we need to focus on! Phyllis Harris, RN, DON The dietary department is working on several things to improve the dining experience of our guest at Potomac Falls. We have a team that meets monthly to discuss ways to improve the overalls dining experience of our guests, this team consists of the Dietitian, Dietary Director, Asst. Dietary Director, Nurse Supervisor, 2 CNA’s, Dietary Aide, Cook, Activities Director. We have changed several meals on our menus based on the guest/staff feedback and meal consumption. We have managers in the dining rooms from our management team, overseeing the meals service and assisting with our guests needs during the meals. Michelle Board CDM, CFPP Everything is an Activity Focus Group to Improve the Activities Program This group has just gotten organized and is working on a few ideas: (1) developing a plan to increase volunteers; (2) developing a plan to better utilize Facebook and the website to promote what happens in activities; and (3) posting photos of events we have held so families can see what happens when they are not here. Barbara Eastman, Activities Director Page 3 of 8 April Birthdays William Johnston 10th Edward Kennedy 11th Constance Jones 13th Terri Johnson 19th Michaeleen Cresce 28th May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True! MEET THE TEAM Zohra Ibrahimi, CNA I have started working at Potomac Falls in October 2014. I live in Fairfax. I have always dreamed to be a Medical Doctor or pursue a career in the medical field. I am originally from Afghanistan and it was very difficult if not impossible for me to go to school or college. I moved to America in September 2013. I took English classes and then I took the first step towards my goal and to work in the medical field: getting my certificate as a nurse assistant (CNA) in October 2014. I didn't stop there and enrolled in a nursing school to become a licensed practical nurse. I will be graduating by the end of 2015. I will never stop studying and plan to become an RN (Registered Nurse). Helping people who need help is something that makes me feel good about my job and my life. That's why besides working as a CNA I also work as a volunteer at Novant Prince William Medical Center in the ER department. My father always dreams of me becoming a doctor one day. I will do all my best to make his dream come true. I speak Dari/Farsi and I work very hard to be even more fluent in English as well. I spend most of my time on studying and try to find time for shopping. Riding a bicycle and going for camping are my hobbies. My motto: keep going never give up! Page 4 of 8 Commonwealth Coordinated Care (CCC) is coming to Loudoun County and Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center is a resource to you as the program rolls out and implementation begins. Commonwealth Coordinated Care is a new Virginia initiative that coordinates care for individuals who are currently served by both full Medicare (entitled to benefits under Medicare Part A and enrolled under Medicare Parts B and D) and full Medicaid and meet certain eligibility requirements. The program is designed to be the single entity accountable for coordinating delivery of primary, preventive, acute, behavioral, and long-term services and supports. Current Medicare-Medicaid enrollees without coordinated care must use three ID cards for Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs; have three different sets of benefits; receive bills when they should not and are routinely frustrated over challenges in understanding which plan pays for which services. The goal of this initiative is to provide Virginians with high quality, person-centered health care that focuses on their needs and preferences. Benefits: The benefits of Commonwealth Coordinated Care include: One toll free phone number for 24 hours/7 days a week assistance A unified appeals process Person-centered service coordination/case management Eligibility: Eligible individuals include those who: Are 21 and older Are enrolled in full Medicare and full Medicaid Live in designated regions of Virginia Timeline for Loudoun County (including Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center) May 2015: Automatic assignments received by mail July 2015: Coverage for those automatically enrolled begins QUESTIONS ABOUT COMMONWEALTH COORDINATED CARE? STOP IN AND SEE YOUR SOCIAL WORKER FOR MORE INFORMATION AND RESOURCES Page 5 of 8 EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH Aniyat Adedeji – Business Office Assistant Monica Afriyie – Certified Nursing Assistant Mohammed Tarey – Registered Nurse YOU GOT CAUGHT CARING Genesis Alfaro - CNA is terrific! She is so wonderful and caring. She really likes caring for old people! Radhika Cherukuri – Physical Therapist is what a caring angle. Very good communicator for my elderly Mom. I feared she’s never get beyond the wheelchair to her walker. What fantastic improvement. Such a good and caring nursing and therapy staff. No one following surgery and in pain is easy, but the staff here makes it look easy. Great dedication! Michelle Board – Director of Dietary – very helpful to me with my diet. Goes out of her way, always very pleasant. Mike Parker – CNA – asked if he could see how the therapist was getting patient up from bed. He took time to learn the appropriate steps for transferring this patient. Therapist educated Mike on proper application of sling. He was appreciative and then asked how to properly apply a brace on another patient. He stated, II want to do it right, I am here to do a good job.” Malika Bougrine – CNA washed my hair; Cleaning crew member Maria gave me the “bestest” hug today I have ever had in a long time; Radhika Cherukuri – PT - called me by a name my mom used to call me and she looked into my eyes; Fengling Hu – CNA, extremely sensitive, gave me hugs when she saw me crying; tall, handsome Michael – CNA brought food tray with many of my favorite condiments and liquids. He spoke to me first in Espanol and it was like music to my heart. Fares called me by my first name my mother used to call me in Spanish; every time he sees me he smiles, he is upbeat, hardworking and did my laundry before the week was up. Rebecca Uri in Rehab – extremely sweet and sensitive to another petit lady. Cooking crew doing a great job; I gained 9 lbs. We appreciate hearing ALL the good work our staff does! Page 6 of 8 We congratulate Melissa Meyer, Dietitian, and her family on the arrival of their second baby girl Madison! Volunteer Opportunities for All Ages! We are looking for Volunteers here at Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center. There is nothing more valuable than the gift of time to those in need. The benefits to the giver are as great as those on the receiving end. Students in need of service hours; retirees who like to stay active and involved; anyone thinking about a career in the medical field; Boy Scout or Girl Scout troops looking for projects; dog lovers who want to share their furry friends with others all make excellent volunteers. If you know a college student applying to therapy, nursing or graduate medical programs, the more volunteer hours they have in a medical setting the better. If you have musical talents to share or just want to sit with a resident and listen to their story, we can use your help. You could help with Bingo or take a resident outside for some fresh air. Read to someone who loved to read and no longer can see well enough or play a game of checkers. Even an hour a week can make a difference. Please stop in to our reception desk or email Barbara Eastman, Activities Director at for a volunteer application to get started. You will treasure your time volunteering and our residents will treasure you. Page 7 of 8 Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center 46531 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 20164 703-834-5800 Phone Administration Admissions Administrator: Zoie Nikov Administrator in Training: Ishmael Koroma Human Resources Manager: Olga Klein Director of Admissions: Katelyn Maerki Admissions Coordinator: Rachel Williams Business Office Business Office Manager: Kay Roscorla (Acting) Dining Services Dietitian: Melissa Meyer Director of Dietary: Michelle Board Dietary Supervisor: Noochnart Jones Facilities Housekeeping & Laundry Director: Fares Iglesias Maintenance Director: Siroos Abdollahi Medical Services Medical Director: Dr. Jay Rana Physician: Drs. Ayele & Behiri Nursing Director of Nursing: Phyllis Harris Assistant Director of Nursing: Johanna Espinales Nurse Managers: Peggy Hojnacki & Alexander Koroma Evening Nurse Supervisors: Charlotte Nkepnang & Chuck Wyson Night Nurse Supervisors: Anne Daly & Deandra Fennell Wound Care Nurse: Arwa Landivar Weekend Nurse Supervisors: Laura McLaughlin & Kellie Schnebelen Social Services Directors of Social Services & Case Mgmt. Gina Damiano & Chandis Parris Recreation, Activities & Volunteers Director of Activities: Barbara Eastman Activities Assistants: Jennifer Beach & Camryn Burton Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center Page 8 of 8
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