Presentation Éy à{x Blessed Virgin Mary 4123 Robertson Avenue | Sacramento | CA 95821-0208 Pastor—Fr. Jeremy Leatherby Pastor Patrick Lee Priest in Residence—Fr. Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki Fr. Jeremy Leatherby Our Mission Statement Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent To bring souls to the salvation which Jesus Christ has won for us, by our proclamation of and witnessing to the Mass Times: Saturday splendor, beauty and fullness of the Catholic Faith. Parish Office | 8:30am-4:30pm Barbara Fay (M-Tu) Amy Glaser (W-F) 916.481.7441 | Fax 916.481.2841 General: Parish School Principal—Sr. Maria Rose 916.482.0351 Religious Education Sidney Curry | 916.482.8883 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Brennen Cull | 916.481.7441 x 204 Communications & Facilities Coordinator Amy Glaser | 916.481.7441 8:30am | Vigil • 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am | Family • 10:30am | Youth • 4:30pm Healing Mass (3 Sunday of the Month) • 1:00pm rd Weekdays 6:30am | 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday Sunday 4:00pm 9:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday-Friday | 24 Hours A Day If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, IT BEARS MUCH FRUIT Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam My Dear Parishioners, Last summer I attempted to once again expand our Youth Ministry program by creating a full-time position, as I want the best for our young people. They are the future of the Church, and we should do all that we can to form them to the heart and mind of Christ. They face many challenges in our culture that attack their faith. It is not easy for adults to live our Catholic faith in its fullness amidst modern American secularism – how much more so for our youth? I wanted to let the entire parish know that, while I am still wholeheartedly committed to offering all that we can for them, unfortunately, the reality is that there simply hasn’t been enough work to justify a salaried, full-time position at the present time, as much as Brennen Cull and I have tried to make that happen. I want to be very clear, however, that this will NOT entail any scaling back on the opportunities that we have been providing for our youth all year long. We will still have all of our current programs – EDGE, Lifeteen, retreats, special events like the Walk for Life and Six Flags Inspirational Tour, etc. They will simply be offered by a position that is part-time and hourly, not full-time and salaried. The difference will probably not even be noticeable, but I still wanted to make everyone aware of the change. Desiring the best also for Brennen and his family, I let him know as soon as possible after I had made the decision that I wouldn’t be able to keep the Youth Minister as a salaried, 40 hours a week job. As of June 1, it will become a part time position, with the possibility and hope that, over the course of time, as youth ministry expands, hours can increase and the ministry evolve into a full-time position. Though I thought there was a good chance that Brennen would stay on and accept the job in a part-time capacity, I also knew that there was a risk that he might not be able to remain. He has informed me that he is desirous of full-time work and, thus, has already begun looking for another job; though, thankfully, he will continue running EDGE and Lifeteen until the summer even if he secures a new job beforehand. Please keep Brennen in your prayers at this time, as well as the search for someone to fill the role of Youth Minister. Our Lord has a plan in the midst of all of this, as He loves our young people even more than we do! Please also join me in thanking Brennen for all the great work that he has done this year. He intends to still stay active with our youth, probably assisting as a speaker and perhaps leading retreats and such, so they will see him often. He and his family are also looking at a home three doors down from the parish, so they will likely be as involved as ever! In Jesus, through Mary, Father Jeremy Leatherby Deacon Lawrence Traditionally the fifth Sunday of Lent was referred to as Passion Sunday. Nowadays Palm Sunday shares this designation. But still, with today’s readings we shift our focus to the coming Passion. We do this because the Lord shows us it is the proper time to do so. Some Greeks wish to see Jesus and approached by Andrew and Phillip, the answer Jesus gives seems to have little to do seeing visitors. But look more closely at that answer. Jesus is beginning to meditate upon His upcoming passion and death. As a prelude to His struggles in the Garden of Gethsemane, He is grappling with what He should do. Should He ask the Father to save Him? But it was for this hour that He came. These are the thoughts that Andrew and Phillip interrupt. Jesus does not reply to them but instead gives voice to His thoughts. Will He flee and save His life only to lose it? Or will He lose His life and thereby save it? Jesus concludes that He must accept what is to come. It is the only way to salvation. The one who saves His life will lose it. The one who loses it for God’s sake will save it. That is the wisdom Jesus leaves us, and the challenge we are faced with. Do we save our lives for ourselves only to lose it, or do we die to self for the sake of another and have our lives restored to us by God? Pax Vobiscum Pray for the sick in our community, especially: Anthony Andreozzi, Theresa Bencken-Garn, Adolf Cascardo, Pieta Marie Cox, Rose Davis, Kristine Dean, Matt Deragisch, Marge Derdowski, Madison Diaz, Lee Falkenstein, Bob Fitzgerald, David Fleege, Owen Foley, Patti Fox, Marcy French, Leonard Frizzi, Vienna Golsong, Doug Hagans, Ken Hall, Pat Ingram, Kimberly Kaufmann, Linda LaGrange, Shirley Lauwers, Mary Lease, Janet Lee, L. Moessinger, Gene Moore, Kathy Pfeifer, Alyssa Platt, Catherine Post, David Qualls, Russell Qualls, Maryanne Redmond, Lucy Robrecht, Caleb Rust, Susan, Gene Segno, Michelle Shiflet, Alan Smith, Gracie Smith & Sheri Spitz. † Mass Intentions † 23 Sunday (Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33) 8:00am Fr. Lee † Liz Durant & Family (L) Matt & Leah Leatherby 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Happy Birthday Riley Mercado...Frech Family 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Leatherby † Kaley Beck (D) Beck Family † Joan Criddle (D) Tom & Geri O’Neil † Gracie Rose (L) Monday (Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62/Jn 8:1-11) 6:30am Fr. Lee † Mary Newell (L) The Byers Family 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Alicia Brewer (D) Bill Brewer † Robert Moessinger (D) Tom & Geri O’Neil (Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30) 24 Tuesday 6:30am Fr. Leatherby † Rita Schneider (D) 8:00am Fr. Lee † Carl & Rose DiCapo L) † Teresa Broghammer (L) The Annunciation (Is 87:10-14, 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38) 25 Wednesday 6:30am Fr. Leatherby † The Gift of His Sacred Priesthood 8:00am Fr. Lee † Jordan Terezinski (L) Jim & Eileen Beresford † Pat Ingram (L) (Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59) 26 Thursday 6:30am Fr. Murin † Nora Ross Hoff (L) Mary Hoff 8:00am Fr. Lee † Glenn & Lee Abrahamson (D) Family † Janice Retez (D) Marian Taylor (Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42) 27 Friday 6:30am Fr. Murin † Tim Durnan (D) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Happy Birthday James Vallejo...Frech Family † Fran Lorenzini (D) John & Heather Liakakos (Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56) 28 Saturday 8:30am Fr. Leatherby † Maureen Master Abdo (L) † Kim Collins (L) 5:30pm · Vigil Fr. Lee † Happy Birthday James Vallejo...Family Palm Sunday 11:1-10/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ 29 Sunday (MkMk 14:1—15:47) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Liz Durant & Family (L) The Digirolamo Family † Amelia Ruiz & Family (L) The Murin Family † Happy Birthday Holland Sperber...Family 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Mary Mudd (L) Matt & Leah Leatherby 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Lee † Nick Hagopian (L) The Jensen Family How might the Scrutinies of the RCIA process help the parish as a whole? On the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent we participate in the Scrutinies. The universal Church hears the stories of the Samaritan woman, the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus. These readings were chosen to be the driving force of prayerful introspection, surrender, and conversion. They offer powerful images of surrender, sin, conversion, faith, and healing. In our faith journey with those seeking Baptism, we must stir our souls, as if they were dying campfires, to expose any parts of ourselves that have not been purified by the burning love of the Holy Spirit. We are challenged with the Samaritan woman at the well when we thirst for the Lord, who knows what we need and provides it; we beg, with the man born blind, to see Jesus, who is the light and gives us sight; and finally we lie with Lazarus within the tomb of oblivion and death, built with the stones of our own sins, until Jesus reaches out his hand and pulls us from the pit. The Scripture readings for each Scrutiny are listed below. Read them slowly, asking the Lord to give you the grace to hear what is being said to you. Share these readings with your children or your spouse. 1st Scrutiny (3rd Sunday of Lent): Exodus 17:3-7 / Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9 / Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 / John 4:5-42 2nd Scrutiny (4th Sunday of Lent): 1 Samuel 16:1b,6-7,10-13a / Psalm 23:16 /Ephesians 5:8-14 / John 9:1-41 3rd Scrutiny (5th Sunday of Lent): Ezekiel 37:12-14 / Psalm 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-7 / Romans 8:8-11 / John 11:1-45 Collections 5th Sunday of Lent 22 Religious Education News Contact Sidney Curry | DRE 482.8883 March 14 & 15 $11,589.35 Thank you for your contributions! Please consider ParishPay as a GREEN alternative to envelopes! C a l l B a r b a r a t o i n q u i r e | 481 .7441 Youth Ministry News @pbvmlifeteen High School Youth LIFETEEN is on Sunday’s at 5:30pm, following the 4:30pm Mass TOPIC: ‘Freedom & Failure’ EDGE meets on Tuesday’s 6:00pm-7:15pm [In the Immaculata] Brennen Cull 916.481.7441 x 204 brennen@presentaƟ Other PBVM Parish Phone Numbers St. Vincent de Paul (Tue | Thu | Fri: 9am-11am) 916.485.3482 Scrip | Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Divine Mercy Prayer Line Maureen Bradshaw 916.487.9620 Music Ministry | Becky Poncini 916.541.5805 Legion Of Mary Patricia Jackson 916.973.8537 Altar Society Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Knights of Columbus Jordan Ruiz Gene Trinca 916.807.4218 916.359.8263 Right-To-Life Sacramento Presentation Parish is holding a prayer vigil every Saturday from 7am-4:30pm in front of the aborƟon mill on Butano Dr. On March 11th the Sacramento Bee published an article calling out the "anti-choice" patterns of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. I encourage you to visit our Right to Life site below to read the truth about the cover-ups and lies perpetrated by the abortion industry and how they prey on societies most vulnerable! ~ God bless you! www.presentaƟ YOU ARE INVITED! PBVM Annual Golf Tournament —May 8, 2015— Presentation Parish will be hosting a Sponsorship Cocktail Party on April 11 for anybody who wishes to sponsor the tournament at the $500 level or above. Bob Hallerman | TO REGISTER, GO TO: _ |Ä|xá y ÉÜ -Presentation Sponsor—$3,000 Company Logo on Tee Prize, Cover page Ad on Program, Event Signage, Name on Tee Sign, Commemorative Brick, Foursome, Cocktail Party for 8 -Monsignor Higgins Dinner Sponsor—$2,000 Half-page Ad in Program, Event Signage, Name on Tee Sign, Commemorative Brick, Foursome, Cocktail Party for 6 -Dominican Lunch Sponsor—$1,000 Prominent Signage, Name on Tee Sign, Commemorative Brick, Foursome, Cocktail Party (4) -PBVM Scholar Sponsor—$500 Name on Tee Sign, Commemorative Brick, Twosome, Cocktail Party for 2 -Tee Sign Sponsor—$125 Name on Tee Sign In this season of Lent, the Altar Society begins planning to decorate our church for Easter Sunday. We will be seeking donations for Lilies for Loves Ones beginning the weekend of Palm Sunday through Holy Week. _Éäxw bÇxá Father Leatherby will offer the Easter Vigil Mass for all the loved ones remembered with a lily donation. Prefer a monetary donation? Thanks to our Student Council, The Envelopes will be in the church specific to Lilies for Loves Ones. Simply write: The name of your loved one(s) on the envelope Enclose donation & drop it into the collection basket Pro-Life Club, Knights of Columbus, Women's Bible Study, and all those who helped with our homeless mom! We could still use diapers! To volunteer, please contact Christina Marotti. † † Donations can also be dropped off at the rectory weekdays. Mary Mudd | 916.580.4206 Questions | Diana Jimenez | 402.1028 ChrisƟna Maroƫ | 805.256.4801 Fr. Patrick Lee | 916.481.7441 WE NEED YOUR HELP! Do you belong to Bereavement, but haven’t received a call in a while? Received a call to bring food to a funeral, but never called Bereavement back? Don’t worry! Would you still like to be a part of this wonderful ministry? Our ministry depends upon having the correct information for you! If your phone number has changed or you haven’t heard from us, please send your name and current phone number to: Fran: or Sharon: ~The Bereavement/Hospitality Ministry Fr. Leatherby & the AS thank you for your support! S E C Volunteers for the pecial vents ommittee are needed! This committee helps assist with celebrations for the parish. Additional volunteers are needed to help plan, decorate, prepare and serve food, and clean up. ————Help is especially needed for our———— Easter Vigil Celebration | April 4 To help celebrate this very holy and special event, we are asking parishioners and families to help provide food at the reception afterwards. F a m i l i e s wi t h l a s t n a m e s : A-G—Dessert | H-N—Main Dish O-S—Salads | T-Z—Appetizers Please use disposable containers and serving spoons. Contact Sandy Murphy by 3/28 | News & Events at PBVM! Presentation Parish welcomes St. Luke Productions for... St. Therese—A Story of a Soul Friday | March 27 | 6:30pm In the church (free-will offering) Questions | Sid Curry | 916.482.8883 Stations of the Cross There will be NO Stations of the Cross on Friday, February 27. Join us for a live production of St. Therese | 6:30pm | In the church Confessions on 3/27 will be from 3:00pm-5:00pm in the chapel confessional. g{tÇ~á ux àÉ ZÉw for placing Gene and I in such a loving, caring Catholic community! I was humbled by all who came to the Woman of the Year Luncheon last weekend in my honor. Thank you for sharing in my life... ~Fran Trinca COMMUNITY EVENTS Presentation Parish Events March 22—April 18 22 Lifeteen 5:30pm 23 Legion of Mary 9:15am 24 25 All School Mass 8am EDGE 6:00pm 26 MOM’S Group-7pm Charismatic Prayer-7pm RCIA 6:30pm 29 Lifeteen 5:30pm 30 Legion of Mary 9:15am 31 1 TÑÜ|Ä EDGE 6:00pm All School Mass 8am Charismatic Prayer-7pm Woodcarving Group 12:30pm RCIA 6:30pm 27 Senior Prayer Group 9:30am St. Luke Productions: ThereseStory of a Soul 6:30pm 2 Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6pm 28 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm 3 4 Good Friday Liturgy of the Word, Eucharist, VeneraƟon & StaƟons 12-3pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Catechumens & Candidates Received into Church 8:00pm 10 11 HOLY WEEK 5 Happy Easter 8am & 10:30am Mass 6 Legion of Mary 9:15am 8 MOM’S Group 7pm RCIA 6:30pm 13 Legion of Mary 9:15am RCIA 6:30pm 14 Kniƫng 10am Charismatic Prayer-7pm 9 SVdP Mtg. 11am Kniƫng 10am Charismatic Prayer-7pm 12 Lifeteen 5:30pm 7 15 Senior Prayer Group 9:30am 16 Woodcarving Group 12:30pm Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm Mar 27—St. Luke Productions: Therese—A Story of A Soul Mar 28—LofM Annual Acies Apr 4—3rd Annual Pilgrimage to 7 parishes Apr 17—SVdP Benefit for the Poor Dinner | Red Lion Hotel Apr 17-19—Pan de Vida— Couples in Cana | PBVM Apr 25—Annual Ladies Luncheon May 2—First Holy Communion May 2—The Great Marian Procession May 8—PBVM Golf Tournament Interested in WYD 2016? WYD is an international gathering with Pope Francis and youth ages 16-35 who gather to celebrate the light and love of Jesus! JoinFr.LeatherbytoKrakowon July18th—August2nd. Charmaine–807.0260 Jean-801.1242 18 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm ~Immacul ata ~ 17 KofC Mtg 7pm Ministry & Rental Information To use or rent our parish facility, please contact the Parish Office at 916.481.7441 Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday | 8:30am-4:30pm Available Adoration Hours: Mondays | 5:30pm-6:30pm Tuesdays | 5:30pm-6:30pm Wednesdays | 11:30am-12:30pm Wednesdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm Saturdays | 3:30am-4:30am Church, School & Community Events Come spend a Holy Hour with Our Lord! Katie Boyle | 916.889.3345 | Publishing Deadlines: Easter Sunday Bulletin—Due 3/25 @ 12pm | Amy Glaser 916.481.7441 x 202 If you are a new parishioner, or need to update your parishioner information, please call the rectory.
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