Introducing a new cleaner that effectively removes heavy dirt and

Introducing a new cleaner that effectively removes heavy dirt and
deposits from charge air coolers in situ and other engine components in dip tanks with ultrasonic cleaning.
Multiple uses
MAN Diesel & Turbo is now offering a
In addition to in-situ cleaning of charge
cleaning agent, MAN C 0186, designed
air coolers, you can use MAN C 0186 to
to be used in dip tanks, with ultrasonic
clean other engine parts. For example,
with PrimeServ ultrasonic equipment, you
can remove heavy fuel oil, carbon depos-
Tried and tested
its and more from exhaust valves, cylinder
The new product was subject to extensive
heads or turbo charger rotors.
testing – with very good results on extremely fouled charge air coolers in com-
MAN C 0186 is even more effective when
bination with the PrimeServ ultrasonic
heated. In regard to in-situ cleaning of
equipment. And under real-world condi-
charge air coolers, you can easily reach
tions, it has proven to be highly effective,
temperatures of 60° C to 70° C using the
with excellent degreasing properties.
engine preheating system.
MAN C 0186
An immersion cleaner for charge air coolers
Useful information
MAN C 0186 is a phosphate-free neutral
MAN C 0186 can be ordered under the
cleaner. What’s more, it is not aggressive
order no. 2750.28100-0186. When us-
against sealing materials, nor is it corro-
ing the product, please pay attention to
sive. In fact, it contains compounds that
the instructions for use, the rules for safe
help to protect your engine components
handling of chemicals and relevant safety
against corrosion.
data sheet.
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
MAN | PrimeServ Augsburg
(Central stock for 4-stroke spare parts of MAN design)
Phone: +49 821 322 1799 (spare parts) (24hrs)
+49 821 322 3574 (spare parts)
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and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions · Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo · D2366490EN Printed in Germany GMC-AUG-09111
Non-aggressive formula
MAN Diesel & Turbo
86224 Augsburg
Phone +49 821 322-4010 or 4020
+49 821 322-3998