Presentation Éy à{x Blessed Virgin Mary 4123 Robertson Avenue | Sacramento | CA 95821-0208 Pastor—Fr. Jeremy Leatherby May 10, 2015 Fr. Jeremy Leatherby Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki Sixth Sunday of Easter Pastor Priest in Residence—Fr. Patrick Lee Our Mission Statement Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki To bring souls to the salvation which Jesus Christ has won for us, by our proclamation of and witnessing to the splendor, beauty and fullness [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç4 Mass Times: Saturday of the Catholic Faith. 8:30am | Vigil • 5:30pm Parish Office | 8:30am-4:30pm Barbara Fay (M-Tu) Amy Glaser (W-F) 916.481.7441 | Fax 916.481.2841 General: Sunday Parish School Principal—Sr. Maria Rose 916.482.0351 Religious Education Sidney Curry | 916.482.8883 8:00am | Family • 10:30am | Youth • 4:30pm Healing Mass (3 Sunday of the Month) • 1:00pm rd Weekdays 6:30am | 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday Sunday 4:00pm 9:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday-Friday | 24 Hours A Day Youth & Young Adult Ministry Brennen Cull | 916.481.7441 x204 Communications Coordinator Amy Glaser | 916.481.7441 x202 Immaculata Coordinator Celeste Spitz | 916.923.8272 Deacon Lawrence Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam My Dear Parishioners, I received this letter from Bishop Soto last week about my renewal as Pastor at Presentation Parish and wanted to share it with you. DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO 2110 Broadway · Sacramento, CA 95818 · 916.733.0200 April 27, 2015 Rev. Jeremy P. Leatherby, Pastor Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish 4123 Robertson Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 Dear Father Leatherby: By this letter I renew your appointment as Pastor of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Sacramento, effective July 1, 2015, with all the rights, duties and jurisdictions of a Pastor. In compliance with the Priests Personnel Policy, the term is for six years. During this coming term, I will rely on your understanding and fraternal cooperation should I need you in another pastoral assignment. As recommended by the Council of Priests and in accordance with our Diocesan Statute 148, a Parish Financial Operations Review will be done in every parish of the Diocese every three years, as well as at the time of a change of pastor or renewal of the term of pastor. A member of the Diocesan Finance Department will be in contact with you to arrange for the operations review of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Sacramento. At this time of renewal, I express my gratitude for your ministry and commitment to the people of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Sacramento, for the past six years. Be assured of my abiding prayers. May the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary help you and the faithful under your care grow together in the image and likeness of her Son, Jesus. Respectfully, +Jaime Soto Bishop of Sacramento “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Most of us will probably never be faced with the prospect of sacrificing ourselves for another. But actually we are called to do just that every day. Every time we put someone else’s wellbeing ahead of our own, we are laying down our lives for another. Every time we respond to a baby’s call in the night, every time we listen to a friend’s tale of family tensions we die to ourselves. Every time we volunteer for a charity or help a stranded traveler or give money to the needy, we lay down our lives for another. This may be seen as ordinary run of the mill behavior but then you might be surprised to learn how extraordinary it is. Such behavior is the result of a choice, a choice for love. Every time we do one of these small things for someone else, we love our brothers and sisters as Jesus loves us and we have chosen to pay the cost. The cost is the pain we feel for those we love. The cost is giving up our self pride and living only for Christ. In this way the love of God, His saving power, is revealed to all the world through us, His Church. Let us remember to follow Christ as He taught us, and lay down our lives daily in all the innumerable small ways that we encounter from day to day. Pax Vobiscum Pray for the sick in our community, especially: Anthony Andreozzi, Theresa Bencken-Garn, Adolf Cascardo, Pieta Marie Cox, Rose Davis, Kristine Dean, Matt Deragisch, Marge Derdowski, Carol Drummond, Madison Diaz, Lee Falkenstein, Bob Fitzgerald, David Fleege, Owen Foley, Patti Fox, Marcy French, Leonard Frizzi, Vienna Golsong, Doug Hagans, Ken Hall, Roger Hughes, Pat Ingram, Kimberly Kaufmann, Linda LaGrange, Shirley Lauwers, Mary Lease, Janet Lee, L. Moessinger, Gene Moore, Kathy Pfeifer, Alyssa Platt, Catherine Post, David Qualls, Russell Qualls, Maryanne Redmond, Lucy Robrecht, Bridget Ruiz, Caleb Rust, Susan, Robin Samas, Gene Segno, Michelle Shiflet, Alan Smith & Gracie Smith. † Mass Intentions † 11 Sunday (Acts 10:25-26, 34-45, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/ Jn 15:9-17) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Cheryl Cowan (L) In Gratitude † Nadine Della Bitta (L) In Gratitude † Jennifer Leatherby (L) In Gratitude 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Alan Leatherby (L) 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Lee † Charlene Bencken (L) Maryann Foote Monday (Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26—16:4a) 6:30am Fr. Lee † Deacon David Leatherby (L) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Chad Curry (L) Sts. Nereus & Achilleus (Acts 16:22-45/Jn 16:5-11) 12 Tuesday 6:30am Fr. Leatherby † Hayley Torres (L) Suzanne Francois 8:00am Fr. Lee † Deacon David Leatherby...Anah Whetstone & Catherine. Liberatore Our Lady of Fatima (Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15) 13 Wednesday 6:30am Fr. Lee † Barbara Josephine Bradley (D) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Michael Lehmkuhl (L) The Ascension of the Lord (Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20) 14 Thursday 6:30am Fr. Murin † Pauline Rizalado (D) Aniseta Dunn † Jim Dunn (D) Aniseta Dunn 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Glenn Mapes (D) Peg Mapes † Bradshaw & Mellon Families (L&D) Family St. Isidore Friday (Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23) 15 6:30am Fr. Murin † Virginia DeMarco (D) Joe DeMarco 8:00am Fr. Lee † Mary Jo Kwett (D) Rose & Peter Kwett (Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28) 16 Saturday 8:30am Fr. Leatherby † Jeanette Todd (D) 5:30pm · Vigil Fr. Leatherby † Happy Birthday Nic Windeshausen...Shirley 17 Sunday (Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/ 7th Sunday of Easter Jn 17:11b-19) 8:00am Fr. Lee † David & Barbara Scott (D) Scott Family 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Happy Birthday Mary Lease...Frech Family † Daniel McCarthy (D) Eileen Carroll † James Quiroga (L) Frech Family 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Leatherby † Leonard Bencken (D) Charlene Bencken A special thank you to all Volunteer Catechists & Volunteers for making the 2014-2015 Children’s Faith Formation Program a success… Ms. Chantel Perez, Mrs. Kim Sweeny, Mrs. Lynette Brannan, Mrs. Annette Cocker, Mrs. Rose Pineda, Mrs. Karla Moore, Mr. Michael Ervin, Deacon Dave Leatherby, and last but not least. Mrs. Debbie Davidson. Children’s Faith Formation exists because of volunteers like these. Many people have said that what drew them to the Catholic Church was the Eucharist. As we reflect on recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread, think for a moment whether there is someone you could invite to Mass and to explore what else the Catholic faith might hold for them. For more information, contact Sid Curry. Collections Happy Mother’s Day! 10 Religious Education News Contact Sidney Curry | DRE 482.8883 May 2 & 3— $12,872.00 Thank you for your contributions! Please consider ParishPay as a GREEN alternative to envelopes! C a l l B a r b a r a t o i n q u i r e | 481 .7441 Youth Ministry News @pbvmlifeteen High School Youth Enjoy your summer break! Stay in touch by texting PBVMLT to 84576 EDGE meets on Tuesday’s through May 6:00pm-7:15pm Brennen Cull 916.481.7441 x 204 brennen@presentaƟ Other PBVM Parish Phone Numbers St. Vincent de Paul (Tue | Thu | Fri: 9am-11am) 916.485.3482 Scrip | Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Divine Mercy Prayer Line Maureen Bradshaw 916.487.9620 Music Ministry | Becky Poncini 916.541.5805 Legion Of Mary Patricia Jackson 916.973.8537 Altar Society Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Knights of Columbus Jordan Ruiz Gene Trinca 916.807.4218 916.359.8263 Right-To-Life Sacramento Presentation Parish is holding a prayer vigil every Saturday from 7am-4:30pm in front of the aborƟon mill on Butano Dr. Right to Life is holding a Holy Hour every MONDAY starting at 5:30pm to pray for restoration to the sanctity of life. All are welcome to join! Mother’s Day Rose Sale! BenefiƟng the Sacramento Life Center May 10, 2015 Buy a long stem rose and Mother’s Day card for the women and special people in your life! [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç4 www.presentaƟ Mary Mudd | 916.580.4206 ChrisƟna Maroƫ | 805.256.4801 Fr. Patrick Lee | 916.481.7441 P BVM h as a mon th ly Vo ca tio ns Cross in wh ich par ishio ners sign up to take the cross ho me for a month t o p r a y f o r r el i g i o u s vocations. The cross is giv en out at th e 10: 30am Mass on the firs t Sunday of the month. If you wou ld li ke to rec e ive the Vocations Cross, you may si gn up in th e bi nd er in th e v estibul e or ca ll or text Jackie at 916. 204.9595. Please pray for vocations! Senior Joy Join us for our Senior Joy BBQ! H Hot dogs/hamburgers/drinks provided! Bring your favorite salad, appetizer or dessert! Wednesday | May 20 | 5pm For location & more information, contact Fran at 359.8263 Sacramento CATHOLIC Forum Thursday | May 21 Paul O’Reilly, Ph.D., Thomas Aquinas College explores the WISDOM Éy GENESIS through the eyes of St. Augustine & St. Thomas. Red Lion Hotel—500 Leisure Lane Check-in: 11:30am | Lunch: Noon Cost: $30 (pre-reg)—$40 at the door We need your help… Immaculate Heart Radio’s May Pledge Drive May 18th -21st Have you ever considered volunteering a few hours of your time to assist us in answering phones for our Pledge Drive? Meet staff, enjoy special food, and fellowship with other volunteers. Win some great books and CD’s! Contact Nicole Cardin today! 888.887.7120 1620am News & Events at PBVM! COME AND JOIN US - PRESENTATION SCHOOL AN EVENT FOR ALL AGES Congratulations to those who received their First Communion on May 2nd! De’Angelo Ayin Artur Banagan Justin Byers Noah Clifford Charlie Concepcion Krisalyn Dao Jack Davis Noah Doral James Garcia Chloe Giovannetti Natalie Graciano Emilio Guile Ciana Hombrado Jacob Hunt Julienne Ilagan Lydia Jauregui Sean King Simon Peter Little Isaac Lahola Miriam Lopez Victor Mauricio Joseph McLaughlin Rachel Miller Charles Mudd Magdalena Murinova Robert Muro Julia Navarrete Dominic Patton Mevi Perez Iliana Poncini Vivian Bolcato-Riegler Noah Smith Michael Sotelo Brandon Suarez Alexa Tapia Sophie Tequida Kate Thompson Bernadette Torres Olivia Travis Brandon Turdean Rose Vallejo Hannelore Whetstone Concert in the Courtyard —BBQ Dinner Boxes— Buy them Now, $8.00 Early-Bird Special ($10 Event Day – Limited Quantity) Tickets Sold after Mass or at school | Park & Pick-up or stay! Main Music By PBVM DADS Band Rusty Volume Saturday | May 16 | 4-8pm PBVM School Courtyard Concession Stand for dogs & hamburgers! —Sponsored by Presentation Boosters— Buy tickets now! Support our PBVM Youth Pilgrims and join five-time Grammy Nominated music artist Matt Maher for a night of music and worship! Friday | June 19 7-10pm | Arcade Church Get your tickets early and come hear his new #1 hit, "Because He Lives" and his classics, "Your Grace is Enough," "All the People Said Amen" and "Lord I Need You.” Tickets: $30-VIP | $20-General | $15-Balcony Buy them online or after Masses! COMMUNITY EVENTS Presentation Parish Events May 10—June 6 10 Happy Mother’s Day! 11 LegionofMary 9:15am 18 LegionofMary 9:15am 12:30pmConf. 12:45pmChaplet 1pmMass Charismatic Prayer-7pm 19 Kniƫng 10am 14 15 MOM’s Group 7pm 20 16 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm SVdP Mtg-11am KofC Mtg-7pm RCIA 6:30pm Healing Mass 13 Kniƫng 10am Charismatic Prayer-7pm 17 12 PBVM School Concert 4-8pm 21 22 Senior Prayer Group 9:30am Woodcarving 12:30pm 23 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm Senior Joy BBQ 5pm RCIA 6:30pm Right to Life 6:30pm 24 25 26 27 LegionofMary 9:15am 28 1 ]âÇx Charismatic Prayer-7pm 30 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm 8th Grade GraduaƟon 5:30pm RCIA 6:30pm LegionofMary 9:15am 29 8th Grade Bacc Mass 9:30am MOM’s Group 7pm Charismatic Prayer-7pm 31 May 16—PBVM School Concert | 4-8pm May 21—Sac Catholic Forum | 11:30am May 29—Baccalaureate Mass & 8th Grade Graduation Jun 19—Matt Maher Concert | 7pm Arcade Church Jun 21—Father’s Day with Bishop Soto | River Cats Game Jul 16—Showers on Wheels Baby Shower —3pm Jul 27-31—Vacation Bible School 2 Kniƫng 10am 3 Woodcarving 12:30pm 4 MOM’s Group 7pm Trinity Pines Catholic Center Colfax, CA First grade—Sixth grade June 29-July 3 (Amazing Race) July 6-July 10 (Weird Science) 5 Parish AdoraƟon Hour 6-7pm Camp Pendola Day Camp 6 9am-3:30pm daily | $150/week For info | call 530-389-2780 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm RCIA 6:30pm ~Immacul ata ~ Ministry & Rental Information To use or rent our parish facility, please contact: Celeste Spitz—Immaculata Coordintor Eucharistic Adoration 916.923.8272 Come spend a Holy Hour with Our Lord! Publishing Deadlines: Available Adoration Hours: Church, School & Community Events Wednesdays | 11:30am-12:30pm Wednesdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm Fridays | 1:30pm-2:30pm May 17 Bulletin—Due May 11 Katie Boyle | 916.889.3345 | @12pm | Amy Glaser 916.481.7441 x 202 If you are a new parishioner, or need to update your parishioner information, please call the rectory.
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