Document 162224

MONday Issue
MARCH 28, 2011
637 total votes
810 total votes
Arts & Humanities
Jordan College Of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology Senator:
Craig School of
Business Senator:
Lyles College of
Engineering Senator:
Health and Human
Services Senator:
Science and
Mathematics Senator:
Social Sciences
Note: No selection was provided for Kremen School of Education and Human Development Senator
Source: Associated Students, Inc.
Infographic by Michael Uribes / The Collegian
New and improved
Taco Bell opens it doors
By Kristina Reveles
The Collegian
After months of remodeling, Taco Bell Express is now
Ta c o B e l l E x p re s s h a d
its g rand re-opening on
Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
The sign before stated,
“Taco Bell Express: Under
Construction. Reopening in
November 2010” is no longer
seen on the glass doors of
the University Center. After
months of fixing up it has now
been remodeled and is open
for business.
Taco Bell Express had been
expected by many students
to be re-opened by November
causing some students to be
disappointed in the setback.
Re p a i r s o f Ta c o B e l l
Express were delayed due to
conflicts in funding and construction. They caused Taco
Bell Express to open later than
Construction was to fulfill
the requirement placed by
Taco Bell Corporation.
With a whole new look,
Taco Bell Express shows a new
atmosphere, with vibrant colors giving it a new look. Along
with the new interior, Taco
Bell Express has more seating for anyone who visits to be
able to sit down and enjoy.
When walking into Taco
Bell Express it is different
with the way things were
before. It looks just like a Taco
Bell restaurant and can be a
comfortable place for anyone
to eat at.
Rain did not stop Fresno
State students from lining up
for Taco Bell Express’ grand
opening. The first 300 customers won a free crunchy taco.
“It is always a good thing to
get free stuff, especially as a
college student,” criminology
major Melanie Gonzalez said.
Gonzalez, along with other
friends, waited in line for
doors to open. It was nothing they expected when they
walked in. They liked the new
look and were impressed with
how it came out.
Ta c o B e l l E x p re s s h a s
affordable prices that Fresno
State students can be satisfied
With recent accusations saying that Taco
Bell’s beef was not real
beef, it has not stopped
some students from eating at Taco Bell Express
on campus.
“They were just accusations; nothing else
went further on the situation,” Fresno State student Maritza Hernandez
said. “It is Taco Bell, and
not expensive. I’ll still buy
food from here.”
Her nande z g rabbed a
quick meal before heading back to class. She was
impressed on the change of
Taco Bell. It was a great way
for Fresno State to improve
the campus all around giving
Fresno State a new refreshing
The grand re-opening of
the Taco Bell Express should
grant the request for students
that have waited for the opening. With its new look and
same taste to offer on campus
students shall be happy.
Photo Illustration by Michael Uribes / The Collegian
of melanoma among young white women have more than doubled in the past three decades,
“R ates
and wealthier, more educated women appear to be at greatest risk.”
– Researchers at the Cancer Prevention Institute of California
Culled each week
from discussions
in The Collegian
Thumbs up
Fresno Film Festival
The 7th Annual
Fresno Film Festival is
back! Fresno Filmworks
will showcase independent,
experimental and international
movies at the beautiful Tower
Theatre from April 1-3. If
you’re a FFF virgin, you are in
for a great weekend.
Thumbs down
Weekend library hours
The library should be
open from 7:45 a.m. to 11
p.m. every day of the week.
If you can’t afford to keep the
heater on in the winter and air
conditioning on in the summer,
then you shouldn’t have made
the library so big. I mean, a
$105 million renovation, come
on. I just need a quiet place to
study and access to the book
collections. Here’s an idea —
turn the lights off at night and
use that money to pay staff to
be there.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
Time for Ramirez to resign
and he is certainly a hero to many. It
Pedro Ramirez, Fresno State’s
seemed like Ramirez has focused
was no fault of his own that he was
infamous Associated Students, Inc.
more on advocating for immigration
brought to America at the age of 3.
president, should resign from his
legislation, like the DREAM Act,
His tenure, however, has been mired
post, and let President-elect Selena
rather than furthering Fresno State
by controversy.
Farnesi, the current executive vice
student interests.
His failure to disclose his
president, get a head start on the job.
Ramirez broke the law when he
immigration status opened the door
Ramirez has lost the ability to
drove without a license,violating ASI’s
for a scandal like this, and his claim
effectively govern ASI and has split
Code of Conduct in the process. He is
that he did not drive was a
the student body into
blatant lie.
two factions: one ProRamirez is too much of a
Pedro, the other antidistraction. He should step
down so that ASI can get
On Nov. 16, 2010,
Students, Inc. president, should resign from his
back to focusing on student
after six months in
office, The Collegian
post, and let President-elect Selena Farnesi, the current
Farnesi’s election
revealed that Ramirez
has opened the door
was an undocumented
for Ramirez to resign
immigrant. As an AB 540
gracefully. She’ll be able
student, Ramirez had
to start early, and Ramirez
the right to run for office
will be able to leave all the controversy
and has the right to be ASI president.
currently being investigated by the
behind him and have a normal life
The Collegian is not questioning
senate’s Personnel Committee.
again. The students will also benefit —
that right. Every student enrolled
In addition, according to Article
things will get back to normal.
at Fresno State should be eligible to
III, Section 7.2.1 of ASI’s bylaws, if
This is the best thing for everyone
represent the students in ASI.
an executive officer misses three ASI
involved. Mr. Ramirez, it’s time for you
We don’t question this. What we
meetings. Ramirez, in dealing with
to resign.
question is his effectiveness since the
everything he’s had to go through, has
revelation of his immigration status.
missed at least three.
In the ensuing circus, it has
Ramirez seems like a good guy,
Thumbs up
Garrett Weber
Garrett Weber’s RBI
single in the 22nd inning gave
Fresno State a 3-2 victory
over San Diego on Saturday.
The game lasted more than
7 hours, making it the thirdlongest game NCAA Division I
history and the longest game
in Fresno State history.
Source: League of Women Voters
Thumbs down
‘Charlie Sheen LIVE: My
Violent Torpedo of Truth’
CBS has offered Charlie Sheen
his job back. However, the
“Two and a Half Men” star will
be directing, producing, writing
and starring in his own show,
“Charlie Sheen LIVE: My
Violent Torpedo of Truth.”
Dude, you’re not WINNING.
Thumbs up
For Students Now
President-elect Selena
Farnesi and her posse took
home the majority of votes
for the 2011 Associated
Students, Inc. election.
The Collegian is a student-run
publication that serves the
Fresno State community
on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. Views expressed
in The Collegian do not
necessarily reflect the views
of the staff or university.
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MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
Services for students with Nintendo ready
disabilities fly under radar to take 3-D
gaming to mass
the director of Services for
Students with Disabilities,
said. Hidden disabilities can
include, but are not limited
to, ADD, ADHD, chronic illnesses, Asperger’s Disorder
or any other type of learning
In addition to on-campus resources, Services for
Students with Disabilities
works closely with Resources
for Independence, Central
Va l l e y. R e s o u r c e s f o r
Independence is available
to students as a shortcut to
specific answers, instead of
having to work through longer methods, like the Social
Security Office.
The Services for Students
with Disabilities continually looks for help from other
students, as well. Volunteer
note-takers are invaluable and
quite often needed. Students
c a n e ve n r e c e ive c r e d i t
through the 101 Community
Service class for their time.
“I took notes in my Music
74 class, made a copy of them
at home and then turned them
into my teacher at our next
class,” kinesiology major and
volunteer note-taker Jessica
Gray said.“The notes were
always a day behind, but I
think it was helpful.”
A more noticeable form of
help that the SSD provides
for students is transportation
By Beeta Taidi-Laskowski
The Collegian
Though most, if not all,
professors include some information regarding Services
for Students with Disabilities
in their syllabi, not nearly as
many students take notice, or
advantage, of the services.
Weldon Percy, a quadriplegic for all of his adult life,
founded and directed the
Services for Students with
Disabilities in 1974. The office
has relocated since it’s founding and can be found in the
Henry Madden Library, downstairs in suite 1202. Services
for Students with Disabilities
partners with other services
provided on campus, such as
Academic Support Services
and the Health Center, to further meet students’ needs.
Services for Students with
Disabilities provides many
services which include counseling, registration assistance,
blue curb parking and orientations. There are nine private rooms within the office
to allow testing as needed by
students. SSD can aid students
with learning disabilities and
can also assist those with temporary needs, like a student
with a broken leg for instance.
“Over two-thirds of the students we service have a hidden disability,” Janice Brown,
for those who may be in need
of temporary help. One of the
services offered is transportation from one class to the next
on the golf carts that are used
by campus staff.
“After I broke my foot, I
heard about the ways the
Services for Students with
Disabilities could help me
from friends of mine that had
previously been on crutches,”
political science major Caleb
Pauls said.
There are currently 530
active students that utilize
the different services offered
by SSD and 128 pending applicants. Services for Students
with Disabilities also reaches
out in advance to students at
nearby community colleges
that will be transferring to
Fresno State. The students can
meet with counselors ahead of
time to establish relationships
before officially becoming a
To be a part of Services for
Students with Disabilities,
a student needs to fill out an
application and provide written verification of their diagnosis and prognosis from a
professional. Complete guidelines can be found at the SSD
website,, under their policies and procedures.
Power restored to
Yosemite National Park
has been restored to Yosemite
National Park after a nearly
week-long storm-related outage.
Park officials say the power
By Associated Press
PARK, Calif. (AP) — Power
Now Accepting Applications
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Orientation/Class Meetings
Sunday, April 3
Sunday, April 17
Sunday, May 1
1:00-4:00 p.m. ED 140
1:00-4:00 p.m. ED 140
1:00-4:00 p.m. ED 140
For more information, contact Carla Millar, London Program Office,
California State University, Fresno, Music 186, or call (559) 278-3056.
Now You Can
Peace Corps
with Grad School
at Fresno State!
Peace Corps Info Session
Tuesday, March 29
Sunnyside Regional Library
5566 East Kings Canyon Rd
Agriculture Skills In High Demand!
returned on Saturday. It went
out on March 20 after a powerful winter storm dropped several feet of snow in the area.
The park was closed for
three days, as power lines fell
and trees blocked roads. Park
buildings were forced to rely
on emergency generators.
All roads into the park
have since been cleared and
By Barbara Ortutay
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — With
the Nintendo 3DS, the
Japanese video game company is betting that it can once
again nudge mass entertainment in a new direction, just
as it did nearly five years ago
when it launched the Wii with
its innovative motion-based
This time, though, the competition from other devices is
The handheld 3DS, which
goes on sale in the U.S. on
Sunday for $250, lets users
play 3-D games without wearing special glasses. It also
takes 3-D photos. This summer, the 3DS will play 3-D movies streamed from Netflix on
its 3.5-inch screen.
Reggie Fils-Aime, the president of Nintendo’s U.S. arm,
calls it “the first mass-market
3-D device.”
Nintendo’s handheld gaming systems have been wildly
popular since the days of the
Game Boy, but in recent years
people have g rown accustomed (and sometimes addicted) to playing games on their
smartphones. “Angry Birds,”
for example, is played by 40
million people a month.
And both AT&T Inc. and
Sprint Nextel Cor p. have
announced they’ll be selling
smartphones with 3-D screens
Fils-Aime acknowledges
that consumers have a wide
range of entertainment
options. Nintendo, he says,
must provide better entertainment experiences so that people keep flocking to its games
and devices.
So f ar, they are. While
demand for the handheld
DS has slowed over the past
year, video g ame analyst
Jesse Divnich of Electronic
Entertainment Design and
Research said that’s only
because people have been
holding out for the 3DS. As
of Dec. 31, Nintendo had sold
about 145 million units of the
DS in all its iterations worldwide. Divnich thinks demand
for the 3DS will be more brisk
during its first year on sale
than for previous iterations,
such as the DSi, which went
on sale in 2008.
The Wii, which hit store
shelves in 2006 for $250 (it is
now $200), was often sold out or
in short supply as recently as
last February. It’s not clear yet
whether this will be the case
with 3DS, but retailers say
demand has been strong based
on the number of pre-orders
they received. Tony Bartel, the
president of GameStop Corp.,
the world’s largest video game
store chain, said the company
is “working every day with
Nintendo” to ensure that they
can meet demand.
We d b u s h M o r g a n a n a lyst Michael Pachter said
Nintendo will sell “as many as
they can make” over the next
12 months. While the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan will likely affect
supplies, he called an estimate
of 16 million units “very fair.”
The 3DS isn’t Nintendo’s
first foray into 3-D gaming. In
1995, it launched the Virtual
Boy, which required bulky
headgear and displayed all
images in red. It bombed and
Nintendo soon discontinued
it. But it didn’t give up on 3-D.
The technology used to create 3-D images on the 3DS is
not new. Called a “parallax
barrier” LCD screen, it works
as if two sets of thin blinds
were laid over the screen, so
that your eyes each see a different version of the image.
Your brain then puts them
together, creating the 3-D
effect. Because it only works if
the viewer is at a certain place
in relation to the screen, this
technology is better suited to
hand-held devices than TV
As entertainment technology, 3-D doesn’t have a long
track record of appeal to the
mass market. It’s been possible to play computer games
in 3-D for years, with the help
of glasses, but they have never
caught on. People are willing
to pay extra to see 3-D movies,
but they haven’t helped overall box office receipts.
Veteran g ame designer
Hideki Konno, who helped
develop the 3DS, said being
able to see games in 3-D makes
it easier to comprehend distances while playing.
“You will find it easier
to grasp the width, height
and the depth of the gaming
world,” he said in an email
message translated from the
Custodians dreamt
big career choices
By Oscar Perez
The Collegian
A fireman, an artist and an
NBA player were what some
custodians at Fresno State
hoped they would be when
they grew up, but life dealt
them a different hand.
Larry Jones, a custodian at
Fresno State for 15 years, was
only 16 years old when his life
changed and he was forced to
fend for himself.
“I was playing basketball
against Clovis West, when the
call came in,” Jones said. “My
coach got the call, and then my
family rushed into the game.”
Jones received a call during
the game stating his mother
was passing away.
“I walked off the court and
drove off to San Francisco,”
Jones said. “When I got there
I had a couple of minutes with
her before she died.”
Jones said he was left to be
on his own from that moment
“Pretty much that’s the
moment I began taking care of
myself,” Jones said.
Custodian Gabriela Mejia
decided to begin her journey
to the United States from her
homeland of Mexicali, Mexico
in 1985.
“I came from Mexico in
search of a better future,”
Mejia said. “At first I was not
sure about what I was doing or
why I was even doing it.”
Mejia came first with her
husband to the United States,
and then their two daughters
came afterward.
Angel Melendez, a
custodian at Fresno State for
14 years, was born in Puerto
Rico. He migrated to New York
City soon after where he was
Melendez decided to enlist
in the United States Ar my
and left New York in 1976.
During his career in the army,
Melendez was stationed in
Germany for seven years, 13
months in Korea, and around
the United States.
“I got out of the ar my
in 1991 and moved here to
Fresno,” Melendez said.
Melendez always imagined
himself as a fireman, or a
law enforcement officer when
he was a child. He stopped
i m a g i n i n g t h i s wh e n h e
enlisted and his focus was put
on other things.
Mejia said. “And I don’t really
see it ever becoming true.”
Mejia wishes she could go
back to school, but time does
not permit. She said that her
daughter being an artist on
her free time makes her feel
came from Mexico
in search of a better
— Angel Melendez,
Fresno State custodian
Jones expected to be a NBA
player one day, especially
when he be g an receiving
letters from different
universities that wanted him
to play basketball for them.
“I thought I was going to
be an NBA star,” Jones said.
“I was an athlete until my
mother passed.”
Jones added that his dream
was to pursue basketball and
to attend college.
“I had all kinds of letters
from colleges who wanted me
to play for them, but I kind of
quit because my mom passed,”
Jones said.
After Jones' mother died he
had to learn to survive on his
own, as an only child. “I was
16 and I just was bad after her
“I had to lear n to find
myself again,” Jones said.
“I thought I was going to be a
professional athlete up until
that point in my life — I guess
I missed my calling.”
Jones said he did have a
father, but he had established
a new marriage and family
after his parents separated.
These three individuals
have one thing in common
— they all cherish and live
for the betterment of their
“The one thing that I want
most in this world is for my
children to succeed and that’s
why I work today because I
want to help them in all I can,”
Mejia said.
Jones feels that family is
the most important thing.
“I enjoy spending time with
my family and two daughters,”
Jones said.
Melendez said she always
looks forward to family
just want the students to know that custodians do
appreciate their jobs here. I do my best to keep this
university clean of their success.”
— Larry Jones,
Fresno State custodian
“I left my dream behind
when I enlisted for service,”
Melendez said. “I just started
to put my focus on other things
in life — like family.”
Mejia said she dreamed of
being an artist one day. She
said her dream fell apart due
to her having to take care of
her family.
“I don’t blame them for it,
but life just takes different
turns when least expected,”
gatherings and helping one
another when needed.
“I just want the students
to know that custodians do
appreciate their jobs here,”
Jones said. “I do my best to
keep this university clean for
their success.”
COMMENT: The Collegian is a
forum for student expression.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
Weekend away from
wet and rainy Fresno
South of Fresno lies multiple wineries and
vineyards in the heart of beautiful Paso Robles
alifornia is home
to some of the most
gorgeous wineries.
A handful of wineries are
located south of Fresno,
in Paso Robles. I had the
privilege of adventuring to
four wineries this weekend,
leaving cold and wet Fresno in
the rear-view mirror.
The evening trip opened up
with the Robert Hall Winery,
approximately two and a half
hours from Fresno. Our group
sampled six different awardwinning wines, leaving the
white desert wine for last.
Small bowls of crackers sat on
the counter for guests to eat in
between wines. This process
helps get rid of the previous
wine taste.
I received a generous
amount of wine each time;
about half of the glass was
filled with the sparkling
alcoholic beverage. Our
group swirled the wine in
our glass in a counter-close
wise direction. Wine swirling
allows the flavors of the wine
to mix together for a richer
taste. “Wine legs” will show
in the glass, indicating the
alcohol content. The more legs
present on the glass the more
higher alcohol percentage in
the wine.
Two employees walked our
group through a guided tour
— showing us the largest wine
cavern on the Central Coast.
The 26-foot underground wine
cavern houses barrels bigger
than half my bedroom. I had
an opportunity to sample red
wine directly from one of the
No cell phone reception was
possible in this underground
wine cavern. Don’t go
underground in a wine
cavern if you’re somewhat
I discovered at the first
winery that red wine isn’t my
ideal choice of drink. White
wine has more of a sweet
delicious taste. Citrus and
ginger spice fuse together
with more tropical fruit
flavors — leaving me wanting
to sit by a fireplace and drink
another glass. Red wine tastes
like grape juice created by
dirty feet stepping on grapes.
Tobin James Cellars
marked our second stop
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Ty-ing It All Together
Janessa Tyler
just eight miles east in Paso
Robles. The establishment sits
on 71 acres, and it gave me a
farmhouse feel. Tobin James
Cellars was crowded with
adults and children in the gift
Similar to the other
wineries I visited, Tobin
shaped like a castle fit for a
king. The patio overlooked
beautiful Paso Robles — an
ideal place for me to get
hitched in the future.
Clautiere Vineyard was our
last stop for the evening, but
it was the most memorable.
Our group of 18 people were
fascinated by the chance to
wear bright, colorful and
crazy wigs, as we tasted
several white and red wines.
Only a handful of our
group were allowed to wine
taste at Clautiere Vineyard.
The cost was only $5 for each
person — a reasonable price.
The black-and-white
tile floor opened up the
tasting room and gift shop,
showcasing bottles of
Clautiere Vineyard wine
across the walls.
I like to consider myself a
classy woman, but you won’t
see me enjoying a glass of
wine at dinner anytime soon.
Enjoying and tasting a glass
of wine is fun, but it isn’t
something I would do on a
like to consider myself a classy woman, but you
won't see me enjoying a glass of wine at dinner
anytime soon.”
James Cellars had more than
just wine to offer. Gifts for
any age were available for
customers to document and
remember their trip to Wine
Eagle Castle Winery was
by far the most gorgeous
establishment of the evening
to look at. The winery was
regular basis.
If you’re in the mood
to travel among beautiful
scenery with great company,
to get out of the Fresno area
and to experience something
new, then wine tasting in Paso
Robles is for you.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
Motorcycle cops patrol around campus
the Fresno State campus.
Motorcycle police are on
patrol, and looking for drivers
exceeding the speed limit.
Students, faculty and staff
Fresno State student Laura
aren’t the only ones driving
Pola drives towards Fresno
in the direction o f
State on Shaw Avenue several
times a week. Pola said she
was running late to class one
day, driving over the speed
limit and had an iClicker quiz
that she didn’t want to miss
when a motorcycle policeman
appeared from behind a tree
with a radar gun aiming
directly at the hood of
her car.
Traf fic violations
are certainly not cheap.
The maximum sentence
on most traf fic related
infractions is $250, plus
assessments and fines. That’s
the cost of a few textbooks.
That’s gas for the semester
depending on the commute, or
three to four months worth of
Pacific Gas and Electric.
“They’re expensive — that’s
money that could go towards
tuition, rent and new shoes
definitely,” Pola said. “It’s
embarrassing because
everybody is driving by
and looks while I get a
Dirt bikes
wielding police
p a t r o l S h aw
Avenue, but
there’s no
dir t. Two
officers are
Suzuki dirt
bikes, and
t h e y d r ive
them four days
a week. They’re
primarily used to
p a t ro l t h e a re a
around the San
Joaquin River
near Her ndon
and Highway
99, but they
do patrol the
streets and
write tickets.
Associated Press
The dirt bikes
By Michael Robles
The Collegian
are actually better suited for
the street than mud.
“One of our dirt bike riders
is our top radar guy and ranks
near the top in total citations
issued,” Fresno Police
D e p a r t m e n t S g t . C h a rl i e
O’Dell said. “That bike goes
places where other police
The Fresno Police
D e p a r t m e n t
h a s
approximately 70 motorcycles
patrolling the streets and two
dirt bikes. The police operate
RT 1200 and RT 1150 state-ofthe-art BMW motorcycles,
and Suzuki DRZ 400 dualsport custom dirt bikes. The
always out working speed
enforcement, because speed
enforcement is the key to
everything,” O’Dell said. “The
faster people go the more
pedestrian accidents you’re
going to have.”
T he cur rent economic
crisis is creating problems for
several departments.
Major Ashley Swearengin’s
office said they are planning
to cut $8.8 million from this
year's budget to deal with a
budget shortfall. The most
significant cuts will come
f ro m t h e f i re a n d p o l i c e
d e p a r t m e n t s. T h e p o l i c e
department is looking at $3
ost officers are always out working speed
enforement, because speed enforcement is the
key to everything.”
— Sgt. Charlie O'Dell,
Fresno Police Department
bikes are painted white with
prominent black g raphics
identifying the department
t o d i s t i n g u i s h t h e b i ke s
from civilian motorcycles.
The bikes have lights and an
equipment box mounted on
the rear to assure the public
that it’s a police vehicle.
“BMW sells a police
specific motorcycle,” Jack
Harwood of BMW Fresno
M o t o r cyc l e s s a i d . “ T h e y
customize the bikes with
various options depending
on the specifications of the
Harwood added that the
Fresno Police Department
b i ke s h ave re d a n d bl u e
emergency lights, but that
may be dif ferent in other
Each year Fresno Police
writes approximately 70,000
tickets. O’Dell said pedestrian
fatalities are one area where
there are a high number of
“Most officers are
million in cuts, but plans to
keep all sworn officers on duty.
In 2003, Fresno Police Chief
Jerry Dyer received a federal
g rant from the Califor nia
Office of Traffic Safety for
$560,000. The money was used
to purchase 20 state-of-the-art
BMW police motorcycles as
well as training and related
c o s t s. T h e F re s n o Po l i c e
Department nearly doubled
their traffic patrol officers
from 22 to 42 in 2003. The
traffic citations issued also
i n c re a s e d t wo - a n d - a - h a l f
times from 2002 to 2003.
Riding a bicycle or walking
to the campus can be difficult
lately due to the constant
weather changes, but another
way to avoid a traffic citation
is to drive the speed limit and
to be aware of pedestrians.
COMMENT: The Collegian is a
forum for student expression.
ROTC cadets run 5k for a cause
Army and Air Force ROTC cadets and participants will run
this Saturday to help raise money for the Fresno Veterans Hospital
By Danielle Solich
The Collegian
For the second year in a
row, the Air Expeditionary
Fo r c e a n d t h e B a t t a l i o n
Student Organization will
fuse together and host a 5k
run to help raise money for an
important cause — the Fresno
Veterans Hospital.
“With the recent budget cuts
and gover nment spending,
this seemed like an important
cause to raise money for,”
Capt. David Magoc, Air Force
Reserved Officer Training
Corps Commandant of Cadets,
The date for the run is
April 2, starting at 7 a.m. The
meeting place will be Fresno
State’s North Gym. Various
food items and a raffle will
also be aspects of the run.
Cadet in the Air Force
RO T C M a r i a n a M a n c e b o
said the run costs $10 with all
proceeds going to the Fresno
Veterans Hospital. She said
it’s raising money to help
honor the veterans.
Sports psychology major
and 5k run participant Jeremy
Richter said he thinks it’s
a g reat cause, whether or
not someone believes in the
various reasons for sending
soldiers into combat.
“Those soldiers deserve to
be taken care of,” Richter said.
“I trust the ROTC and their
decision-making with putting
on the event and deciding
what to do with the proceeds.”
Many students are aware of
the presence of the Army and
Air Force ROTC on campus,
but aren’t sure what it’s about.
Mancebo said that both
organizations prepare college
students to become officers in
the military upon completing
their bachelor’s degree or a
higher degree.
Magoc said the race
not only raise money for
awareness of the veterans, but
to also expose the cadets to a
joint effort between the U.S.
Army and Air Force. This type
of effort will be a common
occurrence once they enter
the military.
Six hundred dollars was
raised last year, and the goal
this year is to raise $1,000.
Magoc added that anything
exceeding the previous year’s
donations would be great. Mancebo said the race itself is
funded by ROTC organizations
and private donations.
Mancebo said the clubs
that participate in this run
could earn volunteer hours.
One club par ticipating is
the Fresno State Sports
Psychology Club.
Richter, the club’s president,
said the club exists to enhance
the sport psychology students’
graduate experience through
professional development,
community service and social
networking. Richter said their club
is small, but around eight
members will be participating
in the run.
“We like to participate in
various community service
events and the run presents
an opportunity to support an
organization on campus and
be active while doing so at the
same time,” Richter said.
A 5k run was chosen
because it’s something
that anyone who wants to
participate can do. Magoc
said that the planning for the
organization of the race is
much more manageable at
that distance.
“ I t ’ s a w ay t o p rove
that we’re fighting for the
veterans,” Mancebo said.
This run will continue to
be an annual event held in
conjunction with the military
ball for the cadets in the
Mancebo said that one day
they would like to get the race
to the status of the Susan G.
Komen Race for the Cure. She
said they want to continually
expand; hopefully directing
f u t u r e p r o c e e d s t ow a r d s
Prisoners of War and Missing
in Action organizations as
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Arts & EnterTainment
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
‘Two Masters’
features strong
student acting
By Karlena Franz
The Collegian
Madison Artist / The Collegian
“Servant of Two Masters,” University Theater’s latest production, debuted Friday night in the Woods Theater in
Speech Arts.
If you are looking for a good
laugh, you may enjoy the production University Theatre
is performing, “A Servant of
Two Masters” that opened
March 25.
The comedy, written by
Carlo Goldoni in the 18th century, was adapted by Lee Hall
for the production that is set
in Italy.
The play first introduces
Beatrice, pretending to be her
brother Federigo Rasponi,
who comes to Venice. She hires
Truffaldino, a servant, whose
only motive in the play is to
fill the void in his stomach. He
is constantly whining about
being hungry, but this hunger
eventually turns to love by the
end of the play when he falls
for a maid named Smeraldina.
Almost every situation
has a comedic element to it,
whether it’s in hidden context
or out in the open. Audience
members will feel like they are
a part of the play as the actors
incorporated the audience
on more than one occasion.
There were several instances
when Truffaldino speaks to
the audience about how tough
the economy is being a servant, tied into some contemporary issues.
D a n i e l Ro d r i g u e z , wh o
played Truffaldino, brought
humorous creative energy to
the role. Every time he left the
stage, the audience seemed to
count the minutes until his
return. At several points in
the play, Rodriguez flew in as
Truffaldino, acrobatic moves
and high energ y abounding. Nearly anything he did,
whether as simple as hitting
his head on the swinging
doors to mixing up messages,
was hilarious.
What makes this play so
funny is how the actors portray their roles. The enthusiasm they exhibit by how they
say their lines, use their bodies, gestures and facial expressions added to their roles.
The most annoying character, Clarice, is the daughter of
Pantalone. She is your averSee SERVANT, Page 8
SERVANT: Scene sets
lacking, but student
acting makes up for it
CONTINUED from page 7
age spoiled girl who runs off stage
crying hysterically on more than one
occasion. Her part was very convincing and had a modern feel to the way
she acted in some cases that made her
character real.
The stage design, overall very
simple, exhibited two archways with
swinging doors on each side and the
occasional chair or chest made up the
majority of the set. I, personally, was
hoping for a more elaborate set that
would give a sense of what it looked
like in Venice. I couldn’t completely
imagine the rooms, lobbies or outdoor
settings, so the play lacked that sense
of place. Luckily, the acting and funny
script almost made up for the lack of
The only way the audience knew
the scenery changed was an actor
announcing the scene change before
the start of every scene.
The whole cast, for the most part,
was energetic and very well connected to their roles. Everything was fast
paced and lively with the exception of
just a few scenes.
“Servant of Two Masters” is running until April 1 in the Dennis and
Cheryl Woods Theater in the Speech
Arts building.
COMMENT: The Collegian is a
forum for student expression.
Campus Events
Poetry Jam
USU Patio
5-8 p.m.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
News Briefs
Brief news for the brief attention span
Witherspoon has walked down the
A spokeswoman for the actress
says the “Walk the Line” star wed her
fiancé, Hollywood agent Jim Toth,
in Ojai, Calif., about 90 miles north
of Los Angeles. Publicist Nicole
Perna did not reveal details about the
Saturday ceremony. first reported the
The Oscar-winning actress and
Toth announced their engagement in
Toth is an agent for Creative
Artists Agency, which represents
Witherspoon through another agent.
The 35-year-old actress won an
Academy Award for her portrayal
of June Carter in 2005’s “Walk the
Line.” Witherspoon’s other film credits include “Legally Blonde,” “Four
Christmases” and the forthcoming
“Water for Elephants.”
She was previously married to
actor Ryan Phillippe, with whom she
has two children: 11-year-old daughter Ava and 7-year-old son Deacon.
LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) —
Rappers Snoop Dogg, Warren G and
The Game joined family, friends
and about 1,000 fans of Nate Dogg to
remember the hip-hop singer, who
died this month of complications
from multiple strokes.
The family of Nate Dogg — whose
real name was Nathaniel Dwayne
Hale — decided that the ceremony at
the Queen Mary Dome would not be
open to the public as they previously
wanted, but they made 1,000 tickets and
shuttles available to fans.
The dome in Hale’s hometown of
Long Beach is adjacent to the historic
ship the Queen Mary and was the former home of Howard Hughes’ airplane
folly, the Spruce Goose.
Organizers had sought a more central location for the funeral, but none
proved large enough for the numbers
of expected mourners. A private dinner was planned after the service.
Hale started out singing in church
choirs, then for med a group with
Snoop Dogg and Warren G while the
trio was in high school in Long Beach.
His almost monotone vocal stylings
anchored some of rap’s most seminal
songs and helped define the sound of
West Coast hip-hop on tracks usually
produced by Dr. Dre and performed
by rappers like Snoop Dogg, Tha Dogg
Pound and Warren G. He remained
sought after as a singer more than a
decade after his original success, supplying vocals to more recent tracks by
50 Cent and Ludacris.
Hale dropped out of high school,
was dishonorably discharged from the
Marines and dabbled in the drug trade
before finding success as Nate Dogg
on Dr. Dre’s classic 1992 album “The
Late in life, he was plagued by legal
and health problems, including at least
two strokes in 2008.
COMMENT: The Collegian is a
forum for student expression.
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Deadline: Friday, April 8, 2011, at 3 p.m.
Serving Fresno State Since 1922
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
The daily crossword
1He can’t get a break
6 Resistance unit
9Chipmunk of cartoons
14 Higher than
15Language spoken in Vientiane
16 Superman portrayer
17 Showed partisanship
18Space bar’s neighbor
19“West Side Story” girl or
20Unfriendly seafood seller’s
23“I never ___ a man I
didn’t like”
24 Preacher’s topic
25 Unwise
27With raised letters
32Group of voters
33Attempt to win over
34 White ­wading bird
36The Axis, to the Allies
39 Narrative poetry
41 Bath flooring
43Musical school club
44Takes an apartment
46 Fairy-tale shoemaker’s
48Get a little behind
49 Blockhead
51Resolving, as an argument
53They don’t get any reception
56 Paranormal showman
Edited by Timothy E. Parker
Universal Press Syndicate
Puzzle by Candice Everly
Copyright 2011. Universal Press Syndicate.
7One of the March women
58He was rude to Alice
64Bar of gold
66Flexible blackjack card
67San ___, Calif.
68A proper senor has one
69X, to Greeks
70Like some roofs
71 Snooty look
72 Hither’s partner
73Catty, as a remark
1 Dumfries girl
2 Departure info?
3Tom Collins ingredient
4“Yeah, but ...”
5Like flushed cheeks
6Patron saint of Norway
7 Fifty percent
8 Recurring theme
9 T-shirt opening
10Where the buffalo roam
11Pasta ­thinner than spaghetti
12 Campus greeneries
13Under, in poems
21 Beginning
22 Blubber
26Suit size designation
27 Fancy pitcher
28Wear a long face
29 Wasteful project
30Canal by Buffalo
31They wear very little
35 “Scream” star ­Campbell
37 Black-­hearted
38 Safe cracker
40“Cut it out!”
42Arrange, as a meeting
45 Ghostly figure
47 Major steps
50Reconstruction, for one
52“The Cat Who Saw Stars”
author Jackson Braun
53 Gives forth
54 Bolshevik leader
55Keach who played Mike
on TV
59 Reverberate
60 Bridle strap
61Jeans purveyor Strauss
62Brought to maturity
63 Horsed around?
65Something Ben Jonson
wrote to himself
Complete the grid so that every row, column and
3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
Word of the Day
Pillow lust
That feeling that college students experience
where they feel so exhausted that the idea of
their face hitting their pillow sounds so utterly
fantastic, it’s almost sexual.
The Ins, Outs, Ups and Downs of life on campus
Kyle Lowe / The Collegian
Taco Bell, after being under construction for more than a year, reopened last week on Wednesday to the excitement of Fresno State students all over campus.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
players to compete for open
cornerback, safety position
CONTINUED from page 12
few players. After Thomas went down
with an injury on the final play against
Louisiana Tech, the junior Green started the final five games of the season
and Jones saw his fair share of playing
time as well.
But with Hill insisting Thomas
should be ready to return to action by
the time Fresno State squares off with
California on Sept. 3, the question lingers as to who will top the defensive
secondary depth chart this season.
Hill said if the season began tomorrow, due to injuries Green and Jones
would get the nod, but also added
spring practice is not a time to find
opening-game starters.
An even bigger question lies in who
will replace Lorne Bell, the 2010 Fresno
State Most Inspirational Player. Bell
started all 13 games last year, despite
an early-career leg injury that left
many wondering if he would ever play
football again. Bell led all Fresno State
defensive backs in tackles with 78 and
added an interception.
Safety Zak Hill, Pat Hill’s son, will
return this season coming off knee
surgery and is expected to compete
with sophomore Derron Smith, who
impressed the coaching staff last year
as a freshman.
“It could be Derron Smith, who
played a lot as a freshman,” Hill said.
“Zak [Hill] should be healthy. Terrance
Dennis is now healthy. We got a few
guys to work for that position.”
After starting all but one game last
season, sophomore ball hawk Phillip
Thomas will likely fill the other safety
position. Thomas led all Bulldogs last
season with three interceptions and 12
passes defended.
As a team, Fresno State was eighth
in the WAC generating just eight interceptions, only ahead of New Mexico
State. The Bulldogs have consistently
ranked around the top of the conference in yards allowed per game
through the air, but have struggled to
stack up interceptions.
Since 2006, the Bulldogs have ranked
dead last in the WAC in interceptions
except 2009 (sixth) and 2010 (eighth).
Hill also threw out names such as J.B.
Dock, Sean Alston, Davon Dunn and
Anthony Riggins who could make an
impact in this year’s secondary.
Davon Dunn made the jump in the offseason from wide receiver to defensive
back, and is the son of former Fresno
State great kick returner David Dunn.
Hill said he will continue to groom the
players until the spring game on April
9 and when fall camp arrives in August.
“That’s giving us time to bring along
J.B. Dock and [Sean] Alston and Davon
Dunn,” Hill said. “They’re all making
really good progress. Anthony Riggins,
who sprained his foot, was making
really good progress. So right now
we’re just trying to make progress with
some of the young corners. We really
won’t know until the fall who our twodeep is going to be.”
SERIES: Check out every issue
until the spring game on April 9
for our position battles series.
Unthinkable foursome
heading to Houston
11-seed VCU to take on 8-seed Butler,
4-seed Kentucky squares off with UConn
By Eddie Pells
Associated Press
Even in the unpredictable, anythinggoes world of March Madness, this is a
Final Four nobody saw coming.
Kentucky, Connecticut, Butler and
Virginia Commonwealth — the improbable, the implausible, the unthinkable
and the downright unimaginable.
In one game in Houston next
Saturday, No. 4 seed Kentucky will
See TOURNEY, Page 11
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Matt Weir / Collegian File Photo
Isaiah Green (10) will compete for a starting slot at cornerback in the absence of the now-graduated Desia Dunn. Green started five games last season.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
TOURNEY: No No. 1 seed in final four for third time since 1979
CONTINUED from page 10
play No. 3 Connecticut — not a
completely absurd thought as
a Final Four matchup, though
hardly a popular pick given
their up-and-down regular
In the other g ame, it
w i l l b e N o. 1 1 Vi r g i n i a
Commonwealth against No.
8 Butler — the team that was
almost universally panned
when its name was called on
Selection Sunday against the
defending national runner-up
from a 4,500-student campus
whose amazing success story
had supposedly run its course.
“It never gets old,” Bulldogs
senior Matt Howard said.
Nor does the NCAA tournament, the three-week office
pool that places the so-called
experts on even footing with
those who fill out brackets
because they like a team’s colors or its mascot.
Anything goes. Anyone can
And never has that been
more true than this year.
Colonial Athletic Conference.
ed. It’s about matchups. And
Four teams with a combined
But the Rams are the first ever
their players could play for us
37 losses.
that will need to win seven
any day.”
Four teams whose combined
games — not the usual six — to
VCU (28-11) got up early on
seeding equals 26, breaking
win the title. They were one of
Kansas on Sunday and never
the record of 22 in 2000.
the last at-large teams to make
looked back, an upset winNot a single No. 1 seed for
the newfangled 68-team field.
ner in a tournament that’s all
only the third time since seedThey played in the new
ing began in 1979 and,
“First Four” — an extra
according to STATS LLC.,
round that was added as
the first time that no 1 or 2
t’s wild. ... Because seeds are
of the NCAA’s new
seed will be there.
so overrated. It’s about match- part
$10.8 billion TV deal.
ESPN, which sponsors
Now they’re in the Final
one of the country’s big- ups. And their players could play
gest bracket tournaments, for us any day.”
They’ll play Butler (27-9),
said that out of 5.9 million
which slumped through
entries, only two had this
— Kansas coach Bill Self,
big chunks of this season,
foursome making its way
On losing to VCU in the Elite Eight a somewhat predictable
to Houston.
result after what was supKentucky is the new
posed to be a once-in-afavorite in Vegas, at 8-5.
lifetime trip to the Final Four
about underdogs.
VCU is listed at 7-1 — the longlast season, played a scant six
“Our guys have done a pheshot in the field, but still quite
miles from their Indianapolis
nomenal job of putting all the
a bit better than 2500-1, which
doubters aside, putting all the
is where the Rams were listed
This year, the destination is
people that didn’t believe in us
at the start of the season.
Reliant Stadium — 1,036 miles
aside and going out and doing
“I think what it does as
away. The Bulldogs are once
their job,” VCU coach Shaka
much as anything, it just puts
again proving that all it takes
Smart said.
a spin on the NCAA tournais good players — not a conferThe Rams are the third No.
ment,” said Kansas coach Bill
ence, a big school or gobs of
11 seed to make the Final Four
Self after his top-seeded team
money — to compete on the
and the first since George
lost 71-61 to VCU. “It’s wild. ...
biggest stage in college sports.
Mason in 2006, also of the
Because seeds are so overrat-
Last season, in one of
the most e pic finishes in
Final Four history, Gordon
Hayward’s halfcour t shot
banked off glass, nicked off
the rim and barely bounded
out to leave the Bulldogs two
points short of Duke for the
national title.
I t w a s a h e a r t b r e a k e r,
but maybe one that set the
Bulldo gs up for a re peat.
They’ve won one game by one,
another by two and another by
three on this year’s road to the
Final Four. They beat Florida
74-71 in overtime Saturday to
make their second straight
“I think it (last year) helps
you with knowing how you
need to prepare and what you
should do and what you should
not do,” Howard said. “I think
that will help us.”
Though UConn and
Kentucky each struggled at
times this season, they’ve had
Final Four pedigrees for years
(decades when it comes to the
Wildcats) and they lived up to
them this month.
NBA legend WIlt Chamberlain plays his final professional
game in 1972.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
Bell, Dunn leave
secondary void
By Ben Ingersoll
The Collegian
As 2011 spring practice heats
back up for coach Pat Hill’s
15th season, some questions
loom as to which players will
step up and fill a couple critical positions in the defensive
Fresno State’s pass defense
ranked second in the Western
Athletic Conference last season, behind only now-departed
Boise State. The Bulldogs gave
up an average of 208.8 yards
per game through the air, due
in part to second-team All
WAC cornerback Desia Dunn
and stalwart safety Lorne Bell.
But with Dunn and Bell
now graduated and out of
a Bulldog uniform, a group
of eager underclassmen are
being groomed to fill in.
“ T h e g u y s t h a t p l aye d
last year, when [Jer maine]
Thomas went down, we played
L.J. Jones a lot,” Hill said
prior to Sunday’s spring practice at Central High School’s
Deran Koligian Stadium.
“Really, with Isaiah Green,
those are the two most experienced guys. Jermaine Thomas
isn’t practicing right now. His
knee is not quite ready to go,
but it should be ready by the
time the season comes.”
Dunn started 12 of 13 games
last season, solidifying one
cornerback spot. But across
the field Hill and the defensive
coaching staff rotated quite a
See SECONDARY, Page 10
Matt Weir / Collegian File Photo
Derron Smith figures to be the frontrunner for the void left by Lorne Bell. Smith, who saw considerable playing time as
a true freshman last year, will likely compete with coach Pat Hill’s son Zak Hill for free safety.
The New York Times and the First Amendment:
From the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks
A presentation by
George Freeman
Vice President and
Assistant General
Counsel, The New York
Times Company
April 7, 2011
2 – 3 PM
Henry Madden Library
– Room 2206
Sponsored by
Fresno State Associated Students, Inc.,
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism,
The Collegian and the Henry Madden Library
As vice president and assistant general counsel of The New York Times Company, George Freeman is primarily responsible for the
company’s litigations. He also is involved in newsroom counseling, antitrust and distribution problems, employment relations and
business counseling involving The Times’s news, advertising, circulation and personnel departments. He has worked in these areas
for the company’s affiliated newspapers, magazines and broadcast properties as well, since he began working for The Times in 1981.
Mr. Freeman is chair of the American Bar Association’s Forum on Communications Law and immediate past co-chair of the ABA
Litigation Section’s First Amendment and Media Litigation Committee. He is a frequent lecturer on First Amendment issues and
has been on the Practicing Law Institute’s Communications Law faculty since 1985. Since 1998, Mr. Freeman has been an adjunct
professor in N.Y.U.’s Graduate Journalism School and was a lecturer-at-law at the University of Miami Law School in 1975 and 1976.
He graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1975 and magna cum laude from Amherst College in 1971.